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Confessions of a never has been.....



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Very sensible. Putting down a very solid week while still being sensible and not overdoing it with an added session was smart.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Very sensible. Putting down a very solid week while still being sensible and not overdoing it with an added session was smart.

    Seems to have paid off alright P - hopefully another good week ahead now

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Longest run in a while today, thought about heading up over Howth but stayed sensible and took the very long way home from work instead, dropping off the backpack at the house and carrying on into St Anne's. Took in a good few draggy routes around the park over the second half but nothing too drastic.
    Really good run, finished a little quicker than I started which is usual for me on the longer stuff, found a good rhythm which doesn't always happen.

    Just over 17 miles all in


    Easy stuff in the evening, run home from work with a little extra tagged on. Kept the pace right down and was glad of it.

    Just over 7 miles


    Back to the track today, a smaller group than usual which probably suited me because it meant no chasing, I'd be leading the group out and was taking a slightly different approach to the reps on the track.
    Usually the group blitzes most, if not all of the reps...flat out stuff...which is great and has really helped us over the first half of the year. For the next few weeks though, while still working hard and running fast, the emphasis is changing slightly to a more controlled execution of each rep.

    Anyway, session was:


    Really enjoyed it, felt strong all the way and focused on finding a groove and sticking to it, no racing flat out, just running hard, holding form and tempo but avoiding moving into the crazy zone.

    400s were 1.20\1.22 and felt very good
    1k reps were : 3.27, 3.29, 3.32, 3.23

    I did push a little harder over the 2nd half of the last k but in general this felt like the best session in a while, pushing the system but not to the detriment of form, hopefully it improves running economy ahead of the marathon. There will also be a few sessions were its back to flat out crazy town along the way.

    Just shy of 6 miles for the day


    Out between meetings today, headed straight for St Anne's, bumped into a clubmate and tipped around for just over an hour. Probably a little quicker than I would normally run the day after a session but it was one of those chatty\miles flying by runs so just went with it and enjoyed it.

    9.5 miles for the lot

    Headcold just about gone now, another solid week on the cards

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Run home from work, took the long way and enjoyed this one. Missed the rain too :pac:

    7.4 miles


    Session day again, plan was for:

    10 minutes@6.30, 3 minutes rec, 4x5 minutes@6.00, off 90 sec, 10 minutes@6.30

    Used the St Anne's loop for this, tree cover can be an issue but the loop is usually a little quieter than the coast and probably more realistic in terms of drags etc.
    The plan was to dial in to the pace and hold it for each section, after a nice warmup with a couple of strides, I got going.
    Started too quick but found the pace nicely after a couple of minutes, the watch was acting up with teh tree cover so I really ran most of the session by feel, just checking in every now and then on an exposed section where I could get a somewhat accurate reading.

    The breeze was strong enough at times but I didn't fight into it at all, stayed relaxed and focused on form and rhythm.

    Worked hard throughout but hit the right zone early on and held it well.

    Splits are a little off on a couple of sections but that's fine given the route\conditions, its always hard to get the pace spot on around the loop.

    10 minutes(pace) - 6.27
    5 minutes(pace) - 6.02, 6.08, 5.58, 6.04
    10 minutes(pace) - 6.23

    Just over 11 miles for the lot, good session


    Out this evening, getting darker earlier :( but that has its benefits too, I love running at night and forgot I do !

    Tipped around St Anne's then headed out to the coase, a little tired in general which I'd expect really - 7.3 miles

    Lots of core work and stretching etc this week too, 66.5 miles for the week

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    First of the long runs up over Howth this evening. Haven't done this in quite some time, I was both looking forward to it and dreading it somehow. Got out straight from work, 4 miles or so to home and ditched the backpack in the house and headed straight up the coast to Howth. The wind was a ba$tard at times and I knew it would be worse coming back but these runs are all about strength, mental and physical so what harm. Ran the 3 miles or so climb up to the summit carpark, turned around and ran back down ...I hate the downhill section so much, it fries the quads and by the time you get down, there isn't a whole lot left in the tank.
    On towards home nonetheless, into the wind and all that.

