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50 Weeks



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    RE upper

    3x10 band pullaparts
    3x10 scap push-ups
    3x10 10kg plate chops

    1x10 20kg
    1x10 60kg
    4x10 77.5kg

    Military Press
    1x10 20kg
    4x10 50kg

    1x10 +10kg Chin-ups
    3x8 +10kg chin-ups
    4x12 plate 9 face pulls

    3x10 90kg BB Shrugs
    3x15 BW dips

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    Lower body warmup

    1x10 20kg
    4x8 60kg

    3x10 +15kg weighted sit-ups

    1x10 60kg
    4x8 90kg

    3x10 hanging knee raises

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81


    6km easy run - 30mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    ME Upper #6

    3x15 scap push-ups
    3x15 12kg KB swings
    3x15 band pullaparts

    A Bench
    1x10 20kg
    1x10 50kg
    1x10 70kg
    1x8 80kg
    1x6 90kg
    1x3 105kg

    B DB Inc Bench
    3x12 32.5kg

    C1 4x8 90kg BB Row
    C2 4x12 50kg cable face pulls

    D1 4x8 24kg DB Curl
    D2 4x10 90kg BB Shrug

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    25min easy run - 5km

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    RE upper

    3x10 band pullaparts
    3x10 scap push-ups
    3x10 10kg plate chops

    1x10 20kg
    1x10 60kg
    4x10 80kg

    Military Press
    1x10 20kg
    4x8 52.5kg

    4x8 +10kg chin-ups
    4x12 50kg face pulls

    3x10 90kg BB Shrugs
    3x10 20kg DB curls

    Deload week definitely coming at the right time, upper back could do with a break.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    5km tempo run - 19.54

    Avg HR - 165

    Avg Pace - 3.59

    First time to stretch the legs in a while, did 2miles in 12.20, happy to be in and around <4min pace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    rest week


    PT session to get advice on programming and a kick up the ass about sorting my mobility and flexibility problems.

    As expected hip flexors and glutes are the main problem as well as IT bands and quads. Calves and upper body not in too bad shape. Priority is the glutes so I'll get my hands on a hard ball of some sort and start battering them.
    Did some work on technique too - very quad dominant on cleans, KB etc so really have to focus to get my hammers etc working.

    Phase 2 of training starts next week, right now looks like it'll be 3x 6 week blocks of different focus and intensity with a rest week after each. Reasonably happy with Phase 1 of the training plan, am relatively lean and strong and while I still have remaining issues to be resolved at least I have a platform to work from.

    Week 1 of 2.1. starting Monday will consist of 4x strength/Metcon sessions and 3/4 easy/pace runs per week. Strength will target the posterior chain and try get my glutes and hamstrings involved. Runs will aim to build mileage and aerobic capacity as before, I'll let the metcons look after raising my heart rate. Added to this will be 3/4 specific rolling and flexibility sessions with the odd core session too. Going to try put the mobility work on an equal par mentally with the other sessions because I've been talking about it for long enough now and it's time to just shut up and get on with it.

    2.2 will hopefully raise the intensity both on the conditioning and endurance work while the last 6 weeks of 2.3 should continue with the endurance base while startling to add some specific training.Will take a break then to recharge and then hit the summer of love with good energy and focus to kick into specific work leading up to September.


    6km easy run - 27.45

    Avg HR - 147

    Avg Pace - 4.37

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    800m run

    5 pull-ups
    10 push-ups
    15 squats

    800m run

    About 21mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    narwog81 wrote: »
    800m run
    5 pull-ups
    10 push-ups
    15 squats
    800m run

    About 21mins

    I presume the ten rounds refer only to the pull ups, push ups and squats?

    Either that or you're training for Rio ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    I presume the ten rounds refer only to the pull ups, push ups and squats?

    Either that or you're training for Rio ;)

    Haha yeah it's half of a Crossfit workout called murph, 10miles worth of 800m intervals, rudisha himself couldn't even do it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    6km easy run - 29.30

    Avg HR - 125

    Avg Pace - 4.55

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81


    Confirmed program details with PT and did a sample of the metcons to get some work in. Kick off the program for the first 6 weeks tomorrow. reps for time

    airdyne bike
    24kg KB swings
    HR Pushups


    2x w/ 1.1 rest
    250m row
    15 BW ring rows
    10 floor sprawls

    1min40 per round

    second session

    7km recovery run - 36.05

    Avg HR - 129

    Avg Pace - 5.08

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    5km easy run - 23.01

    Avg HR - 141

    Avg Pace - 4.36

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    foam roll and stretch

    Bench Press 1RM

    1x10 20kg
    1x3 60kg
    1x2 85kg
    1x1 95kg
    1x1 105kg
    1x1 115kg PR
    1x1 117.5kg PR


