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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Was that you with a big win on a certain running podcast this week? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    ReeReeG wrote: »
    Was that you with a big win on a certain running podcast this week? :)

    Indeed it was! (Still waiting for it!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Indeed it was! (Still waiting for it!)

    Ha! I got mine last week ;) That'll learn you for sending me gloating messages :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    healy1835 wrote: »
    Ha! I got mine last week ;) That'll learn you for sending me gloating messages :p

    What he win J, Best fake tanned runner in Dublin.......

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    OOnegative wrote: »
    What he win J, Best fake tanned runner in Dublin.......

    Not quite :) He won a bobble hat on the Runner Beans podcast.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Life is a bit bedlam................We continue.

    Monday 7th: Out for a few 'low HR' miles down to the PP - very foggy out and quiet slippy in places.
    Listening to Runnerbeans and imagine my surprise when I win a Hat!! They shoulda rang me.

    8.2m @ 8.23 pace

    Pilates at Lunchtime always leaves me fatigued.
    A few miles in the afternoon - I avoided the route that I took for the last 2 Tuesdays due to the Strava Art.

    6x20sec strides.

    5miles total.

    Wednesday: Went out to do a session but had not committed to one on my warmup - I really need to stop doing this and just committ to a plan and session and then go execute it.

    Anyway - it went $h!te.

    Nearly a 3m WU and into a tempo run - 3m tempo (6.08/6.01/6.07) - it felt like 5k pace.
    After the Tempo I'm a bit annoyed that it was such a hard effort for the pace - so rather than run easy - I run up Chesterfield at Marathon Pace (6.22/6.28) - this felt like Tempo pace.

    2m cool down.

    In Hindsight - it was dark, damp, windy, raining - head wasn't in it before hand - so its a good 5 miles to do and in the bank.

    10m total.

    Thursday: 3,7m recovery run - 8.34 pace - loved it.


    Got a text from DD - so met him in the PP at lunchtime for a few miles.
    Brought him along the Canal and down Castleknock - and for the 2nd time I'm with him, he meets someone he my backyard.
    Nice pace to run at and chat.

    8m @ 8.27


    Session day: I wanted to do some 5k stuff as most of my sessions have been Tempo/CV paced.
    I toyed with a Pyramid 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 or some simple 10x2 mins - but went for 5/4/3/2/1 mins - starting at 5.40 (5k'ish) with the aim of getting faster each rep.
    Recovery was to be 50% of the previous rep.

    Session went very well - was surprised how I felt at 5k pace. Completed this on Chesterfield and Furze Road - finishing up at Whites Gate for the 1min rep.

    5min Rep: 5.39 pace
    4min Rep: 5.34
    3min Rep: 5.34 (busy on Chesterfield - bobbing and weaving)
    2min Rep: 5.22
    1min Rep: 5.03

    7.7m total.

    Woke up feeling very 'meh' - Lashing rain out - body knew it had done something 'different' yesterday.
    I also done a crap job of recovering on Saturday.

    Started off on my 'long run' - after 0.5m I wanted to turn around.
    I was listening to a podcast with Graham Greene who is a 'mature' runner in the UK - him and his son broke the Father & Son world record a few years back. I found it very good to hear him speak about his training - he's a 2.30'ish guy - so not an elite and definitely relatable.
    I was so into it, so kept going, despite the rain and the general meh'ness.

    10 miles@ 8.19 pace.

    53 miles for the week. + 2 pilates classes

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: Out for a few miles with my Monday running date - threw in 6 strides at the end.


    Tuesday This week will be a challenging week to run - might not get a chance to run the weekend either. Coupled with work being mental.
    So I wanted a longer effort of sustained miles (i.e. not broken up intervals) to mimic a long run with some effort.

    I started off in my Hoka Rincon - which I unretired from the attic - done a 2mile warm up, came home, changed into the Zoom Fly 2's and made a mental note never to wear the Rincons again.
    Difference in the Zoom Flys was amazing.

