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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday March 2nd: ran to the PP and back - felt incredibly tired on the run - stopped a few times. Body felt depleted.

    6.4m / 8.22

    Tuesday: Held off on a session due to the fatigue - vanilla run to the PP and back - threw in some strides.

    Wednesday: Rather than the tried & trusted race week work out - I went off script and done a different one.
    2m at Race pace + 5x1min (2min)

    The 2m Tempo at 6 min/miles was horrible. Certainly could not have done another 2 miles at that pace (& I was going downhill :( )
    1m Easy then 1min on 2 off on the Furze Road.

    I enjoyed these - nice to get some ping into the legs.

    8.4m total - (makes a big difference from the 15m sessions that have become the norm)

    Thursday: 6 miles after work around Porterstown pitches. Didn't go to Pilates due to race on Sunday.
    8.22 pace

    Friday: OFF - 1st rest day since the end of Jan.

    Sat: Easy & some strides - easy felt hard.
    3.3 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Sunday: Bohermeen Half Marathon

    Pre-race: Was quietly confident going into this race, despite how hard the midweek session felt.
    Similar to JT10 - I had no race anxiety or thoughts prior to the race - Healy text me on Sat night and I told him I was having dinner and a glass of wine and had no idea where my race number was! Truth.
    So I was in good spirits about the race.

    Up early, coffee'd, porridged, beetroot'd, Borocca'd, poo'd and then off to Bohermeen.
    My initial plan to get parking at the community center was gone by the time I arrived, parking about 1m from the start - so had to do the WU in the Cheat shoes.

    Got 2m & strides done before finding my place in a good spot a few rows back.

    The Race:
    We were set off and I was boxed in for the 1st HM or so - plenty of weaving about to get a good line. Found myself behind Raycun before the 1st turn.
    His group kinda surged a bit, so had to decide do I stay or go. My thoughts turned to JT10 and how the group helped me. As we turned the corner, the breeze was against us, which caught me as I had thought it was with us there - decision made - catch the group.
    Mile 1 in 5.54 (too fast)

    I recall thinking on the 2nd mile going over the flyover, that this was going to be a tough day as the wind would also be against us on the main road. I couldn't get into a good cadence with the group at all. I dont know if they were surging or it was just me falling behind.
    Mile 2: 6.02

    We turned onto the main road and you could feel the wind immediately - worse than mile 2. $hit.
    I was still with the group - just behind Ray. Half way up this road the watch beeped a 6.06 for mile 3.

    The thing about being in a group - I wasn't clock watching, that part was good, but not finding a good rhythm was concerning me.

    We turned the corner and you could nearly hear the sighs of relief as we were finally out of the wind.
    I immediately felt my quad stiffen 1st then my hamstring complained. That's strange I though - the quad felt like mile 9 in JT and the hammy didn't feel like cramp - just a tightness, a pulse.
    I ignored it for a bit and kept with the group. We were working hard, but in a decent place.

    Mile 4 was a 6.01

    Mile 5 brought us on the 'additional mile' in the 2 looped course - we had a tail wind, but I could feel my hamstring tighten again - so I eased off the pace a bit. I decided to let the group go off and run my own race.
    Mile 5: 6.07

    We turned a corner and by Christ it was like a wind tunnel, How can the breeze be against you in 3 different directions. This is mad I thought.
    The additional effort was causing me some issues with the hammy - So I eased off again - down to 6.20's.
    I had a chuckle to myself thinking that Barry's PB over mine might be intact for a while yet!
    Mile 6: 6.18
    I then knew I had a decision to make soon.
    Pull out of the race and mind the hammy - this had benefits as I would not have a big recovery from a HM? This was certainly attractive.

    We turned the corner towards the field with all the cars, then again to the tailwind of the road to the Track.
    Mile 7: 6.19

    I was feeling quite comfortable at this pace - the leg was not complaining and the effort felt grand. Pull out or keep going??
    I seen GO'D walking ahead and another 2 or 3 people walking back - I was passing the track now - pull out........

    Nope - keep going - I was committed now.
    More walkers approached as mile 8 came at 6.15

    Turned into the wind again and the effort into the wind caused me to reduce the pace again. No idea who was around me at this stage - and I didn't care!
    up the flyover and the rain started.
    Oh great - I contemplated stopping and turning back, but kept going. Mile 9 was 6.24 and slowing as the wind picked up.
    I was regretting my decision to finish! - but only 4 miles left - what else could go wrong??

