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Making every mile count



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,065 ✭✭✭dublin runner

    Killerz wrote: »
    Well done, great time, and going without the watch was an interesting move.

    2 questions:
    1. Why do you generally (seem to) leave it so tight in terms of getting to races? I'd find that would make me a bit nervy and use up energy... but maybe thats just me...
    2. The pre-race double espresso... I love coffee. I usually have one before a race, but sometimes it can be quite a bit before the start. How far before the start of say a 5k or a 10k would you deploy that badboy? You mention its pre-made... Do you drink it cold from a bottle or something that you bring along with you?


    Firstly, well done on the 24hrs. Really great going. I was saying you seem to have a talent for the ultra distances so no surprise to see you do so well (just make sure to do some some shorter stuff. Don't go too far to the dark side :))

    I love coffee (as I sit here drinking one!). I usually try to avoid caffeine until the actual race. At this stage it's part of the pre-race routine. I did drink it too soon to the start of the 10km (10 min?) and this gave me a stitch but nothing too bad. I took it 15 minutes before the 5km and all was good. I find it makes me less nervy and definitely mentally prepares. It helps me mentally switch on, like putting the racers on. I hope that makes sense! Whatever gets you in the right frame of mind I guess. It's sad but I have a flask thing that I bring it in that keeps it very warm. I have made some horrible experiences in the midlands trying to get anything that resembles coffee in the midlands so I just take my own now! Also, I never take sugar but put two brown sugars in it for a race.

    I leave everything to the last minute :). I think I enjoy the buzz of leaving most things to the last minute. It takes my mind off the event but it's not good as I have had some very close calls :rolleyes:. I think there's a balance there. I hate being early for races though. It helps to have a run in the morning. It means for me I don't need a long warm-up.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    I leave everything to the last minute :). I think I enjoy the buzz of leaving most things to the last minute. It takes my mind off the event but it's not good as I have had some very close calls :rolleyes:. I think there's a balance there. I hate being early for races though. It helps to have a run in the morning. It means for me I don't need a long warm-up.

    There's a guy in TAC who also does this. His last-second arrivals at race start lines are the stuff of legend. Sometimes he misses races altogether because he's late. He says he gets nervous if he has any time to think before a race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,065 ✭✭✭dublin runner

    davedanon wrote: »
    There's a guy in TAC who also does this. His last-second arrivals at race start lines are the stuff of legend. Sometimes he misses races altogether because he's late. He says he gets nervous if he has any time to think before a race.

    I haven't yet missed a race but some very close calls. I am better under a bit of pressure but leaving home 45 minutes before the gun was pretty stupid! I must look out for him.....I have some competition on that front now!

    A somewhat mundane close to the week........

    Friday 15/7

    AM: 5 Miles Very Easy @8.10p/m (treadmill)
    PM: 5.50 Miles Easy @7.09p/m in 39:24

    Legs in great order after the race....BOOM!

    Saturday 16/7

    11 Miles Easy @7.33p/m in 1.23:09

    Delighted to have company this morning in the shape of A&L (sounds like a phone company!). Contemplated some miles in the evening but I was beyond tired so didn't mile chase.

    Sunday 17/7

    Long Easy Run
    -17 Miles @6.59p/m in 1.58:38

    Perhaps too long and too fast but that's how this particular run panned out. I think I will bring back the long run to 14-16 miles as this type of run is most likely too much for 5k training. An enjoyable afternoon in glorious July weather......for once! Just back in time to see the Red Hand dispatch Donegal. What a class finish to the game. The only team I fear for Dublin.

    WEEK TOTAL: 74.10+ MILES

    I may race next week somewhere but am not expecting an improvement on recent times. I am a bit tired so that will be my last race until the 10km in Dun Laoghaire on August 1st (not a PB course). I need 7-10 days of uninterrupted training again. After that I will target a 5km before launching into the next block.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,065 ✭✭✭dublin runner

    Monday 18/7

    AM: 4.25 Miles Easy @7.15p/m in 30:52
    PM: 5 Miles Easy @7.40p/m (treadmill) inc. 5x30sec strides @3k effort

