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June 2014



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭SmokeyEyes

    The doctor's only ever use the machine, the midwives always go manual so their readings always seems much more accurate so I'll try focus on that and see how I get on! The only times it has been high during pregnancy were false readings from wrong size cuff or once manually from a midwife when for some reason she had a tough time doing it and had to do it three times in a row getting us both flustered! Fingers crossed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,852 ✭✭✭ncmc

    I'd say that could be it so, fingers crossed as you say. I specifically asked the doctor which was more accurate as it did worry me when it was high last week, so hopefully it will be back to normal next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭SmokeyEyes

    ncmc wrote: »
    I'd say that could be it so, fingers crossed as you say. I specifically asked the doctor which was more accurate as it did worry me when it was high last week, so hopefully it will be back to normal next week.

    Fingers crossed for both of us! In fairness it's hard to take one reading at one particular time and then decide it's too high when they could do it when you're relaxed at home an hour before and it would be a lot lower!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,852 ✭✭✭ncmc

    And there is a recognised phenomena known as 'white coat syndrome' where you panic when your BP is taken which of course raises the BP! I'd take your cue from the nurse, if she wasn't worried, then it wouldn't worry.

    Can't believe it's my last day in work tomorrow! It's all feeling very close and very real now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 334 ✭✭contrary_mary

    Well ladies work is done at last! I'm absolutely shattered tonight as I've been having terrible rib pain whenever I lie down so I can't sleep.

    I have a list of jobs I want to do around the house etc and I think nesting had kicked in straight away as I want them all done NOW! I have a big urge to have everything done and I don't think I'll relax til it is! So it doesn't look like I'll be sitting down and relaxing anytime soon!

    Dustie I'm glad your bp has stabilised and you get to cook your babs for another little while. Smokey try not to worry about your bp it is only one reading, see how you get on next week.

    We're nearly there!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,852 ✭✭✭ncmc

    Congrats contrary_mary, I finished up yesterday too. Feels good doesn't it! I think it makes everything feel so real and close now. It's not this thing that's months in the future any more, this baby is coming in the next few weeks! I'm actually hoping it doesn't arrive for a couple of weeks, I'm looking forward to the down time and like yourself, have a few jobs round the house to get finished.

    How's everyone feeling? It's tough sleeping in this warm weather isn't it? I'm so glad we're having our babies in June not August. Hopefully they'll all be born before the summer heat wave that I am totally and naively expecting!

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭dustie1

    Dont worry about your BP going up a little SmokeyEyes.. its normal for the numbers to increase slightly towards the end of the pregnancy.. its down to the increased fluids (esp if you have swollen feet etc) and also as the baby is now bigger and placing more demand on your body. But best to keep calm, i've got whitecoat syndrome too (although mine could be re-named Waiting Room syndrome.. it seems the longer i'm waiting in busy waiting rooms the worse it is). Most of the midwives will leave you for a while to relax before taking your BP though.

    I'm counting down the days now.. 10 days left. Having a c-section now as still not ready for induction. I'm much happier with that as I know there's an end date and baby wont be stressed. She's still small and head not engaged. My appt letter for c-section arrived but there was a mistake in the date.. it read 2017 instead of 2014!!! Baby definitely wont wait that long :0

  • Registered Users Posts: 334 ✭✭contrary_mary

    Dustie is that the 27th? If so we could be having birthday buddies, at the moment is looking like I'll be going in that day too (unless babs decides it's time to come out sooner!).

    I slept well last night, after a bad few nights. I couldn't believe it when I woke and it was 4am, I've usually woken 3-4 times by then. I got back to sleep for another few hours then - it was great.

    I've been cleaning all day and still have lots to do but my body is definitely telling me to sit down for a while!

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭dustie1

    Yep the 27th is the plan!! Yay, cant believe its getting so close. Fair play to ya to be cleaning, i can barely stoop to get my jeans on these days!! I've actually found I'm sleeping shorter times now more like having several naps now, which i could never do before. Good sign and i'm hoping i'll be able to do the 'sleep when the baby's sleeping' bit :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,852 ✭✭✭ncmc

    Oh girls, can't believe the end is so near for you too! While I really, really don't want a section, it would be nice to have an exact date. Realistically I could still be waiting up to 4 weeks if I go 10 days over. Don't think I can last that long! My birthday is the 29th, I'm thinking it would be nice to share a birthday! Would love a May baby.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭SmokeyEyes

    Thanks Dustie hoping it'll be slightly better next Weds in Rotunda!

