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Cycling v Triathlon



  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    Week 8 - 2nd December

    This week felt like the first proper week of training, where all felt good or at least going in the right direction. The IT band issue seems to be gone and the plantar issue going.

    Monday: No run at lunch so went for a swim instead, forgot Mespil was a 20m pool, what a pain. 1k of drills and a 400m TT, 7.09

    Turbo session, yo-yo 70-80% MHR for 50 minutes

    Tuesday - Morning swim, 2.3k.

    4x100m - scull 50m, swim 50m
    2x500m moderate
    1x400m fast

    Run session in the evening - 3k run, 4.00 rest, 1k run
    ran to training and lift home, foot still at me but lift home was a precaution more than a necessity
    14k in total

    Wednesday - Turbo 1 hr. Progressive power 3 mins on @ 60RPM HR Z4, 1.30 off, 7 min On, 1.30 off, 11 min on, 1.30 off, 15 mins On, 1.30 off, 19 on

    foam rolled

    Thursday - 2.6k swim session in the morning
    2x400m @8 mins
    3x300m @6 mins
    4x200m @4mins

    Track session, first in a while, foot felt perfect but cycled to and from.
    8x300m - 53-56 seconds
    6.8k total

    Friday - 2.3k swim session in the morning
    2x400m @8 mins
    4x200m @4mins
    6x100m @2mins

    Babysitting for the evening so no S&C this week

    Saturday - Orwell spin
    My first real fast spin of the year and I struggled. I know from previous years that a couple of weeks of this and it seems to click with me and unlike running or swimming I'll make a massive jump and be closer to where I want to go.
    I was tired afterwards.

    I'm going to have to make a decision soon on whether I drop the second nights running for a turbo session, I may have to and replace it with a much more disciplined lunch time run.

    Stag on Saturday nite so Sunday was spent recovering.

    Although I don't feel like I deserve it next week will have to be a rest week with London, Brussels and Cork on the cards for work. Plan for two swims, a trubo, run session and a good cycle on Saturday.

    Totals for the week (including commute)
    Swim - 8.6k
    Cycle - 182k
    Run - 21.05k

    Time (excl commute)

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    Its best if I just scrub weeks 9-12 from my memory, the bveer will have helped that.
    Some good long sessions on the bike but not near enough of them, turbo christmas eve and christmas morning . Running almost none and swimming not since mid december

    I did do a lot of boozing and eating which has left me feeling brutal, lazy and fat. A gang of little ones in our house coupled with a lot of farming didnt make it a very peaceful christmas, I'm almost glad to be back at work!

    Back at it this week with a bang, picked up some rollers over the Christmas so giving them a go this evening. Also found out club is putting on extra swim sessions so will try and fit in a 4th swim per week

    Happy new year

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    Week 13 - 6th January

    Back at it this week, my new years resolution was to get more sleep, its been working well so far.

    Monday: Bad start to the week, forgot my shorts so no lunchtime run!
    Tried out my new rollers for the first time, no set as I was just trying to get used to them, sore elbow from falling against the wall

    Tuesday - Morning swim, 1.2k

    As the coach said I felt like I was swimming in hummus, wrecked, stitches, dropping out of sets, poor all round

    5x100 bi-lateral
    4x100 @ 2mins

    Runin the evening - the coach was away this week so decided to do a long run myself to ease myself back, 18k v v v v v slow

    Wednesday - 9k run at lunch, again very slow, 4 x 70m strides at the end
    According to the coach I should be doing these after every run to keep "my zip", I'm not sure what zip she sees!

    Thursday - 1.9k swim session in the morning, flet better but still had to sit out some
    12x50m every 3rd b-stroke
    50-100-150-200 as a W (up-down-up again) @ 1, 2.15, 3.15, 4.15

    Rollers again - cadence session I got off here, 4 mins @ 90RPM, 1 @ 100RPM, 4 @ 90, [EMAIL="1@110"]1@110[/EMAIL], could only get as far at 130 and came back down. Good session, I think this is the set I'll do most on the rollers

    Friday - 2.3k swim session in the morning, felt much better
    12x50m every 3rd b-stroke
    50-100-150-200 as a W (up-down-up again) @ 1, 2.15, 3.15, 4.15

    S&C for an hour

    Saturday - 1.7k swim session in the morning, a million people at it

    92km spin
    Struggled to find people to spin with Saturday and eventually joined a few from the tri club, including the cycle to and from swimming as I was short on time and racing! Lovely day for it, even if it was the north side

    Sunday - Orwell training day - 100k
    Some good sessions given to us, 5 and a half hours in the saddle though!

