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The main thing is keeping the main thing, the main thing



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Its a good question - So going on my interpretation of LT - its between 10k & 10m pace - so I'd say between 5.50-6.00 on a really good day - but more than likely between 5.55 and 6.05 today.

    I've been doing LT work at 5.55 during the past year, but I'm not going to get hung up on the exact number - as it changes based on how you are on the day.

    In this upcoming 6 week block, I'm trying to work on a realistic set of paces, rather than a aspirational ego driven set of paces - my workout paces will be;

    Goal MP: 6.20 (current MP=???)
    Current HMP= 6.10-6.15
    Current Tempo=6.05-6.10
    Current 10k= 5.55-6.05

    By the end of this block - I'll have a better idea of those paces and hopefully they will all have improved.

    My 6 week block is informed by Daniels/NAZ and a podcast I listened to recently (4 times) ;) - from a guy most of us all know & love :p

    That’s a savage goal MP, best of luck with it.


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    That’s a savage goal MP, best of luck with it.


    yeah, but I'll be punching the cramp outta my legs for the last 2-3 miles, no matter what the pace!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: I had a planned day off work - so made the most of the fine weather.

    AM: Drove to the PP and ran down to the Khyber, the long way - theres 2 trail hills down there that are perfect for hill sprints.
    12 seconds up - then walk across the top to the other hill, back down, wait 12-20 secs for the 2 mins total - and go again.

    Done 6 of these - they felt very tough, so must have done them right!

    Jogged up to the Furze road and done some strides.
    total: 8.4 miles

    Monday Lunch: Went out on a bike ride with Mrs AMK to the PP - stopped for coffee and back home along the canal.
    10 miles cycle.

    Monday (after lunch but before dinner): Brought the dog to the PP for a good 90min walk.

    Monday (after dinner and before bed :) ): Brought the dog out again for 30 mins.

    Knackered after that.

    Tuesday: Pilates at lunch and a nice run down to the PP and back again.

    6.6m at 8.30 pace.

    Session - out a bit later than usual for this - so knew I'd be chasing daylight as it was a 'volumous' session.
    This is one I had seen a few times in various 'Lactate Clearing' articles - also seen it on a Magness plan in a similar, but slightly different format.
    This particular version, I got from a good podcast that I listened to with a well renowned coach based in Co. Kerry - some may know him as Stazza.

    8x(3min Tempo / 1min easy/ 1 min 5k / 3min easy) (Magness version has the meatier reps at 4x1mile with the faster and slower reps)

    - the thought process is that the easy portion helps the legs become better at moving the lactate through the system as it builds up throughout the session.

    The 1st 4-5 reps were fine - the 6th and 7th rep were tough and the last rep was just about getting it done.
    I'm not sure I'd have done another rep, or maybe I would, but it would have been ugly.

    The 3min paces were approx 5.55 - 6 min/mile with the 5k being 5.40'ish.
    The 3 mins recoveries were sub 8's - if I was doing it again, I'd slow this portion down.

    When I started the 'tough' part of the session - I had 2.25miles on my watch - by the end of it I was over 11 miles on the watch - so its a bit of a monster in terms of volume - with 9+ miles of volume - but still 'only' 32 mins of harder work.
    The 9 miles averaged out well under 6.45 pace for each mile.

    Overall session came to 14 miles with WU/CD

    Certainly one I'd repeat again - there are so many ways to vary this and progress this.

    For me - 8 reps was enough for now.

    14.0 miles at 7.10 ave.

  • Registered Users Posts: 735 ✭✭✭Treviso


    This particular version, I got from a good podcast that I listened to with a well renowned coach based in Co. Kerry - some may know him as Stazza.

    8x(3min Tempo / 1min easy/ 1 min 5k / 3min easy) (Magness version has the meatier reps at 4x1mile with the faster and slower reps)

    - the thought process is that the easy portion helps the legs become better at moving the lactate through the system as it builds up throughout the session.

    The 1st 4-5 reps were fine - the 6th and 7th rep were tough and the last rep was just about getting it done.
    I'm not sure I'd have done another rep, or maybe I would, but it would have been ugly.

