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Run to the Hills



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    well done on the "auld man" category 1st place BR, and a podium position two days later, you seem to be going along nicely.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 163 ✭✭Badreputation

    well done on the "auld man" category 1st place BR, and a podium position two days later, you seem to be going along nicely.


    Tks TbL. Tough going this week in the heat and the World Cup is a welcome distraction. You put in a great session yourself with the mile progression run yesterday in that weather.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 163 ✭✭Badreputation

    Wed 18th/Thursday 19th
    Had planned to run a local 5k but things started to pile up in work so had to change plans and did 5mls easy instead in a local woods. Really cool breeze and nice trails which was a welcome change from the heat.
    There was a BHAA race on in Cork Thursday so decided to do this as a T session as I had 7mT in the plan. Another really warm evening so did the customary 2mls E and lined up a few rows back with some club mates. Was going to run at 6'30 pace with one of the lads as the course was fairly tough as it had a nice few pulls/hills/drags but similar to my last few races where there were hills I suffered a lot more than I should have. Once we hit the long mile drag/incline from mile 3-4 I again got the now familiar tightness in the quads and my pace dropped off. Struggled home with tired legs in just under 40mins. A good training run but not including any form of hill work over the past few months in training and my weakness on hills in general is something I need to start incorporating into the program over the next few weeks. 0.5ml WD

    Took Friday off from running and did 30mins stretching instead.
    Did 6E Saturday and 8E Sunday.
    Weekly total: 34mls.

    Headed to the club session again Monday evening. The session is on grass with a 400m track marked out in the middle of rugby pitches/cricket area. Ideal surface and a well coached session.Huge numbers at these sessions as well and the weather was nice and warm.With a 5ml race Thursday night the session was a bit easier than previous weeks. 6 x strides first and then 6x400s w 1min jog rec and 6x200s w 200m jog rec.
    3mls E WU and then straight into it.
    1. 78
    2. 79
    3. 79
    4. 79
    5. 80
    6. 80

    1. 34
    2. 34
    3. 35
    4. 35
    5. 34
    6. 34
    .5ml WD

    5mls E and completed 30mins of a core session I had neglected over the past 2 wks. Did 20mins of one session which included squats/Lunges and 10mins of the other that concentrated on crunches. Wed - rest.

    Headed to Shanagarry for the 2nd race in the summer series. Did 2.5ml WU with some strides and toed the line. The plan was to try and stick with the buddy who was targeting just over 6min pace for the first 2 miles and then increase the workload on the hills as the section from mile 2-3 has a nice pull for the entire mile. A bit of up and down from mile 3-4 until you reach the top of a steep incline at mile 4 and then give what's left in the tank to the finish.
    Mile 0-1 and 1-2 went as planned and I felt comfortable before we turned at the hotel just near the 2ml mark. Now the work really started! My weakness on hills showed up here again and I dropped off the pace in the middle of mile 2-3 and a group of 4/5 runners passed me including the leading lady. Once we turned off the main road and into another climb I held my place until we turned off again after 3.5mls and dropped down for a few hundred meters. Another clubmate pulled up alongside at this stage and shouted some words of encouragement but while my breathing and everything else was ok my legs were really feeling it at this stage. Another few lads passed me again on the climb at mile 4. Once we hit the top I pushed on down towards the finish holding my position. Overall a tough course but I was 30-40s off where I had hoped to be at the finish.
    Easy running for the next few days and a 5k race next week before 2 weeks in Spain with the family. Will probably target a 5 mile race in Waterford in August as the goal race for the summer so have a few weeks to sort the legs out and stick to the training plan over the next few weeks.

    1. 6'03
    2. 6'05
    3. 6'44
    4. 6'30
    5. 6'28 + 0.2 4'50
    31min 57s
    1ml WD

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 163 ✭✭Badreputation

    Friday 5m E and Sat morning met one of the lads for 9mls easy.
    Weekly total again was a low mileage week of 34mls. Doing the Ballycotton series in the middle of the planned 10-12wk training is putting a spanner in the works but the plan is to be a bit more consistent with the training after the holidays and get the weekly mileage back up closer to 50mls.

