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The main thing is keeping the main thing, the main thing



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    No farting around with that watch ! Run hard and run well

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Best of luck tomorrow evening A, run well!!
    All the best tomorrow man.
    Duanington wrote: »
    No farting around with that watch ! Run hard and run well

    Friday lads........

    DD I give myself 2 opportunities to look at the watch - one after a half mile to make sure I'm not going out too fast and another to check after mile 2 beeps. That's all I'm allowing myself :cool:

    Anyway - its not like I'm always on the clock!! Despite what your esteemed running buddy says :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Friday lads........

    DD I give myself 2 opportunities to look at the watch - one after a half mile to make sure I'm not going out too fast and another to check after mile 2 beeps. That's all I'm allowing myself :cool:

    Anyway - its not like I'm always on the clock!! Despite what your esteemed running buddy says :)

    Your racing schedule is like your runners, constantly changing!! I was wishing you luck for Clonee, forgotten you changed to St Cocas.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Friday lads........

    DD I give myself 2 opportunities to look at the watch - one after a half mile to make sure I'm not going out too fast and another to check after mile 2 beeps. That's all I'm allowing myself :cool:

    Anyway - its not like I'm always on the clock!! Despite what your esteemed running buddy says :)

    ha ha ha give it socks A

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    Have a ball tomorrow! 5ks are so enjoyable! :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Great race! You looked to be suffering for the last kilometer on Strava but that was quality runing in that heat. Well Done

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thursday: Following the 'rest day' on Wednesday - my body felt so tired and fatigued - just over 4m with some strides.

    Friday: St Cocoas 5k - Kilcock

    My 1st time doing this race, I had constantly heard how fast it was so had penciled it in as one to do.
    My plan was to take the 1st mile a bit more conservative than the Patrick bell - where I clocked a 5.27 and then struggled with the last mile/half mile.
    However, all the talk before the race had me changing plans and then decided to go hear again - "its a net 2m downhill" - so go out hard was the new plan.

    After a 2m warm up with strides - we lined up and were set off.
    The start was fast and furious as runners tried to get a line for the quick right turn followed by the left turn - after this it all settled down.

    I felt ok after a few mins and could see my clubmate up ahead - I knew she'd take the win at that early stage.
    I was around a good group of runners at this stage, my breathing was ok - but some of theirs was terrible - As the watch beeped at 1m, it showed 5.27.
    At this stage, I was feeling that this 'new downhill' felt very flat with the exception of a bit near the start! Course profiles are very deceiving sometimes. We came to the incline over the motorway - a bit longer than I had imagined, but maybe that was the pace, the heat and the humidity.
    As I reached the top, I felt suddenly zapped of energy - $hit - lets use this next downhill piece as a recovery - as I shook out the arms and reduced pace a smigin' - I could feel the lactate rising fast. Lovely - this is going to be fun.

    My watch beeped at 2m for a 5.38 - thats ok - lets try to keep it at this and I'll be close to a PB I was thinking - but very quickly, the effort levels were rising. I was passed at this stage by Eddie N & PfP (BrosP) both urging me on - I hadn't the kick to go with them - it was a sufferfest at this stage.

    Despite the suffering - only 3-4 people past me in the last mile or so - so I felt that others must have been suffering too - my breathing had become very heavy and I was desperate for air - I dont think I'd experienced this in a race before and thoughts of stopping came into my head - dont be stupid I thought - only 1km left. Lets keep going.
    A club mate who was supporting with about 800m to go was shouting "push harder, harder" - I think I told him to F Off as I was already over the redline!
    BUT - as soon as I could make out the clock (I've recently bought glasses you know.....but dont wear them racing :) ) I could see it ticking 17:11....17:12..... my God - heres my feeling sorry for myself and I could be on for a PB - as I muster an increase in pace - I'm actually catching Eddie N in the last 30 secs or so - had I of had the 'where with all' (dont know what other word to use) and started my sprint earlier I'd have caught him and taken a PB.

    As it was, I finished in 17.27 - 2 seconds away from a PB.

    Mile 3 was a 5.51 but the last 30 seconds was at 5.09 pace!

