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Confessions of a never has been.....



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    After a solid few weeks training, this week is about striking a balance between freshening the legs up a bit with less volume while still getting some good work in, I had pencilled in Dunshaughlin as a race I wanted to run yonks ago but family commitments mean that I will be in Galway again this weekend ( so I found a local 5 miler to run instead :-) )


    The usual run home from work , took it very handy and added no extras - zero, nothing, relaxed.

    4.1 miles @ 8ish


    Brought the gear with me to work, got changed at home time and headed off for my long run. As always, dropped the backpack off at home and carried on into St Anne's, nice buzz in the park with plenty of matches on to distract me on my way.
    After a few different loops in St Anne's, I picked a slightly bumpier route than normal to finish off, it can get mentally tough to run these long runs on the same route each week and I could feel myself switching off from about 13 miles on - the route change was as much about freshening things up as anything.
    Finished off the 16 miles @ 7.43 pace and got some good stretching with light core work afterwards ( and a wheelbarrow full of lasagna)


    AM - bit of a lie in given that I had only 4 miles to do this morning ( as opposed to the usual 5\6) which was just as well as I was a little creaky getting going on this one. Kept the pace down but the morning was perfect for running so the cranky legs didn't stay cranky for too long.

    PM - 5 miles easy after work, busy day at the office and I was very tired getting out, felt a lot better after the run

    Pressups\stretching after

    9 miles for the day ( 8ish pace)


    Corework, weights and stretching ( all light)

    Then out for a lunchtime run between project work and meetings. Headed straight to St Anne's - it was noticeably cooler than in previous days which bodes well for anyone racing this weekend. Kept most of this to the grass before heading out onto the coast to take in some of the flat stretch heading out towards Sutton.

    Nice run - found myself doing a lot of dress rehearsal mental self lectures for tougher sessions somehow !

    8.1 miles @ 8.05 min miles

    another easy day tomorrow then hopefully a good solid effort on Sat

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    Best of luck with the 5 miler. I'm impressed by your ability to do all the long runs in the one park more or less. I tend to need a different route for each one!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    adrian522 wrote: »
    Best of luck with the 5 miler. I'm impressed by your ability to do all the long runs in the one park more or less. I tend to need a different route for each one!

    Thanks Adrian - yeah, its something that I've just happened on over the past few months as opposed to purposely done, I'll most likely start changing things up next month though to be honest to keep things fresh

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Good luck in the 5 miler, youre in great form for another PB id say. Heading for Dunshaughlin, hoping the strong field can drag me around to a pb too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Good luck in the 5 miler, youre in great form for another PB id say. Heading for Dunshaughlin, hoping the strong field can drag me around to a pb too.

    Good luck in Dunshaughlin S, it was the quality field that initially attracted me too, looking at some of yours sessions of late, you won't be out of place.

    We'll see on the 5 miler, I just want a good race effort to be honest anything better is a bonus

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Best of luck in 5 miler :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Best of Luck in 5 miler hopefully weather nice and cool.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Best of luck with the race D, run well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Have a good one, D. Weather anything like today should make it a lot more pleasant outing than Terenure. ENJOY!!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Where's the 5 miler Double D, Loughrea?


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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Where's the 5 miler Double D, Loughrea?


    That's the one TbL - fancy joining me?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Duanington wrote: »
    That's the one TbL - fancy joining me?

    That's not a 5 mile it's an 8k ;)

    Wouldn't get planning permission DD, trying to do one tomorrow.

    Enjoy it.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Savage going! Well done on a seriously impressive run.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Savage going! Well done on a seriously impressive run.


    Ehhh.... ?????? Did you win?? Report please!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    4.1 recovery paced miles on the way home from work....easy like a sunday morning :)


    Bullaun 8k race report

    I’d targeted Dunshaughlin as one of the races I wanted to use to keep some sense of sharpness about me as I move deeper into marathon territory this year – the quality field that run there would help keep things honest and who knows, maybe a good time would ensue. Family commitments over the past couple of weeks however, conspired to rule that one out, a trip down to Galway this weekend would mean that I would have either run a session or find a local race.

    Luckily I stumbled across a five mile 8k race about 20 minutes from where we were staying . A quick look through last year’s results told me that there may not be quite the same level of runner taking part in this one but it could still serve up a good solid race effort which would do me just fine.
    Got myself over to race HQ nice and early to sort out registration, the rain had been coming down all evening but seemed to pick up a bit as we approached the 7 o’clock start time. I got a decent warm up done along the first mile of the route, ran a few surges as opposed to strides then made my way back to the starting area ( 2.3 miles or so warm up).

