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Standard Deviation



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory you're backyard aquatic playground is up and running then??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Dory Dory wrote: » you're backyard aquatic playground is up and running then??

    Yes indeed, it is up and operational, and bloody freezing. Had to get it ready for Little Miss's birthday pool party yesterday- full of kids splashing for over an hour. They just don't feel the cold!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Mon 2,850m swim

    1,000m @ 1:50pace
    35 sec rest
    800m @ 1:44 pace
    34 sec rest
    600m @ 1:48 pace
    42 sec rest
    400m @ 1:42 pace
    50m EZ

    The pace for the 800's were too fast, and the 600's too slow, otherwise this session hit the spot.

    Followed by watching the two tiddlers go through their paces... Junior is really coming on, his technique is great to watch. He sprints while pushing the most steady bow wave in front: 4*25m sprint in 19,20,20,20. I give it another year and he can beat the old man at 25m.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Tue 70 min easy turbo; 9k easy run

    The sort of training that feels useless, but the alternative is a day off, so its a plus.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Wed 60min easy turbo; 3,000m swim

    400m warm up
    2*(200m PB, 200m Paddles, 200m PB, 200m Antipaddles)
    1,000m PB

    Swim tonight was all about catch, and it felt very useful.

    I forgot the missus was off to see Dolly Parton, so I had to take the kids swimming, and so missed the Aquathon. Looked like a nice evening for it too. To make amends, I signed up for Blessington Sprint next Sunday.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    I was wondering where you were tonight. Tinahealy Tri Club had a good presence.

    Ps I've been made go see Dolly twice by the missus, you're not missing much :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    griffin100 wrote: »
    Ps I've been made go see Dolly twice by the missus, you're not missing much :)
    Apparently the consensus is she is an alien, as she did so much dancing and jiving and singing that she can't be a human woman in her late sixties. Anyway, wifey and MIL came back all smiles from an enjoyable concert, and if they are happy, I am happy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Thurs Masters swim 2,600m

    200 warmup

    10*50 (25kick, 25 catch-up, 10 sec rest)

    2*100 off 1:35 (in 1:25)
    2*50 off 50
    200 off 3:00
    100 easy
    2 min rest
    2*100 off 1:30 (in 1:20)
    2*50 off 45
    200 off 3:00
    100 easy
    2 min rest
    2*100 off 1:25 (in 1:15)
    2*50 off 40
    200 off 3:00
    100 easy

    200 warm down

    I LOVE these Thursday night sessions. If you want to get faster, swim with faster swimmers- fullstop, end of debate, sans doute. I led off for the first iteration of the main set, tough, but within my range. The tough part are those two fast 100's, and by iteration number two they were really tough, but I hit 'em both, 1:20. The third iteration was a venture into the unknown, but I gave it what I had for the first 100, and nabbed a 1:15, which is a PB. (Getting closer to 1:10, race you there Mike;)). However, I was too fooked to attempt a second, and only managed a fast 50. The two fast 50's were a cinch in comparison.

    We chatted afterwards, and L reckons I have 2 seconds off each turn if I tumble. I'm going to have to do this, as touch-turning (with its kick) is giving me foot cramps, which made their unwelcome appearance again tonight. That was the only negative in a hugely brilliant session- I come out of the pool each Thursday on such a natural high. Love it:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    ^^^ Whoop whoop!!!! :D:D:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Sat 20min tether

    Really busy for the past couple of days, so training took a back seat. C'est la vie. This evening I hopped into the backyard pool, wetsuited, to keep some feel for the water. However, as I can't zip down the ZeroD suit without a helper, I wore my Speedo suit. After 5 mins my arms were sore- I'll have to consign it to the bin. My shoulders have become broader over the past while, and this causes too much tightness in the Speedo suit, no matter how I try and give it room around the shoulders when putting it on. So I ditched it and swam another 15 minutes in the cold water. I've been watching a few Phelps vids to study his entry-glide-catch, and tried that out in the pool. Basically, you try and stretch your shoulder out of its socket to get full extension just before the catch (this gives the impression of gliding, but there is no actual "pause" in the sequence).

