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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Mon 10.07k run

    5k fartlek
    1 min rest
    3k fartlek
    2k warm down

    Up in the forest, the achilles seems better, so let's try a bit of fartlek for the first time in ages. I've always got the most benefit out of fartlek training than anything else. No structure, no hiding, its holistic; more than the sum of its parts. As I threw in the first few strides I focused on what my form was doing. Without any concentration I was dropping the shoulders and tensing. So the rest of the session was spent holding good form, lifting knees well, driving from the arms, and (surprizingly) using my stable core. There was all sorts, 20sec strides, 2 min steady, 60 sec tempo. I took a minute after 5k and started back for 3k of the same. Fairly wrecked afterwards (easy 2k warm down). If anyone can show me a more useful way to train for an hour than fartlek, I'm all ears:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I'm so desperate to swim at the moment that I was googling some crazy ideas yesterday and up popped an above ground pool with what looked like tethering goods....and naturally I thought of you. Will you be into the tethering again this summer? Or have you moved onto bigger and better things? ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    How did the young lad find the watchman, I enjoyed the graphic novel when I was a young lad but I found the film tough going - perhaps the intellect is decreasing as the age is increasing :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I'm so desperate to swim at the moment that I was googling some crazy ideas yesterday and up popped an above ground pool with what looked like tethering goods....and naturally I thought of you. Will you be into the tethering again this summer? Or have you moved onto bigger and better things? ;)

    I made the mistake last year of assuming my swim skills were sufficiently fast in May, that I could neglect the pool, and concentrate on OW and tether. Bad choice- I'll certainly complement my swimming with the tether this summer, but won't neglect the pool either.

    I'd recommend the pool and tether to anyone, but putting one right next to a fully functioning pool??? Or are you considering diverting your pool heater and chlorinator, in which case I'd say its a great idea!
    catweazle wrote: »
    How did the young lad find the watchman, I enjoyed the graphic novel when I was a young lad but I found the film tough going - perhaps the intellect is decreasing as the age is increasing :(

    He's almost 12 (and its an 18's movie), so this was his first "grown ups" movie, but he's pretty sophisticated for his age (he's read V for Vendetta, DR & Quinch, Strontium Dog, etc and enjoyed them). He loved the movie (has started on the graphic novel right now). I considered fast-forwarding past the cheesy sex scene, but figured I'd be a hypocrite to allow all that violence, only to get 1980's catholic at the sight of a boob. FWIW I like the movie, I think it was pretty faithful to the book and could have been a lot worse (have you seen "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen"?!?)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Good work - a fumble in the space ship, a quickie with a blue man and a nuanced rape scene. My old man got off lightly with the Name of the Rose!

    Yes.......yes I have seen the league of extraodinary gentleman :(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    I'd recommend the pool and tether to anyone, but putting one right next to a fully functioning pool??? Or are you considering diverting your pool heater and chlorinator, in which case I'd say its a great idea!

    Oh, not going to do anything. I'm just kicking myself, however, as ever since Key West I've been longing to start swimming again and it didn't even occur to me until this weekend that there is a fitness/rehab center in our little town that has an endless endless pool that I could have been using these months since my pool closed for the endless pool that when I called yesterday to inquire about was told it had just very recently been shut down due to lack of interest. :eek: :( Too late. So I was trying to think of options...and came upon your tether idea...then thought of you. But none of the options are very realistic for me. So I'll wait for my pool to open for the summer, then try and figure out what to do next winter.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    So I'll wait for my pool to open for the summer, then try and figure out what to do next winter.

    Ouch, that's gotta hurt, knowing a local endless pool was underused...

    Think laterally Dory. Spray bleach into your eyes each morning for that sexy redeye swimmer stare. Tie springs between pockets and wrists, and join the local Aryan Brotherhood Saluting chapter. Throw chemical dye in your toilet and watch the colour change with your pee. If all else fails, fill your shopping trolley with lard and consider the whale...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Ouch, that's gotta hurt, knowing a local endless pool was underused...

    Think laterally Dory. Spray bleach into your eyes each morning for that sexy redeye swimmer stare. Tie springs between pockets and wrists, and join the local Aryan Brotherhood Saluting chapter. Throw chemical dye in your toilet and watch the colour change with your pee. If all else fails, fill your shopping trolley with lard and consider the whale...

