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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Did you write that session on the back of your hand? :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    MY BAD wrote: »
    Did you write that session on the back of your hand? :pac:

    For the similar one 2 weeks back I did!! (photo on Strava)
    Programmed the watch for this as I would have lost count on the 10x1min!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    I was looking at a Tinman plan a while back where they have the strides in the middle of a easy run. I normally put them at the end of a easy run. Have you ever come across this following a Tinman plan? Just wondering why are they in the middle of a easy run instead of the end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    MY BAD wrote: »
    I was looking at a Tinman plan a while back where they have the strides in the middle of a easy run. I normally put them at the end of a easy run. Have you ever come across this following a Tinman plan? Just wondering why are they in the middle of a easy run instead of the end.

    The 10x20secs that I do are meant to be done in the middle of the run.
    - I've come across it in NAZ Eite plans as well - where they are in the middle.

    Form etc is better in the middle of runs - less fatigue so you run them better, not necessarily faster - but better form.

    In both Tinman & NAZ Elite - they have a mixture of strides at the end of runs but also strides (or leg speed) in the middle.
    I guess both work on the fibre recruitment/neuro muscular side of things - but doing them with good form helps with, well, good form!

    Both plans have a lot of strides - Tinman has an insane amount.
    10x20sec twice per week and then again either before or after (or both) sessions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,455 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Love your stone-counters. I remember using pine cones to count reps in Albert College Park once. And well done on the hair clippers. Made a similar ‘investment’ a few weeks ago, haven’t looked back (although I was afraid to look in a mirror for a while).

    Have you picked DD’s brain about the Wilsons? He flirted with them for a while.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Murph_D wrote: »

    Have you picked DD’s brain about the Wilsons? He flirted with them for a while.

    Not yet - he's on my list.

    There are a few people with them on here - always obvious from their strava updates.
    I was speaking to a couple of Dunboyne lads yesterday about it - they joined a couple of months ago.

    From what I know already - I don't think they are for me - but I'm intrigued by the process they use, the ongoing testing and their spreadsheet for recording everything!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,455 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Not yet - he's on my list.

    There are a few people with them on here - always obvious from their strava updates.
    I was speaking to a couple of Dunboyne lads yesterday about it - they joined a couple of months ago.

    From what I know already - I don't think they are for me - but I'm intrigued by the process they use, the ongoing testing and their spreadsheet for recording everything!

    Yes, I like that bit. Some of the sessions are a bit mad though, IMO, esp the MP ones.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thursday: put on the HR monitor to run to HR (aiming for under 130).
    Obviously a blip as I was doing about 10min miles for the 1st 200-300m with a HR of 170.

    After a mile or so - it corrected itself - kept to the HR.

    4.4m @ 8.17/mile

    Pilates in the evening - love these classes and can really feel a benefit in Hip Flexors, glutes - still dont look like CR7 though........maybe next month.

    Friday: Easy run to the PP - done a few strides on the Furze - 10 were planned - done 11. Must start using the stones again!

    7m total.

    Saturday: The plan was for a 10min TH + a 2km TT - I felt this would have caused some overload in the hammy, so done a tempo'ish run instead.

    The legs were in a good place as I set off - mile 1 beeped in a gloriously unintended 7.43 - that hasn't happened in a while.
    As I reached the park 7.18 beeped - I felt like I was jogging.
    The plan was to do 5m around the lumpy end of the park, keeping the 1st mile easy enough to ease into it.

    1st 2 miles were easy enough, felt great to feel like I was jogging at 6.40 & 6.30 pace - but I was going dowhill :)
    I love going hard up the S Bends and again up Wellington road - the bit at Garda HQ is always tough too.

    5m came to a finish at the triangle up the North Road - I considered going for the full 10km - but decided not to push it.
    Another tempo on the plan for this coming week.

    10m @ 7.02pace (5m: 6:41/6:30/6:20/6.30/6.16)

    Probably the most enjoyable run in a while.

    After fixing them up a bit - Went out for a spin on the bike with Wifey. 7 miles.

    Sunday: Body was tired on Sunday - one of those days were I told my wife that I'd be home in either 40mins or 2 hours.

    Chose the same route as last week - knowing it was 15 miles so I didn't have to think about it.

    Listened to Ardal O'Hanlon on Irishman Abroad - a good listen - along with Scullions latest bike podcast and also Ben Rosario on Clean Sport Collective, which was also a good listen.

    I kept the watch showing the time as I just wanted to run, didn't care about the pace, so happy to see 7.44 ave at the end, with no slog.

    My Marathon training in the past has always tended to be 2 sessions, one of which was included in the long run.
    Doing the session on Sat and a LR on Sunday on tired legs is not something I do that often.

