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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Moving on.......

    Monday: Usual 7m loop to the PP and around the Furze - autopilot. - Runnerbeans on Podcast.
    Small bit of stretching / core
    7m / 8.20pace

    Tuesday: Drove to the PP after work and bumped into a run buddy - great to have company.
    Couldn't believe how the miles went quicker with company (and how much quicker the easy pace was)
    Small bit of stretching / core.
    7.2m / 7.53 pace

    Wednesday: Session - the planned session was perfect for after a weekend race - decent bit of volume, but the pace wasn't too taxing and recoveries were generous.

    6x1.5m at MP with 0.5m easy pace recovery (tried to keep rec at 8 min/miles).

    Set out to do this on the Furze/ OS loop but with darkness falling and many deer around - After 1 rep, I ventured over to the North Road - I remembered that the loop from the corner of the North Road/Chesterfield, around by the Triangle and back up by the Aras/Chesterfield is nearly bang on 2 miles. Perfect for this.

    The 2 mile loop was perfect for it, helped get into a good cadence and just get through it.
    The 1st 2 reps were the most difficult, but once the legs woke up, it felt fine - had to hold the pace back on a few later reps - I could feel the beginnings of cramp/fatigue on the 5th rep - but it held up fine - I pushed the pace a bit on the last rep with no issues.

    Short 1m cooldown.

    All reps in and around MP - 6.25/mile (6th was 6.15)

    14.5miles/ 7.04pace (1hr42) - no water/gels

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    That 2 mile loop is very handy alright. Another easy to remember one is Phoenix Monument down Chesterfield to the next roundabout, turn left over to the North Road and on up to the triangle where you turn left and back to your start point is nearly bang on 3 miles. For a 4 mile loop the lap OS roundabout down to the Lords Walk, across to the North Road and then continue around to where you started is as close to 4 miles as makes no difference...

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    yep - I think I have all the various distances built into the distanceorometer in my brain:)
    Or a 5m loop from CK Gate - down the North Road - turn at the Zoo and back up Chesterfield to starting point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Late to say well done but great running A, well done

    I like your anti cramp plan as well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    After a long and considered period of self reflection, I have come to an important and life changing decision.

    With the introduction of the new Alpfa Fly from Nike, I can no longer look at my competitors in the eye, knowing that such moral and ethical mountains remain within me.

    As a result, and for this reason only, I will NOT be taking part in the Tokyo Olympics.

    I will be making no further comment at this time.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thursday: Drove to the PP from work - 7m at 8.40 pace - nice recovery run all on grass. Pilates cancelled this week.

    Friday: Worked at home today - ran down to the PP and done 5x 10s hill sprints then 5x200m
    8.25 miles all in.

    Saturday: Long Run Session
    This one occupied my mind in a good way - The plan on paper was 18m with 2min surges from mile 8-16.
    But this is an introductory session in a plan, as I'm further advanced I didn't think I'd get any progression from this.

    So I set out to do another NAZ marathon staple - 20 mile with alternating miles of MP & MP+60 (6.25/7.25).
    I got up after 8 and had a bagel and coffee and was out the door 20 mins later (yes - I had a 'movement' beforehand! )........great prep!!

    Ground was damp, so I wore the Solar Boost which are fantastic on the wet ground - it was a bit windy, but the sky was clear.

    Done a 2m warm up and set off on the 1st MP mile - felt grand - I slowed down to the 'off mile' - meant to be 7.25 and felt like I was jogging at 7.15's. So I changed it on the go to a 5m/4m/3m (off 1mile) at MP'ish - allowing myself the luxury of range between 6.40-6.20 for the MP'ish miles.

    I recall doing a run with company recently trying to run 6.50's and found it a bit tough - the 1st 5m felt fine. (mile 2 was 7.13 as I was figuring out the session). Running back up Chesterfield into the wind was tough, but manageable - Ciara wasn't here in all her glory just yet.

    The mile Off was 7.30 pace - so still feeling fresh.

