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Confessions of a never has been.....



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    Jan 20th - Feb 15th

    Little or no running. A glute injury halted me in my tracks the week before Raheny. I felt I was fitter and stronger than ever when I picked it up...and I probably was BUT the bio mechanics were obviously a bit off and having spent a good bit of time in with the physio during that period, I could see where\how. Lots of rehab excercises, lots of cycling, lots of glute strength work, lots of dry needling and a couple of walk\run sessions later and I was back on track.

    Armed with the knowledge that I had missed almost a month's training, I spoke with L about adjusting things slightly. The half in Mullingar had been the big target for this block and while I'll still run it, I'm under no illusions about being in the kind of shape I need to for a PB. The Kinvara 10k was in there as a tune up race, that would now become a glorified session, a hurt locker effort that would hopefully drag me back a little closer to pre-injry levels.


    Feb 16th - 19th

    4 miles
    4.5 miles
    7.5 miles
    9 miles

    All easy, all nervous enough but all done without any issues. The 9 mile was one of those where I could have gone on and on....I copped on.

    Feb 20-26th

    6.1 easy miles with some fartlek stuff towards the end. Loved this, glute was stiff at first but the faster stuff seemed to ease everything nicely.

    11.2 easy miles. Double digit running again ....yippeee

    5.5 easy miles


    5x5 minutes @ 6ish pace ( 2 min recovery)

    Said I'd aim for 4 and shoot for 5 if I wasn't dying on my feet
    Felt better than I expected to be honest.

    Pace was in and around 6 min\mile for each rep.

    9.3 miles for the lot


    7.7 easy miles


    Tried another mini session while down in Loughrea. Was battered by the wind and rain, effort levels were far too high so canned it

    6.7 miles in total


    8.2 easy miles

    Feb 27th - March 5th


    Took on a tempo run today, aim was for 5 miles @6.30.
    Got a few easy miles in around St Anne's then got started, I didn't monitor pace too closely as I wanted to work on effort. Kept things feeling quick but not race quick. Bumped into FBOT a couple of times on the way around who eventually joined me just as I was starting to flag on the last mile or so.

    5 miles @ 6.20, 10 miles in total


    Back to an actual long run - 17 miles, up to Howth and back down for my sins.


    4.2 + 4.2 = 8.4 :)


    8 x45 second hill sprints.

    Back to those hills. Shorter session to start back with, lacked a little gas too.
    Felt wrecked straight after but great after after..:o

    9.2 for the lot


    7 easy miles


    Kinvara 10k

    I had earmarked this race from a long way out as a chance to run a good old fashioned tough race effort roughly 2 weeks out from a sub 1.20 assault on Mullingar. I love the area, knew the route was testing enough without being unfair and conditions down wesht in early March usually throw an added challenge into the mix.

    Come through it with a good time in the bag and I’d be set up nicely for Muillingar. My right glute had other plans though, having missed the bones of 4 weeks training throughout January and February, by the time the race rolled around, Kinvara was relegated to a glorified session really. A chance to run hard, push myself back towards the pre-injury limits that I had worked had to achieve over the winter months.

    Arriving down to Kinvara on the morning of the race, I had a hard job convincing my running buddies ( brother and sister D) that the rain and strong winds would only serve to make the race all the more specactular. Truth be told, I couldn’t even convince myself, cowering in a coffee shop by the small harbour in the town - it was hard not to dread the thoughts of getting changed to run in the wild conditions outside.

    Nonetheless, get changed we did and head off for a couple of easy miles I did ( the others left me to it!). I love Kinvara, love the route of the 10k, love the way t it takes you towards the breathtaking backdrop of The Burren where you are exposed to everything the Atlantic coastline has to offer before heading back towards the town and the shelter of the harbour. To be fair the rain had been coming at us sideways before I headed off to warm up and by the time I was done, it more or less stopped, the wind was really the only concern now.

