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Confessions of a never has been.....



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Savage work D.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    usual run home from work, nice little run - these Monday runs are rapidly becoming my favourite run of the week :o

    4.1 miles



    a planed session was ditched given that I had run a meaty enough session on Sunday evening. In its place, arrived a 22 mile long run - with Howth thrown in for the craic !

    Got going after work, perfect evening for it with the drizzling rain and the mild air, dumped the backpack in the house and carried on up into St Anne's before heading off for Howth.
    Instructions were to focus on effort and not pace on the uphill\downhill sections ( just as well really!). The climb up was tough enough work at times, I made my way right up the summit car park... but I found the descent tougher on my quads to be honest ( easier on the lungs though) and I was glad to get myself back down to sea level with about 5 miles to go.

    Felt great for most of this, the legs tired after 20 miles though and it took a bit of grit to get the job done in the end.

    Very happy to have this one done

    22.15 miles@ 7.46

    ( thought better of doing anything other than eating, relaxing and stretching after)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    The days are blurring together a little this week, as are the runs!


    AM - 6 easy miles before work, 8ish pace....can't remember this but I know I did it

    PM - 6 miles easy after work, 8ish pace.....can't remember this but I know I did it

    12 for the day


    AM ( well, PM)Lunchtime trot around St Anne's, think I met FBOT on this one, tapering for his latest assault on a parkrun this weekend.

    8 miles @ 8.15
    weights, core work, stretching, food

    PM - A sluggish 4 miles around St Anne's with a belly full of food.

    4 miles @ 8.24

    12 for the day


    AM, nice run...6 easy miles before work...legs felt better than I expected

    PM, another nice run....6 easy miles....physically tired but legs felt reasonable ( I won't say good)

    12 for the day

    Think I did some pressups later in the day


    Got into bed early on Friday to get myself right for this session, I knew it was a bit of a monster and needed around 2.5 hours to run....I had to be out the door and on the road before 10 am to head to Galway for the day\night so got the alarm set for 6 am and got the book out ( Game of Thrones, should have it read by 2025 at this rate....4 pages in and I'm asleep)

    Planned session was:

    3 miles easy, 7x ( 2k@6.30 pace, 1k@7.15 pace), 3 miles easy

    Up and at it just after 6, got the gear on, quick sip of coffee and headed out the door.
    Ran my warmup in an empty St Anne's park - beautifully lit up by the early morning sun, then headed down to the coast road to get started on the faster stuff.

    Ran down towards Fairview for the first set, using the coast road for a little bit ( the actual road, it was empty but it's also in a state) then switched to the grass.
    Struggled a little at the start to get the pace right but I soon got into a good stride, settling in nicely at 6.30 pace and then easing back to 7.15 pace....which quickly made me realise that there is no real recovery as such in this session.

    First 2 sets went well, worked hard into the wind around the outside of Fairview park before heading back out the coast towards Howth.

    Each set took a bit more effort as the session went on and by the 4th or 5th ( which was 20k or so in) I was having to dig in to get going again from 7.15 pace to 6.30 pace.

    The last two were very, very tough - finishing up running into the wind again and I could feel by legs resisting each step as I tried to ramp the pace up.

    Knuckled down and got it done though, finishing off with 3 very slow and delicate miles to bring the total for the session to 19.2 miles

    Sections worked out as ( paces):
    (1k@6.26, 1k@6.26 - 1k@7.05)
    (1k@6.25, 1k@6.28 - 1k@7.05)
    (1k@6.20, 1k@6.28 - 1k@7.16)
    (1k@6.21, 1k@6.21 - 1k@7.13)
    (1k@6.25, 1k@6.28 - 1k@7.21)
    (1k@6.25, 1k@6.25 - 1k@7.19)
    (1k@6.29, 1k@6.25 - 1k@7.21)


    Drove back to DUblin this afternoon and headed out this evening for 8 more easy miles, once again I bumped into FBOT, fresh as a daisy having secured yet another parkrun victory for himself over the weekend. I joined M on his latest victory lap for a few minutes before parting ways and heading off for a few more loops of St Anne's

    Legs are a little tender but still enjoyed the run ( stuck to the grass for the most part)

    8.15 miles @ 8 min\miles

    PRessups and stretching afterwards

    Another good week down, some good quality and total mileage of 89.7

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    your training is going amazing. I'm tempted to write down all those sessions :)

    Who set your plan up for you and what will be your max mileage?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    your training is going amazing. I'm tempted to write down all those sessions :)

    Who set your plan up for you and what will be your max mileage?