    Just over 18 miles all in - I'll do this one another 4\5 times over the next while hopefully


    Out at lunch with the Tuesday crew, took it very handy pace wise as the legs were really feeling the climbs\drops from the long run. Took in some new trails around Irishtown which were nice , good chat with the crew which was also nice.

    Legs felt a little fresher by the end

    7.8 miles


    I was in two minds whether or not to cancel today's session on the track, I didn't realise quite how bad the wind was to be honest, until people from the group started messaging me asking if we were going ahead.
    Took a look out, saw a few umbrellas blowing grand

    Met the group and we jogged took off in a gust towards the track.

    The wind was pretty mental to be honest but we'd made our way to the track, it was open, coaches had turned we ran the session

    6x600s off 75 seconds, 2 minutes rec then 4x300s

    Needless to say, this was a pretty rough one, the wind was whipping down the home straight and across one of the bends, blowing sand everywhere (from the long jump pit). It was a bit of craic all the same, trying to keep form running into the gale, then flying down the back straight....

    I was pretty wrecked from it all by the end though

    5.30-5.40 pace for the 600s
    4.5x pace for the 300s

    If nothing else, that one will toughen the mind up.


    Out to St Anne's to survey the damage, trees down all over the place. Met one of the lads from the club and chatted away, miles ticking by nicely.

    Legs were surprisingly fresh given the week's work so far, they won't stay that way.

    Just over 10 miles for the day

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Met up with a buddy for a lunch run around Ringsend, kept the pace down and tried to stay off the concrete as much as we could ( used the parks and trails around the area). Very nice run, just over 7 miles, legs still feeling in reasonable shape.


    Session day today, another one that focused on 6.30 pace. Zone in, find the stride pattern and hold it.

    4k,3k,2k,1k @ 6.30 pace, 3 minutes jog between

    Used St Anne's again today but probably watched the pace a little too much at times ( which really is pointless with the tree cover etc) as opposed to trusting the effort.

    4k@6.25 avg
    3k@6.23 avg
    2k@6.22 avg
    1k@6.17 avg

    Numbers look great but the truth is that I pushed a little hard as the legs tired ( which shows in the progressive nature), I need to relax a little as the fatigue sets in on these sessions, thats going to be the trick to nailing that pace.
    The recovery jogs were VERY easy so no real excuses on that front.

    A good session but could have been a bit better.

    12.1 all in for the day


    Out late enough for a very easy run around St Anne's and the coast. Legs a little jaded at first ( yesterday was also leg\glute\core day) but flushed out nicely by the end

    7.8 miles to bring the weekly total just over 70 for the first time in a while.

    So many big performances this weekend from boardsies, workmates and running buddies alike...really inspiring to see hard work paying off, well done to all.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Curious D. What's the idea behind the 6.30 pace stuff? Is it MP?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Curious D. What's the idea behind the 6.30 pace stuff? Is it MP?

    That’s it P - I’ve done quite a bit of work in and around that pace already but it’s really about practicing running it with lots of work in the legs already ( miles, session, long run etc )

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Back to Howth again, perfect evening for it thankfully. Ran from work, dropped off the backpack and headed up the coast. Wasn't feeling the love for this from the start but that only made it all the more important to get it done.
    Up the 3 mile climb to the carpark, turned around and came back down. More work on mental focus and just finding a very comfortable stride pattern again, clearing the mind a bit as the legs tired etc....felt tired but good by the end

    Just over 19 miles


    Lunch time run with the usual gang, kept the pace right down, glutes were tight enough from the run back down from Howth ( I'd imagine) so plenty of stretching after

    Just over 7 miles


    Knew we'd a slightly longer than usual track session lined up for today so I wasn't overly surprised when we were told it would be

    1200, 4x800, 1200 off 2 minutes and 90 seconds

    Instructions were to keep the effort in and around 10k, pushing just a little on the 800s