    The 3min paces were approx 5.55 - 6 min/mile with the 5k being 5.40'ish.
    The 3 mins recoveries were sub 8's - if I was doing it again, I'd slow this portion down.

    When I started the 'tough' part of the session - I had 2.25miles on my watch - by the end of it I was over 11 miles on the watch - so its a bit of a monster in terms of volume - with 9+ miles of volume - but still 'only' 32 mins of harder work.
    The 9 miles averaged out well under 6.45 pace for each mile.

    Overall session came to 14 miles with WU/CD

    Certainly one I'd repeat again - there are so many ways to vary this and progress this.

    For me - 8 reps was enough for now.

    I had a similar session a few weeks back (10 reps though) so know how tough it is. Serious pressure on the quads and calves. The idea is to blow up towards the end. I saw a big increase in my tempo pace a couple of weeks after doing that session

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thursday: This has become my recovery day - probably when I'm at my 'tiredest' for the week.
    My shoulder has been at me for a while - so gave Pilates a miss.

    4.2m/8.26 pace.

    Doggy issues all week as the poor thing is a bit sick - so was up 3-4 times with him during the night.

    Friday: Legs still feeling the effects of Wednesdays session - no doubt it will take me a few weeks to get used to these 'two big sessions' per week.

    6m/8.20 pace

    Up again with doggy - not good prep for the long run.

    Saturday: Session - another one 'borrowed' from the Stazza catalogue. - WU - 8@MP'ish - CD.
    I went out with the intention of doing these in the 6.20-6.30 region, but giving myself the 'ok' to do later miles at 6.45 if things got tough (e.g. tired after the Wednesday session/ disrupted sleep from the Madra).

    I was out about 8.30 thinking that I haven't ran a session at this time in a long long time!! I was wondering how the body would react.
    I wore the endorphins for this one.

    2.5m warm up to the CK gate and I was into it - the route was going to be the 5m loop (north road/zoo/chesterfield).
    I knew from the 1st mile that it was going to be tougher than I thought - a couple of weeks ago, I ran a similar session on the hilly side of the park with no real issue - today felt tougher, more than likely as a result of Wednesday's session.
    The pace averaged 6.24 for 8 miles - a couple of 6.18 miles in there too, with some surges for the craic.

    This is one I'll do again and progress it.

    Finished the WU & Meat of the session with 10.4m at 6,43 - followed by a 4.5m hilly cool down.

    15m for the day - really enjoyed it - you really cant beat a long workout like these.

    Sunday: Sat night was Wifeys B'Day and I had far too much wine.
    Woke up bright eyed though - and done a decent 6miles - 8.14 pace.

    Followed up with 10mile cycle with wifey to get a coffee. Park was bedlam.
    I dont think I've seen the Furze road so busy (apart from a race day).

    Anyway - 60 miles for the week.
    237 miles for the Month.
    28/28 days running.
    Last rest day was Christmas day.

    I was thinking about my previous Marathon training - I broke up my MP miles so often (5m/4m/3m etc) whereas there's a lot of merit in doing them straight.
    I'm reading a lot of coaching methods where this is the norm. I'm convinced this approach (not breaking it up as much) will help with my cramping (as well as punching the bejaysus out of my legs and the fortnightly Pilates).

    This week - my midweek run will be a Daniels inspired one (broken tempo) and my weekend will be a Stazza inspired one (Longer than this week at MP+45s).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    I hope the dog is on the mend!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    How do you find the form holds up when you just run those MP miles straight?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I hope the dog is on the mend!

    Was getting there until last night - a trip to the vet methinks!
    How do you find the form holds up when you just run those MP miles straight?

    I think in the case of the weekends session - this is goal MP as opposed to MP - so I guess its meant to be harder initially until you build up to it.

    Only the last mile felt a bit tough, where form might be slipping - and I made it easier by not going up Chesterfield, but turning back on myself to get the last 0.5m downhill :)

    These runs will build every couple of weeks - maybe being so far out from a Marathon - I should have ran these in the 6.30-6.40 range (rather than as GMP) and then progress the distance initially, then cut back and progress the pace.

    But one of my 'metrics' in this 6 week block is to run 10m at goal MP (6.20's) in a normal weeks training.
    I could run 10m at 6.20 tomorrow - but it would be harder than MP effort - so I want to build to it and get it done at an effort I know I can progress.

