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The main thing is keeping the main thing, the main thing



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Ah here there's no way you're quitting on us. You have a donkey from Limerick hot on your heels. Bit soon to turn you into glue just yet.

    All joking aside you've done a serious amount of travel lately. You must be wrecked. Hard to have any mojo with the flights and routine being upset.
    Do you need a big target race to get you going?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Horrible to be getting old.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    OOnegative wrote:
    Horrible to be getting old.....

    He's been old for a while in fairness

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Totally natural to be feeling a bit flat every now and then, A - I think everyone gets that at some stage. The love for racing will come back itself though, might be no harm to just train away for the love of it for a while, its a hobby after all !

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Don't listen to him A. He's feeling the heat from us. Keep it going. He'll buckle under the pressure

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Don't listen to him A. He's feeling the heat from us. Keep it going. He'll buckle under the pressure

    Sure rumour has it that the sole reason Jerry Kiernan was there the other evening was to check DD out!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Catching up here:

    July 16-22:

    61 miles total.
    Runs of Note:
    (1) Session: 3x3mins/8 minsT/3x3mins
    (2) 18 mile long run @ 7.50 pace - went well.

    July 23-29:
    On hols in Gran Canaria (or De Canarys): A very hilly and hot part of the world!
    38 miles in total - ran 6/7 days.

    Noteworthy runs:
    (1) 6 miles inc 2x10 mins at Tempo
    (2) 12 Mile long run

    July 30- Aug 5:
    Still on Hols til the Saturday

    47 miles for the week - Ran 6/7 days
    Noteworthy runs:
    (1) 6.5m inc 5k at MP
    (2) 10m MLR
    (3) 16m on my return (7.38 pace)

    Aug 6th-12th

    Ran 7/7 days - In Milan with work From Tues PM til Thursday night.

    Noteworthy runs:
    (1) 4x(3/2/1 mins) 90s rec & 3 mins b/t sets - went well, but felt fat and slow :)
    (2) 9 miles in Milan in 32 degrees!
    (3) 3x8 mins / 2x5 mins on my return on Friday - went very well - felt very strong and ran the recoveries at sub 8 min/mile pace.
    (4) 16 mile long run - inc the RnR half at a steady effort. Was very conscious not to over do it - so watched HR on this one.
    1:34 for the 13.1 miles - a beast of a route - passed about 200m from my house at 1 stage!

    66.4m for the week - highest week since early Oct 2017.

    Feeling very refreshed mentally and physically - ready to go for DCM.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing


    Monday: Nice 7m run all on grass in the PP.

    7m@ 8.21

    Tuesday: Session - 3mTempo + 4x2mins

    Was tired on the warm up (3m with strides) and contemplated putting this off by 1 day, the gusty breeze wasn't helping matters - but decided to do it anyway. And it went splendid!

    The 3m section was mixed into/out of the breeze with the last mile being favourable (last mile of the 3 was my slowest :) )
    Finished the 3m in about 18:08 (meant to be 18:30) and straight into a 3 min jog - 8 min/miles

    The 4x2 mins were on the Polo grounds - so on grass and this was very exposed and tough by the section where the clubhouse is - straight into a headwind. Each 2 mins, followed by a 60 sec jog - again, trying to keep it around 8 min/miles.

    About a 2 mile cool down, stretching and home!

    3 mile tempo: Tgt 6:10 - 6.01 / 6.01 / 6.07

    4x2 mins: Tgt 5:50 - 5:53 / 5:42 / 5:43 / 5:40

    Total: 10.16 miles

    Wednesday: 9 miles on the agenda and wanted to get these done early enough in the afternoon, but it was lashing out and I just didn't fancy it :)

    I remembered that I had a gym membership that I haven't used in 2 months (long story) so went along and planned to do 4-5 miles on that and then the remaining around the area.
    I was sweating buckets after 4 miles and enjoying the podcast I was listening to (Gary Neville on 2nd Captains), so said I'd do a few more, then I realised I was sweating so much that it be silly to go out (the rain had stopped at this stage), so I kept going for the 9 miles (or 14.5km on the treadie).

    Took me ages to mop up the pools of sweat - and I squelched outside soaked to the skin. The thing I wanted to avoid!

    14.5km (9 miles) in 72 mins.

    oh yes - the number at the top - the older ickle one got her leaving cert results - she done good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    oh yes - the number at the top - the older ickle one got her leaving cert results - she done good.

