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Confessions of a never has been.....



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Firedance wrote: »
    it is, anna has a fancy smancy watch (same as mine :p) you can't program the 10 - you need to upgrade :pac:

    ps super session!

    Ah program schmogram - who needs fancy watches ( sniff :()

    Thanks FD :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Duanington wrote: »
    Ah program schmogram - who needs fancy watches ( sniff :()

    Thanks FD :)

    oops sorry for raising your hopes... i appropriated mine from D so thought they could all do that.

    ...start dropping hints to the o/h for your birthday/christmas/any excuse?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Started stalking you on Strava there the other day, just in case youre wondering who the new random wierdo is!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Started stalking you on Strava there the other day, just in case youre wondering who the new random wierdo is!

    Ha, spotted that OP - didn't twig the name of course though, pretty sure I'm stalking you back now :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    A busy week this week at home and at work meant that training had to take a backseat for a couple of days, it was really just a case of getting out for a few easy miles when time and circumstances allowed for it.


    Nipped out at lunch time for a few easy miles around St Anne's park, stuck to the grass for most of this and really enjoyed the run.

    5.5 miles@ 7.59


    Scrapped the idea of getting up early to get my long run in ( wouldn't have made sense with only a couple of hours sleep the previous couple of nights) and settled for a later than planned easy run up the coast road for a change, turning back and into St Anne's for a good gawk at the tree sculpture at the coast side of the park - almost there, seals, dolphins and crabs look to be the latest additions.

    Legs felt great - 7.6 miles @ 7.46 min\miles


    Another easy trot around St Anne's - 5.6 easy miles @ 7,52 min\miles

    ( Sculpture looks to have a few more squirrels too)


    First day back "training" for a few days and today had a tasty looking session lined up:

    2x600 ( 2.05-2.08 - 2 min recovery)
    6x1k (3.35-3.40 - 2 min recovery)
    3x400 (1.20 - 90 sec recovery)

    Got a good warmup done around St Anne's with some strides thrown in towards the end, raising the heart rate nicely.

    Decided to run these on the grass\new tarmac path around the pitches, the route is about 1\3 tarmac with grass for the rest ( although its brand new bouncy tarmac :) ).

    600s went well, I stayed controlled over the lot and kept the pace honest without pushing too hard ( even with a good breeze to run into at times) splits were:

    2.05, 2.04

    1 k reps didn't start off too well, I started off too relaxed on the first, pushed far too hard at times for the second and eventually found the middle ground !

    These got tough towards the end, I noticed that running on grass can change my footstrike quite a bit actually and it does effect the rhythm - once I focused on this though and got a it right ( not over-striding and landing on my heel, breathing in on left foot strike, out again on left strike...not pushing too hard into the wind etc) , I felt a lot more in control while ensuring that I worked hard enough to keep the pace up.

    Most of these finished on the tarmac section which was nice too

    3.43, 3.26, 3.33, 3.30, 3.36, 3.36

    Onto the 400s and the legs were tired for these, ran all of them on the bouncy tarmac;

    1.15 :o, 1.21, 1.22

    This felt like a really good session, pacing wasn't great to start with on the 1ks but I got there in the end. Hard work but good work I think.

    Finished off with some easy miles to bring the total to 12 for the day.

    Core\stretching later

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  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    That's a tough looking session there. Well done on nailing it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Super session, nice confidence builder.

    Now.. a 1.15 400m... Someone recently mentioned overcooking things on my log, something about nipping that **** in the bud!

    Hello pot.

    Mr Kettle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Super session, nice confidence builder.

    Now.. a 1.15 400m... Someone recently mentioned overcooking things on my log, something about nipping that **** in the bud!

    Hello pot.

    Mr Kettle.

    ha ha - You failed to mention the nipping in the bud that I spelled out for you C - 1.21 and 1.22 ( although I maybe nipped a bit too much)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    AM - Met up with FBOT in St Anne's for some easy miles, perfect morning for easty running, I got in a mile or so before bumping into FBOT and Killerz ( in the midst of some crazy day of training that I still can't get my head around), I rescued kidnapped FBOT and left Killerz to finish off the craziness.