    No idea if the above makes any sense - but its very clear in my head :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday 1st March:
    Parked at Whites Gate in the PP at 5pm - I love the fact that we'll have the next 7 months of being able to do that.
    When other things are taken away - daylight is a positive!!

    As easy mini lap on the trails/grass and done 6 hill sprints towards the end.

    7m total.

    Tuesday 2nd March:
    Threw on the Epic Reacts and ran from home - main intention on this run was to keep the HR low.

    Listened to Aoife Cooke on 'MTAR' , Luke O'Neill on PK and the end of Pierce O'Callaghan on RB - Prof Luke O'Neill is such a positive voice these days - following up with Pierce O'C was a massive dose of positivity in 1 day. Aoife Cooke is top class too.

    Kept the run very controlled, to the point that I could literally have ran forever. Loved the Reacts again.

    7.5m at 8.40 pace

    Wednesday: Session day - 2x2m + 1m at tempo pace.

    Up before 6 this morning with the dog - so was 'dog tired' going into this session.

    I put on the Endorphins again for this.
    I went into this fairly confident of nailing the distance - the pace, well, I'd see how the 1st mile went and evaluate.

    Just under a 3m warm up with a couple of strides and was off.
    I was using the 2m loop again by Chesterfield/North road/triangle - a very fair route, fast becoming my goto.

    Pace wise - I was allowing myself to drop to 6.10's if needed to complete the session.

    1st mile beeped at 6.04 and I knew that once that was out of the way, I'd be grand - I kept going and turned up chesterfield, finishing the 2m in 12.06.
    Felt fantastic on the 2nd mile - I was considering doing a straight 5m rather than breaking it up - but no - I'm sensible now :)
    My recovery was a 2min jog at a remarkable 8.20 pace.

    2nd 2 mile was pretty good too - felt very strong on it, again considered doing a straight 3 mile, but didn't.
    2nd 2m was 12:00 flat. 2min rec at 8.45.

    Now onto the final 1 mile - ran this well - finished in 5.59.

    Very happy with this session - didn't think I'd have the paces so close to 6's.

    12.1m total.

    Was very tired on Wednesday night - between work being absolutely mental and a sick dog that apparently only I can hear in the middle of the night (he's much improved now) - I was wiped.

    Thursday: recovery.

    Was going to take a rest day, but felt that a slow 3 miles would suit me better.
    3.6m at 9 min/miles was just the job.

    Legs & head felt great after that.

    Really liking the 2 big runs approach - it always seems to get me fitter, really fast. Its also very flexible for the other days.
    I just need to structure it a bit better going forward to ensure I'm not training aimlessly, but have a planned approach.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Glad to hear the dog is better A.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Friday: Parked on Whites road and done a lovely lap of the park - kept mostly to the trails.

    7.3m / 8.12 pace

    Saturday: Session / Long run day.

    The plan today was 12m@7.05, nope, 3@7/3@6.45/3@6.30/1@6.20, nope, 8@6.20 ...............made up as I went along.

    After a 7.30 warm up mile, I found myself speeding up from planned pace and just went with it.
    Was touching 6.30's for the last 7 miles - finished at 10 miles of effort.

    Kinda undisciplined session, but still got something from it.
    Thinking that I need to keep the efforts shorter and the pace quicker if I'm to make a dent in my TH level.

    with a WU it was 11miles at 6.44 pace.

    3.5m cool down.

    90 mins in the dog park with the madra later on - he's back to his best.

    14.5 for the day.

    Sunday: Down the canal and back into the PP - glorious day for running.
    2 hours walk with Kobi in the PP later on.

    7.2 miles / 8.20 pace.

    59m for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: Nice lap of the park - kept it easy enough.

    7.8m at 8.11 pace

    Tuesday: An easy plod - ran from home to the park, back home - listened to part of Kevin Dooney on MTAR - played 2 of my favourite artists/songs on this (Frightened Rabbit & Glen Hansard).
    The man has a great story to tell and tells it very well.

    7.3m at 8.25 pace.

    Wednesday: I've had a sore shoulder for a couple of weeks now - so went to my ST today and got it looked at - she also done a good bit of work on my back which was very tight.

