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Confessions of a never has been.....



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    OOnegative wrote: »
    I take it your deferring Berlin D?

    Looks that way, B - not quite 100% yet but most likely

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Duanington wrote: »
    Looks that way, B - not quite 100% yet but most likely

    Will it alter your training in the coming weeks?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    San Seb and Valencia both fantastic marathons.

    Think you'd prefer Valencia, bigger field, very flat, lovely city and San Seb is 2 laps

    Best of luck


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,190 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Will it alter your training in the coming weeks?

    Was wondering this're prob what, 4 weeks into Berlin block?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Will it alter your training in the coming weeks?

    Had a chat with L about it and there'll be no huge alterations really, we've a bit more room to play with in terms of racing for the next couple of months and a bit of buffer room but the format will stay the same really

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    San Seb and Valencia both fantastic marathons.

    Think you'd prefer Valencia, bigger field, very flat, lovely city and San Seb is 2 laps

    Best of luck


    Thanks C - Really like the look of Valencia alright

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    healy1835 wrote: »
    Was wondering this're prob what, 4 weeks into Berlin block?

    Well the plan has been morphing into marathon training really over the last while as opposed to starting on any specific day - I think the current format suits me so it probably just means that the long run doesn't get any longer for a while yet

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Another scorcher and a busy day at work meant that I had literally 1 window of opportunity to get out and run today, the problem was that there was nobody around to keep an eye on my youngest while I ran for 9 miles.

    Only one thing for it...cover her in suncream and plonk her onto the bike. We headed off to St Anne's, I wondered how long before the novelty of cycling around in the mid-day sun with me would wear off.....only, it didn't really. We agreed on a break every few miles where she'd park up in the middle of a football pitch while I lapped around for a bit which helped but by the end I think I was getting more craic out of than she was!

    9 miles easy for the lot


    AM - easy run into work, 4.1 miles

    PM - easy run home ( longer route), 6.5 miles


    Session day today, 7x1 miles off reducing recoveries ( 3 minutes down to 30 seconds) - targetting 6.05 pace

    I didn't like the look of this one when I saw it on the plan, the pace is nothing fancy, the recoveries start off nice but throw in the current temperature and the fatigue that builds up on these sessions with the duration of the session and it just gives me that bit of pre session fear that I get every now and then.

    Missed my chance to get it done early so had to settle for an early evening slot, decided to a) wear headphones and b) use St Anne's

    I never wear headphones but thought I'd try out a few tunes on this one to see how it worked out.

    Got a short warmup done then got straight into it, pushing too hard over the first stretch of course, settled down nicely and really just focused on controlling the form and stride.
    The first 2 or 3 miles were fine, no real issues other than the odd bit of exposure to the sun which really did raise the effort levels up at times.
    Once I got into the 90 second recovery and below, it became a case of rolling up the sleeves (didn't have any) , focusing on the job at hand and relaxing the stride. Time and time again I had to stop myself from fighting a fight that wasn't there, a bit of a drag and I'd be pushing far to hard against it for example.
    Last mile was great, despite the 30 second( or 34 as was pointed out to me :o - maths skills faded as the session went on) recovery, I felt strong, working good and hard but not redlining, knew the session was nearly over and knew I'd run it well. I was soaked to the bone in sweat though, drenched.


    Ran a bit of a warmdown to finish off a really solid session.

    Just over 10 miles for the lot


    Wow hot and humid today, got out again with my youngest on her bike - tipped around St Anne's and she carried the water, happy days. Legs were feeling it today but eased off a little by the end thanfully.

    7 miles on the nose

    Just over 70 for the week and a lot of quality in there.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    That’s a MONSTER session on Saturday D, fair play regardless of the time it still had to be warm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    OOnegative wrote: »
    That’s a MONSTER session on Saturday D, fair play regardless of the time it still had to be warm.

    It was a big one alright B, attempted it sometime in March too I think and didn't quite manage it so pretty happy. The heat was there for sure but there was a bit of a breeze for some of the route which helped in that regard

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,483 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Fair play D - combining parenting with a session (and especially a session like that one) is the true sign of a dedicated runner!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Duanington wrote: »
    Thanks C - Really like the look of Valencia alright

    hhhmmmm - you doing Valencia DD? I could be tempted.