    I lined up at the starting line, up the front with the big boys for a change and before long, we were off. I had been pretty relaxed going into the race, seeing as it would be part of a normal training week, so relaxed in fact, I had forgotten to think about how I would pace it! I stayed with a group of 4\5 lads for the first 400m or so, pace felt quick but not too quick and I remembered talking to FBOT about what I hoped to get from the race ( earlier in the week), “anywhere around 6.10 pace for the 10k should give me a very good session “ - eh...ok...I’ll do that so.

    The first mile of the race took us out away from the town, along a good stretch of road with the usual bumps and dips you get in that part of the world. The wind was noticeably strong and right into our faces but I was sitting in with a group who were moving at a pace that felt right and getting a little shelter. Effort wise, all was good, surprisingly good actually, I knew that the tougher sections of the route lay ahead though so wasn’t going to start celebrating just yet

    Mile 1 – 5.59

    Into 2nd mile and while the road surface was still good, we had to negotiate a series of rolling hills before turning left onto a much smaller road where the surface wasn’t great – the landscape on the horizon looked both beautiful and menacing in equal measure. The wind still felt very much in our faces and I could feel myself naturally taking the foot off the gas just a bit as the effort level climbed.

    The group I had been running with had become strung out a little now, I let two lads go on up ahead, finding the effort required to stay with them just a bit too hot, each time I upped the effort to go, I got a sharp reminder in my right ribs that I was in no condition to do so – I backed off the effort enough to keep it at bay but knew it was a warning shot of sorts from my body.
    I wasn’t feeling great coming towards the end of Mile 2 and when the watch beeped for a 6.17 split, I began to fear the worst - I wanted a tough race effort, I was getting one! Conditions were tough, the field was well spread out now, meaning that I was running alone ...with just the voices in my head to keep me company !

    Mile 2 6.17

    Into mile 3 and I worked to settle myself into a steady rhythm, focused on controlling the breathing a bit better while keeping the stride and form good. Any slight hint of a surprisingly fast day at the office was out the window now so it was time to roll up the sleeves (proverbial, I was wearing the club singlet) and get to work. Up and down the route continued, snaking its away alongside the magnificent hills of the Burren. I was out on my own and feeling it, I could hear someone behind but they were dropping back, up ahead I could see 3 or 4 runners who were looking pretty strong - have to admit I had a green eyed monster moment around now. While I had actually done well to drag the pace back towards target region, it was proving to be very hard work.

    A sharp left just before the 3 mile mark meant the wind would now be coming from the side and I knew that would offer some relief from the stitch, true enough within 3 or 4 minutes the pain subsided quite a bit, the watch beeped for Mile 3 and I exchanged glances with a bemused looking Donkey at a gate....he looked like he felt a bit sorry for the lanky creature running by.

    Mile 3 6.04

    I was working very hard now, losing pace going up the bumps and struggling to pick it up again on the way down. I reminded myself several times along this stretch that I needed this level of discomfort, it was exactly what I needed. You can’t get these kind of efforts from running around the trails in St Anne’s alone, nobody to chase, nobody chasing you etc.

    Up ahead, I noticed that the few runners had stopped pulling away from me and if anything, one of them was starting to drop back towards me. That should have given me a nice boost but while noticing that, I also spied the leader, way ahead making his way up what looked like a disgustingly steep hill....”great idea this was D....f*cking great idea”
    I got the head down and kicked on, thanking an older couple that had braved the elements to come out and shout some kind words to the idiotic joggers going past their cozy looking home.

    Mile 4 6.08

    The race leader was loooong gone by the time I found myself faced with the hill I had spotted earlier, I remembered it from last time I ran this race but this time it felt like it brought me to a near standstill , the leg strength just was not there to kick on up this time around. Once I reached the top, I was gasping and almost plodding, I couldn’t believe it had taken so much out of me but even worse, I couldn’t push on down the far side either, I coasted down until the ground levelled off then eventually got some sense of rhythm back.

    Having regained a bit of composure and a good tempo in my stride, I focussed the mind and noticed again that the last man in the group ahead of me was definitely getting closer. He was still maybe 30 metres away from me but he was part of a group that was moving out of site not so long ago, I was thankful for that small mercy.

