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The main thing is keeping the main thing, the main thing



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thursday: I felt like doing something a little longer, so I turned off the HR on the watch and wore the HR monitor - I'd just run at around high 120's to 130 HR and see what the pace was.

    I must say - the pace felt a faster than I'd normally run the day after a workout - but I kept with it to see how it would finish out.
    There were a couple of HR spikes on the hills by the Sandpits and over the bridge, but for the most part - I held it to 130's ave.

    15.16km@4.49/km (7.43 /mile)

    Friday: 10k easy - 4.59/km

    Saturday: 4k WU / 5x3mins + 4x200/ CD

    Ran the long way around to Porterstown which was mad busy actually! So decided to keep to the grass track in the spirit of social distancing.
    The aim for each 3min rep was CV pace - 30min pace (approx my 5mile) - so 3.35 per km for the 3 mins.

    Running around a grass track is mind blowingly boring, but it did have a certain attraction to it as I knew near enough where I'd finish on each rep.
    I done 4 reps of 3 mins on the track - sharing it with a bloke and his kid, but keeping our distance.
    On the last rep a few families came over and were idling with dogs on leads on the track, so I ventured to the path for the last rep.

    The difference was chalk & cheese - so much easier on the path - I probably should've added a few seconds to each rep on grass.

    After the last 3 min rep - I ventured back to the grass track for the 4x200's - these were about 3.00 min/km to 3.10.

    12.2km in total.

    Done a good 20min S&C routine - Squats/Core/Clams etc

    Sunday: Set off for a few miles with no route nor distance in mind. The legs were a bit 'meh' following the squats, so didn't know where I'd go.
    During the run, I was thinking about an exchange I had with Johnny around doing a kilo-marathon, but felt that would be too much today, given how I was feeling.
    About 12-13km in I thought about heading home as I was passing the house (again) but went upto Porterstown Park (bedlam up there - social distancing my backside) - I done a bit up there and the had nearly 19km on the watch, decided to keep going to 26.2km for the day that was in it (Manchester was meant to be today).

    What I learned from this was its doable but mind numbing to run 2 hours in a 2km radius.
    I also learned that any endurance I gained is going fast! - that 26.2km (16m) at an easy pace was very tough.
    I also finished right at my door - meaning that I'm becoming fluent in KM!

    26.2km @4.44/km (7.37/mile)

    95km/59miles for the week (all within a 2km radius)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: 10k loop - 4:49/km - nothing unusual.

    Was browsing a bit online and went to look at Final Surge to see what additional plans are up there - (I'm sad I know - some people collect running shoes, I collect running plans) - anyway - I came across a Tinman Elite 5k/10k plan.

    My own thoughts on how I wanted to progress the next number of weeks were based on some interviews I heard with Tom Schwartz - I reckoned a plan that kept me progressing without going to the well too often was a good plan. Some hill repeats, CV reps and tempos.

    All boxes ticked here with this plan.
    And less than a pair of runners (although still quite expensive!!)

    Once downloaded - my last week was quite similar to his week 1 - so I started on week 2, which would bring me toward the end of June (Dunshaughlin/Clonee if they did happen).

    Session: 24min tempo + 6x30secs

    Done a 3k warm up and started on the tempo run - I'm aware that Tinmans tempo pace (5k pace + 28secs/km or 45sec/mile) is considerably less than Daniels pace - quite near Marathon pace - so I should of been at sightly over 4.00 min per km - but my ego wouldn't allow that.
    The ruination of a lot of runners - ego.

    I done the 24mins at about 3.49/KM pace (6.09/mile) in Porterstown Park - was actually hanging on by the end as I could still feel Sundays long run in me.

    I took the 3 mins recovery and done the 6x30secs on the grass track.

    Felt like a proper workout afterwards - nicely fatigued but not too much.

    13.15km total.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Wednesday: Just a recovery run - a nice loop around. Everything is a 'loop around' these days.

    7.80km / 4.56perkm

    Thursday: Plan was for 45mins with 8x20sec strides.
    There is guidance for the strides to build into them - 1st few slower and last few should be naturally faster.

