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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Best of luck, A - having flirted with the same plan for a couple of months, you've summed it up very well. For me, I was in no physical shape to sustain it though and shouldn't have started it really.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,455 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Duanington wrote: »
    Best of luck, A - having flirted with the same plan for a couple of months, you've summed it up very well. For me, I was in no physical shape to sustain it though and shouldn't have started it really.

    Who is it ‘for’, exactly?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Who is it ‘for’, exactly?

    People that aren't trying to haul themselves of the scrapheap - I'd actually give it a go again in time, when I'm in a place that I trust the ageing body a little more

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    I knew I wanted to say something to you and your saucy Facebook pic reminded me.

    I didn’t think the Wilson’s style of training would suit you, I never voiced that opinion at the time granted cause we all need to experience new things. From following you & your log since we both arrived here, your best work is when YOU are the master of your own destiny A.

    I know a few lads in the group you were in to, and probably to sound controversial, they will get to a certain level of improvement on that plan before they plateau and possibly burn out. No way MC is going to keep his level of progression up as much as I would like to see him do. I’ll gladly eat my words if he does!!

    Do what you know suits you best, there’s plenty of years of improvement left in you yet, stick to what you know and you’ll be fine. Hope the shin clears up soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    OOnegative wrote: »
    I knew I wanted to say something to you and your saucy Facebook pic reminded me.

    Do what you know suits you best, there’s plenty of years of improvement left in you yet, stick to what you know and you’ll be fine. Hope the shin clears up soon.

    Saucy FB pic?? - that had me scampering to FB thinking "oh no - another drunken post" :)

    Cheers B

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Project Restart:

    Monday: 3m Tester on the foot/shin: The foot felt fine - me on the other hand felt like this was my 1st run in about one hundred and eleventy one years.

    3m at 8.30 pace.

    Zoom Pilates at lunchtime - great to have this class - I really like the workout you get - Bands introduced this week - the stretchy ones not the musical ones.
    Wanted to run a bit longer, but on grass, so parked at Whites Gate and jogged around the PP - after about 2.5m I met a buddy of mine, so ran with him - 7.8 miles later, I'm back at the car.

    Shin only slightly tender afterwards - nothing too serious.

    7.8 @8.27

    Wednesday: Keeping it on grass again - I drove upto Porterstown Park and done about 1.5m - then tested the leg with 4 strides of 100m (with a 300m jog) - on the last stride, the shin was heating up - so knew it was too much too soon.

    Back to the car and icing afterwards.

    3.75m total.

    Thursday: Took a rest day - after running 3 days in a row. Skipped Pilates to watch Spurs. On a Thursday night. What a $hit show.

    After the rest day on Thursday, I was feeling confident on the shin - so wanted to teat it on different surfaces.
    Ran to the PP, a bit on grass, then along the canal (I didn't walk on water) and back home.

    Probably a couple of miles too long given that I was on mixed terrain.

    7.45 miles at 8.09 pace.

    Saturday: Gentle run on grass in the PP, listening to Scullion.

    4.17m @ 8.24 pace.

    2 hr walk with the dog in the PP - probably the part of the week I look fwd to the most. Every house should have a dog.

    Sunday: I was quite bold on Sat night regarding alcohol. Very enjoyable at the time though!

    Went out very early on Sunday (10:30 :) ) - parked in the PP (after been stopped by the Gardai en route to bid me a safe day.)

    Seriously though - I felt like I had ran a marathon on Saturday. The body was achy - had to stop and stretch a few times, felt slow and fat, Jebus H Chrust - I was injured for 2 weeks - but it felt like 2 months how this run went.

    Blowing out my backside for large parts of it - the HR was well over 130's.

    6.12m @ 8.22 pace.

    So - 6 days running this week for a total of 32 miles. But I am running - so thats a positive.

    I cannot believe how much fitness I've lost in 2 weeks. I know sometimes people say that and its in relation to speed/pace, but seriously - 2 weeks out and I feel like I'm a beginner runner.
    Some of the early miles in my runs were at proper recovery pace, but felt like steady pace.

    Right now I feel as far away from where I was 3 weeks back as is possible!! (3 weeks back I felt in 5k & 10k PB shape)

    I know I'll get it back - I know in 2-3 months time, I'll have forgotten this little episode and will be running well - lets hope there's something to train for!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    2 weeks out? I don't think it'll take you much more than 2\3 weeks to get back to moving well again....I honestly wouldn't worry too much about that side of things, let it come back to you rather than chasing it down ( as a wise man said to me once)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I cannot believe how much fitness I've lost in 2 weeks. I know sometimes people say that and its in relation to speed/pace, but seriously - 2 weeks out and I feel like I'm a beginner runner.
    Some of the early miles in my runs were at proper recovery pace, but felt like steady pace.