    I crashed down on the grass and I think about 3 liters of sweat poured out of me - the effort was certainly there and I dont think I've felt this 'bad' after a race since Patrick Bell 2 years ago (when I PB'd).
    Took me an age to recover my breathing and the shorts and top were totally soaked with sweat.

    Warmed down with WW and gave him a telling off for stopping, but also that it was part of running and most of us have done it.

    Overall a great race - the route is good - I dont think its as fast as Bob Heffernan, maybe it is but the weather played havoc??
    The school hall was a heaving mess of sweat and the dense air and noise hit you immediately when you went in - some photos with the Female winner and clubmate and headed off home with Jayo.

    Happy out - I did get some notions of just training specifically for a 5k but then Swashbuckler sent me some Marathon stuff and I was back into that again....... how fickle we runners are.

    PS: In the car home, it was agreed the Swashbuckler and Conor Hourihane are indeed separated at birth.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Saturday: Brought my long run into Saturday and manage t struggle myway to 16 miles at 7.51 pace - last few were a struggle and I needed the emergency gel afterwards.
    I had weighed myself prior to the run and was 179.6lbs - post run I was 173.4lbs - spent the day drinking electrolytes and eating!

    Sunday: An easy 4 miles followed by 20mins S&C - including Hamstring stuff on the physio ball thingymagig that I bought.

    242 miles for June.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Happy out - I did get some notions of just training specifically for a 5k but then Swashbuckler sent me some Marathon stuff and I was back into that again....... how fickle we runners are.

    Haha I'm having a bad influence on a lot of Boardsies this week. I think the lumberjack played a part too. ;)
    PS: In the car home, it was agreed the Swashbuckler and Conor Hourihane are indeed separated at birth.

    Haha zero. Not a bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    I think the lumberjack played a part too. ;)

    That is just the pre amble, expecting him to follow it up with the adult version NSFW :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: An enjoyable lap of the park with 6x20s strides at the end.

    7.8m @ 8.10 pace

    30 mins of Yoga following this.

    Tuesday: Session 4x2km (3 mins)

    I was a bit tired going into this but confident enough that I'd do it ok - the recovery was a generous (or so I thought) 3 mins.
    I had ran down to the park as a warm up.

    The reps went ok - done primarily on the Furze/OS triangle - bit of a breeze on the OS road, but manageable.
    All reps around 10k pace - 5.50-5.54 pace (about 7.15-7.20 for the 2k).

    By the 3rd rep, I was walking the recovery, the legs were certainly tired from the race on Friday and Saturdays long run.

    After the 4th rep, I had thought about doing an additional 1km at a faster pace (option is there in the plan) - but decided against it given the tired legs.

    Ran the 2.5m back home.

    10.2 miles total

    20 mins S&C - mainly Hamstring work with some core.

    Wednesday Woke up to good legs despite the S&C and the session.

    The plan had a 12 mile run - I had a route in mind that was a bit lumpy and was about 13 miles - so went with that one.
    I gave myself permission to run the last few miles at a steady pace (or what I was thinking was a 'strong' pace from mile 2-7 DCM route).

    The initial part of the run felt fine, up over the S Bends and the road by the Wellington Monument. As I turned off the Quays, I just ran strong up towards Manor St/NCR and back into the park, up through CastleK and then kept it going home.
    Really felt good doing this - surprised at the paces - close to 7 min/miles for the 6 miles.

    13m @ 7.29 pace

    Listened to a few good podcasts - Scullions podcast on Monday was a cracker, talking about 'depression' in running and how he felt - also talking about the obsessiveness of runners. Some of it hit home.
    He followed this up today with more - inc his talk with his sports psychologist. He really does share all.

    Also a great interview with Steve Vernon - really enjoyed listening to him on Ross Murrays podcast.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    2 Yoga sessions this week - an app from McMillan 'yoga for runners' ($10) but worth it.

    This is a much better set of yoga videos - and free (Thanks to SGMC for the link)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    This is a much better set of yoga videos - and free (Thanks to SGMC for the link)

    If I attempted any of those positions, I'd be screaming "SOMEONE CALL 999!!!!" with in 5 minutes........:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thursday: Decided to work at home today as the younger one is back involved with the Dublin GAA Dev Squad and had training - so I knew if I wanted to do what I had planned - then it needed to be a WFH day.