    Tomorrow is a small sprint race in Blessington. I'm going to experiment with it, and hammer the swim. Could be a bike/run of attrition to follow!:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    No need for pacing in a sprint - it's eyeballs out for the hour. Good luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Good luck tomorrow. Really looking forward to your report. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Sun Blessington Sprint Tri

    This was a "no pressure" last minute race, done because a lot from the club had entered. Kids and the wifey were away for the night, so I had a very easy prep and drive to the race. Easy register, the whole thing was very organised, especially so for a first-time running of a charity Tri. No results up yet, so splits are off my Garmin (worn for the first and only time in a race, and it didn't even grab the swim map that I wore it for).

    Swim 12:37
    The plan was to go hard on the swim, so I set off at a decent pace. Worked hard to the halfway point, while being passed by a faster swimmer, who I tried to grab on to, but he wasn't having any of it. There's a nagging part of my brain that says it would have been worth it to try harder and stay on his feet. Hit the turnaround bouy with my feet being tapped, no problems there; decided to let the lad past and he could do his share. That's fine, on his feet, all going well, and then wallop! I smashed into a swimmer who was going out to the bouy, and then another. Thats the problem with new Tri's, an out and back to a single bouy needs to be changed to a tringle for next year. Anyway, foottapper was out of reach so I just plugged away on the return. I was breathing hard, because I was swimming hard, and probably exited around 6th or 7th. Happy enough with the swim, thats what I wanted.

    T1 1:43
    Slow. I wouldn't wear the 910 in a goal race, and the reason being is you need to take it off before taking your suit off. Got the suit off in the end, helmet on, grab the bike- the one next door fell to the ground, it had been resting against mine (or else I disturbed it taking my saddle under the bar- always a problem with such a high saddle as mine). Ran to the mount line- feck! realise I left my garmin on the grass, so ran back for it. All in all a slow trans.

    Bike 38:26
    Crashed off the bike on the uphill mount, but no damage done. Put the foot down, breathing hard, and just kept working for the whole bike course. The surface along the N81 was fantastic to ride on, but it got a bit rough and lumpy once we turned off that. I overtook quite a few, but I reckon they were from the (earlier starting) Oly race. More importantly, no-one took me, which meant I won the pyrrhic victory of holding my place from the water. More than I expected.

    T2 0:40
    Nice'n'quick, no hassles

    Run 22:14
    Again, all going to plan, this was my downfall. I found it hard to keep a good pace, and lost about 5 or 6 places over the first couple of km. Trying the push the pace just put me into the red zone, and to be honest my lack of run training was blatently obvious. The last lad who took me opened a quick gap, and I heard footsteps behind, meaning more of the same. Thankfully, a downhill respite allowed me to up the pace, and from here I started to claw back the guy ahead. Too little, too late; he beat me to the finish.

    Overall 1:15:42 11th place (unofficial)
    Without being sure, I'd say the swim and bike were a bit long, not that that matters. I got from the race what I wanted going in, in fact probably did a little better than I expected. The run was disappointing; I lost a load of places. Had I taken a couple of minutes quicker run... well who knows. More run training needed. But overall a pretty satisfactory result, and something to be learned from.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Results up, so if I strip out the relay (which I do), I got 10th place. 5th in the swim, really crap in T1, 14th in the bike, decent T2, 20th in the run. Happy enough with that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Well done on the sprint Kurt. I wear the 910 in races, I just put it under my wetsuit sleeve, no problems taking the wetsuit off and doesn't seem to affect the GPS. We all know where the buttons on it are and I won't be checking it mid swim so no problems having it covered for the swim.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    joey100 wrote: »
    Well done on the sprint Kurt. I wear the 910 in races, I just put it under my wetsuit sleeve, no problems taking the wetsuit off
    Thanks a useful tip Joey, I'll give it a shot.
    griffin100 wrote: »
    No need for pacing in a sprint - it's eyeballs out for the hour.
    Hmm, not so sure I agree with this! The plan was to go eyeballs out for the swim, and see what that resulted on the bike. Now that I can see the results, I have an idea of how I performed, relative to others whose standard I know. I reckon my swim plan saved 60-90 seconds versus swimming more at ease, but I fecked up T1 as I was a bit dazed, and I reckon I left 90-120 seconds on the bike course, from starting with a too-tired body. That fed into the run too, I'd have liked to have been a minute faster here.