    At least you wont leave the country after half a race. :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    hhhmmmm - you doing Valencia DD? I could be tempted.

    At least you wont leave the country after half a race. :pac:

    Was it even half a race?!

    Yep, looking likely now, A. There are a few from these parts heading over too

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    catchup time

    Bumpy few weeks with work travel messing things around a little but still managed to keep it all ticking over for the most part.

    9-15th July

    12.2 miles easy, reduced long run, usual run home then into St Anne's to finish up

    Lunchtime run with a fellow Raheny runner around the Ringsend\Irishtown route
    7 miles easy


    Back down to the track with the work gang today, pyramid session on the cards:

    Instructions were to hold back slightly on everything until the 800 and then see how the body felt but we were to run the 800 hard.

    Good session, lots of control and finished quite strong.


    Crazy day workwise which meant I didn't get the usual lunchtime Thursday run in, had to settle for an evening run along the coast
    4.5 easy miles


    7.1 easy miles all around St Anne's park, mainly on the grass


    Day of Irish PBs - 5k

    Was really looking forward to this one from way out, I've never raced on the track and the event was shaping up to be one of those unmissable races that comes along every now and then.

    Got myself over to the track good and early, got registered, said hello to a heap of people - clubmates and boardsies alike. It seems like months ago at this stage but my memory of that particular evening was just how hot it was, we've had a great summer so we're all pretty used to it now but that particular evening was a nasty one to race in to be fair. I do remember feeling the same on the night of the Docklands run though and reminded myself that you can just about get away with it over 5k sometimes because its over so quickly.

    Warmed up, watched some races, did some stretching and eventually toed the line with the rest of the 16.30-17.00 hopefuls. I started in the sub 17 minute pack, the Claw taking us out at a decent but comfortable clip. First lap was fine, pace felt good, heat wasn't an issue yet and the support on the home straight was great.
    Coming to the end of the 2nd lap I was surprised at how good I was feeling, I was tucked in behind the leaders of my group and moving well....the heat was starting to become a bit of a pain already but I was still feeling comfortable.
    On the bend coming off the 2nd lap though, I felt that old familiar pang in the hamstring, shortened the stride immediately to compensate and instinctively dropped back a place or two, onto the straight and everything seemed ok again, until the next bend - same thing, except maybe a little stronger this time...and again on the next one.

    By the time the 5th lap came around, I was dropping back off the group quite a bit, fine on the straights but almost shuffling around the bends, the hamstring cramping back at me every time I tried to keep the stride fluid. I was really feeling the heat at this stage too and for the first time that I can remember, I pulled up on the side of the track and decided not to finish the race.

    What a strange feeling it was to walk around the track while the race carried on, a bit surreal actually. I've had far more bad races than good races in my time but I've always finished them out, this time though - it seemed silly to do it, this was a time trial really as much as a race and I was going backwards with a dodgey hamstring.

    I made my way back over to the home straight and cheered on the rest of the runners for the remainder of the race...and a couple of buddies of mine in the 16-16.30 group afterwards, really enjoyed that one.

    What a cracking event the day of Irish PBs is going to become, the energy and organisation was top drawer, the pacing was great, the location is great, the beer was great. Its a pity it didn't go to plan this time around but I'll be there next year for sure, looking forward to it already.


    Flight across the Atlantic and the US to the west coast. Got out to shake the legs out around some local trails in Fremont, near the Bay Area just outside San Francisco. I know these trails well from previous visits and love them.
    Hawks, Eagles, Deer and hot sunshine for company....lovely stuff

    5.5 miles nice and easy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    Update number 2

    Monday 16th

    - First full day in California, stupid early start and a long day of meetings had me wrecked by the evening, knew I wouldn't get the long run in but I headed out for more trail running in the local nature reserve. Despite the warm temperature, it really was a headclearer of a run, wildlife everywhere, including a Turkey Vulture who I remembered seeing the last time I was here, he probably remembered me too....the skinny lad who might just collapse any second now....patience, patience...

    7.5 easy miles


    Another silly early start meant and a happy hour\dinner thing straight after work meant that I had a very tight window to run in. Didn't make the trails unfortunately, just ran around some local estates on the horrible concrete

    4.5 miles easy


    Session day today, 3x(4,3,2,1) off 60 seconds with 2 minutes between sets.