    Wow. Great result.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble


    Monday: Nice 7m run all on grass in the PP.

    7m@ 8.21

    Tuesday: Session - 3mTempo + 4x2mins

    Was tired on the warm up (3m with strides) and contemplated putting this off by 1 day, the gusty breeze wasn't helping matters - but decided to do it anyway. And it went splendid!

    The 3m section was mixed into/out of the breeze with the last mile being favourable (last mile of the 3 was my slowest :) )
    Finished the 3m in about 18:08 (meant to be 18:30) and straight into a 3 min jog - 8 min/miles

    The 4x2 mins were on the Polo grounds - so on grass and this was very exposed and tough by the section where the clubhouse is - straight into a headwind. Each 2 mins, followed by a 60 sec jog - again, trying to keep it around 8 min/miles.

    About a 2 mile cool down, stretching and home!

    3 mile tempo: Tgt 6:10 - 6.01 / 6.01 / 6.07

    4x2 mins: Tgt 5:50 - 5:53 / 5:42 / 5:43 / 5:40

    Total: 10.16 miles

    Wednesday: 9 miles on the agenda and wanted to get these done early enough in the afternoon, but it was lashing out and I just didn't fancy it :)

    I remembered that I had a gym membership that I haven't used in 2 months (long story) so went along and planned to do 4-5 miles on that and then the remaining around the area.
    I was sweating buckets after 4 miles and enjoying the podcast I was listening to (Gary Neville on 2nd Captains), so said I'd do a few more, then I realised I was sweating so much that it be silly to go out (the rain had stopped at this stage), so I kept going for the 9 miles (or 14.5km on the treadie).

    Took me ages to mop up the pools of sweat - and I squelched outside soaked to the skin. The thing I wanted to avoid!

    14.5km (9 miles) in 72 mins.

    oh yes - the number at the top - the older ickle one got her leaving cert results - she done good.

    No way could I stay on a treadmill for that length of time. Last time I went on one at all was on the boat nearly two years ago - I stopped after about 3k because I'd already sweated buckets :eek:

    Well done to your daughter on the LC results!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Wow - your daughter did amazing. Well done on the treadmill run!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    What's your next target race AMK?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    What's your next target race AMK?

    Just signed up for the Frank Duffy 10 and the Race Series HM.

    However, the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.

    So will be doing these with a heavy training load, but giving them socks nonetheless :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Getting difficult to keep up here!

    Thursday: 7m easy - down to the PP - 8.18 pace.

    Friday: Session: 10min@6.30 / 5@6.10 / 10@6.30 / 10@6:10

    I was a bit worried about this as the wind was blowing a bit on Friday. Jogged down to the PP an stated off the 1st section - the whole workout went ok - Parts of the last segment (10m@6.10) were tough into the wind, but I managed it.

    Saturday: 9m easy - down to the PP and back - 9.22@8.14 - this was a very 'mechanical run' the type that you dont like, but have to do while tired - its just a case of 1 foot in front of the other and keep it going.

    Sunday I really like the sunday runs - I especially like them with the 2 Pauls (& John Mc but he wasn't around today) as the pace is honest and the banter is top notch. Chatting throughout, a few hills and a good honest run.

    17m @ 7.19 (2.04 mins)

    70 miles for the week - body feeling good for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: Easy run in the PP and 6x30s strides at the end - stretching & Core later.


    Tuesday: Session - 2mT + 8x45s Hills.

    You know when you see a session on paper and you think this will be a piece of pi$$ - and then it turns out to be a right ba$tard...................

    Well this wasn't one of them :) It was very much doable - I reckon though, that this is an appropriate session to do as I've a toughie coming up on Friday.

    3.2m warm up inc strides and stretching.

    The 2m T was planned for 6:10 - done it in 6:03 - tough in parts into the wind.
    3 min recovery - 9 min/miles (as per discussion on SB log)

    8x45s hills - down by the Khyber.
    Found this very manageable - after the 1st one, I was turning around and setting off straight away in about 75-80s - in the past I'd stop for the 10 seconds.
    Pace varied on these from 5.40's on the 1st 3 then got faster and last one was 5.10.

    2 and a bit mile cool down, of course I ran around the car, to bring it to 10 miles.


    Wednesday: 9m from the house, around a bit of the park and back - tipping away listening to podcasts.

    9m @8.08 pace.

    So - overall I'm in a good place. Mentally refreshed and I look fwd to each run.
    The 7m runs are becoming like the old 4m recovery runs and the 9m runs are very manageable.