    I said the exact same thing last week. Somebody asked me about doing marathon specific sessions and long runs with stuff I told them all they needed to do was go back over this log or that of Myles Splits and they will find plenty of that's what I intend doing ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    your training is going amazing. I'm tempted to write down all those sessions :)

    Who set your plan up for you and what will be your max mileage?

    Thanks A - its gone well for the past while alright, fingers crossed I keep it up for another 7 and a bit weeks too !

    I've been working with Myles for quite a while now, he puts the plan\sessions together on a week to week basis, I don't actually know what the max mileage will be, I would guess maybe early 90s?

    Write away by the way, feel free!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    7 weeks till Berlin and the runs are coming thick and fast ( well, slow get the idea though). This week was a bit of a rollercoaster with work and life throwing up all sorts of obstacles to overcome before I could get on with the good stuff !


    Recovery effort around St Anne's park - felt pretty tired to be honest, legs were fine but the body and mind were flagging and glad of the very easy pace

    4 miles very easy

    Weights, core, stretching


    First of two meaty sessions of the week - I had the choice of a 2.5 hour(ish) session or a shorter session - whichever one I picked, I'd run the other on Sat morning ( early).

    Foolishly I let time restrictions dictate my choice of sessions and went for the longer one, given that I would have a free run of the evening as opposed to having to get up that bit earlier on Saturday morning.

    The plan was for a 7-7-7 progression run, 7.45-7.00-6.30

    Got started straight after work on the easy stuff and was noticably sweating and working a bit more than normal by the time I was dumping the backpack off at home (just over 4 miles in), thinking back, the signs weren't great at all.
    Carried on into St Anne's and despite some temporary relief from the backpack, soon enough I was working harder than I wanted to be again.

    By the time I moved onto the 7.00 paced stuff, I was feeling the effort, I normally love this pace and often have to reel myself in on easy runs to stop slipping into steady pace because I enjoy the rhythm so much - not tonight!
    8\9 miles in and I was getting thoughts of packing the run in, I knew I wasn't recovered, it was warm out but that wasn't an excuse, we'd had lots of warm evenings of late and I'd run sessions fine.

    10,11, 12 miles in and I was still working too hard, no sign of settling into the to 14 miles when it was time to step it up to 6.30 pace and I knew I was a gonner, made it about 3\4 of the way through the first 6.30 mile and I was blowing hard, ridiculous effort levels for the pace...put the breaks on, gave myself a bollocking and decided to salvage a 20 mile run from the night...finished off with some very slow and very uncomfortable easy miles to bring the total up to 20 for the night.

    20 miles @ 7.30


    AM - 6 miles easy, tired, stiff legs

    PM - 6 miles easy, tired, stiff legs



    Crazy at work yesterday\last night so had a poor nights sleep and paid for it with this morning's run

    AM - 6 cranky miles at 8.09 pace around St Anne's

    PM - Bizzarely I was full of beans on this run and felt great, beautiful calm evening for it though, maybe that caused the energy levels to spike or something, had to reign it in at times.

    6 miles @ 7.59


    AM - lovely run, 6 easy miles, rested well last night

    PM - cranky and tired again, 6 poxy miles



    Session time again and today was a chance to get back on the wagon after Tuesday's "blip" ( coach used that phrase so I'm using it too)

    3 miles easy, 4x10 minutes with 3 min recovery, 3 miles easy

    Target paces for each section:

    Up early to get this done but not as early as recent weeks, quick sup of coffee and I was out the door and headed for St Anne's to get my warmup done.
    Upped the pace a little over the last easy mile to make the first section less of a shock and it worked a treat, had to work quite a bit initially into the wind to get the pace down but held it nicely once I did.