    Made my way down to the trails again for this, it was baking hot there though so I wasn't going to worry too much about target pacing and settled on a mixed loop ( straights, bumps, winding turns, mostly on dirt trails) to run the session.

    Tshirt was off after the first set, gasping for water and was glad I brought some ( stashed in the shade).
    Soaked by the end of the 2nd set, Turkey vulture appeared out of nowhere again, keeping his eye on me
    Really had to work hard over the 3rd set to get this done, especially going up some of the small hills on the loop, Turkey vulture was drooling with anticipation but I got through it fine.

    Paces were all in and around 5.50 - 6.05 which was a pleasant surprise to me afterwards, I wasn't really focusing on the watch to be fair, more trying to keep consistent. Water was warm when I got to it after the session, really tough conditions but a very solid session


    Got out good and early before packing for my flight home and headed for the trails again, lovely morning for it, lots of people out cycling and walking around the hills. Turkey vulture stayed in bed.

    6.2 miles all easy


    Bit of a leg loosener after the long haul flight, no sleep on the flight ( overnight) so I was tired doing this but enjoyed it at the same time. Stayed sensible and didn't chase miles

    5 easy miles


    Back to the sesh

    Alternating Tempo: 10minutes@6.30 pace, 5 minutes@ 6.10 pace, 10 minutes@ 6.30 pace, 10 minutes@6.10 pace

    I didn't know what to expect from this one but guessed I'd probably find it tough enough with the pace changes ...and so it proved, certainly over the last 2 sections.

    Ran the lot around St Anne's, mainly on the tarmac but with sections on the grass too. Found it very humid around some of the fields but just focused on staying controlled for the lot, had to dig in a little towards the end though, job done

    (sections - pace)

    8.8 miles all in


    9.5 easy miles around St anne's and the coast road. Had the youngest on her bike for company for a lot of this one which was great craic and ran the second half solo.

    Did I mention its warm yet?

    A good solid week despite the travels, time to look towards some longer racing now over the next while

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    12 horrific miles in that horrible, sweaty, humid evening. Had the backpack for the lot of this one too. Hated every step!

    7 easy miles after work, much better than last night thankfully!

    Session day
    Down to the track with the gang for 1k, 4x500, 1k ( 90 seconds and 60 seconds recovery)
    This was a tough one, I found it warm on the track and was feeling a little under the weather to start with but knew I’d grind the session out ok.
    We’ve a smashing group forming now, a couple of us in and around the same level and then one lad who is a level above. I tend to sit a few metres behind him for most of these and the rest of the crew chase me.
    The first K was good, 500s were to be harder again and so it proved, we pushed hard on these. Finished up the last k with a good surge over the last 300. Really strong session but I was wiped afterwards.

    1k @ 5.10 pace
    4x500s all just below 5.00 pace
    1k @ 5 min pace ( ouch)

    Out with the youngest on her bike again, 7 easy miles around St Anne’s. Good craic

    Off 


    Mullingar 10

    Had a nightmare here a couple of years back in the build up to Berlin so I was keen to right that wrong over the course. Not keen enough to get up on time when the alarm went off though, pretty sure I hit snooze a couple of times before getting up and hitting the road. It’s been a long, busy few weeks on the work\home front and that really was a sign of things to come for the day !
    Met up with a haype of Boardsies before the race, Raycun, Healy1835, OONegative and Quickfeet all in attendance. Nice to see familiar and new faces as always.

    Bit of a rushed start but no harm, we were off without any messing around and as soon as we got going, I knew I couldn’t go out with the usual “go out hard and hang on” mindset for this one, I was mindful of the hammy but more to the point, I didn’t have the fight in the stomach to really back myself early on – I settled on running in and around 6.10 for a few miles and see how that went.

    Settled in a group with Raycun for the first few miles, not really paying attention to the course, forgetting\ignoring that this was probably the quickest part of the course and just going with the flow really. The stride felt great for the first mile or two though, very comfortable, probably a little too comfortable to be hones – the group was moving well and it felt nice to be settling in there for a change, as opposed to be out forcing the issue myself. Conditions were ideal for racing, much milder than recent weeks, a drop of rain in the air, yes there was a headwind but I was tucked away in a good solid group here for protection.