    And it's this kind of thinking that won you the Stranded-On-A-Deserted-Island date with Dory. ;)

    Which reminds me.....on St. Patty's Day a few years ago I turned everything I ate green with lots of green food coloring, which resulted in the everything I eliminated the next several days a festive shade of green. :D

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    I had to open this thread at 6am while trying to eat breakfast....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Wed 1,800m swim

    200 free
    200 choice
    5*(2*50m hard off 60, 100m easy, rest 20sec)
    Tumble turn practice

    The sprints came in 37-42 secs. I think 37 is a pb. Tumble turns are something I keep putting on the long finger, but will practice them from here on. The masters group all tumble, I feel a bit of a fraud not doing it right. We have a 400tt in two weeks, and we've been told we have to tumble during it. Forewarned is forearmed- I need to remember to catch a breath before turning, and keep the feet together. The rest will become more graceful with practice.

    Nothing done yesterday, my daughter had her tonsils out so the day was spent driving up and back to Dublin twice, and in the hospital. She spent the night there, but is back home today. It crossed my mind that its better she misses the two weeks off pool training now, rather than in a few years time, but I felt a little overbearing thinking it. Tonight I explained her absence to the coach, who immediately said, "better miss two weeks now than in a couple of years time":)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Thurs 20k bike @ 28.1kph av

    This was my first outside bike in ages, and a very nice evening for it too. I did a lap of the Tinahely Duathlon course, which has a fair amount of rolling hills on it. 5k splits were 10:15, 12:09, 9:32, 11:07, which pretty much tell you where the hills are. I'm content enough with the spin, as I wasn't pushing too hard, no aorebars, and roughish hilly route- its a fair return for my winter turbo work, but I'll want to get outdoors more often from now.

    I was up last night with stomach cramps, and ain't feeling da love energy-wise, so will skip the Masters session this evening. Might be no harm to take an easy week now, and ramp things up a bit as the training more specific. The weight loss period is over, its done its job, now its about getting some times down before the first tri's of the season. 3DTri and Lough Cutra are only 12 weeks off, and I want to be in good shape for them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Fri 3,050m swim, 10.26k hill run

    I had a read back over my old log last night, and a few recurring resolutions stand out. Must lose weight; must stop drinking; must learn to tumble turn. The first two dwell in the realm of fantasy and so are beyond my control, but the third is something I intend to do something about. So today's swim (and all swims from now) include only tumble turns at each end. Some of them are successful, some of them are askew, but they can only get better with practice.

    The first 1,350m was a steady swim, just aiming to turn at each end. My pace was no better than usual (1:54/100m average), but the swim could hardly be called fluid, as I was often gasping for air, or hitting the bottom off the wall.
    Next I tried 10*100m off 1:55, and they were progressively slower (in 1:39-1:51). In truth, I miss that extra breath at the wall, and so these 100's were slowed from lack of oxygen. This is something that should become less of a factor as the turns become more fluid.
    Then a steady 400 (1:57 pace), and a steady 250 (1:57 pace). I slowed the pace for both of these, and the turning was more successful. A lot more practice needed, but hopeful this skill will be a valuable tool to have. I can certainly see how the swims are more fluid, and on the few times I caught a perfect turn, transfer of momentum was instant and impressive.

    In the evening I joing Slogger Jogger and a couple of locals for a scout of his Annacurra race route. I truncated one of the spurs, and added a little at the end for distance, at an easy pace. It was enjoyable to be on a hill again, and the views were outstanding.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,441 ✭✭✭Slogger Jogger

    Thanks for coming out. Great day for it.

    A couple of snaps here:-

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Sat 58.19k bike in 2:27


    The spin to Arklow was a doddle; decent roads, net downhill and flat, felt good. Coming back was a different matter though, as the road surfaces are bad, I was exposed to more headwinds, and its a lot lumpier. So the latter 30k was spent watching the average speed plummet, along with my energy levels! Still, no huge effort put in for the benefit, I'm told these long slow bike rides (they will get longer!) are essential for the program.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Sun 1.5k swim

    My son's swim team were doing a swim marathon, to raise funds for an underwater camera, so I watched for an hour as all these little fish went up and back (he did about 1.6km). Great to observe, such good strokes and such enthusiasm.

    Afterwards I hopped in for a dip, and practised tumbles. Still very hit and miss. However, one of the other dads joined me, and showed some me a step-by-step demonstration of what to do with your hands. This was extremely useful, and my turns were much, much better afterwards. At this stage I know what to do, it's just a matter of a lot more practice, but I'm hugely psyched after this lesson.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    So what do you do with your hands?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Oryx wrote: »
    So what do you do with your hands?

