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  • Registered Users Posts: 735 ✭✭✭Treviso

    That was a cracking session for the 15x2', was only looking at it this morning. Very consistent with those fast splits. You've probably seen the improvements already with the base training you're on, imagine what will happen when you go to the super base and the "big boy" sessions

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    I'd love to see you run a 5k or 10k TT. You're in very interesting shape! Id expect PB shape for both probably?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I'd love to see you run a 5k or 10k TT. You're in very interesting shape! Id expect PB shape for both probably?

    That is a very appropriate adjective!

    Currently, I'm still in base building - but the type of running I'm doing should make me stronger, especially over 10k. I'd be confident of getting close to my 10k PB.

    for 5k - it is indeed interesting as I'm not too sure and would like to see how the next number of weeks progress.
    In the past 2-3 years, I've trained specifically for 5ks and ran 17.3x / I've been in marathon training and ran 17.3x / I've not been training for anything and ran 17.3x!!

    I think I've ran sub 17.30 only twice (17.24 & 17.27).

    I'm very confident that in a few months time, I'll break my 5k PB!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Wednesday: Rest day

    Thursday: Felt very ropey on Thursday morning - the body was giving me that 'Dont run' vibe that I NEVER get (haven't been sick since God was a Boy).

    I had hill sprints on the agenda, so decided to just run easy and dont do the hills - was heading home after 3 miles when I met a buddy, so ran with her for a bit - nice and easy - caught in the rain again.

    Had a shower - had dinner and brought the dog down to the PP - got caught in the pi$$ing rain again.

    7.9m / 8.20 pace

    Friday: Was woken up at 2.30am and again at 5,30am by the dog - ended up feeling $hite all day Friday.
    I took a sick day and stayed i bed - didn't run.

    Felt a lot better and with the decent weather - I went out for a 90min walk and then an hour easy run - felt fine all day Sat.

    7.1m / 8.10 pace.

    Sunday Had a great nights sleep - but woke up feeling very much on the 'meh' side. The lashing rain meant there was no chance of me running in it - I probably would have died :)

    Spent the rest of the day convincing my family that I don't have Covid. (must go for a test if not improved on Monday)

    A bad end to the week.

    35miles for the week.

    I've a decent squad assembled for the TT on Saturday for Mr H.
    Just hope that I'm healthy enough to take part :(

    I registered for my vaccine this week (as I'm old) - I bet you I'll be called on Saturday morning at 10am!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: No running

    Tuesday: No Running

    Wednesday: No Running

    Thursday: No Running.

    Glad I updated that.
    Checked my excel file that I keep - last time I missed a run due to illness (not injury) was Aug 2019 - I was sick prior to F.Duffy 10 miler - which caused me to DNF.
    Prior to that - I've no record prior to 2015!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Friday 28th:
    Couldn't wait to finish work and get out on a run - I was off work on Thursday as my voice had totally gone - spent the day in bed.
    Woke up Friday like a new man.

    Threw on the Invincibles and done a lap of the PP - The North Road is open again - I thought momentarily about changing the route for Saturdays time trial, but decided against it - it was going to be a warm one and running up Chesterfield in that heat would shur kill ya!

    8 miles at 8.06 pace

    Here follows a Race report for a race that wasn't a race and I didn't do it. Go Figure.

    Big day today - Healys TT - I had got a few heads together to help out for this, including Aoife Cooke (who was in Dublin to do the Late Late Show).
    There were people dong a 10m TT from the training group, plus another friend who was doing 10k (ended up doing 4 mile).

    Others had also volunteered to run with them and Demfad was on hand to act as a back marker on the OS road to help with traffic.

    I was also going to be going around on the bike - stopping traffic, giving water etc - so tere was a 'race feel' to the day.

    Like all good race directors, my day started brilliantly by waking up at 9am (never ever happens!) - 45 mins before I had planned to meet them.
    Got ready and got the bike out - Flat tire...NO!! $hit
    Couldn't find the pump......$hit.
    Changed clothes again and was getting into the car - daughter found the pump.

    Kept the running gear on - and manically pumped up the tyre - half way through - the pump broke. I was sweating buckets. It would have to do. Tried to fit the bike i my wifes car - no good - jesus, this was stressful.

    Eventually made it down to the Popes cross carpark only 2 mins late - the stress of the last 45 mins was gone.

    Met everyone - done the intros - told them the plan - re-iterated the dodgy parts of the route and set them off on their warm up.
    About 10.05am - we were at the start point - I shoulda brought a whistle - but they were set off on low key 'go on, start now' :)

    I went ahead on the bike to make sure they turned at the 2nd turn at the triangle on the North Road - then hightailed it across to take photos and stop traffic as they moved across chesterfield to the other side of the road - Demfad was up above on the OS - but no sign of Johnny - $hit has he fallen off already! - No, his lace opened!! Thankfully a training buddy ran with him until he found the group.
    The furze Road was the designated water station - made sure AC & Johnny got their water - Aoife was moving ahead a bit but came back to the group for a bit as I dont think she knew the way :).