    What a difference a day makes.

    Done some rehab and self massage on Sunday.
    I found quite an isolated tender (& sore) spot on the shin and went at it carefully but with pressure in the specific spot.
    Felt quite sore afterwards - but woke up on Monday and immediately noticed that it didn't feel sore!.

    Monday: 7miles all on grass.

    7.53 pace - delighted with how I felt and how the injury reacted.
    Pain & niggle free today.


    Pilates at lunchtime.

    Another easy paced run with 5x20 sec strides - progressively faster.


    Wednesday: Met up with a running buddy from Dunboyne/WIP and done 70 mins. Felt great on this one too.
    Mixed surface - definitely more on road.

    No issues with the injury before or after.

    8.60 miles @ 8 min/miles

    Now I can develop a plan for the coming months.
    * Not distance specific (5k-HM)
    * Multi paced.
    * Heavy on tempo-MP
    * Not focused on a target date/ more of a program.
    * 4-5 week cycle.
    * 1 down week.

    I'm going to hold myself to this in the coming few months - don't see too much happening in 2020 or early 2021.

    Must look up Marathons in Sweden for Spring '21 :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Must look up Marathons in Sweden for Spring '21 :)

    Swedens best marathon - Stockholm Marathon isn't til June 2021 :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thursday: Running Rest day - done 1 hour of Pilates - I have abs like Ronaldo.
    The Brazilian one.

    Friday: Met DD in the PP for an hour or so.
    Good chats all the way around - good to catch up.
    7.6 miles

    Saturday: Session

    4x1min / 3x2min / 2x3min / 2x4min (Paces from 3k to 8-10mile) off 60/90/120 secs

    With 2 weeks off injured and a careful previous 2 weeks - this would be my 1st session in a month.

    2.5m warm up & strides.
    4x1min (60secs R): Averaged about 5.15 pace.
    3x2min (90secs R): Averaged about 5.35 pace
    2x3 mins (120s R): Averaged about 5.50 pace
    1x4min: Completed this in 5.53 pace.
    2.4m Cool down

    Really happy with how this went - the multi paced element of it was good - I tried to keep the recovery periods not too long as the pace was slowing, by design, each rep - but still wanted to be able to finish the session.

    Afterward the session - I contemplated doing some short hill sprints on the way to the car, but thought better of it.

    9 miles total.

    Sunday: Met up with 2 lads I used to always run with in MSB - both ran virtual Boston Marathons recently - 2.52 and 2.55!
    Our usual runs in the past were always 'steady' - not by design, just how it was - but still able to chat.
    Nothings changed!!

    Started off at 8.30 on Sunday morning with them and 11 miles later still nattering away.
    Surprised to see 7.24 ave pace for this - it didn't seem like it, despite the HR in the 150's.

    Bumped into Ray C and Sean D on the way around and apparently, Strava tells me I ran by Lainey Frecks on the S Bends - soz!

    Great to run with these lads and will do more with them.

    11m at 7.24/mile.

    50 miles for the week.
    Crossed over the 2000 miles for the year (on Wednesday I think)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Ah you're one of the many runners I was giving out about that don't acknowledge you when you run by, leaving you feeling rejected... I probably even had to step off the path if there were 3 of you ;):P

    Joking aside, I do be in a world of my own listening to my music :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    I recall back in the day you posted a list of post marathon assessment questions on here but cannot for the life of me find them....any idea where that post is?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    I see you’re down to pop your Dunboyne cherry Saturday afternoon A, best of luck. Run well!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I recall back in the day you posted a list of post marathon assessment questions on here but cannot for the life of me find them....any idea where that post is?

    I'll look at that later on - I think I know what you are talking about.
    OOnegative wrote: »
    I see you’re down to pop your Dunboyne cherry Saturday afternoon A, best of luck. Run well!!

    Unfortunately not - the restrictions put pay to that.
    Dont think I'd have raced anyway due to just getting back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Unfortunately not - the restrictions put pay to that.
    Dont think I'd have raced anyway due to just getting back.

    Stupid restrictions stopping lads racing - never considered those A.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: Went out and done the 70min loop that I ran most Mondays.

    8.5m at 8.05 pace. Legs in a good place.

    Tuesday: session: $x200 / 4x1200 / 4x200

    I was intending on doing mile reps at Tempo pace but decided to do something a bit faster but lower volume for now.
    The pace for the 1200's was intending to be faster than tempo but slower than 5k - aiming for 5.50's.
    Done these primarily on the Grass track in Porterstown.

    4x200: 38-40 secs - think I started from the wrong line - aiming for mile pace.

    4x1200: recoveries were 400m jog or just over 2 mins walk.

