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The main thing is keeping the main thing, the main thing



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Friday: 3x3 mins / 8minT/ 3x3 mins:
    I was looking fwd to this session when I seen it on the plan - I knew it'd be tough.

    Parked at Farmleigh and ran the 2m down to the acres - done a bit of stretching and set off.
    It was windy on the long straight side of the acres (but its always windy).

    The 3min segments were tougher than the 800's I done last week - but I guess thats just a case of how you feel on any given day.
    The 8 min tempo was meant to be at 6:15 pace, But, strangley, running at 6:00 felt like jogging (as opposed to 5.50's feeling real hard) and I had to slow it down in the final 2-3 mins.

    Paces were:
    3x3 mins: 5:48 / 5:50 / 5:50
    8 min T: 6:10
    3x3 mins: 5:55 / 5:46 / 5:47

    with a 2m WU/CD the session came to 9 miles.

    Saturday: I had spoken to the coach midweek about strides and hill sprints and was to incorporate both into the week.
    Typically I've done strides the day before a session and hill sprints are normally on tired legs (so I've read) so decided to incorporate into todays run.
    Although the legs were tired from the session, I felt I was gliding along at 10 min/miles - and happy to see 8-8:10's on the watch.
    I chose to do the hill sprints down by the Glen - at the back of the pond.
    I done 7x10s and left it at that - I knew the legs would feel it the next day so I also done some squats after the run, by the car.

    6miles total.

    Sunday: My daughter had an internal Dublin Blitz in St Annes at 8:15, so I chose not to run around the mean streets of Tallaght, but watch the games.
    A frozen 2 hours later I was on the way home and made my way out to the PP.

    I ran down and home - so knew how to make up the other 8 miles for a total of 12 - I avoided the hillier side of the park. The legs were tired, but not sore - so that was a relief.

    A bit more core work (non squats :) ) when I got home.

    12m @ 7:52.

    A solid 55.4 miles for the week. (& crossed over the 2500 miles)

    I'm doing a bit more core work in the last 2 weeks - so I need the body to adapt to this and the faster workouts.
    The trip to Germany this week took a bit out of me as well (massive over indulgence) but I'm certainly going in the right direction.

    The next 'Main Thing' is going to be a HM plan, focusing on Bohermeen and taking in Trim 10m and maybe one or 2 other races along the way.
    Jingle Bells next week will be a reset of training paces and a gauge of how much I hate the pain of 5k's :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: 7 miles easy paced. 7.57 pace - cant even recall it to be honest! I think it was cold.

    Tuesday: 2m WU / 10x300 in 60s with 90s Rec / 2m CD

    Done this on the Furze/OS loop with the 300's all on the Furze Road.
    The 300's felt good and controlled - all in about 57-59 secs - 5:20'ish pace was the target (300m in 60secs)
    The 90s recovery seemed extensive, but with Jingle Bells on Saturday I knew it was needed.

    7.17 for the day.

    Wednesday: 7m @ 8 min/mile - kinda liking keeping these runs 'slower' than usual. Moved away from the PP today and went up to Hartstown Park with BOD & EOS for company on OTB.

    Thursday: Slow 5m today with 4x30s strides

    5.5 @ 8.36 pace

    Some core work each day this week, focusing on different elements. No leg work this week.

    200 miles for the Month.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    All the best at Jingle Bells A, run well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,298 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Good luck AMK!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Good luck tomorrow at JB and most of all enjoy it :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    Have a ball at the 'bells!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I seen a FB post of the Claw and also noted that DD was quick to 'Like' it. Reminded me of this :)

    I was speaking to DD prior to the race when the Claw comes over to him to say hello, imagine that.

    I kept nudging DD to let him know I was still there, but his eyes were locked onto the Claws (through the shades) - there was something going on there........a magnetism of sorts. I just quietly left to do my strides - I could hear their laughter in the background.

    Then after the race as we (me, luke, DD, Yaboya) were going on a cool down, we exit the track and there's the claw outside - he makes a dash from his girlfriend asks DD if he's doing a cool down and we proceed to wait for him. Must have kept us 30 mins waiting, no word of a lie, but DD wouldn't move on without him.

    They stayed shoulder to shoulder, stride for stride - laughing and frolicking like little sheep at each others jokes - the banter was flying between them.

