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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Sat 1 hour easy run; 10.4km

    Just before Christmas, the Tri club organised a dietitan to talk about sport-related-foodstuffs. He also talked about motivation at length. One of his motivation tools was to get us to write down 8 or 9 goals we had for the coming year, across all aspects of life. Then start crossing them off in decreasing order of importance, so that you'd be left with a top 3, and you'd be able to rank how important your IM or NS or new Tri bike really was.

    None of my top 5 had anything to do with Tri, and the only sporting goal in the top 5 was "take the kids for a McDonalds treat once they swim 4 hard hours each week". One of my top goals was to complete a set of exams for work, so that I can take over the family business with full qualifications. Today's exams were the culmination of that, in a busy year of exams. I've been swotting really hard the past year, up early with the books, full days work, fit in training, burn the midnight oil with the books, bed; repeat. It was worth it; things went well in the exams today, I will pass and get my qualification. Thats 1 out of 8 down for the year...

    Today I was up at 3:30am practicing exams , drove to Dublin at 6am, exams all day, drove back in a daze. The hour run was an easy one in an easy week, but even so my heart rate was about 170 for the first five minutes, and that was at 5:30/km pace. Exhausted. Slowed down even more, and kept the HR under 150, met a mate on the run and chatted with her which made it all the more enjoyable, left her and exited for home up and over the hill. Feel much better now, and I will have a lot more time to target goal 7 of 8 over the next few months, which will be the ETU AG race.

    There's no talent or luck in this world, its all about hard work being rewarded. Everyone gets what they deserve.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Sun 1:31 easy turbo

    The mind and body are very connected- I knew I was staving off fatigue by working through crazy stress the last few months. Now the exams are done, the body is rebelling. My easy pace zone on the turbo is between 150-200W- this easy pace was a 117W average, falling all the time. The thing is though, it felt a lot harder than it should. Hopefully this fatigue won't last too long, I'll keep an eye on it over the next few days.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Week 17 Summary|Session|Comment

    Monday| 6km easy run @ 5:10/km av; 2,400m swim|Swim form coming back
    Wednesday|1 hr easy turbo|
    Thursday|2,100m Masters swim|Main 10*100 hold 1:30
    Friday|45mins turbo; 2,200m swim|Easy swim
    Saturday|1 hour easy run; 10.4km|Felt harder than it should
    Sunday|1:31 easy turbo, 117W average|Felt harder than it should
    Week 17 km totals|Swim 6.7k Bike 95k Run 16.4k Time 7:17|Easy week
    This block|Swim 123.98k Bike 1676.29k Run 528.76k

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Mon 10k easy run; 2,100m swim and strength

    Felt much better today. 4:55/km pace, HR av 164, probably a little harder than required but effort felt very comfortable.

    Masters swim:
    400m warm up
    10*50 (25k, 25sw, 15sec)
    Main set five times:
    {4*(25 kick&scull, 25max dive start, 15sec)
    20 push-up
    20 sit-ups
    20 squats
    90sec plank}
    200m warm down

    Return of the strength work, and my flabby core found this tough going. The planks in particular; knee went down for 5 secs after 60sec of each.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Is this core work done on the cold hard deck or mats?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Is this core work done on the cold hard deck or mats?

    A kick board is used for the sit-ups and elbows for planks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Tue 2,000m swim

    300sw, 200p, 100k
    4x50 fist
    10x100sw best even effort on 1:50
    (In 1:xx : xxE{30,31,32,36,37,38,40,40,38,36})
    4x50 choice easy

    I just couldn't feel the water today. There was an old guy floating backstroke in the lane, which didn't help, but I think the arms were tired from last night. Pretty poor times off 1:50. Interesting though, the fastest had 43 strokes, the slowest had 50. Food for thought.

    PM 50 min turbo

    10 easy
    5x(30sec build, 30sec easy)
    5x(4 110%, 2 easy)
    5 easy

    110% is circa 292W, so I made sure to stay over this during each of the 4 min intervals. Very hard effort. A good thing about having a coach is you have a second person not to let down when the going gets tough.

    Tue Pm Recovery run 5.78k @ 6:18min/km

    Kids were at the pool for two hours, I usually use this time to study... can't get used to having so much time on my hands. I went for a very slow recovery jog instead, keeping the HR at 145 av. The body was tense after the turbo session. I don't usually run recovery runs, but this slow easy jog was just the ticket.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Wed Easy run 6.2k at 4:56 min/km

    Legs (hamstring) tight starting off, felt better after. My chest is still sore from Monday's core work, really need to get back in shape.

    PM Easy 45min turbo

    Legs felt a bit tight, so I sat on the turbo for an easy stretch 176W av

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,642 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    Re: the Tuesday swim, if you had your turnover/SPM measured you'd have some food for thought. Did you consciously shorten your stroke or do you put it down to tiredness chopping the water? I know I pull my stroke when I get tired, even as it's happening I fight to lengthen the stroke and just plain can't.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    MojoMaker wrote: »
    Re: the Tuesday swim, if you had your turnover/SPM measured you'd have some food for thought. Did you consciously shorten your stroke or do you put it down to tiredness chopping the water? I know I pull my stroke when I get tired, even as it's happening I fight to lengthen the stroke and just plain can't.