    The Traffic Marshalling at the roundabout at the top of Chesterfield was a bit haphazard, but they got through them.

    Probably by the 6th mile - Johnny was on his own - Aoife inadvertently took the 1st turn at the triangle, so moved much further ahead - Jan had slowed down slightly on her 10m TT as the heat took its toll and Johnnys buddy was a bit behind.

    And so this went on. It was a solo effort from here. I done my best to stay with Johnny on the bike - but had to look after the others too.
    I stayed with Johnny at mile 7/8/9 coaxing him through - telling him how brilliant Man U were.
    At this stage he was in trouble - I considered putting the idea in his head to do a 10m TT but didn't - it would have been an easy 'out'.

    I flew off to catch the finish for the 10 milers and then made it back to Johnny - he was in a world of pain by mile 11.
    He told me was was going to run on the hard shoulder, but as he turned off the Furze Road, he took a bad stumble in the mud - it threw him a bit - but we kept going. The pace was slowing.

    Coming around the North Road - I discovered that I had got my finish line wrong, but facing the ever busy traffic on Chesterfield would have been bad for Johnny - he made the deciaion himself to do the last mile on the North Road - it was like he found a new cadence and his grunting had stopped (I thought he was giving birth at one stage, he was working so hard) His pace had noticeably increased. He went from a 6.12 12th mile to running in the high 5.50's for the last mile
    He cracked out a 5.58 and then a 5.21 for the last bit for a fantastic finish to an extremely brave Time Trial - more than half of it was done solo.

    Anyway - I'll let JH go into the gory details.

    I went home - had breakfast :) - then went out for a few miles myself - the legs a bit tired from the bike.

    5.7miles at 8.09 pace.

    Came home and had a quick shower then off for the Moderna Vacine in City west - of course, halfway there, I remember that I forgot my ID - such a day.
    Eventually got there and was in a huge Q - 2 hours later - jabbed and home!

    Brought the dog out for a 90min walk in the PP - what an evening!!

    Such a busy day.

    Sunday: Coach had asked me to do a light session - a Progressive 20min Tempo from 7min/miles down to 6.15's.

    Done my warm up - and was off - I had broken it down into 4x5mins sections. (6.51 / 6.40/ 6.23/ 6.00) - last bit was a tad fast, but hey - thats ok.
    No after effects of the vaccine or last weeks illness - the legs were a bit tired from yesterdays exertions though!

    8m total.

    22 Miles for the week

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Bless me Father etc etc............

    Monday 31st May: Just over 8 miles in the PP - ran around the Peoples Garden, which is very hilly and probably why I dont do it too often!
    Quite tired today - took a few breaks in the sun.

    8.1miles - 8.31 pace.

    Tuesday: Light Session: 20m at 6.15 pace.

    20 min WU to Whites Gate inc some strides.
    20 mins Tempo down the North Road, around the triangle - back up Chesterfield and onto the OS road.
    20mins cool down.

    Legs felt a bit tired during this - but got through it ok.


    Wed: Rest Day.

    Thursday: 12x12 sec hill sprints

    Jogged down to St Marys hospital, I had the 12 hills programmed into the watch, which worked out well - saves me looking for twigs!!

    8.4m total

    Friday: Had a day off on Friday, went out at 10:30 - down the canal and into the Park, back home.
    My Glutes were a bit 'meh' after the hill sprints - it was my 1st time doing them in 3 weeks so took it very easy.

    8m in 8.38 pace.

    Saturday: Session 10at6.45 pace
    Another session that the coach was using to get me back into the swing of things.

    2m warm up and strides and set off. It was quite warm and humid out, kept the initial miles to the top end of the park - no hills.
    It was similar to the route I'd done for Healys TT - after 6-7 miles I was getting sick of it too!!

    I was feeling strong enough - but working at the same time.
    As I was coming around by the Polo grounds - I had to whip off the top - drenched with sweat. Bad move (as I had to put it back on later :( )

    The last mile running on Chapelizod Road towards Donore felt tough - but it actually felt better than the last time I had done this session.

    Average pace was 6.40 for the 10 miles.

    14.5 miles total.

    I weighed myself after the run and I was 173 pounds - I cant remember the last time I seen that on a weighing scales!!
    Thats 12st 5 in old money - or 78.4kg in Bitcoin.

    I didn't weigh myself before hand but later on that night I checked and I had put on 6 lbs.
    I've spoken to coach about this and will monitor it here going fwd.

    Sunday: a lovely 8 miles down to the PP and home by the Canal - beautiful day out there.

    8m / 8.30 pace.

    55 miles for the week.

    So May was a bit of a disaster to the end of it with illness - I managed 208 miles - but felt the illness knocked me back some weeks.
    Hopefully picking it up again and this week has a decent session on Tuesday and a bit of a longer effort at 6.40's on Saturday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Sunday PM: An overnight stay in a hotel / 3 course meal that I didn't cook / real pint glasses!!