    Tuesday 19/7

    6 Miles Easy @8.00p/m (treadmill)

    Wednesday 20/7


    -2.25 Miles @7.33p/m in 17:03


    BHAA DCC 5k Irishtown

    7th - 17.01

    I am writing this a number of days on, still baffled at what was a pretty terrible time given my recent training and race performances. There's little point going into too much detail on this one, mainly because I cannot make head nor tails of the run. The legs and body felt great but I did not turn up mentally tonight. In fact just before the gun I thought to myself 'what are you doing here?'. Not good. I badly misjudged my effort levels and ran a time that gave me a serious kick in the teeth. Again, I wore no watch and set out and what I felt was a good clip. The course is flat but a slow twisty course with many awkward turns. A contrived course one could call it. That's no excuse though as I ran 17 seconds slower compared to last year. That's just not good enough. I got very isolated and took my pace off T.S, who I reckoned was in 16.20 shape. I should have just gone at my own pace and paid the price on the clock. I crossed the line and he called out 17 flat. Eh, what?! I was dumbfounded to hear and pretty shocked as it felt faster but in truth I never got out of 3rd gear and ran the time I deserved.

    There's simply no point turning up to a race with the mentally displayed tonight. You have got to really want the result and I just went through the motions, probably over-raced and tired. In future I will always do a session three days before these sort of races. It leaves you sharp and ready for racing.

    Well F that! I got that one badly wrong. NEXT!

    -w/u 1.10+ Mile @7.09p/m +drills/strides
    -w/d 4 Miles @7.18p/m in 29:18

    Thursday 21/7

    AM: 6.50 Miles Easy @7.16p/m in 47:17
    PM: 5 Miles Easy @8.00p/m (treadmill)

    So very confused. What happened last night? Still doesn't make sense. The few pints after the race (didn't wash away the disappointment!) left me a bit groggy but other than that legs in good order.

    Friday 22/7

    10 Miles Easy @7.27p/m in 1.14:36

    A nice gaunt around South Dublin with A&L.

    Saturday 23/7

    10.30+ Miles

    Session: 6 Miles @MP -6.01p/m in 36:09 ~3min rec
    +5x30sec hill repeats @3k to all out effort ~jog down recovery

    I was so tired this morning. The many late nights have really left me in state of constant fatigue. I settled on this session setting out. I shelved the prescribed session and made-up my own. I wanted to tire the legs before introducing some speed. It was hard work today. The legs felt very heavy and I was happy the session was very well planned as anything more strenuous would have sent me over the edge! The hill repeats were tough. Thankfully, Dublin City Council re-tarmaced the hill in Blackrock Park. It now provides the perfect setting for this type of work. I was pretty spent after and each and every cyclist cycling on the path got an earful!

    Sunday 24/7

    Long Easy Run
    -15 Miles @7.05p/m in 1.46:33

    I overdid this run last week so I took it back by two miles. Boy was I tired today though. I began to have a few wobbles as soon as the 3rd mile. Not good! I really did not think I could muster up the resolve to run for another 90 minutes. I recovered somewhat and a decent rhythm was reached by the 8th mile. Glad to have this one ticked off before the hurling.

    WEEK TOTAL: 72.50+ MILES

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,065 ✭✭✭dublin runner

    Monday 25/7

    AM: 5 Miles Easy/Agony @7.22p/m in 36:52
    PM: 5 Miles Easy @8.00p/m (treadmill)

    I took a very nasty fall just before the 2 mile mark this morning. There was no option but to run the remaining three miles home. Blood and pain everywhere.......that will learn me.

    Tuesday 26/7


    11.40+ Miles

    Session: 5x6min @Progressive LT ~2min rec

    Rep Paces: 5.50, 5.42, 5.38, 5.38, 5.35

    A really interesting session with Luke this afternoon. With the whole body aching, I was very happy to adjust my my session (20min @LT +stuff) to have someone to work with and off. We headed up the the 1km(ish) loop around the concert area in Marlay Park. It was the perfect place for the session. The first rep was surprisingly tough given the pace so I wan't too excited about upping the pace! Maybe it was the humidity to blame for me sweating like a pig (I pitied the walkers and people trying to enjoy their afternoon stroll). I hate active recoveries so I took some easier than himself. The last rep was the most enjoyable and edged towards 10km pace. I made a mess of the watch (thought we were doing 6x5min - did think the 1st rep felt long alright!) so I missed some distance on the first rep and recovery. I need to get a fancy watch that can be preprogrammed.