    I was out on my own for most of these, some of the faster lads are diverting into plans without intervals, so really just focused on form and turnover again

    Really good, solid session in the end, legs were wrecked starting and even more wrecked after

    1200 - 5.34 pace
    800s 5.38, 5.38, 5.44, 5.36 pace
    1200 - 5.48 pace

    7.4 miles all in


    Easy stuff around St Anne's on lunch

    7.5 miles mostly on the grass

    Turning into a good week, a stag party this weekend might derail it though :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    With a stag party looming this weekend, I brought forward this weekend's session a day, short turnaround with a tough long run on Monday and a tough track session on Wednesday would mean that little bit less recovery but needs must.

    Had originally planned to get this done in St Anne's but a change of plan at work meant that I had to squeeze it in between meetings down in Ringsend park...which I hate doing sessions in

    Plan was for

    5mins,10mins,5mins,10mins,5mins - 6.30, 6.00 pace

    I knew that I'd have to more or less ignore the watch for this given the tree cover and sharp turns in the park but it really was just about nipping down and getting it done on the day.

    I did glance at the watch a few times ( stupidly) looking at the current pace reading and it was flipping from 5.30 to 7.10 during the 6 minute stuff.
    Gave up on it completely after a few minutes and ran by effort. Worked hard, I always find the pace changes a little tough on these and probably struggled a little to find the right level of (dis?)comfort for the 6.30 section

    While the paces were definitely not right, I don't think they were quite as far off as Strava gives me:

    5 mins: 6.47
    10 mins: 6.05
    5 mins: 6.45
    10 mins: 6.05
    5 mins: 6.32

    Not as bad a session as it looks, far from perfect... but done


    A sweatfest of a run from Westport, out along the greenway and back. Dehydrated, tired and possibly still drunk.

    7.5 all in


    A tired, painful slog along the coast back in Dublin

    Very little memory of this, 5 verrry easy miles

    64 miles for the week


    Dreading the long run this evening, it wasn't to be as long as last week, thankfully - because I was still hanging

    16 miles around Clontarf\St Anne's

    Proudest 16 miles I've ever run

    Got home to book Valencia.....d'oh!

    Seville it is so, my bad. While I was initially disappointed of course, it actually probably suits me a little better, I've got a big wedding and some work travel to fit in over the next while. I'll drop back the long runs but largely continue along the same track to be honest. I did think about just running xc for the winter and putting a marathon off until late 2019 but I've got a lot of training in the bank at this stage and want to test it out.

    Booked and paid for this evening, 3rd time lucky :o

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Duanington wrote:
    Booked and paid for this evening, 3rd time lucky

    Have you broken the news to the main man?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Have you broken the news to the main man?

    Yep, I'm sure he's rolling his eyes as I type this !

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Lunch time miles with a clubmate around Ringsend\Irishtown, good chats, nice run, legs were tired getting started but feeling a little better by the end. Starting to realise just how hard I find it to rehydrate myself after a weekend like the one just gone.

    7 miles easy


    Down to the track for :

    4x1 miles off 2.30, 2 and 60 seconds recovery

    Instructions were to focus on rhythm and control throughout, not pushing into the red until the very last 2 laps on the last lap when we were told to push hard. Just myself and one other lad in our group today and we worked very well together. Very good session



    Back to St Anne's for some lunch time running, enjoyed this and kept the pace way down....could feel it in the quads a little for the first few miles but all good.

    Finally feeling human again

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    So are you training for a Marathon, a 10k, XC or wha' :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    So are you training for a Marathon, a 10k, XC or wha' :)

    Training for an xc10kathon :pac:

    One eye firmly on February so I'll certainly keep the routine up but drop back the long runs for a few weeks.

    I've an XC and 10k race lined up but will just train straight through for those, other than that...dunno really !

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Runmute from work, met up with FBOT for the 2nd half and as always the chat made the miles fly by.

    Just over 7 miles


    Session day, 3x12 minutes off 2.30 on the cards.

