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The main thing is keeping the main thing, the main thing



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    It's fake tan though.

    That or he's got lrelands worst case of chronic jaundice :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thursday: 9m down to the PP - down the North road, turn at Polo grounds and back home. 1st part of this run is down a continual drag - but the 2nd part is up that same drag with the wind at your face.

    9m @ 8.10

    Friday: Brought my gear to work and left from work, ready for the run. My enthusiasm was high as I had checked Strava yesterday and seen that I had 1993m complet - with a 7m run scheduled for today - i'd have 2000 miles - ahead of last year at this stage (according to Strava).
    7miles aren't a lot - but I was feeling tired, a busy day at work and the sessions this week (as well as the 'easy' day running hills).
    If I hadn't been chasing 2000 on Friday - I'd off just done 5 miles as I was tired - but the pace was low enough and I knew I'd benefit from it.

    7m @ 8.20 (2000 for the year)

    Saturday: Session day: 2 miles @6.15 / 5x2mins@5.55 / 1m @ 6.30

    This was tough but very doable - tough as I ran most of the reps faster than target (whats new).

    I ran 2.5m to the PP and done the 2m Tempo from C'Knock Gate, down North Road, turn at the triangle into the breeze and up onto Chesterfield. A fair route for 2 miles.
    1st m was far too fast (downhill with a tail wind) - 2nd mile was on the money.

    The 5x2mins were done on the Furze/OS loop - very manageable with walk/jog recoveries and the final 1m @ 6.30 was done from the OS to the Trail by Mount Sackville school.

    On my warm up, I was stung/bitten on the arm - I didn't see anything big, just some small critter under the sleeve of my t-shirt, I stopped and tried to suck the stuff out - I ran to the PP and rubbed it with doc leaves in the hope that it would work some magic.

    10.3m for the day.

    There's a few things that I'm not used too and a session the day prior to a long run is one of those things.

    I didn't fuel very well for this run before hand - some wine the night before didn't help matters - in my head I was thinking, it was ONLY 18m - a vanilla run with no fast parts. Be grand.

    I didn't sleep well - I work up with an elephant arm during the night, all itchy and scratchy, despite taking medication.

    Went out for the run and knew after a couple of miles that this would be a slog. The arm was sore, even without touching it, and the legs were knackered.
    I had planned a hilly route prior to the run, but changed it as I was going on - but still got in some good hills - backside of the PP (Military Road, UGR, Furry Glen) and then ran to C'Lizod and ran up the hill there, back down to the pathway by the liffey and then down to Mile 2 of the Marathon, where I ran till mile 6 - which is all uphill.
    I had originally intented to run to mile 7, the highest point on the route, but the legs were just so tired. I considered stopping so often - the arm was in a jock - very very painful - so just done 4m around the top end of the park.

    Got home and had to go to bed for an hour - had a chill and just so tired, as well as elephantiasis on the arm. A bad days running as I didn't enjoy it, but happy to have got it done.

    18m @ 8.06

    71.2m for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: Amazing what a decent sleep can do for you.
    Had a nice few recovery miles down to the PP & back.


    Tuesday: Session day - 3(1m@6.30 + 1km@6.10 (90s)) 90s/Sets

    3m warm up to the PP and set off on this. On paper, it looked easy enough and in practice it was pretty comfortable, bar the wind on certain parts.
    I kept the recoveries at sub 8 (7:30 ish).
    All reps completed on Furze/OS loop.

    Goal: 6:30 / 6:10
    Rep 1: 6.24 / 6.09
    Rep 2: 6.24 / 6.07
    Rep 3: 6.26 / 5.57

    Could have completed another rep.

    Just under 3m jog home.

    11.7m for the day

    Certainly watching what I'm eating now - putting it all into an app, and guess what - not eating enough.
    Had more pasta in the last 3 days than I've had in a month. Possibly made a difference today??

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    The recoveries at 7.30ish...what's the deal there, A?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Do you do most of your sessions on your own?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Duanington wrote: »
    The recoveries at 7.30ish...what's the deal there, A?
    Do you do most of your sessions on your own?

    Mellow Yellow - Yep all on my ownsome - Its more flexible that way and I enjoy it.

    My intention was to keep them at easy pace - about 8 min/miles.

    The 1m rep was at 6:30 pace - which is just a tad faster than my PMP.
    So only doing 1m is a bit 'easy' I guess - & the 7:30-7:45's recovery felt like jogging - my HR was ridiculously low for the session.
    The 1km is barely tempo pace.