    This weekend from Friday will be telling with about 40m to be logged in 3 days - be interested to see how my long run goes this week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    This weekend from Friday will be telling with about 40m to be logged in 3 days - be interested to see how my long run goes this week.

    And I go and vex the whole thing!

    On Wednesdays run, I never mentioned that I got stung by a bee on the knee, something fairly innocuous, I've been stung before.

    Thursday: My knee was slightly swollen, not sore, not painful, just swollen. So I went out for 7 miles at a very easy pace.
    When I got home, my knee was like a football - $h!t.
    Antihistamines, ice, nurofen etc etc......

    7m @ 8.22

    Friday: After many tablets and nurofen, my knee was a lot better on Friday - but the swelling had moved down the leg to above my shin and my ankle. Very strange.
    I took the option not to run - but I was tempted to do a few miles to test it out - but thought the better of it.
    I had a session planned - a beast of a session, so I knew I'd be down mileage this week.

    Saturday: I has checked the weather for the coming days and had also checked in with the coach who agreed that it would be better to do a session/long run combo. I knew Saturday was the better day weather wise for a long session so was up early.

    Session was 5k/4k/3k/2k starting at 6:20 and increasing slightly every set - the aim was to increase the effort and not worry too much about the pace.

    This was a big jump on my previous sessions, so I knew it was an important one to nail as it would lead to similar big sessions down the road.

    I ran to Hartstown park and got in a 4m warm up before jumping into the parkrun up there.
    I wanted to maintain the 6.20 pace and not get carried away at the start.

    After about 800m I found myself in 3rd place with the 1st 2 a good bit ahead. I wasn't bothered about anything til I reached the 2m mark and on a bend I noticed a guy a few meters behind me. Right away you get torn between maintaining the session and keeping 3rd.
    So I put in a surge for about 30s and then slowed it down again and knew that 3rd place was mine.
    Unfortunately, my 1st 5k was 19:16 - which was about 6.15/mile - slightly over plan but felt good and not too bothered.

    I was giving in my barcode and it was noneother than Quickbeam from this parish who was scanning - we made our introductions and then I was off for a 4 min recovery (7.57 pace :) ) - before starting the 4k piece.

    The next 4k piece was very tough - the effort certainly increased and I finished with about 6:15 average again - but the higher effort made it ok.

    A 3min recovery (slower pace - 9.20) and off again for 3k and then a 2 min recovery and off again for 2k.
    These last 2 reps probably averaged about 6:20-6:25 - but the effort was high and I considered quitting so many times.

    I made the 3.5m home to make sure I hit 17m for the session.

    A beast of a session - 9m of tempo effort in total. A great session.
    I really love marathon training!

    17m (7.15 ave)


    Wifey was bringing her mam to see Il Papa in the PP - so after a LONG lie in I threw on the gear and set out. I had no target in mind as I was 'off plan' - I guessed that 9m would be what L would have said - or maybe he'd of said longer?? Anyway - I went to the canal and ran as far as Leixlip - a tad past it for 6.5m then turned and went back home.
    The home leg was wonderful as the breeze was on my back and any rain wasn't in my face as it was in the 1st 6.5km.

    Some great wildlife about today - with herons and ducks aplenty.

    13m for the day @ 7.55 pace. Legs felt good.

    63m for the week. - The missing Friday probably cost me 10 miles over the week as I had factored in 73 miles this week.

    Next Sunday is Frank Duffy - I'll be racing it and going for a PB - I reckon a low 61 would be acceptable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 498 ✭✭Sheep1978

    I'd have popped over at parkrun to say hello Alan if I knew what you looked like !!!! Was only when I seen the results on Sat afternoon I saw your name in third and checked strava to see if it was you. Probably don't remember but ya gave me some good advice pre DCM last year which I was thankful for. Next time

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Sheep1978 wrote: »
    I'd have popped over at parkrun to say hello Alan if I knew what you looked like !!!! Was only when I seen the results on Sat afternoon I saw your name in third and checked strava to see if it was you. Probably don't remember but ya gave me some good advice pre DCM last year which I was thankful for. Next time

    Ah yes - I do indeed remember.
    Thats the trouble with these logs, you don't know who's who in 'real life'

    How'd you get on yourself (so I can check the results and get the name ;) )

  • Registered Users Posts: 498 ✭✭Sheep1978

    21.53. Was at the end of a long run so happy enough. I'm not at the same level as yourself (or my brother in law who was the lad directly in front of you on Sat in 2nd) but gradually improving I think!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Sheep1978 wrote: »
    I'd have popped over at parkrun to say hello Alan if I knew what you looked like !!!! Was only when I seen the results on Sat afternoon I saw your name in third and checked strava to see if it was you. Probably don't remember but ya gave me some good advice pre DCM last year which I was thankful for. Next time

    If in doubt, look for a tall lad who looks like he's been on the sunbeds.........

