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Get Involved in Electric Ireland's Powering Kindness Week and WIN an iPad Mini!

  • 02-11-2013 1:18pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,457 ✭✭✭

    Hi everyone,

    So onward to our second competition for an iPad Mini - and once again, thanks so much to all who entered our previous competition. Your stories of kindness and good deeds done made for inspiring reading, and really set us up for Powering Kindness Week - which, as it happens, starts today! :)

    Do a good deed for someone you know (or even someone you don't), go to and dedicate your deed to one of three great charities - Special Olympics Ireland, Childline or Breakthrough Cancer Research. For a chance to win the iPad Mini, all you need to do is share your good deed in the comments below! 

    For more information on Powering Kindness, go to the website or watch the video. This competition runs until Powering Kindness comes to a close, which is next Friday 8th November. (Kindness itself, however, is sure to continue) :)

    T&Cs are here. Best of luck!




  • Registered Users Posts: 99 ✭✭Cadiel

    Hi there,

    I heard about an event called "Big Music Week" from a user. As a result of her generous tip, I was able to get 2 tickets on the Big Music Week train from Connolly to Waterford. I decided to bring a friend of mine whose parents had both been hospitalised with serious conditions this year. 

    We started off in Connolly station listening to amazing music from talent such as the RTE Concert Orchestra and Kodaline. We were guided onto the train, and sat in the front seats. I started chatting to a woman beside me, and hey was the wonderful boardster who had posted about BMW! 

    We all travelled down to Waterford stopping at a few stations, and were treated to music from over 26 fabulous acts. It what the "Best Music Day" of my life, and I wouldn't have been able to experience it, or share it, without the kind act of my fellow boardster. Thank you G for that wonderful memory...I'm so glad to have met you :-) C
    Hi everyone,

    So onward to our second competition for an iPad Mini - and once again, thanks so much to all who entered our previous competition. Your stories of kindness and good deeds done made for inspiring reading, and really set us up for Powering Kindness Week - which, as it happens, starts today! :)

    Do a good deed for someone you know (or even someone you don't), go to and dedicate your deed to one of three great charities - Special Olympics Ireland, Childline or Breakthrough Cancer Research. For a chance to win the iPad Mini, all you need to do is share your good deed in the comments below! 

    For more information on Powering Kindness, go to the website or watch the video. This competition runs until Powering Kindness comes to a close, which is next Friday 8th November. (Kindness itself, however, is sure to continue) :)

    T&Cs are here. Best of luck!


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,190 ✭✭✭Dublinstiofán

    Sure to win the iPad this time, was only one away last time! 

    Recorded a cover of a friends favourite song and sent it to her tonight to cheer her up.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,175 ✭✭✭hoodwinked

    oh god this is so much harder!!!

    erm, i suppose the most recent is my dad's best friend (who was like a brother to him) died of cancer recently, so just being there for him helping him through his grief, listening to him for hours talk about their youthful days, helping him dig through old photos to find ones of both of them together, and just being supportive to him in general, since he's lost his best friend he's lost his person to talk to, so having someone to listen to him is so important at this time, 

    i am donating to Breakthrough Cancer Research

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,141 ✭✭✭Gru

    I was parked recently while grabbing something from the shop but as it was half 5 I had buy a ticket to park or risk being clamped (It was paid parking till half 6. So I paid for the ticket to be on the safe side and got what I needed from the shop. As I was leaving (about twenty to six at this point) the small car park a lady was driving in to take the space I had just vacated. I waved her to stop and rolled down the window and handed her my ticket to save her the bother of buying a ticket. She seemed pleasantly surprised and I certainly had no use for it. 