    Towards the end, it was getting slightly nauseating, I had enough and made my excuses and left.

    But when the claw left later on, DD was all over me & Yaboya........

    Bloody user.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,983 ✭✭✭Duanington

    I seen a FB post of the Claw and also noted that DD was quick to 'Like' it. Reminded me of this :)

    Stop bleedin FB stalking me A - I'm sure L will introduce you if you stay patient :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Friday: 1st Rest day since 4th November. Used the time to complete college stuff. A couple of craft beers and a sneaky whisky while watching a rather good toy show............

    Sat: Jingle Bells 5k
    I had zero apprehension about this, which was a good thing - this part of my racing seems to have corrected itself over the last couple of years.

    I wanted to have zero hanging around time for this - I parked at Whites Gate and ran down to the finish line to leave my bag (with top etc) behind a tree. Done a few strides on my way up to the start line - a quick hello to Gosh.......remember him :)........... and was lining up at the start line (finding myself about 10 rows back)and after a mins silence, we were off. Just like that.

    After a couple of hundred meters I checked the watch - 5:15 pace - right, back off, far too fast. I found the pace and spotted Beep Beep and a club mate a few meters ahead - vowing to catch at least 1 of them.

    The 1st mile beeped quickly enough for a 5:39 or so - I got a bit ahead of myself thinking that a PB could be on.
    As we approached the 2k mark, I find myself having to catch myself on as I was loosing focus and the pace dipped. This is a race not a session. I was reminiscing of how easy the pace of the sessions seemed in marathon training :)

    At about 2.5k I passed my clubmate, saying nothing as I couldn't say anything. I recall wishing I had worn gloves as my hands were freezing!!
    We made the turn at the OS/Upper Glen Road and 2m beeped on my watch - 5:49 - $h!t, too slow - the lack of focus cost me a few seconds. At this stage, I as expecting Gravity to magically take over and make this pace seem easy - I took a mental break for about 20 seconds as I had the demons explaining every logical reason why I should stop and pull out. Everything from a stitch to being $h!te was being thrown at me.

    As we approached the 4k sign I knew it was time to turn up the pace as I seen a 6 appear on my 'current pace' on the watch.
    I pumped the arms a bit more, but the legs felt a bit jelly'ish and I knew I hadn't the 'drive' or 'mental fortitude' to summon a kick. The pace did increase though, but a few people came past me at this stage, including my clubmate who I passed earlier. We had about 400m left and I knew he had went too soon (if beating me was his aim, which I later found out it wasn't he was chasing 17:30) - No way I was saying and summoned the kick (the one that was dormant a little earlier) to pass him and put about 5-6 seconds on him and cross the line in a heap!

    My Garmin reads 17:46 (Guntime 17:49) - I had to look twice as I thought I was closer to 18.00 - So was delighted with this.
    My 3rd mile was 5:44 despite the speed wobble.

    Very happy with the result - I'd have definitely taken that at the start.
    5K's are a skill - I definitely didn't hurt enough in the middle phase and lost a few seconds due to lack of focus.

    I could have kicked earlier and gained an additional few seconds - even though my brain said I couldn't, I didn't even try til my clubmate passed me.
    Little lessons for the next one.

    3.1m bang on in a fantastically organised race. Not as easy as some make out, but a damn good course.

    17:46 (Garmin) for 188 position and 8th O45. (1st 35 all under 16 mins.)

    A large number of MSB athletes ran today - with a stewards inquiry going into the team prize as our 3rd scorer was missed in the calculations which would give the team 1st place prize (I was only 5th scorer). Same thing happened last year to the ladies team.

    So - happy with my race - a good 2018 beckons with PB's on the horizon in most distances

    2.5m WU and 2m CD brings it to 7.6m for the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Sunday: Rounding off the week with 10 miles around the 'bad lands' while the little one was Dub training in St Annes.
    I felt tired as hell last week, but grand today, despite the race yesterday.

    I do like the route around the Dodder Valley into Tymon Park - if that was in any other part of Ireland it would be a tourist attraction...........well, apart from Ballymun maybe (.......I'm allowed say that)

    10m @ 7.55

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  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    That’s a great time well done

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,298 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Well done AMK. Great to a result you're happy with.