    Note: I'm so out of practice at 'Pints' - must train harder in the coming months.

    Monday: Spent Monday morning at the beach with Mrs AMK & the Madra - no hangover - luckily me being out of practice at drinking alcohol has some merits.

    A lovely 7.5mile around the park - beautiful day.

    7.5m/8.15 pace

    Tuesday: Session: 20min tempo @ 6min/miles / 5min R/ 10x1min on/off (@5.30 pace)

    In light of dramatic weight loss and sweating in previous sessions - to prep for this - I had a decent lunch and also took on some electrolytes during the afternoon.

    Drove to Whites Gate as I was going to do the 10x1min on the Polo Grounds - that would leave a 20min jog back to the car.
    Done 20min warm up & strides - body felt a bit 'meh' but I expect that on a session warm up these days.

    Started from CK Gate, down the North road, around the triangle and around by the Zoo.
    Due to the downhill nature of it, I was a few seconds faster per mile.

    I actually wasn't sure what way the body would react to this one - but it held up pretty well.
    The only real damage was the last 4-5 mins - turning at the zoo and going back up and turning right for the zoo car park, I noticed the breeze here too - finished just at the Polo Grounds.
    The splits were 5.54 / 5.53 / 5.58 with the last 2mins 14 secs in 6.10 pace.

    I never looked at the Gradient adjusted pace for this route previously.
    The difference in the North road downhill is just 2-3 seconds (my pace 5.54 / GAP 5.56) - but the 2.14 mins shows 6.10 pace with a GAP of 5.48.
    Its just interesting - wouldn't have changed anything had I of known in advance.

    I took a 5 min recovery (1 min walk / 4 min jog) and started onto the 10x1min on the Polo Grounds.
    I used to do sessions every Sat on the Polos with MSB for quite a while - so was looking for some feel good nostalgia.
    It never came :)

    I absolutely hated it - I think I lasted 3 reps on the grass and then continued the rest on the road around the Polo Grounds.
    I found it impossible to judge the pace - the initial reps - too slow at the start - had to increase near the end.
    Later reps - too fast at start - had to slow it down.

    But felt great to run 'fast' - all my reps were faster than prescribed (5.30) ranging from 5.15 to 5.26 - not too much you can take from that as they are so short.
    The 1 min off's were mainly walk recoveries.

    Jog back to the car for cool down - in this heat!!

    10.7 miles total.

    Some other notes worth jotting down:

    In the last few weeks my ancillary work has just fell off a cliff.
    I've gone from doing 2 pilates sessions a week to nothing.

    Commitment made to get back on that horse and do some 'stuff'.

    I've cut out white bread (apart from bagels) in the past few weeks and the difference is amazing.
    Less bloating - less....ahem.....wind - and I make more of an effort to fuel better (other than toast).

    As referenced above - a few pints on Sunday night - but joking aside, both me & my wife have cut down (not cut out - that would be sacrilegious) substantially on red wine.
    Huge difference, mainly in clear headedness and in the enjoyment of a glass of wine or a beer.

    Non alcohol beers are my goto quite a lot (at home) - theres a huge array of nice non alcoholic beers (brew dog).

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Wednesday: Rest day - done about 20 mins of S&C - 10mins of the Scullion Ab workout (I think its a good one) and 10 mins doing the Myrtil routine.

    Thursday: 12x12sec hill sprints. 30 mins to the Hill by St Marys - 12x12 secs - walk recovery - 30 mins home. Simples.

    Last week I noted my Glutes reacted to this for a few days afterwards - no such reaction this week - so hopefully, normal service is resumed.

    8miles total.

    Friday: Lunch time run, down around the PP and back home - nice pace - no idea what I was listening to or if I was listening to anything.

    7m @ 8.10 pace.

    Saturday: Session: 2 WU/ 12@6.45 / 2 CD

    So last week, I had 10m at this pace - an additional 2 miles this week - but I've done this previously - so was confident enough about it.
    From next week - I'll revert back to the cycle of Easy week / Hard week between the 6.40's and 6.15's until we start into the Marathon block.
    At this stage - I've no idea what my Marathon pace will be - which is a good thing.

    Quite often we go into a plan hoping to beat a certain time and train to that - this time - I'm training away and will learn my MP closer to the day, depending on my fitness.

    One thing I did differently this week to previous weeks was to include a 320 Maurten Drink in my morning prep.
    I had my coffee & toast and 500ml of that silky goodness :)

    I parked on Furze Road and also stored a bottle containing electrolytes in a tree - within easy reach so I could take on the run.