    So I reckon I might have gone a minute or two faster if I had swim slower. That doesn't sound like much, but it would have been good for a load of places. Food for thought, if nothing else. We'll see what transpires at Hook or by Crook. Although I'll probably try and blast the swim there too;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Mon 11k run; 2k swim

    The old body doesn't feel too bad today, so I ran a nice easy pace up along the railway walk and forest this morning. It was beautiful up there, warm and fresh like France.
    Swim in the evening, an easy 1km in 18:56, tumbling and stretching from the shoulder each entry. Then some drills, and the easiest 3,2,1,0,0,0,0,1,2,3 hypoxic I've done yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,082 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    Have you tried the 910 strap that allows you to just remove the watch unit?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    BeepBeep67 wrote: »
    Have you tried the 910 strap that allows you to just remove the watch unit?

    To be honest I wouldn't really want to race with the watch (for Sprint/Oly distances anyway). Too much extra time in trans one way or the other, and I race better by feel anyways. Besides, no pockets on a wetsuit Dom, so where would I carry those spanners? Answers on a postcard....;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Tue 60 min turbo; 11k hill run

    SF "Downward Spiral" at lunchtime, which was pretty hard. This evening some of the Tri club were going on a hill run, the new Railway extension and divert upwards to the Wicklow Way/Mangans Loop, and back down to the carpark. A fantastic evening to be in the hills, the best it ever gets in fact. The steep hill was taken at a walking pace, and the downhills were not run fast. I know my knees, and they don't do hills anymore, more's the pity. Still, great to get up there.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    By the way, I've organised pacers for the Dublin Marathon for the past few years. It's usually organised through the Athletics/Running forum, but the response hasn't been as overwhelming as previous years. Nothing wrong with that per se, some great heads have stepped up, but I think Boards might have had its day as regards organising pacers. We are looking for 39 pacers (and 6 subs), we currently have 28 pacers and 3 subs. Before I ask on Facebook (really don't want to open that can of worms!:)) if there are any triathletes interested, please drop me a PM with your details. Pacing goodies and guidelines below:

    €50 expenses, shared hotel room for non-Dubs, a set of pacer gear, and a pacer meal the night before with all the Fluerie you can drink. Mainly looking for people at the 3:30-ish level, but all considered.

    Please fill out and PM me the following:

    Club (if any):
    Recent marathon pb (time and date):
    Pacing history:
    What is the slowest you are willing to pace?:
    Will you attend the pacers meal the night before the race? (Y/N):
    Shared hotel room needed (specify 1 or 2 nights)?:
    Are you available to pace the Half Marathon 20th Sept? (Y/N):
    Singlet/shorts size:

    Guideline criteria below:
    3:00 (Having recently ran sub 2:48)

    3:10 (Having recently ran sub 2:55)

    3:20 (Having recently ran sub 3:00)

    3:30 (Having recently ran sub 3:06)

    3:40 (Having recently ran sub 3:14)

    3:50 (Having recently ran sub 3:22)

    4:00 (Having recently ran sub 3:30)

    4:10 (Having recently ran sub 3:39)

    4:20 (Having recently ran sub 3:48)

    4:30 (Having recently run sub 4:00)

    4:40 (Having recently run sub 4:05)

    4:50 (Having recently run sub 4:10)

    5:00 (Having recently run sub 4:15)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Wed 2.5km swim

    Nothing special, stretched glides; stretched glides breathing on two to test a theory; drills; hypoxic. What did I learn? Tumbles becoming more natural, and I will need to extend the hypoxic beyond 25m.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Thurs 50min easy turbo; 1,900m Masters swim

    Lunchtime turbo was easy, watching the finale of "Fargo" TV series. Really enjoyed the whole show.