    I found last weeks 15miler a bit tough with fatigue, that was with no sat session. So getting 15m in after a Sat session shows good adaptation.


    Another 7m spin with wifey on the bike and a 40min dog walk.

    60m for the week

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: Wore the HR monitor today and set off trying to keep it in the low 120's. Legs certainly felt tired at the start.
    Down to the park and back - usual 7m loop.

    Pace was 8.10 and HR was 119 - but the run felt easier than 8.10 pace if that makes sense?

    Didn't do the strides as I want to allow the Hamstrings to recover a bit - they are certainly being loaded with a lot of fast strides, Pilates classes and sessions right now.

    I'll step away from the speedwork for now for a while - just focus on some strength work (Tempos/HM pace/MP) and nothing faster than CV paced intervals every now and then - with the exception of maybe 1 set of strides a week for now.
    I love that sort of training anyway - as was evidenced by Saturdays tempo.

    Now that I've said that - betcha there'll be an announcement that (non DCM) racing is back on and I'll be back to speed work tomorrow :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Gutted about DCM, I knew it was inevitable but still you cling onto some kind of hope/miracle :(

    It's hard to know now what way to go with training!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Tuesday: Pilates at lunch time followed by a short recovery jog.

    Keeping the HR low again.

    4m at 8.20 pace

    Wednesday: Went out for a late lunch session - 5x1m was on the cards with 60-90secs recovery.

    Ran down to the park and started at CK Gate, going down the North Road - felt pretty ok on the 1st- holding back the pace a bit.
    A brief interruption on the 2nd rep as I met a guy I used to work with 3 yrs back - stopped 5min+ into the rep for a chat.
    3rd rep was down to the Zoo and turn up Chesterfield - this has a bit of a breeze as you approach the Zoo.
    4th Rep was tough - going up Chesterfield - as was the 5th rep, which brought me to Whites Gate by Farmleigh.

    The HR started off in the 150's for the 1st 3 then jumped to mid 160's going up Chesterfield - pace was similar for all reps 6-6.10/Mile.
    Was a very warm afternoon too - so happy with the effort.

    Really liked this session - in one of my best years of running (2017), I followed a JD 5k-10k plan that was littered with these broken tempos - it got me my 10k PB which still stands today. (I must check my 10k split from my Dungarvan 10m :) )

    Typically I would have done some strides after this - but didn't today to protect the hamstring.

    9.3m (7.08 ave)

    Thursday: Taking advantage of most of Europe been off work, I chanced an afternoon run to the Park and back around the canal.

    7.2m @ 8.04 pace (123 HR)
    PM: Another Pilates Class – liking these a lot.

    Friday: Another easy paced lunch time run down to the park and back
    6.65 @8.08 (no HR monitor today)

    Sat: Resisted the urge to do a quicker paced session today - mainly due to the wind.
    I ran down to the PP in search of the Dolmen that was in the Irish Times midweek - found it handy enough with a woman sitting on it - I was just going to politely ask her to move so I could get a photo, when she move herself. Probably due to a strange sweaty man turning up in a fairly out of the way hill top staring at her.

    9m at 7.49 pace.

    Sunday: Said I'd throw in some MP/Tempo stuff today on the long run - thinking that the legs would be 'fresh'.
    Wasn't 100% sure what session to use - it was going to be 1 of 3 based on how I felt on the warm up.
    (1) Bad Warm Up: 5x mile on/off (6:30/7:30)
    (2) Meh warm up: 3x3 mile (7.00/6.30/6.20) as a continuous run.
    (3) Super Douper: 3m@6.50 / 3m@6:30 / 3m@6.20

    Ended up doing none of the above :)

    As it turns out - I felt ok’ish on the warm up but once I started the faster stuff, I felt very slow and fatigued. Not tired as such, just fatigued in the legs. As mile 1 was approaching and beeped at 6.54 – I knew that the session would need to be amended.

    So – Plan D was to run 3m as close to 6.45’s-6.50’s as I could – take a mile recovery and try to do the 2nd set a little faster and then figure out if a 3rd set was possible.

    I was wearing the HR monitor and on the 1st set of 3m the HR just popped a tad above 150. (6.54/6.40/6.42) and was working hard for those paces!! Coming to the end of this, I met a friend of mile off on her own run who told me she had just landed her dream job – happy days – delighted for her.

    Took a mile recovery (7.38 pace) and set off again, trying to keep the pace a tad quicker. (6.30/6.22/6.17) much better – but was working hard for it but the HR still maintained the 150’s and only went to 162 on the last mile.
    Decided then not to do a 3rd rep – the effort on the 6miles was good enough for now.

