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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: S&C in Gym - focused a lot more on the recovery between sets as I think I rushed too much last week.

    Felt much more controlled but I still don't look like CR7 - its been 2 weeks now!!

    Tuesday: 6m - cold, rain, dark. Loved it.
    6.1m@8.15 pace

    Wednesday: Session: 3x(45/60/60/60/45) off 90s with 3 min BW sets (5.40 pace)

    Really liked this - Ran down to the PP and done the session on the Furze/OS roads - darkness was setting in as I finished the reps.
    Working hard on the 3rd set.

    Quads a bit sore from Mondays S&C - felt like my feet were 'slapping' a bit as a result.

    Reps were at 5:40 pace - with a couple of the 45s ones a lot closer to 5:30's.

    10 miles all in

    Thursday: With Thanksgiving in the US and a holiday in Germany - things were quiet, so I was able to get out and do a lap of the PP in daylight.

    6.4m @ 8.10

    Friday: Down to the PP and back and threw in 6x20s strides at the end.


    Saturday: Session - 2(4/3/2/1mins) 75 secs with 4 mins BW sets (6 min/mile pace)

    This was tough. I ran down to the PP and done the session on the Furze / OS loop. Was working hard on the 2nd rep. The breeze at times was difficult and 6 min/mile pace felt so much harder in places and easier on others.

    Finished the session hitting the targets.
    The run home from the PP was great as I was tired and its been a while since I was knackered after a session.

    Next weeks Jingle bells will be fun. #breaking20:)

    9.2m total

    Sunday: Club Run

    About 10 of us today I think as we started in the rain - we still kept to the trails and they weren't too bad at all.
    Good chats all the way around and by 5miles I was overheating due to the layers.

    10.92@7.50 pace.

    50 miles for the week. Glad to be at that level again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday 26th: A token 1.5m warm up for S&C and a good 75mins in the Gym. Focusing on doing them right and taking the right recovery.

    Tuesday: Easy miles to the PP & back and some light strides.
    6.4m@8.28 pace

    Wednesday: 12x90s (50s recovery) - done these on the length of the Chapelizod Road as its fairly well lit.
    Done 3-4 reps the other way into the wind - found them very tough - 5.50 pace.

    With WU & CD - 9.2m

    Thursday: Planned to do 5 miles but bumped into the club skipper as we were both starting, so ran with him and another Cru lady.
    7.3m @8.10 pace - enjoyable run.

    Friday: Shakeout & strides - about 3 miles.

    Saturday: Donore 5km - Jingle Bells

    I was looking forward to this (kinda) to see where exactly I was compared to last year.
    I had ran 17.46 at last years race following DCM and I had followed a similar build up - so I was hoping for a sub 18 performance or 18 low.

    Parked at Chesterfield and as DD was stalking me, I decided to run with him for a bit before we stalked FBOT & Murph. FBOT made us run at 10 min miles :).

    Said hello to a geansai load of Boardsies prior to the start and was talking to Redrunner prior to the start - I checked the watch and seen it was 3 mins to showtime, so decided to move up the Q - I was a couple of hundred people back! However, the Q started moving and I thought that we were being moved up to the startline, and only realised that the race had started as I calmly walked across the start line.
    I hadn't the watch started, so said F it - no point in starting it now as I made my way through the many many people.

    My plan initially as I had told DD was to run the 1st mile as my slowest mile - well that was out the window after about 400 meters.
    By the 1st turn I was breathing quite heavy and feeling a little uncomfortable.
    On Chesterfield, the plan was to recover, relax, get the head straight and then look to gain a couple of places. I heard some peoples watch beep at the Furze road, but had no idea of the 1st mile pace - It wasn't that fast as there were people around me who I knew should be and people ahead who I knew should be.

    By the turn onto the OS road - I knew I was cooked. People started to stream pass me. I considered DNF'ing but I recall getting onto Paul last week for the same :(
    So I held on - its all downhill I kept telling myself - but for the 1st time in a long long time, I could feel the burn in the legs - there was treacle on the road and toffee was pouring out of my legs. Haven't felt quite like that in a while - its not a good feeling.