    It was only a small act of kindness but I think it all helps and there's no harm in being nice!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 232 ✭✭clancger

    I was at the airport today and carried the handluggage for an old lady I got speaking to ahead of me in the queue. She was travelling alone and had the bag packed to bursting point. What goes around...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 294 ✭✭Appleguy

    Reassured and cheered up a friend who's grandmother had a stroke 

  • Registered Users Posts: 352 ✭✭maniac2003

    I have being helping out my elderly neighbour following their hip replacement lighting fires and  cooking all their meals for them, when my mother died they were of great support to me and this i feel is the very least I can do to repay the ultimate kindenss taht they showed to me during what was such a very difficult period in my life. I will be donating mine to Breakthrough Cancer Research.

  • Registered Users Posts: 290 ✭✭Uberbeamerman

    In a previous summer job I was selling Ice Creams in an adventure centre. Every now and again the inevitable would happen and a child would trip and drop their treat on the ground and they'd get upset. When I saw this I would always go over with a fresh Ice Cream and give it to them, free of charge. Watching their sudden change from upset to elated made my day every time. When the family had gone I'd always slip the cost of the ice cream into the till from my own pocket.

  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭the-jojo-axiom

    I'm a student teacher, and while on teaching practice earlier this year, the class, the class teacher and myself walked across Cork to an event. It was a nice enough day, but most of the kids (and myself) brought their coats just in case. Just as well, as on the way back it PIDDLED down cats and dogs. One child didn't have a coat, and despite the fact that I only had a blouse and skirt on underneath my jacket, I instantly gave her the jacket to keep her dry. It's a disadvantaged school, so many of the kids aren't used to frequent acts of kindness or offers of help. I may have got a cold that week, but I made a little kid's day a bit better. Worth it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 531 ✭✭✭Claregirl

    While in town one Saturday it was lashing rain and I came across a lovely lady collecting for the the local hospice.  I gave a donation and popped into the local coffee shop and got a takeaway coffee for her.

    I truly admire the unsung hero's who stand around for hours in the cold, wet miserable streets trying to do their bit for very worthwhile causes especially now when times are so tough.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 110 ✭✭seany76

    i'd love to say that i have done many a kind deed
    have helped my brother/sister in their hour of need
    sadly i have been the man that rushes by
    ignored the please i'm hungry anguished cry
    i m full of good intentions but never have the time
    but how many of us are guilty of this heinous crime

    thinking about it though i have come to the conclusion
    its not all about grand gestures but simple inclusion
    passing a biscuit packet to the one who wont ask
    completing for your colleague the hated task
    opening a door whether to a lady or a man
    giving your time even if its only when you can

  • Registered Users Posts: 71 ✭✭roroduff

    I hold the doors open for people, say thanks when someone does something nice for me. I pick up things people drop, try reach things that people can't, donate to charities,   Make eye contact with staff in shops/ restaurants and I make Xmas wreaths every year and donate the money to Laura Lynn 

  • Registered Users Posts: 474 ✭✭lotsofthegreen

    I put family and friends first 99 times out of 100

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 Minivan

    Made a nice cuppa for my ma!*

    *Especially great cause there was only enough for one cup with the water off until the morning! 