    I was thinking on my run about my niggle on the hamstring and ceasing the speedwork/strides for now – I’ve not foam rolled, not stretched it out, done no self massage – I mean – what was I thinking for the last 3 weeks or so…….really!!

    The next 6miles brought me to the War Memorial Gardens and then back into the park – I bumped into a guy I used to go to school with – 30 years ago – was great to see him and (briefly) catch up.
    On the way home then, bumped into my Sports Therapist and Pilates Instructor – had a chat about my Hamstring niggle and she said she’d do something on Tuesdays class to help. She also showed me a self release technique.

    15m at 7.17 pace.

    Sun PM: Went out before dinner for a spin on the bike – it was such a nice day. I was on my own, so pushed a bit to complete the same 7m route as last week within 30 mins (took 45/50 last week with wifey on a nice spin). Done it in 29mins today and was sweating after it.
    Again, once the glow subsided, I was thinking, you went out for a recovery spin to help the legs, and went too hard for 30 mins (…..well 29 :) ) that could cause more hamstring issues………eejit.

    59 miles for the week - 2 sessions / 2 pilates classes

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Listened to Ardal O'Hanlon on Irishman Abroad - a good listen

    I used to listen to this podcast religiously when it first came along, he has a great interview style, gets the absolute best out of all of his guests. Must give it another whirl!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    She also showed me a self release technique.

    Did it involve punching it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Did it involve punching it?

    Punching it as a form of self release??? :confused::confused::confused::confused:

    Oh're talking about hamstrings :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    skyblue46 wrote:
    Punching it as a form of self release???

    For some......... Yes.........

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    For some......... Yes.........

    Kinky in Limerick ye are!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Did it involve punching it?
    skyblue46 wrote: »
    Punching it as a form of self release??? :confused::confused::confused::confused:

    Oh're talking about hamstrings :o

    Well, she mentioned about getting my fingers in the right place, going right in, digging deep, and then flexing the legs, feeling the tension.....then repeating it...........

    too much Normal People I think :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    OOnegative wrote:
    Kinky in Limerick ye are!!!

    Spent a year in Mullingar. Haven't been the same since.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Spent a year in Mullingar. Haven't been the same since.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    too much Normal People I think :P

    Haha was thinking the exact same thing :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    See what happens when you go for more detail in a log post AMK :D

    I think you misinterpreted the birds and trees descriptive approach for the birds and the bees :D I blame LaineyFrecks and its also why I put you too into the Big Brother house on the spotlight thread ;)

    Edit: Good jesus, I just read her log... what is going on :eek: Get a room! (Or get out of the room :pac::pac:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    See what happens when you go for more detail in a log post AMK :D

    I think you misinterpreted the birds and trees descriptive approach for the birds and the bees :D I blame LaineyFrecks and its also why I put you too into the Big Brother house on the spotlight thread ;)

    Edit: Good jesus, I just read her log... what is going on :eek: Get a room! (Or get out of the room :pac::pac:)

    Way back when.........I participated in The Spotlight - Back in Feb 2014.

    A lot of the folks asking Q's have moved on - so some of the inside jokes will be lost on a lot of the 'newer' lads & ladies.

    Actually amazing to read this back - 6 yrs ago.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: Recovery run after work - listening to Donal Coakley on RunnerBeans - came across very well.
    More stretching and self release going on today.

    6.7m @ 7.56 (122 HR)

    oh yeah - spent a couple of hundred quid on 3 pairs of runners - but I saved I good bit in the process......thats how it works isn't it??

    Tuesday: Pilates class at lunch - my instructor told me she'd do some moves to help my hamstring - also told me to bring a band.....easy there skyblue..........
    Class went well - tough on the quads and the abs - but some real quality work to stretch out the hamstrings.

    Went out after work for an easy few miles - wearing the HR monitor a good bit these days to slow these down.

    6.9miles@810 pace 122 HR

    Wednesday: Session 4m Tempo + 2x5min TH 3x3mins CV.

    My warm up to the PP was quite brisk - 1st mile in 7.36 - always a good sign.

    I made my way to CK gate and started off - the 1st mile was a bit meh.....but I wanted it to be a bit on the slow side to run into the tempo.
    I chose the North Road, thinking the slight downhill would be a good help - but the wind was into the face and a nuisance at times.

    1st mile was 6.25 - probably a bit slower than I wanted - but the intention was to do a progressive tempo.
    2nd mile was a 6.11 - I was thinking thats going to put me under pressure for the next 2 miles.
    3rd mile and I was working, but actually feeling good. 6.06.
    4th mile brought me to the Zoo and then turning up Chesterfield - I put in a sprint for the last 200 or so to get the time under 6. - 5.58

    took a mile recovery (7.40) - thinking if I should do the next bit of not.
    I had 2x5mins at TH on the plan (self made plan) but brought it down to 3x3mins off 1 min.