    Ok, I'll try to explain. Be aware though, this is much easier to "grok" once observed, and is sort of like explaining how to first ride a bike- it's easier to understand once you've done it. That said, here goes.

    What you're aiming for- cup your hands in front of you now, as if they are holding water. Now "throw" that water over behind your head. That's what will give you push for your turn in the pool.

    Full arm motion described- salute with your hand at forehead, now mirror that with the other hand (so both hands touching). Now move your hands out in front of the forehead (still touching). Imaging your hands at the point of an inverted heart shape that you're going to describe. Now begin to "draw" the heart with a front stroke, with your hands facing back as though in the pool. Complete the heart by turning the hands into the above cup, and "throw" the water over your head. Thats what you aim for in the pool (except leave out the initial "point" bit).

    Try this in the pool, from a gliding start- with the hands in front of you, tuck your chin to chest and begin the turn, while starting the heart shape with your hands. As you flip, you "throw" the water over your head and the hands are now in the correct position to glide the other way (you should be looking up at the ceiling). Now try it against the wall, and push off (with a twist to face down as you push off).

    This is different to anything I've tried before (as regards where your arms should be as you turn), and its difficult to explain (and if I'm explaining things wrongly, please anyone more swim-knowledgable jump in and correct me!). But you'll know it when it happens, and perhaps my description above might make more sense when it works for you. After that, loads of practice to perfection!

    *Edit* if that "inverted heart" terminology seems a bit convoluted, try thinking of it as a breaststroke catch, which then cups hands and pushes water over the head.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Sun pm 10k run

    Easy trot in the rain to end off the week.

    Weekly Summary|Session|Comment

    Monday| 10km run |Nice fartlek session
    Wednesday|1,800m swim|Some sprints (50m 37sec), tumble turn lessons
    Thursday|20k bike|Tinahely loop 5k splits were 10:15, 12:09, 9:32, 11:07
    Friday|3,050m swim, 10.26k hil run|Everything with tumble turns; Annacurra route
    Saturday|58.19k bike|28kph to Arklow; slower on the hills coming back
    Sunday|1,500m swim; 10k run|Great tumble turn lesson from Kirk; easy forest run
    Weekly km|Swim 6.35k Bike 78.19k Run 30.31k| Easier week, feel better for it
    2014 km|Swim 82.3k Bike 980.19k Run 213.43k

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Mon 60 mins turbo; 3,200m swim

    Sufferfest "Fight Club" at lunchtime- this is a pretty intense workout, 5*(4mins tempo, 2.5mins big gear; with sharp sprints interspersed). I had to use the part of the brain that counts down slowly to pretend there's no pain:)

    Evening swim.... I can tumble! This was all about practice makes perfect, and by the end I was fairly confident with hitting each turn. The times I'm doing aren't anything spectacular, as I probably slow down to make sure I get the turn right. Verisimilitude is of greater importance right now; velocity will come in time.

    1,000m steady @ 1:52 pace
    1,200m as 4*100off1:55, 100m easy, 6*100off1:50
    100 easy
    400m @ 1:50 pace
    4*100m off 1:50
    100m swim down

    Some of the turns were better than others- the best were majestic torpedo's way past the 5m flags, the worst were drinking water along the bottom of the pool. I didn't use that hand technique at first, mainly because I can't see it mentioned anywhere in books or online, but I wasn't too successful. Once I started incorporating the "throwing water over your head", things got much, much better. FWIW, I break the turn down into three sections:

    1. Speed up a little towards the wall, make sure you catch a breath. An arms length out, begin the turn (chin to chest). Hands are by your hips.
    2. Cup the hands and throw water over your head. The hands will exit the water surface a bit, and speed up your rotation and footplant.
    3. Extend arms out in front of head (head tucked), kick off and turn to FC position.