    Then the wind picked up some more and it started to hail. Horizontal hail.
    Within seconds I went from overheating to freezing.
    I recall trying to run with my eyes closed as the hail was stinging them :) - This is ludicrous I thought.
    This bloody turn up ahead in to the headwind will be torture I was thinking.
    Mile 10: 6.31

    Right - the hail had stopped and it was clearing up a bit - lets get positive now - lets push it a bit - 2 Dunleer ladies came past me and I tried to go with them, nope, the hammy wouldn't allow it and I wasn't going to force it.

    Its important to note - I wasn't running with a dodgy hamstring - I was running comfortably so as not to force the hammy to work extra hard - it wasn't complaining at the slower pace.
    A moxy load of people started to pass me at this stage - I was thinking to myself that this must be the 1.30 group? I hadn't bled that much time had I ??
    Mile 11: 6.33

    We turned out of the breeze and I felt much better - apart from the cheat shoes which are useless once wet! - I latched onto a group of 5-6 - I tried to get the pace up again and felt ok doing it.
    I had no idea what time I was on for or if I was even going to PB - I could have been on for 1.28 or 1.23 - No Idea.

    I was feeling good again and the hammy was allowing me to push on slightly - I recall thinking at one stage that I could run faster, but what was the point? No Sub 80 today, so dont push it for ego's sake and ruin your marathon.
    Mile 12: 6.11

    The last mile was never ending - I was willing the finish to come. We turned the corner and I knew it was less than a half mile - there was good support here. I had passed a few people in the last 2 miles - the tailwind helping.
    Mile 13: 6.10

    I came to the corner of the track - the grass bit was a joke and very dangerous - but was on the track and seen the time on the clock reading 1.21.xx

    No F'ing way I recall saying - were my old man eyes playing tricks on me? I sped up to try to get in under the 1.22.

    Finished in 1.21.41 (over 2 mins of a PB)

    Previous PB was 1.23.53 from same place 2 years ago - in a race I entitled a 'Disaster of a PB'.
    While not quite a disaster, this was certainly a sub optimal PB - but one that in hindsight I'm quite proud of!!

    Met many Boardsies and former team mates back in the center - always love this aspect of the race.

    A slow 1m jog to the car and off home.

    Bohermeen HM: 1.21.41

    48miles for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Congrats on the PB, the wind is a killer. I've had disappointing PBs before but when I reflect on them I'm always quite proud of them all

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Fair play on grinding that out with the issues & wind Alan and running a PB. Might not be the PB you wanted but one to reflect on and be proud of.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Great report, it's mad to see someone like you get such a good time as expected but when you put it in a report to see how much you wanted to give up! Fair play for seeing it out & congrats on the PB :)

    I seriously think i was in a bubble of my own yesterday because although i got soaked i actually didn't mind that part at all, must have just blurred it out haha!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Nice one A. I still have the HM pb on you for now anyway. ;) Super running and well managed considering the conditions and the hamstring. Any concerns on the hammy for the marathon, assuming it goes ahead?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    FWIW here's my training this week.

    Monday: Despite a few beverages on Sunday night, I woke up feeling fantastic on Monday - out for a few miles before work.

    7.5m at 8.01 pace

    Tuesday: Busy day in work - out late. 6.5m at 8.08.

    Wednesday: Set out to do a session - I had a few in mind but would only decide once the warmup was done and I felt how the hammy was.
    I done a 5m WU and decided to do 3 at MP to see how it was - on the 2nd mile, I felt fantastic, felt like I could have ran at that pace for a long time (maybe 26.2miles :) ) - So I decided to keep it going.
    The 3rd mile beeped and I noticed that the 3 miles were progressively faster.

    So then decided to keep the progression going for 6 miles.

    Great workout on the fly.


    2m CD for 13.2 miles for the day.

    Thursday: Covid 19 Day - the day the world changed forever. A day we would remember for an eternity. A day unprecedented in our lifetime.

    ** I went to Pilates :)

    Friday 13th : far..........

    had a 1hour sports treatment this morning focusing on the Posterior chain - including some dry needling of the hamstrings.
    Back, Glutes etc all need work.

    Even if Manchester Marathon does go ahead (with those crazy British people anything is possible) - I'm not going to do it.

    I'm removing myself from the worry and the 2nd guessing and the uncertainty right now.
    But also from the worry & 2nd Guessing and uncertainty after the race - the What If's in relation to being infected.

    I cannot be grumbling and giving out about Cheltenham, the Rugby possibly being on, the matches during the week etc and then travel to a race with 20,000 people.