    I kept going, past the mat for the 'flying mile' or the 'failing mile' as I called it. I wanted to speed up, but even as I approached the generous downhill, it just wasn't there.
    I did manage to pick off 2-3 people on the way down and crossed the line in 18:28 (18:46 gun time).

    Great meeting so many folk from here and other places afterwards - its a great race for that.

    A few miles CD with DD and off home.

    Sunday: Club run - 13 miles mainly on the trails in the PP. Legs felt good today.

    48m for the week.

    November finished on 173 miles - which is my lowest mileage month for 2 years.

    Monday 3rd: 3.4 lovely miles at 9 min miles - a proper recovery run.
    1 hour in the Gym afterwards for S&C.
    Same as usual, but added a small bit of weight to 2/3 of the Squat reps.

    Tuesday: The beginning of a hectic couple of weeks for me - out before 7am for 7 wonderful crisp miles.

    7.1@8.20 pace

    In other news - made the decision to step away from the training stable with coach T.
    Main reason was that I wanted to take responsibility for my training again and feel accountable to myself.
    Coach was cool about it (he even confirmed that I was definitely his favourite :) ) and no doubt I'll be touching base with him for ideas and advice.

    Next up - Club Handicap XC race on 23rd Dec / Raheny 5m followed by Trim 10 and 3 work trips between then and now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    In other news - made the decision to step away from the training stable with coach T. Main reason was that I wanted to take responsibility for my training again and feel accountable to myself. Coach was cool about it (he even confirmed that I was definitely his favourite ) and no doubt I'll be touching base with him for ideas and advice.

    *unfollows log*

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    *unfollows log*


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,414 ✭✭✭Testosterscone

    *unfollows log*

    Running with the Sean Hehir lookalike scenario. Rumour has it he has been rocking up to marathon mission training sessions on the sly the last while try to sow seeds to a rift to the bromance between DD and the Claw :pac:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Sorry to hear you had a disappointing run on Sunday, those days suck :(

    Best of luck with going it alone again, brave move :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    You could've written my JBells race report for me, give or take 10 minutes!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    You must have positioned yourself towards the end of back at the starting line? Was that a deliberate decision? Sorry it didn't go to plan but a DNF would feel worse. Good luck with the future plans, does this mean you'll be training in a group or still solo?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Running with the Sean Hehir lookalike scenario. Rumour has it he has been rocking up to marathon mission training sessions on the sly the last while try to sow seeds to a rift to the bromance between DD and the Claw :pac:

    Will take a lot more than a few S&C sessions and a new shade of San Topez to turn the Claw's head....maybe if he manned up and hit the XC circuit he would be in with a chance :p

    PS good to see you as always on Saturday, A. Appreciate you walking the warm up with us to chat ;) See you in Rahney if not before.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    You must have positioned yourself towards the end of back at the starting line? Was that a deliberate decision? Sorry it didn't go to plan but a DNF would feel worse. Good luck with the future plans, does this mean you'll be training in a group or still solo?

    I was talking to someone and decided with 3 mins to the start, I should move up nearer the startline - as I started to move up, the race started!!

    So not deliberate by any stretch - I'm not that clever :)

    My training will be the same as it always was, mainly solo with the exception of some long runs. Even the sessions will be similar to Coach T's (and also a plan that the Claws bf sent me last week)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    ariana` wrote: »
    Sorry to hear you had a disappointing run on Sunday, those days suck :(

    Best of luck with going it alone again, brave move :)

    Ah no, it wasn't one of those races that I had last year - this was always going to be a bit of fun. Painful fun.

    Going it alone - I enjoy reading about running and researching things and putting them into practice. I'll also fiddle a bit with the plan as it moves along, just as L would have.
    So its all good.All positive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,614 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Just a general question (which I may have asked before), do you ever do sessions with MSB? I'm sure the logistics for making club sessions can't be easy with family etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Just a general question (which I may have asked before), do you ever do sessions with MSB? I'm sure the logistics for making club sessions can't be easy with family etc.