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: Planned to run to the PP and home, but forgot it was closed, so went by Ashtown and back home by the Canal.

    6.87@8.19 pace

    Tuesday: extremely tired today - unsure why - but was tired working, tired running and just tired fullstop. Might need to revisit my diet and ensure I'm fueling correctly. Too many salads/fish and not enough quality carbs methinks.

    7.1m inc 5x20s strides (8.21 pace)

    Wednesday Its amazing what a good meal the night before a run, a decent sleep, 3 weetabix, overnight oats and 3 slices of fruitcake will do for you :)

    Went out at lunchtime for my session - 10m in total inc WU/CD - the substance was 1m@6.10/1mE/ 2m@6.30 / 1mE /1m@6.10.

    I felt very strong going out and was quickly hitting 7.3x - normally my 1st mile is 1min slower.

    2m WU: 7.37
    1m@6:10: 6.09
    1m E: 7:12 (Down UGR with tailwind - felt easy)
    2m@6.30: 6.18/6.22 - From C'Lizod gate up the hill by the hospital, up the SBends, Up Wellington Road and then turn onto Chesterfield.
    1m E: 7.35
    1m@6.10: 6.03 - up chesterfield and into a headwind - felt very strong.
    2m CD: 7.41

    10m total @ 7.02 pace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thursday: From the house, down to the park, around the Glen, back along the Furze, then home


    Friday: a few easy miles and 5x30s strides.
    5.7m total.

    Saturday: An easy 3 miles including 3x1mins hard to remind the body of the effort.

    Sunday: Frank Duffy 10m

    I had to remind myself that I was doing a race, such was the low level of race day stress - even my wife was wondering if I was racing or not. Normally she can tell :)

    I woke up early on Sat - about 6.30 - that gave me 2 hours to prep, eat, drink coffee & poop!
    After a success at all 4, I set off for Swords - parking in Airside as Swords village was mobbed.
    A chat with aquinn, P and Murph - I set about on a warm up, bumping into OFAR & TomWaitts (statss) in the process. By the end of the warm up I was sweating buckets - a sign of things to come.

    A quick loo break and a few strides and I made my way to the start line, mixing it with the Tallaght lads and speaking to AC, the coachs fav pupil (apart from DD & SB & TBL............... & all the others) :D

    The plan for this race was get home around 61 mins - I know a few people close to me were skirting around the 60 mins mark recently and it did make me question my goal - but 61 would be a 40s PB from last Feb. Aim for about 6:05's and hold steady - that was the plan.

    We were set off and within a couple of mins, I checked the watch to ensure I was on target $hit - the ave pace was reading 6:20 and it was feeling tough. Don't panic I thought - it'll pass - and it did.
    I got a huge shock on the bypass when the watch blinked at 5:51 - far too hot for mile 1 - that'll bite me in the last couple of miles I was thinking. Healy1835 introduced himself to me midrace - which is the 4th or 5th time I've met a Boardsie mid race - always a weird experience :) - Lovely guy and ran a great race.

    I let the group go and was on my own for a bit - mile 2 beeped at 6:00 - still too fast, so I slowed it again. Mile 3 & 4 were in the country roads - a water stop here - damn cups - its impossible to drink from them, so just threw it over my head. (6:07/6:08) - And I was working hard for them.

    After mile 4 I knew the effort was far too high - I was down to 6:20's and 6:30's. I could feel the heaviness in the legs and it was Bohermeen all over again. Karl F passed me here on his way to a 60:00:01 :(.

    Right - lets try some mind games I thought - take a half mile break at MP and lets get going again. Nope
    OK - Surges - lets try some surges to the next person, then run, then surge again......Nope.
    Right - half mile at MP / half mile at HM pace - This worked for a bit, but at this stage, even holding 6:30'2-6:40's was a struggle.
    The aim then became NOT stopping and finishing the damn race..........convincing myself that I hadn't got Lyme disease or an iron deficiency along the way :)

    Mile 5-7 were 6.30/6.37/6.36.
    Miles 8-9 weren't much better, I managed to pick up the effort slightly but the pace still help in the 6:3x's.