    Done my 2m WU & Strides and set off from CK Gate.
    I settled into a nice rhythm early on - I knew the plan was for 6.45's - but I felt comfortable at just below 6.40's and just kept that moving - I used a variation of the loop that we had used for the 10m TT recently - I noted that it was a perfect morning for running today, little breeze and quite mild.
    At the 8 mile mark, I was coming around by my drink - I actually didn't need it, so ran on - thinking to myself later, that I should have taken it to at least practice drinking at pace.
    As I was into my 10th mile - I was thinking about how difficult last weeks 10 miles were at this same pace, but I still felt fairly comfortable.
    I was however, getting fairly sick of the route (again) so went down Chesterfield to the Polo Grounds - the thing that I was happy with here was that in the past I may have chosen an easier route to maintain the pace - whereas this week, I felt confident that had I turned back up Chesterfield, I would have ran the same pace.

    Finished with 12miles at 6.37 pace - my most comfortable outing at this pace yet.
    HR was about 158-161 for this which was encouraging - last weeks 10m at similar pace was up to 168 - when I done 12@6.40 in April - my HR was 158-167.
    So all moving in the right direction.

    That being said - when I stopped at the faster pace - I met an old friend and was chatting to her for about 10 mins - when I tried to get going again, jebus, my legs wouln't work :)

    2m cool down.

    Sat PM: I noted that I was out of practice on my 'Pints' last week - so got in some practice on Sat evening.


    8miles recovery - down to the PP and back - The invincibles are great for days like these.

    58 miles for the week. - Feeling back to myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Took a late lunch and went out for an hour - down to the PP and back up.
    Listened to a Marathon Nutrition interview on Marcus Browns podcast - while it wasn't new information to me, it did make me make a commitment to check my food intake or a week or 2 to see what macros I'm getting v what I think I'm getting.

    7.8m / 8.10 pace

    Tuesday: 15x2mins on/off - 'On' was to be 5.30 pace.
    Quite a warm day out - so made sure I was well hydrated before venturing out.
    I also drove and parked on the Furze, so I'd have a drink handy for during the session.

    My original intention was to do all the reps on the Furze road - but the breeze changed my plans - it was quite gusty an in your face in 1 direction.
    The 1st 3 were ok and on/ahead of target pace.
    4th rep had part into the wind which knocked me for 6 a bit.
    Next 5 followed a similar pattern - start off too fast, try to slow down, slow down too much, try to speed up at the end.
    These were done either on Chesterfield or on the road to Farmleigh (which is exactly 2 mins@5.30 pace long :) ).

    I had a longing for water at this stage, but was avoiding the headwind on the OS road which would have brought me back to the car - I decided to do the next rep (10th) up Chesterfield to the CK gate - and lo and behold - thats not "2 mins@5.30 pace" long - I had to avoid a couple of people as I made my way out the gate for a couple of seconds. - that rep was a 5.37.

    Back down the road from Farmleigh to the OS road and I really needed water - so nothing for it than run the 12th rep into the wind.
    That came in at a disastrous 5.47 pace and really leaving me on the edge - considering knocking the session on the head at this stage.

    I took on some water/electrolytes and took an extra 30 secs in doing so. Ready to go like a new man.

    The last 3 reps were 5.29/5.30/5.31

    I done 2 mile cool down safe in the knowledge that the tan was nicely topped up :)

    Ave pace was 5.31 for the 15 reps - but I'd say with the 2 outlier reps, that would be lower, which is important as the next few weeks see me moving up the valley (Stazza Parlance) repeating previous sessions but at a faster pace.

    BTW - my macros for the day were no where near what they should have been - short on everything!!

    12.5 miles total

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,472 ✭✭✭Comic Book Guy

    Next 5 followed a similar pattern - start off too fast, try to slow down, slow down too much, try to speed up at the end.

    Good to read that I don't have the patent on that technique!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Saw that session on Strava and it caught my eye. 30mins at 5.30 pace would scare the hell outta me.
    How did you manage the recoveries? walking? Jog?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Saw that session on Strava and it caught my eye. 30mins at 5.30 pace would scare the hell outta me.
    How did you manage the recoveries? walking? Jog?

    1st few were light jogs - then walk jog / then stand walk - in fairness, for the last 3 I pulled up my big boy pants and done very slow jogs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Wednesday: No running day - but managed to do a 15 min S&C routine.

    Work is a bit bedlam at the minute!

    Thursday: 12x12 hill sprints - took a few to get into it - was pumping the arms and lifting the knees.
    A good feel to these ones.

    8m total.

    Friday: A lap of the park about 5pm. There is nothing that a 'lap of the park' wont resolve. Nothing.

    7.45m / 8.15 pace.

    Followed this with a 90 min walk with the dog in the PP - "I'm only going out for 30 mins" never materializes.

    Sat: Session: 30WU / 6m at 6.15 / 30 CD

    1st session with Stazzas Dublin Group. 5 of us today with 1 'visitor' met at 7.30 at the popes cross.
    Yes - you read that right - 7.30 on a Saturday. For me and my *3/2 strategy - that means getting up at 6.30.