    I done the same loop as previous day and then done the strides - They actually looked like a progression run - building to a pace of 2.50/km - (4.20/mile).


    Friday: 4x4mins Threshold + 4x30secs hill sprints.

    The Tinman calculator has my TH pace at 3.50/km (CV is 3.40 / TH is 3:50 / Tempo is 4:00) - Tempo seems soft, but he's the coach.

    I ran upto Porterstown for this - it was real busy, so done the reps on the grass track.
    Done these a tad too fast - maybe CV pace, but felt good doing them.

    Done the last one on the road in order to get near some hills down by Castleknock Hotel.

    4x30sec hills with a walk back recovery.

    13km all in.

    Saturday: thought about doing my long run today, but was too tired. short'ish run around Porterstown.

    8.5km 5.13 pace

    Sunday: Long run in the drizzel. Legs tired from leg work during the week and on Sat.
    Might need to watch this as my left leg is a bit 'meh' and my shoulder is also 'meh' from press ups etc.

    21km around the neighbourhood - a lot quieter today due to the rain.

    Must say, the thoughts of running the 2km radius for 3 more weeks is disheartening. I miss the PP.


    83km / 51m for the week

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: Done a 10k loop, checking out a possibly location for a 2km TT that I might do - but its less than 1km circumference - so I'll rule that out.
    Set out to do some strides, but the little park I usually do them in was crowded!! Mainly people keeping their distance though.

    Went over to the Castleknock Hotel Carpark to do the strides - perfect for 20sec strides. - I reckon its close to 400m rectangle :)
    Worked my way down to a 2.38/km 20sec sprint - Got that real good flying feeling again and also felt it in the lungs. Gives me an appreciation for those 4mile mile guys (they go faster than this at 2.29/km)

    10k total - 48 mins all in.

    A lunch time Pilates class over Zoom - which worked incredibly well - left me unsure about doing a session today (tuesday) or leaving it til Wednesday.
    I had a 28min Tempo run on the cards - at about 3.55/km (6.15/mile), so decided to do it and see how I got on (my thought process was keep the hard days hard :) )

    About 2km into it, I realised there was no way I'd run another 5km - so stopped after 3km for a min or so and got going again - the intention being to do 4min reps at a faster pace.
    Done 3x4min reps at about CV pace and jogged home - I left the 7x30sec strides out rather than risk any more.

    Hindsight is great, but I'll be doing these Pilates classes regularly, so its good to know now what the body is capable or (of not).

    My session later in the week is 4x5min TH - so I'll take yesterdays session as similar to that and try for a tempo again later in the week.
    Another pilates class on Thursday :)

    13.7km total.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Having difficulties keeping up with Boards these days, busy times!

    Wednesday: A bog standard 10k run that I hated from the 1st few mins.
    Not sure was it my mental state with the 'whole thing' or the OnClouds I was wearing or a mixture of everything.

    10k @ 5.06/km

    Thursday: Took the day off running (1st day since God was a boy) and fitted in another Pilates class - really loved the class. Burning in all the right places.

    Friday: Session day - I had a 28min Tempo on the cards.

    Funny though, on the warm up, after about 200m I was thinking - Jeez - this feels hard and I checked the watch to see 4.05/km current pace - That NEVER happens to me. My 1st mile/KM is always my slowest - so I guess there is merit in Days Off.

    I ran a couple of KM warm up and noted that the wind was a bugger in a certain direction - my choice of course for this tempo would be interesting.
    Tinman has a 'Pre-Race Warm Up' routine built into certain workouts - it wasn't included in this, but I wanted to do a mini version of it to see how I felt afterwards as I heard him speak about his famed warm ups recently.

    After 10 mins easy running, it was a 2min TH run followed by 5x20sec strides.

    I could feel the wind on the TH run, so decided to break up the Tempo into a 14/10/6min sections - this was an extra 2 mins to account for the 2x90secs break I'd be getting - I also said I'd try the Tempo at a tad faster due to breaking it up.

    1st 14mins segment was done at about 3.43 average pr km (5.59/mile) - certainly felt the last 1km into the breeze.