    Went out later for a session - I had a 20min tempo on the cards.
    Given the breeze and the work on my back - I was tempted to push this to Thursday but went out anyway.

    20 mins went as 5.55 / 5.57 / 5.56 / 6.05 for the last bit.
    Most of it was with a side on wind - the last 4-5 mins was into a tough headwind which had me suffering by the end.

    total was 7.75 miles.

    Thursday: easy 5mile run in between meetings. 8m @ 8.22

    In other news, I am now a coached athlete again as of this week.
    I've put a lot of thought into the decision and the choice this time.

    'Coach John' has quite a good caliber of athletes on his books, including National Champions and multiple sub 2.15-2.30 marathoners - quite a number based in the South, where he's based as well as a number of international athletes (US/Kenya/UK).

    After a 90 min meeting with him on Tuesday, I liked what I heard and the way my training will pan out for the coming weeks and months.
    There are a lot of attributes to this coaching set up that I really like, namely 2 big sessions per week, the long run has 'stuff' in it.
    A clear plan of progression is clear and evident to me.

    I've had access to his private group for a couple of weeks and have taken some recent sessions from this group, I've also seen the progress of certain athletes that joined at a similar level to me.

    Hopefully this becomes a successful long term arrangement - as I say, the training plan is one that I like and similar to my own training as of late and mimics some of the training I done under Daniels - although he doesn't like the daniels comparison - what I mean is the 2 voluminous sessions, easy runs other days, plenty of TH/tempo/MP'ish - with a sprinkling of 5k paced work.

    Healy.............I'm coming for you :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 735 ✭✭✭Treviso

    Welcome to the group A, great bunch of people in there. I'm sure you will enjoy the training as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,455 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Fascinating. Best of luck with this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Healy.............I'm coming for you :P

    But you still have the only PB that matters over me. So it is actually your good self who is still in my crosshairs...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Nice one A. Does this mean Strava and the log might be taking a sabbatical or is there no issue with the training being in public view? Would hate to think we wouldn't be able to follow your progression under the new coach.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Not a move I ever foresaw, best of luck with it Alan. Hope it goes well & you see the gains in race times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Nice one A. Does this mean Strava and the log might be taking a sabbatical or is there no issue with the training being in public view? Would hate to think we wouldn't be able to follow your progression under the new coach.

    Not an issue.
    If there was I'd still be self coached.

    Strava is one of the ways the coach keeps tabs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Not a move I ever foresaw, best of luck with it Alan. Hope it goes well & you see the gains in race times.

    Neither did I as I don't know many coached by him, so had limited visibility.

    Some recent podcasts had me captured, I listened to one about 4 times, even taking notes.

    This led me to look deeper, I got an invite to the private strava club, and a long chat.
    What I found out was quite impressive.

    What I will be is open and honest here about it, but from what I know about the next few weeks, I'll be a happy lad!

    If I don't win DCM in 2022 though, that's it........

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Does he have any tips on hamstring cramps?

    Best of luck with the new coach A. Interesting times indeed...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    ariana` wrote: »
    Does he have any tips on hamstring cramps?


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler


    Was his tip to punch it harder?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Friday: Nice easy run to the PP after work - interestingly, 6.66 miles burned 666 calories!!

    Saturday: Session: 30WU/40@6.20/30CD

    Good to have this on the plan, although I didn't give it the correct respect it deserved, partly due to the wind.

    Up Early enough, 1 piece toast, 1 coffee and out (after the J.Johnson lunge matrix :) )

    Weather was a bit damp out, so wore the Zoom flys rather than the Speeds.

    30mins WU - down by the canal and into the park.
    I reckoned this 40mins would be 6+ miles, so started by doing the 1st 2 miles into a stiff enough breeze, bit of respite on mile 3 but took a 20sec break (no more than this) on Chesterfield as I was red-lining going into the strongest headwind in the history of headwinds!

    I went up Chesterfield and turned down the North Road - wind at my back for a bit, then side on, I stopped again as I passed the Zoo, but this was partly due to cross the road, but in reality, I welcomed the break - again 20-30 seconds, then got going again to finish with a bit of a tailwind on the Conygham Road (I can never spell that).