    Totals for the week (including commute)
    Swim - 7.1k
    Cycle - 289k
    Run - 35.97k

    Time (excl commute)

    Highest time total of this season

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    Week 13 - 13th January

    Bit of a delay putting this up, had a broken up few weeks so training is a bit all over the place

    Monday: 9k run at lunch, again very slow, 5 x 70m strides at the end

    The club have added some new swim sessions so I can now swim everyday except wednesday with them.
    2.2k swim
    8x50 - 25 fist, 25 swim; 25 catch-up, 25 swim

    4x100 25 single hand, 25 SH, 25 head up, 25 swim @2.30
    4x50 @ 65, 60, 55, 50
    2x50 race

    Tuesday - Morning swim, 2k
    100m pull buoy, 100m single arm, 100 swim
    400 - hard, 600m, moderate, 800m easy
    Didnt complete set

    22.5k run - to and from training
    Main set - 8x400m hills, jogged recovery

    Wednesday - OH birthday, rest!

    Thursday - 11k recovery jog

    Friday - 2.2k swim session, cant remember set :o

    Saturday - Was in galway for the weekend, bike down and then realised I had forgotten my shoes, d'oh.. Had a loose arrangement with catweazle and pgibbo that I had to renege on
    20k easy run

    Sunday - 34k on the bike

    Totals for the week (including commute)
    Swim - 6.4k
    Cycle - 96.38k
    Run - 62.73k

    Time (excl commute)

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    Week 14 - 20th January

    Again a disrupted week, I'm doing a bit of work on the house and had to skip some sessions

    Monday: VO2 max test in DCU, part of a barefoot runnign thing I did last year with Joe Warne, 62.6% apparently, didnt feel I was at my best

    Tuesday - Working

    Wednesday - Roolers, one hour. 4.30 mins @ 90-100RPM, 30 secs @ max RPM

    Thursday - 2.3k swim
    12x50 every third hard @65
    3x400 drafting
    4x50 - 25 easy, 25 hard.
    Busy lanes and the coach was phoning it in!

    Track session, 17k, very interesting set

    strength exercise three times for 60m followed by 3x60m sprints
    did 5 exercises in total (one legged hop, skipping for height, calf jumps, high knees, high knees run)
    then 30 secs mountain climbers, 30 sec rest, 30 sec burpees, 30 rest, 30 calf jumps, straight into 60m sprint

    Friday - 2k swim, very poor effort, was going backwards
    300m @ 6.15
    [EMAIL="250@ 5.15"]250@ 5.15[/EMAIL]
    200m @ 4.15
    150 TT @ 3.15
    50 @ 65
    100 TT

    8.6k run at lunch, recovery

    strength and conditioning class for an hour in the evening

    Saturday - Horrible, awful day, hailstones, gales, the works.
    70k on my own, up over the windy gap to castlebar, part of the humbert HIM route

    Sunday - went out to do a team time trial with ballina CC, couldnt keep pace with the lead group, which I should be able for. Very down heartened :(
    Legs were like lead after Saturday and S&C friday but even still no excuse for the performance I put in

    Felt like a poor week

    Totals for the week (including commute)
    Swim - 4.7k
    Cycle - 174.07k
    Run - 30.66k

    Time (excl commute)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    Week 15 - 27th January

    Again a disrupted week, this time with work commitments

    Monday: 8.5k at lunch easy
    Swim in the evening - 2.4k
    (2x100)x3 - bilateral, catch-up, fist
    3X200@ 4.15
    4x150@ 3.15
    5x100@ 2.10

    Tuesday - Swim in the morning, 2.3k
    300m fast, 600m fast, 800m moderate - dont like the sessions where we're not given time targets

    Club run in the evening - 20k
    3k tempo in 12.13 - 4 min rest
    1.5k fast in 5.55 - 2 min rest
    500m fast - 1.42

    Wednesday - 8.5k at lunch easy

    Thursday - 2k swim

    Off to london with work Thursday, heavy night :(

    Friday - home late

    Saturday - Rotten day, started out with four of us, ended with two of us doing a few laps of Dalkey and the hills - 75k

    Sunday - Out again with Orwell orange group - 96k
    Legs felt it after saturday, was struggling on the last few hills and getting dropped, am wondering when it will all come together with the cycling.
    One things for sure I'll need a few more years before any Ras