    1st 35 under 16 mins :eek: hard to fathom those paces.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: 5m around the fields of Porterstown Park - nice recovery run.


    Tuesday: Session - 3x1km/4x800 (2:30 R)
    I actually couldn't do this in daylight, despite my best efforts. Headed out in the dark at 4:30 :D and ran the 2m down to the PP.
    I had expectations that this would be easy as I was to keep to 6:00/mile pace and take 2:30 recoveries.
    However, Coach is proving his considerable worth as it was anything but easy - and not too hard that it caused a strain.

    It was a bit of a pain doing the 1st couple in the dark, going from Chesterfield to the North Road and then approaching Chesterfield again half way down.
    I was met with very bright lights as the stretch from the Aras to the Zoo is very well lit up with the yokey-bob lights thingy on in the Zoo.
    I done a couple of reps here, then headed back up to the Castleknock gate, to ensure my cooldown wouldn't be too long.
    Overall a good session - felt strong doing it, but the legs knew that they were in recovery from the race at the weekend.

    3x1k: 3:41/3:40/3:37 (all about 5:55 pace)

    4x800: 2:54/2:58/2:57/2:55 (~5:55 pace)

    2m WU/CD


    Wednesday: Ran from the house to a small loop in the PP and back.
    7.23m@ 8:05 pace. HR 127

    When I got back, my daughter asked if I'd do a couple of miles with her - she's in the middle of the training panel with the Dub U16s and the big cull is happening over Christmas. So I went out for a light run and some strides.

    2.66m @ 11:35 pace inc 6 strides (6-17 secs)

    On her strides she was hitting 4 min/mile pace for a 17sec stride - wow!

    Total: 8.9m

    Thursday: 7m cold run - wrapped up well and ran 2m to Hartstown Park, done a lap up there and back home.

    7m@7.52 pace

    Friday: 12x45s hill sprints

    Ran down to the Khyber for these and found them quite ok - despite the baltic air.
    The pace was probably averaging at 5:20 for these - The recoveries were timed so I was just getting back down to the end before starting off again, so it was 'all go'.

    For the last 2-3 I wanted to finish near the top of the Khyber, so I kept the recoveries to a walk to be starting further up each time. I probably needed the walk break by the end truth be known.

    7.15 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,983 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Hills in the phoeno in that baltic weather....character building stuff, well done A

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Saturday: A lovely loop down to the 12th Lock in Castleknock, down the canal to Ashtown, back in to the PP and back home. Seen a lot of the Aware runners finishing off their race.
    Was well wrapped - happy with the pace. Probably a bit faster than the Garmin shows as I was stopped at Ashtown Train Station for a while and didn't press 'pause' for a bit.

    7.02 @ 7.57

    Sunday: I had the pleasure of going to Dundrum SC with the 3 ladies in my life, so I needed to get the run done early. Thankfully, My daughters training Dub training was off, so I could run with the club. (I survived Dundrum).

    Met the group at 8:45 - some had done 6m already when I met them - raining and very cold, we got started.
    A good group of 10 this morning, although at about 4m, we all seemed to separate as the pace crept up.

    4 of us kept going, soon to be 3 - and the other 2 finished up (they had done 6 already for a total of 15), leaving me to do an additional 3 miles on my ownsome - thankfully the pace didn't falter and I finished the 12 in a remarkably good state (given Sat nights Wine consumption).
    One of the 2 guys had done 3 Marathons in the last 9 weeks (Chicago, Dublin And Philly), running about 3:01-3:07 in all of them. He'd beat me handily in any race under HM distance, just cant get that sub 3 off his back. (The other ran 2:54 in Dublin and was disappointed).
    All in all a lovely run despite the stingy rain. I even caught a sight of Overpronator who was running with 'outforarun'.

    12m @ 7.30/mile

    58 miles for the week, and feeling quite good about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Busy week this week with annual reviews, christmas parties, 2 college sessions, 3 college assignments and an exam on Sat.
    Plus shopping in town on Sunday :)

    Recovery 5m - up in Porterstown mainly on grass for this. - 8:31 pace

    Tuesday: I have a club XC race on 23rd (If I make the start line that is), so the coach put in a session on grass for me. 10x2mins which I did on the MSB XC course - which was in bits.