    An early recovery run where the aim was to keep the HR in the 120's - this is a good way of keeping pace down - I just show the HR screen and although I know its not super accurate - it does give a good indication of effort.

    3.6m at 8.54 pace (120HR)

    PM: Drove down to the PP and after a warm up I done 6x10s hill sprints down the Glen (at Furze/OS Intersection) and followed that up with 6x20s strides.

    Doing strides after hill sprints leave your legs feeling amazing during the the strides and afterwards.


    Followed this up with 30 mins of Yoga from the link I posted above.
    I done the 'Yoga for tired legs' one today.

    A good days training.

    Friday: Another session - 2x15mins + 8x200
    I was feeling a bit 'meh' about this one as I set off on my warm up, I was going to leave it until Saturday, but then decided to start it and see how I felt. As with all these things, once you can coax yourself to start 9/10 times, you finish it, somehow.

    I chose the same route as the same session 2 weeks previous.
    The 1st set of 15 mins was on the 15 Acres in the PP - and it went OK - I set off too fast and as I turned into the long straight it felt like a hurricane against me (despite there been no wind anywhere else in Ireland) - I kept going and finished the 15 mins out. 2 min walk break.

    The 2nd set started at the Aras and went up the North Road - I was struggling from early on this and the pace was going south - so I decided to break it up into 2 (or 3 if needed) runs.

    I stopped after 5 mins and took a 1 min walk break.

    Back onto it and felt much better as the pace crept up - the plan was to do the 10 mins (I thought about doing more, maybe an additional 2 mins, but knew that the 8x200's would need something left in the tank).

    The 8x200's were done on the polo grounds - I ran about 39/40 seconds as I hadn't got it programmed into the watch. They went well.

    then the warm down back to the car. A sweaty and sticky mess - damn humidity.

    1st set 15 mins: 5:55 / 6:00 / 6.09 (3 mins): 2.5 miles

    2nd set 15 mins: 5 mins in 6.09 / 1min rest / 10 mins comprised of 1 mile in 5.57 and 4mins at 6.08.

    6x200's were all 5 to 5.15 pace

    Total workout: 10.3 miles

    Saturday: Another recovery run to HR

    5.2m @ 8.42 pace (121 HR)

    25 mins of S&C (HS Curls on Yoga ball / SLD with weights / Planks & plank variations / Single leg hip thrust / a few hip flexor stretches)

    Enjoying this weeks training - long run tomorrow should bring me over 70 miles for the week, which feels weird as I only hit 70 twice in my Rotterdam build up.......and technically I'm not in Marathon training yet!!

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,126 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    So, when you say working from home, you mean 2 training sessions, a yoga session with plenty of recovery time in between? Interesting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    adrian522 wrote: »
    So, when you say working from home, you mean 2 training sessions, a yoga session with plenty of recovery time in between? Interesting.

    eeeemmmmm.........I took no breaks?? :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Sunday: 15.5 miles on my ownsome. Had a couple of drinks on Sat night along with a Sunday Lie in.

    Went up over the S Bends and up the Khyber before doing the DCM mile 2-7 weekly staple :)

    2 hours total - Very warm & humid, didn't add in any stuff - today was about a long easy run.
    15.5m @ 7.44 (Not quite as easy in last 2-3 miles as I was knackered)

    70m for the week.

    Monday: Double day

    Just under 4m at 120 HR (8.24 pace) during lunch. I stress.....LUNCH!

    30 mins of Yoga straight after - still technically my lunch break.

    PM: 4.5m around Tymon park as my daughter was training there with the Dub team - quite impressed with that park, there's a lot going on.
    Spotted a few BP runners.

    Tuesday: Session: Plan was 4x2k + 1k - off 3 mins at 10k pace\effort. Actual: 3x2k + 1k +2k

    Quite a muggy day as I parked at Whites Gate and ran down to the Acres - I done a few strides near the end and was absolutely sweating afterwards. I considered canning the session, but thought I'd do it and if it got tough, I'd lower the pace to 10k effort or even Tempo effort.