    I went down through castleknock & the PP at a steady pace - probably averaged 6.40's for the 6 miles and felt ok with it.
    Ran 10 mins easy up Manor Street and back into the park before starting off again.
    2 more steady miles at ave 6.50's upto CK Gate and then an easy 2m home.

    Both my headlamp and my chest light lost battery at various times on this run - so coming up the North road in the dark was a bit hairy!

    I was listening to Liam Naughtons podcast - More Than a Runner - with Feidhlim Kelly as guest - 1 hr 34mins of a rant by FK.
    I enjoyed the 1st hour, then found it mildly irritating.

    Some good guests on his podcast - its much more serious than Runnerbeans (still never got my free hat) - so I'll keep it on rotation.

    13.8 miles at 7.18 pace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    What's the story with the Rincons A? Was considering them earlier this year but a buddy of mine put me off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    What's the story with the Rincons A? Was considering them earlier this year but a buddy of mine put me off.

    Fact that they are named after a bad 90’s Colombian soccer player is reason enough for me to avoid them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    What's the story with the Rincons A? Was considering them earlier this year but a buddy of mine put me off.

    At €170 a pair - I was expecting something different than.

    I find them very hard on the feet - maybe I'm too used to the Nike zoom foam??
    that and the 5mm drop just dont make them a good shoe.

    I've a pair of Endorphin Speed on the way and I might invest in the Sacouny Triumph 18's - heard great things about them as a daily shoe.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Not logged on in a while - but still here. Still committed.

    Week 14th Dec-20th Dec: Ran 5 days - 2 days off

    43 Miles total - went away to GlenLo Abbey in Glway for a couple of nights - Dinner on a carraige from the Orient Express. Fancy Livin'

    Runs of note:
    (1) Steady run as described in my last post.
    (2) A re-introduction to faster intervals. 2x(5x400)

    Probably should have done a bit more planning for the 400's - As I set off, I realised I had no target pace/time - so just said I'd do them hard.
    1st set of 5 were ave 75 secs with 1 min recovery.
    400m Jog.
    2nd set of 5 were ave 76 secs with 1 min recovery

    Went home and discovered that Daniels recommends those paces with all being off 400m jog. Lesson learned - but I was sore for days afterwards.
    Lesson learned.

    Week Dec21st - Dec 27th 41 miles - 5 days running 2 days off
    5 easy paced runs, thanks to a niggle in the upper right quad/hip area.

    Longest run was 13.4m with the MSB group - good to catch up.

    Week Dec 28th - Jan 3rd: 54miles off 7 days running.

    Runs of note.
    Mon-Thurs: 4 easy paced runs - plenty of foam rolling and stretching. Hip is better - but Quad still present at times.

    Friday 1st: 11miles - WU-Lap of the park - cool down.
    I spent part of the morning foam rolling, stretching and doing activations. What an exciting New Years Day :)

    Went out in my new Endorphin Speeds - turned around after half a mile as I was slipping all over the place on them. The grip is useless in wet/icy conditions.
    Changed into the Zoom Fly and they felt much better in the damp/icy conditions - it was 11am so the ice was thawing.

    Done a steady run that turned out to be a progressive run - unbeknownst to me at the time - but happy none the less.
    Not a peep out of the quad/hip. Fastest mile was only a 6.40 - so not even MP.

    Sat: 5 miles easy - plenty of foam rolling.

    Sunday: Didn't go out til 12'ish - given the ice a chance to thaw out. Done no activation or foam rolling prior.
    Had to stop and stretch a couple of times in the 1st 5 miles - but the latter miles I could run without stopping.

    I need to better manage the quad this week - the hip seems to be clear - just a quad niggle.

    12m at 7.41

    54 miles for the week.

    December finished on 213 miles.
    2020 finished on 2771 miles. (4459km)

    Plans for 2021??

    (1) Sub 2.50 Marathon
    Berlin in September.
    Might also throw an entry into Manchester as security (+ maybe 1 more)

    (2) Sub 36m 10k (PB is 36.09)
    Hopefully we see some 10k's in early summer. Clonee / Dunshaughlin in June 2021 - hopeful?