    Nice run, made easier with the company as always

    8.2 easy miles

    PM - got out again in the late afternoon for another batch of easy running in St Anne's, nice afternoon again.

    4.3 easy miles

    Weights and stretching after


    Session day today and the busy week caught up on me - had the alarm set for early doors but I bottled it and dozed off again, a little like AMK, wide awake when it went off and shattered when I eventually got up.

    The plan for today was : 3 miles easy, 4 miles@6.15-6.20, 3 miles easy

    Ran my warmup around St Anne's for this, not that I needed any warming up, it was very warm in the mid morning sun. Bumped into Murph_D and had a good little chat with him before I had to get started on the tougher stuff ( Good luck next week D).

    I purposely picked a rolling route for this one, the pace is just a little quicker than HMP for me so I didn't expect that to pose any issues ( wrong!).
    First mile was largely uphill, got through that fine and the 2nd mile was downhill moving onto a nice flat route but halfway through this section the legs started to get heavy.
    Mile 3 was more or less all up the Kilbarrack road which is a tough enough drag at that pace and I was working very hard by the time I got to the top to be honest, turning around and heading back down was bliss - sheer bliss :D

    Tempo Splits:

    Finished off with 3 more easy miles to bring the total to 10.10

    This was tougher than it looks and I fell into my old trap of thinking the handy Sat session would be...well, handy - it wasn't, maybe the heat, general tiredness and Thursday's session combined to give me a kick the arse!

    Pressups, stretching and core after


    With no long run completed this week, today was a chance to get up early and either take the handy option ( have 8 or so miles done before breakfast ) or the tough option ( get up earlier and do the 15 miles I couldn't do during the week). I knew I needed the long run so set the alarm early and got up and at it just after 7 am.

    Took in a couple of laps of St Anne's before heading up the coast to Sutton and back through Raheny\St Anne's. I think this is the first time I've ever done my long run on a Sunday and while there's a lot to be said for getting the extra bit of sleep, I enjoyed getting out so early and running while the roads were so quiet. I might revisit early morning Sunday runs closer to Berlin.

    The pace was a but quick in places looking at the splits so I'll have to watch that next time.

    Legs felt good for the lot of this too, nice run and while the weekly mileage is down a tad on what it should have been, life happens sometimes.

    weights and stretching after

    15 miles @ 7.50

    Good end to a crazy week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Back into the normal routine this week which meant an easy few miles on Monday after work.

    Took it very easy on this one, heading off for home after work and doing a couple of extra miles in St Anne's afterwards. Keeping the pace way down meant that I didn't feel yesterday's long run in the legs until the end of the run when they tired a little.

    6 miles @ very easy

    stretching and pressups afterwards


    See above ^^ back in the normal routine this week but that means long runs on Tuesdays....not ideal with the 15 miles done on Sunday , the choice was to do it on the designated day or put it off until later on in the week, when I normally don't have the time to head off running for a couple of hours.

    I decided to stick to the schedule and get it done, the pace was all easy anyway and it was a beautiful evening for it so I headed off after work, dropped the backpack off at home and made my to St Anne's - bumping into a couple of ever friendly Olympians on my way ( missed an attempted high five with one of them though- scarlet for you D!). Picked a route with a few drags and drops, leaving the park for a bit and heading into Raheny, down to the coast before turning back for home. Lovely weather for easy running but I did feel myself tiring towards the end and crying out for a drink of water.