  • Registered Users Posts: 2 ambretteir8

    When I was diagonised with cancer my Mum was my rock she has been there for me to listen to me when I got afraid going true treatment especially when Iwas told it was not working she encouraged me never to give up and I did't. It was true her  encouragement that gave me the belife that I could beat anything, Well I am still here and now I pass on all the  encouragement and advice that my mum has always given me over the years and she still does especially when | was diagonised again last Janurary with tumors in the left hand side of my brain now I will never give in to cancer and I now share this belive with any of my friends that are going true treatment espceially when they feel like trowing in the towel I alway tell them my story and give them back their belive that you can beat anything especially if you belive in yourself and never let yourself belive it will beat as I know if I had given into the cancer especially when the doctors told me and my mum there was no more that could be done, I have proven them wrong every day that I survive and that is down to my great mother with all her support and love and for her getting me to belive in myself that I could win this battle if I would belive it and now I encourage everyone I meet it does not have to be cancer it can be any illness or problems in life general I am always there to listen to them no matter what the situation is illness or personal as the way my mum was there to listen to me and give me the encouragement and support and the belive in myself I try and pass this on to anyone I know who needs that encouragement or just someone to listen to there problems with out judging it helps them just to have someone to listen to and they feel bette in them selfs. So wether it is just to sit and listen on a one to one basis or at the end of a phone to be there for your friends I always find that they feel so much better after talking and if some one has cancer or some other illness that they feel so alone I always try and be there for them as it is so different for each person that gets cancer or whet ever illness they get but one thing remains the same all each one us wants most times is some one to listen to hear their fears and to try and put them at ease that is what I try and do each day I am alive as I feel each day is a gift to me and if I can help some one even if that is only one peson that is helped that day especially people that suffer for depression to let them know what life means to me and how much I value the gift that I still have I am so glad thet they go for help and when I was told this recently by a friend that for my encouragent they went and sought help and now they feel so much better then I am passing on the gift of someone who is there to listen to there fears and needs be it when they are starting chemo or if they get depressed going true the process or that they are trying to be strong for their families I am always they to listen to them now and if I can I will give them all the encouragement I got from my mum hoping that it willl help each person in their own way. All we can do each day is to encourage and listen any person that needs it and to always be there for them. My dad suffer a stroke this year and has not been weel since so I am always their to encouragement and listen to him and so is my mum she is an inspiration to everone.

    i am donating to Breakthrough Cancer Research

  • Registered Users Posts: 2 ambretteir8

    When I was diagonised with cancer my Mum was my rock she has been there for me to listen to me when I got afraid going true treatment especially when Iwas told it was not working she encouraged me never to give up and I did't. It was true her  encouragement that gave me the belife that I could beat anything, Well I am still here and now I pass on all the  encouragement and advice that my mum has always given me over the years and she still does especially when | was diagonised again last Janurary with tumors in the left hand side of my brain now I will never give in to cancer and I now share this belive with any of my friends that are going true treatment espceially when they feel like trowing in the towel I alway tell them my story and give them back their belive that you can beat anything especially if you belive in yourself and never let yourself belive it will beat as I know if I had given into the cancer especially when the doctors told me and my mum there was no more that could be done, I have proven them wrong every day that I survive and that is down to my great mother with all her support and love and for her getting me to belive in myself that I could win this battle if I would belive it and now I encourage everyone I meet it does not have to be cancer it can be any illness or problems in life general I am always there to listen to them no matter what the situation is illness or personal as the way my mum was there to listen to me and give me the encouragement and support and the belive in myself I try and pass this on to anyone I know who needs that encouragement or just someone to listen to there problems with out judging it helps them just to have someone to listen to and they feel bette in them selfs. So wether it is just to sit and listen on a one to one basis or at the end of a phone to be there for your friends I always find that they feel so much better after talking and if some one has cancer or some other illness that they feel so alone I always try and be there for them as it is so different for each person that gets cancer or whet ever illness they get but one thing remains the same all each one us wants most times is some one to listen to hear their fears and to try and put them at ease that is what I try and do each day I am alive as I feel each day is a gift to me and if I can help some one even if that is only one peson that is helped that day especially people that suffer for depression to let them know what life means to me and how much I value the gift that I still have I am so glad thet they go for help and when I was told this recently by a friend that for my encouragent they went and sought help and now they feel so much better then I am passing on the gift of someone who is there to listen to there fears and needs be it when they are starting chemo or if they get depressed going true the process or that they are trying to be strong for their families I am always they to listen to them now and if I can I will give them all the encouragement I got from my mum hoping that it willl help each person in their own way. All we can do each day is to encourage and listen any person that needs it and to always be there for them. My dad suffer a stroke this year and has not been weel since so I am always their to encouragement and listen to him and so is my mum she is an inspiration to everone.