    These went super - averaged 5.50 pace - no reaction from the hamstring on these.

    2mile CD back home - my 2m homeward trot is quite Hilly - up Whites Road, then another set of hills at Somerton - I could feel a twinge in the hamstring here, nothing too much, but enough to remind me about it.

    10.8m @ 6.56 pace

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thursday 28th: Asked my daughter to drive me to the park so I could maximise my time there without running down :)

    6.25m Recovery

    Pilates afterwards - haven't had my Quads burn like that is a long long time.

    Friday 29th - Recovery in the sun - 5.6m

    Saturday 30th - I went out with the intention of doing 3x10mins at a progressive pace - but after a couple of miles into the warm up, I realised just how warm it was! - And I went out at mid day!

    I canned the planned session and done a few miles on the trails in the park.

    Coming towards the Ordanance Survey Road - I decided I'd try a few reps - maybe 5x5mins??
    Well, Jebus Criost - after 2 mins I was struggling to hold 6min mile!

    Decided to cut it to a 4min rep.
    My god - I ran the last mile of a 4m tempo last week at 5.58 - and now I cant run slower than that for 4 mins!!

    My 1st thoughts was that if I was doing the mile TT - it would have been a good laugh.

    I took a min breather and went again - up the Furze Road towards Chesterfield. Wind was tough and finished that 4min rep in 6.05
    Another min breather and off again down the OS road - a bit better at 5.55.

    Took 2 mins or so and went for a longer rep - wondering if I could hold tempo for 10 mins, downhill :) - Just about held onto a 6.04 pace for 10 mins.

    Jogged back to the car at the popes cross via the Khyber - not a waste of a day - but 10.5 miles done and a valuable lesson learned.

    Sunday: Another warm one in the sun - I have a 15m route that I've done for the past few weeks and its just a nice scenic route - the first half is mostly downhill and the 2nd half is mostly uphill - just go out and run - no questioning of route - I like that.

    Listened to an amazing 2nd Captains podcast about Victoria Arlen - a Paralympic Swimmer and gold medalist who was in a coma for 4 years, but aware of everything going on around her - 'Locked in' Syndrome.

    There may have been dust in the wind impacting my eyes.........

    One of the 'many' positive things from this pandemic (among the many negatives) has been the creativity of podcasts to create content and bring stories that you might not otherwise hear.
    This is a case in point.

    15m @ 7.46 pace

    Followed this up with a nice 10mile cycle with wifey at a nice recovery pace - cant beat a Sunday ride.

    this brought me to 62miles for the week and 264 miles for May (running miles).

    Monday 1st June: Went over to the mothers on the bike - not realising just how hilly and windy it was.
    16miles later I was back home and getting ready for a recovery jog.

    just over 5miles at a recovery pace - legs were fe$ked. Should've just went to bed!!

    Tuesday: Lunch time pilates - focusing on the Glutes & back today, so not too much damage to the quads.

    Down to the PP after work - decided to do some light strides (5x20s) for the 1st time in 17 days and the Hamstring responded well - not a whimper out of it.

    7.5m @ 8min/miles

    Now to decide what to do for the coming few weeks.
    * Jump back into the tinman plan I had been using?
    * Mimic the plan I was using for Raheny 5/ JT10 (mostly all tempo/HM/MP stuff).

    I don't think I've ever ran so much and felt so unfit and not 1 bit fast.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I don't think I've ever ran so much and felt so unfit and not 1 bit fast.

    So - I took my unfit, slow self to the PP to attempt a session on Wednesday.
    The body was tired from the Pilates on Tuesday (& a run afterwards).

    I was thinking of doing a progression from previous weeks runs; 4m T & 5x1mT - so was going to do 2x2m + 2x1m at tempo (A JD Special) - but I was ready to do these at MP if the body felt as tired.

    2.5m WU and set off - body was tired as I expected, but felt very strong. I remember this from marathon training - its a great feeling!

    When the 1st mile beeped at 6.15, my HR was still in the 150's and I was feeling good. Pace increased naturally.
    I was using the 2m loop from CK Gate roundabout around by the triangle and up chesterfield - a bit windy on the North Road.
    Mile 2 was 6.07.

    2 mins walk/jog and off again - same route. 6.02/6.07 for the 2nd rep and I went over to the Furze/OS road for the 2x1m - finishing at Whites gate.
    2x1m were both 6.05's (off 1min) and fairly comfortable.