    Rep 1: 4.27 (5.47 Pace) - Grass track
    Rep 2: 4.31 (5.49 pace) - Grass Track - got fed up then.
    Rep 3: 4.17 (5.43 Pace) - Done this on a Path - bit of an incline at the end.
    Rep 4: 4.15 (5.37 pace) - half and half.

    4x200 - back on grass - 38's.

    Quite happy how that went.

    7.7m total

    Wednesday: MLR

    Had company for this - down to the park and back. turned out to be the longest run since August.

    11.6m at 7.47 pace.

    Thursday: Recovery shuffle
    4.1m at 8.25

    Pilates in the evening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Friday 2nd Oct: Easy run to the PP then 5x10s hill sprints followed by 5x20s strides. Jog home.
    6.5m total

    Saturday: Parked at Furry Glen and done a loop around - followed up with a 2 hour walk later with the madra.

    6.2m / 8.24 pace

    Sunday 1 hour pacing duties.

    I was helping a guy who was running his virtual London Marathon, I joined him at 2 hours into his run coming up the North Road.
    The rain, wind and cold didn't help.

    We were doing a 6k loop that came up half of the North Road each lap into a very gusty breeze.

    I wasn't sure if I could run many 6.30/miles but I didn't need to as the pace had slipped a bit in the last hour and got a little slower as the hour went on despite the efforts to cajole him.
    He had ran 2.55 for the Boston Virtual Marathon recently, so once he knew that was not going to be beaten, the goal was to hit sub3.

    The 1st 6.5 miles averaged about 7's - Last 2 miles were a 7.37 and then a 7.20.

    His watch was counting down the Marathon distance, so when it hit - he stopped at 2.57.3x
    I encouraged him to verify on his phone as he had to track the distance on the London Marathon App - due to cold hands, this was proving difficult to log on, once we did we seen it was only at 26.05 - so we had to take off again at pace to hit the distance on the phone!!
    Coming in at 2.59.33

    Despite the easy pace of the later miles - running an hour at a 'steadish pace after a big enough week meant I was knackered later that day - but still enjoyed the 1-6 performance - I always knew Jose was a good man who would play in the Tottenham style :)

    14.65m / 7.35 ave (Longest run since Aug 2020 )

    September mils: 112 (Lowest since God was a boy / or Dec 2015 :) )

    60 for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday 5th Oct: Legs were tired after the Sunday run - wine didn't help..........well it helped on Sunday night, but not on Monday.
    Went out with the intention of ding 4-5 miles - but ended up doing the ususal 70min route.

    8.58 at 8.12 pace.

    Tuesday: Pilates at lunch time - always a tough gig as resistance bands are now used on 95% of the class.
    Went out after work for a few recovery miles.

    5.7m at 8.26 pace.

    Legs in a good place on Wednesday - I love when in the 1st mile of a WU - you just know its gonna be a good day.

    Session was 4x40sec / 5-6x3mins (1min)/ 6x40s

    2mile WU then an additional mile or so doing the 4x40secs - (really 200's - but its better on the watch for 40secs)
    40secs were at mile pace (5.10 approx)

    6x3mins: I had planned a pace of 5.50 for these - about 5mile pace - this is considered Critical Velocity pace by Tinman - a bang for your buck workout that works both Vo2 and LT.
    5.50 pace is based on me doing 5mile 'tempo' runs at 5.53 about 6-7 weeks ago.

    I would have been happy doing 5 reps at this stage - but the body felt good - so done the 6th rep.
    1st rep was the slowest at 5.54 - but the rest were on the money.
    Finished with 4x40secs - at a faster pace than when I started .

    Very happy with this.

    9.6 miles total

    6.45m lunch run - 8.23 pace.

    Pilates in the evening - plenty of ab work today.
    Great display by Ire in the football - shame about the result.

    Next few games should be about goodbye to some players and hello to others.

    Friday: Was going to take a rest day, but the legs felt fantastic.
    went out for a few miles and was going to do a set of hill sprints, then a set of strides - but combined them on a hill near where I live for Hill Strides -the jog down recoveries were at an honest effort. Kinda like a mini session.

    4.11 at 7.39

    Saturday: Woke up regretting the Hills - also regretting the wine - but mainly the Hills.
    I had mile reps on the cards today - but was contemplating doing a straight tempo run instead.
    Based on how I felt on the warmup and the breeze that was blowing - I chose the mile reps.

    4x40sec to start - into the wind.
    1st Mile: At the Furze/OS intersection and then up chesterfield into a tough enough breeze. 6.03 (90secs)
    2nd Mile: Up to the CK gate and down the otherside, finishing near the bollards at the Visitor Center enterance. 6.01 (90secs)
    3rd Mile: Took in the triangle on the North road and then continued down the North road. (Downhill 5.57) (90secs)
    4th Mile: Considered leaving it at 3 as the legs were feeling it - but seen out the last mile - finished at Garda HQ - 5.58

    I considered doing another set of 4x40secs - but was really feeling it in the legs and felt a bit light headed - so jogged back to the car.