    (3) a 5k PB - but this is a lessor goal as I know I'd need 4-5 attempts close together to learn the pain of 5ks again. Jingle bells 2021??

    (4) Reduce alcohol intake - I don't drink much, but I enjoy it more when I drink less. Maybe its a 'wine at home' reduction I need?

    (5) Log more and improve the quality of my logging. This place could be a gold mine - we need to keep it going and commit to it.

    I was going to start a JD plan next week - but will hold on that for now until the Quad is better.

    Happy New Year All.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Starting now for logger or log of the year 2021 ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Starting now for logger or log of the year 2021 ;)

    I will win everything.

    I've got a great post lined up for next November '21 - just before the awards, that includes kids crying, dogs, pussycats, me saving people from a burning house etc.

    Post of the year 2021 written all over it.

    My Berlin 2021 report is basically written. (I'll run 2.50.01 - but will have performed a resuscitation along the way).

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    More chance of Spurs winning the title than you winning Log of the Year.........

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    All your 2021 goals could be copied and pasted for me (apart from maybe the 2.50 marathon) especially the wine intake....

    I'm also gearing up for log of the year with my shiny new log. Lol.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    So last week wasn't a great week.

    I ran 7 days and amassed a grand total of 36 miles - all easy paced.

    I have this niggle on top of the quad/hip flexor/abductor region (hard to pinpoint) and it does not manifest itself in any way until I'm 2 miles into a run.
    It then causes a bit of discomfort and then dissipates again. I'm reluctant to push the pace or do any kind of quality session - so kept last week very light.
    I'm been foam rolling, self massage, pre-habbing and re-habbing - certainly getting better. I had a decent 7 miles on Sunday for my 'long run'.

    I'm trying to get an appointment with my ST this week - so will keep it all easy (might even take a rest day or 2 this week).

    Spent some time looking at different plans this week - I purchased a Marathon plan from Derek Hawkins and a 10k plan from Johnny Mellor - more so to get ideas for structure & sessions.
    Some really good ideas in the Hawkins plan that I'll look to incorporate.

    From a 10k perspective - I like the look of this - -
    but also the JD one is also tried and trusted for me.

    So this year will probably be;

    Jan-April: Back to 10k type sessions
    April-Mid May: Maintenance - hopefully racing!!
    May - Sept 26th: Marathon Training - probably a Daniels plan with a sprinkling of P&D / Hawkins/ NAZ.

    I think for Marathon training this time (with Cramps in mind) - I need to incorporate longer runs with longer bouts of intensity.
    So rather than doing all of Daniels type stuff, which is a lot of broken up efforts - I need to be doing longer steady runs, more longer MP runs.
    Not all the time - but incorporating it in.

    1st thing is to get myself back doing sessions hopefully next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Week 1, Day 2 - 6x1600m at 10k pace. Yikes!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Your niggle on the hip flexor\quad\glute\abdomen\chest\hip\back sounds similar to something I've been managing the last few days, I'm convinced its from too much sitting around during the xmas break.

    Nothing your ST won't be able to release I'm sure

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Week 1, Day 2 - 6x1600m at 10k pace. Yikes!
    Don't forget 5x1km @3k pace with 600 recovery :pac:

    The advanced 10km plan on that site looks pretty hard-core too with 3 sessions a week starting in week 5 plus a long run. Quite an interesting read all the same. Thanks for sharing AMK

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Week 1, Day 2 - 6x1600m at 10k pace. Yikes!

    yeah but - 10k pace is currently last years marathon pace :P
    And just 'cos I like the look of it - doesn't mean I'll be doing it.

    Just for reference theres other plans too:
    Its a decent website.

    I'll be doing something higglty pigglty - I haven't followed a plan since August.
    Normally - I'd have gone through 3 coaches and 56 plans in that timeframe.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Duanington wrote: »
    Your niggle on the hip flexor\quad\glute\abdomen\chest\hip\back sounds similar to something I've been managing the last few days, I'm convinced its from too much sitting around during the xmas break.