    This was to be an effort based session really...somewhere down around the LT zone but with some really good work on the mile reps earlier in the week, forcing things was a bit pointless. Hard work but controlled was the aim.

    Picked the usual tempo route around St Anne's, as always, prepared myself for the tree cover to mess with the splits so really wanted to find the effort on this one and lock it in as opposed to hitting any numbers.

    Good job on this, wind was strong at times and as expected, the tree cover distorted things for a bit, the route was honest but I did reward myself with a stretch out on the flatter coast for the last mile or so, found a very good stride by the end and was moving well.

    Section 1 - 6.25 ( not buying that, we'll say the effort was good!)
    Section 2 - 6.15
    Section 3 - 6.11

    Love these sessions

    Just over 10 miles for the lot


    Met FBOT for some easy miles around Raheny\Clontarf, lovely evening for it, a little breezy coming back along the coast but that's the way it is !

    8.2 miles to bring the week to a close, just over 65 miles with some good quality in there

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Long run as usual of a Monday, lumpy enough route for the 2nd half ( but not quite Howth proportions), very very windy heading out for this and as can happen with me, I wasn't feeling the love after a long day in the office. Didn't hang around to think about it too much though, got the gear on and headed for home with the backpack on. With a bit of breathing space to work with between now and marathon-proper stuff, a 2 hour long run is plenty for the Monday run....the shorter distance also allows me to throw in a little steady effort too if needed without feeling it too much in the days after

    Ditched the backpack after 6 miles, into St Anne's, off into Raheny\Kilbarrack then and upped the effort to include a few steady miles towards the end. Possibly worked a little too hard into the wind for a few stretches but overall I think this was a good solid run.

    15.2 miles in just under 2 hours.


    Lunchtime run with most of the usual crew, 6.2 miles around Irishtown\Ringsend. Nice trot

    PM - run home from work...all very easy again.

    4.2 miles to give 10.4 for the day


    Bit of a bug going around the house and it made for a groggy morning on Wednesday, the nicer weather helped with motivation for the session though and once I got the gear on\met the crew, it was pretty much a case of getting on with it.

    Session was 6x1k with recoveries of 90 seconds and 75 seconds

    Instructions were to focus on form and rhythm\to avoid going flat out on any of the reps, until the last one when we were told to dig in for the last 500m or so.

    Very solid session today, felt that I hit the right zone early on and held it well - despite being out in front of the rest of the group ( that will change next week with a few people coming back). Tightness on the right hammy over the 2nd last rep but upped the effort over the last as instructed and finished strong.


    7.2 miles for the lot ( inc warmup\down)


    Out to St Anne's on lunch for a few easy miles, pace way down again...still a little groggy though so not the most enjoyable run I've had this week

    9 miles for the lot

    Had planned on running the teachers XC tomorrow but that's off so its session time again this weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Runmute from work - nice and easy, into St Anne's for a bit towards the end.

    Enjoyed this one

    7.1 miles


    Bit of a longer session today, with a 50 minute alternating tempo lined up.

    5 minutes on\minutes "off" ( off being steady effort)

    5 minutes at 6.30, 5 minutes at steady effort...repeat....the 5th rep would be a faster one though ( in and around 6 minute effort), giving a little more fatigue over the 2nd half.

    I've always enjoyed these kind of sessions but with the rain hammering down all day, I wasn't exactly bursting with excitement to get out and get it done. When I did eventually head out, it was of course lovely to run in the rain after a few miles warming up.

    Used the usual loop around St Anne's for this one so as always, the focus was on effort, not the watch. Control, tempo, rhythm.

    Pretty straight forward all the way until maybe the last 20 minutes, the session gradually grinds away at the legs, the pace changes get tougher as it goes on and the faster 5 minute section is a sneaky lil bastid, nice to run it at the time but it speeds up the fatigue later on for sure.
    Anyway, all good - paces were a little funky as is often the case around this route but the effort seemed very good and I was pleasantly tired by the end which is probably about right for this kind of session.