    16 miles @ 7.50 min\miles

    Stretching and core after


    AM - Up and at it early for the first of today's runs...heading away from work before turning around and heading towards work. Sun was hidden behind the clouds for this but it was still a lovely morning for it. Legs were tired and I knew they'd be even more tired in the PM

    6 miles @ 8ish min\miles

    ( pressups\stretching around lunchtime)

    PM - True enough, the sun was blazing when I left the office for this one but again, I love easy running in the sunshine. The coast was rammed with people on the way home, lots of other folks out walking and running or just lapping up the sunshine. Tagged on a couple of tired miles at the end in St Anne's

    6 miles @ 8ish min\miles

    12 for the day


    No easy stuff today, the plan was for 20x400s (1.25-1.26) with 60 second recoveries

    Headed down to St Anne's to get this done on the grass, I was tempted by the rose garden but the surface is hard there - usually makes speed easier but that comes with the cost of harder impact.
    This wasn't exactly lightening fast stuff today anyway so the grass was fine.

    I broke this up into 4 sections of 5 in my head to a) keep count and b) remove the fear of having to do 20 reps of this in the mid-day sun !

    Got through the session very well, the splits are a little messy on some reps but I think that may be down to tree cover more than anything ( I also over-ran at least one by 50\60m so I'm guessing the actual 400m time) - either way, the effort felt pretty consistent until about 14\15 when I had to work harder to maintain the pace and hit the numbers. Heat wasn't too much of an issue in the end, the park tends to be more humid than the coast though so the air definitely felt heavier and added to the difficulty levels I guess.


    Ran a warmdown to bring the total to 11.2 for the day. ( weights and core earlier in the day)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,483 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Nice session, D! In that heat too, you mad thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Nice session, D! In that heat too, you mad thing.

    It was funny, there was a bit of a breeze on one side of the pitch that I was cursing over the first half of the session but adoring on the 2nd half !

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    D ole 4sets of 5 trick worked a treat good to see your aclimatising to this hot weather to. Great work

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    gosh123 wrote: »
    D ole 4sets of 5 trick worked a treat good to see your aclimatising to this hot weather to. Great work

    Worked a charm Gosh - a very welcome tip!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Disappointed to see you were outside your target range for several of those splits... ;)

    ... I'm in awe... How do you keep count of 20 reps without having it programmed in.... ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    annapr wrote: »
    Disappointed to see you were outside your target range for several of those splits... ;)

    ... I'm in awe... How do you keep count of 20 reps without having it programmed in.... ?

    I'm blaming tree cover for those bad splits A !

    I was thinking about how I would keep count earlier in the week and it was Gosh123 that suggested I break it up into groups of 5 reps to make keeping count easier ( although I almost messed that up too !)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    gosh123 wrote: »
    D ole 4sets of 5 trick worked a treat good to see your aclimatising to this hot weather to. Great work


    "now, was that 3 sets or 4"

    "is it 5 sets of 4 or 4 sets of 5"

    "are my laces untied"

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    "now, was that 3 sets or 4"

    "is it 5 sets of 4 or 4 sets of 5"

    "are my laces untied"

    Ha ha - I did get a little hazy on the 3rd set of 5 to be honest.....or was that the 4th set?

    If I were you, from now on I'd ASSUME your laces aren't tied properly :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    Busy end to a busy week....


    AM - out early to get this in on the way to work, another lovely morning for it. 6 miles easy, legs were tired but too bad - this usually means that they'll feel very tired in the PM though :(

    PM - Yep, tired legs for this one, 6 miles some good drags in too

    12 for the day


    Plan for today was a straightforward 10 miles steady so I got up early and got this done before the house woke up.

    Legs were still cranky enough during my warmup mile and never fully relaxed throughout the run...although they did lighten their mood a little in fairness.

