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The main thing is keeping the main thing, the main thing



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Friday: Session - 3x800/2x600/10minT/4x300

    Down to a very blustery PP for this - Decided to do it on the Furze/OS Road with the odd rep taking me to Farmleigh gate.

    The session goals were for 5:45 pace for 800's/600's - 6:10 for the tempo and 5:30's for the 300's.

    Went as follows:

    2.25m Warm up

    800's: 2.47 (5:37) 2:50 (5:43) 2:48 (5:39) - all off 90s

    600's: 2.07 (5:41) 2.06 (5.38) - all off 90s

    10minT - 1.66m (6.01 pace) - just short of a full lap of the Furze/OS triangle. Terrible 1st 4 mins into the wind.

    3 min jog recovery.

    4x300's (1min R): 1st 3 1min (5:24 pace) - the last one was 55s (4.57 pace) as I was replicating race finish to prove to myself that no matter how tired you are, you can go faster.

    2.2m CD

    10.3m total

    Saturday: Legs were super tired after the session. Possibly the most fatigue I've felt after a session in a while.
    Took a route down the canal and back home via the park. Thankfully no breeze today.

    7m@ 8.32 pace. (probably should have done it at 9's)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Coach was saying it was the best 4 seconds of his life................oh, you mean the PB......soz.....


    Omg poor L, how (or why) he puts up with you lot is beyond me :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Omg poor L, how (or why) he puts up with you lot is beyond me

    Coz we make his stats look good ;) haha

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Sunday: Up at 7 to meet a few lads at 7:30. Madness - but was a beautiful morning.

    1st 5m were grand as we cantered along - the pace upped naturally for the next 3 (7:05's), inc the Khyber before we stopped for a min or 2 to pick up the next bunch.
    The next 4m or so were grand - chatting away before I headed off on my own (and away from the 2 Man U fans!) for the next 3 which were to be done steady.
    Last 3 steady miles were a tad fast @6:50's, but I felt good and they weren't forced.

    15m@ 7.22 ave.

    64.5m for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Sunday: Up at 7 to meet a few lads at 7:30. Madness - but was a beautiful morning.

    7:30 - that's a lie in! :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    I'm always interested when I see your quicker long runs on Strava. Where does coach sit in terms of running your long runs at a decent clip? I know my training is very much easy runs or sessions. Is it just different strokes for different folks?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I'm always interested when I see your quicker long runs on Strava. Where does coach sit in terms of running your long runs at a decent clip? I know my training is very much easy runs or sessions. Is it just different strokes for different folks?

    Every now and then its ok according to him - I hadn't ran with the club in a few months actually, so it is only a recent thing.

    I'd not do those paces running on my own, but when you are in a group and chatting, your not exactly clock watching.

    The last 3 weeks were all different.

    This week - was a mixture of paces (Steady/Easy) with a couple of 2-3 min stops in there. The last 3m pick up felt easier than usual.

    Last week was purely easy with last 3 steady - I'd a session on the Saturday, so legs were tired.

    The previous week was nuts altogether, with 13 out of 15m steady.

    I'd probably get disowned if I done the 13/15 steady all the time and its quite common for the lads in the club to do that, looking back over my previous long runs with them. So I need to watch myself when I do run with them.

    I was actually happy enough with this weeks run - maybe the 'extra steady' steady bits (ok was MP) brought the ave pace down by a lot.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    MOnday: 5m easy around Porterstown - 8.27 pace - ;egs feeling ok.

    Tuesday: 5x3mins + 5x30s

    Ran down from the house & done these on the Furze/OS loops - cant recall the weather, but I think it was wet and windy ( change there so).
    Reps were tough - its amazing how a 3min rep can be tough yet you could run most of a 5k at that pace!

    Paces for the reps were: (tgt=5:45)
    5:41 / 5:37 / 5:41 / 5:40/ 5:39

    The 5x30s were hard but controlled.

    8.33 miles

    Wednesday: 7m @ 8.26 pace - legs tired from the previous session, mini lap of the park and avoiding the hillier side.