    Totals for the week (including commute)
    Swim - 7k
    Cycle - 237.33k
    Run - 36.72k

    Time (excl commute)

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    The weeks are flying in, have a recovery week planned after I get this week out of the way and I need it, very tired Saturday. Am hoping the rest will bring along a nice little bump in performance

    Week 16 - 3rd February

    Again a disrupted week, this time with work commitments

    Swim in the evening - 2.5k
    8x50 - 25 catch-up, 25 swim; 25 fist, 25 swim
    (1x200 @ 3.40 + 4x50 @ 65) x2
    (1x150 @ 2.50 + 4x50 @ 65) x2
    (1x100 @ 1.50 + 4x50 @ 65) x2

    Tuesday - Swim in the morning, 2.7k
    4x100 pausw every 3rd stroke
    700 fast
    900 slow
    200 race

    Table quiz in the evening

    Wednesday - 8.6k at lunch easy
    Finished work on the house :)

    Thursday - 2.1k swim
    12x50 - bilateral, catch & fist @65
    (4x100) x3 @2.15 (75 easy, 25 hard; 50e, 50h; 25e, 75h; 100h)
    tough session

    Track with club - 20k
    600 - 2.00
    500 - 1.40
    400 - 1.18
    300 - 55
    200 - 33
    100 - 15

    Plyometrics after, tough session

    Finally got back doing some foam rolling and core!

    Friday - 2k swim
    12x50 - bilateral, catch & fist @65
    (4x100) x3 @2.15 (75 easy, 25 hard; 50e, 50h; 25e, 75h; 100h)

    8.5k run at lunch, felt tired

    Stength and conditioning with andy kenny for an hour in the evening

    Saturday - Bike, felt awful, from the second I got on the bike - 88k
    rest week is badly needed!
    Stag in sligo Saturday nite

    Sunday - Real slow recovery jog, 7.7k

    Totals for the week (including commute)
    Swim - 9.3k
    Cycle - 150.73k
    Run - 45.4k
    Time (excl commute)

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    Felt good this week, swimming coming along nicely and the plyometric track session is always good, I really enjoy them and am hoping they pay off

    Week 17 - 10th February

    40mins rollers in the morning - 3.30 @ 90 RPM/30 secs @ max RPM

    Swim in the evening - 3.3k

    Like a dope arrived an hour early for swimming, did a 400m TT - 7.35 - WTF :eek::mad:
    12x50 - @ 65 secs (bilateral, fist, catch-up)
    (4x100 @ 2.15 single hand, SH, head high, swim + 4x50 @ 60 secs) x2

    Tuesday - Swim in the morning, 2.5k
    4x100 - drag forearm through water
    300 fast
    1100 moderate
    400 easy

    Run session - 21.6k - very happy
    1500m @ 6.00 - 2.00 rest
    400m @ 1.29, 1.20, 1.28, 1.25 - 1.00 rest between each (strong wind)
    1500m @ 6.02 - 2.00 rest
    400m @ 1.38, 1.25, 1.32, 1.24 - 1.00 rest between each (strong wind)

    Core and foam rolling when I got home

    Wednesday - Turbo, progressive power
    3.00 ON @ 40RPM & HR 140-150; 1.30 @ 90 RPM off; 7 ON; 1.30 OFF; 11 ON; 1.30 OFF; 15 ON; 1.30 OFF; 9 ON; 1.30 OFF; 10 ON; 1.30 OFF.
    Tough session

    Thursday - 2.1k swim
    6x100 @ 2.15 - 25 kick, 25 swim
    6x100 @ 2.15 - SH x 3, SH x 3, full stroke x 4/6
    6x100 @ 2.15 - SH x 3, SH x 3, full stroke x 4/6

    Track with club - 18.1k
    Plyometrics into sprints
    So drills for 50m, jog back, same drill for 50m and into 50m sprint
    Or squat jumps x 10 and into 100m sprint
    Finished up with 400m @ 1.13

    Friday - 2.3k swim
    6x100 @ 2.15 - 25 kick, 25 swim
    6x100 @ 2.15 - SH x 3, SH x 3, full stroke x 4/6
    6x100 @ 2.15 - SH x 3, SH x 3, full stroke x 4/6

    Stength and conditioning with andy kenny for an hour in the evening

    Saturday - Had intended on getting accreditation for Sundrive track on Saturday afternoon so decided to do the Marlay Parkrun Saturday morning to see where I am more than anything. As I am at the end of a 6 week cycle I didnt let up for the week and decided to jog the 7k over to the park.
    Left myself a little on the short side time wise so my HR was good and high starting. Ended up with 19.34, very happy, I had held back a little because of the tough training and the long warm up, between that and the windy conditions (most people were 20 secs off their PBs) I think theres a sub 19 in the legs at the minute, which is great, well ahead of last year and at a time when I didnt know things were going well or not, a real boost.