    I picked a rolling route for this again to avoid overcooking the pace and to make sure I was putting myself through a proper test of steady state running.
    Had to work hard enough in sections ( uphill) and possibly overcooked the effort a little at times.
    I enjoy steady runs, I always have but this was a little tougher than normal - my first one in quite a while through it without any real issues and ran an easy mile to finish off


    12 miles in total


    AM - mental day yesterday with a trip to Galway with the Family, late enough night entertaining guests at the ancestral home meant I was tired getting up this morning to get the first run in....the fact I woke up with the birds at dawn didn't help either!
    I had to get a little creative for this one, I wouldn't be brave enough to run on the main roads where we were staying ( middle of nowhere) but there was a boreen (city folk, see the following link ) across from the house that I knew would be quiet so made do with a few runs up and down that ...about 38 minutes running so I rounded down to 4.5 miles easy - didn't bother with the watch.
    Headed off for a swim in the lake with the kids afterwards which was great craic....but freezing

    PM - Late evening trot around St Anne's to finish off the week's training, 7 miles @ 8.03 min\miles...pretty tired for this and looking forward to a good night's kip before going at it again tomorrow.

    11.5 for the day

    Good week down, a tad over 80 miles with some good quality

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Kept things nice and easy on this one - into and around St Anne's on the grass then out onto the coast road to let the breeze cool me down.
    4.6 miles @ 7.59 min\miles

    weights and core ( with squats) afterwards.


    Long run day and instructions were to keep the pace in and around 7.45 pace. I'd been looking forward to getting out into the sunshine all day and I didn't hang around once I finished up at work - got out the door pronto, waited to get a signal on the watch and headed for home.

    Usual drill, dropped off the backpack then headed into St Anne's for a lap and then into Raheny to run some of the drags there ( up and down).

    Enjoyed this one up until maybe a mile from the end when I started to tire - it was warm and humid though, especially around the park.

    18 miles @ 7.43 min\miles


    AM - 6 miles easy, long route into work. Felt last nights long run in the legs from the minute I woke up but I suppose I can expect that for a few weeks

    PM - 6 miles easy, long route home from work. Everything else as above!

    stretching and pressups after

    12 for the day


    Out at lunch for some easy miles around the fog - 10x100m strides were in the plan for this one too.
    This was a strange one, I didn't really get going until I started the strides ( which was after the 6th mile I think) - up until then, I felt heavy and lethargic. Not sure if this was the humidity, the fog or maybe just a general tiredness but it shifted as soon as I got the strides in.

    8.6 miles @ 8.06 min\miles

    Weights\core\stretching later

    PM - out late for 4 easy miles. Nice and easy, legs felt much better than earlier

    4 miles @ 8.08 min miles

    12.6 for the day


    AM - Up and at it early again, usual long route into work to make up the 6 miles. It took a few miles to get going here but I felt great once I did. I sweated buckets though with the backpack on and was glad of the showers in work when I got in

    PM - Nipped out a little early from work for a change and ran the long way home to get in another 6 easy miles, really enjoyed this one, sweated buckets again though :(

    12 for the day

    pressups\stretching later

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Curiosity questions, D. Are all the miles you run planned miles i.e. prescribed on the weekly plan provided by your coach or are some days just go with the flow days with an overall weekly prescribed total mileage? Also are your easy run paces based on feel or are you given a recommended range in which to run to ensure full recovery? Finally, what's your planned peak mileage for Berlin?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    FBOT01 wrote: »
    Curiosity questions, D. Are all the miles you run planned miles i.e. prescribed on the weekly plan provided by your coach or are some days just go with the flow days with an overall weekly prescribed total mileage? Also are your easy run paces based on feel or are you given a recommended range in which to run to ensure full recovery? Finally, what's your planned peak mileage for Berlin?

    I'll break this one up so I can keep track of my own answers M!

    1 - yep, all miles are planned miles, I sometimes stray over by a mile or so for the day but in general, I stick to the daily total as per the plan. I do sometimes change a double from 5+7 to 6+6 , to save time in the evening more than anything really.