    Manchester was never my priority, it started out with a sub 60 10miler and grew.
    I have 3 PB's on the back of the training - so that's a good return.

    Anyway - more than likely it'll be postponed anyway - probably take place in October along with the 5000 other races that will be on then!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    Cheers A.
    Good decision to skip Manchester IMO. Surprised it's still standing as I'm typing here.

    Far too many health related variables in there for it to be worth the risk. Personally I'm finding it hard to motivate myself to go again, when nobody has a clue when we'll be back racing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    I think you've made the right call re Manchester. I will more than likely follow suit - an easier decision for me as my wife is in the high-risk category - but no less disappointing given how well the training has progressed over the last few months.

    Happy to have to 10 mile PB to show for it and will still see out the training block I reckon and try my best to keep momentum going.

    Do you think you'll still do Manchester later in the year?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    coogy wrote: »

    Do you think you'll still do Manchester later in the year?

    Probably not as I'm down to do Berlin at the end of September (if that goes ahead!!)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I felt it was a bit strange to be updating a training log with all this going on - but then I found myself reading a lot of other logs - as a distraction - so I'll keep updating.

    Friday PM: lap of the PP - legs felt a bit meh after Pilates and the treatment.

    6.3m/8.07 pace.

    Saturday: Usual 7m loop from home to the PP & back.

    Sunday: "Body says NO......"

    Legs felt totally MEH! on Sunday. As if the whole body had shut down. No goal - no training it was telling me.

    Went out for 16 miles - done 11.

    11.3m / 7.52 pace

    Monday: Was going to take a couple of days off - but you really need to run at these times, dont you!
    6.8m/8.12 pace.

    Tuesday 17th:
    Went on a lap of Howth (Bog of Frogs) with a couple of like minded individuals.
    Actually didn't mind getting up and out for 7.30 to get running before the walkers came.

    Lovely morning for it.

    Note to self:
    Do more long hill stuff.

    8.2m/8.33 pace.

    I'm going to develop my own running challenge over the coming 2 weeks in order to keep motivated.
    Try to do things differently and keep running interesting & fun.

    Things I haven't done before / sessions I haven't done / routes I haven't ran in a while / things I dont like doing etc etc
    I'll think more about this and report back :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I felt it was a bit strange to be updating a training log with all this going on - but then I found myself reading a lot of other logs - as a distraction - so I'll keep updating.

    Friday PM: lap of the PP - legs felt a bit meh after Pilates and the treatment.

    6.3m/8.07 pace.

    Saturday: Usual 7m loop from home to the PP & back.

    Sunday: "Body says NO......"

    Legs felt totally MEH! on Sunday. As if the whole body had shut down. No goal - no training it was telling me.

    Went out for 16 miles - done 11.

    11.3m / 7.52 pace

    Monday: Was going to take a couple of days off - but you really need to run at these times, dont you!
    6.8m/8.12 pace.

    Tuesday 17th:
    Went on a lap of Howth (Bog of Frogs) with a couple of like minded individuals.
    Actually didn't mind getting up and out for 7.30 to get running before the walkers came.

    Lovely morning for it.

    Note to self:
    Do more long hill stuff.

    8.2m/8.33 pace.

    I'm going to develop my own running challenge over the coming 2 weeks in order to keep motivated.
    Try to do things differently and keep running interesting & fun.

    Things I haven't done before / sessions I haven't done / routes I haven't ran in a while / things I dont like doing etc etc
    I'll think more about this and report back :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Wednesday: Run Something Different: Day 1

    1st days 'challenge' was to run the outside circumference of the Phoenix Park.

    A little bit of fatigue still lingering, but not too bad.

    8.16m / 7.41 pace

    Thursday: Run Something Different: Day 2

    I haven't done a proper hill session in a long time, so went back to one that Luke used to subscribe to - 14x45s.

    Jogged down to the Khyber and started off.
    1st couple felt hard, but after 3 or so, I was flying.
    Keeping the recoveries sharp so the whole rep took under 2 mins (45s hill + <75sec rec back down).

    Paces for the efforts were about 5.35-5.40 ave - but the effort was faster than 5k.

    Very happy with how I felt doing this - could have done some more at the end too.

    Total 8miles.

    Friday: Run Something Different: Day 3

    There's a trail near my house that I run past every day - I wasn't aware of it until recently as its not signposted or obvious.
    Decided to run it today - lovely little trail that brings you down to the Strawberry beds.
    Certainly somewhere I'll go with the dog in the future.

    Led me to the road with no path for a good mile or so, then the mountain of a hill by the Anglers Rest.