    A nice little crowd had gathered in the lashing rain and we gave a local WC athlete a good send off as she started off on the 8k route ahead of us, the race director gave us the laws of the land and we lined up for the off. No chip timing for this one, gun times only , so I made my way right up to the front and noticed straight away how there was a hesitation for anyone to join me there...great! Eventually a few lads in singlets shuffled their way up and after a few slightly awkward moments, the gap between the front row and the rest disappeared ( thank fcuk!)

    A quick countdown and we were off, bang on time. My plan leading into this was simple....keep the first mile in around 6 minute pace and then work through the gears as the race went on, that would represent a very good workout and hopefully if I could finish strong would give me a bit of confidence with a good fast closing mile.

    Over the first 300-400 metres however, I could sense that the pace was far too slow for that, I was still in the front row with 2\3 other lads but everyone seemed to be holding back (myself included) , I didn’t check the watch but I knew this was slow, it felt like half marathon pace and if we stayed like this for much longer I knew I’d have been better off just running a longer session. I wondered for a minute about the previous year’s results and tried to remember the winning time, there were only a handful of people who went under 30 that day - I threw the plan out the window there and then and upped the pace in the hope that a few others would come with me and we’d make a good stab at things. We turned at the end of a straight road, turning right up onto a hill that took us through the village, good support here from the locals who were braving the manky conditions actually. A sharp left at the centre of the village took us down a country road which had some good shelter from the strong breeze with the hedges on either side but was on a slight incline for as far as I could see.

    I was leading the race now, I could hear a few runners behind me, wasn’t sure how close but I didn’t really care, I’d run this mile, see where I was at the end of it and make something else up when I get there.

    Mile 1 5.46

    After the 1 mile marker, I did a quick systems check, I was breathing a little heavily but that was normal for me over the first mile or two of races...I knew the first mile was probably a little too quick anyway, legs felt great, surprisingly fresh and full of bounce. Mentally I was feeling a bit odd though, I was out in front, knew there were a few lads behind me but I was surprised that nobody was running directly behind me or beside me so we could form some sort of mini group. Maybe the lads were local and knew there was trouble ahead? “**** it D, just get on with it and see how it goes”. I’d done what I needed to do and there were a few people chasing me now.

    I settled down a bit moving into the 2nd mile, easing off the gas just a little to steady the ship a bit, I didn’t feel the need to, physically but I was completely unaware of the course ahead and decided to keep things moving fast but sensible, I knew we’d a right turn coming up and was pretty sure that was going to take me straight into the wind and rain. Sure enough, the turn appeared up ahead, I was careful not lose momentum ( or footing on the gravel) as I took it and listened out for the footsteps behind as I moved on – 2, maybe 3 pairs of feet...1 was definitely closer than before.

    Mile 2 – 5.57

    The organisers had sent out a lead van to guide us around the route and it was working a charm, I could see it up ahead , just behind the WC athlete who was making it all look so easy. The surface was pretty bogey on the road we had just turned onto, lots potholes meant lots of dodging for me – I’m a prime candidate to step into one of those and snap a skinny ankle. I felt good here though, I was working through the wind and wishing that I had a group to work with but the rain felt good on my face, the tempo felt tough but rewarding and there was no sign of the stitch that haunted me for a while a few months back – breath in on left, out on left. I promised myself that I wouldn’t run this one by the watch but would afford myself a few check ins - a quick glance at the watch told me that I under the 6 min\mile mark so that would do for now.

    Mile 3 – 5.55

    I saw the van ahead take a sharp right turn and moved myself into the middle of the road so I could take the turn at speed, it was pretty sharp so I needed a bit of room. I declined the offer of water from the kids standing at the water station here – ironically they were drenched from the lashing rain. The turn also allowed me to look back along the field to see what was what, a quick glance showed up 2 runners , both looked like club runners, 1 of whom was only a couple of metres behind me now. I could hear him breathing and spluttering, almost as badly as me ( yessss).

    The surface on the road had gotten worse again, we had turned onto a bohereen with grass running along the centre and potholes broken by intermittent patches of road on either side! It didn’t make for easy running if I’m honest and I completely lost my stride for a few minutes here – my breathing with it too. Hopping from side to side seemed to completely throw me and as we climbed up a decent drag, I could hear the lad behind me sitting right on my shoulder. I saw the van turn left up ahead and knew this was taking us back along the stretch that we ran the first mile on – except the opposite direction so it should be quick to start with but ended with a sharp climb
    Once again, I took the turn at full tilt, the lad behind pulled alongside just as the watch beeped.