    At Mile 10 I remembered a quip I made to Swashbuckler about 63 mins and how I'd manage to stop for a pint and still beat 63. Well that would be coming home to roost. I'd need a sub 6 min/mile to hit under 63. It did make me smile though!

    Coming into Swords was great - I got a huge shout about 400m from the finish line (unsure if its a person from here or from the club who I dont know - but thanks!) and I crossed the line in 63:21. (mile 10 was 6.25)
    Its strange to cross the line in a race and not be doubled over or dry retching - I felt actually ok. Legs felt banjaxed, but the lungs felt great.

    After the race......this is why I love running and racing - I must have met about 30 people who I knew, its super really and such a social sport. Runners are a good bunch, really.


    A great race and a lovely route - a very fair course. Underfoot is a bit choppy in places for the racers I thought and water in cups is a disaster, but I would do it again - the set up in the castle grounds is great.

    From my own performance - I guess it is what it is.
    Did I set off too hard, was it too warm, too many miles in the legs, the tan was too heavy.......all these questions....

    I dont want to dwell on it and I'm not going to entertain a Boards physco-analysis of it (even though its been a while since the last one :) )

    I ran a race - I came 92nd/4000 and 10th in my age category.
    The vDot calculator suggests that a 63.21 10m would give a 2.56 marathon time - I'll take that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Good days, bad days....we should always move on in both cases. Good man

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Changing from St Tropez to Cocoa Brown can sometimes affect your running......... your much much better than that, leave it in the past where it belongs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    We had similiar experiences so, albeit slightly different paces.

    I found the surface hard going, knee started off swollen and legs felt tired throughout.

    A slump in the middle.

    Was a bit less dramatic about the iron deficiences but was more blaming hormones/heat.

    I really didn't appreciate the first turn and then the sun shining on us.

    I thought the finish area was great. Not mad queues at the start for the portaloos either.

    Still not sure what I thought of the route though, apart from that it was about 6 miles too long.

    Sure aren't we brilliant and blessed that we are able to toe the line.

    Great to see you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    At Mile 10 I remembered a quip I made to Swashbuckler about 63 mins and how I'd manage to stop for a pint and still beat 63. Well that would be coming home to roost. I'd need a sub 6 min/mile to hit under 63. It did make me smile though!

    In fairness I stopped. At least you kept going. Haha.

    Tough day. I think you've had your fill of psycho analysis for this year already. Park it and move on. Those sessions and that race are in the bank.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    I dunno man - I must be getting old. I view any day where I can poop within two hours of waking as a success. Everything after that is a bonus. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Hi A, good honest race report, take the positives and learn from the negatives and onwards to the next race.

    Afterall, these races are all about meeting the female fans and making the male ones jealous of your tan:D:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Younganne wrote:
    Afterall, these races are all about meeting the female fans and making the male ones jealous of your tan

    It's fake tan though.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: Nice easy 7m around 3 local parks near me. In Porterstown, theres a stretch thats a bit of a drag by the hedging - I took a fancy to doing this 4-5 times as I normally try to avoid it. Hills are my friend from now on.

    7m@8.16 pace

    Tuesday: In keeping with the hills theme, I spent time on Strava's route planner - which is a very good tool that I just discovered - and found a route that went up the S-Bends, up Khyber, Upper Glen Road, the Glen and up Tower Road.

    Really enjoyed this, the easy pace made it fairly manageable, but i'm getting the body ready to do some more hills at steady/MP.


    Wednesday: Session day - 7x1km @ 5.55 with reducing recoveries (2.30/2.10/1.50/1.30/1.10/50s).

    I done a decent 4m warm up for this to get a few more miles in and done a bit of stretching before I started.
    1st 3 were down the North Road Drag - the recoveries on these were decent.
    The 4th & 5th rep were done on the grass on the Polo grounds - which was tough to keep pace.

    The last 2 reps were up Chesterfield which had me passing Sean Hehir & Eoin C at one stage.
    After the last rep, I took a breather - hands on knees - only for the 2 lads to come past me.

    All reps were 3.39'ish (5.52 pace) - last one a couple of seconds faster.
    All recoveries were below 8 min/miles bar last one where I was just boll!xed.

    3m home.

    12.7m for the day