    2nd 10min segment was something similar.

    Last 6min segment was faster for some reason - I felt much more relaxed at pace.

    Took a couple of mins break and then went into 7x30 sec strides which I completed on a grass track.

    All in the workout was 16.34km, a real good workout.

    Saturday: Easy paced loop 10k at 5min/km

    Sunday: A tired long run. Despite the lowish mileage in recent weeks, the additional Pilates classes are taking there toll.

    21.2km at 4.40/km (7.30/mile) Happy enough that as the run went on the pace picked up, sure my 13mile nearly progression run was nearly as good as some other progression runs that were completed around here, specifically in the Newbridge area......... or maybe not :)

    Think I also need to pull the plug on the alcohol - certainly too much being consumed recently. Not a big drinker, but having some alcohol 'every' night is a bit 'meh' - sleep is certainly not the same.

    81km/50.4m for the week

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    The Newbridge progression was good alright, very pacey. You scored it B- though? I think my flush from last week was prettier with a last 5k closer to my 5k than the Newbridge one ha!

    I think an "A" would be an identical drop per split for 15m or 24km..

    Pilates is tough on the core, hip flexors, quads and glutes. Loading up on it will make running feel heavy

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    The Newbridge progression was good alright, very pacey. You scored it B- though? I think my flush from last week was prettier with a last 5k closer to my 5k than the Newbridge one ha!

    I think an "A" would be an identical drop per split for 15m or 24km..

    Pilates is tough on the core, hip flexors, quads and glutes. Loading up on it will make running feel heavy

    I was joking with him as he was viewing it in miles and me in KM (for a change).

    It was an A+ all day long.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday 20th: An easy loop - tried to run some on Grass.

    Listening to Maria McCambridge on RunnerBeans - a real good guest and comes across differently to how I though she would.
    Came across really well actually.

    Strides at the end were good quality - really focused on these, not going through the motions.
    Sometimes on here, you see the words (or type them), 'focusing on form' and you wonder - what exactly is that?

    Well I'm really focusing on this - notably the arms and for a few secs each rep, really focused someone said recently - "That called Sprinting"!!!

    10k total

    Tuesday: Zoom Pilates at lunchtime followed by a few easy miles in the evening.

    During Pilates, I've yet to do a class and not have some part of my body cramp. Even going back a few years I done a set of 10 classes - cramp in every one.

    I'm going to keep going with these as the person doing the class is also my ST and knows my history of cramps - so she's watching out for me.
    Some really good moves in this class - I've been doing leg bridges for a long time.
    Well try doing them while on your tippy toes.
    Then try and do single leg bridge on your tippy toes.
    Then try do it while moving your hands back over your head.
    This caused my calf to cramp - but really worked the hammys.
    Top notch stuff.

    9km in the evening at 4.52/km

    I'm very conscious that since I've moved to KM, my easy pace seems to be 'faster' - I dont know if this is down to reduced mileage, a lower recognition of the pace as I'm still confused on KM v miles or when I run in miles, I'm trying to keep it slower than 8 as thats what Luke told me some time back.
    I'll try to run some easy runs and watch my pace - maybe I need to be paranoid and keep it over 5's.

    Wednesday: I was going to do this on Tuesday, but moved it due to pilates.

    The session was a Tinman Fartlek which I need to write it down on my hand to remember.

    Went something like this;
    10 mins WU - jogged to Porterstown grass track.
    3 mins TH - meant to be 3.50 pace - turned out to be 3.40 pace.
    2 min jog.
    6x20sec strides - 40sec recovery
    2 min jog recovery
    8x1min off 30 secs - This was tough!! - kept the reps at 3:10-3:15 per KM - probably too fast as the target pace was 2mile pace - (3.20-3.25)
    4 min jog - I took longer as I was going to my hill (about 7-8 mins)
    4x20sec hills - jog back recovery. Really focused on these - ran them really well.

    Meant to do 4x15sec strides to finish, but bumped into a mate and we socially distanced chatted for a while.
    Legs got stiff so left the strides (well tried 1 and said NO) done a 2m cool down.

    14.5km total.