    Mile 4 – 6.00

    We matched each other stride for stride over the first 400m or so, the surface here was much better and felt a lot more secure so there was a lot more confidence in each step. He started to put the squeeze on and I responded, my legs started to bite for the first time, quads complaining and resisting at the request but responding all the same. No sign of the finish line yet and my thoughts now were all about staying with this guy until the end, he was really turning the screw now though and had worked out a lead of a couple of metres – I was starting to have to fight harder and harder to stay with him.
    We started to pass the odd spectator as we worked our way through back towards the village, I could sense the finish area up ahead but so too could the leader, he kicked again and I strained to go after him, I was doubting that I could but was going to do my best, he’d boxed this one very cleverly I thought to myself as I gritted my teeth – the sharp hill was just ahead and I knew the finish line was only a few metres beyond that. He had 10-15 metres on me now and turned at the top of the climb, disappearing behind the trees. A stewards with a headset and mike gave me a “ well done D” as I got to the top of the little hill, a right turn and there was the finish line, no clock, no mat, just a finish line with dozens of rain soaked spectators roaring us on as we finished.

    Pipped at the post to 2nd place in 29.20

    Mile 5 ( or .99 of a mile acc to the watch) - 5.46

    I congratulated the winner, an Ennis AC man ( and later ran a few easy miles with him as a warm down – sound lad, a 1.18 half man so maybe a grade or two above me...for now!) and then applauded\congratulated a few more finishers, the chap in 3rd, an Athenry AC man had helped organise the race and it seemed everywhere I turned , there was someone who helped arrange something on the day.

    Hung around for the presentations ( proper podium etc...great craic) and then made my way back to family HQ to finish off a good day.

    Very happy with the effort, had a chat with coach afterwards and he was too – I probably paced the middle section poorly but to be fair, I was leading the charge for the vast majority of the race and would have preferred to have people to chase. The big plus for me was how strong I felt for 90% of the race. A word for the organisers too, I was super impressed with how they went all out to make this race work for everyone, stewards, the spread afterwards, the prizes, the photos, the van....really impressive ...and all for 15 euro. I might well be back next year

    9.9 miles for the day


    Met FBOT for a few easy miles in and around St Anne's park - great chat as always and the miles flew by. FBOT got something in his eye as we parting company, don't worry M - see you soon :)

    Legs felt a little tight around the quads\glutes - stretching and core afterwards

    9 miles @ 8.07

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Fed up saying it, great stuff D, throughly deserved.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Great Race well done on podium finish.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,483 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Excellent race, D, sounds like forced a better performance out of Ennis AC than he was expecting. Great piece of writing too, think I have something in my eye myself. ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Excellent racing - its difficult to lead the race, so many unknowns playing with your head.
    Great time too.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Great stuff D and well done on the podium.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Weldone on the podium finish dam 2nd place slingshotting u like that towards the finish remind you of anybody ha ha

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Well done on a fantastic run. Nice to get a podium place too.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Brilliant D! Congrats on the podium!

    Clearly you need to do more training on 'roads' with grass in the middle, that's what cost you first place! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭laura_ac3

    Well done D, another good performance from you. Have you had experience from before of leading a race? Brings about a different mental approach on the day I'd imagine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    gosh123 wrote: »
    Weldone on the podium finish dam 2nd place slingshotting u like that towards the finish remind you of anybody ha ha

    ha ha - its catching on Gosh !

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    tang1 wrote: »
    Fed up saying it, great stuff D, throughly deserved.

    Cheers B

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    Great Race well done on podium finish.

    Thanks G

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Excellent race, D, sounds like forced a better performance out of Ennis AC than he was expecting. Great piece of writing too, think I have something in my eye myself. ;)
    Thanks D - enjoyed it alright, chatting to him afterwards and he did mention that he was wary of the course too ( taking wrong turns as much as anything) so it probably worked out well for him

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Well done on a fantastic run. Nice to get a podium place too.

    Thanks J

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Excellent racing - its difficult to lead the race, so many unknowns playing with your head.
    Great time too.

    Thanks A - well done again on a super time the other night. It was a strange one being out in front on a route I didn't know alright, good experience all the same