    Great for you two to have fixed dates, wondering when it's going to happen is a big enough deal in itself! I'm on mum2be and watching the May thread like a hawk, nearly everyone seems to have gone over time and has had to be induced! But no point in worrying about it, as long as the epidural is waiting for me I'll be grand:D

    Feeling very sleepy today, not loving the new level of heat out there, makes walking seem like more of a hike! But hanging in there grand so far and surprisingly sleeping a little better too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭magentas

    Hey ladies, sorry I've not been on here in a while. Just read through all the posts since I was last on, getting close now! Hope you're all doing great.

    As some of you may have read, I posted a thread that was closed down a few weeks ago (fair enough by mods, told they can't offer medical advice)
    Anyway, I had a really bad accident years ago where my pelvis was smashed and I now have plates/pins/wiring holding it all together. I was told I may not be able to have kids or have trouble conceiving. A couple of years later, they said I should be able to conceive but would probably need a section.

    I had my first hospital appointment with consultant back in Nov at 11weeks. I'm living in a different area for the last 12yrs and so it's a different hospital to where I had my accident and subsequent operations etc.

    When I told consultant about my injuries and asked how my pelvis would affect my pregnancy/labour, he said "the baby will measure'll fit or it won't" and that was it. After waiting 4 hours in the hospital that morning to see him, we were only in there for less than 5mins and I left feeling twice as anxious about the whole thing. He was so blunt but I thought, well he's the professional and he knows what he's talking about but I've been worried sick about it ever since.

    I'm doing Combined Care so I had check-ups with my GP after this (apart from scan @20wks and Gestational Diabetes test@26wks) and when I broached it with him (as in asking for a second opinion) he said I'd have to ask at the hospital.
    My next appointment wasn't until the end of March@28wks when I had my first midwives clinic. When they saw the note in my files (all 3 words...pins in pelvis) they said "Oh, so you're having a section are you?"
    When I told them what the consultant said, they were a bit shocked.
    Then they said "Right...and we have all your files do we?"
    I said "I don't know"
    When I told them about my accident, they said well did anyone tell you to get your records from your hospital at home? Nobody did. I assumed they could just access them themselves if needed (both public hospitals under HSE) but tbh the consultant didn't show any interest in wanting to see them. The midwife said it was very important that they get those records and have a look at them as it would determine if I need a section and even just to know what exactly is in my body and what they're dealing with incase there are any complications.

    So I rang the other hospital about getting my records sent out to me but of course it all has to be applied for in writing under the Freedom of Information Act etc. So much red tape and it's all so slow which is a major worry when you're only weeks from giving birth! I just kept ringing and chasing up on it and was lucky to have dealt with a very nice woman who got them out to me last week. What a relief that was! They didn't have my Xrays but everything else was there.

    So I brought them straight into the midwives last week, they said they'll get consultant to look at them but they reckon the only option would be to have a section. I'm nearly 37wks now and still don't know if I need a section. I think it's wrong that at this stage I'm still left to feel so anxious and in the dark when it's something that could have been done months ago and saved me all of this stress and worry.

    Thank god for the midwives is all I can say. They are amazing. I was at ante-natal classes last week and one of them spotted me and asked had I any luck with my files yet. It was great to feel like someone cared!!!
    I met another midwife in Dunnes while shopping yesterday, I didn't even recognise her at first! She said she saw my files on the table and even just the acknowledgement and to know they're taking it so seriously was fantastic.

    So I have my third midwives clinic in the morning and (hopefully!) will finally know what needs to happen. I felt so stupid last night I was having a lovely bath and said to my bf about how I think I might use the bath in the hospital during labour for pain relief and just to relax and he was like but sure you'll probably be having a section! D'uh!!! :o

    Sorry for the friggin' essay, it's so great to finally feel like I'll have a bit of closure on all of this in the morning. Was almost frustrating listening to all of the labour/birth plans and pain relief options at the antenatal class last week...I was thinking this doesn't apply to me...or does it?! ARGH!!