    Skipped the club session as I had work stuff to get through this week. Did 6mls E (7'40 pace) and added some badly needed hill work. Did 10x30sec hill repeats on the waterworks hill close to home after the 6mls. Hit all in 6'45-6'50 pace for the 30 sec climb w jog recovery. Legs feeling good. I have decided to ditch the lunges/burpees as part of the core sessions I am doing as my legs were in bits on the last few hilly races.


    EMC 5k. The plan was to get some confidence back after the disaster 5m race last week. Target was sub 19mins after discussing the race with a team mate during the 2.5ml warm up. Nice race and another huge crowd. Lined up a few rows back and hit the first mile in 6'04. Felt comfortable but just kept it steady on the downhill and pushed on after we turned onto the main road. 2nd mile 5'58. Kept it consistent on the 3rd mile and got the arms pumping for the last climb at mile 3. 3rd mile in 6'19. 0.12 in 5'00 pace to finish in 18'57.3rd Auld lad prize as well. Happy with the run and no reaction from the legs on the hills so dropping some of the core until the winter and increasing the mileage is probably the right move. 1ml warm down and back to work.
    Heading to Barcelona in the morning with the family so packed the gear and will try and hit a few Q sessions over the next 2 wks (while the wife and kids are asleep:)). 6.5mls

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 163 ✭✭Badreputation

    Quick update...

    Saturday 5th
    Travelled Friday from Cork to Barcelona and arrived in Salou Friday evening. While the kids and the missus enjoyed the beach Saturday I slipped off with the brother in law for a few easy miles in the heat. Ran up the promenade and on past Cambrils and back. 5mE

    Tuesday 8th
    Headed out early in the morning and again I started on the promenade and ran on a quiet stretch up to the boat club. The plan was 2mWU + 4x200s w 200 jog rec + 2x400s w rec + 1x800 + 2x400 + 4x200s. + 2mWD. There was a local spanish council crew working in the area blowing the sand off the path that I was running on and as they had to stop the machinery every time I passed I could feel the daggers in my back while I legged it past and gave an attempt at an apologetic wave. Nice and cool in the morning and got through the session ok even thought each split was a few seconds slower than target.
    200s - 41/42/40/41s 41/41/41/43s
    400s - 90/88s 86/86s
    800 - 3'04

    Another 4mls E in the afternoon on the beach

    Wednesday 9th
    Headed out in the evening for another E run. It got up to high 20's late in the afternoon so the pace was very handy. 7mls

    Thursday 10th
    2m E and planned to do 8x400s. Found a straight stretch near the train station by Port Aventura and dropped the water bottle and started into the 400s. It was late afternoon again but the heat was just too much so pulled up after 3x400s and did another 2mE - legged it back to the swimming pool with the kids.

    Friday 11th
    Another 4m E on the beach.

    Saturday 12th
    Had to sort train tickets for the return to Barcelona Sunday so ran to the train station and around the shopping district for 3mE. Found a quiet park and did 2 x 1ks (3'45/3'42) but really felt it due to the heat. Body is not built for hot climates with the receding hairline and albino breed I'm a magnet for the sun rays. 2mE WD.

    Tuesday 15th
    High stool on Sunday watching Cork in the hurling followed by a long sitting afterwards watching the World Cup put an end to any running Sunday/Monday. Did a very easy few miles again with the brother in law Tuesday morning on the streets up past the Sagrada de Famila in Barcelona. ~4mE

    Flew back Wednesday after a 6+hr delay in the airport and played catch up all day Thursday in work. Got out for 5mE during lunch.
    With a late finish Friday I gave the early group run Saturday a miss and headed out later in the morning myself. 11m @ 7'53 pace.
    Sunday 5m E after a long day at work.