    Happy out with this session - then another 2 hour walk with the Madra in the PP.

    10mile total (running)

    Happy with how its going so far.

    Sad news - RIP Pat Hooper.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Sunday Oct 11th: Got the text on Sat about meeting up with some running buddies - a good crew of 5.

    I got up earlier on Sunday than I do for work these days - down in the PP for 7.55am.
    As we're all on the other side of 40 - some of us right on the tipping point of the next milestone - the 1st mile was 8.31 :) - then the creaking bones warmed up and the pace settled - nice and steady.

    I love these runs as the conversation flowed - the tired legs from yesterday didn't feel tired, all was well with the world.

    13.1m at 7.35 pace.

    Home before 10am Love it.

    Monday: 70 mins with another buddy - 8.7miles at 7.56 - probably too fast given the 2 previous days.

    Tuesday: Each time I consider doing a 'speed session' I think - "what's the point?" - there'll be no races for a while - so just build strength.
    I did consider doing a set of 400's today at a decent clip - but felt that speed is not really my weakness right now.
    Its moreso maintaining it - the endurance side of things.

    I read over some of my old notes - I have a document just of old Tergat posts - and seen a good session that has a good element of progression to it.
    I think it ticks a few boxes for me in terms of speed endurance.

    Todays session was an Alternating tempo - 600m at current 5k pace (5.40-5.45) and 1000m at current HM pace (6.15-6.20) - do this for 4 miles continous with no recovery - well, the 1000m is the recovery.

    I done this on a 2 mile loop in the PP - breeze was a nuisance but got through it.
    Amazing how comfortable 6.20's feel after 600m at 5k pace.

    Will progress this by changing the lengths (or time) of each pace going fwd. e.g. 700m@5k/900m@HM or 3mins@5k/5mins@HM etc etc maybe building it up to 5-6 miles - as the miles get longer, I might change it to 10k for the faster and MP for the slower.

    No pilates today - very busy at work.

    total: 8.7m

    Wednesday: 6.75m at 8.10 pace - lunchtime run as I was out for a BD celebration....yes - OUT OUT!

    Thursday: 7.2m at 8.11 pace - cant really recall this!!

    Friday: As I was planning on being 'Away' on Sat/Sun - I got the long run done early in the week.
    I combined it with a sort of session - running some MP miles in the middle.

    30mins easy pace - 40mins at 6.30'ish - 30 mins easy pace.

    Ended up at 13.47miles at 7.25 pace - but I was more impressed at my ability to finish bang on 30 mins right at my house.

    Made a horses arse of my recovery after this one - didn't eat or drink afterwards and went grocery shopping.

    As a result - felt terrible friday night - some wine made it worse.

    Saturday: My poor recovery on Friday resulted in very tired and sore legs on Sat morning - I felt like I had ran a marathon as opposed to 40mins MP.
    Let this be a lesson to you kids - pay attention to recovery!

    4m at 8.34.

    Sunday: Nursing a small hangover from a pre lockdown overnight trip.
    82 minutes.
    82 f%4king minutes.
    3-0 up. We're going to win the league!

    Hit the post - Bale misses a sitter - The Hammers score 3 goals from the 82nd min on.

    We're still Spurs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Busy times........busy times indeed.

    Monday Oct 19th: A few miles with a running buddy and 5 strides at the end.

    8.28 at 7.58pace

    Tuesday 20th: Another easy one - Pilates at lunch means no sessions on Tuesday.
    Down to the PP - around the Glen and back home.

    7.85 at 8.07pace

    Wednesday 21st: Level 5 lockdown day.
    Work a bit bedlam - just wanted to blow off some steam and work a bit harder.
    Ran down to Park Gate Street and then picked it up for 5 miles - listening to Tim Robbins on 2nd Captains.

    I'm really gone off Ken - I think he has an anti Spurs bias - After Spurs beat Man u 1-6, he went on for 45 mins about Man Utd - I think he has an obsession with Pogba - I think Spurs got 2 mentions and neither of them in anyway complimented them.
    That and his irritating laugh when he's making a point..........I feel a strongly worded 'scum' email coming on!!

    Anyway - in this particular interview, I really liked Ken. Patreon safe for another month.

    The run went well - happy with the paces - keeping it in and around 7's - but all uphill - the famous mile 2-7 of the DCm route.

    11.6m at 7.33 pace

    Thursday 22nd: No run - too tired today.