    Session went quite well. There was a bit of a head wind on the Acres on 1 patch, but grand on the other stretches.
    I done 3x2k on the Acres then headed out to Chesterfield - rather than doing the 1k at the end, I done it after 3x2k - partly to give myself a mini break as the effort levels were starting to redline and also because the route was a bit crowded - but it was mainly due to the fatigue.

    The last rep was fine as it was down Chesterfield - I dont mind that - getting it done is the main thing!

    Rep 1: 5.52 pace
    Rep 2: 5.48
    Rep 3: 5.56
    Rep 4: 6.07 (1k rep)
    Rep 5: 5.53

    Happy with that - a few bites on the legs, a few million flies on the neck, a dozen gallons of sweat lost.............but a good session

    11 miles total

    20 mins S&C immediately following that - focused on Hamstrings & core

    Wednesday: 4.2m recovery plus 10mins Post Run yoga.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thursday: 12 mile MLR - Ran from home and included the now infamous DCM 2-7m climb. After the holidays, I must start including the climb out by St Laurences road & upto Crumlin in my runs.

    A bit tired by the end of this - those last 6 miles do get you when you are tired - that said, I would much rather of ran it at a steady pace - there's something lethargic about easy paced running.

    Some Hamstring stuff with weighted SLD's and the Physio ball afterwards.

    12m 7.55 pace -

    Friday: GAA tourism brought me out to Clontarf and after making the call to run in St Annes rather than the seafront, I go over on my ankle - sore enough that it caused me to have to sit down for a few mins.

    Ran mainly on the grass and took in the Rose Garden etc before getting lost and needing to consult Google to get back to my car! :)
    A few strides at the end.

    Saturday: With the South Dublin 10k on next week - I knew that I hadn't run a morning 'hard' race in a very long time. Probably Trim 10m last Feb (discount the Marathon as that was at a different pace). So I had planned a parkrun for Saturday morning.

    I done a good 15 mins of Yoga before leaving to get the body 'ready' - I think it helped as I fet better starting off running. Will do similar next week. I resisted the urge to wear the 4%'s though.........kept with Nike - the Epic Reacts are now my favourite shoe - but only with the heel cut out.

    I ran upto Hartstown, done a few strides and got ready - we were off.

    Right away 2 guys take off - 1 guy who always runs 17:xx in Hartstown and another 'vintage' gent, who sped off with a gait that TRR would be proud off. He also had the loudest footslap ever. I expected him to keel over after a mile, but he kept going and on the bends, his form looked remarkable.

    My own pace was planned at about 5:50-5:55 - keeping it at 10k pace.
    The 1st mile beeped in 5.43 - so too fast and I knew I'd pay for it later as the legs were tired from the midweek runs.
    Still - the aim was to get some hard running in the legs, so I kept it going, there was no one behind me and the lads in front were too far in front to be worried about me - so it was a solo effort for most of the run.

    Mile 2 beeped in 5.47 - $hit, again, much too fast, but I was pleased with how I was holding up so far.
    I can distinctly recall going around 1 corner and thinking to myself - why am I going this hard - I dont want to race this thing - the main thing is next week. So I took my foot off the gas for a bit and settled into what felt like a jog - 6 min/miles for a few hundred meters.

    With about 3-400m to go, it dawned on me that I could be on for a Parkrun PB or even a sub 18 - I hadn't considered that previously - so I increased the pace and sprinted - my garmin shows 5.16 for the last 30 secs or so (0.1m) - I'd say I was at that for about 1 min??

    Crossed the line in 18:03 - the last sprint had taken it out of me as I was so out of breath.
    Very happy with the effort - probably should have considered the possibility of a sub 18 earlier - but the main thing was to get a hard early morning effort - mission accomplished.

    I introduced myself to the Vintage gent - he finished in 16:27 (??) - turns out he is Gerry Healy who ran a 2.15 marathon in Dublin in 1999 (& Melbourne in '96).
    This was his 2nd 'race' in 10 years he said!!