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Never thought of step 2, but then I never consulted any technique really for tumbles. I have the swim smooth book but shamefully have not read it through yet :cool:

    Up to 80k in 7 weeks good stuff, must not let you get out of sight :cool:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Never thought of step 2, but then I never consulted any technique really for tumbles. I have the swim smooth book but shamefully have not read it through yet :cool:

    You won't find step 2 in the swimsmooth book- nor, indeed, anywhere online, from what I can see. It goes against most advice regarding hand position doing tumble turns (and probably raises a few eyebrows among the better swimmers here who can turn well!), but it does seem to work for me in practice, and makes the turns far easier. Whether its something that will fall by the wayside when turns get quicker, I don't know, but for the moment its working well.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Tue 45 mins easy turbo; 8k night run

    Along the Railway extension with some of the club lads, bit of a tempo effort for a few k, jog a k, fast k, jog a k. 5:07, 4:46, 4:39, 4:44, 4:42, 5:32, 4:35, 5:40. Lovely evening for it, although the trail was very boggy in places. No moon, so all the stars were shining bright.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    The sky is looking good tonight alright.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    Sorry, just reading this now ... tumble turn .... Id another look on youtube for a good example that might specifically help you Kurt.

    There are really 3 phases ... think "slow, quick, quick and.... " then turn ....
    I think the video will really help you rather than me reiterating whats already been said.

    Learning to tumble turn to impress

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Wed 2,600m swim

    4*(250m, increasing sprint distance over each 50)
    3*(4*25m, max half, easy half, 20 secs rest; 100m easy)
    200m kick
    200m max every fourth length
    200m swim down

    Lots of explosive stuff tonight, which I like. I'm good at sprints. The 25's of max/easy were coming in under 20 seconds even with the final cruise. There were a couple of 25's max that were under 14sec. My catch is letting me down here though, I might get paddles to work on it.

    Turns weren't up to much, found them hard with traffic. They got better when I reverted back to the 1,2,3 steps as above. I'm overthinking them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Thurs AM 1:25mins easy turbo; PM 4,300m swim

    Masters swim:
    200m in 3:15
    8*50m off 50
    Main set 3,700m going hard every second 100m, 60-90sec rest in between each rep (reps 800m, 700m, 600m, 500m, 400m, 300m, 200m)

    No tumble turns as I would be working hard here, and I can't do them sufficiently in traffic. The 800 was 1:42 pace, the 700 1:43, 600 and 500 were 1:46, and after that I was periodically cramping sp the times look a little slower. Tonight was a really good workout, as I struggled to stay with the guys (more correctly, struggled to stop them lapping me!). No doubt about it, swimming with faster fish really ups your game- and I have the benefit of seeing just how good a stroke can be, lots to learn. My arms are hanging off right now!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Fri 3,150m swim

    1,000m pull bouy (1:41 pace)
    5*100 off 1:50 (in 1:27, 1:30, 1:31, 1:31, 1:30)
    500m pull bouy (1:44 pace)
    300m easy
    400m steady with flip turns (1:49 pace)
    450 easy with better flip turns (1:56 pace)

    The real shark kids from the swimming club had two lanes tonight, so I got to see just how good they were. My god, they just cut through the water! They were doing 400's, and taking 5 secs off me each length when I was doing 1:30 pace 100's. Incredible to watch, but again, a great education.

    I'm going to work on my catch for a while, its a big limiter. I've been told to try swimming from the front of your wrist (ie take the hand out of thought), and it seems to make a difference. The pull bouy lengths were faster than I've done before with PB; more importantly they had better form.
    The 5*100 came in a lot faster than I expected- a combination of having speedsters next door, and catching better.
    I've decided to touch turn on sessions for the moment- I need to practice flips on their own, or else the session will suffer from lack of turning form. They work a lot better when I slow down the mid-length swim; speed up before the wall, and go for it with confidence. I'm not having to think so much about that hand placement thing- a strong propulsion from the legs alleviates the need for other help.

    I feckin' love swimming:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    The real shark kids from the swimming club had two lanes tonight, so I got to see just how good they were. My god, they just cut through the water! They were doing 400's, and taking 5 secs off me each length when I was doing 1:30 pace 100's. Incredible to watch, but again, a great education.

    There's a lad in our club who's 11 and 12 year old kids can swim 100m in 1.10. Both awe inspiring and depressing at the same time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    griffin100 wrote: »

    There's a lad in our club who's 11 and 12 year old kids can swim 100m in 1.10. Both awe inspiring and depressing at the same time.

    Similar age and time to some of these kids tonight. I hear you about being inspired and depressed in equal measure. However those skinny kids would freeze in the Irish sea, where we'd kick their frozen asses. Old fat guys like us have to play to our strengths Griff!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Similar age and time to some of these kids tonight. I hear you about being inspired and depressed in equal measure. However those skinny kids would freeze in the Irish sea, where we'd kick their frozen asses. Old fat guys like us have to play to our strengths Griff!
    So when do we joust this summer?!

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