    The 30 mins run home into the headwind was horrible - If I ever trained for a marathon and then had to run it in those conditions, I just wouldn't. I'd keep a plan B in place.

    14.3 miles (ave 7.16)

    6miles @ 6.20 were 6.22?6.25/6.16/6.15/6.24/6.22 (6.34 for last bit) - the whole lot averaged 6.22 pace.

    Not too disappointed with stopping a couple of times - it was atrocious out there.

    Sunday: Easy few miles down the canal and back home by the PP - really loving these slower runs.
    7.1 @ 8.34 in the Epic Reacts.............a great trainer.

    56 miles in total.

    Nice to see the 1st full weeks training come in - deliah & excitah for the week to come. (not much change on recent weeks :) but fantastic to know theres a plan in place to improve my running)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: ran from home to the Furry Glen - 6x12sec hill sprints - ran home. Simples.

    7.5 miles

    Tuesday: I done Pilates at lunch time for the 1st time in about 2 weeks. Nice class.
    Easy run after work - got my daughter to drop me off close to the PP as she was visiting her BF - this would mean more time in the park.
    Legs felt a bit tired in the early miles but woke up as the run went on.

    7m @8.15

    Wednesday: Session 20min Tempo + 10min Tempo (5 mins rec)

    I was a tad apprehensive about this session as I had felt last weeks tempo had me close to redline - defo more than 10 mile effort last week.
    Prior to the run, I had done some activation work and also made sure I fueled correctly - something I was taking for granted recently, but improved on today.

    I approached today with a wider range - allowing myself to run at 6.05's if required.
    My plan was to run the 1st mile at 6.05 and then move up a few secs.
    I was going to use the 2m loop North Road/Chesterfield for this one.
    Legs felt good - the Endorphin Speeds were the shoe of choice - I always loved these shoes :).

    20 min WU with some strides and I was off.

    Once I found my pace - I didn't look at the watch too much - remember my plan for a 6.05 1st mile........Mile 1: 5.47.

    I didn't worry - I felt good, dropped it a little but not too much - The turn back up Chesterfield didn't happen due to a large contingent of bikes blocking the path - turned left down Chesterfield instead, realising that my 10min tempo would bring me back up Chesterfield. Mile 2 5.56.

    Turned to go onto the Polo grounds for the last mile - but that was packed with people, so just ran around the outside of it - 5.50 for the last mile. The final 2.20 mins or so were tough going from the zoo up C'Field. but managed that ok in 6.01.

    Unlike last week - I felt good at this point - a 30 second rest, then onto the recovery - it amazing how 8min/mile feels like 15 min miles after a tempo like that. 5mins at 8.08.

    I wasn't worried about the final piece - its just 10 mins - up Chesterfield, zig zagging the others enjoying the great weather. Turn down the North Road, Finish by the Aras.
    5.51 for the 1st mile - 5.56 for the 4 mins.

    Really enjoyed that session - 20 min cool down back to the car.

    10.7 miles total.

    Cant wait for Saturdays session. Motivation is high.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thursday: Just under 5 miles very easy. Missed Pilates to watch the Spurs $h!t show - must do the recording (Pilates - not the match) later or tomorrow.

    4.85m @8.43 pace

    Friday: After work miles to the PP - legs felt like lead on this one - I stopped midway for about 5-10 mins to do some stretching and activations etc to wake the legs up - they felt much better after that - shoulda done them before the run!!

    Saturday Session - 2WU / 12at 6.40 / 2CD

    Cant wait for Saturdays session. Motivation is high.

    I was really looking forward to this all week - I love these long steady runs.
    I wasn't apprehensive about it as I had done similar runs recently, so knew I could get through it alright.

    I had eaten well on Friday in prep for this and had toast/coffee for breakfast.

    Done some activation work/stretching before hand and set off on the 2m warm up.
    Started out on the faster paced section and after the 1st mile, I changed my route to an easier one as it didn't feel too comfortable.
    Going down the North Road at 6.35's-6.40's should have felt easy, but I was really struggling and considered binning the session after 2-3 miles and doing it on Sunday.
    Kept it going hoping for a 2nd wind - at the 6 mile mark I went up Military hill in the PP and it was like everything had just zapped out of me - I was totally depleted.
    I took a min or so to gather mysely and tried to get going again - lasted a mile and just stopped by the Aras - my last mile was 7.08 and it felt like mile effort.