    Miles 1-3: 6.09, 6.11, 6.14

    I’d been checking the pace every now and then over the first few miles, not the splits though and knew by mile 3 that this wasn’t going to be a fast one for me, for whatever reason, I just didn’t have the motivation to get out and start motoring properly. I’d a head full of excuses and felt lethargic in general - I was content to run within the comfort zone which is a missed opportunity thinking back.

    By mile 4 I was actually starting to feel rubbish, the course is a winding, rolling but fair kind of course, I wouldn’t call it fast but it’s certainly not slow either – every little drag was instilling a little bit of doubt though, I moved to the front of the group a few times to try to snap myself out of it but it just wasn’t happening.

    Shortly before the 5th mile marker, I started to focus a bit more on my stride, pushing a little harder off each step and moving away from the safety of the group, there were a couple of lads slightly ahead that I decided to move up towards. There was a little pinch of discomfort in general at first but within 2\3 minutes I was settling into a slightly faster rhythm and feeling a little better for it.

    Checked the watch at halfway, can’t remember exactly what it was but it was just over 31 minutes from memory, I was instantly pissed off with myself but also settled on running a strong negative split to rescue some kind of return for the outing. There was also a returning sense of optimism about this one now, I hadn’t felt the hamstring at all and that was a concern going into the race. I left kicked on a little up the road into the first drag on the way back to the finish line

    Miles 4-6: 6.22, 6.11, 6.11

    I found myself winding around the course just behind two lads who were obviously running this as a session of some sort ( judging by the chatter between them), they were my marker now, I wasn’t letting them pull away from me and a couple of times, I moved ahead of them when I felt the pace soften a little...they invariably cruised by me again a few hundred metres later. We picked off 3 or 4 stragglers over the course of the next 2 miles. I was working much better now but the effort was higher than it should have been really, the weather really was perfect for it and while we were now into the slower part of the course, I do regret not putting the pedal down a lot sooner that I did now.

    Pockets of great support, plenty of water stations and some good shelter from the wind – we were headed for home now and I had blown a really good chance to put in a strong performance, while I was moving well, I still hadn’t reached anywhere near peak doggedness – which I rely on so much in races but I was moving faster over the drags than I had been over the much faster sections earlier on....silly really

    Miles 7-9: 6.08, 6.09, 6.03

    I’d started the wind up for home just before the 9 mile marker, the two boys ahead were leading the charge, I was maybe 20 metres behind and could do nothing else but try to chase them down, another couple of stragglers came back to us as we passed by the start area, sensing the finishing line ahead, the pace naturally increased. 400 or so to go, back out onto the main road, a sharp left, another sharp left, finish line ahead, held the pace well ( no big surge) and crossed the line for 61.19, a 25 second or so PB

    (Mile 10: 5.40)

    Not a great day at the office but I’m not surprised or disappointed to be fair – it’s been a mental few weeks at work and home and I suspected the energy levels would take a hit. This race feels very similar to the K club result when I just felt flat, lethargic and no real confidence to take the race on. I’ve come to accept that this is all part of the process now, you dig in and grind out the tough races\sessions when the mind and body are tired - by the same token, you can dig in more and pull out better results when you’re on the crest of that feel good wave.

    A few positives: The hamstring held up well, 10 miles at 6.09 pace is the farthest I’ve travelled at that kind of pace, ever...and I know only too well that the bad days are part and parcel of racing, there’s no escaping them’ve just got to get the head down and get on with it.

    Warmup and down with Quickfeet from these parts brought the day’s total to just under 14 miles


    St Anne’s, easy stuff...9.5 miles on the lovely, well watered soft grass

    A good week, a tiring one but that'll change over the next while

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Interesting read D. Thanks. Seems oddly familiar to how I felt yesterday which is some comfort.

    I may have asked you before but those Wednesday sessions, are they prescribed by Luke or do you guys set your own sessions?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Interesting read D. Thanks. Seems oddly familiar to how I felt yesterday which is some comfort.

    I may have asked you before but those Wednesday sessions, are they prescribed by Luke or do you guys set your own sessions?