    Thursday: AM: out just after I got up - body & mind still asleep - 3m@8:54
    PM: 6.11m around the park again - 5x30s strides in an attempt to wake up the legs - strides weren't ran as hard as Tuesday.

    9.1m for the day

    Friday: 4.4m down the PP @ 8.17 pace - keeping the legs moving.
    Friday 13th - after 7 interviews for a job - told I didn't get it. 7 interviews!

    Saturday: I'll put down 2m in advance :) - just a shakeout with some strides.

    Sunday brings the GIR/National 10k - not a goal race but hoping for a better performance than last year.
    I'm in college all day Saturday (online) and an engagement party Sat night, but I'll be behaved!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    All the best tomorrow Alan, you love that route though!! Run well!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Good luck tomorrow- hope it goes well for you

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    All the best for tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Sunday: National 10k (GIR)

    So, Sunday morning arrived and after my 2m shakeout on Sat, where I felt all kinds of $h!te and getting to bed about 1am - I actually felt super getting up.
    I had a plan for the race - this plan would give me a sub 37 finish and my 2nd best ever 10k. It involved running 3x5.50 miles, then holding 6's for the remainder, and needing a decent sprint finish for the last 0.2m. Then I seen the weather. More $h!te.

    Met some lads from the club for a warmup and strides (about 2m) - I had a chat with Eddie N about his Tokyo exploits - he's a machine that man. The legs felt nice and light doing the strides and I knew I was in good shape.

    Took a good place in the corral and at exactly 11:20, we were off.

    The wind was in our favour for the 1st 1km - so I took advantage of it, running within myself - we turned down the North road and I was joined by Fletch (often on these parts) - a nice guy on the running scene and a beast of a runner - we banter a few times as I think I beat him once a few yrs ago - then he started training.

    The watch beeped for the 1st mile at 5:51 - bang on - and I felt fine. However, the wind was picking up as the road straightened and I let fletch off and took my foot off the gas. 1st decision - Do I follow the crowd or get somewhat isolated??

    I let the crowd go - I was sure that there was a crowd behind me, afterall, there was a few thousand in this race :)
    I felt very good during mile 2 and at this stage I guessed a good time was on the cards.

    My big worry prior to the race was that I'd have a Bohermeen experience and loose it on the 1st mile. Wasn't going to happen today.

    Mile 2 was tough with the initial breeze but that subsided when we turned right onto The Old Lamp Road and I upped the pace again. Mile 2 came in at 5:57. That was ok - I'd re-adjust targets.

    We passed the monument and made our way to the Khyber, turning down, I done a systems check (all ok) & let gravity take over, but tried to keep a good clip while recovering. Body felt good, we were nearly half way and I was feeling strong. Mile 3 in 5:53

    We turned right onto the 1st hill - its a real stinger, but its short. There's good recovery after it, so I took it at an appropriate pace. The number of people sprinting up it was obscene. Once at the top, I took a quick recovery, shook the hands out and motored on. Mile 4 was averaging about 6:20's at the top of the hill, but thanks to the S bends and the downhill segment, it came in at 5:59.

    Still feeling good.

    I had a shout from Shane (OP) at this stage and recalled last year how mile 4 was 6:20's - so I knew I was in good shape. Just keep the last 2 miles handy and you're home.
    Going up the Upper Glen Road, I felt good and was passing people, but near the top I was starting to suffer. I knew there was a P!G of a hill to come, so used the Glen downhill to recover. As we turned at the pond, I was shocked to see a 6:09 5th mile beep on the watch. I had thought mile 5 was faster than that. Doubly $h!te.