    Another couple of drags and drops came and went, we were heading towards the 5 mile marker and I tried to take control of the pace a bit more. I have always found myself switching off when tired during races and the pace drifts as a result, take control, force the pace and while it hurts, the body generally does what its told. It was hurting but I was closing the gap on the lad ahead.

    Mile 5 6.11

    While I was approaching the last mile of the race, I had one of those “ when does the finishing area come into sight” moments. I knew I was working hard up the bumps now and similarly so down the drops too, a couple of glances at the watch told me so but the effort levels were rising too and were a bit of a shock to the system – I was running faster because I knew it was nearly over.
    One last drag to go and then we were going to head back into the town, I remembered this section well and by the time we turned after the last drag, back onto the main road into Kinvara, I had drawn up to the shoulder of the runner ahead. I was breathing heavily, so he was he, I was moving well now, so he was he. Turning left, off the main road onto a back route into the harbour, the odd supporter began to appear on either side of the road. I had move alongside him now, I nudged ahead and he responded well. I knew I had a bit more to come though.

    I went again but this time I kept it up, a sustained surge to try to burn him off. Turning right into the edge of the harbour, I was tempted to look over my shoulder but I kept my focus and maintained the surge. The surface was better now so I could kick a little harder again, I could hear the finish area up ahead. One more turn to go and while I could hear his frantic footsteps in the background, they felt very much in the background. I turned the corner, gave one last kick for home and crossed the line with 37.56 on the watch and 9th place.

    Mile 5 - 5.56
    0.2 - 5.12 pace

    After gathering my thoughts a little, I got a couple of easy miles in to finish the day off. I was pretty happy with the effort, the time wasn’t great but that will come if I can keep the consistency of the past couple of weeks up. Can’t speak highly enough of this race either, I had planned to run a much quicker time this year but that plan changed after about week 3 of the injury – plan b while maybe not as spectacular was possibly just as rewarding.


    9 easy miles around Clontarf, had company for this during the 2nd half. Legs were tired at the start but felt great as the run went on - brought a nice end to a good week, just over 71 miles all in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    March 6th - March 12th


    Progression - 9 mile

    Went out with the purpose of running this by effort, starting off easy but quickly moving into steady pace and down towards 6.30 and beyond.

    Tough session around St Anne's , was working harder and harder as the run went on ( progression runs, eh?) and was tempted to add on another bonus mile at the end but called it (correctly) after a 6.13 mile.

    A couple of easy miles afterwards to bring the total to 11.2 miles for the day


    Long run in horrible horrible rain. I like rain, I love running in the rain so I don't know why this was so horrible but when I got back to the house, I was basically a long human tube of rain water.


    4.7 in the AM ( or at lunch actually)

    6.1 after work.


    3x8 minutes @6.15 - 3 mins recovery

    Ran these too quick

    Section 1 - 6 min pace
    Section 2 - 6.06 pace
    Section 3 - 6.05 pace

    Worked hard but obviously too hard. Good session all the same


    8 miles easy after work, nice run. A little tired from yesterday's exploits and a bit of a headcold coming on


    10 miles steady - into St Anne's and then out along the coast. I usually love these but it took me a good while to get going on this one.

    10.2 miles @ 7.05 min\miles

    2 miles easy afterwards to bring the total to 12.2


    Some nice and easy miles in around St Anne's and again out on the coast, perfect day for it really.

    7.2 for the day and just shy of 74 for the week

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Jaysus H Christ - you'll have done another race by the time this race report comes out.



    All that glute strength work is taking up my boards logging time A !

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    'A near standstill'... so that's what a 6:08 mile feels like... :pac: :pac:

    Great description of Kinvara D!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,483 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Nice race, D. The stitch didn't seem to affect the splits too much - that's something I've noticed from my own stitch history too, which helps to keep the panic at bay when it happens. Good result!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Well done this morning D, nice running.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    tang1 wrote: »
    Well done this morning D, nice running.

    Thanks B - still lacking a bit of strength following the layoff but its another good effort to build on. Hope the recovery is going well?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Duanington wrote: »
    Thanks B - still lacking a bit of strength following the layoff but its another good effort to build on. Hope the recovery is going well?