    Back to the club for a good session on grass. New coach in attendance so a big turnout. With a race Thursday it was 8 x 300s w 100 jog rec with a target of 60-62s. Did this with a group of 8 or 9. Splits were bang on and last few dropped to 58/57s. With WU & WD ~7mls

    Late finish Tuesday so just got out Today for 4m E and some core after.
    Need to get the finger out for the next 4-5wks before the goal 5m race at the end of August. Haven't been focused over the last 4wks as I haven't followed the plan exactly and the weekly mileage is on the low side from where I need to be.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 163 ✭✭Badreputation

    Thursday 24th
    Churchtown South 5ml race. The lack of focus the last few weeks showed tonight as it was a train crash from the off. Planned to run 6'12-6'15 pace but a look at the watch after mile 1 when I noticed people around me that I didn't recognise as they would normally be nearly showered when I cross the line in other races confirmed that I had gone out too fast. 5'56 for mile 1. WTF! Downhill from here and I struggled to finish on tired legs over the last mile as about 20 people passed me. 32'14. Disaster and a reality check. I can't complain too much as I hadn't put in the sessions over the past few weeks.
    WU/strides & WD ~7.5mls

    Friday 5mls E around the woods. Nice and cool.
    Saturday headed out with one of the lads on a nice looped route. Beautiful morning and quiet roads. 14.25mls E /8'12 pace.
    Sunday 5mls E.
    Weekly mileage 43.5mls

    Club session on grass again. This week it was 30mins continuous around a 400m track. 80-85% effort on the straight sections and recovery on the bends. Pace was a bit faster on the straight sections in the group I was with (5'10-5'20) but found the session overall was a good blowout from Thursday nights race and the minutes flew by. Long WU and WD. 8.5mls

    Took Tuesday off as there was no chance of a run with work and herself had a function early Tuesday evening. Headed to the Novartis 5k in Cork Wednesday evening for what is a very popular race. Did 1ml WU and a few strides. Felt very comfortable in the first mile which was 5'51. A bit of a pull up into Shanbally village into a bit of a breeze and I got a small bit isolated so the pace dropped back to 6'12 for mile 2. Mile 2-3 has a nice decline that I really didn't make the most of and should have pushed on more. Mile 3 6'06 and 3 miles in 18'08. Finished .14 in 5'39 pace for 18m 55s. A big improvement from last week and the holiday excess is well and truly out of the system. Team prize and 3rd O45 as well. 1ml WD. 6mls

    5.5mls easy after work to flush the legs. No watch and just ran on feel.

    The lads were doing an interval session again Today but after racing Wednesday evening I feel I need to work on some hill work and get back to some T pace running again over the next few weeks. Did 15mins on a nice steep hill near the waterworks with a 200m incline and a jog back recovery. Ran to the cricket field after and did 2mls at T in 12'53 on grass. 1ml WU WD.

    Long E run with the lads this morning. Same quiet loop. 14.25mls 8'10 pace.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 163 ✭✭Badreputation

    Monday 4th
    Plan was another 30min session consisting of 800m W 400 rec+400m w 400R + 300m w100r+200m w200r. Very late nights Saturday & Sunday and although little alcohol was consumed so I was unsure how the session would go. Enjoyed the variety of the session and although I was on my own on grass early in the afternoon heat it went ok and felt controlled. Finished up at 28 mins after 2 sets so took the easy options of a longer WD instead of another 800. Wanted to keep the pace on all consistent~5:45.
    800 - 2'51/5:45p 2'51/5:45p
    400 - 85s /5:40p 85s /5:40p
    300 - 62s / 5:45p 61s / 5:41p
    200 - 39s / 5:35p 41s / 5:46p

    Tues/Wed - No run. Plan was easy miles Tuesday and a 5k race Wednesday but late finishes each day with work meant no run.

    There was a low key 5k race on Thursday evening in Shanagarry so headed down and did 2ml WU with a good few strides. Lined up at the start and decided to give it a good lash especially as the legs felt fresh from the previous 2 days rest from running. Stayed with 2 runners for most of the race and felt strong throughout. Finished in 18'34s on the watch/18'36 actual & 5'59 pace. 4s off a PB but this race was about running over 3mls sub 6min pace so job done. 3ml WD.

    Friday - another non planned rest day

    Feel the hill repeats are definitely helping so had to get the session in again Today. 1ml WU and headed to the cricket field for 8x300s first w 100 recovery. Again the plan was to run them all consistent and I managed to keep them all just below 5'40 pace. Half mile jog to the hill and completed 15mins with a 200mtr effort up and a jog down recovery. 1.5ml WD.