    Luke’s “assistant coach” puts them together for the group, P....paces do look hot alright but we’re supervised on the track in fairness and take onboard feedback that we get through the session

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Duanington wrote:
    Luke’s “assistant coach†puts them together for the group, P....paces do look hot alright but we’re supervised on the track in fairness and take onboard feedback that we get through the session

    They're working!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    13 miles easy this evening, nice evening for it. legs felt great for the first 7 miles or so but felt the weekend's race ( or glute\leg work the previous night) over the 2nd half. Took in a decent bumpy loop a few times to give a bit of strength stimulus to the run too. Mostly on the grass

    13.1 miles @ 7.37

    Easy peasy after work. 7.1 miles, long way home


    Track session today, down to the track for: 2x800, 3x400, 4x300.
    The heavens opened as soon as we got to the track, good turnout all the same.
    Instructions were to keep enough in the tank to push harder as the distance shortened, suited me fine, I hate 800s.
    Splashed our way through the couple of 800s, 90 seconds then 100 seconds recovery.
    Into the 400s, effort levels up a notch, tough but good going.
    Then into the 300s, pushed hard on these and very hard on the last one, wrecked by the end.

    One of the lads tagged on some MP stuff afterwards which was tempting but I settled for some easy laps before jogging back to the office.

    800s; 2.38, 2.38
    400s: 1.14, 1.16, 1.14
    300s: 53, 53, 52, 49

    6.6 miles all in ( warmup and down inc)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Easy stuff around St Anne's park, had my little pacer on her bike again for this one. 7 miles nice and easy

    Friday - Friday

    Flew to Corfu with the family, had originally planned to train right through the week and fit everything in as normal but we were staying in a pretty quiet part of the island, with stunning views, scorching temperatures....and very narrow, winding roads. My mind was made up after the first run, this would be a week of fun with the family and the odd 30-40 minute jog here and there. I couldn't find a route safe enough to anything more than a few miles at time to be honest anyway.
    Lots of snorkeling, quad biking, wine drinking, swimming, cycling and a little bit of running (20 odd miles in total). Loved every second of it.


    Decided to run the session planned for last weekend - 6x1 miles @ 5.50 pace off reducing recoveries ( 2.30 down to 1.10).

    I find these types of sessions tough when I'm not racing frequently, there's something about them that I just never feel great about, unless of course I'm running that kind of pace other week in a race of some sort.
    Anyway, put on the earphones with some tunes to stop me overthinking it and got going.

    Chose a loop around St Ann'e because it was very windy and I knew the park would be a little quiter than normal.

    1st mile was way too quick but felt great.
    2nd mile was much more controlled.
    3rd mile was a little tougher but still lots of control
    4th - as above, ignore the watch from here on in really, tried to rely on feel and staying on top of everything.
    5th was tough, felt it in the legs towards the end of this, coming up the avenue
    6th was tougher again ( surprise surprise) but only at the very start and the last couple of hundred meters.

    Really good session, resisted the urge to fight too hard into the wind or up the drags, lots of hard work but lots of control there too.

    Splits: 5.40, 5.49, 5.55, 5.55, 5.50, 5.53


    8 very easy miles with the pacer on the bike again, legs a little tight from yesterday

    Raring to go again

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Long run time again, 14 miles this evening - usual routine of running home the long way, dropping off the bag and headed into St Anne's. Very relaxed on this one for the most part but when I hit St Anne's, I purposely picked a loop that has some good sharp climbs and ran it 3 times before heading off into the park properly.
    Nice to get a good long run in, I never feel good about a week without one !

    Feet a little sore afterwards which reminded me to change the runners ( at least 600 miles on everything I have in my locker at the moment)

    14.2 miles all in


    Lunch time run with a buddy who works near me, hated the feeling of running on the concrete but once we hit the nature reserve in Ringsend it was all good.

    8 miles nice and easy


    Session day with the Wednesday crew, with the track off limits for a couple of weeks, we made our way down to the adjacent park where we had a 400m loop marked out. Straight into it after a bit of a warmup and some drills.

    Pyramid time:

    Can't remember the prescribed recoveries now but it was all in and around 60-75 seconds

    Very warm for this one, found it heavy and humid and it was tough to keep up with the 2 lads in my group at times ( both of them are flying which is great).

    The grass was hard and a little bobbly which had me a little nervous at first but a very strong session all round.