    3 minutes recovery flew through and I was lapping Fairview park for the 2nd section before I knew it, again, the wind proving to be a pest at times and the hump at eastpoint business park reminded me that my run-mute isn't quite as flat as I always say it is.

    Into another 3 minutes easy and I was dreading the thoughts of upping the pace again, I was feeling tired now but knew I had to get through this one. Worked hard again into the wind for most of this section, getting some relief after turning along the back of Fairview park but the climb up past EastPoint nearly killed me this time! kicked the legs up and over and got it done again

    One section to go and I knew I'd get it done but also knew it was going to hurt. Ran this along the coast but avoided the grass in case I went over on an ankle, plenty of other runners out and about at this stage and I'm sure I was a sight for sore eyes with my flailing arms and legs as I gasped and spluttered my way through this one.

    Got it done though :D

    Section 1: 6.25
    Section 2: 6.18
    Section 3: 6.13 ( little slow but the effort was right with the wind etc)
    Section 4: 6.08

    3 miles easy to bring the total to 13.65 miles

    Weights\stretching after


    Nothing like a 4 hour stint walking around the zoo to freshen up the legs :( - in fairness, I love the zoo, brought loads of food and made lots of " lets sit here for a few minutes and take in the wolves\lions\whatever" comments while dishing out goodies to distract everyone...suckers

    Got out for an easy run on some pretty tired legs this evening and despite the wind and rain, I really enjoyed this one, stayed within St Anne's and mainly on the grass too - legs felt good towards the end too

    9 miles @ 7.50 min\miles

    pressups\stretching after

    Just shy of 83 miles for the week and despite Tuesday's mishap, another good week down - recovery is critical to getting through the next few weeks though, the weekly mileage is no problem anymore, the long nature of some of the sessions is something that has possibly thrown me though, they definitely linger deep in the legs a little longer than I'm used to.

    7 weeks to go, a lot of work done and each week seems to get more important than the last

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Duanington wrote: »

    AM - 6 cranky miles at 8.09 pace around St Anne's

    PM - Bizzarely I was full of beans on this run and felt great, beautiful calm evening for it though, maybe that caused the energy levels to spike or something, had to reign it in at times.

    6 miles @ 7.59

    83 miles is a great weeks training - Tuesday was more than salvaged with a 20m run. Don't look down on it. I'm old, I know these things.

    The 2 runs above were both 6 miles. One was 10 secs per mile faster/slower than the other.
    One was "cranky" the other "full of beans" - 10s doesn't do that - is it a state of mind?
    Would you have been better served not doing the AM run? Or doing it differently? Or doing 9 in the PM and calling it quits?

    I'm not saying the word 'over training' lightly - I've deleted some other sentences I wrote.
    Just a note to be careful in the closing stages................

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    83 miles is a great weeks training - Tuesday was more than salvaged with a 20m run. Don't look down on it. I'm old, I know these things.

    The 2 runs above were both 6 miles. One was 10 secs per mile faster/slower than the other.
    One was "cranky" the other "full of beans" - 10s doesn't do that - is it a state of mind?
    Would you have been better served not doing the AM run? Or doing it differently? Or doing 9 in the PM and calling it quits?

    I'm not saying the word 'over training' lightly - I've deleted some other sentences I wrote.
    Just a note to be careful in the closing stages................

    Thanks A - You're 100% right re Tuesday's run, even if it took me a day or so ( and a chat with L) to get myself into that frame of mind.

    Re the two runs on Thursday, I think I should have highlighted that I had to really reign myself in on the PM run to stop myself slipping into a pace that was borderline steady whereas the AM run was a trudgefest, the pace was ( and felt) easy but I was tired and grumpy!