    There was 1 stage I was running on the OS road and I had to check my watch as I didn't know if the rep I was on was a recovery, a quicker KM or the Mile!!

    As I say, I'd of been able for another 1 or even 2 reps - so it felt very comfortable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Wednesday: 9 miles easy

    I chose a lumpy enough route for this as I wanted to get in a few drags with tired legs.
    Legs actually felt great today!

    Up S-Bends and Wellington Road, around by the Quays and took in from mile 2-6 on the DCM route - a long continous drag.
    Last year my 1st time doing this was the week prior to DCM and it scared the $hit out of me (as it was tougher than I thought).
    Not as frightening now having done it a few times - but still just doing it at easy pace.


    Thursday: 7m recovery around the local area - mostly on Grass. - 8.27 pace
    Another bee sting!! On the left knee - managed to remove the sting and no swelling during the evening.

    Friday Session - 14x45s hills (90s R)
    Leg was slightly swollen - so done 4m warm up to check that it was ok - no pain, no mobility issues - just slight swelling.

    Done the session - it was made harder by the wind into the face on the Khyber and was a bit slower than recent hill sessions - but still got it done and still working hard.

    10m for the day.

    Saturday: Leg swollen, but a lot of mobility, so decided to run and not take a rest day.
    Easy few miles recovery pace to the PP and back.

    Leg was back to normal by the evening.


    Sunday: Long Run Session: 6 steady / 2 E/ 5 Steady/ 2E /4 Steady - pushing the last mile to 6.40

    I was looking forward to this and prepared well on Sat for it by eating well (and a lot) - a couple of glasses of wine, of course, with dinner!

    Started out about 9.30 and knew I had to hit the pace, I had chosen a route that allowed me a downhill 1st 2 miles, but then had a few hills/drags thrown in to mimic the DCM course. My 2m Easy segments were planned for downhills.

    1st 6m: From Castleknock gate, down OS road, UGR then up the S bends, up Khyber and up the drag of Chesterfield - turning at the north road and finishing near the Visitor Center area. Average pace was 7.05 - so faster than planned - but feeling good.

    2mEasy - Down to the Quays - about 7:40 pace

    2nd 5m: Miles 2-7 of DCM route - the climb from the Quays to the NCR is tough at pace - a headwind makes it tougher.
    Pace was about 7:05-7:10's

    Next 2m Easy - took it easy! Bringing me back to the Furze Road. 8.10 pace

    3rd 4m: Along the flat of the Furze, turn up Chesterfield, Down North road, turn at the triangle, Down Furze Road, up OS road and back to Castleknock gate. Wanted to progress the miles down to 6:40- but the wind in my face on the Furze road made it impossible.

    Last 4 miles - 7.11 / 6.50 / 7.13 / 6.39

    Great interview with Ciara Mageean on 2nd Captains 'Players Chair' and Colin McCourt on Tina Muirs podcast for company.

    Delighted with the run- gave me a lot of confidence to do this on a lumpy route with a tough enough breeze and finish strong.
    No gels or water along the way. Apparently I crossed with Zico on the Furze Road (according to my flybys).


    71 miles for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    Very nicely done. The mental preparation seems to have done the trick!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Steady training ol fella. Brilliant keeping the mileage up around all your other commitments.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: Nice recovery run on grass - 7m @ 8.34 pace - needed that.
    Wore my new NB890's - a lovely shoe and will probably be my race shoe at DCM.

    I've 500 miles on my old pair and wore them for Sundays 19miler - still going strong. Plenty of room in them for my wide feet.

    Tuesday: Session - 6x1200 @ 5.50 off 2 mins.

    I was wondering if I'd be recovered enough for this following Sundays long run as I felt a bit sluggish still. The strong breeze was also dampening my enthusiasm for the session.

    2.5m warm up to C'nock gate and I started off on the 1st rep heading down the North Road.
    I turned out of the park at Ashtown Gate and ran back up to C'Knock gate, taking the 2nd rep into the wind.

    3rd& 4th reps down the North Road with the 5th up Chesterfield and the 6th starting initially with a tail wind but turning for the last 0.5m into a still breeze.

    So a fair effort - 3/6 into the breeze.