    Met up with the gang (including Demfad from these parts - now with a shiny new log)

    Some activations and a 30min warm up - and we set off.
    1st 2.5 miles down the north road and then turn at the Zoo - going up Chesterfield at 6 min/mile was a surprise - settled back down to 6.07 4th mile.
    I fell off the pace at the 5th mile with a 6.15 (OS Road) back onto the Furze, Chesterfield and back onto the OS road - Jan was leading the pace and works in KM's - so when my watched beeped for 6miles - she was ahead of me and still moving, so I finished out the last 0.2m for a 10k tempo.

    Ave pace was 6.11 pace for the effort.

    30 min cool down and our vegan chef runner buddy had a lot of treats for us back at the car.

    All done and dusted by 10am.

    14 miles total.

    Sunday: 6.8m recovery down to the PP and back?

    57 miles for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: A busy couple of days ahead in work with a virtual Strategy session lasting 2 days :( with a latish finish meant I needed to get this done early on Monday.

    Up & out about 7'ish - body actually felt good.

    7.3m / 8.14 pace

    Tuesday: Session - 20x1min on/off

    Similar to Monday - needed to get this done early due to meetings, but also a daughter finishing her leaving cert today.
    In my day, you finished the LC and went out for pints - what does she want to do? - Go for a walk in the PP with me & the madra and get an ice cream!!

    So up early and out by 6.30am. I'll repeat that - out by 6.30am!!

    2.5 miles warm up inc some strides and set off into the session. I used from Whites Gate, down C'Field to the Furze Road, along the Furze, then the reverse back to CK gate.
    Beautiful morning for it - the pace was set at 5.25/mile but I felt very strong today and averaged 5.17.
    Fastest rep was the last at 4.59 / slowest included a corner turn at 5.23.

    The recovery time seemed to be faster than the reps! (both 1 min - but it came around very quickly)
    Best thing about the session was that I could have went faster for the reps and I could have done more.
    Must be something about the early starts.

    There actually is something perversely enjoyable about doing a session while most of the world is either asleep or having breakfast.

    Not too sure I'll make a habit of it though - but it wipes the idea from my mind that I couldn't do an early session successfully.

    2.5m home - in the door at 7.50am - showered & breakfasted and online by 8.20.

    Great morning.

    10 miles total.

  • Registered Users Posts: 63 ✭✭Mar Azul

    Can't beat the early starts, I tend to get out for most runs at around 6am, I love it.
    Streets are your own, the weather has been fab, only 1 wet morning I can remember since end of March. It also sets you up for the day, more active and productive and no "when will I get my run done" hanging over you.
    Keep with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 735 ✭✭✭Treviso

    How were you able to spin out those paces for the 20 reps, especially at that time of the morning. Outstanding

    Fair play on getting those early starts in for sessions, especially with your required 3/2 routine (I have the same requirement except it's tea instead of coffee)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,455 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Ha ha, I'm used to doing early stuff and am now considering that later sessions might be easier! Maybe it's just all about shaking it up and doing something different. Nice work all the same. Congrats to the LC finisher - I was relatively late to discovering the drink and didn't go out for pints either. No idea what I did actually, so long ago!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    It's mad I did the majority of my running very early when training for Bohermeen which was during the winter in the cold & wet & since the summer I haven't really been doing any early morning sessions...weird but like D said I think it's good to mix it up :)

    Jaysus I remember going out for my leaving cert results, had to get myself a fake ID as I was only 17 :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Wednesday: Rest day - another bedlam day at work - Actually did some core stuff!!

    Thursday 24th: So last weekend I went out to get some Maurten in the Run Hub and came out with a shiny new pair of Endorphin Pro 2's. the usual carry on.

    I was planning on wearing them for Saturdays session so wanted to break them in - I used them for Thursdays hill sprints.
    As I said on Strava - they dont have that 'Super Shoe' feel to them - but they certainly do work.
    I was motoring along on Thursday morning - which never happens the day after a rest day - especially at 6.50am.

    I do like this 'session' - well its a 'technical session' - as its planned for 30 mins WU / CD with the 12x12 sandwiched in between.
    From my house to the Hill by St Marys Hospital is bang on 30 mins.

    Hill sprints went well - back home.

    All done by 8am.

    8.4 miles.

    Friday Another early run - out before 7am - I kept this one really easy - I wore the invincibles for this one as they help keep things nice & easy.
    Down to the park - bit of a lap of the Furze/OS and back home.

    7m at 8.45 pace.

    Saturday: Session 4m WU / 8m Tempo / 4m CD

    I woke up to a text from my new running buddy that she was ill on Sat and wouldnt make the session - so I knew I'd be doing it solo.
    Got to the PP at 7.30 and met up with 2 others for the warm up & strides - we then split off and I set off on my 8m T.

    I kept my route fairly fair, the only downhill being the 1/2 mile from Furze rod to Popes cross. My only sticky period was going up the North Road where the wind picked up.
    The finish on the Acres into the wind was tough, but got through it and delighted with the session.