    Track ended up being cancelled due to the winds so I'll have to reschedule this day again but it looks like something I'll enjoy

    And so began my recovery week!

    Totals for the week (including commute)
    Swim - 10.2k
    Cycle - 58.7k
    Run - 58.57k
    Time (excl commute)

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    This was always going to be a low effort week, I've been fairly wiped out the last couple of weekends and had planned a few days off, Kinsale for two nights and then the Cliffhouse for a night

    Week 18 - 17th February

    9.5k in 50 mins, lovely day in cork


    Lovely scenic run on the King of the Hill route, out to Sandycove and up along a trail, lovely crisp morning 7.8k in 53mins

    Off to the five star hotel for the Michelin star dinner :D
    Scallops followed by steak

    Woke at 2am, sick, puking and the rest, not nice

    According to their sales manager later in the day the two things were definitely not related :rolleyes:
    She even had the cheek to make an appointment for me to see the local GP, and told me if I could get a note saying I was sick due to the food she would talk to me then about food poisoning, happy enough for me to pay for that too :mad:
    Left there annoyed and tired

    The general manager later rang me to apologise said he'd stick something in the post, arrived this morning, a nights B&B, sun-tues only and off season, thanks :rolleyes:, i wont be taking them up on it
    So my on-line attack starts here, do not go to the cliff house, lovely spot, great staff but if something goes wrong they do not give a f**k, customer service goes out the window in place of trying to cover their own ass
    **rant over**

    Was wiped out, no training

    Friday - 2.3k swim
    12x50 @ 65 - every 3rd hard

    4x50 @ 65
    4x100 @ 2.10
    3x150 @ 3.10
    2x200 @ 4.10
    With no break between sets, led out the full set :pac::pac::pac:

    Stength and conditioning with andy kenny for an hour in the evening

    Saturday - Wrecked, stayed in bed til 10! Out farming until the rugby

    Sunday - 80k cycle with Ballina CC, felt good, strong on the hills, able for pain when I needed to be, very happy

    Totals for the week (including commute)

    Cycle - 97.14k
    Run - 17.21k
    Time (excl commute)

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    Back at it this week and felt good, solid week of training although I let Sunday slip but that was to celebrate my first ever run podium :cool:


    Week 19 - 24th February

    8.5k easy run at lunch

    Rollers - 45mins - 3.30 @ 90RPM, 30 secs @ max RPM - repeat
    Swim - 2.1k - tough session after the run and bike earlier, plus there were a few faster ones in the group so the pace was up with longer recovery, really enjoyed it

    12x50 - (bilateral, catch-up, fist)
    (5x100) x 3 @ 2.05

    Core when I came home

    Tuesday - Swim in the morning, 2.5k
    5x100 - fist
    1400 moderate

    Run session - 20.15k - very happy
    3x 1500m with 4 min rest (5.37, 5.48, 5.50)

    Core and foam rolling when I got home

    Wednesday - 8.5k run at lunch

    Turbo, progressive power
    3.00 ON @ 40RPM & HR 140-150; 1.30 @ 90 RPM off; 7 ON; 1.30 OFF; 11 ON; 1.30 OFF; 15 ON; 1.30 OFF; 9 ON; 1.30 OFF; 10 ON; 1.30 OFF.
    Tough session

    Thursday - 2.5k swim
    12x50 - (bilateral, catch-up, fist)
    8x75 @ 1.30 - Breast stroke start to simulate an in water start
    12x25 @ 40
    4x75 @ 1.30
    2x25 @ 40
    Table quiz in the evening

    Friday - 1.85k swim
    12x50 - (bilateral, catch-up, fist)
    8x75 @ 1.30 - Breast stroke start to simulate an in water start
    12x25 @ 40
    250m with turning in mid lane to simulate going around a buoy in a race, impossible!


    Had decided to do the Carlingford 10k with a lad from the tri club who was using the half as a training run. Didnt really know if I'd be able to break 40 mins because I have no idea really where my running is. My pb was 39.58 at a time when I was in good shape last summer, so I wasnt overly confident but I was well rested and good to go.

