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Confessions of a never has been.....



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭laura_ac3

    All quiet here lately. Achilles still giving you trouble?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    laura_ac3 wrote: »
    All quiet here lately. Achilles still giving you trouble?

    Howdie Laura - its been a disruptive 10 days or so , one Achilles healed up just fine then the other started! I took a few days off and tried a bit of rolling on the calves which sorted it out nicely. ( should have done that last week!)


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    bit of a stop start 10 days or so, no sessions, some easy runs of 4-6 miles and a few rest days. The discomfort in my Achilles disappeared after a couple of rest days so I eased back into things with an easy 6 mile run, then I started to feel the other Achilles!

    A few more easy runs, some rest and some rolling on both calves seems to have cleared things up ( calves were noticeably tight and sore during the rolling) so I went back at it yesterday with a reduced version of the session that I had put myself down for


    6( reduced to 4) x 1k @ 10k pace with 500m recoveries

    Delighted to be back at it for this one, I had done 4 easy miles on Tuesday, taken the plunge and took a rest day Wednesday to ensure everything was cleared up and the legs were fresh as a daisy so I gave myself the green light :)

    Got going with a good warmup around St Anne's, making my way to the football pitches to do the session.

    The target pace was around 3.45 for each km but to be honest, I wasn't very concerned about pace, I just wanted to make sure everything held up ok without any discomfort.

    Rep1: 3:46
    Rep2: 3.39
    Rep3: 3:41
    Rep4 3:44

    Delighted to get this done, I struggled a little to get the effort right until the 3rd and 4th rep, felt very controlled through both of these thankfully.

    Finished off with a warmdown to bring the total to 7 miles.

    Got out later on in the evening for 3 recovery miles, again no problems with this one.

    10 miles for the day


    AM - into work in the lashing rain for 4 easy miles, no reaction to yesterday's session so all is well it seems.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭laura_ac3

    Duanington wrote: »
    Howdie Laura - its been a disruptive 10 days or so , one Achilles healed up just fine then the other started! I took a few days off and tried a bit of rolling on the calves which sorted it out nicely. ( should have done that last week!)


    Good to see you back at it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    Friday (PM)

    Run home from work was a tad quicker than expected, the clock was against me and I had to put the boot down which wasn't ideal, especially with the backpack - thems is the breaks though when you make the call to run to work !

    4 miles @ 7.20


    Up and at it nice and early for today's session:

    8 miles w\5@hmp

    The wind was howling in my face for most of this one, a really difficult morning for it with the warmer temperatures and the strong wind and I felt the effort all the way through to be honest.
    Down the coast, lapped Fairview park then made my way back up the coast and finished up in St Anne's as usual. Even with the couple of miles where the wind was at my back, I felt this one - possibly a combination of it being the first tempo in quite a while, Thursday's mini session, Friday's quicker than usual run home and the conditions?! I have to admit to being a tad worried just after but in reality, I should be happy to have this under my belt and be back on track training wise.


    8.5 miles in total

    Good core workout in the PM, gave my usual recovery run a miss

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    AM - beautiful day for it and I took a chance just before lunchtime to get out for 4 very easy miles along the coast. Legs felt good all the way through, stuck to the grass as much as I could and enjoyed the atmosphere that is always generated when the sun sticks its head out in Dublin.

    4 miles @ 8.27 min\miles

    PM - did some core work then nipped out for another easy jaunt, this time heading in towards St Anne's. Same as earlier, stayed on the grass for quite a bit and the legs felt good. Bumped into FBOT01 who was out enjoying the evening and stopped for a chat before heading off to finish up the run.

    4 miles@ 8.12 min\miles

    8 for the day - not a great week but it does set me up nicely for the next couple of weeks

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Whats the goal for the summer D?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    tang1 wrote: »
    Whats the goal for the summer D?