    I used to do - but found the sessions very conservative in structure and length and we all ended up racing them. I felt I went backwards.

    I'm quite happy doing sessions on my own - I'm quite disciplined and don't have any issue hitting the right paces.

    My best (non marathon) racing performances have come from using Daniels - theres a good mixture of Tempos and faster stuff.
    I'll probably incorporate what I've learned from Luke and mix it with some of Daniels sessions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Wednesday: On Tuesday and Wednesday I was entertaining visitors. Finally dropped them off at the airport at about 5pm on Wednesday and needed a run as I was in traffic for about 3 hours getting to & from the airport.

    Off I went on a WU to the PP and set off on 4x5mins @ tempo pace. I had a choice of a few tempo type workouts and chose this due to how tired I felt and the result of sitting in the car for 3 hours. It was a tough work out given the day I had.
    Paces were about 6.20's and it got easier the longer it went on as the legs got used to it. Could I have done 1 more rep? Possibly but not definitely.
    I was in a hurry to catch the Spurs game, so the CD was a bit faster and NO stretching afterwards.

    7.5m in total

    Thursday: My calfs were a bit tight on Thursday - a result of my lack of a proper CD and no stretching - lesson learned.

    The last time I done a Daniels type program, I mixed it with P&D - and one of the elements that worked well for me was to run a 'decent' run the day after a workout. Daniels reckons that it takes 2 days for DOMS to set in.

    So I set off for with the headlamp to the PP and back around by the Zoo - the lights in the zoo looked fantastic.


    Friday: Down to the PP & back - a good recovery run, nice and easy. I done 7x20sec strides at the end.

    6.75m@8.35 pace

    Sat: Session 3x3min / 10 min Tempo / 3x3min (3 min @ 5.50 pace / T@6.15 pace)

    I was toying between a 6x4min session and this session - but the weather made my mind up as it was quite blustery.
    I intended on doing these reps on the Furze / OS loop - but the Aware race was on - I cant believe they didn't check with me beforehand. Do they not know who I am.

    Anyway - I went to the North Road for the 1st set of 3x3mins and then around by the back of the Zoo and up to the Polo grounds/North Road for the 2nd set. A tough run with the breeze.

    I managed to hit the paces/effort for the 3 min reps (1 of the reps into the wind was slower) and the Tempo piece felt easier than the midweek 4x5 min.
    Came home and done a good bit of S&C work - inc 1 legged bridges using the stairs and some plank variations. Still don't look like Ronaldo.........Sake.

    9.85 miles total

    Sunday: Club run

    A busy day ahead saw me meet the 1st group at 8am (who I normally dont run with) for a very enjoyable 6 miles before meeting up with my usual crew at 8.45 for the rest of the run. The aim was to do a little bit more than 13m from last week.

    Kept to the trails/Grass for most of the run - found it tough into the breeze and could feel Saturdays session (or was it Saturdays Wine??).

    Came back to the car at 14.5 miles. Perfect.

    14.5m @ 7.53 pace

    58 Miles for the week - biggest week since early October.

    I'm off to Israel with work this week, so wont get much running done.
    I dont mind as I'm planning my weeks in advance due to these trips.
    Between now and Rotterdam I have 6 trips that I know about :( - Some short, some longer - 1 ski Trip for a full week.

    *Edit: A lot of core work this week - getting into a good routine with this - probably 6 days core/S&C

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: Travel to Israel - Leave the house at 7am - arrive at Hotel 9pm local time (+2 hours).

    1st thing I done was to do 25 mins of S&C in the bedroom (.......behave you filthy minded lot).

    Tuesday: 5 miles early on across the beach - a lovely place to run, if a bit windy. After about 4 days worth of food - I watched Spurs make it through to the last 16 of the Champions League.

    Wednesday: 7 miles today - great run, listening to OTB about last nights games. Very windy today, a lot of surfers about on the beach at 7am.
    Followed by a 6 hour walking tour of Jerusalem - such a wonderful city.
    Followed by another 6 days worth of food and drink.