    Perfect day for a run and after a good warm up lined up at the start line. Panic for the first 700m as I led the race, thinking I must be going too fast but it felt very comfortable and I am trying to race more from feel this year so wasnt looking at my pace on the watch. Anyway, passed by a crusaders singlet and sat in to try and pace myself somewhat from him, he opened up a nice gap but once we got to the hills it kept steady and after 3k of steady climbing I had opened up a nice gap myself to the three behind me. In the two runs I've done this year I've noticed that my hills have been strong and that has to be down to the plyometric work Maria McCambridge is doing with us. She is an unreal coach.
    At 6k we turned on the main road and I knew there was a nice 1k of downhill before it flattened out for home, so I put in a good spurt there and then held on for the last three 3k, I had a nice gap so there was no panic.
    Home in 39.11 and second, couldnt believe it, delighted. I know there was no real competition and that in a proper 10k I'd have been well down the field but the novelty of winning an individual prize is still there for me and especially a run.

    Bit of lunch and then jumped on the bike to head home. There was a vicious head wind and we probably had underestimated the exercersion in the morning, we also had two OHs waiting for night out, so after 63k we jumped on a train in Drogheda and got home.

    Had a big night out on Saturday nite, which meant I gave my easy cycle on Sunday a miss

    Totals for the week (including commute)

    Swim - 8.95k
    Cycle - 149.38k
    Run - 51.12k
    Time (excl commute)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Congrats. Nice to bag a podium. :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Did they play the Amhran and ask you to turn and face the tri colour on the podium?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    catweazle wrote: »
    Did they play the Amhran and ask you to turn and face the tri colour on the podium?

    They played this and raised this

    They were well used for the day, I think the lady who won the 10k was from Castlebar and there was a Ballina lad 3rd in the half marathon

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Well done to you!!! Delighted for you to PB and podium!! Whoop whoop!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    Week 20 - 3rd March

    Good solid week that racked up long hours, probably too long, was wrecked for the week

    8.6k easy run at lunch

    Rollers in the evening - only 35mins 4mins @ 90RPM, 1 min flat out RPM

    Swim in the evening - 2.3k
    8x50 - 25 kick, 25 swim @ 70secs
    3x (8x50) @ 75 secs hard, long rest
    8x50 @ 60secs

    Tuesday - Swim in the morning, 1.9k
    3x100 on side
    3x100 counting stroke (S)
    3x100 @ S-1
    3x100 @ S-2
    2x200 @ S-1

    Run session - 20.7k
    1.5k (5.28)
    2min rest
    6x200m (37)
    1 min rest
    3k (12.20)

    Core when I came home

    Wednesday - 8.5k at lunch easy

    Turbo session with the club

    (7mins @ 110RPM upper Z3 + 3 mins @ 90RPM) x3
    4k run after

    Thursday - 2.3k swim
    12x50 - every third hard @70
    3 x (4x100) @ 2.15
    4x50 bilateral 3/5 and 3/7 @ 70 secs

    Friday - 2.3k swim
    12x50 - every third hard @70
    3 x (4x100) @ 2.15
    4x50 bilateral 3/5 and 3/7 @ 70 secs

    Stength and conditioning with andy kenny for an hour in the evening

    Saturday - Bike, brought out Molly (the TT), messy session

    Sunday - Club TT - 50k total

    14k TT in 21.10, disappointed if I'm honest was hoping to be a lot closer to 20. Although it was a 2.35 improvement on a terrible run of the same course last year

    Went and watched Westmeath v Mayo in the rain :D

    Totals for the week (including commute)
    Swim - 8.8k
    Cycle - 200.97k
    Run - 42.09k
    Time (excl commute)

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    Week 21 - 10th March

    Another good week, five out of six weeks now I've made four swim sessions in the week, I'm noticing the improvement, although my flat out speed is still poor

    8.6k easy run at lunch

    Swim in the evening - 2.4k
    2 x (4x100) - (75e, 25h; 50e, 50h; 25e, 75h; 100h) @2.10
    5x200 - 2xfist, 2 x 3singlehand, 3 singlehand, 6 full stroke, 1xcatch-up @ 4.15
    4x50 @ 65 flat out

    Tuesday - Swim in the morning, 2.6k
    6 x 100 - bilateral 3, 5, 7
    1500m moderate - 28.20
    Happy with the 1500m time, felt very comfortable

    Run session - 23.7k
    10 x 400m hill run on fosters avenue, jogged recovery

    Quicker than the last time I did this session by 3/4 seconds


    Turbo session with the club

    (8mins @ 110RPM upper Z3 + 8 mins @ 60RPM upper Z3 + 8 mins recovery) x3
    4k run after