    This was painful and a good reminder as to how much I hate XC - I hate everything about it. Its not real running. Its not even pleasant. There's no runners high. I feel like an elephant in a quagmire. - Cant wait for really.

    Most of the 2 min reps were in the 6:00 range +/- 5 secs (ok maybe its just a minus) with the exception of the last 3. I felt I ran the last 3 ok but they came out at 6:18/ 6:19/ 6:36 pace per mile (for a 2 min rep!!!)

    7.3 miles total.

    Wednesday: 7 miles prior to my work Christmas Party - felt very sprightly. A good spring in the step.


    Thursday: 7 miles post my work Christmas party - didn't feel f'ing sprightly. I hadn't a bleedin' spring in my step.


    Friday: Session today - 3x800/2x400/10min Tempo/ 4x200

    A good session this.
    Done my 2m warm up to Porterstown (I'm on a break from the PP......its not you, its me....)

    The 800s' were planned for 6:00 / the 400's for 5:45 pace and the 10 min at 6:15. The 200's were planned for 5:25 pace.

    These were all done on a 1 mile looped path around porterstown.

    Splits were:
    800: 2:53 /2:57 / 2:57 (90s Rec) - felt great
    400: 85 secs / 92secs - something wrong with the 2nd rep as I creamed it. No way was it 92 secs.
    10m: was 6:11 pace - this was tough. I used to do these for fun but this was so tough.
    200: All under 5:30 pace (about 40 secs) apart from 1 - but I think this was a glitch in the matrix.

    8m total for the session.

    Came back after a 1m cooldown and the daughter is waiting for me to bring her on another 2m run - so out again.

    2m easy at 10 min mile + some strides.

    10.4 for the day.

    Saturday: Plan was for 7, but I was struggling with trying to fit 13 on Sunday due to wanting to watch most of my daughters 'possible' last training session with the U16 Dubs (it gets cut to the Championship team in Jan) - so as I approached to end of a tiring 7 miles, I realised I had nothing to do for the rest of the afternoon, so kept on going and done an additional 6 around porterstown.
    Legs were tired at the end, but felt fine during the run and the pace was very much ok.

    13m @ 7:44

    Sunday: I arrived at St Annes in Tallaght at 8:45 and they were due to start training matches at 9:15, so I knew I'd miss some of it - the initial couple of miles were ok, but when I turned the other direction on the way back, my God........who turned on the jet engine.

    The rain was horizontal in my face for about 3.5miles as I throd slowly back to Bohernabreena. Hated most of that run, but loved completing it at the same time.

    I considered running the final 0.25 to prevent DD giving me the same grief I gave him - but I didn't care :)

    6.74 @ 8:10 pace.

    57 miles for the week. (2664m / 4287km for the year so far - surpassed last year already)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,983 ✭✭✭Duanington

    6.74 @ 8:10 pace.

    tut tut tut

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Duanington wrote: »
    tut tut tut

    That runners OCD is a terrible thing. Best not to give into it :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday 5 miles 'very easy' on the cards, and that's exactly what was done. No dramatics. not that there ever is. Just making out that at times there are dramatics. which, of course, there's not. Carry on.

    5m@ 8:30

    Tuesday: Session: 5x3 mins (75 secs) / 5min R / 6x30s (1min)

    Parked at Farmleigh and done just over 2m back to the intersection of the OS & Chesterfield.

    The 1st 3min rep was very tough, but the next 4 felt ok actually, which surprised me given how I was feeling.
    The 75 secs were over in the blink of an eye (OK....a long blink) and back at it.

    The rest felt fine and all followed the all to familiar pattern......... start of at 5:10 pace......$hit, far to fast, 30secs gone, slow down a bit.......5:30 pace........$hit, still to fast....only 1:30 left to get this pace in order or Luke will be at me..........slow down again.......6:10 pace.......OMG what have I done, I've ruined the rep.....last 10 secs at 5:10 pace :)

    I took 5 mins after the 5x3 mins - unsure if it was a jog recovery or a 'break' (the email said 'break') so I jogged slowly.