    Lovely run - body feeling good these last few days.

    5.9m / 7.53 pace

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Saturday: In the spirit of doing 'something different' - rather than a session, I decided to do a 2m Time Trial - never done one of these before. I thought under 11 mins would be a good and very achievable target.

    Initially wanted to use the 2mile loop that I usually do (North Road/C'Field) - but the crowds on the Chesterfield stretch meant this would be difficult.
    Decided to go straight down the North Road - it would be easier, but its jut a bit of fun, right!

    2.5m warm up (inc the 2m loop) confirmed that the crowds were indeed to packed and spaced to try C'Field.
    I started the TT at top of C'Field by CK Gate.

    Within 200-300m I knew this would be difficult - There is a slight incline as you turn at the North Road and the breeze was noticeable too.
    I was struggling to hold 5:30 pace after about 800m. Jeez..........
    Found a decent rhythm and was moving along about 5.30's - avoiding the walkers, dog walkers, buggy pushers etc. Dont these people know that the park is just for Runners??
    Mile 1 beeped at 5:30 - $hit - I was hoping for slightly faster and knew it be hard to hold based on how I was feeling.

    Due to some dog walkers with long leads - I ventured around the Triangle rather than go straight - I think this cost me a few secs with the turn.
    With about 0.5m to go I was feeling it - by Christ the legs were filling with Lactic.
    Looking at my Garmin trace, I can see I wasn't even at 5k pace in the last 800m.

    Mile 2 beeped at 5.35 for an 11.05.

    A poor effort, it must be said, but good to do it and it was a bit of fun at the end of the day.

    2m CD back to the car

    6.5m total

    Sunday: Day 5
    Murph had reminded me of his run where he ran across any green space and called it a park ;)

    So I wanted to do something similar - but with 'Proper' parks.
    My criteria was that the 'Park' had to have a wall/Fence around it - Gates to access and some amenity inside it such as benchs, cycle lanes, football pitch etc.

    So I set off with the park across from my house - Tir Na Nog - down to the Phoenix Park.
    Turned to Ashtown and into 'Tolka Valley Park' - back to Ashtown and up the canal to Blanch - into Waterville Park.

    Back out and upto Corduff Park - thought about Abbottstown - but thats not a park, so came across by luck one called 'Castlecurragh Park' and then across to Hartstown Park.
    Back out to Millenium Park and down to Porterstown Park - finishing up at another little park by my house - Diswellstown Park.

    10 parks in total and 13.5m/7.43 pace.

    57 miles for the week.

    Monday: Day 6 of the Challenge
    Set out on a recovery run - hoping to run 4x9min miles - but I lost concentration within the 1st mile :).
    Still ended up being the slowest paced run of the year.
    4m at 8.53 pace.

    Tuesday: Day 7 (& last day) of this Run Something Different Challenge.
    Normally when I do workouts, they are always on the path and recently have all been on North Road side.
    So decided to do a strength workout with tempos on grass and also some hill work on a trail.

    Ran down to the PP as a WU and turned Right at Whites Gate - starting the Tempo on the grass and going to the Fury Glen, up the Glen and back onto the grass on the far side of the road.
    Finished out the 1st 10 mins in about 6.19 pace - certainly felt tough.

    Took 2 mins recovery and went to do 10mins Kenyan hills on the 2 Hills by the OS/Furze intersection - up & down continuous at a decent pace.
    I managed 8 mins and had to stop - my pace had slowed considerably - certainly hill work is needed in the future!
    I cant believe I used to do 3miles worth of these at 1 stage.

    I was then jogging to go home, but after a couple of mins, my legs felt fantastic from the hills - so decided on the spur of the moment to do a 1mile tempo to finish it out - there would be a nice symmetry to the workout with 10/8/6 mins.

    Found the mile very managable at 6.07 pace
    2m+ of a warm down back home.


    Really enjoyed these last 7 days of running.
    Certainly rejuvenated my mojo.


    Will certainly add more hills to my training - do more tempos on grass & hilly areas - not get hung up on the pace of workouts, moreso the effort and really try to add variety to my routes from time to time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Great to try different things and your training, as ever, is a great read. I dont know how you manage it. I need to try harder.

    Anyway, you've been given an extra 12 mths to train, so is Tokyo back on the cards??:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    I saw the run every park on Strava brilliant and also a great way to change things up :D I am trying to find new routes to run as well, for me the streets are very busy now with everyone out enjoying the fresh air

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Nice way of mixing things up A. Fair play.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Exciting News Everyone:

    From Monday 30th - I'll be moving to KM's as a social experiment for 1 month.