    Reps were pretty consistent at 5:50/mile - 4.18's for the 1200's with only 1 rep over the 5.50 (5.51 - I'm very hard on myself :) )
    Thinking about this later on - I probably should have ran the reps into the breeze a bit slower to ensure the effort was the same.
    10 miles all in

    Wednesday: With 9 miles to do, I again chose to run the DCM Mile 2-7 route - I reckon its a good long drag for 5m and should be building strength running it on tired legs.

    Legs sterted sluggishly, but woke up on the 2m down to the Quays.
    Wearing the OnClouds for the 1st time and could feel them after a while - the 'lugs' were beating my feet up slightly - I guess they take some getting used to and need to be broken in.

    Legs were tiring towards Castleknock - but thats ok and to be expected.

    9.6@8.03 pace.

    Set off with the intention of a recovery run and had 3 miles complete at about 8.40 pace when I bumped into my Clubmate and RunHub supremo - seller of the aforementioned above shoes :)

    Ran a few miles with her and didn't see the pace creep up - great to have good company on these runs.

    Done 5x20s strides on the way home.

    7.6m@8.07 pace (a run of 2 half's)

    The plan for the Half Marathon on Sat is not to run it too hard - I dont have much time left for the Marathon so didn't want to taper before the half or recover too much after it.
    Coaches instructions are to run it 6:30's-6:40's - so I'll be looking for 1:25 at best to 1:27.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Will you do a few miles on the 2nd half of the course at some stage, A?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Duanington wrote: »
    Will you do a few miles on the 2nd half of the course at some stage, A?

    that's the thought process.
    I've went as far as the hill out of Chapelizod (St Laurence's Road).

    I've a couple of routes set up that'll get me out to the 2nd half of the course in the coming weeks.

    Been focusing on the miles 2-7 mainly for strength work - its really miles 2&3 and then miles 6to 7 that are the largest climb.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    that's the thought process.
    I've went as far as the hill out of Chapelizod (St Laurence's Road).

    I've a couple of routes set up that'll get me out to the 2nd half of the course in the coming weeks.

    Been focusing on the miles 2-7 mainly for strength work - its really miles 2&3 and then miles 6to 7 that are the largest climb.

    Makes sense, that first section is so often underestimated

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    The plan for the Half Marathon on Sat is not to run it too hard - I dont have much time left for the Marathon so didn't want to taper before the half or recover too much after it. Coaches instructions are to run it 6:30's-6:40's - so I'll be looking for 1:25 at best to 1:27.

    It's refreshing to see this kind of approach. A few people I know running this weekend aiming for sub 80 and plan on aiming for sub 3 in Dublin. Nice to see you keeping the main thing the main thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    It's refreshing to see this kind of approach. A few people I know running this weekend aiming for sub 80 and plan on aiming for sub 3 in Dublin. Nice to see you keeping the main thing the main thing.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    healy1835 wrote:

    Are you one of them!?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    I am :) i just had a chuckle when I read that. AMK knows what he's doing....hopefully so do I ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    healy1835 wrote:
    I am i just had a chuckle when I read that. AMK knows what he's doing....hopefully so do I

    Haha it wasn't meant as a know-it-all comment. I just think it's mad to see people pushing themselves to the absolute limit in a half marathon to run a pb so close to a target marathon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Haha it wasn't meant as a know-it-all comment. I just think it's mad to see people pushing themselves to the absolute limit in a half marathon to run a pb so close to a target marathon.

    Jeepers it wasn't taken as such :) AMK's log hijacked again :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    healy1835 wrote:
    Jeepers it wasn't taken as such AMK's log hijacked again

    Phase 1 of me eating my words complete. Now on to phase 2 - DCM. Haha. Well done today

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Friday: 4.5m @ 8.50 pace An early morning run - body knackered today - the thoughts of running 13.1m at a decent clip are the stuff of dreams right now. Busy day in work and yet again my pre-race nutrition plan lets me down.

    This happens quite often to me - went to bed on Fri night feeling bloated and stuffed, despite not having a 'real' dinner and not eating beyond 7pm.

    Saturday: Dublin Race Series - Half Marathon

    As advertised - the plan agreed with the coach was to run a solid effort, but not all out. Coach reckoned about 6.30-6.40 pace. I was wondering after Friday if that would be achievable.

    I was up early enough on Sat morning and had a small breakfast and 2 cups of coffee to help with the worked, sort off...ahem.