    I loved the 6x30 secs. Real hard fast running, form good, arms pumping............ I'd say I looked amazing :)

    And then I met my coach from MSB......"what you doing Alan...... "some speedwork after 5x3mins".........."what you doing them for"............"fast twitch know" .................."jeeeezzzz. You look a bit tight. Will I see you saturday?".............. :((

    Paces for 5x3mins: Aim: 5:50
    Actual: 5.46/5.42/5.39/5.48/5.43

    The 6x30s were about fast and hard - but all in control about the 4:30-4:40 mark. But I coulda sworn a 3.5x appeared at the watch during one of them :)

    8:31m in total (2.1m WU/1.8m CD)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    The rest felt fine and all followed the all to familiar pattern......... start of at 5:10 pace......$hit, far to fast, 30secs gone, slow down a bit.......5:30 pace........$hit, still to fast....only 1:30 left to get this pace in order or Luke will be at me..........slow down again.......6:10 pace.......OMG what have I done, I've ruined the rep.....last 10 secs at 5:10 pace

    That was literally me today for the 400s..i say literally but not quite so fast... Almost literally.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Wednesday: 7m loop to the park and back.


    Thursday: A lap of the PP for this - been a while since I done the full lap - there's something about running the trails on 1 side, followed by the hills & the S Bends on the other side.


    Friday: 5 miles around porterstown - 8.27/mile

    Saturday: MSB 6 mile Handicap XC Race

    You cant beat a 6m XC race the morning after a heavy'ish night on the town.
    I wasn't looking fwd to this, but early in the week, I began to think differently about it. I hated it previously 'cos I went out to hard in the 1st mile and then detonated early on - making it a horrible run.
    So I decided to change the emphasis to run 6m @ my planned marathon pace (from DCM).

    I got a short 1.3m warm up done by running upto Porterstown and soon became apparent where my handicap was.
    3rd last group - in a group of 3. The last 2 off were set off in singles.

    It was quite mucky as there was a lot of kids activities going on and the weather didn't do too much to help - but I kept to my plan as the 2 who started with me, opened a gap - I reckoned one would come back to me, but the other is a XC specialist.

    Very quickly I was on my own for a good portion until I began to gather on the ones let off earlier.
    The race is 4x1.5m laps, so you can see if you are making progress or not at different points in the race. After a lap I could see Wubble quite a bit ahead. I didn't have any aspirations for anything in the race, but I could at least have Boards bragging rights :).

    I know 'pace' isn't important in an XC, but I found myself content to sit at a 'comfortable' pace of 6:4x for the 3rd mile, before shaking myself out of my funk by seeing a guy who was off last making strides - he was still a good bit behind, but I knew he would be looking for me and one or 2 others.

    So I pushed on a bit and as I entered the last lap I had no idea who was ahead of me. At this stage, the lady who started after me, past me - she is a flyer and I've no doubt will get an international vest this year. Thankfully, she was the only one to pass me so far. I pushed on and as I approached a turn at the hedges, I seen WW just ahead, so I picked him off and turned another corner to see the guy who started last also gaining on WW - $hit.

    We approach the final field and I get shouts and I wait to hear when Sean was getting counts - I didn't have to wait too long, he was on my tail maybe 30m back but gaining fast.
    Part of me wanted to let him pass me early on, as I hadn't the 'bottle' for a sprint finish - but then the competitive part of my brain kicked in as I could hear his breathing on my tail - I sped up, with a good kick and rounded the corner - just a long straight and 1 more corner to home. I was kicking hard and made it home just ahead of him.

    Thankfully I didn't let him beat me as I finished 5th and picked up the 1st Master's prize - a nice little bonus.

    He picked up the fastest time of 36.47 versus my 38.52. The guys who started with me finished 1st and 3rd. The winner ran 37.46 - a good minute ahead of me - he obviously blagged a good handicap :).

    A great morning and a great race. I felt quite ok during the race as I wasn't emptying myself and my pace for miles 4,5,6 were all faster than my 3rd mile flunk - so a good workout and I reckon I'm stronger than I think as there was lots left in the tank.

    9m in total inc WU/CD.

    Sunday: Had the option of not running, but I put pressure on the coach (ok, I begged him) to let me run today as I was taking Monday off.

    Short run - 4.2m @ 8.20 pace.

    46 miles for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: Carb loading and doing my best to get the benefits of red wine. I Christmased well.