    Thursday - 2.6k swim
    2 x (4x100) - (75e, 25h; 50e, 50h; 25e, 75h; 100h) @2.10
    3 x (8x50) @ 70sec

    Friday - 2.4k swim
    4@ 2.15
    4@ 2.10
    4@ 2.15
    4@ 2.05
    4@ 2.30
    Last one flat out, coming in at 1.51-1.53 for the 20, 1.47 for the last

    Stength and conditioning with andy kenny for an hour in the evening

    Saturday - Decided to jog the 7k over to Marlay Park and do the 5k Parkrun, another windy morning and I felt terrible but came in in another PB of 18.49, delighted. The consistency of my training is paying off and I feel like theres another 30 secs to come off that on a good day

    The went to Sundrive velodrome for my accreditation for track cycling, it is literally 2 minutes from the house. I loved it, cannot wait to go back, its awesome.

    Then off to watch the Ireland match, great nite but over did it on the pints :(

    Sunday - Rest day, lazy morning and afternoon. Had three of the siblings and their partners over dinner that nite, some tasty paella and some nice red wine

    Totals for the week (including commute)
    Swim - 10k :D
    Cycle - 102.2k
    Run - 56.52k
    Time (excl commute)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Congrats on the PB green and red,

    Only 1 second between our 5km P.B's, but from what I've heard St Anne's is the faster course.

    What's your PB for the 5km in a sprint tri? Asking because last season with a PB of 19.12 I could only go 20.15 in a sprint, hoping with the improvements this year I might finally see under the 20 min mark.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    20.20 off a 19.21 5k time last year, so ya I'd be hoping to break the 20 as well

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    Week 22 - 17th March

    Poor week that for a couple of reasons turned into a rest week

    Croke park for the club finals, disappointing for Castlebar.
    Ended off a three day binge

    Tuesday - Was not in the form for any training after the weekend but either way had a funeral in Duleek


    Turbo session with the club
    3.5k run at lunch, home to get the car
    (5mins @ 90RPM upper Z4 + 5 mins recovery) x5
    4k run after

    Thursday - Babysitting my twin neices in the morning

    Track in the evening 17k
    10 x 200m - 33/34 secs

    Friday - 2.2k swim
    12x50m - every third hard

    5x100m (single arm, single arm, head high, swim) @ 2.30
    4x50m hard @ 70


    Saturday - Decided to do the tri club TT, 18k on the N11
    The less said the better, not knowing the route coupled with marshalls being put in idiotic positions and downright wrong description of the route resulted in me going wrong. Strava says I was going well on some of the segments but no good when you go two minutes out of your way.
    Raging :mad::mad::mad:

    Sunday - Des Hanlon race in Carlow/Laois
    Tough, tough race and really showed me how far off I am at the minute. I havent put in enough high speed, on the limit riding this year, which I would have with Galway last year.
    Five big hills for the day, got dropped on the first but the race was held up so got back on, dropped again on the second but managed to catch a group of four ahead of me and we seemed to be the second group behind the main bunch, stuck with them until the end of the last climb when after getting over the hill I cramped badly and had to get off the bike, no salt.
    Happy enough with the day, I dug deep for parts and went into the red for long periods to catch the group of four, was happy I could go hard and not just let them go and wait for the next one.
    Lots of work to be done, the sooner the club league starts the better.

    Also a good work out for Trilaois, getting used to the prep for a race again. Will be interesting to see where I am for that

    Totals for the week (including commute)
    Swim - 2.2k
    Cycle - 132.44k
    Run - 24.73k
    Time (excl commute)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Green&Red wrote: »

    Sunday - Des Hanlon race in Carlow/Laois
    Tough, tough race and really showed me how far off I am at the minute. I havent put in enough high speed, on the limit riding this year, which I would have with Galway last year.
    Five big hills for the day, got dropped on the first but the race was held up so got back on, dropped again on the second but managed to catch a group of four ahead of me and we seemed to be the second group behind the main bunch, stuck with them until the end of the last climb when after getting over the hill I cramped badly and had to get off the bike, no salt.
    Happy enough with the day, I dug deep for parts and went into the red for long periods to catch the group of four, was happy I could go hard and not just let them go and wait for the next one.
    Lots of work to be done, the sooner the club league starts the better.