    2 - easy is easy, aside from the long run which has been prescribed as 7.45 pace for this cycle, I don't get hung up at all on easy pace. I don't use the watch on a lot of my easy runs so don't even track the pace, if it feels easy, its easy - I'd hazard a guess that my easy runs range from 7.45 right up to 8.30s, depending on how I'm feeling - some days are easier than others. I think common sense comes into play here for me, for example, my Wednesday morning run was less than 12 hours after an 18 mile run so I was mindful to run without stressing my legs at all, same story in the PM run too. I might actually bring a watch next week to see where those paces are now that I think of it but I would guess they are well into 8 min+ territory

    3 - I don't know what peak mileage will be yet to be honest M, I'm sure the boss man does but I suspect it will be a bit higher than it was for DCM . I'm probably a good bit stronger going into this cycle and can handle more work, this time last year I was in the middle of a 2-3 week layoff actually. While some of the runs over the past 2 weeks have felt heavier and harder than they would normally, I think some of that is mental, some is down to a hectic few weeks at work and the rest is down to just a general increase in workload.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    You're putting in some mileage D... Do you get your plan for the week every week? I know a few others do that too... Seems to work well for people... Do you think it helps you? Or do you get antsy not knowing what's up next week...?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    annapr wrote: »
    You're putting in some mileage D... Do you get your plan for the week every week? I know a few others do that too... Seems to work well for people... Do you think it helps you? Or do you get antsy not knowing what's up next week...?

    Its a weekly plan alright Anna so I only see each week as it comes. I have to admit, I found it a bit daunting at the start but then I started to look forward to seeing what I was in for each week.
    I'd always done up plans 10-12 weeks ahead but this system works well for me I have to say, whereas I used to stick rigidly to whatever was in the plan before - regardless of how the previous week went, this way allows for more flexibility and takes into account the reactions and performance of the previous week's training - to a degree!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    On the hot spot for questions today D .... No pressure :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    "if it feels easy then it's easy" I like that one, D.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    FBOT01 wrote: »
    "if it feels easy then it's easy" I like that one, D.

    You can add that to your little book. But credit to DD of course.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Mrs Mc wrote: »
    On the hot spot for questions today D .... No pressure :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    annapr wrote: »
    You can add that to your little book. But credit to DD of course.

    I'm sure I'd need to credit someone else in turn, I can't remember who though ! ( so I'll keep it simple and take the credit)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Session day today and there was a meaty looking run on the plan that I'd been avoiding thinking about all week.

    12 mile progression
    5 miles easy
    4 miles steady ( 7.05-7.20)
    3 miles@6.15-6.30

    Got up nice and early after a half decent night's sleep but felt sluggish enough so had a quick cup of coffee before hitting the road. I had put off thinking too much about this one because i knew it would be tough, the paces themselves aren't too intimidating on paper but when you throw in a good week's work and the nature of the progression run, the picture changes.

    The easy stuff was fine, it took me a while to start feeling the love for it but it was early, foggy and I was probably a little sleepy. Upped the pace a bit over the last mile to get a rolling start on the steady section which worked a treat. The first couple of steady miles were fine, I left the coast and went up into St Anne's passing some of the parkrun crew who were just starting on their setup.

    I can't say the rest of the steady section was easy...because it wasn't - but then it isn't supposed to be and I had to keep reminding myself of that fact! I had to dig in a little every now and then to keep focused.
    The faster stuff was a bit of a shock to the system to start with, I was blowing a bit harder than I wanted and had to kick quite a bit to hit the pace.
    Settled into a good working rhythm ( I'm going to use that again, " a good working rhythm) for the remainder, keeping an occasional eye on the watch to make sure I wasn't slipping - I had to fight off the growing fatique in the legs towards the end of the last mile but it was just a matter of focusing, breathing right and working harder than I wanted to - that's marathon training for you!

    Felt like a tough but very good session

    .6 mile warmdown @ 8.10 min\mile

    12.6 for the lot
    pressups, core and stretching later


    Had two windows to run today - one was very early and the other was mid evening, I opted to take the extra sleep and go for the later window.

    Nice and easy jaunt around St Anne's and out onto the coast road, a little feedback from the quads from yesterday's session but a perfect evening for running out there and you really couldn't help but enjoy it!

    Weights, stretching, core earlier in the day

    8.25 @8.03 min\miles

    Good week down, delighted with yesterday's session, just over 80 miles for the week.