    A good session.

    PM (well, later PM)

    3.25 Miles Easy @8.00p/m (treadmill).

    Wednesday 27/7

    AM: 5 Miles Easy @8.00p/m (treadmill)
    PM: 5 Miles Easy @7.32p/m (long 1st mile so it was a bit quicker)

    Thursday 28/7


    6+ Miles +drills/strides

    Week 5: 2x(800m,800m,400m) @5k ~45sec b/t reps, 4min b/t sets

    2.38, 2.37, 77
    2.35, 2.36, 73

    A certain sense of trepidation filled the consciousness setting out this morning. I knew I was tired but knew I had to thread that fine line and give this session a lash. My mood quickly changed though when I reread the wasn't 3 sets, it was 2! BOOM. Ideally I would have left this session until the next day but I wanted to give myself the chance of a decent outing in the Dun Laoghaire 10km on Monday. It's a tough course so my time will be slow but I still want to give it a right go. It's a hometown race after all. The near perfect conditions in Kilbogget made for a very nice change (I almost missed the wind :rolleyes:).

    The session itself went well and a lot better than expected. I had a cheeky look at the watch after the 1st rep and it gave me a fair amount of confidence to see 2.38......if it were slower I would have felt very differently! The brevity between the sets is generous but that cannot be said of the recovery between reps. 45 seconds? Felt more like 10 seconds on the <cough> track.

    To compare (same session, same track):

    June 23rd, 2015

    2.37, 2.38, 78
    2.40, 2.41, 73

    Well this was tough. Very very very tough. The legs were hanging off me from the 300m mark of the 2nd 800m rep. Clinging on from there on in.

    With the tiredness in the legs today I am going to call that progress, particularly as it wasn't as taxing this time out.


    5 Miles Easy @7.43p/m in 38:41

    Keepin' it very easy around the pitches of Sean Moore Park.

    Friday 29/7

    Pushing everything forward.......

    Long(ish) Easy Run
    -14 Miles @7.34p/m in 1.46:01

    A typical rain sodden miserable July morning run with Luke! Nice to have this ticked off by 10am.

    It's now two easy days before Monday. I am fairly shattered in truth. The legs are in a bad way after all the weeks training. I am hoping they recover somewhat before the local 10km. I really am not expecting a decent time but still want to be in a position to run a decent race. The plan is to tempo effort the first 5km (all tough uphill) before hopefully having something in the legs to open up in the second half. If one of the last two miles isn't the fastest of the day I have seriously messed up the race! Delighted to have gotten a good weeks training in before the weekend.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Tough week, well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,065 ✭✭✭dublin runner

    Saturday 30/7

    6 Miles Easy @8.00p/m (treadmill)

    Sweating out the alcohol from the previous night.......felt better running somehow.

    Sunday 31/7

    4 Miles Easy @7.14p/m in 29:00
    -inc. 5x30secs @3k pace

    Awful sluggish and tired today. I jumped out of bed just before midday (in fairness I wasn't home until after 4am working) and straight into this. Quite heavy legged during the strides. I put this down to driving for 6 hours the previous day. Happy to get home and head over to my friends for the football. Really enjoyed watching Tipp play. Brilliant stuff.

    The scramble for tickets for Saturday has begun! What ridiculous scheduling by the GAA......errrr!

    WEEK TOTAL: 69.65+ MILES

    Monday 1/8

    Dun Laoghaire 'The Bay' 10km

    7th - 35.05

    I have long since realised that every race can't be a PB attempt. I knew today wasn't going to danger my PB but really wanted to put in a decent shift and run as well as possible. I felt totally flogged on Friday, with the last 2 miles of the 14 miler feeling quite tough. I just hoped that the two days of easy running would leave me somewhat fresh.