    Last time I felt like this was at a Marathon many years ago when I blew up big time. Jogged back home.

    13.5m for the day

    Some key takeaways here:
    (1) $hit runs happen - I'm not concerned.
    (2) Coach warned me that there would be $hit runs in the cycle.
    (3) I'm writing it off and not too bothered about it.


    I'm going to build 1 day per week into the schedule as a rest day for the next while.
    I haven't taken a rest day this year...............

    Sunday: A Momentous day - a rest day.
    I woke up and the legs felt heavy. Decided there and then to take a rest day and the legs instantly felt better :)

    51m for the week.

    For next week
    • My 2 sessions build on previous runs - so I need to respect them execute them well - no faster paces - try to hit the prescribed pace.
    • Rest day Thursday
    • Make the easy days really easy.
    • Pilates x2 / Do the stretching and activation work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: 30 mins easy - 8x12secs hill sprints - 30 mins easy.

    Done the hill sprints on a hill trail by the Furry Glen (opposite the Furze/OS intersection) - had to use stones to keep count :)

    Kept the run fairly easy.

    8m total.

    Tuesday: Done Pilates at lunch and went out after work - down the canal, back into the park and home.

    7.7 miles at 8.20 pace.

    Wednesday: Session: 20mins WU / 20min Tempo / 5min Rec / 15min Tempo/ 20 CD

    I knew this was going to be tough due to the weather.
    I had drawn confidence from last weeks session (20T + 10T) and had spoken to the coach regarding running at the correct effort rather than pace when facing hills/wind etc.
    My pacing plan was to do the initial mile closer to 6.05's and work into it rather than banging out a quick 1st mile and causing some fatigue for the later piece.

    I wore the Zoom fly 3's for this rather than the Speeds as I was expecting rain.
    20 min warm up included 4 strides and I set off.

    I do think I need to work on my 1st mile pacing - as with last week - my 1st mile was too quick at 5.51 - this was a mixture of into/with the wind and up/down the drags.
    2nd mile was straight forward - wind assisted so I didn't mind the faster time - again a 5.51.
    3rd mile had part into a headwind that wrecked me a bit - pace slowed to 5.58 with the last 2+ mins being at 6min pace.

    So a good 1st 20 mins - happy with that - now the 'real' session.
    I took 5 mins recovery - was close to 8 min miles but again felt like I was walking.

    The 2nd 15 min began going up the North Road, as I was turning up past the bend at Ashtown, the wind was getting problematic and the pace was dwindling - so rather than push through it - I done a 180 after the 1st mile (6.04) and went back down the North road for the 2nd mile (via the triangle) 5.59 pace for mile2.
    The North Road is a funny Road - as you get closer to the Zoo, you can feel the breeze coming at you, whereas it was a tail wind at the top of the road - I'll never really understand Anemology..................ahem..........I knew what that was..........

    The last 3 mins were a bit tough - covered them in 6.12 pace. I could have pushed a tad harder I guess, but the effort was good.

    So: 1st 20mins in 5.53 / 2nd 15mins in 6.05.
    20mins back to the car.

    11.2m total for the day.

    I think next week will be 20T + 20T: so I may need to execute the 1st mile a bit better, maybe slow down the recovery and pray to Jebus that the wind is a bit calmer :)

    Walked the dog later that evening and also done some stretching.

    Rest day (another one!) on Thursday - apart from Pilates.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    had to use stones to keep count :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Really solid training A. Great to see. Do you always drop the speeds on a wet day?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    MY BAD wrote: »
    Really solid training A. Great to see. Do you always drop the speeds on a wet day?

    Yep, I've come to accept that the speeds are the best trainer out there for all paces.
    But on wet days, they are to too slippy, so I wear the zoom flys.
    Love to know if its just me.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Yep, I've come to accept that the speeds are the best trainer out there for all paces.
    But on wet days, they are to too slippy, so I wear the zoom flys.
    Love to know if its just me.

    Have you tried the fuelcell TC?