    Next 4 miles were a mixture of the Furze, Chesterfield and the North Road - The NR is interesting as a route - I've ran it countless times recently, but from a wind perspective, as you pass the triangle (Hole in the wall area) the wind starts to pick up against you - by the time you reach the Zoo, its nearly full on in your face. Its a bendy road after all. All 4 miles were in the ball park.
    Next 'off mile' was up to the Aras at 8.08 pace and I was feeling bit ropey. Will I just do 3x1m I was asking myself?

    The next 3 mile was actually fine - up Chesterfield and back on the North Road. about 6.30 pace for the 3 and I was fading by the end.

    5m Home then at 7.45 pace - felt great I must say - no water or gels consumed on the run. Just 1 bagel for breakfast.

    As Manchester is still 8 weeks away - I was kinda glad that I was fading by the end of the 5/4/3 session on Saturday - In the past I felt that I had peaked too soon for races and Saturdays session was good for me in that even though I got 12m MP in, plus a total of 21m for the overall run, I know I still have a lot of work to do.

    21m at 7.08 pace.

    Sunday: Found a gap in the storm and went out listening to Cathal Dennehy on Runnerbeans - I had planned to do 1 or 2 laps of a local park beside my house, but ended up doing 10 or 11 laps - its just under 0.5m per lap (0.43 :) ) but found a nice pace and kept going.

    5.1m / 8.40 pace.

    Done a 20 min workout in the afternoon - inc 3x10 hammy curls with the physio ball and 2x10 Single leg deadlifts with weights - some plank & clams in there as well.

    Week in review:

    The Good:
    70m for the week.
    Happy with recovery run pace.
    Plenty of recovery walks with the Madra.
    Ordering a massage gun
    Introduced small core work midweek.
    Started S&C
    2 Marathon specific sessions.
    Pulled out of Tokyo Olympics.

    The Bad:
    Could be doing more S&C
    Wanted to introduce doubles last week - but didn't.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,507 ✭✭✭Damo 2k9

    A - As the LR’s are getting tougher, how far out would you normally start introducing fuelling into these runs? Last year I got up to about 18 (easy miles no MP) before I started fading bad, albeit these were fasted. Will you stick with the reliable maurten?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Damo 2k9 wrote: »
    A - As the LR’s are getting tougher, how far out would you normally start introducing fuelling into these runs? Last year I got up to about 18 (easy miles no MP) before I started fading bad, albeit these were fasted. Will you stick with the reliable maurten?

    Not too sure I will introduce fuelling into the runs. I always carry a gel, just in case, but if I can get away without using it, then great. If I feel I need it, then I'll take it.
    I might take some water in future, I feel very dehydrated after these runs.

    I think for Rotterdam, I done upto 24m with no gels/water, mainly to train the body.

    Regarding the gels, I've been doing research here and think I need gels with more Sodium. So for Manchester I might move away from Maurten and onto Powerbar (200+gr sodium v 50'ish) - just to help with cramping.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: From the house, down to the PP and back.

    8m @ 8.20

    Tuesday: Added on an additional 2miles to my normal loop and threw in 6x30sec strides on the Furze.
    Horizontal sleet/snow on the way home.

    10m total (actually was 9.95m but too cold to do the additional 0.05)

    Wednesday: Session 20x400m

    This week, I've been questioning my own sanity as I'm having 2nd thoughts about using the NAZ plan for the remaining 7-8 weeks - but decided to leave this one in there as I think I needed a break from the longer tempos and MP efforts.

    On paper, I thought this would be a piece of pi$$ as it was at 30 min pace (5.45-5.50/mile) and only 400m reps!
    The remit on this was clear - NO FASTER - than 30min pace. I had looked at Healy's version of this from previous and he done them at a much quicker pace!!
    I kept the recoveries to my easy pace jog - between 8-8:30's - this got more difficult towards the end.