    I guess it just goes to show that you shouldn't be afraid to speak up and ask questions. I'm actually pretty vocal on most things and not afraid to speak mind mind normally but totally cowered when it came to this. I felt like I didn't want to make a fuss and had faith that the consultant knew what was best for me. My biggest concern was that I would go early, arrive at the ward and nobody would know what to do with me! Or I would start having a natural birth and there would be awful complications and of course the worst scenarios came into my head. I can't even say it. I had nightmares about it!

    I'm actually excited about the morning now. If I do need a section (and it's looking very likely) I think they normally bring you in a week or two early so to think I could be going in next week is mad! I'm so ready for it though, I feel like I've been pregnant forever at this stage and just want to meet my baby and hold them on this side now :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 334 ✭✭contrary_mary

    Glad you finally got sorted magentas - you poor thing you didn't need that stress. I'm in the NMH and they schedule sections for 39 weeks if all else is well with mother and baby - the extra week inside significantly reduces the risk of respiratory issues in the baby. I'm 38 weeks today and due for a section at 39+1 all going well. I've my last appointment on Wednesday - can't believe it in one way and in others it's been a long old road!

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭dustie1

    Delighted things finally seem to be sorted for you magentas. The last thing you need is the red tape cr*p when your pregnant and stressed!

    I'm having a section next week (I'll be 38+2) and have to go into hospital this week for the steroids to mature the babies lungs. Initially the consultant didnt want to give the steroids as he was afraid it would mess with my gest diabetes.. but seems he had a change of heart. So I've to be admitted for 2 days to be monitored as it might mess with my blood sugars and also can cause heart palpitations and mess with my already dodgy BP. But at least the end is in sight and baby will be here soon :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭magentas

    wow Mary and Dustie, you're both down for next week?! So all going well you'll have May babies! Must be comforting to have a date.

    You'll have to be promoted to the May thread here haha! Delighted for ye, will keep an eye for updates ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 154 ✭✭MissFire

    got measured for nursing bra today.. (38 weeks) ..the brand I got was 'bravado'.. the material is lovely and soft and you can take little foam things out of cups to make it larger for expanding boobs. Nice support in it too. heres link for it on amazon..

    Thats exciting news about you girls having May close now... cant believe how near we all are now.. time has really flown by hasnt it?!?!

    How did this morning go for you Magentas ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,852 ✭✭✭ncmc

    That's the sort I'm after MissFire do you mind me asking where you got it and how much? I'm struggling with the thought of spending €40+ on a bra that's gonna end up covered in milk!

  • Registered Users Posts: 154 ✭✭MissFire

    ncmc wrote: »
    That's the sort I'm after MissFire do you mind me asking where you got it and how much? I'm struggling with the thought of spending €40+ on a bra that's gonna end up covered in milk!

    I got it in Shaw's in Wexford town. And it was €42 .. The material in it is quiet light so it be easily hand washed and dried.. I'll probably buy other ones online now that I know what size I am..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭SmokeyEyes

    That sounds great I picked up a double pack of nursing bras in M&S for 40 quid, I'm not going to buy any more until I see if I can actually manage to breastfeed first, gonna give it a good go but have no idea if it'll be a goer or not!

    Consultant app tonight in Rotunda, hoping bp is still good so I get to run back home after:D Have convinced myself higher reading in gp last week was because of their equipment not me so if I believe that maybe it'll work for me tonight! Fingers and toes crossed!

    Is anyone else still getting hormone headaches? I don't get bad ones but have found I've got them a fair bit throughout pregnancy, of course now I'm panicking going oh no my bp will be high tonight but I've had them on and off so much and it was never anything before!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭magentas

    Hey MissFire...None the wiser I'm afraid! They didn't have time to look at my files yet and consultant was gone last week and this week so they've asked me to come back into them next week again to see midwives (for check-up as I was due to see my GP) and then see consultant afterwards but the midwife has already warned me that he may still just say that he wants to "wait and see":rolleyes:
    At least I'll be well prepared this time and will def speak up if I feel he's not taking me seriously. (In my head anyway, will probably freeze on the day!)