    Splits were 5.58 (....I know) / 6.14 / .14/.13/.16/.16/.14/.12 - happy with the consistency apart from the 1st mile.

    Done the cool down and back to meet the lads as Chef Kev had some treats for us !!

    15miles in total.

    Sunday: Kept it local and on grass in porterstown park - nice and easy.


    56miles in total.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: The start of a down week as I was away Mon-Tues.

    An Early 8 miles down to the park and back - nice run.

    8m/7.56 pace.

    Tuesday: 25 years Married - I gave my wife a great gift - told her I wasn't running on Tuesday.
    What a man.

    Wednesday: Lap of the park lovely afternoon for it.

    8.25m / 8.05 pace.

    Thursday: 12x12 sec hill sprints

    Out before 7am for this one - really getting into these early runs.
    Not done one in the rain yet though!


    Friday: Another early & easy one - down to the park and back.

    7m/8.23 pace.

    Done a decent job prepping myself for Saturdays long run - decent pasta lunch / Pizza dinner. Carbs are king.

    Saturday: 3WU / 10at 6.15 / 3 CD

    My wife was away with 1 car and my daughters needed the other car - So I was going to be all alone on Sat - no point in getting up early to meet the group if I was just going to be sitting around later car-less!

    I had a piece of toast and some Maurten in advance of this run - I must time this better as the Maurten was sloshing around my stomach again as I started the run.

    Another thing to note for myself - since I stopped eating white bread my 3:2 morning prep has become a 2:1 or even a 1:2!! (if you dont know - dont ask!!)

    A big decision on the shoes - I wanted to wear the Endorphin Pro's but it had been raining - and I wanted nothing playing on my mind about slippiness - so went with the Next% (after about 4 shoe changes)

    I eventually went out at 11:30 - ran down from the house to the park and done 4x20sec strides to complete the 3m WU.

    Started from CK gate - I set off.

    I had some other goals for this run;
    (1) Not too fast 1st mile.
    (2) Do not finish on a downhill last 2-3 miles.

    It was very muggy and warm on this run - I was sweating on my warm up and had no water with me.

    The route was a familiar one on the top end of the park - staying away from the Climb up Chesterfield and as a result - the downhill. I added the triangle by the Popes Cross for added variety - it worked out well.

    I noted that the wind was quite strong on certain sections - between that, the muggyness and the heat - it made for a challenging run.

    The target pace was 6.15 - but I was relaxed about that given the conditions - 6.20's would suffice on certain miles I said.
    Mile 1 was 6.11 - a lot better than last weeks 1st mile (5.58).
    Mile 2 was a 6.09 followed by metronomic 6.13 for the next 4.

    The last 4 miles were a bit tough - I was drenched with sweat and as 8 miles came around - I considered pulling the plug - it was strange, I was on the Furze road, not on a hill but my breathing was very laboured and I stopped for about 15-20 seconds - gave myself a talking to and got going again - glad that I did, not finishing would have hurt me more.
    The finish was a couple of laps of the Furze/OS road - so a fair route.

    The overall pace was 6.14 which I was very happy with.
    I was also very happy with how I felt on the cool down (3 miles uphill) and also during the day, while I was tired - I wasn't as tired as the last 2 weeks after the Sat session.

    As for the runners - I think I felt better in the Endorphin Pro's on last weeks 8m tempo - but the conditions were much different - so hard to tell.

    Also lost 6-7lbs on the run - but I worked hard to put that back on through out the day.

    16m for the day.

    Sunday: I had a vaccine appt for 10am for my 2nd jab - so wanted to get out early.

    I was quite knackered getting up, but I know these runs are good for me and can be done at a very easy relaxed pace.
    The invincibles actually make them very pleasant too.

    A well worn route to the PP & back - 7.2m at 8.20pace.

    Out to City west and home within an hour - Jab done.

    55 miles for the week - not bad for a down week.

    Another big week ahead - My older girls 21st on Wed.

    Its all happening in the Kings world.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    A lot to catch up on.

    Mon 6th

    So Moderna number 2 left me totally knackered on Monday - No running - work, sleep, work, sleep, eat, sleep, work, sleep.

    Tuesday 7th

    Had a session planned today - but put it off til Wednesday. Just ran easy.

    8.1m / 8.2 pace

    Wednesday 8th

    Session 15x2mins on/off. 5.30 for On Pace

    The 1st 6 were on the North Road and took me to the Aras Roundabout - 1st 3 were hard til the legs got going.

    Went up Chesterfield for 1 then completed the rest on the Furze Road. Took a lot of mind games to complete this.

    All reps at 5.30 or quicker.

    Very humid day.

    12.6m in total


    Felt very tired on Thursday - just an easy lap of the park - trying to avoid hills.

    7.5m/8.35 pace.

    Friday 9th:

    Another very tired day - couldn't get up early to do this - so ran at lunch time.