    With the race on my doorstep I was down nice and early to get a few miles in. A quick espresso before a few token strides brought me to the startline with a few minutes to spare. The race was extremely well organised so I had no problem lining up a row or two back. The plan this morning was to treat the pace as tempo effort. The first 5k are tough so I knew the pace was going to suffer. I spotted Mark and knew if I stuck in a group with him I would likely have company for the majority of the race. A good group soon formed after a number of people attacked the hill (after 200m) like a 100m sprint! I brought the watch along with me today and wasn't too surprised to see a fast opening kilometre. I knew though the pace would soon settle. I know these roads like the back of my hand. I run them each and very day so I know how to pace the effort accordingly. The descent to Monkstown Village and by my place was a welcome relief after the steady climb. The wind was bad and the pace was affected by some strong headwinds. By this stage the group had reduced to myself, Mark and CQ (who beat me by 4 seconds in the Docklands 5k). We shared the workload into the wind and the constant climbing. I was happy to reach the 5km mark and I knew the pace was about to rewarded by descent back to Dun Laoghaire and the finish line. The pace had slowed to 5.47 average but I wasn't too concerned as the 1st half was hard going.

    The 5th kilometre offered little respite......wind, wind and more wind! The left turn soon appeared and here was the moment to up the pace and make up some lost ground. Mark had dropped me on the sharp descent over the Dart line. Myself and CQ were trading places and I was really enjoying myself. Sure, I was working but definitely feeling the love for running. Mark had established a 10 second lead by the 9th km. Keen to avoid a sprint finish I kicked up the hill to hopefully drop CQ. I don't do sprinting! It worked and I managed to close the gap to Mark considerably over the last 400m.

    A slow time but a tough day for racing on a challenging but very rewarding route. A great event on closed roads.

    I made my way back to my car which was beside the startline. Waiting for the road to be reopened gave me some time to think. In 2012 I ran this race in something like 49 minutes. The weekend before was a complete binge at a family wedding. I rocked up the startline in a bad way and ran the time I deserved. I wonder how I will be running in another four years time!

    What's next? Blessington Lakes 10km in 4 weeks time. PB or bust. No excuses.

    Thanks to all for the many shout outs........:)

    -w/u 1.25 Miles @7.28p/m +strides/drills
    -w/d 1 Mile @7.28p/m


    4 Miles Easy @7.18p/m in 29:15

    The Plan:

    I have fully shelved any notions of a autumn marathon. I had ideas of Amsterdam in October but I will leave the distance until next year. The past few weeks have shown how much work I need to put in to the shorter distances to really improve in the marathon. I see myself as a 'marathon runner', it's what I enjoy training and racing for. With that said I want to put myself into a position were I can really push onto the next level (whatever that is). To do just that I need to get my times seriously down. While 16.22 in the Docklands 5k was a good stepping stone, it didn't really provide me with much satisfaction. By the following evening that race had long since left the system and consciousness!

    So, here is the rough outline. From November I really think I need some advice so I look to a coach (no idea where to look).

    5k Training (cont.):

    July 25-31
    Aug 8-14
    Aug 15-11
    Aug 12-28


    August 29-4 - The Lakes 10km
    September 15-11
    September 12-18 - Charleville Half
    September 19-25
    September 26-2
    September 3-9
    October 10-16
    October 17-23

    October 24-30 - DCM 30th (pacing)

    *I will add a number of races as the weeks pass. The Seeley 10km up North in November is one I am looking at seriously. I will also travel at some stage to a race abroad.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Having done the Seeley Cup 10k last year I couldn't recommend it enough, seriously deep field in it. Flat as flat can be to, last year the wind was blowing in off the River Lagan which was a pain but you'll get that in Ireland in November I suppose. Returning again this year myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,065 ✭✭✭dublin runner

    tang1 wrote: »
    Having done the Seeley Cup 10k last year I couldn't recommend it enough, seriously deep field in it. Flat as flat can be to, last year the wind was blowing in off the River Lagan which was a pain but you'll get that in Ireland in November I suppose. Returning again this year myself.

    That's great to hear, thanks.

    It looks to have the best standard in the country, particularly in the time I would hope to be targeting. It it me (probably is!) but there appears to be very little info about the whole thing. It looks like a real quality race. Maybe registration hasn't opened yet?

    To give people an idea about the standard in 2015:
    -Top 50 - 35.41 and under
    -Top 25 - 33.59 and under
    -17 people sub 33min

    That's a deep field!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    That's great to hear, thanks.