    Howdie Tang - I'm running the half in Achill on July 4th to kick start training for DCM so right now I'm just gearing up towards that - overall the aim for the summer is to get a good block of training in for October but also to chip away at my half marathon time, hopefully by August I'll be in good enough shape to get a stab at that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    AM - nice and easy into work, the sun was out again and it made for a pleasant enough journey in. Kept the pace right down

    4 miles easy

    PM - Return leg from work, again - kept the pace down and really enjoyed this run, my legs were a tad stiff\tight compared to usual on a Monday though so I did a little stretching afterwards. Tagged on couple of easy miles at the end of this one

    6 miles easy

    10 for the day


    Skipped the AM run with this evenings long run on the cards. Got the backpack on at 6ish and headed out into the sunshine to get started on this one;
    17 miles with 4 steady

    Strange run this, really enjoyed the first few miles, felt my calf tighten up after 8\9 miles and had to stretch it out - it felt fine afterwards but then when I got to the steady section I felt like I was wading knee high through an oil slick for the first mile ....only to feel great at the end and finish strong.
    I'm blaming the calf thing on a pair of Kinvaras that I picked up a few weeks ago - each time I've worn them on a long run either my calf or my Achilles has acted up so they're banished now. Finished off with an easy mile and lots of stretching


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    AM - usual 4 mile run into work, lovely morning and a lovely run. Legs felt good apart from the bogey calf. Took it nice and handy all the way

    PM - 6 miles easy after work, using the run home for 4 of these. Another lovely run and I was tempted to tip on for a bit more but saw sense.


    Session day: I had a choice today between a fartlek type session or 6x1k reps...

    I had a fear in the back of my mind that the 1k reps would be a little too much for my tight calf so made my way down to St Anne's to run the fartlek.

    8x2mins@ 10k with 1 in easy in between.

    Loved this session and ran it all on the grass and by feel. I used the pitches in St Anne's which meant that the heat would be a bit of an issue as I was running this at lunchtime.
    These sessions always look easy on paper but throw in a bit of heat and tired legs and they turn into a different proposition altogether

    paces for the 2 min sections were all 5.50-6.05 so maybe a little on the quick side for a few, strangely the last couple were too quick which would indicate I was pushing too hard thinking that I was whimping out because of the heat.

    Finished off with a warmdown to bring the total to 8 miles

    Light weights and corework at home


    5 miles easy after work, after having no issues with the calf yesterday, it flared up a little towards the end of this one. Another enjoyable run though, lovely evening again.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    Long time no log - lots of quality running going on around here but not a whole lot over the past 2 weeks in the land of Duanington I'm afraid.

    My achilles flaired up yet again 2 weeks ago and since then its been a case of rest days, 4-6 miles easy running, youtube, self diagnosis on Google, self condemnation on Google, various stretching techniques and an eventual trip the physio yesterday. I couldn't run any kind of run over 20 minutes without getting pain\discomfort in my left Achilles and I finally did what I should have done 2\3 weeks back

    Physio says my Achilles is fine which is a relief and basically got to work on working out the various bundles of knots in my calf, the muscles there had gotten a lot of "adhesion" ( he lost me as he explained that one) - which was a painful 10-15 minutes or so and has left me bruised and battered :o , he has also identified my left hip flexor as being slightly less mobile than my right - stride is good, heel lift is good, footstrike is good and even my posture is good which I was pretty proud about :-)
    He gave me some advice for recovery which made perfect sense and I have taken on board ( including getting more active with the roller on my calf muscles and a stretch to work out my hip flexors).

    Woke up this morning and for the first time in a couple of weeks I couldn't feel anything at all around the Achilles, as if by magic all was well again.

    Ventured out for 5 very easy miles tonight and the legs felt better than they have felt in a long time. Got straight to work with the stick and streches afterwards and I could feel some sore spots on both calf muscles.

    It feels like I've nailed this one now but it will be a case of steady as she goes for a few days then I'll run the half in Achill next week as the first real workout in a few weeks.

    5 miles for the day :D:D:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Good stuff, great it wasn't serious and you can build it again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Glad to hear you got it sorted, D.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    FBOT01 wrote: »
    Glad to hear you got it sorted, D.

    Thanks M - ENJOY tomorrow ;-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Duanington wrote: »
    Thanks M - ENJOY tomorrow ;-)

    Cheers, D. That's the plan:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    Nipped out for 4 easy miles this morning, legs felt good but a little tender following the work with the roller last night, especially the left.

    Lovely day for it on the coast

    Chin up bar, stretching and core work afterwards.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    Busy day today with the fambily, started the day off in Howth and found myself jump-starting a jeep in Meath by tea time.