    12.1 miles for the lot



    Easy miles around the parish, beautiful evening for it but my legs were feeling it at the start ( leg\core day yesterday + session), eventually they mellowed out, ran a few strides at the end to snap them out of it a bit.

    7.6 mile to finish off the week with just under 70 again

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Usual deal, out for the long run after work. Really didn't want to though, crazy day had me wanting to stuf my face and sit on the sofa for the evening. Of course, a few miles in and I was loving the run though :rolleyes:

    Same route as last week, flat first half, honest 2nd half, picked it up again for the last 3 miles, hovering around 7 min pace...took a little work to get the pace down at first but I held it well and found a nice stride to dial in.

    Just over 15 miles for the lot


    Lunchtime run with the usual crew around the nature reserve and park in Ringsend...just over 7 miles very easy

    PM - another very easy jaunt home from work
    Just over 4 miles


    Session day, down to the track. I was looking forward to this one, getting out of the office for a workout on the track is a highlight for a good few people in the office now and there's a great vibe around the sessions.

    Session was:
    3x1k, 3x500, 3x300 of 90, 60 and 45 seconds

    Instructions were to build into the session, lots of tempo and control on the 1k reps, up the effort into the 500s and then run the 300s good and hard

    Out on my own again for most of it but very happy with this one

    3x1k - 3.30, 3.29, 3.29
    3x500 - 1.38, 1.39, 1.38
    3x300 - 55, 56, 53

    7 miles for the lot


    A very easy 9 miles around St Anne's on the grass, amazing day for it, legs a little sore from the session\leg work

    Friday - Sunday are going to be messy, big family wedding to head to

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington


    A big few days over the weekend for the D clan saw the lil bro getting hitched ( best man duties here) and almost 3 days of celebrations, now that its all done and dusted, its back to training.


    With the wedding on Saturday, I brought forward the planned session by a day, making allowances for the shorter turnarount.

    4x5 minutes @ 5.50-6.00 off 2 minutes, 5 minutes easy, 10 minutes @ 6.30

    Usual route in St Anne's, didn't worry about the watch and just ran the 5 minute stuff in a zone that I knew was just off 10k effort., legs were tiring a little by the last one so I was glad of the 5 minutes easy before the 6.30 stuff.....which was actually a bit of a struggle for a couple of minutes but settled down well eventually and ran with plenty of control.

    5 minutes: 5.48, 5.55, 5.51, 5.58
    10 minutes: 6.22

    Very good session

    Just shy of 10 miles all in


    A good few scoops with the fellow groomsmen the night before so this was very much a case of getting the groom out to sort his head out. Tipped around the beautiful country roads of Shinrone for just over 4 miles, he ducked out after 3 due to ....stomach issues.

    Sunday - off, first day off in I don't know how long, spent the day chatting to people and doing family stuff well as suffering the consequences of the night before.

    Back to Dublin, met up with FBOT for some easy miles around St Anne's...feeling and looking like I'd been dragged through a bush. Enjoyed the run though, bumped into a clubmate just after leaving FBOT, ran with him for a bit and left it at just over 10 miles.


    AM - out just before lunch to run around with the usual crew, good chats, nice run. 7.3 miles

    PM - run home from work, just over 4 miles all easy

    Feeling almost human again :o

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Down to the track with the crew again on lunch, still missing a few heads so I knew I'd be out alone for a good bit of this one but no biggie.

    1x2k, 3 minutes easy then into 5x600s off 90 seconds

    Instructions were to run the 2k at around threshold effort and then up the effort levels for the shorter reps.

    Found a good stride early on for the 2k, held it well and finished strong. Into the 600s with the other lads doing 400s, upped the effort as instructed and finished pretty strong.

    2k: 5.45 pace
    600s:(pace) 5.13, 5.19, 5.20, 5.14, 5.00

    Just under 7 miles all in


    Tipped around the grass in St Anne's for a bit, enjoying the quiet in the park to be honest. Felt it a little in the legs from the harder stuff on the track yesterday. Pace kept well down, just over 9 miles


    - lunchtime run, 5 easy miles

    - Runmute home, another 5 easy miles

    10 for the day


    Another broken tempo session today, on the grass loop to add in a little bit of strength work.