    I really under appreciated these 8x1min efforts -been a while since I ran at that pace and it certainly hurts.

    With both Berlin and Dunshaughlin cancelled, its got me thinking that other races are now going to get cancelled this summer.
    I'm thinking of how to structure my next few months - keep on the plan as its all the things I like? or just maintain where I am?

    I'll keep it going for a couple more weeks and see what happens.
    Just to add to the log - I'm walking the dog for an hour most nights, sometimes 90 mins on weekends - really helps with recovery after a hard run or Pilates.

    This Virtual 5k has excercised my mind a bit regarding route choice.
    I'm up the walls in work, so haven't really had time to consider a route or map one out - so will probably just run the same route that I done a tempo on recently.

    Speaking of being busy in work - I'm hearing a bit about people having all the time to do other stuff..............Jesus H Christ - I'd love to be bored for a day!
    Actually I wouldn't - I find weekends boring as hell, not much of a TV watcher.

    On a positive note: tonight marks 3 night with no alcohol! Go me.

    I'll probably run $h!te on Saturday as a result.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    That's a really nice session. I might Rob it sometime

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Monday 20th: An easy loop - tried to run some on Grass.

    Listening to Maria McCambridge on RunnerBeans - a real good guest and comes across differently to how I though she would.
    Came across really well actually.

    She's done - guided? - a couple of sessions with the club Meet & Train Group. She's class. The one before DCM 2018 remains my favourite ever session I've done, so good. I think we all realised we had more in us than we'd thought.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,825 ✭✭✭IvoryTower

    I turned it off cause she was so nervous which was stressing me out, did she settle in...I only heard the first few minutes..

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Go slower than 5.....simples.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    IvoryTower wrote: »
    I turned it off cause she was so nervous which was stressing me out, did she settle in...I only heard the first few minutes..

    She did after a few mins - the nervous laugh stopped and she spoke with a lot of passion about topics, including her numerous times she was shafted from Olympic squads.
    Her dislike of a certain Mr Hickey is evident!

    Go slower than 5.....simples.

    yeah - should be! But you know me - I'm not a clock watcher :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,825 ✭✭✭IvoryTower

    Okay great will definitely go back so. Training going well pal keep it up

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thursday: Busy day in work and Pilates afterwards - didn't run as legs felt very tired.
    I'm really liking the pilates classes.
    No Alcohol again!!

    Friday: Short run after work with a few strides - legs still feeling a bit tired.
    I think the combination of the faster reps on Wednesday & the pilates on Thursday taking its toll.
    Had my arm twisted to have a glass of wine - just 1 though :)

    6.25km inc 6x20s strides.

    Saturday: Virtual TT

    I gave my legs a couple of hours to wake up - I'd seen a few early racers times and knew there was no way I'd do that so early.
    About midday, I set off on a warm up - Jesus, it was warm enough out there.

    After a 2mile loop, I considered canning the TT until later as there were a lot of people out, it was warm and I still felt a bit tired.
    I done a few strides to test the system and felt a bit better - so said I'd go for it.

    I was going to use a similar route to one I had done a 5k tempo on recently, with a small alteration to avoid the crowded main road area.
    Started off - up & down paths like a yo-yo in the early part.
    1st KM beeped at 3.25 - $hit - much too fast - and felt it.
    turned the corner and recall thinking - where'd that breeze come from? I thought it was only 6-7mph today - more negativity in the head.
    Crossed the road and KM 2 beeped at 3.29 - kinda where I wanted it, but still felt awful.
    After another bit - I just needed to stop and gather myself - the effort was sky high and the body was very tense - not smooth flowing at all.
    I had 2.46km in 8.33.

    I was stopped suddenly, wearing a singlet, dripping in sweat, walking mournfully back to the house. The shuffle of shame.

    Jogged home, my family eagerly awaiting the news of my time trial - "but 5k is nothing to you, you can run longer than that" said my wife - not understanding.
    "Why couldn't you have just slowed down" they asked....................before they seen my face and then they scuttled off.

    A few cups of coffee and 4 hours later - I said I'd go again.

    Different warm up, shorter strides this time.