    I ran down to the start line - its fantastic having the PP near the house. I leave the house near 9'ish - 2.5m later I'm on the start line ready to rock.

    I'm speaking to Emilia prior to the start, joking with her again about winning her age group......little did I know!

    The gun goes off and we set off.
    Within 400m I know that this is going to be a good day.
    I check the watch and slow up - this is not a real 'race' - its just a pretend race - Lets keep it in the boundaries of 6:30-6:40
    With that said - I go through mile 1 in 6.21 :):)

    I know that the 1st part of the race is rife with hills and drags, but I must admit, I felt great going up the S bends and Wellington Road - I avoided the water stations this time - I did slow up enough and at certain sections, there were people whizzing by me - only for me to catch them again as they struggled up the S Bends or Wellington Road. As I approached the Zoo - I think I had my slowest mile of the race.

    Mile 1-4: 6.21 / 6.27 / 6.31 / 6.35

    So - onto the North Road - its a long enough Drag and a 'soulless' part of the course - with the exception of the Triangle where the water satation is.

    I recall one part of the North Road where I was running at ease and I checked my watch to see a 'current pace' of 6:10 or something. I recall thinking if I missed an opportunity to run a good time in a HM with the approach I was taking.
    Then I rightly pointed out to myself, that it was the conservative start that was leading to my 'good feeling' and that my ave pace, while faster than MP was a good bit slower than my HMP should be.

    Anyway - I approach the top of the North Road and turn up to C'Knock Gate - feeling good. I know that we have the turn & then its up Whites Road, and its a ba$tard of a drag.

    Mile 5-7: 6.24 / 6.26 / 6.23

    The thing about Whites Road is that its difficult to get a signal on, so I knew that looking at my watch would be pointless. Its a 0.5m long drag and a good lofty drag at that.

    I go up it and turn down Tower Road - the 'usual' thing to do in a race is to use the downhill to push on, but I just recovered from the drag and let gravity take over - turning back into the PP at Mount Sackville.
    The 'recovery Mile' was 6.21 :)

    Mile 8-9: 6.33 / 6.21

    I took a sip of water as we entered back into the park - I thought about taking a gel, but didn't as I didn't feel the need. I also didn't feel the need to practice taking them as I have done many marathons so feel well practiced at this stage - and I know what works.

    Mile 10 onwards is the part of the race I like - the drag of the OS road and the turn onto C'Field, watching the other runners coming the other way. I'm going down C'Field and I see that my ave pace is 6:26 and I start thinking.
    I feel great and my PB is with an ave pace of 6.24 from Bohermeen. If I ran the last 3 miles hard at 6:10's - it should be a PB.

    But as I'm running down the road I'm thinking that my PB is already soft - why would I want to get a PB waith a run like this, where I'm not really pushing as hard as I could - I'd just be resetting a soft PB to a Soft PB.

    I turn at the Ambassadors Residence and go down the acres, checking the watch and then slowing a bit as I'm speeding up too much.
    I leave the Acres Road and move past the hospital to the start of the UGR.

    Mile 10/11/12: 6:19 / 6:21 / 6:23

    So - 1 mile to go. Theres a couple of lads near me from the off - a Tallaght man - my vintage, a Bros Pearse guy who I ask "wheres Ray?" and a SOTS gentleman who's late 50's I guess.

    As we're going up the UGR - the BP guy takes off, I let him go. The Tallaght guy is a bit ahead of me, so I let him go, but the SOTS guy is close enough to have a contest with.

    So I'm pushing a tad - tiring a bit going up the long drag - I notice Emilia in the distance and know that shes 1st lady, I can see the 2nd lady about 60m behind her and wonder should I move up to help pace her, but know that I wouldn't get there in time.
    We reach the top of the UGR and move onto the long home straight.

    For a HM, I have bundles of energy - I pass the 13m sign and can see the clock in the distance, I see Emilia take the win and I push by the SOTS guy - I'm at 5.39 pace for the 0.1 - I finish in 1.24.22 - about 30 seconds away from a PB in 176th place.

    When I finish, I feel great, I have a chat with the SOTS guy (hes a M50) who ran 2.59 in DCM last year & also Outforarun and meet with Marc (one of Lukes charges) before setting off for home - back up Whites Road!!

    So I ran a HM is a sub optimal time and felt great - of course I feel great - I done it at a pace that was semi comfortable.
    But its still a good confidence booster to run 13.1m at 6.25 pace and know I could have went on a few more miles.