    It's a conscious thing- I tried working with a shorter stroke, faster turnover, and the result was a noticeably slower swim (for the same perceived effort). I've a good understanding of what works well for me now- a long stroke with reach and glide, is better than short and choppy.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Thurs 1,000m swim with 400mTT 5:49

    10 mins warm-up, followed by a 400mTT. There were loads in the two lanes tonight, so I went 3rd of 4, everyone taking 5 second gaps. I felt good, in control throughout, used a long reach. The draft totally skews the time; this hardly felt like much effort. Lots in reserve at the end. What I take from this swim is two things:
    1. Relax and swim at steady pace, rather than going out like Speedy McPunch and going into oxygen debt early.
    2. Point the toes, reach and glide, and the rest takes care of itself. "Streamline" and "fast" feed into each other.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    5:49 with lots In reserve at the end, nice work. Decent draft in a 750 and you'll go sub 11 and should have plenty still In the tank.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Props, aqua-boy. ;):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,642 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    5:49 - pressure's on :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Fri 8k run; 3,000m pool

    10 easy
    5x(3 faster than 5km pace, 2 easy)
    5 easy

    I figured 5k pace is 4min/km, so aimed for 800m under 3:12, off 5mins. Did these on the cinder track in Arklow, came in 3:06/3:07/3:11/3:10/3:12. They were tough, so I figured they were paced correctly. The pool is having problems with their extractor fan (its not working), so I found trouble catching breath, having sat/swam at the pool last night for 3 hours.

    400m warm up
    4*50 as 25kick, 25 drill, 15sec
    200sw,300sw,400sw all + 20sec
    400p,300p,200p all + 20sec
    (all around 1:40 pace)
    4x50 fast on 60 (all in 39)
    300 easy

    Tired after the run, but this went ok. Focused on forgetting about any focus and JKS'ing instead.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Sat 19k in 1:32

    Can't find my Garmin, so no data, just a stopwatch. Ran with a group along the Railway Walk and Tomnafionnogue woods, about 5min/km for the first 1:10, picked it up a bit after. Left achilles was sore throughout.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Week 18 Summary|Session|Comment

    Monday| 10k easy run; 2,100m|Lots of strength deck-work
    Tuesday|2,000m swim;50 min turbo;5.78k recovery run|5x(4 110%, 2 easy), 110% av about 300W
    Wednesday|Easy run 6.2k at 4:56 min/km; 45 easy turbo 178W|
    Thursday|1,000m swim with 400mTT 5:49|Probably the most controlled and relaxed swim I've ever done
    Friday|8k run; 3,000m pool|Run-5*800m off 5 mins, in 3:06/3:07/3:11/3:10/3:12
    Saturday|1:32 easy run; 19km|Achilles seemed tight from awakening, felt sore by run end
    Sunday|Nothing|Limping with the achilles, no training
    Week 18 km totals|Swim 8.1k Bike 45k Run 48.98k Time 9:13|Good week
    This block|Swim 132.08k Bike 1721.29k Run 577.74k

    This was shaping up to be a very good week- hitting all the hard targets. The 800's on the track were a decent pace, the 5*4mins at 110% turbo was really hard but it got done, and the 400mTT was a pb, and more to the point was justification of the recent kick and reach changes. However, this morning I woke up with a very sore achilles, I limped out of bed, the ankle is red and swollen. No more running until its 100%, so swimming and s&c will be the focus next week. It's a pity, as training had been going well, and I've had a very good injury-free streak the past few months. Fingers crossed it'll not last too long; I must have aggravated something while on the cinder track.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,642 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    Did you change footwear for the track by any chance?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    MojoMaker wrote: »
    Did you change footwear for the track by any chance?

    No change MojoMaker, I've been running in the same pair of NB Minimus 10 for the past year, as my only shoe. I'd say running (relatively) hard on the bends stressed the tendon, and a 19k trail run the next day added insult to injury. The swelling has gone down now, and the tendon feels much better after tonights swim- I can almost walk without a limp!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Mon 2,750 Masters swim

    400m warm up
    14*50 as (25 k, 25dr, 10s rest)
    10*25 as (BE3 odds, BE7 evens)
    5*200 off 3:40 hold 3:00 pace (in <2:55 for them all)
    400m choice easy

    No problem with the achilles in the water (not that I expected any). For some reason my kick felt a lot stronger than usual. The BE7 were fine. I didn't lead out any of the 200's, so they were a doddle. Swimming form has really taken a leap lately.