    I set off from the same spot with the same route in mind.

    Body felt much better actually - I was minding the pace on the 1st km - it felt much more comfortable and controlled - 1km beeped at 3.33
    Those 8 seconds of a difference from earlier felt like 30 seconds. I knew I'd get through it.

    Turned the corner and the breeze from earlier wasn't as noticable. Crossed the road and KM2 beeped at 3.33 - feeling good.
    I came past the point where I had stopped earlier - wondering why indeed, I hadn't just slowed down!!
    Coming to a main road, I was watchful for the additional traffic - passing my daughters BF on his bike (puffed the chest out and ran faster when he seen me :) )
    KM 3 was in 3.29.

    Then the fun started.

    It was getting a bit crowded for a bit of the run as I approached the local Spar, 2 Garda on the beat looked at me like I was near death. I crossed over the road and made my way, repeating that there was ony 6 mins left.........only 5 mins left.........

    With about 1.5km to go, I was feeling the pace and the effort - I got a flutter in the chest (not a pretty girl to be seen mind you) and wondered what that was about - effort was too high.
    The demons started talking to me......"just stop and discard the run" - "Sure, no one needs to know" - So I channeled my own Mr.Paul and ran a bit slower for a few seconds - If Mr Paul can finish out a 5k well so can I.

    After a couple of seconds, I felt better and upped the pace - it was only momentary, hardly noticeable, but made a huge difference.
    KM 4 beeped in 3.42

    I knew that a sub 18 was going to be in trouble as the legs were really struggling.
    3 more mins.........2 mins 30 left.......... 2 mins left............. Treacle.
    I turned a corner, knowing that the end was near. It felt like I was in a mud bath or a cross country race (if I actually knew what a CC race felt like :) )

    I chanced a look at the watch and seen I was still in 3.39's for the KM - how is that possible?

    I pushed the arms and keep going willing the legs to move faster.

    Then I heard it........almost imperceptible, but it was there. A beep. My watch had beeped.
    There was no finish line - the beep was the finish line. 5km complete.

    17.56. Delighted with that.

    Delighted with this for a few reasons.
    * Sub 18 after a decent 2.5km 4 hours earlier!
    * I didn't give up 2nd time around and ran through the pain.
    * I've never broken 18 in a Park Run - so I likened this to a Solo Park Run.....only faster!

    Even though it was a good 30+ seconds off my PB, I still went home with a smile on my face and a very proud feeling inside.

    A good run.

    Nearly 12 miles for the day with the warm ups and cool downs!

    Sunday: I wasn't sure how the body would feel about a longish run - given that I made up for my lack of drinking the previous night!

    Went out after 1pm telling my wife that I'd either be 30mins, 60 mins or over 90mins.
    I'm a bit sick of sports podcasts with no sport recently, so I had downloaded an audio book from Paul Tonkinson about his sub 3 attempt - a superb listen.

    Really helped pass the time - keeping within the 2km radius is a pain - I was tempted to go to the PP, but held firm.

    21km at 4.50 per KM.

    As of Friday, I'm back on Miles. These KM's are driving me batty.

    80km/50m for the week.

    Monday: Easy paced loop with 10x20sec strides. Strides getting progressively faster.

    9.6km at 5.02 pace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Your description is brilliant & very honest! Regardless of the time, I would be very proud too, 2nd attempt & you finished it out despite wanting to stop again... Fair play:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Snap on Tonkinson, got his book yesterday, struggling to leave it down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 379 ✭✭mister paul

    Glad that I'm such an inspiration :D

    I should have followed your lead and gone for the second attempt instead of sticking it out first time around.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: Easy paced loop with 10x20sec strides. Strides getting progressively faster.

    9.6km at 5.02 pace.

    Also walked the dog for 90mins and done the garden as it was a day off.......a day of rest.......b0llixed.

    Watched 'Normal People' with my wife and 2 daughters. Jaysus.
    My girls read the book and never warned me.
    They were squirming more than me though.

    Tuesday: Lunch time pilates really tired out already tired legs - but enjoyed the 10k loop after work.
    Took in the small piece of the canal from Coolmine to Castleknock - every little deviation helps these days.