    This may have partly been a fuelling thing actually now that I think of it, I ran on empty on the AM run and ate\hydrated very well throughout the day before the PM run...I think little things like that can make a difference in the midst of marathon training.

    The difference in pace doesn't accurately reflect the state of mind I suppose.

    I think the doubles work well for me overall, given the busy work\life schedule I have...there is the odd day where it's a bit of a squeeze but I think it works well in the overall scheme of things.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Monday Monday.....4 easy miles home from work, took it very handy and enjoyed the effort.

    4.1 miles @ 8.30ish ( I think)

    Stretching and core afterwards


    Scaled back long run this week with the half coming up this weekend - 10 easy miles on the cards tonight.

    I won't lie - I really enjoyed knowing that I didn't have 2.5 hour run ahead of me after work and subsequently enjoyed the run that followed.

    Usual route, dumped the bag, into St Anne's etc....Garmin was acing up a bit though, it gave me a 6.xx first mile which couldn't have been the case.

    Felt good all the way

    10 miles @ 7.42 min\miles

    skipped the extra work in favour of giving the body some rest this week


    Plan had me down for a session today and I had a mental day at the office which meant no way I'd get this in at lunch, a dinner after work which meant no chance in the evening so I got out a little earlier than normal to get it done.

    2 miles easy, 1 mile@6.10, 1 mile easy, 2 miles@6,30, 1 mile easy, 1 mile@6.10, 2 miles easy

    Tough little session, the usual bit of breeze out on the coast road added to the effort levels maybe but always felt in control of the paces.


    No time for extras this evening, busy stuffing my face :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    Duanington wrote: »


    Monday Monday.....4 easy miles home from work, took it very handy and enjoyed the effort.

    4.1 miles @ 8.30ish ( I think)

    Stretching and core afterwards


    Plan had me down for a session today and I had a mental day at the office which meant no way I'd get this in at lunch, a dinner after work which meant no chance in the evening so I got out a little earlier than normal to get it done.

    I love the dedication you have DD

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Best of luck tomorrow D, hope all goes well for you. Remember there's a sting in the tale in the last few miles, but no doubt it shouldn't affect you. It's a great race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    tang1 wrote: »
    Best of luck tomorrow D, hope all goes well for you. Remember there's a sting in the tale in the last few miles, but no doubt it shouldn't affect you. It's a great race.

    Cheers B - looks like there are plenty of stings around the course alright, partly why I picked it believe it or not !

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    Best of luck tomorrow D , I had considered it myself but they'd upped the price by the time I went to register so Tullamore in 2 weeks for me!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Make it count or something like that ;)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    All best tomorrow, hope all goes well.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Good luck tomorrow D, looking forward to the report already :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Have a good one tomorrow :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Have a good one, D and of course ENJOY!!!

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522


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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    1.22.56 - PB by 30 odd seconds or so - Tang wasn't joking about that hill towards the end!

    A good day's work all the same

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    Fantastic! Great work!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    That's great going D, well done! Would you mind charting your HM progress over the last two years or so please? I have an inkling that not so long ago you were around 90 min shape so that's some progress!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,483 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Well done, DD. Really tearing it up at the moment!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Well done on PB, all coming together nicely.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Nice work D :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Savage stuff D, some going to PB on that route, delighted for you.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    Well done. Always have to be happy with a pb!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    Chalk it up, no matter how good or bad you thought you ran. Great to hear of all the hard training bringing rewards.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Working from home today - got out for 6 nice and easy miles around St Anne's, enjoyed this and felt good

    6.1 miles @ 7.52

    Weights and core after

    PM - nipped out for this one late enough, heading along the coast road for a change, another nice run

    4 miles @ 7.56

    Friday - rest :eek:


    Up and out a little later than normal for a 3 mile run around St Anne's, spotting Mrs Mc along the way.

    Plan was for 3 miles with 1 at HMP - ran that at 6.12, a little hot but still fine.

    3.5 for the lot