    57, 58
    1.56, 1.56
    1.55, 1.56
    54, 52

    Longer than usual warmup while the 2 lads went off and did some MP stuff after the session :eek:

    7.7 miles all in


    Met up with FBOT for some easy stuff in St Anne's. Good chats all the way around as always and it was nice to be running on the grass again, 9.1 miles for the lot

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,704 ✭✭✭✭RayCun

    is the track being repaired again?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    RayCun wrote: »
    is the track being repaired again?

    No, well yes...but we were booted off because of the AI summercamp, there are a few patches on the track being worked on alright though

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Easy run home from work, enjoyed this one - once again, kept the pace right down ( without comprimising form) and felt good by the end.

    7.2 easy miles


    Session day:

    20 minutes tempo @ 6.30 pace, 3 minutes easy, 8x45 sec hill sprints

    Toyed with the idea of heading to Howth for this, I couldn't remember if I'd get the full 45 seconds of hill out of Watermill road leading into Raheny - a quick look back at previous sessions here told me that I would, just!

    Got a good warmup done through St Anne's and headed off on the 6.30 paced stuff. Wore the headphones again which is becoming a bit of a habit for Saturday sessions, I'm enjoying it actually. Found it very humid and heavy for most of this and while the pace felt stupidly comfortable at first, I never felt totally at ease running it, got into a good stride for the last 5 minutes maybe but other than that, I felt a little strange running the pace.

    Finished up right at the start of the hill so jogged around for the 3 minutes and got going. It's been a good while since I did hills so I knew this would hurt like hell.
    First one had me thinking that there was no way I would get another 7 of these done, second had me thinking I wouldn't get another 6 done.....and so on....

    As always with these, form was paramount, good turnover and leg speed, trying to kick on towards the top of the hill.

    Just about got through this but I was soaked in sweat by the end. Really good session though

    20 minutes @ 6.23 avg
    Hills were in and around 5.10-5.30 pace

    Just over 10 miles for the lot inc warmup\down


    Easy miles with FBOT around St Anne's, another humid evening but an enjoyable run on the grass again.

    Just over 7 miles, bringing the week to 64, solid stuff

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Buddy up'd know its Marathon training season !

    Reduced long run this week, 12 miles on the cards and as usual it was straight out onto the roads from the office, long way home, bumped into an old buddy of mine, ran with him for a bit ( he's Berlin bound and looking fit), dumped the backpack and carried on into St Anne's

    Nice run, resisted the urge to go on for a few more miles.

    12.1 miles


    Met another old buddy of mine for a lunchtime run ( trying to get a bit of a group going for this one), ran 4 miles with him then met yet another old buddy.....carried on with him and his buddy for another few miles then left them to it

    7.2 miles


    Session day again, on the grass in Irishtown.
    Jogged down with the work group and did the usual warmup drills before getting started on 8x600m off 75 seconds, a pretty straightforward session but the grass was a little greasy on the bends which had people flailing a little but it was good to change it up a bit again.

    3 of us in my group for this one, D would normally lead the group out for these but he's nursing a niggle so I led the charge for the first 4\5 reps, feeling good and strong to be honest, I didn't push too hard but kept the pace honest at the same time.
    Got a shout to ease back a little on the last few reps and sit behind the other two lads, I don't know whether it the change in dynamic ( chasing as opposed to leading) or just fatigue but I found it hard to adjust to that position and was feeling the effort over the last 1 or 2 reps.

    600m reps were all in and around the 2 min mark ( give or take a few seconds either side), solid if not spectacular. Back to the track next week.

    7.3 for the lot ( inc warmdown), really good session


    Met with FBOT for some easy stuff in St Anne's - 6 easy miles, lots of chat, rolled my ankle slightly on a stick on one of the trails but no harm done.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Duanington wrote: »


    Buddy up'd know its Marathon training season !

    bumped into an old buddy of mineran with him for a bit ( he's Berlin bound and looking fit), dumped the backpack and carried on into St Anne's

    Met another old buddy of mine for a lunchtime run

    Met with FBOT for some easy stuff in St Anne's

    Is FBOT not an 'Old' buddy?? :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Is FBOT not an 'Old' buddy?? :pac:

    A very old one, yes....damn it, missed another "buddy"opp

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    You accusing my hubby of being a bit of chatter box ???

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Mrs Mc wrote: »
    You accusing my hubby of being a bit of chatter box ???

    If he was one of the Mr Men, he’d be Mr Whodoesn’t Shutup!!!