    A good chat and his advice was really old school. Run a lot and run it fast.

    8.7m total.

    Sunday: Rest day - a good 5m stroll with Wifey through the park.

    I took her up the Khyber.

    49 miles for the week - a taper week of sorts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    You just couldn't resist some Carry On comment!

    You should try mile 2 to Kilmainham and then back into the park and up the aforementioned Khyber...a better workout than going on to Crumlin. Mile 2 to Crumlin is a great 60ish tempo run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Nice parkrun. I hope you also enjoyed your stroll................God I have matured something fierce to let that go :P

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  • Registered Users Posts: 498 ✭✭Sheep1978

    First week in a while I wasn;t at hartstown and Gerry Healy is there!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Really struggling with Boards these days as I cant access in work.............

    Monday 15th: Double day - Lunch time 4m followed by an evening 5 with 5x20s hill strides.

    Tuesday: 7m down to the park and back - about 8 min/miles - Followed by 30 mins Yoga.

    Wednesday 4x200/2x400/800/2x400/4x200 - really nailed this on the Furze road. Happy with the paces - legs really in a good place.

    Thursday: 4m recovery - 8.4 pace.

    Friday: easy miles with 2x4x200m - keeping the pep in the step and putting some work in the muscles.

    Saturday: 5k with some strides. All is good in the world - went to watch the Dubs - all is great in the world!!

    Sunday: Race Series: South Dublin 10k

    Was up early for this and woke up to 'good legs' always a good sign - got a 15-20 min walk in to make sure the body was awake. 10min yoga routine to get the muscles activated.
    Small breakfast with coffee and the obligatory 3 poops :)

    Made my way to Grange Castle for the warm up - actually, it was so warm, I was sweating on the warm up.
    Met a good Boards contingent on the startline - I'm still convinced Barry is an interpol spy btw :)

    We were then set off with minimum fuss.
    My plan was to run a decent race - not going for a PB today due to the conditions but to get a <36.30 would be a good days work.

    After a few hundred meters I felt I was working harder than I should have been - there was a headwind here, but I was tucked into a good group. I reckoned it would pass and I'd soon wake up and feel comfortable.
    Mile one beeped at 5.51

    Most of Mile 2 was into that headwind and we then turned into Corkagh Park - the wind ceased and I was moving a bit freely.
    I had one of those - "this is going $hite moments" - only to look at the watch and see that I was on pace. OK - not so bad.
    Lets keep this going. Mile 2 5.52

    Was nice going through that park, my 1st time in it. I got a good shout from a friend who I hadn't seen in a couple of years.

    We exited the park and I was feeling the pace, but you do feel the pace halfway in a 10k, dont you?
    Mile 3 was a consistent pace too, there was a good crowd in Clondalkin.
    Mile 3 beeped again in 5.52 - and I think I went through 5k in about 18/18.10.......... and it was the beginning of the end.

    I felt my stomach flip and I wretched a couple of times as I was running before having to move to the side to get control of it - I puked a bit, but mainly fluids - strange sensation as there was no pain or nausea. Healy went by me........I swear he winked.

    After about 30 seconds or so, I got going again, trying to get on pace. I run the remainer of that mile in sub 6 and Mile 4 beeps in 6.19 - thats ok I think - but the energy is draining from me as we turn on the canal.

    I just want to stop and walk, but sure, I'm going in the direction I need to - so lets keep going at any pace. At this stage, MP is difficult.
    I feel a sense of frustration - my prep has been great, my training has been great - why do I have $hite races like this sometimes - but then I think of something I read recently about how running is a privilege - I see people around me busting their gut, possibly on for a PB while I'm wallowing about at 6.20 pace. Cop on Old Man I think. Lets make the best of these last few K.

    Mile 5 beeps in 6.25 and I know I'm in the manure business, but lets keep the best effort I can and run the bast race I can on the day.
    I pass a few people again and despite the extremely heavy legs, I begin to enjoy it again. Super support from the Boards Ladies just before the turn - much appreciated!!