    4x8 minutes off 2 mins recovery

    I used this loop a lot a couple of years ago and while there are no hills as such, when you run it at pace, there are plenty of twists, turns, bumps and drags to tug at the legs.
    I wasn't going to focus too much on pace but given the conditions ( wind) and route, anywhere around 6.00-6.10 would probably do the trick

    Really strong workout, had to dig in a couple of times to keep the show on the road and that's what you get from these loops\sessions.

    8 min sections: (pace) 6.11, 6.02, 6.07, 6.04

    Just over 10 for the lot


    Out supporting DCM early doors this morning and loved it as always, some great perfomances from boardsies and clubmates alike...watching the marathon really does show you how it can reward you or punish you in equal measure. I saw people collapsing, people cramping, people laughing and people crying....The Claw storming through Ballsbridge on his way to victory, GOH in persuit a minute or so behind ( 2.17 at 43\44 is unreal) and a host of Irish names shortly after....cracking stuff.

    Well done to all who took part today, there are no hiding places out there

    Got home just after 4 and nipped out for a few easy miles in St Anne's, just over 7.5 very easy miles to bring the week to a close at 65

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    Woke up and couldn't believe how tired I was from walking\standing around watching the marathon the previous day...BUT, the novelty of running my long run during the day for once gradually won me over and off I went to get started.

    Ran a loop around Fairview park before heading back up the coast and into St Anne's for some of the loops around there, throwing in some drags were possible. Finished up the last 3 miles with some steadier effort stuff, just below 7 min pace.

    Good, solid stuff - 15.8 miles all in


    Tuesday runch with the usual crew, loved this run, good company and a very relaxed pace
    6.5 miles

    PM - runmute home, nice and relaxed again 4.5 miles


    Down to the track for:

    8x500s off 70 seconds

    Instructions were to work into the session, cruise the first and finish strong

    Out front for all of these, good control and cadance for the lot, pushed hard over the last one with one of the lads in hot persuit which was great

    1.40, 1.42, 1.39, 1.38, 1.39, 1.38, 1.36, 1.31

    ran a few laps easy before heading back to work.

    6.5 miles for the lot

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington



    9 miles all easy around St Anne's
    Enjoyed this, stuck to the grass and was lost in a world of my own for most of it

    WFH again today, had company for the first run of the day with the youngest jumping on her bike for it.

    5.6 miles nice and easy

    PM - out again with Abbs on the bike, just over 5 miles nice and easy again


    Easy stuff on the grass again, legs feeling a bit meh from solid week so I ran a few strides to wake them up a tad. nice and controlled and pertty short.

    6 easy miles


    Dublin Senior XC – Santry

    Got a call from the club during the week asking if I’d tog out for this, initially I laughed to be honest because the standard has been so high in previous years but with so many from the club running well in DCM last week, we had most of our senior lads out recovering – not much point in being in a club if you can’t help out every now and then so I agreed to give it a lash.

    Headed over to Santry with plenty of time to spare, caight the under 19s race ( wow, some serious talent there) , did a couple of laps of the course with some clubmates then watched the women’s race ( wow, some serious talent there).

    Ran a few strides and did a few drills before the start of the men’s race, settled on not going out like a spacer and get swallowed up. Looking around the starting area, there were a lot of lads that I see for 20 seconds or so at the start of road races and a lot of clubs had obviously targeted this one, knowing that clubs line Raheny had so many running the marathon last week.

    The ground was in good nick but this was still a cross country race, a couple of nasty drags at the back of the course with a nice stretch through the start\finish area, there were a couple of softer spots that would pull away at the legs int the latter stages.
    In my mind, I knew there were a couple of people I could target over the 2nd half of the race but I wouldn’t worry if they got away from me over the first half, 10k is a long way to go over the grass and there would be a big drop off in pace as the race went on.