    Eveningtide: Masters Swim to cleanse the spirit after a days paperwork.

    200m (breath on 3 for 25, then breath on 5 for 25)
    10*50 (25 IM with 25 swim return; repeat for 500m)
    Main set: 3 iterations of;
    3*100 PB off 1:45 (aim in 1:20-1:25)
    20 sit ups
    25m fly
    20 squats
    25m back
    20 press ups
    25m breast
    1 min plank
    25 swim

    The 3*100's were tough, as PB was mandatory. I hate the PB, it slows me down no end. In on 1:19, 1:20, 1:20 for the first lot, but I was working as hard as I could. I guess its a measure of progress that I'm disappointed at "only" doing 100 in 1:19! The next two sets were slower, tired arms and PB contributed to in on 1:25s then 1:30 for the last set.
    Still, smiling faces all round afterwards, job done, thats what its all about. Tomorrow I take the caravan and kids to Dunmore East; Hook or by Crook on Saturday. Its a NS race so I'll race it more wisely than last weekend, which means not going out so hard on the swim. Although who knows what might happen;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    By the way, I've organised pacers for the Dublin Marathon for the past few years. It's usually organised through the Athletics/Running forum, but the response hasn't been as overwhelming as previous years. Nothing wrong with that per se, some great heads have stepped up, but I think Boards might have had its day as regards organising pacers. We are looking for 39 pacers (and 6 subs), we currently have 28 pacers and 3 subs. Before I ask on Facebook (really don't want to open that can of worms!:)) if there are any triathletes interested, please drop me a PM with your details. Pacing goodies and guidelines below:

    €50 expenses, shared hotel room for non-Dubs, a set of pacer gear, and a pacer meal the night before with all the Fluerie you can drink. Mainly looking for people at the 3:30-ish level, but all considered.

    Please fill out and PM me the following:

    Club (if any):
    Recent marathon pb (time and date):
    Pacing history:
    What is the slowest you are willing to pace?:
    Will you attend the pacers meal the night before the race? (Y/N):
    Shared hotel room needed (specify 1 or 2 nights)?:
    Are you available to pace the Half Marathon 20th Sept? (Y/N):
    Singlet/shorts size:

    Guideline criteria below:
    3:00 (Having recently ran sub 2:48)

    3:10 (Having recently ran sub 2:55)

    3:20 (Having recently ran sub 3:00)

    3:30 (Having recently ran sub 3:06)

    3:40 (Having recently ran sub 3:14)

    3:50 (Having recently ran sub 3:22)

    4:00 (Having recently ran sub 3:30)

    4:10 (Having recently ran sub 3:39)

    4:20 (Having recently ran sub 3:48)

    4:30 (Having recently run sub 4:00)

    4:40 (Having recently run sub 4:05)

    4:50 (Having recently run sub 4:10)

    5:00 (Having recently run sub 4:15)

    If you promise not to upgrade me by 3 pace bands like last year :). Not going to be doing much running but should be ok to pace 3:30 if you are stuck. Have enjoyed the 3 previous pace gigs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Two things...

    1) Good luck at the weekend with the Hooky Crooky thingy, and HAVE FUN!!! :D

    2) Jackyback was the awesome-est, best-est, fantabulous-est cheerleading den mother of a pacer I've ever had the pleasure of running with. Snatch him up!!! ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Sat Hook or by Crook Sprint

    Brilliant day, the sun shone, the water was warm, the town was buzzing. I really enjoyed this race last year, and this years was even better organised.