    Friday 23rd: Session 3x3mins / 9minLT / 3x3mins (90secs recovery)

    I wanted to progress the 6x3mins that I done recently - so decided that a longer (but slower) threshold in the middle would be a good progression.
    The 3min segments were at 5.40-5.45 pace - I guess that would be my 5k pace these days??
    The 9 min TH was at 5.55-6.00 pace.

    Really enjoyed that - hard grafting, but enjoyable.

    10.17miles total.

    Saturday 24th: I had done a 2 hour walk with the dog earlier so the legs were tired - went out later for an hour to the park and back.

    6.84miles at 8.09 pace.

    Sunday 25th: Went out for my long run today - didn't want to meet up with folks in keeping with the L5 restrictions (lets see how long that lasts).
    From Mile 1 the legs felt terrible - I changed the route to go down the canal, thinking that would perk me up a bit - but NO.
    Wanted to turn back when I enterted the park at Ashtown.

    I forced myself to turn left instead of right to add on miles.

    The park is awash with DCM Virtual runners - still doesn't help with my motivation- its a real trudge home.

    10 miles at 8.05 pace.

    55 miles for the week

    Monday 26th: Day Off - Planned

    Tuesday 27th: late'ish run for me - out with the headlamp for the 1st time
    7miles at 8.11 pace.

    Wednesday 28th: I wanted a decent MLR with some stuff - so decided on doing 3x8mins - I love the flexibilty on these - running to the park on my WU, thinking about what session I'll do :)

    2.5m warm up and into the 3x8mins (2 mins recovery)

    the 8min segments came out about 6.00/6.05 per mile - which is in and around what I wanted - effort felt a bit higher TBH.

    Longish CD to add on some miles.

    11.2m at 7.23 average.

    Thursday: 6m recovery run - 8.20 pace.
    Legs felt better at the end than the start - been a while since that happened.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Friday 30th: Session 3m Progression + 5x1min

    With a storm brewing I wanted to get ahead of it and do the session on Friday - not ideal as I done one on Wednesday - but hey ho.

    3m Warm up and set off on the progression.
    The main reason for doing this as a progression is that it would be a downhill'ish run - I knew I'd be out of daylight soon, so wanted to finish up on the Chapelizod Road for the 1min reps.
    The Tempo took me down the North Road - turn left at the Triangle and then down Chesterfield Ave.
    Splits were: 6.18 / 6.05 / 5.49

    2 or 3 min light jog and onto the 5x1min - again - I wanted to do these progressive - but the 1st one was too fast at 5.06 pace.
    Next 4 went - 5.17 / 5.13 / 5.08 / 4.57

    4mile uphill jog home.

    Despite the tired legs - I felt very strong today - I even said to my wife afterwards, that I finally felt fit.

    I could hear her eyes rolling.

    11.6miles total

    Sat: Short recovery run - it would have been too easy to take a rest day - a short run was needed to ensure the legs were ok for Sun long run.

    3.2miles at 8.58 pace.

    Sunday 1st November: Long run.

    After last weeks long run failure - I was very conscious to get this one right.
    Loaded the podcasts and ran on a route that I know to be 14 miles from previous.

    Just ran and listened to the chats - relaxed run - windy in a lot of places.

    14 miles at 7.47 pace.

    Happy enough with that week.
    53 miles in total (1 rest day) but 3 runs over 11 miles (2 of these were sessions) - not intentional - just how it worked out.

    October finished with 232 miles - happy with that as Sept was only 112miles due to that niggle.

    I'm kinda enjoying making it up as I go along - I'm doing decent sessions and I know I'm getting into decent shape, but without a race or goal on the horizon - it could be very easy to be too unstructured and end up either with fatigue or not the right balance of energy systems being tested.
    I fall back into my default - longer runs - somewhat like Marathon training - its what I like doing.
    Maybe I should mix in some 'structure' into this to account for what I avoid by default (faster reps / hills).

    Was onto Johnny during the week - and we were sparking some thoughts off each other regarding the next 7 weeks - I might look at some structure for this and see about a TT in December.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    I could hear her eyes rolling.

    hahaha I can so relate to this :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: A few miles with a running buddy - helps pass the time.

    7.3 miles @ 8.03

    Tuesday: Pilates at lunch then another 7 mile recovery afterwards.

    7.3m @ 8.27

    Wednesday: Session: 2mTempo / 2x1km / 2x1m at 10km

    I wasn't 100% sure what session I was going to do today - I had 3x10 mins in my mind - but would see how the legs were on the warm up and the 1st rep.
    I really need to be firmer in my plans and commit to a session at the start!!

    Mile 1 of my warm up was 7.39 (that jus never happens) - I dont know if this was due to me feeling quite good or the fact I was wearing the 4% for the 1st time since God was a boy - By christ - they felt fantastic!!