    I need to get measured again myself (37wks now) but like yourselves, hesitant about spending too much on nursing bras *just in case* the breastfeeding doesn't work out for me.
    Heard good things about the M&S ones alright and not overly expensive.
    My maternity bra (Hot Milk which doubles as a nursing bra too) was €44 but so comfy and well worth the money as it's served me well!

    Have money set aside for electric breast pump as well but not buying it until I'm certain I'll use it.

    SmokeyEyes how did you get on with your appointment last night?
    Dustie when you say you have to be admitted for 2 that when you go in for the section? Or prior to admission for section? Do you mind mw asking if it's your first baby?
    I think ContraryMary said she's going to be brought in at 39wks.
    My midwife told me they only bring you in 1 week early for section but I've read it can depend on whether it's your first baby and of course every hospital seems to have different ways of doing things!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭SmokeyEyes

    I'm good appointment went well, bp and urine still grand so hanging in there nicely:)

    Any of you girls having increased discharge? I've had watery clear discharge a lot of pregnancy but seems a bit more now which I read is normal towards the end but then a few girls mentioning your hind waters breaking which is a slow leak:eek: Doesn't seem enough to be that think I'd be soaked after a few hours if it was!

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭dustie1

    Yes I'm a first timer so it's all new to me. Was admitted wed morning into labour ward and setup on a drip for insulin and got the steroid injection. Got 2 doses of steroids 24hours apart but had to have hourly monitoring for bp, blood sugar and baby's heart rate after that. The extra monitoring was due to the steroids causing problems with gestational diabetes. So the insulin drip had to be checked and adjusted hourly based on how I was tolerating it. That went on for 36hours!! Was eventually disconnected from the drip last night and got a shower..bliss! The main side effects I found of steroids was I got very flushed and my skin went almost a sunburnt colour of red for 5 hours each night, v strange. Waiting around for a dr to discharge me now so I can go home and get some proper sleep :) I'll be back in for pre-op monday in advance of the section on Tuesday. So excited the end is in sight!!
    The reason I'm being sectioned at 38wks is due to the bp and gest diabetes issues, also my baby isnt growing as fast as they would expect so more benefit getting her out. Think if there's no complications 39wks is standard for sections.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,852 ✭✭✭ncmc

    Wow there's a lot of action going on here, Dustie that's super that you have your date, so exciting to think you'll be a mammy in a couple of days. Get loads of rest over the weekend!

    Smokey, extra discharge is totally normal, I think I read it's the cervix cleaning itself out for labour. Unless you're soaking pads, I wouldn't worry about it being fluid. I think the waters have a distinct smell so without being gross, maybe have a sniff!

    I actually bought two bras in penny's for €10! To be honest, I'm nervous of buying dearer ones until my milk comes in, because my boobs haven't really increased that much in size. The cheap ones will do me in hospital and then I'll try and get measured afterwards.

    Anyone else feel like they're going to go over due? I just feel like nothing at all is stirring, bump still really high, don't think head is engaged. I think I've sort of resigned myself to go the full ten days over at this stage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 334 ✭✭contrary_mary

    No labour signs here! I've had braxton hicks since 16 weeks but they haven't increased in intensity or frequency. I'm feeling great except for at night time - I get so uncomfortable in bed. Baby is transverse so hasn't engaged at all (obviously) but I have a lot of rib pain on one side (the head side) so I'm stuck lying on one side and the hip pain wakes me up after an hour or two. Then it's so hard to move! I woke my husband with all my groaning last night! I'm blessed though as I had a few risk factors for preterm labour and I think baby's awkward position has kept him in for longer than anyone thought possible, as I have no pressure at all on my cervix. Jebus my ribs hurt though!

    Only a few days to go for me too, I can't wait to have this little babs here safely, it's been a long and winding road. The house is spotless and I have nothing left to do!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭SmokeyEyes

    Wow Dustie all go for you, so exciting!!

    Thanks NCMC for the advice, good to know what's normal sometimes!

    Contrary Mary I don't think I've even had Braxton Hicks yet and I'm 37 weeks today!

    Have a feeling I'll go over to, just sense I'll be waiting after my DD with the bag beside me on the couch waiting for labour to start:D

    Feel very uncomfortable this week, either I wrecked my pelvis on birth ball which I used for the first time this week or I managed to get baby to get engaged and it's all the pressure, not sure as my pelvis is sore most of the time anyway! But now it goes around to my bum and down my leg and honestly getting in and out of bed or god forbid trying to turn over is such an olympic sport I can't remember what it's like to feel normal in bed any more!