    Long E run. Headed out on the usual route and kept the pace slow.

    Club session on grass. With another 5mls race Wednesday that I wanted to run the coach advised a group of us to just do easy miles and 8x100mtr strides. Easy session that just turned the legs over.

    Tuesday - Rest

    Navy 5mls race. The plan was to get under 31mins for the first time and take another step towards the goal race Friday week in Dungarvan. A bit breezy near the coast and a few rolling hills on the course but I felt ok and went out in mile 1 in 5'56 which was a few seconds faster than planned. The hills didn't take as much out of me as in previous hilly routes but the legs were feeling the effort on the last mile into the breeze. Turned to see 30:51 on the clock and footsteps getting louder and closer so managed to put it a fast burst to get over the line in 31'03. Outside of the target I set at the start of the race by 4s but again it's something to work on and a new PB.
    Easy running and another hill session and club session next week before an all out assault in Waterford on 22nd. 3rd O45 and 1st B grade Team. Testing but nice course/race.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 163 ✭✭Badreputation

    Thursday 14th
    Easy 6m recovery run

    Friday 15th - Tuesday 19th
    Headed to Clonea strand for 2 nights camping with the kids so got out early Sat for 6mE. The weather changed this weekend and the nights were a lot colder so came home with a touch of the Bear Grylls camping flu. No run Sunday and headed to the club session Monday evening for 4 x 400 w 400 jog rec + 4 x 300 w 300 jog rec. 400s were done in 78/79s and the 300s were 58-60s + warm up and warm down 8.5mls.
    This session drained what was left in the body after the camping weekend and a very easy 5m run Tuesday felt a lot harder than it should have. Abandoned any plans for the 5m race Friday and took 3 days off. Did some core each evening instead and rested the body/legs (although they haven't been stressed too much this summer as the mileage just isn't happening with work/family stuff. I'm definitely more suited to winter/spring training)

    Was on a job in Youghal Saturday so took the gear and headed out at lunchtime for 2ml warm up and a 3ml T run up to Redbarn strand and back. Legs and body felt a whole lot better and the rest looks like a good decision.
    3mTin 19min 20s @ 6'27 av pace. 1ml WD and back to work. 6mls

    A damp miserable day but the rain was a nice change so took in the usual route and did a wet 10mls E. Feeling stronger.

    Club session. With another 5ml race this Thursday tonight's session was 10x200 w 200 jog rec. Wanted to give the legs a good stretch on this session so fell in with the front group who were running 37/38s + WU and WD 8.5mls.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Hey BR,

    Are you going to take the plunge and sign up to a spring marathon?

    You're ticking over nicely


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 163 ✭✭Badreputation

    Hey BR,

    Are you going to take the plunge and sign up to a spring marathon?

    You're ticking over nicely


    Ya TbL. The summer hasn't worked out as planned as there is just so much stuff going on with work,hols and family stuff so winter/spring training suits me a lot more. Was only discussing possible marathons for April 15 the other night with the brother in law. Will get through some cross country training and ramp up in December.
    You are really going strong and training hard at the moment.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 163 ✭✭Badreputation

    Swapped the E run for E walk with golf clubs instead. Played Sh!te...should have ran!


    Ballycotton 5ml
    Last of 4 summer series races in Ballycotton. Having completed the previous 3 in personally disapointing times I found myself in 53rd position overall and 3 places off a top 50 T shirt. It was a dry night but a stiff cross wind/head wind for miles 1-3 made it a bit tougher than it should have been. My target was sub 31mins and with a fast first mile slightly downhill I hit mile 1 in 6:01. Mile 2 was steady and I passed a few on the straight section and tried to shelter as much as possible from the wind. 6:12. A nice drag and a hill got me to the 3 mile mark in 6:31 for mile 3. Last 2 miles were bang on 6:11 to finish in 31:12 on the watch & 31:14 official. Finished overall in 43rd place. WU/WD ~7mls

    Did some core work in the gym + 5k on the treadmill

    5ml E

    Made the most of the dry weather and played another round of golf after 9mE on a quiet route.
    Another low mileage week ~ 32mls.