    i am donating to Breakthrough Cancer Research

  • Registered Users Posts: 1 oriaded

    Met a lady who had cancer And was feelin depressed . Started following up on her and always checking up on her to see how she was coping . As time grew by I kept reassuring her making her know as long as she was still alive she had every reason to be happy and that there's someone out there in a situation worse than hers . We prayed together as she was catholic and she always lit a candle when I was around . She started having a bit of hope and with our prayers she felt more assured . She couldn't stop thanking me and telling me how much I've made her feel better and stopped her from constantly crying and worrying .to show appreciation she gave me a sum of money . Reluctantly I refused . She continued I persuade me telling me if I didn't take it she would not be happy . To put her at ease I took the money . After taking it I waited patiently and slyly gave the money back to her child . Till today I'm not sure she knows I gave back the money despite the fact that I was really broke when she gave me that money . I didn't have a cent to my name . I thougt the money was an answer to my prayer but I felt it was wrong and it was like being paid to do what I did for her . I did it cause I cared about her not cause I wanted to be paid for it . 

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,824 ✭✭✭Qualitymark

    I see there's an ad on's front page - does that mean there's another contest on the go?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭EI: Una

    Hi folks,

    Just in case there is any confusion: this is our second Powering Kindness competition here on Boards; it commenced on Saturday. Our first competition ended on Friday evening, with the winner being announced on it then. That thread was about examples of kindness you have experienced.
    This thread is about examples of good deeds you have carried out yourself for Powering Kindness - the competition runs until Friday.

    And to bank your good deeds, go to

    All the best! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 239 ✭✭shuffles88

    My good deed is one I do every week. When I bring my lunch into college with me I often sit in my car to eat so I can listen to the radio. At lunchtime parking spaces are difficult to find on campus and its hard to see if there are empty spaces as you drive around so people often miss the empty spaces so when I see someone leave I give the next car that's looking for a space a beep and point them in the direction of the empty space. Only something small but people always appreciate it

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,492 ✭✭✭RosieJoe

    Whenever my friend goes away for a few days I look after their dogs, rabbits and house. Easier keeping them at home and more peace of mind

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭hotshots85

    My good deed was giving up my Saturdays and one weeknight each week for three years to give my three nieces grinds for their leaving and Junior cert exams, worked out great because they all got B's and C's!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,824 ✭✭✭Qualitymark

    Last week I was walking down Nassau Street and saw a Roma man begging; he looked really troubled. So I went into Butler's and got a cup of hot chocolate, which came with a free chocolate wrapped in gold paper. I brought them out to him; he took the cup gladly, but when he got the chocolate, he raised it to his lips and kissed it, and gave me such a beautiful smile. When I passed by again later he gave another huge smile and thumbs-up. I think he did me the good turn; I felt warm all day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 56 ✭✭shivie

    I helped a friend in distress; being a good listener can really help others

  • Registered Users Posts: 38 bowsie

    Made about a dozen lasagnes and shepherds' pies for my mate who has just had a baby - put them all in her freezer so now she can use her spare time to get some badly needed sleep.

  • Registered Users Posts: 280 ✭✭Luna Moon Hunter

    I always say hello and have a friendly smile and kind word for the elderly people when going out for a daily walk with the dog.  A simple "Good morning, how are you?" or a smile and a friendly chat can mean much more than we realise. Loneliness and isolation are the greatest challenges facing elderly people today.[font=arial, sans-serif] [/font]

  • Registered Users Posts: 948 ✭✭✭Muir

    I won €100 worth of shopping vouchers and gave them to my sister today - she was really delighted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1 chrisahern

    Every sunday i drive my sister who has downs syndrome to anyplace she wants to go to as a treat for her after her weekly work.she is 19 and always wants me to take her for chips and ice on a sunday we choose a place and i drive her along with my might not seem alot but to her its everything.its something i will keep continuing to do for her for as long as she wants me to.x

  • Registered Users Posts: 232 ✭✭thehairyone

    Had a free topaz coffee 'treat' that I gave to a woman behind me in the till queue.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,957 ✭✭✭✭dulpit

    Ran out of work today to drop a USB stick with stuff my girlfriend had forgotten down to her. She was very happy as a result. 

This discussion has been closed.