    I'm considering NOT tapering for DCM :)

    18.6m for the day

    Sunday: 14m @ 7.57 pace.

    On Saturday, I done an exceptional job of recovery - eating all around me, drinking water and Zeros and doing some stretching.
    I woke on Sunday feeling great - so, up and out the door for 14 miles.

    Legs felt wonderful as I ran to the PP and done a lap of the park and then headed home. Still feeling great!

    14m @ 7.57

    I've a work trip next week so might not get too much done on Tues/Wed.

    71.3 miles for the week (last 3 weeks all over 70)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Great discipline in the half. Well done on a quality week again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Great discipline in the half. Well done on a quality week again.

    Really think this is one of the best runs you’ve put in in quite a while, A - and one that’ll stand to you, great work, well done

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Duanington wrote:
    Really think this is one of the best runs you’ve put in in quite a while, A - and one that’ll stand to you, great work, well done

    Love to see this to be honest. It's literally keeping the main thing the main thing. That's a very solid run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,704 ✭✭✭✭RayCun

    a Bros Pearse guy who I ask "wheres Ray?"

    that's PD, he was also running it as a controlled/bit faster than MP run. Not surprised he flew off on Upper Glen Road, hills don't slow him at all

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run


    I'm speaking to Emilia prior to the start, joking with her again about winning her age group......little did I know![/QUOTE]

    Brilliant result for her, she didn't even look like it was hard work!!! Great run by you too. LOL on not tapering for DCM :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    great to read such a positive report where you enjoyed your running/race and all went to plan. Bodes well for DCM.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Great stuff A. You'll be straining at the leash come DCM day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday 24th: 7m recovery run.

    Tuesday/Wednesday: Off to Dresden with work- brought the gear, but busy days, evenings and nights meant no running.
    Didn't mind this after a good training block so far - 1st time I had 2 days off in a row since Feb (the big snow)

    Thursday: 9m easy - ran from the house and done 5m on the trails in the PP.

    Friday: Session - Its amazing how you frame a session.

    The initial wording of the session was for 5x1km@5.50 with 600 recoveries@7min/miles.
    Wowzers I was thinking - recoveries at 7min/miles - this will be one tough session that I may not complete.
    Then I thought about it differently - its actually an alternating tempo, so its 5m tempo with certain parts slower than tempo pace - Simples.

    So after a 3m warm up, I started off at C'Knock gate and went down the North Road, a Loop at the Triangle, Back up C'Field to CK gate and back down to the OS road - finishing off at the top of the Furze.

    The session was very manageable - its amazing how 'slow' 7 min mile pace feels after the faster 5.50km's.

    Reps were all in 5.47 range (3.34/km) and the "recoveries" were 6.55's (6.30 for the 1st)

    10 miles all in.

    Saturday: An early run with some company from the club down in the PP.
    7.9m @ 7.53

    Sunday: 7 Steady/ 2E/ 6 Steady / 2 E / 4 Steady (progress to 6:30-40 in the last mile) - Steady is 7.10's

    Decided to run the 2nd half of the DCM course for this one. Parked at Popes Cross and started off - using the downhill Khyber to get into the pace. 1st mile too fast, but settled into a good rhythm after a while. I joined the DCM route at Kilmainham.
    Had a few stops during the run to check the map and make sure I was in the right area - the city looks so different when its not wearing its marathon clothes :)

    1st 7 steady were a tad quick - all sub 7's bar 1 -but the body felt good.
    2 Easy were fine - I forgot how much of the 2nd half was downhill.

    2nd 6 included up Roebuck - as I was going up the hill, I was saying to myself - 'this cant be it' - 'there's another hill further on' but was shocked to discover that this little incline was the infamous heartbreak hill - paces about 7's for this stage.
    Next 2 easy were fine - but fatigue was setting in.

    I had planned to run up Chesterfield for the last 4m steady rep but took a last min detour to include mile 2-5 of the DCM course as it was very hilly and would provide an additional challenge. Pushed the last 2 to 6:40's.

    21 miles @ 7.04 pace

    Felt very good after the run - at times after a fast long run, I feel banjaxed for a while, but felt great afterwards.

    55 miles for the week.
    286 miles for the Month.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Great week A. I notice a lot of your long runs are prescribed as alternating X steady X easy. Any particular reason why?