    Club session. 1.5ml WU and 5 x 5mins at 5ml race pace w 2min jog recovery between. As I was around the 31min mark for the last two 5 mile races I planned to do these sub 6’12 pace. The first one was bang on but the pace picked up for the next 4 in the group of 5 I was running with. Just went with it as I felt strong throughout. Nice session. 1ml WD.
    Pace over the 5x5min segments was
    1. 6’11
    2. 5’54
    3. 5’56
    4. 6’00
    5. 6’00

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 163 ✭✭Badreputation

    Tuesday 2nd
    Early round of golf to make the most of the sunny weather instead of the recovery run Today. Played a bit better than last weeks outing and got the customary farmer tan.

    5ms E

    6mls E

    Was going to race another 5ml on Sunday so just did a handy session of 6x300s w 100 jog rec. 2ml WU & 2ml WD and all 300s were completed between 60-61s. Just under 6mls
    Rested Saturday but family commitments Sunday meant I had to skip the race. Got out later in the morning for 10m E.
    Another low mileage week 35mls.

    Club session. Did 2ml WU and jogged to the waterworks hill for a solid 10min session of hill sprints for ~ 35sec up and jog back down. Back to the field and completed another 3x5min w 2min jog recoveries. Target was again around the 6'10 range but these were all over the place. We completed the first in 6'16 and then worked too hard on the second to finish 5'58pace. Last 5mins were 6'08. Just over 1ml WD. 8.5mls.

    Legs were a bit stiffer than normal this morning and got out late this evening for 7mls E. Did the usual core and stretches after.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 163 ✭✭Badreputation

    Not a whole lot of running the last 2 weeks....
    Signed up late for the new 10 mile race on Sunday 14th in Cork. Lined up at the start with 2 club mates after a 2.5ml warm up including strides and our plan was to run 6'30 pace/65mins. Stuck to the pace from the off and was tired after a round of golf late Saturday evening but was hoping I would feel better as the race progressed. After 3 miles I was working way too hard and really feeling it in the legs. As we passed the start line again at mile 4 I pulled up. The lads finished bang on target and the reports overall were very positive. A race to pencil in on the calender next year.

    Monday 15th - 21st
    Another low mileage week as work took priority over running. Got out Tuesday for 8mls E and again on Thursday for 5m E and some core work.
    Headed to Castleyons on Sunday for the East Cork x-country. We had a team in the auld lads category so after another late night Saturday at a birthday party I wasn't looking forward to the race but after committing to the team I had to suck it up and throw on the spikes. A beautiful morning and a nice crowd showed up and after the ladies race we were off. 6k/4 laps. Wore no watch and had no idea of pace but had an ok race. Passed 3 runners on lap 3-4 and finished 3rd o45 and we took 1st o45 team.

    It's almost a year since I started logging and its been an up and down year. After building up over Nov/Dec I was delighted to take over 1min off my 10mile time in Dungarvan. A disappointing marathon in Rotterdam/DNF with glute problems but sticking to the shorter stuff over the summer and racing a lot was a welcome break from the long hard miles. The only downside is the work-life-running balance over the summer months meant a restriction on my time and ability to get the long runs in and get the miles up to where I felt I needed to be to push the times down lower.
    For the next 4 weeks I'm going to follow a strength program and concentrate on some core/gym work to strengthen and ramp up the miles again. 2 more x-county races in October so I'll try to run them as well and the club training over the next few weeks is geared towards the x-country season.
    November/December - The plan is to follow an 8 wk plan for the ten mile series up to the end of December. Dungarvan entries open next week so that will be the next target race and the primary training focus for November/December.
    Will pick a marathon in April and start into a 14wk marathon specific program in January although unsure yet as to what plan to follow. Will discuss with the new club coach over the next few weeks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 163 ✭✭Badreputation

    22nd Sept - 5th Oct
    Laid up for almost a week after getting the flu. Took it easy the following week and managed a huge weekly total of 4mE on Thursday.

