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Confessions of a never has been.....



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    Just catching up here this morning, super report & well done on the pb & a great race by you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    pconn062 wrote: »
    Nicely done D. Lots of strength there now, get some speed into those legs and you'll run some marathon.

    Thanks P - hope the recovery is going well

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Great result D and well done, its only the start of great things this year.

    Thanks OP - it was a good day out but I still feel I've a lot more work to do over the coming months

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    laura_ac3 wrote: »
    Nice start to the year! Keep up the good work.

    Thanks Laura - great to see you're back at it :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Firedance wrote: »
    Just catching up here this morning, super report & well done on the pb & a great race by you!
    Thanks FD - some good things happening over on your log, keep it up !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Nice and easy does it, first Monday back in work , not feeling the love after work so trudged home with the backpack on.

    Legs felt a little sleepy at first but woke up towards the end

    4.1 miles @ 8ish min\miles ( no watch)


    Long run night but I was a little later than normal getting out, no harm..nice night for a run ( baltic though). Layered up and headed out along one of my rolling routes.
    Coast road, fariview, over the footbridge, up the drag on Malahide Road, Raheny for a little loop then home.

    Got the route spot on for once 13 miles @ 8.07 min\miles

    Legs felt tired towards the end, obviously Saturday's race was still in there but I still enjoyed the run.
    Stretching, rolling and core work after


    AM - 4.1 miles easy, was down for 5 but I was tight for time so just ran straight into work rather than pushing the pace a little to make up the 5. Lovely run, freezing again though !

    PM - 6 miles easy, had hoped to get in 8 but again I was tight for time and it would have meant pushing the pace which wouldn't be the wisest thing I've ever done

    Stretching afterwards - 10.1 for the day


    Session day today - plan was for;

    2 miles easy
    8x1k@10k pace ( 2.30 jogged recovery)
    2 miles easy

    Had a brief look at this earlier in the week and thought it could be a tough enough session given the amount of reps involved but I was actually looking forward to it when I saw the weather this morning, crisp clear, calm...perfect!

    Weights and corework to start and then off out to do the session

    Ran this on my lunch and did some (bad) quick maths on the way out the door to figure out what pace to run the reps at...I somehow arrived at 3.40 per km....when it should actually have been around 3.45\3.47 given my 10k PB ( I didn't realise this until I got home and plugged the garmin in)

    Warmup done, I made my way to the stretch between the Causeway and Sutton to run this one, the flat helps keep the effort constant.

    My plan for each rep was simple enough, find the pace and hold it until the end, no speeding up after falling asleep at the wheel etc.

    Found the first 2 pretty tough but I really got into this after that, the recovery time felt fine too. I did notice that the hard work really started around 400\500m into each rep...especially over the last 2, had to dig in and work to get through them but I was careful to keep the dial just out of the red zone at the same time.

    Finished off with a warmdown and plugged the garmin in to review the splits, all of which were too quick but were pretty close to the target I had in my head.


    I've spent the last hour trying to rescue some kind of positives from this one and even though I ran the reps too fast, I have come to the conclusion that they were all consistent :)

    We'll see how I feel come Saturday's session !

    11.1 miles incl warmup\warmdown

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    I'm sure next time u race 10km you will probably average 3 40 a km or better big 10km pb in them legs

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Feckin speedboat show boater :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    gosh123 wrote: »
    I'm sure next time u race 10km you will probably average 3 40 a km or better big 10km pb in them legs

    Hmm, its one thing doing it with nice 2.30 recoveries G, we'll see !

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Feckin speedboat show boater :)


    ha ha - I wish I could say I was showboating C!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Just read the HM report.

    Superb result, I'm dead jealous of that performance.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs

    Likewise, well done, that was a great performance!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Just read the HM report.

    Superb result, I'm dead jealous of that performance.

    Thanks AMK - you jealous of a HM performance? Sure you don't run those kind of distances anymore do you ? :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Basster wrote: »
    Likewise, well done, that was a great performance!

    Thanks Basster

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    AM - baltic baltic the gloves in and ran into work, for once I was glad of the backpack, it was keeping the little bit of heat I had from escaping out my back! I was frozen when I got into the office, had one of those moments when I couldn't tell if the water was hot or cold in the shower.

    4.1 miles@8ish ace

    PM - was supposed to get 5 miles done this morning and 5 in the PM so I decided to tag on an extra 2 miles to make it up. Legs tired noticeably throughout the day and I was trudging a little bit towards the end, wasn't so glad of the backpack on this one

    6 miles @ 8ish pace


    Planned session:

    2 miles easy, 3x12 minutes @ HMP ( 2 minutes easy between) , 2 miles easy

    Had the alarm set to get up and do today's session early doors but a quick look out the window told me that the paths would be frozen and with the sun not coming up until 8.30 or so, running the session on the grass in the park wouldn't be an option, had to reschedule for a later time slot in the day.