    Yeah, back out on the road yesterday D, no point sulking anymore over the outcome in Barca. Legs felt very good thankfully.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    tang1 wrote: »
    Yeah, back out on the road yesterday D, no point sulking anymore over the outcome in Barca. Legs felt very good thankfully.
    Great to hear that B - there's a whole lotta training in those legs!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    March 13th - March 19th


    6.2 lunchtime miles around St Anne's and out along the coast

    PM - 4 easy miles around St Anne's

    Can't remember either run at this stage !


    Session: - 3,2,1 miles @ 6.30, 6.15, 5.55 - recoveries were 4 minutes and 3 minutes

    Felt I worked hard and well during this session, probably ran a little hard at times which is not unusual ( :rolleyes:) but it can be tricky pacing these kind of sessions through trees and into a breeze.

    Splits were

    3 miles @ 6.28, 6.25, 6.26
    2 miles @ 6.08, 6.06
    1 mile @ 5.43

    In the end, a good session that should bring me back a little closer to where I was pre injury

    10.9 miles for the lot


    AM - 5.2 easy
    PM - 4.2 easy


    2.5 mile shakeout


    Mullingar half marathon.

    Rough day at the office in Mullingar, for the first time in a long time I had no interest in getting out of bed to race, I had a bit of a headcold that was crying out for a few hours extra sleep but after much mental anguish, I dragged my lazy a$$ out of bed and got myself ready. A look out the window told me that the weather outside reflected my mood - manky.

    I haven't time to do up a race report for this one which is a real pity because while most of the race was a write off, I did take some positives from the day itself, namely showing up at the start line and finishing the thing in one piece !

    The bit in between was the low point, I was blown from pillar to post and a lack of strength was woefully exposed....starting out with a surprisingly comfortable 6.07 mile before dropping to 6.30 pace by halfway and hanging on for dear life for the rest of the the end I squeezed out a 1.25+ finishing time which was disappointing to say the least.

    I am an optimist at heart and while I knew deep down I hadn't regained the same fitness levels that I had before getting injured, I suspected that if the conditions were right and I was in the right form, I could surprise myself - if I could get within a couple of minutes of my PB (1.21) then the signs would be good.
    On the day , conditions were never going to give me an easy ride and a combination of strong winds and a lack of real strength saw me getting my a$$ handed to me on a plate.

    I did turn up though and I did finish and if nothing else, its another tough effort under the belt.

    16.3 miles for the day


    8 easy miles around Clontarf\Fariview, legs felt good and the headcold had started to shift thankfully. Nothing else of note really


    Off - Travelling all day to India

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Enjoy the trip, nothing like a race effort to bring us along. Onwards and upwards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Monday 19th

    Landed in India at 5ish am after a longer than planned stopover in Heathrow, the journey from the airport to my hotel was one that I'll never forget - massive motorway, people sweeping dirt from it, motorbike riders not really bothering with the whole sense of direction thing....and a mars-like landscape.

    I had no sleep on the flight so was fairly tired by the time I got to the hotel...but with a meeting to head to in a couple of hours, I knew a little kip would just wipe me out so I headed to the gym to run a few easy miles on the threadmill.

    Threadmill said 5.2, I'll give it 4.5....watched the sunrise from the window of the gym on the threadmill.....while a security guy swept the hotel grounds for explosives.


    Another overnight flight, this time to Singapore from India and another flight where I had little or no sleep. I had no choice this time, got to my hotel ( eventually - having gone to the wrong one initially) and got a power nap of a couple of hours.

    Got through the day suprisingly well and stuck to the threadmill for my run - 15 miles progression on the cards but I had to have dinner with my work colleagues so was stuck for time, settled for a 9 mile progression run in the gym.


    AM - up and at it nice and early for a run with my bosses wife, she had done a bit of exploring the day before so knew a few routes around the city. The humidity was intense from the word go on this one though, I've never experienced anything like it really. Ran a few miles around the famed Gardens by the Bay and loved every step, the pace was very slow and yet I was a mess by the end of this.
    Lovely run, wiped me out for a few minutes though

    6.3 miles verrrry easy

    PM - back to the cooler climes of the hotel gym and I took in 6 easy miles, again refusing to believe the threadmill's lies

    6 miles easy


    Session day today - wasn't sure if I'd get this in but I managed to find an hour between work and dinner to nip down to the gym to squeeze this in ( heading out into the heat would have been silly).