    The End.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Exciting News Everyone:

    From Monday 30th - I'll be moving to KM's as a social experiment for 1 month.

    The End.

    I'll check back in for a read in May so

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    So I changed all my settings to KM - now I haven't a F'ing clue what it means for last week - but here goes.

    Wednesday: 11.2km - apparently this is my 7m loop - its 11.2km - that's a stupid number. Totally ridiculous.
    4.56 pace - I think thats ok??

    Thursday: A lap of the PP - which I now know is 10.5k (if you go through the glen)
    4.53 pace per KM - I guess this is my easy pace??

    Friday: 4x40secs/5x3min/4x40sec

    This was a CV workout with some stuff at the start and the end.
    The 200's at the start are more of a primer to the body - the stuff at the end is the more important of the 40secs - according to Tinman.

    Pace was meant to be 30min pace (Tinman seems to have clarified this in recent times to 30min pace - for me 5mile pace)

    5mile pace during the session was 5.45-5.50 - which I now see as 3.35 per KM - with a 1min recovery.

    the 5x3mins were all on target and all within a few secs of each other. the 40secs (200's) afterwards varied from 3.13/3.05 per KM

    13km all in.

    Sat: Isolation Day.
    6 miles around the local estates and Porterstown - yep 6miles - or slightly over - which equates to 9.93km..........9.93km - why do I have such a stupid number on my Strava. Who runs 9.93km.


    A makey uppy route as I went along - as I moved along, the pace moved upwards and it became an unknowning Progression run!

    11 miles or another stupid number of 17.7km at 4.29per km. I dont even know what 4.29 is.

    This is just silly now.

    82.4km for the week.

    82 - thats higher than 51. I like this number - this is not a ridiculous number.

    KM's rock.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 735 ✭✭✭Treviso

    Switching to KM? At least someone else will win Training Log of the year next year :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    Treviso wrote: »
    Switching to KM? At least someone else will win Training Log of the year next year :D

    Moving to Km's. Won't get my vote. Lydiard will be spinning in his grave :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,825 ✭✭✭IvoryTower

    Okay I may have missed it, why did you move to kms?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Treviso wrote: »
    Switching to KM? At least someone else will win Training Log of the year next year :D
    KSU wrote: »
    Moving to Km's. Won't get my vote. Lydiard will be spinning in his grave :D
    IvoryTower wrote: »
    Okay I may have missed it, why did you move to kms?

    its a 1 month only 'Event'!!

    I spent 1 week running different routes or doing different things I don't normally do and it was refreshing.

    I think in 'miles' - I know the distance of every road and turn in the PP and Castleknock, but only in miles.
    I cant think in KM's or I dont know my pace in KM's - I think knowing that would be a helpful tool.

    More importantly, getting to know that over a month would be a distraction in some ways - similar to the week I spent doing different things.

    So, I think of it as learning a new language during these maddening times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Introduction of the metric system? Welcome to the 1970s :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Introduction of the metric system? Welcome to the 1970s

    Better change that username to Mellow42195

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    I use them both interchangeably in fairness

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,455 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    I use them both interchangeably in fairness

    Me too. Persist, A - you will soon be bilingual.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,614 ✭✭✭overpronator

    IvoryTower wrote: »
    Okay I may have missed it, why did you move to kms?

    As a prominent influencer Al is trying to expand his core fanbase to bring some of the kids along. He risks alienating his long established support though. Grumpy old ****es like us dont apreciate change.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: An easy 10k loop - I now have a 10k loop......Go Me!!! (4.55 pace)

    Tuesday: An easy paced run that included a lot of grass in Porterstown. Finished off with 7x20secs hill strides.

    Whats a hill stride and whats different to a hill sprint?

    A hill sprint would be on a steeper incline and be a lot higher effort and for 8-10 secs only.
    These were 'normal' strides done on a moderate hill (coming out of the Guinness cottages before the CK Hotel).


    Finished March on 226m / 364km.

    Wednesday: 5km Tempo

    Done a 3km warm up - done a 5km tempo run, dodging a few people/dogs/the occasional spitter :)/ 3km cool down.

    The 5k was decent enough - I wanted to have it at a decent clip, but not go to the well - I reckoned about 3.45 would be a decent pace per KM (based on recent tempos).
    The 1st KM was probably the hardest, I should have done some strides initially, but eventually settled into it and found a nice cadence at 3.40's.
    Finished out at 18.20 for the 5k - happy enough with that.

    3km cool down for a nice 11km spin.