    Got out around 11 in the end and the paths were in much better shape, got my warmup done along the coast and headed back towards Sutton for the first 12 minute section. Found the pacy handily enough on this one but I did feel it in the legs early on , I suppose its been a solid week following on from Waterford and overcooking Thursday's session wouldn't have helped either.

    Anyway, got through the first ok, 2 minutes recovery and into the 2nd 12 minute section, taking me up towards and into Raheny, moving off the flat. The climb into Raheny was pretty tough but I tried not to force the pace too much at the same time.

    Did a loop around Raheny to make up the 3rd 12 minute section, using the same climb again and running alongside the park boundary, I have to admit, the last 5 minutes or so were very tough - I had to work very hard to keep things going at the right pace, hanging on a little bit at the end.

    Tough session, mentally it was tough to even start the 3rd section and by the time I was finished, I was getting sympathetic looks from other runners around St Anne's ( on my warmdown) - I must have looked like a sorry sight :o


    1st 12 min section - average pace 6.21
    2nd 12 min section - average pace 6.21
    3rd 12 min section - average pace 6.21

    ( and .10 at the end)

    10.3 miles all in for the session

    Core and stretching later in the day, calf muscles are pretty tight so I'll spend some time rolling them too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Down for 8 easy miles today and as usual on a Sunday, I was later than planned getting out - picked a similar rolling route to yesterday's session for this one.

    Calf muscles felt a bit better than yesterday but I consciously kept the pace back a bit to be on the safe side.

    Enjoyed the run, gank weather unfortunately, bring back those lovely crisp winter evenings we were having :(

    Got some weights and stretching in afterwards

    8.1 miles for the day, bringing the week to just over 64 miles with a good bit of quality in there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    4.1 miles easy, runmute home from work. Calf muscles felt much better thankfully, can't remember much else about the run!

    Small bit of corework afterwards


    I was down for 11 miles steady tonight so got going straight after work with the backpack loaded up, my steady pace should be in and around the 7.20 to 7.35 range so I'd allow myself 10-15 seconds for the weight of the backpack until I dropped it off after mile 4.

    I'm not always great at judging paces by feel but my steady range seems to be the exception to that rule, I can normally keep the effort just about right during steady runs so didn't bother too much with the watch on the way.

    Dropped off the backpack at home on the way and got off the coast to make sure I got the usual drags etc in.

    Felt sluggish until I ditched the bag, felt great for most of the rest of this...tiring a little bit over the last couple of miles. Got the route wrong and ended up doing an additional steady mile with an easy mile to finish up.


    Stretching afterwards, skipped the scheduled corework as I had a slight niggle in my lower back.


    AM - Run into work, was scheduled for 5 miles easy but left it at just over 4 on account of doing the extra couple last night.

    4.1 miles


    Got some corework\pressups done in work before heading off for home, 7 easy miles with the additional few done around St Anne's park. really enjoyed this run, I normally hate these ones because I tend to leave the backpack on for the duration but for some reason all was well !


    Session day today, plan was for:

    3x(4x400 - target 1.24-1.26) - 75s recovery and 400m between sets.

    Down to the Rose Garden in St Anne's for this one after a good warmup, the aim was to get some consistency going with the pace, although there was a strong enough breeze blowing so I wasn't going to beat myself up over a second or two.

    Ran each one relatively strong and controlled, working without straining too hard. I overshot the 400m mark on a few reps* but that's what you get when you have old ladies on benches and a Garmin as your distance guide !

    The last 2 reps were pretty tough and bar 1, maybe 2 reps I have to be happy enough.




    Finished off with a warmdown. Stretching and weights scheduled later

    * - adjusted the times accordingly above

    8.79 miles in total for the session

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    AM - 4.1 easy miles into work, can't remember this

    PM - 5 easy miles home from work with pressups\core later, again, no memory of this, long week in work !


    Session day, plan was:

    2 miles easy, 5 miles @ MP. 2 miles easy

    Up very early to get this in and I was half asleep trudging out the door - although it was a beautiful morning for running, perfect really so I was pretty glad to be up and out by the time the warmup miles were done.

    Another rolling route for this one and I was feeling the effort on all of the drags to be honest, although to be fair, I never overcooked it on the way up any drags, always easing off a little.
    On paper, this looks like a nice little session that shouldn't test the body too much but I often find them to be tricky enough when there has been any quality sessions in the days previous - true enough to form, this was the same.