    Monday 6th
    Back at the club where most of the session is on grass. Did 2m WU + 2 x (5 mins T w 2 min jog recovery) + 1m E + 10min hill repeats (sprint up/jog down)+ 1ml E + 4 min T 2 min jog rec + 3 min T 2 min jog rec + 2 min T 1 min Rec + 1 min T.
    I was in a heap after the session but had fell in with 2 of the lads and was hanging onto them at the end but overall didn't lose too much fitness wise after the previous two weeks of inactivity.
    T target was 6'25 and we were a bit off on some of the sets but overall happy with the session.
    5min - 6'33
    5 min - 6'19
    4min - 6'25
    3min - 6'22
    2min - 6'24
    1min - 6'30
    Took Tuesday off as the legs were heavy from the session.

    Headed to the club session again. 30 mins indoor running/sprints/stretching followed by 3mls T. Headed out around the town for the tempo run and it was tough to keep the pace in between dodging cars/dogs/traffic lights. Finished up at 6'50 for 3mls.

    7mls E


    10m E

    37mls for the week

    Another club session. This time it was straight into the hill after 2.5mls WU. 10 mins. Tough session but not as much of a shock to the body this week. After 1ml CD it was into another T session of 1min-2min-3min-4min-3min-2min-1min with 1 min recoveries on the 1&2 and 2 min rec on 3&4.
    Target pace was 'hard' so tried to run at my recent 5ml race pace (~6'12). Didnt reset the watch on the cool down so didn't have the actual pace on each T as it was giving the overall average. Happy with the times after as we ran on feel and were close enough each time.
    Splits were - 6'05 6'10 6'13 6'14 6'11 6'22 6'14

    4mE to flush the legs as they felt the effects of the session again the night before.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 163 ✭✭Badreputation

    Met up with one of the lads in the club and the plan was a T paced run which is something we plan to do midweek each week and build the miles over the next few months.
    Did 2mls WU and ran from mile 1 on the Midleton 5m course. Into a stiff breeze for the first 2.5mls. Started to heat up on the last mile as I had worn double layers and wasn't able to make back the seconds lost in the wind so the target time was down to 26:30 as opposed to 26min. Did just under 2m WD.

    5m E run to flush the legs.

    10mE. Had today down as a x-country race but with a late finish last night from work I changed the plan to just easy miles instead. 10m with no watch and v easy pace.

    Weekly total:36mls

    Missed the club session with work commitments so just ran 5m E and took in a few hills on route.

    Met two of the lads last night for another T session. Did this late in the evening around a 1k loop in the town. A nice pull half way around made it a good session. 2mWU and straight into it. This felt a whole lot more comfortable than the previous week and we chatted as we ran and just kept it comfortable and consistent. Finished bang on 26m30s/6'37 pace + WD.

    4mE while the small fella had hurling training. Legs feeling good.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 163 ✭✭Badreputation

    Saturday 25th
    Late night Friday so met 2 of the lads late Saturday morning and did 11.5m E.


    Weekly total: 34.25mls

    A 3 day week!
    With the kids off school and late nights at work and the annual DIY stuff at home if was a tough week to get some running in. With no club training Monday and a lot of people in Dublin for the marathon I headed out myself and after 2m WU I did the usual 10mins on the hill and then straight into 1234321 min intervals with only 1min jog recoveries as it was windy and wet. Kept the session consistent and easy enough at 6'40 pace throughout.

    Met one of the lads from the club and after almost 2.5ml WU we did another 4m @ T on the 1k loop. Felt a bit easier than the previous week and finished in 26m20s/6'35 pace. A wet night but still fairly warm and happy with the session. 2.5ml WD

    Headed out just as Utd v City kicked off and did 12mE. A beautiful day with plenty of sunshine and a light breeze. Wore a heart rate monitor for the first time. It's a basic model and I haven't set it up correctly but it's something I want to start monitoring over the next few months as I ramp up to a marathon program. Put on the chest strap and headed out. After the first few hundred yards I was getting readings of 180-190 so was just about to toss it into the ditch before it settled down and gave a consistent reading of 130 - 140 throughout the run. A basic model but it will serve a purpose over the next few months. Arrived home just as city went 1 up. Should have stayed running:mad:
    12mls in 94mins. Did some core/sit ups after.