    Thursday: Woke up at 6:30am - put on the gear, but just lay on the bed. The run on Wed, the walking and the food&drink had left their mark. A tired man. Did manage a good 20 mins of S&C.
    Didn't venture out. Flew home later in the day.

    I had a 3m Tempo on the plan and was unsure if I should do it Fri or Sat - the forecast for Sat was bad, so went out on Friday - if worst came to the worst, I'd break it up into 2x10 mins.

    After a 2m warm up, I set off on the tempo and finished 3 miles later - it was tough, and at 1 point I wanted to stop, but I did it and felt great for it.
    I defo need more of these runs.

    Following this I done 6x200m (or 40 seconds) - the legs felt fantastic after the 1st 2 or 3 and felt amazing on the cool down.

    These are a Daniels staple in the 10k plan - but they aren't as prevalent in the marathon plan. I through these in with Raheny in mind and will do similar in the coming month.

    Tempo was 6.12 average per mile. Some more S&C at home.

    8.12m total

    Saturday: MSB had planned a Christmas run for the Sunday for everyone - all abilities - the pace was going to be easy to suit everyone.
    Based on this I done my long run on Saturday.

    Very windy and very wet, but I knew getting it done on Sat was the best thing.

    14.5m @ 7.57

    Sunday: Easy paced for a few miles (9.54 / 8.49/8.26), then the pace quickened as a few people went a different way.
    Last few miles were about 8's with a 7.20 last mile :(


    45 miles for the week - which is a good return given the work trip I had.

    Hoping to touch 60 miles next week with a targeted gym day, at least 5 other core/S&C days / 1 good session, 1 club XC 6m race and a work trip to Amsterdam!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: As easy early morning 5m - 8.45 pace. Gym in the evening where (after 1m on the threadie) I done the circuit prescribed by Testosterscone - adding a bit of weight to the squats. Also included planks and variations, that worm yoki bob, calf raises and Clams.

    Total 6m

    Tuesday: The 1st of the Monster session in the plan and one I was a tad worried about (tad is such an underrated word) - 5x1m 60m E

    I got out about 5:30 and ran to the PP as my warm up and started into the 1mile reps - these were with 1min recovery.
    The 1st one was tough - I probably should of done strides prior to starting these.

    The route was good - up & down the C'Knock half of Chesterfield and the last 2 down the North Road.
    I didn't mind the downhill nature of the last 2 reps - I just sped up a little to compensate.
    The 5x1m went fantstic and bar the 1st 2, I was slowing myself down on them. The 1min recoveries were over in no time, so the HR was high.

    The 60 min piece was great - felt strong during it.

    1m tempo reps: 6:13 / 6:17 / 6:02 / 5.55 / 6.03

    Loved that session - these types of mile reps/tempos that Daniels uses got me in great nick the time I ran my 10k PB (36.09) - so hoping that I can get a good bounce this year with similar training for the Marathon in Rotterdam.

    Wednesday: Up at 5am for a 6.15 flight to Amsterdam. Home and out running by 5.50pm

    6m at 8.44 pace

    Thursday: a nice 10 miler after work down past Donore and the Chapelizod Road, back into the park and straight up to the CK gate and home. Lovely route and felt good.

    10m @ 8.25 (but didn't turn watch off for a couple of mins when I finished)

    Friday: Easy miles and 5x200'ish nice run and the legs needed a bit of pop.

    5.5m @ 8.20 pace

    Saturday: A buddy was doing his 100th Parkrun in Hartstown, so I ventured up to run it with him (forgot my barcode!) - 2.75m up to Hartstown - ran the 5k in about 28 mins as we were having the chats - 2.75m back home after the wonderful Emila's cake.

    Such an enjoyable run - loved running with a large group at 9 min miles.


    Good bit of core this week - not just Monday's gym - but most days.
    Might need to get a bit more structure to it as I tend to do the same things over and over.

    But the important thing is that I'm now in a good habit of doing it.