    So at this stage of the warm up I'm thinking of making the session a bit harder - throw in some faster reps. Lets see how the daylight is I said to myself.

    So - I set off to do a 2m tempo as the 1st part and finished it in what I thought was 11.59.
    I was convinced that I had ran a 2m tempo. 100% convinced.

    Until I seen a couple of days later that it was 10 mins. Not 100% what way my brain was working but hey ho.

    With the 1st bit out of the way - and daylight fading - After a 2min recovery - I decided to do 2x1km on the Furze Road - the intention being that it would get me back on Chesterfield for the last part of the session.
    Felt very strong on these - 5.35 pace for both 1km reps.

    Another 2min recovery and then done 2x1m at 5.50 pace (2 min rec).

    So - overall - 5 miles of hard work under 6 min miles.

    really enjoyed that session.

    10.9miles total.

    Thursday: 4mile recovery - up to Porterstown park - lap and a bit - and back.
    Really needed that.

    4m at 8,38

    Friday: Easy run + some strides.
    I need to get back to including strides in my plan.

    6.15 miles

    Thinking of what I was avoiding and not including in my plan - I decided to do some hill work.
    I went back to one of Lukes tried & trusted 14x45 secs on the Khyber.

    The recovery was set for 90 secs - but I ran them quicker - once I reached the bottom, I hit 'lap'.

    1st 2 were a bit 'Oh My God' - these are tough.
    Next few were like 'actually - these are grand, I've a good rhythm going here'
    After 7 , I was thinking - just do 10 - 10 is a good number.
    As I got to 9, my Heart was beating so hard - 1 more.

    Right, after the 10th - jogged back down and seen some runners approaching, couldn't quit now - recovered quite quickly and went again. Just 2 more.

    Then on the 12th I gave myself a stern talking too - 'what, you are quitting now - 2 more to go - 90secs of hard work??'.

    I completed all 14 :)

    I did 'forget' how tough these are - I wont be doing very many of these, but will hope to throw in a few every now and then.
    Also going to do 2x(30/60/90/120) hill reps on the Khyber in the coming weeks

    8miles total.

    Sunday: out by 9 on my ownsome.
    just over 13 miles on a glorious day - down the Canal to Dalymount (cant spell phisboro :) ) and back up around the White Moose and into the Park.

    Legs were tired, but I expected them to be worse.

    13.4miles at 7.52

    57 miles for the week.

    This week will be a down week - I promised myself to take down weeks - but when training is going well, you tend to keep going.
    Main aim this week will be: to keep the mileage light - about 50 miles - maybe take 1 day off.
    2 Pilates classes
    2 sets of strides.
    Firm up on a plan for the coming weeks.

    Just on a down week - my new Zoom Fly 3 arrived today - cant wait to do a session in them :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: Usual Monday run with Stephen - time flies!
    8.3m @ 7.55

    Tuesday: Post Pilates recovery run - threw in 6x20sec strides at the end. Trying to keep strides progressive.
    Runnerbeans the pod of choice - I had listened to half of it the previous night walking the dog and was really taken by David McCartys interview - especially the planning piece. Seeds were sown.


    Wednesday: As this week is a down week for me - I wanted to do a longish run midweek - ran in the lashing of rain and really enjoyed it.

    12miles @ 8.1 pace

    Thursday: a pre pilates run - 5m with 8x20sec strides. Not going to lie - meant to do 6 - this counting thing cracks me up.

    Friday: Another easy one - really managing the mileage - down to the PP and back.

    5.2m at 7.59

    Saturday: contemplated a rest day - but as I was bored silly I went out for a few miles.

    4.8m @ 8.03

    Sunday: was going to go out early, but thought - what's the point - probably should have as had a busy day afterwards - missed all the sport.

    Done a loop to the PP and the War Memorial Gardens, back to the park and home.

    The pace was quite good, I felt great until I turned and realised that there was a decent tailwind and I'd have the headwind all the way home!

    finished up with 14.4 miles at 7.25 pace.
    I binge listened to 'Where is George Gibney' podcast running & also while walking the dog - Shocking stuff but brilliantly done.

    Plans & Planning..........

    this week, with the Runnerbeans interview firmly in my mind - , I took some time to look at my plan - bringing me out to Berlin next year - but also at what might be possible beyond that.
    At what age will I slow down - when will I start looking at 'Masters PB' or 'Age Group PB' - what becomes important then will be different to what's important for the next 2-3 years.

    I'm in a comfortable place knowing that at some point, I'll stop getting PB's (relax now - talking a few years here lads......) but between now and then, I want to give it a right go - I'm so motivated right now - its amazing what an hour of thinking/planning will do to your motivation.