    Done a 3m warm up, bringing me to the Furze/OS interchange - plan was to use the Furze for the entire thing - 3 reps up, 3 reps back and repeat by 3 - this would get to 18 - then just 2 more.

    Well - the 1st one was terrible - $hit I thought, wifey is sick and up a lot during the night, maybe I'm just tired?
    Took me a few reps to get the pace of things as my 1st 200 was too quick, but after that I settled into a good cadence - didn't need to look at the watch after a few more and seen it through.
    Bit of a wobble towards the end due to a bad mixture of low light & dog walkers.

    Threw in a fast last rep to mimic a fast finish - using the arms more than anything else.
    Reps were all on the money, bar 1 (dog walkers).

    The workout was an 8k workout, but with running the recoveries at the pace I did, I got 7.2miles out of it - with the 7 miles being at/near MP.
    Amazing how it worked out like that :)

    With WU & CD - came to 12.6 miles.

    Nicely b0ll!xed by the end.

    Regarding the plan for the next 7-8 weeks - there's a nagging doubt in my head - that I don't fully trust all the components of this plan, so I wont feel confident around it and as a result, it will negatively impact me psychologically.
    It may work on a physiological level, but the way my head is, I cant let any doubts set in.

    My training works better with longer workouts - so I'm going to keep my plan focused on these types of workouts that I know work.
    I don't think the upcoming NAZ sessions of single KM reps or a set of 300's will help take away the doubts when they arrive at 22 miles.

    This being said - over the 8 weeks (inc this week) I'll still keep about 6 of the NAZ workouts, 5 from BAC (used for San seb) and the rest from Daniels.

    I might even race Bohermeen now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    20x400... some workout
    Some day...

    Yourself and Healy pretty much similar pace. Wonder if he will beat your marathon time... when he is your age! (I meant that in best possible sense)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    20x400... some workout
    Some day...

    Yourself and Healy pretty much similar pace. Wonder if he will beat your marathon time... when he is your age! (I meant that in best possible sense)

    Healy is faster than me now - he just didn't run as well as he can at the 10m.

    And hes about 40 years younger than me. :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Healy is faster than me now - he just didn't run as well as he can at the 10m.

    And hes about 40 years younger than me. :p

    Well, I'm 6 years away from the 2:55 Fast Runner mark for Berlin, but hope to get the lower mark before then :) AMK's graph has a bit to climb yet. We might even run with each other in Manchester, although we'll see how tomorrow's trial works out :)

    PS. AMK is a 2:52 man, I'm a lowly 2:53 merchant :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thursday: Tired in work so was going to can the run - not sleeping great due to wifeys coughing at night - doesn't she know I'm an elite runner??
    Decided to do a few miles - even 4 would be something.

    Set out and immediately, the legs kicked in! - Done a lap up the S-Bends and Wellington Road, then back up Chesterfield. Legs felt great.

    6.5m at 7.41

    Friday: Ran down to the Run Hub for some gels - I'll steer away from Maurten this time and look at high Sodium gels - Swashbuckler sent me an interesting thing on Gels - See here.

    And basically to get the sodium content of a gel, you need to divide the Salt by 2.5.
    Maurten say it has 85mg of Salt - so that's only a small amount of Sodium.

    I did buy a caffeine Maurten and a couple of Powerbar high sodium gels - we'll see how these do.

    7m at 8.10 pace.

    Saturday: I had arranged to meet Healy at 8am in the PP for our 'little run'.
    I spent a lot of yesterday looking at the weather and it didn't change too much - so went out expecting the worst.

    Didn't overly prepare for this run, a pizza at 8 or 9pm and a bottle of beer, followed by a glass of wine :rolleyes:

    I got up at 7 and had a coffee and a bagel and got my gear sorted.

    Happy to see that there was no rain yet.

    The plan was to run the 1st 3m at 7.30 pace, next 3 at 7.15, next 4 at 7.00 and then 10m at Marathon effort (given the conditions) "The pace will be the pace" as Johnny says.