    I now look like Ronaldo. The Brazilian one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    You were in Amsterdam for few hours & didn’t give me a shout..... FFS!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Sunday: MSB 6m XC Handicap race

    I was actually looking fwd to this race in a session kinda way - I wanted a long tempo and this fit the bill nicely - I'll call it a Tempo+.
    My prep wasn't helped by a few glasses of wine with dinner and 4 pints of Guinness........

    Ran up to Porterstown and down another little bit up there to test the ground - I knew it would be difficult as it was quite wet and slippy in places.
    Yet again - I nearly missed the start - It was actually funny as I watched some of the Juv's races and then finished my warmup, wondering why Sarah, WW and Kate were going so fast - thats fast for a WU I thought - before making my way to the start line.
    I was then told I had 30sec to get ready!! - The others were actually starting their race when I seen them :)

    It took me about 30-40secs to get my watch going again (for WW's reference - so much closer to 6m than 5.85) and I was off - I had last years winner, an XC specialist, a tri-athlete and a 13 yr old future olympian (if he keeps going) for company.

    The young lad was amazing to watch - no heavy breathing and a lovely stride - poetry in motion. (Unfortunately dropped out after 4m due to sickness)

    The ground was poor in places and a few falls ensued (not by me).

    After lap 2 I was feeling it and knew I had no chance of a placing as the Tri-athlete was going to claim 1st master as he had a good lead on me - so I guess for the next 2 miles I settled into a good tempo - no one gained on me - I passed no one.

    Coming to the last 1.5m - this is where it gets good as the handicaps are designed that way.

    People started to come past me - & I reacted a bit - The I started to go past others.
    A young lad came coasting by me - a 15 yr old who runs for Ireland who clocked 32.40 for 6miles (XC) and then claimed he was just doing a Threshold run !!!!

    The last mile or so, I moved past a few people and had a sprint finish by one guy - kindly tapping him on the bottom as I passed him :)

    A great event - really enjoyed it - despite hating it at the same time. I don't think I'll ever have the love for XC.

    Official time - 38.28 for 6 miles (6.31/mile)

    Good week for me with 60 miles on the board.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: A lap of the park - nice and easy.

    6.66 miles 8.09 pace (should've ran an additional 0.01)

    Tuesday: Had a chance to go out but it would have been a rushed one as I was on cooking duty - didn't bother running - but ate & drank everything :)

    Wednesday: I went out with the intention of trying a session & if it felt bad after 1 rep - I'd can it.
    Session was 5x1200 off 2mins30s.

    ran the 2m down to the park - including a few strides and then done some stretching.
    Started into the 1st rep and knew immediately that I'd get it done. Body felt good.

    2 of the reps were down the North Road - but the other 3 were on a fair enough route.
    The pace surprised me - I had considered doing these at as a CV pace (after listening to Tinman/Tergat on a podcast talking about them).
    I felt great out there which shows the performance enhancing power of red wine followed by Processco followed by a Single Malt.

    Don't think I'd have managed a 6th rep at the same pace.

    Paces were all 5.42'ish per mile (4.14 per 1200) bar the 4th one into the wind (5.49).

    9.3 miles total.

    Thursday: Following on from the session, I wanted to get a semi long run done on tired legs - so ran down to the park, done a lap of it (Up the S-Bends and Up the North Road) and ran home. Felt great and the HR was fine.

    10.3m @ 7.58

    Friday: A loop down to the park and back for 5 miles then done 6x200 in a park near the house - love those 200's and the zing you get from them.

    Saturday: I was on pick up duty on Friday night so wasn't drinking - So I got up early and went up to do a parkrun. The intention was to run it as a tempo - about 6:15's or so and maybe do a fast last 800m or so - at least that was the plan.

    I ran the 2.75m to Hartstown and done a few strides on the way to the startline and seen a buddy of mine, Fletch - he frequents these parts, so I know hes reading :).
    We both exchanged the fact that we were doing Tempos - he had done the fat Turkey in Howth during the week.
    Lined up and we were off.