    Also a good work out for Trilaois, getting used to the prep for a race again. Will be interesting to see where I am for that

    which race did you ride, Im from Carlow and so p1ssed I missed this race again, love the circuit Its a true hard race
    next year I will be back;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    Hard isnt the word!
    I did the A4, by the sounds of it only about 30 finished the A3 race, a lot dropped out for the second lap

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Very impressive win for BMC down there. That lad can suffer by the sounds of it

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Savage win, 3 laps of the cct is hard, and with some of the big names in the break is a great sign.
    He must have a savage engine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    Ya to drop Paddy Clarke on those hills is some going

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    Week 23 - 24th March

    Decent week, started off with me very tired after the race on Sunday, realised this too late

    8.6k recovery at lunch
    30 mins on the rollers easy in the evening

    2.5k swim
    8x50m @ 65 easy/hard
    3x200m@ 4.15
    4x150m @3.15
    5x100m @ 2.10
    2x50m @ 65

    2.5k swim
    4x100m @ 2.15 - 25m of pausing during stroke
    6x50m @ 65 - bilateral (3,5,7,3,5,7)
    12x100m @ 2.05

    16k run - UCD session
    3k @ 12.04, 400m jog recovery
    1k @ 4.02, 400m jog recovery
    Was meant to do 3k again but did the first 1.5k in 6.32 and decided I was f**ked, nothing in the legs


    Turbo session with the club

    On is max RPM
    30 secs on - 30 off-45 on-45 off-60 on-60 off- 45 on- 45 off - 30 on - 30 off
    1k run
    5 min recovery
    Repeat x3

    4k run after

    Good session

    I had been talking to the swim coach about there being no real difference between when I swim hard and easy, that I have no sprint gear, even one that leaves me completely [EMAIL="sh@gged"]sh@gged[/EMAIL] but faster at least. He told me to kick faster, a lot faster. This worked a treat, while I was gasping at least I was 5-10 secs faster on 50s. Hopefully this can translate to longer distances over time.

    Morning: 1.4k swim - had to leave early for work

    12x50 - 25 b-stroke, 25 swim @ 1.10

    1x150 @ 3.15
    3x50 @ 60 (hard)

    Date nite :D

    Friday - 2.2k swim

    12x50 - 25 b-stroke, 25 swim @ 1.10

    1x150 @ 3.15
    3x50 @ 60 (hard)
    Repeat x4

    4x50m @ 70 bilateral

    Saturday: Club TT - 14k - 20.59
    Reasonably happy, sets a good bench mark for me and there was two lads there this week that I would have a reasonable idea of how good they are and was happy with my time relative to theirs

    Swim 1.6k - just to get me to 10k for the week

    Sunday - Ben McKenna Memorial in Balbriggan - 60k
    Again another long day in the saddle.

    Good race, 20k loop with a 2.5k drag at the end of the loop.
    Coming out of the neutralised zone at the start we had a sharp turn left and the race started at 60kph for the first 2/3k, manic but settled down, was comfortable for the first lap and was just off the back after the drag, got in with a group of about 8 and we got back on. End of second lap and the gap was wider and this time 10 of us couldnt get back on. I was really in the red and was one of the first of the 10 out the back when we got to the drag again.
    Happy enough with the cycle, I need a lot of work on the hills but these races are really forcing me to work hard, HR is sky rocketing but I think I can hold it in the 160s and higher for a long time. These along with the club races which start this week should bring me along nicely.

    All gearing up to Trilaois this week, am really looking forward to racing tri again and hopeful of a decent time and finish.

    Totals for the week (including commute)
    Swim - 10.2k
    Cycle - 213.18k
    Run - 30.95k
    Time (excl commute)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Green&Red wrote: »

    Sunday - Ben McKenna Memorial in Balbriggan - 60k
    Again another long day in the saddle.

    Good race, 20k loop with a 2.5k drag at the end of the loop.
    Coming out of the neutralised zone at the start we had a sharp turn left and the race started at 60kph for the first 2/3k, manic but settled down, was comfortable for the first lap and was just off the back after the drag, got in with a group of about 8 and we got back on. End of second lap and the gap was wider and this time 10 of us couldnt get back on. I was really in the red and was one of the first of the 10 out the back when we got to the drag again.
    Happy enough with the cycle, I need a lot of work on the hills but these races are really forcing me to work hard, HR is sky rocketing but I think I can hold it in the 160s and higher for a long time. These along with the club races which start this week should bring me along nicely.