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭dustie1

    Are you in hospital if your baby's transverse mary? That seems to be the norm in the west as I've met some very fed up pregnant ladies stuck in hospital for last few weeks of their pregnancies getting daily scans and well intentioned but ultimately useless advice from nurses about how to turn baby. One lady was told each day by one midwife that the head had gone down only to be disappointed by scans. But at least you have an end date!

    Magentas, make sure you bring someone with you if you can to meet with consultant.. even if they say nothing it can be great back up to give you some fight. It shouldn't be like this but you won't feel happy until your properly listened to.. don't be afraid to kick up a fuss.. which I'm sure you'd rather avoid but might ensure you get listened to. Really feel for you with it all.. I totally understand how the extra worry plays on your mind.

    I had a good laugh there yesterday.. I've had no braxton hicks, so felt a jerky movement and when nurse came in to check the baby I asked if it was braxton hicks. Turns out the baby had the hiccups and midwife thought I was totally clueless.

  • Registered Users Posts: 334 ✭✭contrary_mary

    Dustie the braxton hicks aren't sore but they're certainly not as pleasant as the tickle of hiccups! All the midwives and doctors I've spoken to in hospital say that everyone had braxton hicks from approx 12 weeks on but only some people feel them.

    I'm not being admitted until the morning of the section - I'm in Dublin. Not sure if that's the norm here? I was a transverse baby myself and my Mam was in for 4 weeks and sectioned at 38 weeks, but that was quite a while ago!

    Are you still in hospital?

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭dustie1

    I'm home again for the weekend, had a great sleep last night, might be last for a while. I have to go back Monday for the pre-op bloods/checks and then in Tuesday morning. V exciting now but also a little scary., I've never really been around babies so OH will be needing to teach me a lot :) He's got 4 nieces and nephews and done all the hands on helping when they were little. it's great how much partners are encouraged to stay all day and get involved.
    I haven't had any pains at all (apart from pelvis aches once in a while) so mustn't be feeling the braxton hicks. I might get some shock when the morphine wears off on tues!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 Hanracar

    Glad you are home dustie getting very exciting for you now, It is good that the end is in sight for you and it will all be worth it next Tuesday..... I am just 35 weeks gone and am starting to get nervous too, i feel like we have been pregnant for so long that i haven't thought about actually having a baby to look after at the end of it !

    Smokey i have a lot of extra discharge now too and the consultant tested it and said its normal pregnancy discharge which can increase from here on in. She said to me if i pad can cope with it then its nothing to worry about. I am also leaking a lot of more watery discharge and they tested that fluid too to see if it was amniotic but it wasn't. Just the baba sitting on my bladder...nice :)

    On the bra thing i have been a bit lazy and have been wearing sports bras and more bra tippy things that i had already. I am trying to wait til nearer the end to see what i will need for BF. I am quite big chested anyway so am afraid they are going to explode ! altho at the moment they are kinda the same as normal.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭SmokeyEyes

    Hanracar wrote: »
    Glad you are home dustie getting very exciting for you now, It is good that the end is in sight for you and it will all be worth it next Tuesday..... I am just 35 weeks gone and am starting to get nervous too, i feel like we have been pregnant for so long that i haven't thought about actually having a baby to look after at the end of it !

    Smokey i have a lot of extra discharge now too and the consultant tested it and said its normal pregnancy discharge which can increase from here on in. She said to me if i pad can cope with it then its nothing to worry about. I am also leaking a lot of more watery discharge and they tested that fluid too to see if it was amniotic but it wasn't. Just the baba sitting on my bladder...nice :)

    On the bra thing i have been a bit lazy and have been wearing sports bras and more bra tippy things that i had already. I am trying to wait til nearer the end to see what i will need for BF. I am quite big chested anyway so am afraid they are going to explode ! altho at the moment they are kinda the same as normal.

    Good to know!!:D

    Yeah I'm the same I've just been trying to get used to pregnancy and pottering along with that that I've ignored the labour part so I'm trying to start preparing for it mentally even though I have no idea when it's going to happen or what way it'll play out! Hard to not be nervous though!