    Tuesday: An easy few miles to the PP and back - nothing strenuous. 7.3m@8.10

    Back down right after with my daughter to do some hills. Done a lap of the acres with her, then 4x15sec hills and a cooldown going up the Khyber :)

    9.5 for the day.

    Wednesday: Session: 2mT + 8x45sec hills (Khyber)
    Done a 2m warm up from whites gate to the 15 Acres and started on the 2m Tempo. After the 1st mile I had to take a 10-20 sec pause as the breeze virtually stopped me dead. I caught my breath and went off again - I hate stopping on these short tempos.

    The 8x45s hills went very well - all of them took 45 seconds :). Pace was faster than 5k pace but the effort felt a lot faster. I finished at the same spot on each rep, which was the main thing here.

    Another 2m cool down.

    8.5m for the day

    Thursday: We have a club member who lives near the Curragh and he invites us all to his place for a run in the Curragh and then breakfast back at his.
    The 1st year I was there, about 15 people turned up - last year there was 3-4 and this year only me and one other.
    Poor show really.

    Anyway - we had a great 8.5m run around the outside of the Curragh, taking in a few hills, including Braveheart Hill in the process. Good conversation all the way and couldn't believe when we reached the finish that we had 8.5 miles done - it flew in. Fantastic feed afterwards!

    8.5m @ 8.30 pace

    Friday: Took a route along the Canal and out at Ashtown, back along the edge of the PP and ran around the front garden a couple of times to reach the 7 :)


    Saturday: Windy Session today: WU/2k@6:00/ 4min R / 4x300 (60R) / 1mile @ 6:00 / 3min R / 3x400 (90sR) / 1k@6:00 (yep - thats the session - thankfully I had it programmed it into the watch :) )

    I parked on the Furze Road - that would give me more scope to finish anywhere in the park and not worry about doing a longer than planned cool down.

    The session went as such:

    2k: Completed in 7.22 (5:57 pace) - tough into the wind on Chesterfield & the OS Road.

    4x300: Target 60s - Actual: 59/58/60/59 - 2 of these done into the wind (60s recovery)

    1mile: Target 6:00 - Actual: 5.53: I took a route that was mostly with a tail wind down the North Road, hence the faster pace. (3 min Rec)

    3x400: Target: 87s - Actual 79/79/80: Done these at the Triangle on the North Road so I got both the tailwind and head wind on each rep. Didnt watch pace - just ran them hard - overshot the pace as a result, but happy with the effort.
    (90s recovery after each)

    1km: Target 6:00 - Actual 5:45 (Time 3:32) - After the faster 400's - I took off like a steam train and had to reign the pace back a bit - the North Lower Road (near the zoo) seems to be more protected from the wind, so I was able to keep a good pace for this.

    Great session and with a 2.5m cd it came to 10.1miles.

    Sunday: After the tough session yesterday and a good few pints on Sat night, the body wasn't in great nick Sunday morning. But once I got running, it felt great, the pace felt comfortable and all the miles were fairly consistent.
    This is the run where I notice the training effect!!
    13.2m @ 7.45

    57 miles for the week - which is a great return with a day off!!

    235 miles for December and 2766 for the year.

    Happy New Year All.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Happy New year AMK hope it is a good one

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Your training is seriously impressive. What's the target race or is there one?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Your training is seriously impressive. What's the target race or is there one?

    I'm going to race Trim 10m on Feb 4th - but the plan is geared for Bohermeen HM. Speaking with the coach, the sessions will start to become more race specific.
    Following Bohermeen HM, it'll be back to cracking some PB's throughout the spring/summer on 5k/5m/10k. Hopefully I'll race a lot!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Overall a good year running wise for me - I set PB's at 4m/5m and 10k and matched my 5k PB.

    Raheny 5m got me started and I ran 30:19 - happy with the effort apart from a 4th mile brain fart when I relaxed too much.

    Following that race, I start using Jack Daniels 10k plan and was blown away by this. I followed it nearly to the letter and seen great improvements.

    I ran Dunboyne 4m race and ran a PB 23.18 only to get a hiding at the GIR with a disappointing run of 37.49.
    Terenure was up next and I went Sub30 o my surprise at the time as its a brutal course (and I still dont know why it feels so hard up that drag).