    Nothing your ST won't be able to release I'm sure

    I blame the lack of drinking.
    Since I cut back after christmas/NY, my running has been $hite.

  • Registered Users Posts: 343 ✭✭MrMacPhisto

    So last week wasn't a great week.
    From a 10k perspective - I like the look of this - -

    Best of luck with the niggle recovery.

    That looks like a very intensive plan. Some very big sessions in there. Is it similar to the JD stuff? The 5-6x800 at 10k pace three days before RACE DAY looks a bit crazy to me. Is this RACE DAY the target race or is the idea to prepare you for a series of races?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Best of luck with the niggle recovery.

    That looks like a very intensive plan. Some very big sessions in there. Is it similar to the JD stuff? The 5-6x800 at 10k pace three days before RACE DAY looks a bit crazy to me. Is this RACE DAY the target race or is the idea to prepare you for a series of races?

    For clarity - I'm not actually following the plan to the letter - Its moreso the structure that I like - its a little bit different to JD.

    on the race week workouts..............

    The week I set my 5k PB - I was given a workout on a Tuesday (Race was Friday) 3x1k+4x800. I thought Luke (coach at the time) was mad.

    I've never attempted that since & only got close to my PB once. (even in the cheat shoes - my PB was in flats).

    There could be something in those pre-race workouts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 343 ✭✭MrMacPhisto

    For clarity - I'm not actually following the plan to the letter - Its moreso the structure that I like - its a little bit different to JD.

    on the race week workouts..............

    The week I set my 5k PB - I was given a workout on a Tuesday (Race was Friday) 3x1k+4x800. I thought Luke (coach at the time) was mad.

    I've never attempted that since & only got close to my PB once. (even in the cheat shoes - my PB was in flats).

    There could be something in those pre-race workouts.

    I tend to do a mini-session the week of a 5 - 10k race. Maybe a mix of 200/400 reps and a km at race pace on the Tuesday before a weekend race.

    3 days out with nearly 5k at Race Pace jars with me a little, but I don't have any experience either way to say its good or bad :D Only one way to find out I guess :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Interesting on the raceweek workout.

    The same fella gave me this four days before my 10k PB;
    3 x 1200m @ 6:00/mile (conservative 10k pace at the time)
    3 x 600m @ 5:45/mile (conservative 5k pace at the time)
    2min Recovery for each

    Not sure how much can be read into it though - whether there's genius behind it or just a case of racing while training rather than peaking and tapering for a specific target race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Interesting on the raceweek workout.

    The same fella gave me this four days before my 10k PB;
    3 x 1200m @ 6:00/mile (conservative 10k pace at the time)
    3 x 600m @ 5:45/mile (conservative 5k pace at the time)
    2min Recovery for each

    Not sure how much can be read into it though - whether there's genius behind it or just a case of racing while training rather than peaking and tapering for a specific target race.

    And my 10m PB was 7 days after my 5m PB.

    ....................Did I ever tell you of the time I broke 60..............

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Memories flooding back of reading the wrong week on the plan and after racing a 5k on the Monday, mistakenly running 16x400m hard on the Wednesday which led me in nicely 10k race on the Saturday. PB's across the board that week :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    And my 10m PB was 7 days after my 5m PB.

    ....................Did I ever tell you of the time I broke 60..............

    I vaguely recall........................

    I wonder do we stress a bit too much about target races and do best when not overthinking it......................

    Although we rarely overthink things :pac::pac::pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    healy1835 wrote: »
    Memories flooding back of reading the wrong week on the plan and after racing a 5k on the Monday, mistakenly running 16x400m hard on the Wednesday which led me in nicely 10k race on the Saturday. PB's across the board that week :)

    9.87km PB that week wasnt it :P:P:P

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    9.87km PB that week wasnt it :P:P:P
    Sadly yes. But pretending it's a real PB makes me commit to sub 35 next time out :)