    Slightly ahead of schedule, we lined up and we were off...I resisted the urge to charge to the front of the group and settled in towards the back of the pack, the pace felt good as we charged through the start\finish area, plenty of trees around here, the ground was hard but just about warranted the spikes.

    Down the slope towards the Airport end of the field and there was a big enough drop down a hill and a sharp left, struggling to remember much about this on the first lap but I do remember that I wasn’t far from the very back of the group.

    Through the ditches and a left swerve back up the drag, I remember thinking how this was going to hurt people later on and would get harder each time we passed it ( 7 times) – steady as she goes, D – let them go and hold this pace. I knew we were flying along pace-wise but there was a temptation to go after a few lads ahead that I had to resist for a bit. Up the drag, plenty of club support here, bit of a winding stretch to the top of the course, turn left and more twisting and turning back towards the start\finish area.

    “ 6 laps to go lads” – Jaysus

    Back through the start\finish area and down the drop towards the airport end and the left turn into the ditches, the watch beeped, I didn’t look

    Mile 1 – 5.39

    Through the ditches, swung the left and started working up the drag, a couple of heads came back to me here without me having to dig in too much but it was still very early days. I’d made a little bit of progress through the field but was probably sitting just outside the scoring positions (6) for the club. The coaches and club members along this tough stretch were giving great support and telling us where we were in the field, I think one or two knew exactly what I was doing too because there was plenty of reassurance that I was moving well and starting to pick people off. Through the trees and the winding stretch back towards the start\finish area again

    “5 laps to go lads” .....

    Through the crowd and down towards the airport end, another couple of runners were coming back to me now and the field was really starting to spread out, down the drop, through the ditches and left back up to start the drags towards the top of the route.

    Mile 2 – 5.50

    The drag hurt a little more this time and sure enough, it slowed a few people up ahead that I had my eye on. Rather than pushing up through the drag just yet, I held my pace, focused on form and turning the legs over, it did the trick and got me a couple of places further up the field.

    Coaches and clubmates were giving great shouts of encouragement as we ran towards the top of the route, a sharp left, over a footpath and I could hear the gap back to the next runner behind me had opened, sometimes its the little things in XC that give you confidence. Another couple of sharp lefts, back towards the trees and the start\finish area...

    “4 laps to go lads”...f*ck

    We were well and truly into the thick of this now and it was hurting, 4 more laps of this? It felt like we’d run the 10k already and the self pity was starting to set in! I regained focus on the way down to the ditches and the left turn, steadied myself for the climb back up but this time, I pushed a little harder, sensing the slowing runners ahead. Jaysus this was really hurting but the momentum was with me and I knew the lads ahead were slowing with the drag.
    It didn’t go un-noticed on the sideline that I’d pulled alongside our 6th scorer now and a couple of lads that I know are mid 34 10k men, do I stay or push on? Stay or push on....I dug in just a little more at the top of the route and took a few places wide on a bend, sharp left into the twisting section headed back to the start\finish area.

    “ 3 laps to go”....ah here

    3 laps? Have I got 3 laps left in me? Surely I cannot hold on to this for another 3 laps?....Focus, D – everyone is hurting here, get on with the job.

    Heading out of the start\finish area and the support was great here again, down to the ditches, sharp left, nobody near me here really – a couple of runners up ahead though so I set a target of catching them before the end of this lap.

    Mile 3 – 5.52

    Up the drag, had to drive the legs a bit here and it stung, focused on form and turnover, shifting the legs as quick as I could do avoid that side to side thing I do when I’m wrecked. That hurt, the lungs weren’t thanking me and neither were the legs :(

    The lads were coming back now though, 1 Crusaders and 1 Donore, two lads I’ve seen before at BHAA stuff and I know they’re strong runners. I drew level and the end of the first drag and took them both on the 2nd drag, great shouts from the club crew here, they were loving it and I could see our next scorer up ahead. I was gassing out though, the Crusaders lad had responded when I went by and was tucking in just behind me. Left turn, over the path, his footsteps a second or two behind, I drove the legs a little coming back towards the start\finish area, trying to get a gap going but he followed me and was sticking to me like glue

    “2 laps to go lads” – I wonder to these things ever get called off mid-race?