    When I did eventually get out, the sun was setting on another gorgeous day in Dublin and the coast was postcard like in appearance, beautiful stuff altogether.

    Headed off for 6 easy miles, taking in a lap of Fairview Park along the way, stiff enough breeze on the way out but it kept the heat at bay I guess.

    Threw in 6x80 metre strides over the 2nd last mile and all was good.

    Felt surprisingly strong throughout all of this which I was not expecting at all ( new runners maybe gave the bit of bounce)


    6 for the day

    I've also canned the idea of running Achill next week, not really a running related decision, more of a lifestyle\time one...might see if there is anything on locally :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Duanington wrote: »

    Busy day today with the fambily, started the day off in Howth and foudnd myself jump-starting a jeep in Meath by the tea time.

    When I did eventually get out, the sun was setting on another gorgeous day in Dublin and the coast was postcard like in appearance, beautiful stuff altogether.

    Headed off for 6 easy miles, taking in a lap of Fairview Park along the way, stiff enough breeze on the way out but it kept the heat at bay I guess.

    Threw in 6x80 metre strides over the 2nd last mile and all was good.

    Felt surprisingly strong throughout all of this which I was not expecting at all ( new runners maybe gave the bit of bounce)


    6 for the day

    I've also canned the idea of running Achill next week, not really a running related decision, more of a lifestyle\time one...might see if there is anything on locally :D

    Lifestyle decision me bollocks!!! I reckon you're not doing Achill, Double D, coz I pulled out and you won't get the chance to hand me my ass ;)

    Hope the achilles niggle has disappeared


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Lifestyle decision me bollocks!!! I reckon you're not doing Achill, Double D, coz I pulled out and you won't get the chance to hand me my ass ;)

    Hope the achilles niggle has disappeared


    Ha ha - busted!! I won't get the chance any time soon at the rate your comeback is going either, I've missed the boat.

    So far, so good re the Achilles - not a peep out of it tonight so fingers crossed

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    Brought the running gear with me to work today for the first time in a while, I won't be running any doubles this week as I ramp the training back up but there's no reason why I can't run home from work.

    Mental day at the office and I was a little later than planned getting out the door but delighted to do so when I did get out.

    Kept the effort levels down to easy all the way home and really enjoyed running in the warm weather, while the effort on the legs felt fine, I did find myself blowing a little bit hard over the middle few miles. Spotted FBOT01 out and about looking fit as a fiddle - hogging the cycle lane for his sins.

    Dropped the bag off at home then headed off for a few more miles in and around the bumps and trails in St Anne's to test the legs just a little.

    All felt good, left achilles\calf has definitely improved ten fold but there was a little stiffness there towards the end.

    Got to work with the roller and stretches afterwards plus some core work and pressups


    8 miles for the day

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Duanington wrote: »

    Brought the running gear with me to work today for the first time in a while, I won't be running any doubles this week as I ramp the training back up but there's no reason why I can't run home from work.

    Mental day at the office and I was a little later than planned getting out the door but delighted to do so when I did get out.

    Kept the effort levels down to easy all the way home and really enjoyed running in the warm weather, while the effort on the legs felt fine, I did find myself blowing a little bit hard over the middle few miles. Spotted FBOT01 out and about looking fit as a fiddle - hogging the cycle lane for his sins.

    Dropped the bag off at home then headed off for a few more miles in and around the bumps and trails in St Anne's to test the legs just a little.

    All felt good, left achilles\calf has definitely improved ten fold but there was a little stiffness there towards the end.

    Got to work with the roller and stretches afterwards plus some core work and pressups


    8 miles for the day

    Hey D. Nice when the easy ones clock in at sub 8.

    I am afraid you need to get your eyes tested and not just because you thought I looked "fit as a fiddle" but because you thought I was on the cycle track. I was most definitely on the outer all consciousiness I couldn't justify pushing cyclist off the path and into the oncoming traffic on the section further out if I was to run on the cycle track elsewhere :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    FBOT01 wrote: »
    in all consciousiness I couldn't justify pushing cyclist off the path and into the oncoming traffic on the section further out if I was to run on the cycle track elsewhere :D

    ha ha - I know that feeling !