    Within 15 secs, Fletch took off and I was in 4th or 5th - Fx$k that I though and came up to him and soon we were 2nd & 3rd.
    By the 1st KM I had taken the lead and Fletch was sheltering from the wind behind me, drafting off me, using me as a pacer :)

    I kept the lead for the close of the 1st lap and as we started the 2nd lap I was feeling good - I wasn't checking the watch too much at this stage as it was just the 2 of us out front and sure, we were both just doing a tempo.....weren't we....

    I could still hear his feet just behind me as my watch beeped for 2 miles and as we hit 2.5m (from Strava flyby) Fletch ventured out front - probably felt guilty for drafting that much :p
    I wasn't going to let him get away and went back in front - as we turned the 2nd last turn I started to move off a bit and then put in a burst of pace and kept it going til the finish line - I couldn't hear his footsteps behind me as I crossed the finish.

    I was happy with how that felt (not quite a 5k but faster than a tempo) - not the greatest time of 18.19 - but it is a great deal better than Jingle bells and I felt very controlled for the majority of the race (& my fastest Parkrun time on that venue and my fastest parkrun since 2014)

    Jogged back home.

    8.9m total.

    Cant believe I didn't get nominated for log of the year.....yis b'stards - every one of ye!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Sunday: After a meal and a few Guinness on Sat night, I wasn't looking fwd to this run - the plan had 2.5 hours of a run on it - but the plan hadn't accounted for the Parkrun on Saturday - so If I didn't do the full 2.5 hours, then no harm done.

    It would be a good run on tired legs........and a dicky tummy.

    Ran to the park and done another few miles with the club before they all left me to do another hour or so on my own.
    I managed it quite well actually and came home 2hrs and 20 min later. I was going to do another 10 mins, but that would have been pedantic!

    Knackered for the day.

    18 miles at 7.47

    Just a tad under 60 for the week - which is good going given the week that's in it.

    From last Sundays 6m XC run, to the midweek 5x1200, a 10 miler the day after - a good parkrun and an 18 miler - its been a good 8 days - also got some good S&C work in as well - not every day, but at least 3 days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: A few recovery miles around Porterstown fields listening to Scullions 34min podcast on his history. Great stuff, very honest.

    5.83m@8.35 pace.

    Finish December on 249 miles.

    2863 miles for the year - another peak mileage year. (last year was 2766)

    Tuesday: Due to unplanned NVE festivities, I was a bit groggy for this one, but got out for a nice few miles and guilted myself into doing 6x200's at the end.
    Legs feeling really good.


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    When I look back on 2018 (running wise) I guess I feel that I didn't run to my potential.
    I had a higher expectation from myself and that didn't materialise in a few races.

    The year was broken into 3 blocks: Half M / 5k-10k / Marathon

    Half Marathon Block:
    1st up was Raheny were I surprised myself going 29:24 - that set a benchmark for the upcoming races.

    Next was Trim 10m - while I got a PB 61:42 - I had hoped for about 1min faster. I recall feeling a lack of power in that race in the middle miles.

    Bohermeen HM - my target race - was possibly the worst I felt in a race, ever.
    For whatever reason, after 1 mile I felt $hite and a complete lack of power/speed.
    Although I still managed a 1.23 PB :p - the feeling I had in running was terrible and I didn't perform as I had hoped.

    5k-10k Block
    A good few races in this block and I had 3 targets - PB's in 5k / 5m / 10k

    The GIR was a good run and I was happy enough with 37.42 mainly due to running the 1st 5m in under 30 mins - the 6th mile was the deal breaker though!
    A 'straight' point to point 5k in Mullingar was a great midweek race and I matched my PB there of 17:38 on a slightly long course.
    Terenure 5m - well, lets forget that one.

    Dunboyne 5m offered a chance to get close to a PB but it was a very warm evening and the last mile was tough - very happy with 29.16 though - but still 23secs off my PB.

    Patrick Bell is where a lot of things clicked for me - running 17.24 PB - I was delighted and had great notions approaching Dunshaughlin 10k.

    Dunshaughlin was another very warm evening and I didn't adjust my targets - I still wanted to PB with a low 36 or a sub 36.
    After a couple of miles, the heat kicked in and I got home in 36.42 - still a good performance, considering.