    HR maxed at 167 (wearing the HR monitor a lot these days)

    Not bad for an unfit, slow lad.

    2m CD:

    11m total.

    PM: 1 hour walk with the madra.

    Thursday: Just went out for a short run before Pilates - very humid out.
    I've made the mistake in recent weeks of not really structuring my week too well and then being knackered by Saturday - so hoping that the short run served the purpose of both recovery from Wed session and a warm up for pilates.

    3.6m at 8.14 pace.

    Pilates focused on obliques a good bit, some glute work and Ab work.


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Friday: I was meeting some faster guys for the Long run on Sunday, so wanted to get this session done on Friday.
    Given that I had done a tough session on Wednesday and a tough pilates class on Thursday - I knew it was a risk.

    Plan was to do a Fartlek 1/2/3/4/4/3/2/1 - with the 1min reps at 5.20/ 2min at 5.30/ 3min at 5.40/ 4min at 5.50 off between 60-120 secs depending on the rep length.

    2m Warm Up to Whites Gate and set off.

    This was done on the OS/Furze loop and was quite windy in certain directions - the rain added a new dimension to it after so many sunny runs.
    Session went very well - all within a couple of seconds of target time. Walked/slow jogged most of the recoveries.

    Not going to do these paces too often just yet - still building the strength work through Tempos - when we hear more about racing - I might reconsider..........(more on this later).

    Total was 8.5m

    Saturday: Easy run down to the park and back - listening to David McWilliams - kinda like that podcast.
    Kept the HR lowish, but spiked on the uphill home.

    7m at 8.18 pace - 124 HR

    Sunday: First time meeting people for a run since mid March.

    Met up with 2 former clubmates, both with faster marathon times than me - one who just cannot run 'easy'.

    I was up at 7. Yes 7. On a Sunday. I'm not even up that early Mon-Fri for work!!
    Bagel, Coffee and a 'motion' and I was out the door - hoping that the madra wouldn't think it was time for all the others to get up!

    2m to the Park, met the 2 lads and we were off on a familiar route that I've ran many times on our 'club run'.

    Pace picked up from 7.40's to 7'30's to 7'20's - I was feeling it at this stage. Mile 10 was a 7.10 and Kenny announces that he's off home via the Ashtown Gate.

    For one - I was relieved :)
    For 2 - I could not believe that time had went so fast - it seemed we had just started!
    For 3 - I was relieved :)

    Next few miles were 7.25's/7.30's - as I made my way home I could feel the hamstring again - just a little noisy. Kept it to 14 and the Last mile was 8.05 as a result.
    Maybe the speedwork on Friday and this run on Sunday were a little too much.

    HR was 150's and moved into 160's for a few miles - so the effort was decent.

    14m at 7.30 pace.

    Must say - was tired for the day.

    Monday 8th: Wore the HR monitor again (wearing it most days now) - but it seems to spike for the 1st mile??

    Kept the pace very easy, down to the park, into the glen, back up arounf the Furze - could see the cars backed up from CK gate all the way down to the Aras. Back to normal??

    Legs felt quite good.

    7.1m at 8.05 pace - HR 125 (inc HR spike)

    Walked the dog later and listened to Brian Conroy from Pop Up races on Runnerbeans, speaking about his test event on Tuesday 9th in Clane.

    Be interesting to see how this progresses going fwd - we can train in groups of 15 - so its conceivable that they could let off groups of 15 at a time?
    As the virus gets more suppressed, this figure could grow. I was quite positive after listening to Brian.

    Charleville might even happen with their 20 waves of 50 (I threw my name in.......just under 14 weeks)

    Also threw my name in to San Seb in November before realising that its the same day as my daughters 18th!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Also threw my name in to San Seb in November before realising that its the same day as my daughters 18th!!

    I'm sure she'll understand..........:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,455 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    HR spike early on is not unsual, happens to me a lot. My cariologist assured me it was nothing to worry about. Ectopic beats possibly - when your brain realises you are not actually being chased by a tiger, it regulates.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Murph_D wrote: »
    HR spike early on is not unsual, happens to me a lot. My cariologist assured me it was nothing to worry about. Ectopic beats possibly - when your brain realises you are not actually being chased by a tiger, it regulates.

    And I thought it was just a malfunction in the strap - it always resets itself after mile 1.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    San Sebastián you say?! What’s the lowdown; flights, entry, etc.

    Your training is going nicely. Sometimes I find during spells of high enough mileage that it seems the gains are small. But, if you were to jump into a race or tough session, you’ll find it has definitely stood to you. Keep the faith.
    So, San Sebastián?