    Had it in my head to run 8x3 minutes at 10k effort ( it should have been 6x3 minutes) with 80 second recovery. Not sure I got the effort right on the first one thinking back now but I did for the rest...I think....hard to know on those bloomin threadmills.

    10.6ish miles for the lot


    Last day in Singapore so I set the alarm and got up nice and early to head out for some easy miles. Ran alongside the F1 track, the national stadium, the national indoor arena, the national something else...then got lost.
    I never, ever, ever bring my phone running but had the common sense to do so this time thankfully - used google maps to find my way back to base nice and slowly. Breathing was very laboured by the end again with the humidity

    8.4 easy miles


    A loooong overnight flight from Singapore to London then on to Dublin left me creaking and hobbling by the time I got off the plane. I forgot all about checking in nice and early to nab an exit row seat so I could stretch out my lanky legs for the flight and instead I found myself crumpled up like a daddy long legs in a matchbox for 13 hours or so.

    Headed out later in the day to get my session in all the same, plan was for easy miles, 10k@6.30 pace, more easy miles

    Huffed and puffed my way through this one really, the legs seemed to loosen up a bit as the run went on but it was far from comfortable.

    Anyway, job done - average pace was around 6.27 or so for the faster bit.

    10 miles for the lot

    Sunday - legs still very stiff and sore at times, again, they loosened out as the run went on though.

    9 easy miles around St Anne's to bring the weekly total to 64

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Nice work getting 64m for the week with that travel.

    I love Singapore, been there 10-15 times over the years but only ran outside once and vowed never to do it again!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Nice work getting 64m for the week with that travel.

    I love Singapore, been there 10-15 times over the years but only ran outside once and vowed never to do it again!!

    I'd heard it was humid alright A but I didn't expect it to be so bad.....never experienced anything like it really

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    That's some week. You could take over from TbL's travel log if he ever retires.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Duanington wrote: »
    I'd heard it was humid alright A but I didn't expect it to be so bad.....never experienced anything like it really

    Last time I was there I found the running outside to be almost impossible, whatever the pace I'd be leaking sweat like a bust water pipe! ( I'd say it'd kill Toyboy Tang altogether)

    Good work


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Last time I was there I found the running outside to be almost impossible, whatever the pace I'd be leaking sweat like a bust water pipe! ( I'd say it'd kill Toyboy Tang altogether)

    Good work


    I'd be a million times worse than Ted Striker if I ran in Singapore:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Ferris B wrote: »
    That's some week. You could take over from TbL's travel log if he ever retires.

    I don't know how he does it C - it left me wiped out this week, feeling good today but up until yesterday I was a zombie !

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Lunchtime run around St Anne's to start with, legs in a jock - I actually had trouble walking before this, both calves were completely locked up. I eventually got going and eased my way into the run. Managed 7.5 and felt a little better at the end ( although energy levels were way down)

    PM - over in Mammy D's so headed out around a local loop in Lucan\Clondalkin for another creaky few miles - 4.6 in total but to be honest, it felt like 24.6


    Long run day and I was down for 16 miles - I knew that was going to be tough, I had been limping around all day with calves like hot lava and by the time the run came around, I was ready for my bed too. Got going all the same and did my usual trick of dropping off the backpack on the way home, then headed into St Anne's, feeling like $hite.
    A few painful loops around the park and I called it a day at 13 miles - I just had nothing left


    Lunchtime run in Ringsend park - a very slight improvement with the legs but it was still a bit of a plod
    4 easy miles

    PM - Run home and a teeny bit extra, legs still like coiled springs so I spent a good hour working on them with various stretches and drills I've picked up over the years - the relief was unreal. The hobbling stopped and the enthusiasm started to return!

    8.5 for the day


    Session day today and glory be....the calves felt a lot better...yippeeee. Energy levels weren't great but they were good enough to get out and give this one a good bash.