    Turning the corner and it was like a death march. I cant quite recall if there was a breeze as well as a hill - I doubt it - but it seemed harder than usual. I had closed out the last mile last year in 6:12 - so had similar expectations this year. Just get to the bollards and it will level out I was saying. The entire hill is about 200 steps - but today it felt twice that. The legs were yelling at me.
    "No - stay calm - take the hill, then push on when it levels out".
    I pushed on..................for about 200 meters, then it became apparent that the wind was going to be against us for the entire journey home.
    I hit the Furze road and was doing about 6:30's on average for the 6th mile. Oh No - this is a disaster I thought. 5 decent miles and throw it away here. I urged myself to push on, but the wind was tough and the legs were not able to respond. the (in my head) famous kick, wasn't there today.
    Mile 6 was 6:27 :(

    Passed the 400m to go sign and a couple of lads passed me - I managed somewhat of a kick to reel in 2 of the lads ahead and finished.

    As I finished, I dry wretched - then I wet wretched as I threw what ever was in my stomach over the barrier. The sign of a good race?? I hope not as the last mile was gick.

    10k in 37:47 (unofficial)

    Many positives from this race:

    * I didn't die after mile 1. Thats always good.
    * My taper was excellent. Legs felt great.
    * Felt strong the majority of the run - the hills & wind took its toll, but most peoples last mile was 30-40 secs slower than their 1st.
    * I finished there or there abouts the same time as last year, give or take a few seconds, but I'd rate it as a much much better performance - given the wind and how I felt over 5 miles (~29:50)

    I'm certainly delighted that I ran the race, given that I dislike it so much. The route and the effort will bring me on and I can approach my next races with confidence.

    1.2m cool down.

    Weeks total: 45.4m

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Well done. That last mile looked horrible on Strava, never mind into the wind. I always take dry retching as a sign that I left it all out there - as for wet retching, well then there can be no doubt about the effort put in. Sounds like you got the taper right too - I think its good to get the fine tuning right on these things.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    My hill was bigger than your hill ;) well done man. You showed heart there. We all knew you had mental strength deep down ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Sounds like you got the taper right too - I think its good to get the fine tuning right on these things.

    And the funniest part is he could do exactly that ten more times and feel like crap six out of ten times. Haha

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    And the funniest part is he could do exactly that ten more times and feel like crap six out of ten times. Haha

    Bang on there. A race taper is an art, not a science.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    And the funniest part is he could do exactly that ten more times and feel like crap six out of ten times. Haha

    Bang on there. A race taper is an art, not a science.

    Yeah, it's a bit mad - I'll stick to what I know works, until it doesn't and then try something else. Part of it is ritual I suppose - whatever makes you relaxed is important I think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,455 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Jaysis everyone is at the retching now. I’m falling behind and will have to work on the wet retch aspect of my game.

    Very solid performance. Was in the park today a couple of hours after your race and the wind was significant so I’m sure it affected some of those splits. Fair play!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Sunday: National 10k (GIR)

    So, Sunday morning arrived and after my 2m shakeout on Sat, where I felt all kinds of $h!te and getting to bed about 1am - I actually felt super getting up.
    I had a plan for the race - this plan would give me a sub 37 finish and my 2nd best ever 10k. It involved running 3x5.50 miles, then holding 6's for the remainder, and needing a decent sprint finish for the last 0.2m. Then I seen the weather. More $h!te.

    Met some lads from the club for a warmup and strides (about 2m) - I had a chat with Eddie N about his Tokyo exploits - he's a machine that man. The legs felt nice and light doing the strides and I knew I was in good shape.

    Took a good place in the corral and at exactly 11:20, we were off.

    The wind was in our favour for the 1st 1km - so I took advantage of it, running within myself - we turned down the North road and I was joined by Fletch (often on these parts) - a nice guy on the running scene and a beast of a runner - we banter a few times as I think I beat him once a few yrs ago - then he started training.

    The watch beeped for the 1st mile at 5:51 - bang on - and I felt fine. However, the wind was picking up as the road straightened and I let fletch off and took my foot off the gas. 1st decision - Do I follow the crowd or get somewhat isolated??

    I let the crowd go - I was sure that there was a crowd behind me, afterall, there was a few thousand in this race :)
    I felt very good during mile 2 and at this stage I guessed a good time was on the cards.

    My big worry prior to the race was that I'd have a Bohermeen experience and loose it on the 1st mile. Wasn't going to happen today.