    So 1 PB in this block.

    Marathon Block

    Notable highlights for me in this block was the type of training to get me in good shape was totally different to what I had done previously. It certainly educated me.
    The long runs on the DCM route with steady portions are still some of my favourite ever runs and I consider this training possibly the best training block I've ever done. Benefits of having a good coach.

    1st race up in this block was the Frank Duffy 10m in Swords.
    A good start before crashing & burning after 4 miles - I ran 63 that day - just didn't have it in me.
    A training run at the race series HM seen me run 1.24 - just 30 secs away from a PB (without trying) was another highlight and a great steady run around Longwood 3/4 Marathon - which is possibly my favourite race that I've never raced - if that makes sense!

    DCM was up next - the main event - Sub 3 was the goal and I knew i was in better shape.
    All went well til cramp set in at the bottom of Roebuck and lasted for about 2 miles, before I got it together and done some 'great running' to get in at 2.59.19.

    A disappointing Jingle bells (18.28) and a decent MSB Handicap run finished off the year in competitive races, while a great Parkrun battle seen me run 18.19 with a certain degree of comfort.

    2019 will bring a fresh set of challenges.

    I've become self coached again - and some of what Scullion has been saying in his podcasts resonates with me - there is a strong degree of not only 'taking ownership' involved in that decision, but in 'feeling ownership' - I feel it creates a different mindset in me. I cant blame a coach for a poor performance - Its all on me (not that I ever did blame Coach) - but you get what I mean.

    Targets for 2019 are not fully set yet - with the exception of:
    10m PB (Trim & Race Series)
    HM PB (race series)
    Marathon PB (Rotterdam)

    I've yet to workout other goals for the shorter stuff - they may become a means to an end though.

    Happy new year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    I've become self coached again - and some of what Scullion has been saying in his podcasts resonates with me - there is a strong degree of not only 'taking ownership' involved in that decision, but in 'feeling ownership' - I feel it creates a different mindset in me. I cant blame a coach for a poor performance - Its all on me (not that I ever did blame Coach) - but you get what I mean.

    Hapoy new year man.

    Can I ask is there any fear of 'doing it wrong' now or do you feel like you have enough knowledge yourself or even that maybe it's irrelevant and you'll get the gains you want from existing plans?

    I've often wondered how goosed I'd be if I had to go back to doing it myself again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Hapoy new year man.

    Can I ask is there any fear of 'doing it wrong' now or do you feel like you have enough knowledge yourself or even that maybe it's irrelevant and you'll get the gains you want from existing plans?

    I've often wondered how goosed I'd be if I had to go back to doing it myself again.

    I absolutely love reading & listening to anything about running - and this is something I done very little of last year.

    So now I'm back reading stuff and mixing a few things up.

    My current plan is set - its based on a Daniels Marathon plan but with some differences based on what I've read and what I've picked up from Luke.

    As an Example:

    Todays plan was 6x5mins at V02 max (5.40 Pace) with 3 mins recovery.
    I changed it to 6x5mins at CV pace (5.57-6.04) with 90s recovery based on reading a few articles on the benefits of CV pace on both Vo2 & LT. (Cue 5 pages of my log debating this :) ) - I added in 6x200's

    Its an easier workout and I felt great doing it and got lots of benefit. (Link to 1 article here)

    Another example: Daniels has a few long MP workouts (13 miles and 15 miles etc) - I'll changed these to something that Luke was doing with the Steady portions rather than a long stretch at MP.

    So - once I have a structure - I'm grand - I've enough knowledge to make it work and I kinda know what works for me from the last 2 years - you'll see a lot of Tempo / LT stuff mixed with Speed (200's etc) and not so much 'Interval type sessions that target V02.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Happy New Year :) good luck in 2019

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Baby75 wrote: »
    Happy New Year :) good luck in 2019

    Thank you & Many happy returns!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Nice article. Thanks for linking.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Wednesday 2nd Jan: "What day is it??"