    I had the miles worked out for a nice tour of the area, moreso for me than him :) and we set off up Castleknock and turned right onto the Canal and down to Ashtown.
    Pace here was ave of 7.13 for the 3 miles............ah well, so much for plans.

    Next 3 miles brought us into the park and down to the War Memorial Gardens - 7.10 pace.
    We went out of the WMG turned left and back into the Park and then..........

    I took Johnny up the Khyber ;).

    16k clicked for Healy just as we hit the cars again, I was about 9.8xm (thats important :) ). (4m ave 7.02)
    Perfect timing - a sip of water and a gel and we were ready to go again.
    10 mile ave was 7.09 pace.

    Next up was 10m at MP / effort.
    I planned a 5 mile loop, a 2m loop and then the final 3 down the North Road finishing just at Chesterfield.

    First 5 had a good bit of chat - we were feeling the impact of the breeze on the NR - nearly knocking us over a couple of times - as you approach the Zoo - it turns to a near headwind. Back up C'Field - through a big puddle and we turn at the cars to go again. 5m average was 6.30.

    We had a check-in at this point and agreed that we were both digging in - lets keep chat to a minimum.
    The 2 mile loop had a raging headwind for part of it, but it abated on C'Field and I knew the home straight was close.
    The damn puddle though had started a blister forming on my left foot and it was starting to burn. (2miles were 6.24/6.34)

    The last 3 miles were tough - like all runs/races when you know the end is close and you start counting it down - it gets even more tough than it should be.
    We came towards the Zoo and took the turn, before Healys watch beeped for 16k. Last 3m were 6.24 ave.

    My watch said 19.89 for the run - so still 10m at MP :)

    Delighted with that run - possibly the fastest training run I've done - on a par with a 3/4 mara a couple of years ago - but that was race conditions.
    Todays conditions were bad in places, we were pi$$ed on at various times, but honestly I cant remember - it was bad - but I was expecting worse.

    2m jog back to the car - currently in the process of eating all around me.

    21.8 for the day inc 19.9m at 6.49 pace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,455 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Nice session! Is it relatively unusual for you to do this kind of run in company? How did you find the difference (if at all?)

    And tell us more about leaving the club - any particular reason?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Murph_D wrote: »
    And tell us more about leaving the club - any particular reason?

    Missed this, why also?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Nice session! Is it relatively unusual for you to do this kind of run in company? How did you find the difference (if at all?)

    And tell us more about leaving the club - any particular reason?
    OOnegative wrote: »
    Missed this, why also?

    Murph: Yes - quite unusual to do it with company. Normally I do my sessions on my own - I cant recall doing a session like this with someone.
    Last time I did a similar session to this it was the 3/4 Marathon in Longwood. Felt good to do it on a training run and gave me confidence that I could also do it solo.

    Murph / Barry: Regarding the club, it was a long time in the works I think. I never train with them, barring the odd long run.
    Even the long runs, just ended up with me & Sarah up front and no one else around - So this year, the fees increased to €150 and I felt that barring wearing the bib in races, I didn't have any interaction that warranted €150.

    It wasn't a money thing at the end of the day. I can afford €150 a year - it was something I was questioning previously regarding the value I got from being in a club.
    I'll still do long runs with them, and for me there'll be no real difference - my singlet in races wont be as noticeable :) - but I leave on good terms, no bad blood and maybe I'll rejoin in the future when I see a benefit for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Sunday: a 4m run today at a slow pace - proper recovery - mainly from the hangover rather than the session yesterday.

    The Good last week:
    70m for the week
    2 good sessions.
    Super Sat session with 20m at 6.49 pace.
    2 sets of strides.
    Knowledge on Sodium in Gels is golden.
    Agreed with myself on a plan of action for the future. (Not a slave to NAZ or any 1 plan)

    The Bad:
    Only 1 S&C session
    No Pilates (Instructor is sick)
    No foam rolling
    No Massage (ST is Sick (she's also the Pilates instructor))

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: Ran from the house down to the park.
    Done 5x10s hill sprints followed by 5x200m strides.