    Mile 2 was tough with the initial breeze but that subsided when we turned right onto The Old Lamp Road and I upped the pace again. Mile 2 came in at 5:57. That was ok - I'd re-adjust targets.

    We passed the monument and made our way to the Khyber, turning down, I done a systems check (all ok) & let gravity take over, but tried to keep a good clip while recovering. Body felt good, we were nearly half way and I was feeling strong. Mile 3 in 5:53

    We turned right onto the 1st hill - its a real stinger, but its short. There's good recovery after it, so I took it at an appropriate pace. The number of people sprinting up it was obscene. Once at the top, I took a quick recovery, shook the hands out and motored on. Mile 4 was averaging about 6:20's at the top of the hill, but thanks to the S bends and the downhill segment, it came in at 5:59.

    Still feeling good.

    I had a shout from Shane (OP) at this stage and recalled last year how mile 4 was 6:20's - so I knew I was in good shape. Just keep the last 2 miles handy and you're home.
    Going up the Upper Glen Road, I felt good and was passing people, but near the top I was starting to suffer. I knew there was a P!G of a hill to come, so used the Glen downhill to recover. As we turned at the pond, I was shocked to see a 6:09 5th mile beep on the watch. I had thought mile 5 was faster than that. Doubly $h!te.

    Turning the corner and it was like a death march. I cant quite recall if there was a breeze as well as a hill - I doubt it - but it seemed harder than usual. I had closed out the last mile last year in 6:12 - so had similar expectations this year. Just get to the bollards and it will level out I was saying. The entire hill is about 200 steps - but today it felt twice that. The legs were yelling at me.
    "No - stay calm - take the hill, then push on when it levels out".
    I pushed on..................for about 200 meters, then it became apparent that the wind was going to be against us for the entire journey home.
    I hit the Furze road and was doing about 6:30's on average for the 6th mile. Oh No - this is a disaster I thought. 5 decent miles and throw it away here. I urged myself to push on, but the wind was tough and the legs were not able to respond. the (in my head) famous kick, wasn't there today.
    Mile 6 was 6:27 :(

    Passed the 400m to go sign and a couple of lads passed me - I managed somewhat of a kick to reel in 2 of the lads ahead and finished.

    As I finished, I dry wretched - then I wet wretched as I threw what ever was in my stomach over the barrier. The sign of a good race?? I hope not as the last mile was gick.

    10k in 37:47 (unofficial)

    Many positives from this race:

    * I didn't die after mile 1. Thats always good.
    * My taper was excellent. Legs felt great.
    * Felt strong the majority of the run - the hills & wind took its toll, but most peoples last mile was 30-40 secs slower than their 1st.
    * I finished there or there abouts the same time as last year, give or take a few seconds, but I'd rate it as a much much better performance - given the wind and how I felt over 5 miles (~29:50)

    I'm certainly delighted that I ran the race, given that I dislike it so much. The route and the effort will bring me on and I can approach my next races with confidence.

    1.2m cool down.

    Weeks total: 45.4m

    Another great report! Sounds like a super effort AMK. I'm delighted for you, good to hear you feeling a return of confidence :)

    Do you mind me asking was the plan to do with the course profile? I ask because i thought the usual would be to go out slightly conservative and then build up for a strong finish?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Nice one, A - you certainly can take a lot from that race, good to get a tough, gut wrenching race in along the way

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    ariana` wrote: »
    Another great report! Sounds like a super effort AMK. I'm delighted for you, good to hear you feeling a return of confidence :)

    Do you mind me asking was the plan to do with the course profile? I ask because i thought the usual would be to go out slightly conservative and then build up for a strong finish?

    Its a great question!

    5:50 pace is what I've done in the past for a 10k and the 1st half of the course is pretty forgiving with a good 1km downhill (Khyber) - so 5:50 pace is not aggressive, but could be 'normal' pace.
    I also checked previous 5m races done on a similar route and noted that I held 5:58's on both Military hill & the Upper Glen Road.