    1x8 60kg
    1x5 100kg
    1x5 110kg
    1x5 120kg
    1x5 130kg
    1x5 140kg

    10 pullups
    10 squats
    10 pushups
    10 lunges

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    1RMs JAN 2014

    BW: 85kg

    Bench: 117.5kg
    Squat: 120kg
    Deadlift: 170kg
    Military Press: 70kg

    Happy with these bar the squat, knee is feeling solid again so that should improve to 130-140 relatively quickly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    5x10 back extensions
    5x10 knees to elbow

    1x10 20kg
    1x5 60kg
    1x5 70kg
    1x5 80kg
    1x5 90kg
    1x5 100kg

    5x10 BW dips

    500m row
    21 24kg KB swings
    12 pull-ups


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81


    6km easy run - 28.10

    Avg HR - 152

    Avg Pace - 4.41

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    45min Stretch and foam roll

    session 2

    A1 5x 20sec side planks
    A2 5x 20sec handstand holds

    B1 5x6 20kg DB step ups
    B2 5x6 30kg DB Row

    3,6,9,12,15 reps

    15kg DB Pushpress


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    Competition trial

    Max reps in 1min

    Chin-ups - 24
    Push-ups - 45
    Knee raises - 53
    40kg Bench - 55
    Tyre flip - 16
    Basketball throws - 7

    100kg prowler push - 110m

    1000m shuttle run (50x20m) - 4.41

    Finished joint 3/13 participants - 8 man team for unknown competition on saturday

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81


    Team competition

    Stretcher hill run
    Blindfolded maze
    Loaded obstacle run
    Max team pull-ups in 10mins
    Precision throwing
    Catch the flag sprints
    Water carry

    Finished 4th from 8. Highlight was 667 team chin/pullups in 10mins.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81


    6km easy run - 29.30

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    Stretch and roll

    A1 5x 20sec side planks
    A2 5x 20sec handstand holds

    B1 5x6 22.5kg DB step ups
    B2 5x8 80kg BB Row

    5-10-15-10-5 reps for time:
    Calorie row
    25kg KB swing
    HR push-up

    Time: 7.38

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    Stretch and roll

    A1 5x15 10kg sit-ups
    A2 5x20 band pullaparts

    B1 Deadlift
    1x8 60kg
    1x5 100kg
    1x5 110kg
    1x5 120kg
    1x5 130kg
    1x5 140kg

    B2 Dips
    1x8 BW
    3x5 +10kg
    2x5 +15kg


    3 rounds with 2min rest

    250m row
    15 24kg KB swing
    10 floor sprawls


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    Stretch and roll

    A1 5x10 hollow rocks
    A2 5x20sec (each side) 16kg OH farmers walks

    B1 BB reverse lunges

    1x6 20kg
    1x6 30kg
    1x6 40kg
    1x6 50kg
    1x6 60kg

    B2 weighted pull-ups

    1x5 +5kg
    3x5 +10kg
    1x5 +15kg

    6 rounds

    5x 80kg Deadlift
    12x lateral bar hops
    8x 16kg KB snatch (each side)

    Time: 9.33

    session 2

    5km pace run - 22.01

    Avg HR - 160

    Avg Pace - 4.23

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    Stretch & roll

    1x8 60kg
    1x8 70kg
    3x5 90kg
    2x5 100kg
    1x2 110kg

    5x5 60kg close grip bench

    5x5 60kg BB row

    5x10 BW dips

    3x10 20kg DB Curls

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    Hill intervals

    1km warmup

    4x400m w/ 400m walk recovery

    Avg HR - 160

    Avg Pace - 2.20

    1km cool down

    session 2

    30min foam roll

    A1 5x10 knees to elbow
    A2 5x10 X-band walks

    B1 5x5 25kg DB Pushpress
    B2 5x10 10kg back extensions

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81


    5km tempo run - 20.10

    Avg HR - 159

    Avg Pace - 4.01

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    A1 5x 30sec side planks
    A2 5x 30sec handstand holds

    B1 5x6 27.5kg DB step ups
    B2 5x8 40kg DB Row

    21,18,15,12,9,6,3 reps for time

    40kg BB push press
    anchored sit-ups

    Time: 8.05

    session 2

    8km easy run - 37.50

    Avg HR - 147

    Avg Pace - 4.43

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    5km easy run - 24.10

    Avg HR - 147

    Avg Pace - 4.50

    session 2

    Stretch & roll

    A1 5x15 12kg sit-up
    A2 5x20 band pullaparts

    B1 Deadlift
    1x5 60kg
    1x5 110kg
    1x5 120kg
    1x5 130kg
    1x5 140kg
    1x5 150kg

    B2 5x5 +20kg dips

    4x w/ 2min rest

    20 18" box jumps
    15 40kg Deadlift high-pulls
    10 10kg DB Pushpress