    10km@5.06 pace

    Wednesday: Woke up tired - looked like I'd gone 2 rounds with Katie Taylor.
    God I need a haircut.

    1st thoughts was to not run today or to take a complete easy week - no sessions.

    My mood was brought on by a busy previous evening with work that had me cursing everyone and their brother til near midnight.
    A couple of early calls on Wednesday and all was good in the world.

    Decided to try a lunchtime tempo - 32mins Tempo was on the plan. I had broken up last weeks effort, so wanted to do it with no break.
    2.5k warm up and started off conservative enough.
    Tinman advises on 5k pace plus 28secs per KM.

    I had a range of 3.55-4.05 per KM in my head - but the ego was telling me that I was ready to run a marathon at 4 min k's just a few short weeks ago.

    After a couple of K's - the ego had shut up as I bundled along at 3.56's wondering if I could keep it going.
    As I went along, the easier it got and the pace drifted up a tad.

    As I turned at Myos' I knew that my time would be coming to an end soon - I crested that incline and stopped the watch.
    30 minutes'ish - $hit - should I run for an additional 2mins??

    Just left it at 30mins - my last km of my warm up was pretty healthy and uphill - so that would count towards it!

    Next part of the workout was a recovery jog and 8x30sec strides.

    I ran 5mins to a place where I could safely do the strides and set off - keeping 30sec recovery.
    After the 2nd stride, I was amazed at how 'easy' they felt. No pushing, not forcing it.
    Really enjoyed doing the 8 of them.

    1.5km back home and back to work.

    14km @ 4.21.KM - including 30min Tempo@3.53 ave + 8x30sec strides.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    Monday: Easy paced loop with 10x20sec strides. Strides getting progressively faster.

    9.6km at 5.02 pace.

    Also walked the dog for 90mins and done the garden as it was a day off.......a day of rest.......b0llixed.

    10km@5.06 pace

    Wednesday: Woke up tired - looked like I'd gone 2 rounds with Katie Taylor.
    God I need a haircut.

    Same! Mine grows quite quickly, so even though I got it cut in early March, now it's a bit wild looking. Thankfully the cap helps cover it up when I'm out :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Your poor girls watching Normal People with their Da !!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Boards must've caught Covid due to the slowness of the pace with which its working.
    Hope it recovers soon or I'll be keeping my distance even more.

    Thursday April 30th: An easy few miles to warm up prior to Pilates - meant I crossed over 1000 miles for the year.

    4m easy.
    Also finished dealing in KM's for now.

    Finished April on 223miles / 358km.

    Friday: 7m with 10x20sec strides - really enjoyed the strides - doing these in a hotel car park near where I live - its like my own private 400m track.

    Saturday: Session: 6x4min Threshold (1min) + 4 min jog + 6x30sec Hill Sprints.

    I ran the long way up to Porterstown - there was some cricket practice going on along the infield of the grass track - socially distanced.
    So I opted to run around 2 of the fields - which co-incidentally took 4 mins!

    Target pace was 6.00-6.05/per mile for the 4 mins.
    Each rep followed the same pattern of me going out too fast - 5.45'ish then trying to slow it down but not going beyond 6.05 in order to work the right system. Last min or so of each rep was up a gentle incline.

    Plenty of flys around, and took a few hits in the mouth - had to go near a bush to spit it out as the place was jammers.

    I done 5 reps on that loop and then the last loop to get me near the hill for the 6x30secs hills.

    Must say - I found the 6x4mins quite comfortable at that pace - even the 1 min recovery seemed generous.

    The 6x30secs was quite hard on the lungs - those 5-10 secs after each rep where you are trying to get the oxygen in is the hardest part of the rep. recovery on these was 60-90 secs - depending how long it took to walk back down.
    Super human effort on the last one to get it under 5min/mile pace.

    Sweaty mess afterwards.

    10miles total for the day.

    Sunday: For a few mins, I considered breaking the 2km radius as a lot of people on Strava never even bothered with it to begin with! (Each to there own though - I will never judge).