    8.5m total

    Tuesday: Session: 4/3/2/1 mile off 4/3/2 mins

    I had wanted to do this one on Wednesday to aid recovery from the weekend session, but this coming few days is a bit manic with 2 different trips planned - so I may need to do my long run on Friday.............the joys.

    The intention of this was to start at MP and make each set slightly faster.

    Done these on the North Road/C'Field loop - the breeze was coming down Chesterfield, so it was tough into it.
    WU: 1.6m

    4m: (AIM: 6.30) Act: 6.25 /6.28 / 6.21/ 6.34
    3m: (AIM: 6.20's) Act: 6.13/ 6.21 / 6.23
    2m (AIM: 6.10's) Act: 6.09 / 6.07
    1m: (AIM: 6.00) Act: 6.01

    CD: 2.6m

    Happy with the workout - definitely fatigue in the legs from the monster session at the weekend.
    Very happy to get some Tempo stuff in there too - in fairness the full 10m was probably faster than MP Effort, given the breeze and fatigue.

    Total: 15m at 7.05 pace.

    Ate all around me Tuesday night - plenty of electrolytes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Wednesday: Little motivation for this - down to the park via Tower Road (for variation, I went in a different gate :) ) - back home.
    6m at 8.20 pace

    My pulse massager thingy came, so watched the TV while doing some self massage.....ahem.....

    Thursday: Meant to be off work and heading to a nice hotel, where I had a massage booked. But my youngest went and got herself tonsillitis. So had to put this off.
    Went to work and then done 8.5m at 8.10 pace.

    Friday: Meant to do my long run today due to another trip on Saturday night - but due to my wifes car breaking down, my oldest was due to use it on Saturday/Sunday for her trip away - I decided to stay and drive my oldest to Wicklow and pick her up Sunday. The youngest with Tonsillitis was also added into the equation.
    Anyway - long run was pushed to Sat.

    6 miles locally with 5x20s strides.

    Saturday: I was in town on Friday night - despite all the chaos around me - but was behaved.

    Up at 7am for a coffee and bagel and out the door. I had a preplanned route made up and this involved a trip back home at 12miles as I left a bottle of electrolytes in my Garden.
    After about 6 miles - the pre-prepared plan was gone out the window - I took a risk with the route knowing I wouldn't get water, worst case, there was bound to be some around the O.T. 5k Fun Run that was taking place in the park - I'm used to not taking water on runs, so didn't think much about it.
    Went into the War Memorial Gardens and then through Thomas Street, back along Manor Street etc and into the park, up the North Road and then detoured down Chesterfield as the 5k was starting - was tempted to run the route at MP, there seemed to be a couple of faster lads at the front.
    Didn't do that - stuck to the plan for a vanilla run, back up through Castleknock and a few laps of the local park near were I live

    I was coming upto 23miles and feeling great, I considered doing a 3mile loop that would get me back home for just a tad over 26 miles :) in 3.20 - but I thought that would be silly, against plan and a bit egotistical for no real gain.

    Ran for 3 hours - 23.4miles. The plan was for 24 miles - but being 'over time' was good enough I reckon.

    The pace held all the way and I didn't have any last miles 'bonk' where I'd slow down - didn't take on any gels or water during the run - so happy to do this on 1 bagel (Maybe the pints and wine on Friday night have magical properties - my wife always says I have better long runs after a few beers).

    23.4miles at 7.43 pace

    Currently just over 67m for the week - may do a short recovery tomorrow before the Rugby. I believe there is due to be 'less wind' on Sunday :)

    PS: Anybody want to buy a José - vintage model, slightly outdated, toxic after a few weeks use - only €20mil or so - Send a note to Mr Levy, London, if interested.
    Disclaimer: He used to be able to park a bus - but cant even park it straight anymore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,417 ✭✭✭Lazare

    Saw that today and was v impressed.