    Swim 13:43
    I was in the chicks and old fellas second wave, so we got to watch the first wave set off. No real knowledge to be gained- there wasn't much of a current, the sea was flat, sighting was easy from the three large yellow bouys. The start of these races is a mass of anxiety- a couple of hundred red caps eager to get going. Once we were off, the battle for the front began. It seems to be a truism in Tri that, no matter what your swim ability is, you HAVE TO SET OFF AS THOUGH ITS A 100M SWIM AGAINST PHELPS. I'm used to it by now, so know to battle the line I want, don't take a kick in the face as personal, and give as good as you get. After 150m or so the field starts thinning as people blow up, out of breath. I was feeling good, the plan was to swim within myself and conserve more energy for bike/run than I had at Blessington last week. Sighting was easy, Hook head in the distance, and I pushed on to get on the back of a group that had made 10m or so. Once there I hit feet, but they seemed to be tiring, so I jumped ahead. Its a new thing in my swims now that I can observe whats happening ahead much easier, thats from experience. Turn at the first bouy with my toes being tapped, and the next straight section to Bouy no 2 was a battle between a group of us who all seemed similar ability. No-one was giving any ground, this was a good solid ding-dong of a swim. Really enjoying it; working hard but in control of my actions. I decided to up the pace, and swam wider of the group and passed them. This spilt them somewhat (from what I could gather), and I hit the final bouy first (of this group), and pushed for home. Bit of a current perhaps here? My line wasn't as straight as it might have been, so I aimed wide to compensate. Came out of the water exhilerated- this was one of my best controlled swims yet. There didn't seem to be a huge amount of red caps running up the hill as I exited- I only glanced at 2 or 3. A couple of folk passed me on the run up, so by my guesstimate on the results I might have exited the water top 5 in my wave, which I'm happy about.

    Slow enough, must get faster.

    Bike 38:02
    I wasted a lot of effort sitting up while being passed by drafters from my wave. So many of them, so blatant, its just not sporting. I doubt any of them pull on their club jersey and think of what they are doing to their clubs image. Whatever.

    T2 1:28
    Again, must do better.

    Run 32:03
    A tough steep short uphill, a nice fast long downhill (to catch the eager beavers who took me out of trans ;)), and then a really long steep couple of km. I started into this steep section with the intention of starting slow, but was quickly passed by a Wicklow Tri guy who I've had a few ding-dongs with over the past couple of years, so he forced me to up my game. Did ok going up (although still passed by a few from my wave), but I stretched the legs a little across the top flat (and hot!) backroad section. The brilliant Marie Sudway caught me here- (we had a sprint finish in Lanesboro last year, we turned a corner, and an old guy crossing the tape took me out!)- and I tried to hang on to her. The last 3km really hurt, but having a target probably helped my run a faster race. She kicked off over the last km, I tried to catch her, but couldn't close the gap. I crossed the line spent, I think I paced the whole race pretty well.

    Good to meet up with so many afterwards. I'm still amazed that RQ managed to race and survive without being run over or had an exploding bike or whatever. Good to see you back at the coalface RQ, long may it continue!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Tue 11.6k run in 59:56, with 10*100m strides in between

    I'm going to have to up my game when it comes to running, that much is evident from recent Tri's. I'm exiting quite high from the swim, holding my own in the bike, but just get passed by too many on the run. This route was along the Railway walk, Tomnafinnogue woods, up to the green gate, and back. It used to be a "staple" lunchtime run a few years back when I used train for running. 60 minutes for the route was "base" fitness, 56 and under meant I was ready to race. So in that respect I'm happy enough with where I stand. There's a fair bit of work to go yet, but hopefully this will stand as a test standard of sorts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Why are you not updating your SBR numbers? :confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Why are you not updating your SBR numbers? :confused:


    Volume has been low and I was too busy to keep on top of the table. But it'd be a shame to drop off at this stage...

    Currently S 268.68 B 2352 R 439.78

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Wed 60 min turbo

    SF The Hunted, pretty tough. Humid day so the sweatometer was off the charts.
    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Volume has been low and I was too busy to keep on top of the table.

    What I meant to say was "too busy to keep on top of updating the table". Apologies to those actually putting in the work;)

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