    Session day today - and it was a Daniels special of 6x5mins at Vo2 Pace - however - as I said above, I've been reading a lot about CV Pace (Critical Velocity) and theres a coach in the US having a lot of success with it recently - If you have looked at Lets Run forums, this guy (Tinman) is a legend on there but is now peddling in Elite (or sub-elite) coaching - with great success.
    So - Having done 5x1200 last week (or was it 2 weeks ago ??) at vo2 max - the thoughts of 6x5mins didn't frighten me at all, but after reading some stuff, I decided that the best course of action (after the recent festivities) might be CV reps - keeping the recovery to 90secs as opposed to 3 mins if it was a vo2 workout.

    The workout went super - delighted with how I felt during it and after.
    Paces for the 6x5 mins were between 5:56 and 5:59 - the prescribed pace was between 5:57 and 6:04 - so, on the top end of that.

    Followed this with 5 mins recovery and then 6x200's. I loved this and felt strong in the 200's - paces were between 36 & 39 - the 36's were the last couple - I felt amazing doing them, strange how it clicks after a great workout.

    11.3 miles total.

    Thursday 3rd: Knowing what worked for me a couple of years ago while following Daniels (albeit 10k plan) , I wanted to do a medium long run and had 9 miles in mind - thinking back to last years training.

    However, a mis-calculation on my part turned it into an 11m run - I think it was obvious that I didn't eat enough between yesterdays run and todays as I was wrecked after his run and resorted to Pizza from a takeaway to get calories (of any kind).
    Think I pushed the boat out a bit (distance wise) on this one - note to self!

    11m @ 8.17 pace.

    Friday 4th: Went out late in the evening for a few recovery miles - but only got about 10 feet when I noticed that my foot was in so much pain - I was limping while running - WTF - I recall walking the dog yesterday and catching my foot in a pothole or something - but it was so innocuous.
    Didn't run - I remember Scullions podcast on making good decisions - so went home and RICE'd!

    Spent 30-40 mins doing some S&C work at home and foam rolling the bejaysus out of myself. An evening well spent.

    0 miles @ 0 pace.

    Saturday 5th The second I woke up - my thoughts turned to my foot, "was it ok" - "Will I ever run again" - "are my Marathon plans in tatters" - "Have I to get it amputated"

    As I'm also going skiing - I thought briefly about the impact on that, but that's a menial matter...............

    So - as it turns out, the foot was a hell of a lot better. I had a session planned, but said that I'd do the warm up 1st and see how it was, before committing to the session.
    The session was WU / 2x2mTempo (2 mins) / 60min Easy

    I got through the warm up - 2.85 miles and went back to the car - changing into a pair of Vapour flys 4% that I managed to get my hands on from a buddy :)

    My initial thoughts were that the tempo pace would be 6:10's or so.
    The 2x2m at Tempo - went superbly well - the runners are mad - the bounce I felt initially, then you get used to it, but it felt great. My initial thoughts were that they felt 'illegal' but I consoled myself with the number of elites wearing them.

    As for the run - the days break obviously done me good, the runners, maybe helped, but I think their magic helps on longer stuff (lessens the fatigue).
    The 2x2mile Tempo were done in 11.27 / 12:01 - some might think this is a tad fast, but it felt good and I could have done an additional rep (I think).

    The 60 mins easy was a lap of the PP - so I included up Military Road & up the Upper Glen Road and also the Furry Glen - so a decent hilly route.
    The run itself felt great - all I had prior to it was a slice of brown bread - recovered well in the evening.

    14.27miles - 1hr 48min

    So - for the 1st time in many years- since I started running - , I'm now taking a complete week OFF running - I'm off skiing - I guess this is why I started the plan so early to build in this buffer.

    I'll come home from skiing as a fat, slow, unhealthy middle aged man - but by Chri$t - I'll enjoy it.

    50 miles for the week with 2 days off.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Enjoy your week. I really love skiing holidays. That session today is quite interesting with a 60 minutes easy run after a tempo. I'm tempted to get those 4% the price tag is a bit off putting.