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    FBOT01 wrote: »
    Hey D. Nice when the easy ones clock in at sub 8.

    I am afraid you need to get your eyes tested and not just because you thought I looked "fit as a fiddle" but because you thought I was on the cycle track. I was most definitely on the outer all consciousiness I couldn't justify pushing cyclist off the path and into the oncoming traffic on the section further out if I was to run on the cycle track elsewhere :D

    Hah, I thought maybe FBOT was racing cyclists again :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    Once again I skipped the morning run today but brought the gear with me to work for the runmute home.

    It wasn't quite as warm as I thought heading out the door, the strong breeze was enough to keep the temperature comfortable. Kept the effort right down and enjoyed this run, just tagging on a little bit at the end to bring the total to 5 miles for the day

    No watch so no idea of the pace

    Stretching and chin-ups after

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    Wednesday - rest

    Thursday - Out for my annual game of golf this morning, beautiful morning for it and I surprised myself by not getting completely thrashed - still got beaten though !

    Headed out after lunch for today's run, 7 easy miles in the gorgeous sunshine. The was a little breeze on the coast but it was still very warm and the heat was that dead kind of heat that saps the energy from your legs - although looking at the splits, I possibly overcooked the pace a little at times
    I did feel a little sluggish towards the end but you have to get out and enjoy the weather when its like that!


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    I'm off work for a few days but rather than having a whole pile of time on my hands, things are a little hectic in Castle Duanington at the minute. A morning spent at the beach was followed by lunchtime in the park but a precious window of opportunity presented itself in the afternoon and I took it.

    Of course it had to be during what felt like peak heat ! Headed off along the coast and over to the beach for the first time in ages, I was a little curious to see how the route for tomorrow's Clontarf half will play out - there's definitely cause for concern coming off those steps onto the sand...not sure how that will work out.

    Anyway, legs felt good for all of this one, the heat was doing its usual thing of draining the energy as the run went on and I was glad to be running just the 6 miles today. I'll take a rest day either tomorrow or Sunday before turning the screw again a little next week


    Stretching and chin ups later in the day

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    Saturday - prescribed rest day :( but got a good core\pressup session in late on in the day

    Sunday - first attempt of a half decent session in quite a few weeks, the plan was for:

    2 miles steady, 2 miles @hmp and 1 mile @ tempo

    late enough getting out after a busy day but it was still fairly warm when i did get out. I took in a 1.5 mile warmup on the coast into the breezed and went straight into the tempo section. I was a little apprehensive if the truth be told, on account of 2 things really;

    1 - how terribly unfit I would be after an interrupted few weeks
    2 - how my calf\achilles would lock up after the first steady mile

    Thankfully I felt great over the 2 steady miles, tipping along nicely around the back of Fairview park and climbing the little hump at east point on the way back towards Clontarf. I upped the effort levels nicely for the hmp section of the run, the 1st mile was over before I knew it really but towards the end of the 2nd mile I could feel the legs starting to tire.
    Into the last mile and although I was tiring and overheating slightly, the calf and achilles were all quiet and behaving themselves so I went ahead with the tempo effort and to be honest, I pushed a little harder than I possibly should have.
    Finished nice and strong and got a small warmdown done before finishing off with some stretching and rollerstick work at home. Lower left calf was stiff during the warmdown but I expected that and more in fairness.

    3.41 (.5 mile)

    7.5 miles isn't a whole lot these days but I'm delighted with this one

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    A day out at the flicks with all the assorted rubbish\goodies that goes with it spared me a run in the lashing rain, by the time I got organised to head out the evening had dried up a little with only a strong breeze left to provide any kind of discomfort.

    Today is the first day of a new plan and the plan called for 6 miles easy.

    Took in a straightforward loop of Fairview park and the coast road, keeping the pace slower than 8min\miles to really keep things easy. Legs felt good after last night's session and the calf\achilles behaved most of the way, tightening up just a little towards the end.

    Lots of roller stick and stretching after and a little corework

    7.56 ( oops)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Whats the new plan geared towards race wise D?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    tang1 wrote: »
    Whats the new plan geared towards race wise D?

    DCM Tang - hopefully pick up a good half along the way but DCM is the target now ( THERE...I've said it!)