    7m / 8.23 pace

    Saturday: Session 8m at 6.10

    Another early start - up before 6.30 and down at the Popes cross meeting the gang at 7.30.

    4 of us today - 2 going at 6.25 pace and me +1 doing 6.10 pace.

    On the warmup I didn't feel great - I could still feel the fatigue and was not at all confident about this session. I didn't want to let Jan down so said I'd do it and see how I got on.

    1st 2.5 miles were down the North Road - I was breathing heavy and it felt heavy!

    We turned at the Zoo and gong up Chesterfield, the effort just drained my legs - nothing left. I told my buddy to go on as I slowed to 6.30's.

    I caught up with the other 2 doing 6.25's and thought about finishing with them, but the effort felt like 5k effort, so I just ran easy for the next 6-7 miles.

    14.5miles inc 4.5 at a decent clip (6.02/6.08/6.11/6.33/6.36 for 0.5m)

    All sorts of thoughts going through my mind here - but by the end of the run, I was left in no doubt that the vaccine left me tired - I hadn't recovered by Wednesdays session and in doing that session it just pushed me deeper into the fatigue.

    No other explanation needed - I've ran 10m at 6.11 pace recently and done 10m at 6.14 the week previous - so no need for any confidence to get bashed.


    8m at 8.10 pace - pi$$ed on during this - probably shoulda taken a rest day!

    Monday 12th: Easy day - 7.5m at 8.20 pace. - followed by pints on a Monday!!

    Tuesday 13th: 10x3mins on/off (on 5.30 pace)

    After 15x2mins at 5.30 pace last week - this dialled it up a notch with 3min reps at 5.30 pace.

    I was a bit apprehensive about this in advance - but knew that once the session was in the ball park it would be ok - dont get hung up on paces.

    I needed not have worried - probably had one of my strongest sessions yet. I ran down to the Chapelizod road to do this - same as when I had done this in May (10x3mins at 5.40 pace).

    The 1st rep was a 5.23 rep - so I knew I'd get through it.

    There were only 1 or 2 were I was chasing the time towards the end but for the most part it was very doable.

    6/9 recoveries were about 9 min mile jogs - the others were walking pace, slow jogs.

    Slowest 5.30 / fastest 5.23 - a good session.

    13.6m in total.

    Welcome back Boards - Get rid of the double spacing please :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Wednesday: Done some core work - Imagine!!

    Thursday: 12x12 sec hills

    I wanted to trial a new route for this to avoid the Park - just for a break - there's a few hills near where I live.

    Done a decent 4m WU (2 of it on Grass) and went to a hill that's about a 5min walk from my house!

    Done the hill blasts and then 30mins back home - the long way via Castleknock.


    Friday: I had hoped to get out earlier, but didn't go out til after 4pm - usual route to the PP and back and made sure I ate and hydrated well for Saturdays session.

    Done about 20mins of stretching and it was glorious!!

    7.2m / 8.11 pace

    Saturday: Session 3WU / 8m at 6.10 pace / 3CD

    Due to the heat, we had arranged to meet at the Popes Cross at 7.15am on Saturday morning.

    I jumped out of bed at 6am - for breakfast, I avoided the Maurten as I found it swishes around my stomach too much.

    Eating more on Thursday is better I find - I had 2 slices of fruit loaf (50g of Carbs) + a coffee - just down to 1 coffee now!

    Met the group at 7.15. For whatever reason there were only 4 of us and 1 was doing a slower paced version of our session - so 2 others in my group. We warmed up together, strides and set off - the intention was to do 4 laps of the 2m loop around North Road/ triangle / Chesterfield.

    It was 19 degrees starting and we could feel the heat at 7.30am.

    The 1st lap was fine - probably a bit fast - 6.10 was the target and we done 6.03/6.08. 3rd mile was a 6.03 and KP went ahead of us - a move he later regretted. As I was coming up Chesterfield for the 4th mile (6.11) - I was getting a bit angsty - 2 more of these laps were not sitting well with me as it was very exposed and the heat was starting to impact - already.

    I noted my other buddy Jan fall behind, we had an agreement that if anyone fell behind, they'd be left behind - we're no marines.

    So KP was ahead and Jan was behind - I was solo. Coming to mile 5 (6.15) - I tried to spit, but my mouth was dry and the pace was dropping while the effort was increasing. I looked to my left and noted that that part of the North Road was in shade - so I moved over there and kept going straight down the North Road (mile 6 - 6.15) - taking an opportunity to take off my top - I went right after the Zoo - I enjoyed the downhill from the Zoo to the Gate at Military Road (6.18) before turning up Chapelizod Road towards Donore Harriers - noting that the 2nd half of this was in the shade.

    This last mile near killed me - I was happy it wasn't a downhill last mile - and was counting down the finish with the markers on the ground - nearly stopping about a thousand times. Mile 8 finished on a 6.22. I was delighted with that.

    So the full 8m tempo was done at 6.12 average - I was very happy with that - done my cool down and met back with the lads at the car - swapping war stories about the carnage in the sun. I seemed to have made the correct decision around the route choice.