    From Jan onwards - it will be a JD 10k plan, then some 5k specific stuff for 6-8 weeks, before falling into a plan from the end of May for Berlin.
    I'm hoping by the time i'm training for Berlin that my MP will be 6.20 - so one of my goals is to hit the indicators for that to happen prior to May.
    Between now & Jan - its just maintenance stuff - probably nothing faster than 5mile pace (CV Pace) apart from Strides or hills.

    Lets hope Marathons and local races are in a position to return as soon as possible.

    The vaccine news this week really perked me up. Lets keep positive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: More of the same - met a running buddy and done 8 miles - chatting. Miles fly by - I look forward to the Monday runs.

    8.3m @ 7.58 pace (128 HR)

    Tuesday: A tough Pilates class at lunch. Ran down to the PP and done some strides on the Furze - met another buddy (from Cru) and ran a couple of miles of her warm down.
    6.5miles (120 HR)

    Wednesday: My plan contained a 5m progression run (starting at MP + 20sec) that I was going to run on a 2mile loop (C'Field-North Road) - but the 'window of light' went against me as did the weather - so I needed to choose a different route as the wind was whipping up a storm.

    I ended up doing a 2mile WU and then done the 5 miles down to the Park and along OS/Furze and Chesterfield.
    I had 2 stretches of about half mile each into a head wind, but it was mostly a side on wind.

    The 5m progression went 6.39/6.29/6.17/6.08/5.58 - quite happy with that. HR in the high 160's for the last 2 miles.
    I hope to progress this in 2 weeks time - adding in an additional mile - depending on the wind, I'll do it on a different route. Chesterfield is far too busy with people walking in dark clothes - thank God I had my headlamp.

    11 miles total (ave 7.11/mile)

    Thursday: Went out for 3 mile recovery before Pilates and ended up doing near 7 as I was listening to 2 more episodes o the 'Where is George Gibney' podcast. An amazing production.

    6.66 @ 8.25 pace (HR 114)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Friday: I was contemplating a rest day, but got a text from DD for a lunchtime run in the PP.

    I brought him on a tour of the War Memorial Gardens, finishing just over 7 very social miles.

    7.1@ 8.20 pace.

    Saturday: Session: 6x3mins (1min rec) + 4x200

    I was a bit 'meh' about this session - I wanted to pimp it a bit and add a tempo to the start of it or the middle of it as I had done previously.
    But I'm trying to be sensible and build slowly - gain strength and not hit a peak.

    I set out in the Zoom Streaks, but just wasn't feeling the love for them, so came back and changed into the 4%'s - I've a new found love affair with these :).
    Had I drove down to the PP, I'd have worn the Streaks for the session and then changed into other shoes for the WU/CD.

    Planned pace was 5 mile pace (5.45-5.50) - or Critical Velocity - this is a constant in Tinmans training plans and I'm seeing it move into other coaches plans too (Ben Rosario).

    1st 3 reps felt very comfortable. I was working on the 4th and then the last 2 looked after themselves.
    Park was packed so was a lot of bobbing and weaving going on!

    5.46/ 5.44 / 5.41 / 5.42 / 5.38 / 5.42

    I forgot to do the 4x200's afterwards.

    9miles total.

    Spurs top of the League - no nails left on fingers or toes after that game.
    Dubs on Sat night - watched the 1st half - that was enough :)

    Feeling ok heading out at 10am, I had a hankering for a different route, so went off to the city center - haven't been in since last Christmas!!.

    I was wearing the zoom flys and the legs were feeling fantastic, I did actually wonder if I ran a session on Saturday.
    My HR was in the 130's but my pace was 7.20's and I felt extremely comfortable - so kept going - listening to the last 2 episodes of George Gibney.
    Strange running up Grafton Street at 11am on a Sunday and it was so quiet.

    I expected a tougher run home as it was uphill, but no - legs and body played ball - HR stretched out to 150 on the military hill.
    By St Marys, I was avoiding some bikes & people and ran on a mound, only for a tree branch to knock my ear and knock the ear bud out.
    Spent a few mins looking for it, but no joy. Ah well.

    15 miles at 7.15 pace (138 ave HR)

    64 miles for the week - highest mileage since precedented times. (Feb)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday November 23rd: T'was a long long time ago - in a land far far away...............

    8miles with my Monday running buddy - good chats makes the time fly.

    8m@8.06 pace

    Tuesday: Out in the rain- ran around some housing estates and done 6x20sec progressive strides. 2m home.

    Strava art was never my forte...........


    Wednesday: Set out for a 5m tempo run, but after a 5.53 1st mile (far too fast), I kinda knew that wasn't going to happen.

    I managed 15 mins at sub 6 pace and then took a 2 min recovery before doing an additional 10 mins at a faster pace. The 10 mins was 1 mile at 5.48 and 4.12mins at 5.57.