    Kept it to the usual suburbs, listening to the last few chapters of Paul Tonkinsons book - a great listen - really enjoyed it and was genuinely disappointed when it finished. Made me load up his Podcast - Running Commentary - not the same, but its ok.

    I've not listened to Marathon Talk in a few months - it went off the boil I think and 2nd Captains are doing their best, but have not listened to them in a while, even though I pay for it!
    I do like Joe Molloy though.


    Felt tired on this run - maybe yesterdays session did take more out of me, maybe the pilates is piling up the workload, maybe the wine was too much :)
    Ah no, even though I knew I was tired, the legs still felt strong and the miles tipped by - I ventured into Porterstown Park for a mile to get water, but the tap was broken and there was a fly-fest in there, so left ASAP.

    13.5m @ 7.37 pace.

    A tad under 56 miles for the week - 2 good sessions, 2 good pilates classes, decent long run, plenty of dog walking - a good week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Watched 'Normal People' with my wife and 2 daughters. Jaysus.
    My girls read the book and never warned me.
    They were squirming more than me though.
    Filmed in my town last summer is my new claim to fame. I'd say alot of the parents here were squirming as they waited up late to watch their children who were extras in it

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Only started watching Normal People last night - No wonder your daughters were squirming!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    MY BAD wrote: »

    Filmed in my town last summer is my new claim to fame. I'd say alot of my parents here were squirming as they waited up to watch their children who were extras in it
    Only started watching Normal People last night - No wonder your daughters were squirming!

    Needless to say - they watched subsequent episodes on their own :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,710 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Target pace was 6.00-6.05/per mile for the 4 mins.

    And back to normal, Thank God..

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: 7 miles around the area followed by 10x20secs strides in the CK Hotel carpark.
    Strides weren't of the usual quality, but I put it down to the heat.

    Tuesday: An extension of the 2km radius meant I had access to the park again.
    Nice run down, taking in the Furry Glen and back home (Pilates class in the AM)

    Listened to Ciaran O'L on Runner Beans making his non comeback comeback.


    Wednesday: Woke up tired so decided to do an MLR today rather than a session. The Park was calling me - done a lap of the PP for the 1st time in a while and back home.
    10.5m @7.49

    Thursday: Woke up and felt that I'd been hit by a bus. So so tired.
    Didn't do the Pilates class and didn't run.
    Wasn't alcohol related as I'm being good midweek :)

    Friday: Still had a lingering fatigue, but wanted to go out for an easy run. Last 2 miles felt much better than the 1st 4.
    6.7m @ 8.10 pace.

    Sat Still keeping it easy - down to the park and home. Done this after a 90min walk with Wifey & the madra - What a day!!
    7m@7.54 pace.

    Sunday Wanted to do more than the 13 miles that I've been doing recently.
    1st few miles were a grind, but the body woke up as I knew it would.

    Ran around the PP and over to the War Memorial Gardens, then back into the Park and home.
    Listening to "The way of the Runner" by A.Finn - unfortunately he's not narrating it, but still an interesting insight into the Japanese running culture.

    15m at 7.40 pace.

    Interestingly this week - I took an unplanned down week & despite no sessions, only 1 set of strides and 1 Pilates class - my hamstrings have felt a bit tight on some runs.
    I'm a bit worried on overloading them with the faster strides, sessions and 2 Pilates classes.

    I'll monitor this coming week as I have a good bit of speedwork in the plan. (strides / 10x1mins / hill sprints/ 2km TT) Plus 2 Pilates classes.
    I might ditch 1 set of strides or try to move my days around (Tues Pilates/Wed Session/Thurs Pilates) - not so simple!

    53.5 miles for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: The legs felt in good nick on Monday morning - they defo took their time coming back to me. I was worried during the previous week that the lingering fatigue would last a bit longer!

    When I seen the 1st mile beep at a 7.38 - I knew things were good.
    My 1st mile is normally 1min slower - it follows a pattern of progression - 400m at snail pace, 400m at a crawl.......starting to feel ok..........400m at not too bad pace.......400m at....whoa there, slow down........