    Dunboyne 5m was next and I always run well there - it was a perfect day and I got around in a PB of 28.53. Bohermeen 5k saw me match my 5k (17:38) but it was a windy day out there and slightly long :).

    I had another good performance in Clonee 10k where I ran 36:09 - a time I thought I would never get - now I know that 35 high is a possibility.

    This ended the JD approach and I've never felt in as good shape as I did following that plan.

    Following that it was Marathon preparation and I didn't 'race' much, but done sessions in R&R HM (1.26) and the FD10m.

    I had a great run in the 3/4 Mara (possibly too good - but I wont dwell) and subsequently failed to deliver at the marathon, enduring cramp from 14 miles.

    Picked myself out with a new coach and had a great blow out at Jingle bells, running 17.45 and then coming 5th and 1st Master at MSB's club handicap race.

    Mileage wise it was very decent - over 2700 miles. I also found out that I simply love running. I do not think I would never run (is that a double negative??). I love long sessions and long reps, the hurt that that brings and the satisfaction that comes moments after you stop.

    2018 I hope to PB in 5k/5m/10m/10m/HM and then see what happens after the summer.

    Part of me wants to do Dublin with the aim of "just" breaking 3 and not cramping along the way - I feel that DCM has beaten me too many times and I owe it one.

    So - looking fwd to the new approach with a new coach!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,507 ✭✭✭Damo 2k9

    Best of luck with the upcoming year AMK, been following u for a while and the training u put in for Dublin was unbelievable, you definitely have unfinished business with it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Your year sounds similar to mine. First half of the year will be mostly 5k, 5M, 10k, 10M and HM. Not sure how many of those I'll be racing as such. Coach will decide ;) . Im undecided on the second half of the year. Will be interesting to follow your progress. You're going phenomenally well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday 1st: 5 easy miles around Porterstown/Carpenterstown - nothing too much to report.


    Tuesday: Session: 5x1200 (2 mins)

    The wind was going to make this a tough one, so I had a plan to get as much of it into a tail wind as I could.
    Drove down to the PP and done the 1st rep into the wind on the OS Road - then it was up Chesterfield and onto the North road - From there I managed the majority of the 3rd rep and the next 2 without the hassle of a headwind.

    Reps: Plan was to keep it between 5:50 and 6:00.

    4.25 / 4.22/ 4.20/ 4.20 / 4.24 (all about 5:50-5:55)
    decent WU & CD brought it to 9.25 miles.

    Great session.

    Devastation in the King household as my younger daughter got informed that she didn't make the Final Championship panel for the Dub U16 girls. We were so sure she had made it, so it was a huge setback for her.

    Nothing worse than seen your little girl so upset after putting in so much effort and sacrifice over the last few months - she changed eating habits and hasn't touched a soft drink or chocolate in about 6 months. So upset for her.

    7m lap of the park at about 8/min miles. Legs felt great, but the heart is broken.

    Thursday: 7 miles at 8.10/mile - around Porterstown. Nothing much happened. Seen a dog. Seen a bloke. A few cars passed.

    Friday: Session 3x10 mins

    I really like these sessions - Seeing this session on the email filled me with glee!!! (.....and Wine, but thats a different log)

    Thankfully, the wind had abated and I drove to the PP.
    A 2.4m warm up brought me back to Whites Gate and I done the 1st 10 mins bringing me to the intersection of the Furze & OS.
    The 2nd rep was another loop of the Furze/OS (1.6m=10mins) and the 3rd rep I went up the Furze and turned Down Chesterfield, taking the easy option for the next 6 mins :)

    the 3 reps were:
    6:09 / 6.12 / 6.10 (2 min recovery) (Goal was 6:15)

    9.25 miles total.

    Run / Study / Eat / Drink is how my last 2 weeks are panning out - Exams start on Tuesday so hopefully some normality returns.
    My last month of work too as HP closes its doors on Jan 31st - (hopefully take a few months off) Happy Days!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Sorry to hear about the youngest, know the devastation of not making county teams when you feel you done everything right. It will make her stronger & better.

    You looked very svelte & fit in Blanch Shopping Centre Tuesday afternoon, more fat on a turkeys kneecap I'd say, tried catching your eye a few times but you were engrossed talking on the phone. No doubt licking up to Coach T to make sure your his blue eyed boy!!!