    Sometimes the correct thing to do is to bank effort, not time but on that course, I don't think its possible to have a strong finish. The climb out of the Furry Glen is super tough and its the 3rd of 3 hills.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: Tired legs on Monday as I meandered around the PP. Nice recovery.


    Tuesday: This was a nice little run on the schedule and was welcome after the hard 10k effort 2 days previous.
    The aim was a progression down to 7 min/miles and then some strides.

    As it was quite blustery out, it was at times difficult to hold the pace, but it was enjoyable keeping focused and the last 3 or so miles felt good.
    7.56 / 7.41 / 7.34 / 7.29/ 7:16 / 7:08 / 6:54

    6x30s strides afterwards.

    8m total.


    A small lap of one side of the PP, taking in the 2nd 5k of the GIR for the craic.


    Also done 15-20 mins of S&C - planks, press ups, donkey kicks and squats. Did I mention I done squats. And Lunges.

    Thursday: GOOD JEBUS! - Squats and Lunges are the devil.

    Sore and tired legs greeted me on Thursday morning. A tired 4m around Porterstown.
    I think the Garmin is wrong as it lists my 1st mile as 8:33 - when I know I was doing 10min miles for the majority of it.


    PM: I came up with a new 7m route for the sunny day that was in it - taking in the Glen, the S Bends and over to the War Memorial gardens. A lovely run.
    I also wore the HR monitor - going to wear it from time to time to monitor HR (not as a training aid).

    7.3m@ 8.12 pace.

    Walked the dog as well down the PP in between runs and watched the daughters GAA match that evening - what a great day topping up the tan ;) - Slept soundly.

    Day total: 11.5m

    Friday: Woke up and felt yesterdays exertions right away. Legs still tired, so waited til the afternoon to do the planned session.

    Session: 3x1km / 3x800 / 3x600 - all at 5:45 & all off 2 mins.

    I ran from Whites Gate to the Acres as a WU for the 1st set of 1k's and also done 1 of the 800's, but it was just too windy on 2 sides - amazing on a nice day that the acres can be breezy - in fairness, the legs were tired, so it may have just been a 'normal' light breeze - just magnified by my tired legs.

    I done the 2nd and 3rd 800 on the way to the Polo grounds and completed the 3x600's there - it was actually so strange and a tad more difficult doing speedwork on the grass. I'd forgotten what it was like to do that.

    A great session and it certainly left its mark on me afterwards.

    1000: 3:30 / 3:32 / 3:32 (Pace range 5:38-5:44)

    800: 2:51 / 2:50/ 2:50 (Range: 5:40-5:44)

    600: 2:08 / 2.06 / 2.02 (Range 5.29-5:43) - using last 600 rep to mimic the closing out of a race

    Interestingly, I never got into max HR at all - maxing at 175 - even though the effort felt tough, there was more there.

    With WU & CD session was 10.5m - legs nicely beat afterwards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Saturday: 7m along the Canal and back home via the PP. Nice run in beautiful weather.


    Sunday: Made it to the Club run for 8am and settled off on a nice pace. The lads who generally set off fast weren't there today, so had a good chat for 12 miles or so before setting off on my own for the last 3m pickup.

    The legs were tired today but the ease at which the 3m pickup went gave me a great feeling. Probably would've done another couple of miles too.

    15m@7:45 (last 3: 6:50/6:49/6:46)

    64m for the week

    Last non running day was March 9th - and feeling good for it.
    Someone told me today that 'technically' I'm the 14th fastest 45-49 yr old in the country :):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Last non running day was March 9th - and feeling good for it. Someone told me today that 'technically' I'm the 14th fastest 45-49 yr old in the country


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing


    Feeling about 30 yrs older than that this morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: 5m super easy following a disastrous meeting with an agency.

    5m@8.30 pace

    Tuesday: 3x(3x600) - 90s 4min bt sets.
    I was looking fwd to this one since I seen it. 600m is a good distance for this sort of speedwork - all reps were to be at about 5:30 pace - 2:02 per rep. Hence the 4:00 between sets.