    So - not the session that I wanted but got 25 mins at a faster tempo than I would have done with the straight 5 miles.

    9.5m total.

    6m recovery down to the park and back.

    8.20 pace.

    Friday: Bonus run - My Monday run buddy texted asking about a run - went out at 3pm for 70 mins - down to the park and back.

    8.9m at 7.43

    Saturday: Not having done any speedwork for a while, I opted for some 200's and hill sprints today. Knowing that I was doing a steady run on Sunday.

    5x40 secs on the Furze road / 5x10sec hills in the Glen / 5x40 secs on the Furze. Walk recoveries.
    Really enjoyed that - short and sharp.


    Sunday: Steady'ish run

    The main intention of this run was to do some work close to MP 'effort', without over straining too much.

    The body knew it had done some speedwork on the Saturday - it was a bit creaky before setting out.
    Done a short routine prior to running to get the body right and was out the door.
    1st couple of miles were good - 7.49/7.40 - I knew it would be a good day!!

    Next few miles were also good (Sub 7's - touching 6.30's) before I took about 0.5m recovery going up Manor Street.
    Picked it up again entering the Park on ParkGate street - doing the next 3 miles progressively faster to 6.19, taking me to St Marys.

    took the next few miles a bit handy but was still pushing a bit (7.20's) and finished on 14miles at 7.07 average.

    Definitely felt tougher than last weeks 15 miles through town (7.15 ave) - so while not marathon training, I still want to be in a position to be able to run upto 10 miles at MP effort in a normal training week - so I'm on the right track here.

    My youngest daughters 18th B'Day today - how time flys. Certainly earning the Auldman tag now.


    Monday 30th
    8m around Ongar - good chats.

    8m@8.10 pace.

    Tuesday 1st: Easy + strides - I like this route (same as last weeks Strava Art route) - let it be called the 'Willy' route forever more.

    6x20secs progressive strides.

    5.5m total.

    Wednesday: 6m progression:
    After doing a 5m progression 2 weeks back - this was the progression of the progression. 6m.
    2 weeks back I chose an easy route, given the weather conditions.

    Today was a much fairer route around the Furze/OS roads.

    2m warm up then into it as I entered Whites Gate.
    Next 6 miles;


    Really enjoyed this run - love these progressions. Ave was about 6.17 for the 6.
    4 miles home.


    Thursday 3rd Dec: Short recovery during lunch - bitter cold out.

    4.7m @ 8.21

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Friday 4th: 7miles easy. Went back to Marathon Talk for this one - I only listen when Martin & Holly are hosting and if the Guest is 'decent' - used to be my 'goto' pod a few years back, but sadly its just an occasional listen nowadays.

    7miles @ 8.18

    Saturday: Session 6x20secs / 6x3mins / 4x200

    I was tired on Saturday and not looking fwd to any sort of session - I contemplated 'just' doing a short hill session where the pressure would only be on the efforts and not on the pace - but I reasoned that that was the wrong approach for where I want to be.

    I kept with the intended session - 6x3 mins - as previously, I resisted the urge to make it harder by including a 10 min tempo at some stage in the session (there's validity in having it at Start, Middle or End) and just done the basic session.

    The workout was a Critical Velocity workout, so planned pace was 5 mile pace (or 30 min efforts) - about 5.45-5.50

    6x20sec strides to start and I was off.

    Reps were off 1 min recovery.


    I pushed the 3rd and 6th reps - in fairness, if I had of being doing a 10 min tempo during this, they would have all been in the 5.50 range.

    took a 3 min rec jog and done the 4x200's at quicker than 1m pace.

    total was 9.2miles.

    Out for Sat night pints!! Heaven.

    Got a text from a buddy of mine to do an early Sunday morning run, thankfully I hadn't got a skinful of Guinness and was up at 7am on Sunday morning. 1 piece of toast, 1 coffee and........ahem..... 2 'movements' later and I was out the door defrosting the car.

    When I meet these guys, I know its going to be a fastish pace, but we were chatting all the way around and it felt somewhat comfortable. I was still working hard though and as it was baltic out, I couldn't feel my fingers by the end.

    Down the North Road, through Phibsborough and up the canal - off at Cabra and back into the park.
    The faster miles were on the hillier side of the park, which was good.
    Finished well, despite being devastated that a red clad young lady didn't return my 'wave' - but you live and learn - she is a Liverpool fan after all.

    Finished at 13.2 miles at 7.22 pace.

    60 miles for the week.

    rethinking my plan - really itching to run faster than 5m pace intervals. But I guess that's Johnny's fault.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    The key is to not do any race specific stuff... And then race :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Cheers i'll take the young lady but watch the Liverpool slagging ;)

    Ok so we are quits now...basically it all depends on the next sighting:D