    Done and dusted by 9 and home for a big feed :-)


    9 miles for the day


    late enough getting out tonight and I could not believe how mild it was out there! Bit of a breeze blowing on the coast made the first couple of miles a bit of a slog, lapped Fairview park and headed up the Howth Road for a few miles, finishing up at home with 8.4 miles.

    Stretching and chinups after ( its been a while :o...laboured a little on these!)

    Another good week down with some very good quality sessions :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Usual Runmute from work on a Monday with no run in the morning. 4.1 miles, no watch...all easy - think I enjoyed it


    A toned down long run this week with Raheny coming up on Sunday, 10 easy miles was on the cards but I was very tired for most of this one, busy day at work and I was late getting out too which never helps. Got there in the end along a bumpy enough route
    10 miles @ 8.07 min\miles

    Stretching\core afterwards


    AM - Run into work in horrific conditions, rain, wind, cold, the lot ! I was glad of the hot showers when I got to the office and spent the next 30 minutes gazing out the window wondering why runners do such crazy $hit !

    4.1 miles easy

    PM - much better conditions thankfully, very cold and a bit of a wind blowing but nothing like earlier in the day. Passed the Raheny lads and lassies out doing their thing on the grass at the coast. I had to tag on a few extra miles around St Anne's but enjoyed this one.

    7 miles easy

    11.1 for the day


    Session day today and the plan had me down for :

    2x200 @ 1 mile
    2x400 @ 3k
    1x800 @ 1 mile
    2x400 @ 3k
    2x200 @ 1 mile

    2 minute easy recoveries

    I knew before I ran this that I would have trouble getting the paces right, I suspect I know my 1 mile pace\effort ( a bit...kind of) and my 3k pace\effort should be just shy of that...I suppose!

    I wasn't going to get too hung up on paces anyway, the wind and rain were clattering the face off me by the time I got down to St Anne's after my warmup so I knew it would be tough going into the wind at times.

    Got through each rep fine, usual story, probably ran a couple too hard but only a couple this time, the temptation was to run the mile stuff flat out but I couldn't run flat out for a full mile anyway so thankfully I copped on and ran with some sense of control for the lot.

    The 800 was a real killer - designed to leave me a bit "wobbly" for the first of the 2x400s afterwards and it didn't disappoint ! The last 2x200s were noticeably slower than the first!

    Good session, the 2 minute recoveries felt like a novelty at the start ( not for long though) but it makes sense during race week

    200s - 37, 38
    400s - 1.19, 1.18
    800 - 2.40
    400s - 1.20, 1.17
    200s - 39, 39

    Just over 8 miles for the lot and some corework\weights after.

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Nice session there nice fast reps to

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    Wednesday morning was lovely! You must have had an earlier start than me if you had that weather it had stopped by 7.15 :)

    Nice session, good luck on Sunday.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    Good stuff D.
    Tough going out there tonight.
    Firedance wrote: »
    Wednesday morning was lovely! You must have had an earlier start than me if you had that weather it had stopped by 7.15 :)

    Nice session, good luck on Sunday.

    Depends where you were I'd say. I work pretty close to D and got into work just before 7am. It was fine then, but started to hammer down as soon as I got indoors. Anyone out between 7:30-8:30 got the worst of it down there I think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    gosh123 wrote: »
    Nice session there nice fast reps to

    Thanks G - went well alright, a little quicker than normal but that was on purpose for once!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Firedance wrote: »
    Wednesday morning was lovely! You must have had an earlier start than me if you had that weather it had stopped by 7.15 :)

    Nice session, good luck on Sunday.

    lol - I wasn't in for 7.15 but I was definitely drenched by the time I got to work, I think I left the house at around 8 and it was pretty heavy then for sure :(

    Thanks a mill FD

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    yaboya1 wrote: »
    Good stuff D.
    Tough going out there tonight.

    Cheers P - it was nasty at times but sure it toughens us up :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Good luck tomorrow D, have a good one,

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    No pressure, D but expecting some serious racing from you today on home turf :)

    Have a good one and of course.....ENJOY!!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    FBOT01 wrote: »
    No pressure, D but expecting some serious racing from you today on home turf :)

    Have a good one and of course.....ENJOY!!!

    Looks like D gets the bragging rights for this one... well done!! :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    Wasn't even a contest.
    Super running D.
    You're in serious shape.
    Looking forward to seeing how you get on in Enniscorthy.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Savage stuff D, sub 30 in that wind is serious clipping.