    Are these A4 or A3 races you are doing the last couple of weeks - I shudder to think what would happen to me if you are getting dropped at A4 level

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    A4, I don't think I'm a million miles away but need a bit of lead in the legs and I'll stick with them. I find the change of pace at times can put me under undue pressure. We'd be flaoting along and I'd feel mighty and then for maybe 2 minutes the pace would just pick up and I'd be going backwards.
    All down to experience I suppose

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    Week 24 - 31st March

    It might be safer in here than the draftfest thread :eek:
    Poor weak disrupted by work but a chance to test out the racing legs
    After the previous week I gave the lunchtime run a miss
    28k cycle in the evening, first of the summer evening and hill repeats are going to be a Monday night thing given recent races. So off to the Ballyboden road and a repeat from the roundabout past the Merry ploughboy and up to the graveyard, high gear, low cadence

    2.2k swim
    10x50m @ 70 2 bilateral, 4 catch-up, 4 fist
    4x100m@ 2.00
    4x100m @1.50
    4x100m @2.30 last one TT
    6x50m @ 70 bilateral 3/5 and 3/7

    2.6k swim
    4x100m fist
    200m recovery
    13x100m @ 2.00 (coming in at 1.50)
    2x50m head high

    24.1k run - UCD session
    3k @ 12.20, 3 mins recovery
    6x400m 1 min recovery (1.25-1.28)
    3k - 13.03
    Again tired legs after the racing at the weekend

    Cork with work

    Cork again

    First round of the Orwell club league, a 5k TT, slightly uphill. Finished in 9.08 versus 8.09 for the winner, 17th out of 50ish, happy enough, its good to see where you come against proper cyclists

    Friday - Rest, travelled to portlaoise

    Saturday: Trilaois race report

    I'm not a huge fan of pool swims, the heat and the waiting added to the fact that a wetsuit hides my dropping legs. However the OH is just coming back from 18 months injury so we went together. Deciding to go down the night before was a great idea, cut out a lot of waiting and meant extra zzzz once we had our bikes in transition.
    In with a group of 6 for the swim, one guy for 12 mins and the rest of us at 13 or 13m 30 secs. Started at the back and was comfortable for the lot of it, did no work. Feel I could have gone faster and would have been happy to work harder to hold faster feet but the five of us were all the same. Finished in 13.42, I had been hoping for somewhere closer to 13 but down from 14.45 last year.
    Goal had been for the fastest bike split, I know its a hard thing to aim for when you dont know the field. Started like a train and had 10-12 passed in the first 2k. We had driven the route the nite before so I knew there were good spots for sighting people and chasing them down. I won't go into the drafting anymore, in my mind it was blatant and I commented on it as I passed those riders. I think I made it up to 4th and had 3rd in my sights, and then I lost him, I'm not sure if I lost concentration or was annoyed or just blew up but I slowed and didnt see him again. And then I was passed, on a hill, the one spot I'd back myself in a triathlon. I kept that guy in sight, 30-50m ahead of me for the rest of the cycle (I know I wasnt closer because the marshall passed me in his car and asked me to turn around my number without mentioning the lad in front of me :pac:). Second fastest bike split.
    Slowish transition and then out onto a nice hilly run. Aim here was sub 20 and came home in 20.16. Passed by two lads, one of whom I saw on the bike :rolleyes:

    Home in 6th. Not too sad, not too happy. Didnt meet any of my goals but learned plenty. I need more race pace runs off the bike, it was the first 1-2k that cost me. And I need more high intensity on the bike, I think the bike racing will help there.

    It looks like my A race (I hate that term) will be the sprint in Lough Cultra, its an 800m swim, 40k cycle and 8k run.

    Sunday - Hungover and babysitting two 2 year olds

    Totals for the week (including commute)
    Swim - 5.55k
    Cycle - 121.74k
    Run - 29.1k
    Time (excl commute)
    9 hours (ish)

    Another busy week ahead with work, farming taking over for a few days but what I lose there I'll be making up with a week in Monto Gorde starting on Saturday, can't wait!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Nice outing at the weekend. Good first race back for your OH too. Great to see her back racing! :cool:

    I'd be expecting you to podium at that distance in Lough Cutra. With the OLY being NS I'd say that will get all the big hitters.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Nice outing at the weekend. Good first race back for your OH too. Great to see her back racing! :cool:

    I'd be expecting you to podium at that distance in Lough Cutra. With the OLY being NS I'd say that will get all the big hitters.

    Ya she was delighted to get back, when u spend that long out it can't be easy

    Lough cultra looks like an ideal distance for me and ya the big hitters will be otherwise occupied