    Intelligent training too not going for the extra 3 ego miles. Kudos.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Sunday: gentle 4 miles - legs in good nick.

    Brought the dog for a walk in the PP in the evening - not a breath of wind around. WTF. felt weird :)

    The Good last week:
    71m for the week
    1 good session - happy to get some faster than MP done midweek.
    2 sets of strides.
    2 S&C sessions (Wed/Sun)
    Some massage with the pulse gun.
    23.5m / 3 hours - took nothing out of me on Saturday - to the point where I question the point of doing it??

    The Bad:
    No Pilates (Instructor is sick)
    Had planned a massage while away last Thursday - but as trip didn't happen - massage didn't happen.
    Benefits of a vanilla long run without a session the day prior???? Doing it on fresh legs v on tired legs. (knowledge is golden, though)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday 25th: Same loop down to the PP - didn't do hill sprints/Strides today as some DOMs in legs from S&C on Sunday.
    6.9m @ 8min/mile

    Tuesday:Session 4x16mins

    I had a dilemma on doing 2 different sessions;
    (1) 3mMP/ 10x800 tempo / 3m MP
    (2) 4x16min progressive from MP

    I chose the 2nd option as I thought the fact of running harder for longer intervals would benefit me better - I recall a post I made previously about doing longer stuff rather than shorter intervals.

    I ran 3 miles from home and ended up at CK Gate. The 2m Loop would be perfect for this form CK gate - I envisaged the rep being about 2.5miles.
    The plan was to run each 16min segment at 6:25 / 6.20 / 6.10 / 6.00'ish

    Loop worked perfectly as I finished the 16min rep half way up the path to CK Gate - so a gently walk/jog to the gate - gather myself and go again.
    Used this loop for the 1st 3 reps - the turn at the triangle and the run back up Chesterfield was tough into the wind.

    On the 4th rep - the 1st mile beeped at a stupid 5.53 - I knew I'd suffer too much into the wind - so turned down Chesterfield to finish it out by the Zoo.
    This left a 4m jog home - interesting that my legs started to cramp - but I hadn't taken any fluids during the session nor did I do much prep for the session - cramps didn't take hold and faded after a short walk.

    Rep 1: Pace 6.26 (distance 2.48m)
    Rep 2: Pace 6.20 (distance 2.52m)
    Rep 3: Pace 6.11 (distance 2.58m)
    Rep 4: Pace 6.01 (distance 2.66m)

    All 3min recovery.

    Very happy with this workout - I think it gave me more than the alternative workout - doing the last 2 reps gave a better benefit than 10x800 tempo portion.

    17.6 miles at 7.12 pace.

    I was wiped when I got home - I was fine eating/drinking but was totally wiped for about 90 mins.
    Woke up fine this morning though.

    I'm thinking of taking next week as a down week prior to Bohermeen, just to manage my body - I've ran everyday in Feb so far with some big weeks and workouts. By a down-week, I mean- not doing a monster midweek session and a reduction in mileage to 55-60 (from 70).

    I'll see how I feel after this weekends session. (while I didn't feel overcooked last week - I'm mindful of it for the closing few weeks)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Any worries that Manchester might not go ahead?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Any worries that Manchester might not go ahead?


    Kinda makes me glad I raced Raheny, JT10 and hopefully Bohermeen.

    If it gets cancelled, then I'll have a very big base to work off for the coming spring/summer races!! I wont be looking for a local back up race.

    I just hope that they give plenty of notice if they do decide to cancel.

    Here's hoping it goes ahead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Wednesday: Pushed for time on Wednesday - managed 5.3m at 8.20 pace.

    Thursday: A spin down to Druids Glen for Wifeys B'day - didn't know about the trails down there and only had a t-shirt - sure I'm just a soft Dublin lad. Stuck to the Gym instead.