    I turn off the canal and up the short rise - it zaps the legs a bit more - mile 6 beeps in 6.20 - I'm passing a couple of people and can muster some sort of finish.
    A welcome shout from an old school friend gives me a lift and I push on again - picking out 1 or 2 ahead - and I cross the line.
    Barry was just behind me with a great PB and I meet Luke who ran a super consistent race.

    38.02 and 66th position. 66th. Jaysus - I though I was 600th.

    Onwards from here.

    2 week break coming up and then a 12 week specific Marathon block that has me excited.

    I've been using Hudson for this 10k but will be using a different plan for the Marathon as I've become addicted to the NAZ group under Ben Rosario who are probably the most in form running group right now. Managed to get my hands on one of their plans too (for a fee).

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    As mentioned to you Sunday draw a line under it, bad races don't take away the good work put into training in the build up to them.
    I've been using Hudson for this 10k but will be using a different plan for the Marathon as I've become addicted to the NAZ group under Ben Rosario who are probably the most in form running group right now. Managed to get my hands on one of their plans too (for a fee).

    Think you got shafted

    FWIW if you have anyone in the states you can take a delivery

    Its a great book and a really unique approach to gain insight into training from both sides of the coin (athlete and coach side by side)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    KSU wrote: »

    Think you got shafted

    FWIW if you have anyone in the states you can take a delivery

    Its a great book and a really unique approach to gain insight into training from both sides of the coin (athlete and coach side by side)

    I got a non-elite version of their plan and also got the rolled up plan that Eric Fernandez used along with all his comments etc leading up to a 2.14 marathon. Didn't cost that much actually.

    Theres a kindle version of their book coming soon - the book itself is $28 but would have been $63 in total to get it to Ireland!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    I got a non-elite version of their plan and also got the rolled up plan that Eric Fernandez used along with all his comments etc leading up to a 2.14 marathon. Didn't cost that much actually.

    Theres a kindle version of their book coming soon - the book itself is $28 but would have been $63 in total to get it to Ireland!!

    I know thankfully a kind ex boardsie let me use there home address the deliver to so managed to avoid that hefty delivery fee.

    I can send you on the rolled up version of fauble if its of any interest to you (think there is also one floating around letsrun for both his NYC and Boston build ups)

    There is a FB group as well that Ben is very active on if you ever had any questions he is usually quite receptive

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    KSU wrote: »
    I know thankfully a kind ex boardsie let me use there home address the deliver to so managed to avoid that hefty delivery fee.

    I can send you on the rolled up version of fauble if its of any interest to you (think there is also one floating around letsrun for both his NYC and Boston build ups)

    There is a FB group as well that Ben is very active on if you ever had any questions he is usually quite receptive

    Just emailed you something :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    I've been using Hudson for this 10k but will be using a different plan for the Marathon as I've become addicted to the NAZ group under Ben Rosario who are probably the most in form running group right now. Managed to get my hands on one of their plans too (for a fee).

    Very good YouTube channel isn't it.

    On a sidenote it concerns me that you were puking "manly fluids". Hardly the ideal prep for a race ;)

    Have had a gander at their site and the online plans seems to be mainly HM, Marathon, XC. Interesting they throw up all the training although it would be ideal to be able to get a condensed version all in one page.

    So Hudson has been dropped! I must admit I still haven't managed to finish the book although I find it great.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Very good YouTube channel isn't it.

    On a sidenote it concerns me that you were puking "manly fluids". Hardly the ideal prep for a race ;)

    Have had a gander at their site and the online plans seems to be mainly HM, Marathon, XC. Interesting they throw up all the training although it would be ideal to be able to get a condensed version all in one page.

    So Hudson has been dropped! I must admit I still haven't managed to finish the book although I find it great.

    Was that really "manly fluids"? I find that hard to swallow!!! Maybe he spits? I'm sure he meant 'mainly'....

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    skyblue46 wrote:
    Was that really "manly fluids"? I find that hard to swallow!!! Maybe he spits? I'm sure he meant 'mainly'....

    I'm not so sure S. And Healy winked at him. All seems a little suss.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    I'm not so sure S. And Healy winked at him. All seems a little suss.

    Libellous stuff.......