    And to cap it all, I can walk a lot better after tonights session :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Hi Kurt

    I thought you might be interested in reading this article:

    It's doing the rounds on the AR forum ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Tue 60min easy turbo

    Wed 3,400m swim

    90 min swim and drills up at the NAC. Got there at 19:30 as they changed to a 25m and did some lengths. My achilles is still sore, and this is transferring into calf cramp which affected me all evening (a long work day and no food today didn't help). Met Tunney there after and played with some of his toys, and he had a look at my swim. Some very useful opinions to mull over.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Hi Kurt

    I thought you might be interested in reading this article:

    It's doing the rounds on the AR forum ;)

    Cheers for that career move. I used to get achilles problems when I was a jogger, and "treated" it with heel inserts. Useless, you just end up disguising the problem. Thankfully I can now splash and do wheelies without issue, and I'll just wait until it heals before resuming running. Those exercises to strengthen the achilles look painful right now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Mon 2,750 Masters swim

    400m warm up
    14*50 as (25 k, 25dr, 10s rest)
    10*25 as (BE3 odds, BE7 evens)
    5*200 off 3:40 hold 3:00 pace (in <2:55 for them all)
    400m choice easy

    What sort of an effort is it for you to swim 200m in <2.55? Would you be able to do it with less rest?

    I know it was a group session, so you are constrained by that, but in most scenarios I imagine >45 seconds rest is too much. Just curious, where do you think the line lies between sufficient rest and too much?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    zico10 wrote: »
    What sort of an effort is it for you to swim 200m in <2.55? Would you be able to do it with less rest?

    I know it was a group session, so you are constrained by that, but in most scenarios I imagine >45 seconds rest is too much. Just curious, where do you think the line lies between sufficient rest and too much?

    Good question. I'd imagine a Tri swimmer, versus a pool swimmer, would give a different answer, in that coming in slightly slower pace, with shorter recovery, would be more beneficial for Tri swimming.

    Personally I'd prefer if there was less recovery, but then I don't know if I'd make all in 2:55. As you point out, I do what the group does, and swimming with this group is the best benefit of all. You need to swim fast- as fast as you can swim- to understand what is needed to swim faster, and that's what the Masters sessions give me. So if it takes full recovery to maintain that sort of pace over a few reps, I'll take it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Thurs 60 min easy turbo (174W); 80 min Masters swim/deck

    Warm up
    200 free
    8x50 choice 25k/25d 10s
    200 breast easy
    Main set:
    90sec plank
    4x25 (Odds: fly; Evens: free dive)
    20 press ups
    20 sit ups
    20 jump squats
    100 free B.E.5
    1min rest
    Repeat 5 times
    400 choice swim down

    Fookin wrecked right now. This was hard, very hard, the main set was like a dream in pain. I finished the first rep and thought no way I could do 5, maybe 2 at a push. Doing fly after 90s plank is tough, as is clambering out of the pool to dive back in. BE5 (meant to be BE7 but I couldn't do more than 25 as that) is really hard when you're still panting from jump squats.

    There's no way I could have done rep 3,4,5 without others being there and just getting on with it. Felt like a daze moving from pool to deck to pool pushing your body through a short but sharp pain barrier each time.

    Great to have it in the bag though!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Fri 3,150m swim

    4x50 des 1-4 on 60
    400sw, 4x100B+B + 15s
    300sw, 3x100B+B +15s
    200sw, 2x100B+B +15s
    100sw, 100B+B +15s
    100pb easy
    250 Hypoxic as 25 BE (3,2,1,0,0,0,0,1,2,3)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Sat 30 mins easy running

    I decided to test the heel, I was up by Clontarf and had half an hour to kill. Lovely spot to run, along the grassy seafront and then out by the bull wall. The water was calling to me, I would have loved to go in for a dip. Roll on next Summer... The heel was a little sore during, but feels fine now. The real test will be how it feels tomorrow morning.

    I bought a new TT bike, a Fuji D-6 1.5 2013. My previous PlanetX was just too small for me, I always felt crunched up with its reach. I've yet to take the Fuji for a proper long spin, but from what I did on it, I have to say I loved it, it felt so comfortable even before a fit (previous owner is same height), can't wait to take it out tomorrow. A previous life had it doing TT's in the States, and showcasing Osymetric Rings, which are still on it. I have to say they felt a lot better than I expected them to do; obviously a proper spin will be a better test, but I'm not quite as willing to poo-poo the science after having tried them this one time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Sun 2:15 turbo 153W av

    I was itching to take the new bike out today, but an early text came in that the club spin was cancelled- icy roads and thick fog. Three episodes of BSG on the turbo instead- not even on the new bike, as I'd just be fiddling with the fit of it and needed to get a long spin instead. 3 hours scheduled but my patience ran out- might see if I can get out on the Fuji later to make it up.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Sun PM 45min @ 30kph

    I had to take the new bike out for a spin this afternoon. The roads are in rag order, very bumpy and greasy, but the bike felt brilliant. It's got Osymetric chainrings which are very strange at first, but I really liked them, they seemed especially good going up hills. There's one downhill section that I always go out of control with wobbles on my last bike; still got a small wobble (stop laughing Tunney!) but it was controlled a lot easier. Loved the speed on the flat, loved the handling, loved the greater reach. I still need to get a proper fit, but this seems like a much better bike all round.

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