    4m (6.5k actually) on the treadmill and then some SLD's and some physio ball stuff for the Hammys - threw in a bit of foam rolling.
    Couldn't get a booking for a massage :(

    Friday: Went out to do a lap of the park and bumped into a guy I know, he offered to run with me and the miles flew in at a faster pace than I wanted - but still felt very easy.
    Running is soooo much easier with company. Must do it more often.

    6x20s strides following that.

    8.24 miles

    Saturday: Session: 5m WU + 5/4/3/2 miles at MP Effort

    Was up early enough for this, trying to beat Jorge's arrival - had a bagel and coffee for brekkie and was out the door - (after a 'fashion').
    I drove down to the PP to have water and brought a gel and a cramp shot thingy with me to try at race pace.

    I wanted to have the 1st 5m at a decent enough clip (7.15-7.30's) and just about managed that apart from the last mile where I stopped for a pit stop. The breeze on certain parts was woeful, so I knew I'd be keeping the route similar to the last time me & Johnny done it.

    I was wearing the old vapourflys again for 2 reasons - (1) Recovery from the session (2) To make sure the legs were used to running in the cushioning - I read from time to time about the 'Vapourfly Hamstrings'.
    Given the conditions, I said I'd do the session at effort rather than pace.

    1st 5 miles started at the Aras and went up the North Road, back down C'Field and turn back up the North Road at the Zoo.
    I knew I wouldn't be doing that again as the breeze was right in your face coming up the North Road after the Ashtown Gate.

    1st 5: 6.38/32/21/30/30 - spot the tailwind mile. - 5min recovery at 7.50 pace

    Next 4 was up Chesterfield (from the Aras) to the CK gate, Down the north road to the Aras and back up to CK Gate - I took on water at this stage.
    2nd 4: 6.28/17/27/43 - vey happy with this set - took a Gel after 2 miles of this - felt grand going down. - 4min recovery 2 jog/ 2 for water.

    Next 3: Started off with me thinking - Jesus, that Gel worked as the 1st mile of the set beeped at 6.13 - I turned the corner into the breeze and back up Chesterfield - last mile was very tough. I took the anti cramp shot during this - like drinking a pouch of vinegar. Horrible stuff but glad I tried it on a training run.
    3rd 3: 6.13/6.38/6.38

    Last 2: I had considered doing a 2m rep and then a 1m rep - but felt that the effort would have been enough without doing the 1m rep - sp the last 2m were down the North Road (thankfully).
    Final 2: 6.18 / 6.25

    This brought the session to 20miles at 6.50 pace. Very happy with that.

    Jogged the 2.75m back to the car - 7.45 pace showed that there was so slog and I actually felt great afterwards.

    22.75 miles for the day.

    Sunday: Woke up with good legs today and ran down to the park and back.
    5.2m at 8.17 pace

    70 miles for the week
    293 miles for Feb - running 29/29 days.

    Happy with where I am right now.
    Still not sure on a session this week or a down week................maybe I'll do an easy session??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    I was looking at your Strava there and I have to say you've have an excellent block of training behind you so far. Great consistency too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I was looking at your Strava there and I have to say you've have an excellent block of training behind you so far. Great consistency too.

    thanks for that - I think the key to it for me are the 2 big workouts - it makes it easy to fit in during the 7 days and also takes some pressure off the remaining 5 days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    thanks for that - I think the key to it for me are the 2 big workouts - it makes it easy to fit in during the 7 days and also takes some pressure off the remaining 5 days.

    And those big workouts have blown me away to be honest. Same with healy. Some of yer big runs have been frightening

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    And those big workouts have blown me away to be honest. Same with healy. Some of yer big runs have been frightening

    you'd be surprised how quickly the body adapts to the longer midweek runs. You do need to keep the other 4-5 runs in the week very manageable.
    And eat lots :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    It's been great this past 4 months or so if i've been talking running with anyone to drop in "Sure i've a better Half PB than AMK!!", if anybody new wants to hear that story give me a shout over the next 24 hrs as my reign will then be at an end.

    Best of luck tomorrow Alan, run well man!!!