    I found this quite manageable and I'd say 90% of the reps had me starting at a much faster pace and then slowing by the end. I need more control!

    Reps went as follows:

    (1) 2:02 / 2:01 / 2:02
    (2) 2:03 / 2:01 / 2:00
    (3) 1:59 / 2:01 / 1:58

    Interesting on the reps - the last rep on the 2nd set, I bump into Emilia from Dunboyne - she's doing 500's.
    My form improved, I got faster for the other reps - she joined me for my last rep and I ended up racing.

    A great session though.

    10 miles in total.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Wednesday: 7miles @ 8:18 pace - up the S bends again.

    Thursday: AM: 4m@8:23 pace - felt like I never woke up for this one.

    PM: 7m@7.55 pace - Felt much better! Although the rain made an appearance.

    Friday: Session day - 8x800's (75s)
    As I was off to a wedding in Carlow, the only time to get this done was to do it early'ish. So I ran down to the PP before 9 and got started.

    This was tough - it felt tougher than the 600's although the pace was for 5:45's (as opposed to 5:30's for the 600's) - but the recovery felt like nothing! The breeze didn't help matters and a combination of the wind, bring in a hurry (stressed) and the early time made it much harder than it should have been.

    Reps were in the 2:50 area - ranging from 5:41 pace to 5:48 against the wind.
    The session left me knackered for the wedding - but I perked up later in the night (or was it early in the morning.......)

    7.83m total

    Saturday: Back from the wedding and considered not going out, but managed to get out for 5m nice and easy before another social engagement. Jaysus wept.


    Sunday: Didn't make it out for the club run - but did get in a few mile early afternoon.
    10.77m @ 8.07 which included a welcome stop at the famous Polo grounds tap.

    Great news from the coach later on.

    57m for the week.

    Monday: 7m@7.55 pace easy down to the PP and back home.
    Also finished my last assignment with this course. Cant wait to get exams over with in a couple of weeks.

    April finished with 253miles but only 1 race - the GIR. The mileage is the highest since September.

    May will help with the race metrics with definitely 3 and possibly 4 races on the cards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Wednesday: 7miles @ 8:18 pace - up the S bends again.

    Thursday: AM: 4m@8:23 pace - felt like I never woke up for this one.

    PM: 7m@7.55 pace - Felt much better! Although the rain made an appearance.

    Friday: Session day - 8x800's (75s)
    As I was off to a wedding in Carlow, the only time to get this done was to do it early'ish. So I ran down to the PP before 9 and got started.

    This was tough - it felt tougher than the 600's although the pace was for 5:45's (as opposed to 5:30's for the 600's) - but the recovery felt like nothing! The breeze didn't help matters and a combination of the wind, bring in a hurry (stressed) and the early time made it much harder than it should have been.

    Reps were in the 2:50 area - ranging from 5:41 pace to 5:48 against the wind.
    The session left me knackered for the wedding - but I perked up later in the night (or was it early in the morning.......)

    7.83m total

    Saturday: Back from the wedding and considered not going out, but managed to get out for 5m nice and easy before another social engagement. Jaysus wept.


    Sunday: Didn't make it out for the club run - but did get in a few mile early afternoon.
    10.77m @ 8.07 which included a welcome stop at the famous Polo grounds tap.

    Great news from the coach later on.

    57m for the week.

    Monday: 7m@7.55 pace easy down to the PP and back home.
    Also finished my last assignment with this course. Cant wait to get exams over with in a couple of weeks.

    April finished with 253miles but only 1 race - the GIR. The mileage is the highest since September.

    May will help with the race metrics with definitely 3 and possibly 4 races on the cards.

    Great to have all the assignments done!

    253 miles :eek: wow well done.

    Are you allowed to share the great news - or was it posted anywhere else by the man himself? I have been wondering :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    ariana` wrote: »

    Are you allowed to share the great news - or was it posted anywhere else by the man himself? I have been wondering :o

    An 'ickle boy!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    An 'ickle boy!

    Ah fantastic news - thanks for sharing :)