    Weekly total: 29mls

    Will increase the mileage over the month with Dungarvan as the main focus. Merlot OUT - beetroot juice IN for the next 4 wks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 163 ✭✭Badreputation

    Got a few miles in before the club session Monday evening. Arrived just as the hill repeats were starting. A huge crowd at training and it helped to have a large group belting up the hill to hang onto. Jog recoveries. 10mins.
    .75ml recovery jog to the astro pitch and into 20mins - hard on the straights and recovery jog on the bends. Recoveries were short. Tough session and the legs felt it after. 1.5ml WD.

    Tuesday & Wednesday
    Recovery jogs. Had company Tuesday evening and went Wednesday when the young fella had hurling training. V easy runs both nights.
    5mls & 5mls

    Lashed all day Thursday so had arranged a late evening T session. Got out with 3 of the lads after 8pm. Perfect conditions. 2ml WU and staight into 5ml T with 1.5ml WD. Due to the usual 1k loop being flooded we headed to the Phatass Mile where we completed 5 loops on a good surface and well lit. Kept the pace consistent and comfortable and this session felt a lot easier than the previous two weeks as the loop was flat and there was no headwind.
    Av pace 5mls – 6’39/33m17s

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 163 ✭✭Badreputation

    Took a rest day Friday. Legs were a bit stiffer than normal.Went out late Saturday morning for 13.5mls E. Had company and the miles flew by. Legs still feeling it towards the end of the run.

    4mls E to flush tired legs.

    Weekly total: 45mls

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 163 ✭✭Badreputation

    Monday 9th
    Club session. 2.5ml WU and into 1-1-2-3-4-3-2-1 minutes at 6min pace with 1min jog recoveries between 1& 2min and 2min recoveries between 3&4mins.
    2mls WD. Nice session with a large group.

    12.5mls E. 3 of us headed out late in the evening for easy miles.

    Core & stretcing. Doing the same sequence of sit ups the past few weeks and some stretching. Right hip a bit sore with work but running is helping it to ease out. Must follow a more rigid streching/foam roller routine and concentrate on hip/glutes.

    Alcohol and a late Friday night so the first few miles Saturday the head was still in a spin. Had company and after mile 5 the body was back to normal.
    8mls E

    Picked up one of the lads and we headed to Little Island for the Bhaa 6k race. Dropped the T session midweek and the plan was to use this race instead. Met the other 2 clubmates and after ~2ml WU I slotted in with the buddy I train with and went with his pace. He picked it up after 2mls to finish strong. I opted for the pain free finish and struggled home. A bit disappointed after that I didnt push on hard and go for a time as I was fairly fresh on the warm down. 6k in 23m16s/6'13 av pace

    Club session. Another 2.5mls WU and into 1-2-2-3-4-3-2-2-1 mins again with 1min jog recovery for 1&2min and 2mins for 3&4.
    Started a bit slower this week after the effort the day before and not wanting to go too hard with the T session the following Wednesday. Averaged around 6’10-6’12 pace.
    2ml WD

    6m E

    6 of us headed out for the weekly T session. 2ml WU and straight into it. Used it as a mini 4mls progression run so picked it up very slightly for each mile.
    25min52s/6’28 av pace
    1.5mls WD.

    Stretching & Core

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 163 ✭✭Badreputation

    Early run Saturday with a group of 7 from the club. Pace was around 8'10 av for the run. Miles just fly by with company. 13mls


    Weekly total: 41mls

    Club session. 2.5ml WU and into 4-3-3-3-2-2-1-1. The usual 2 mins jog rec between 4&3 and 1min on the rest. Kept the pace between 5'55-6'0 for the effort. Felt strong enough throughout. 1.5ml WD. ~9mls

    6mE and the usual sit up session and stretches. Still creaking a bit on the right hip/glute but not an issue when running.

    Tempo session. Another large group of us doing these sessions with a view to progressing over the next 8wks for Dungarvan at the end of January. 2ml WU and the plan was 6'30-6'35 for 5mls. Managed 6'32 av and felt I could have completed another 1-2mls at the end so the pace feels bang on for these sessions. 5mls in 32:40. 1.5mls WD. 8.5mls

    A gap with work this morning so got out for 5mE.

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