    Went to the PP and done the strides on the Furze.
    I had gotten into a habit in the CK Hotel (where I was doing these 10 strides previous) of picking up stones and placing them at the other end - it makes counting to 10 easier :) - but didn't use the stones here and was presently surprised to see 10 when I uploaded the run.


    Tuesday: Pilates at lunch time - focus was on the hips today, so not too much on the legs - but the abs also took a beating.
    I still dont look like CR7.

    PM: Easy 50mins down to the park and back - just over 6 miles at 8.05 pace

    Highlight of the day was when the hair clippers arrived - my daughter cut my hair - A weight off my mind :)

    Wednesday: Tinman Fartlek: WU / 10x1min (30sec) / 5x20s Hill Sprints / 5x15secs / CD

    I can recall doing this a couple of weeks ago and feeling that the 1min reps were hard.
    A 1 min rep.....hard.......yeah right.

    So - done a 2mile WU to the gates at Whites gate and then started into the Tinman 'Warmup' - 3min at TH + 6x20secs strides.
    TH done at 6.10 pace and strides were nippy but not a push.

    a 2min jog then into the meat of the session 10x1min with 30sec recovery. (I was breathing hard before the session started due to the warm up).

    After the 1st rep, my recoveries were a walk recovery.
    I done 3-4 with the wind, 3-4 against the wind and finished the last 3 with the wind.
    The pace was set at 2mile pace - I reckoned 5.20-5.25 would do it.
    Last 4 were faster - but I was just getting going then - but its hard to imagine how tough a 1min run could be :)

    5min jog recovery - I went down to the Glen for the next part of the session.
    I used the hill at the OS/Furze intersection. There was a chap doing hills there as well, so we kinda followed each other.
    5x20sec hills - my heart was popping - the legs felt a bit jelly afterwards.

    5min jog back to Whites gate for the final part - 5x15sec at 400m pace.
    was happy with these - certainly faster than the usual strides.

    Took a couple of mins to let the HR go back down and Damo passed by - we had a good socially distant chat :)

    2m CD.

    9.8miles all in.

    30min walk with the dog afterwards - always helps get the recovery going early.

    So - still following the Tinman plan - there's good variety in there to keep me entertained.
    Would still be nice to have some races to keep motivated.

    I've been hearing a lot on Wilson's Improving Performance this week - a mate of mine was speaking to me about them - I know a few on here are coached by them and there's a good number in Dunboyne AC who I know are also coached by them as well.
    Spent some time looking up peoples Strava to get an idea of sessions and workload :)

    Got me thinking about using a science based approach while there is still not much going on.
    The level of testing they do intrigues me - both lab based and also various physical tests (Kosmin/Balke/pushups-sit ups etc)

    That being said - there's a good freedom and a lot of ownership attached to being in charge of your own training.
    Long runs at a certain HR would curtail running with some of my faster buddies.

    Just a thought for now - but I trust the Tinman plan for now and I have my next Marathon plan already figured out thanks to some Crusader buddies (a very Daniels looking plan).

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    Just a thought for now - but I trust the Tinman plan for now and I have my next Marathon plan already figured out thanks to some Crusader buddies (a very Daniels looking plan).

    Wouldn't be like them :P

    Tbh I know MM's approach has been heavily influenced by Daniels and has had good success over the years with it, even Smoore from these parts back in the day (worth digging out his old log)

    Definitely think everyone is going back to drawing board at the moment during lock down. I don't think it's any harm either as people are question and reflecting a bit. Found myself revisting Joe Vigil and Daniels training approach recently and interestingly gaining alot more and different perspective on stuff I had read many times previously.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    KSU wrote: »
    Wouldn't be like them :P

    Tbh I know MM's approach has been heavily influenced by Daniels and has had good success over the years with it, even Smoore from these parts back in the day (worth digging out his old log)

    Definitely think everyone is going back to drawing board at the moment during lock down. I don't think it's any harm either as people are question and reflecting a bit. Found myself revisting Joe Vigil and Daniels training approach recently and interestingly gaining alot more and different perspective on stuff I had read many times previously.

    I think this one is done by CD but no doubt influenced by MM - I'll send it to you on email.