    Our next scorer was coming back a little to me and by the time we had gone through the start\finish area, the crowd were telling me that I was picking people off, I could feel the form slipping a little here and tried to focus on getting that right, breathing right and turning the legs over well. Down to the ditches, left turn, start of the drag and I felt like death heading back up the drag, drove the legs though and made a bit of a gap on Crusader, closing in a little more on my clubmate.

    Mile 4 – 5.56

    Great support again, people were obviously responding to just how wiped out we all looked, I’ve never run 10k over cross country and this was burning every sinew in my body, I was chasing people, people were chasing me, people on the sideline were roaring at me to push on, to drive it home....all I wanted was a cup of tea.

    Top of the course, winding section, sharp left, sharp right, over the path, footsteps close behind, clubmate just about level.

    “ 1 lap to go lads” – right, one last push for another place or 2, D

    Down to the ditches, great support on the way, I’m hurting like fock now, driving the legs up the drag, moved past my clubmate and immediately focus on another runner ahead. Crusaders is still with me though, staying close and I can hear him hurting too

    Mile 5 – 6.03

    Huge roars of approval from the club crowd as I emerge over the top of the drag, I know we’re well into the last mile now and I’m pushing again, driving into the corners and not letting up coming out, while the surface was perfect today, there are so many turns over most xc courses that it pulls away at the legs and you just lose so much energy from each stride with no bounce back from the ground.
    Over a path, footsteps are 3\4 seconds away now, be relentless now D, don’t let up...I don’t’s taking everything I have but I don’t, through the trees...past lap count man who says “ last 300”

    Less than a lap of Irishtown, I start to wind it up and I know I’ve lost him, I can’t catch the lad ahead but I want to make sure I don’t slip up here, big shout from the crowd as I finish, ears back, arms pumpng, legs turning over very well.

    Mile 6 – 5.54

    Last bit – 5.05 pace

    35.49 for the 10k, 5th scorer for the team

    I stopped the watch, thought I heard the timekeeper say 39 and thought, jaysus that wasn’t bad for 10k on the grass. Happy enough with myself, I walk through the finishing chute, catch my breath and start chatting to the lads.
    The usual talk started up about some having the course long, some having it slightly short. “Its cross country though, I’ll check mine” – couldn’t believe it when I saw the time, its a PB for me over the distance and while my watch did actually show that route was just under the full 10k, I’m reliably informed that it was actually measured to the full 10k.

    Anyway, the time is not the important part of xc races, its all about positioning. I ran well today, wasn’t out of my league despite the quality field and came through the field very well over the 2nd half and made 5th scorer for the team, not sure exactly where I finished overall though.

    That was about as tough a race as I’ve run this year, maybe the national inters aside - looks like we just missed out on 3rd position but the signs are good going into the winter

    Just over 10 miles all in today with warmup\down – bringing the week to just under 70. Really good week.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Sub 36 for 10k in XC is unreal running D, very well done.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Not much to be said about that performance D. I'd only be stating the obvious. That's ridiculous running. Was just thinking the other day it's been a while since we've seen a good old DD race report and there you go. Worth the wait.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,704 ✭✭✭✭RayCun

    Great stuff, that is a serious race

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    That's some time for a Xcountry 10km. :eek::eek: Well done!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    Brilliant race and report there D. Just saw the results. Very high standard all right, even last place managed to get under 40 for 10k XC!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Was just thinking the other day it's been a while since we've seen a good old DD race report and there you go. Worth the wait.

    yeah..........but where was the tension, the emotion - will he even finish?
    Not even a mention of his kids.


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    yeah..........but where was the tension, the emotion - will he even finish?
    Not even a mention of his kids.


    It was seriously lacking cramps in fairness