    14.5 miles total.

    Sunday: Due to us heading out for a family day (with the Madra) - I was out before 9 - which could be seen as late - but I had some Pints on Sat night and they were fantastic!

    Recovery pace and listened to a podcast for the 1st time in many a run.

    7m / 8.40 pace.

    59m for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: Drove down to the PP and set out to do a lap of it - one of my favourite runs - theres really nothing better - hogging the wall down the North Road - Up Military Hill, The iconic S Bends - Into the Glen............. beautiful on a beautiful day.

    Got my HRM battery replaced - 117 ave - I'll take that as it felt worse.

    8.2m / 8.15 pace

    Tuesday: Had 10x4mins (off 3 mins) on the cards for today. I knew it was going to be warm, but still felt confident enough to complete the session.

    20mins WU down to Chapelizod Road and I was ready to go. Sweating during the warmup.........bad sign.

    Target pace was 5.35 - I was confident of hitting that - I had done 10x3mins last week in under 5.30's - so the additional 5 secs would be welcome.

    Rep 1-3 went well: 5.28/5.33/ 5.34.

    Rep 4: I then decided to go off route and go further down Chapelizod Road - bad move.

    No sooner had I started off, I realised it was more exposed to the sun, it was hillier and as I approached 2 mins, a bus pulled up in front of me with about a million people getting on & off. Nothing to do except stop. Bad move.

    This threw me a bit.

    Rep 5&6 were soo tough - the legs were starting to fade big time - sweat was bucketing off me - I was taking the recoveries super easy (walking) a 5.34 & 5.38 paced reps were the result.

    At this stage I knew I couldn't do 1 more full rep at that pace. Should I just quit or modify? - I modified.

    I done 4x2mins to close out and they told their own tale by the end - the paces were;

    5.27 (maybe I'll do these at a quicker pace)

    5.30 (actually - this is just as tough - my legs cant go any faster)

    5.33 (Good Jebus - why didn't I just stop.........maybe I'll do 1 min reps?)

    5.41 (I think I crawled the last 30 secs of this.........)

    My recovery cooldown back to the car was north of 9 min/miles - totally f&*ked.

    I thought I could get the session done - but maybe I should have went out at 5.45 pace rather than 5.30's - maybe that would have only got me to 6-7 reps - who knows.

    Either way - a good session banked, I doubt we'll see a lot of this weather in the coming weeks - especially as I have a week off next week, so rain is almost guaranteed.

    11.4 miles

    Wednesday: Rest day - small amount of S&C / stretching. Plenty of Dog walking in the evening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    I thought I could get the session done - but maybe I should have went out at 5.45 pace rather than 5.30's - maybe that would have only got me to 6-7 reps - who knows.

    This. If you're going backwards in a session, something has gone wrong and you either need to modify or cut your losses. To be fair in your case, we are not made to train in this heat. It's easy to say now but if you had have gone out a little more cautiously and ran those splits in reverse (finishing at 5:28 pace), you'd probably be really happy with it. Well done for having the sense to adapt and change it up mid-session. Unfortunately for a lot of people, stubbornness prevails, they insist on finishing out the planned workout and the session end up having the opposite effect of what was intended. Good stuff AMK.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,455 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Also, your insight that the course change was a bad move is worth dwelling on and putting in the bank. I think big sessions like this (well, it looks big to me) really deserve careful planning with regard to route, timing, etc. I laughed at the bus discharge - this has happened to me a few times (but only on easy runs so no harm done). Pre-covid you could just shout 'coming through' but not really good practice at the moment, even if outdoors!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    40mins of work at 5k pace, even with 3min recoveries looks frightening to me, in any weather conditions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    So Wednesday was a rest day, my wife was off for a few days with her buddies, my younger girl in Galway and my older daughter out and about.

    Just me and the madra.

    Thursday was 12*12 sec hills, I had fresh pasta for lunch and I noted a strange bloating in my stomach, nothing serious, but I recall noting it.

    Done the hill sprints, was very warm, came home, walked the dog and ordered a takeaway, a bottle of wine at the ready.

    All went well, then about 1am I woke up feeling terrible, a weird bloating pressure on left side.

    Couldn't get out of bed on Friday morning, my daughter had left for work. I couldn't even open the window. Things came to a head on Friday evening.

    To make a very long and painful story short, Im in hospital now typing this. An inflamed abdomen, with a fever - Diverticulitis its called.

    Over the worst of it, and hopefully home tomorrow, will be on antibiotics for another 5 days or so.

    The running Gods are doing all they can to torment this Marathon build up.

    I was meant to do a 10 mile race next week but I'll knock that on the head.

    Hopefully back running soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Jaypers sounds unpleasant, hope you make a speedy recovery but don't rush back running!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,472 ✭✭✭Comic Book Guy

    Jeez, all the best with the recovery AMK. Make sure and ease back into things.