    2-3 miles easy, 10x2 minutes @ 10k effort, 90 sec recoery, 2-3 miles easy

    I almost enjoyed ( almost, not quite) the warm up for this one and extended it a little more than normal to make sure the creaky legs were well oiled before starting the session. Made my way to the football pithches in St Anne's ( I'd decided to run the session around the field which would mean 50\50 grass and tarmac).

    Got started on the session and went out far too fast, nearly blew a gasket halfway through the first rep. The deeper stiffness in the legs was noticeable too which effected my gait a little.
    I was really blowing hard for the first few of these and almost canned it at halfway but stuck it out and actually gained a bit more control over the session as it went on
    I sometimes convince myself that I'm more wrecked that I actually am at the end of a rep - dramatic breathing, arms flailing etc....cop on and take a bit of control and things tend to go much better.

    Anyway, finished strong, rep paces:

    6.08 :confused:

    Met FerrisB during the 2nd or 3rd rep - looking in great shape for his upcoming marathon, had a quick chat with him before he sped off on his tempo. I finished off with a few easy miles to bring the total for the day to 12.5

    Feeling almost human again

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    at the end of a rep - dramatic breathing, arms flailing etc....cop on and take a bit of control and things tend to go much better.

    As Jumbo Elliott used to say...."relax, relax, relax...."

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    As Jumbo Elliott used to say...."relax, relax, relax...."

    That's gonna be my new mantra :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    You hide that look of 'blowing hard' very well. When I saw you , you looked cool as a cucumber, just out for gentle few miles. Good session.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Just catching up here, you're bound to feel tired after that week of travel...

    "mars-like landscape"... sounds like Hyderabad?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Ferris B wrote: »
    You hide that look of 'blowing hard' very well. When I saw you , you looked cool as a cucumber, just out for gentle few miles. Good session.

    think I seen that movie...........

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Ferris B wrote: »
    You hide that look of 'blowing hard' very well. When I saw you , you looked cool as a cucumber, just out for gentle few miles. Good session.

    I think you were caught up in your pre tempo zen moment C !

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    annapr wrote: »
    Just catching up here, you're bound to feel tired after that week of travel...

    "mars-like landscape"... sounds like Hyderabad?

    Got it in one A !

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    think I seen that movie...........

    ha ha - there's surely 2 movies in that !

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    AM - easy miles around St Anne's - enjoyed this, legs felt ok following the session but there was still a definite hangover lingering from the flight the previous weekend

    7.7 easy miles

    PM - hangover became more apparent , calves were pretty tight at the end

    5 easy miles

    Core work and stretching later


    AM - had a session planned for today but I canned it on account of one of my calf muscles locking up during the warmup. A bit of stretching had it chilling out a bit again but I knew it was too risky to chance the session so just ran home and called it 3 easy miles for the day ( it was probably a little more)

    Weights and core work in the PM


    Had planned on testing the calf tonight, if it was ok, I'd run yesterday's session...if not...well, easy miles would do.

    Great craic at Junior Parkrun this morning with my youngest, she wasn't exactly enthusiastic before the run ( or even during ) but was chuffed with herself as always after. Great morning for it and a lovely atmosphere around the place - I also got a chance to jog\run around the course to test out by tight calf help junior along:pac:

    Got out this evening and said I'd see how things were after 3 miles, there was a marked improvement but still a little too iffy for my liking so I settled for easy miles.

    8.1 for the lot which brings me to 70 for the week, a little shy of the target and a little short on quality ....but, I'm pretty sure I've dodged an injury in there somewhere and I've kept things ticking over after a trip to the other side of the planet the week before

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Duanington wrote: »
    Got it in one A !

    You described it exactly how I remember it... mad place.

    Didn't see you at all this morning at Junior parkrun, I was very focused on timekeeping duties... the stress! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    annapr wrote: »
    You described it exactly how I remember it... mad place.

    Didn't see you at all this morning at Junior parkrun, I was very focused on timekeeping duties... the stress! :)

    Mad is the word alright, hoping to get back there for a bit longer later in the year.

    I spotted you, looking all official n all