    It looks to have the best standard in the country, particularly in the time I would hope to be targeting. It it me (probably is!) but there appears to be very little info about the whole thing. It looks like a real quality race. Maybe registration hasn't opened yet?

    To give people an idea about the standard in 2015:
    -Top 50 - 35.41 and under
    -Top 25 - 33.59 and under
    -17 people sub 33min

    That's a deep field!

    Yeah best to keep an eye on Athletics NI for registration to open cause when they reach 1,000 I think that's it. I ran close to 40mins last year and was 450th!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,065 ✭✭✭dublin runner

    Tuesday 2/8

    AM: 5.25 Miles Easy @7.26p/m in 39:06
    PM: 4 Miles Easy @8.00p/m (treadmill)

    The legs were in very good order after the previous days efforts. All good. Signed up that night for the Frank Duffy 10 Mile race on the 20th. A tough course but I plan to target the PB set earlier in the year in Trim.

    Wednesday 3/8


    I put out the call for some steady miles, instead I got offered the below so I went with it.........! Good to be flexible, especially as I really didn't want to do a 5k session 48 hours after the 10km anyway.

    Session: 12x(400m @10mile pace, 400m easy)

    11 Miles

    Splits: 86, 82, 83, 84, 84, 84, 83, 82, 81, 82, 82, 81 (83sec average ~5.34p/m)

    24 laps of the track? It really does fly by when you have to concentrate on the constantly alternating pace. Very nice to be back on a proper track again. The wind was a right nuisance throughout but asides from overcooking the opening 200m, I felt I got into a nice rhythm early on. I felt very comfortable today and happy with the mornings work. I got left to my own devices on the warm-down (thanks Luke :)) and got a bit lost in one of the many sprawling housing estates in Tallaght, adding in an extra mile or two. All good though!


    5 Miles Easy @7.34p/m in 37:55

    A few too many miles today. I had to drop off the car to it's other 'owner' so it was either run back or get <shock> public transport. No contest! I really focused on backing off the pace and it ended up quite enjoyable. Nice to be running faster than cars in traffic......particularly as they have to listen to whoever is replacing Hooky on Newstalk. I'll miss the grumpy f!cker.

    Two easy days now.........

    Thursday 4/8

    AM: 5 Miles Easy @7.24p/m in 37:04
    PM: 5 Miles Easy @8.00p/m (treadmill)

    Friday 5/8

    8.60 Miles Easy @7.22p/m in 1.03:22

    Saturday 6/8

    9+ Miles inc. drills/strides

    Session: 2x(800m, 1k, 400m @5k pace) ~1.30, 45sec recovery b/t reps, 4min b/t sets

    2.38 (5.18p/m)
    3.15 (5.14p/m)
    75 (5.02p/m)

    2.36 (5.14p/m)
    3.16 (5.15p/m)
    74 (4.58p/m)

    A tough old session this morning. My motivation was fairly low setting out, with the prospect of another hard solo session feeling somewhat daunting. I told myself to man up and get out the door. As it turned out it turned out to be a really positive session in warm conditions. I know the cinder is slow so to see promising splits like these is very encouraging. The session brings me into 16.18 5k territory. After what was an extremely hard weeks training I will take that. It nice to see the numbers come down as I get sharper and fitter. Now to put it into a race and hopefully nail down a time I know is there.......somewhere :pac:.

    The warm-down miles weren't the most pleasant as the legs were completely fried after 2 sessions and one decent race effort in the legs for the week.

    A trip to Croke Park for two really enjoyable games and many hours standing up. I had to rush to work straight on 70min. I parked up at Carton House only to see the Waterford team pucking around in the grounds. Made my day. Another 3 hours standing up that night so the legs were in a right old state!

    Sunday 7/8

    Long Easy Run
    -15 Miles @7.11p/m in 1.47.55

    A nice and handy one about Dublin. Done and dusted before the hurling. What a game! So close but so far for Waterford.

    WEEK TOTAL: 80.30+ MILES

    That was a fairly big week in terms of intensity and mileage. I managed it quite well but next week will see a return to more balanced training. I looked at the Castlepollard 5k but it's just to far away to justify. I may look to something else but am in the West for the weekend. I want a big performance in the 10 miler so that is the short-term target. That will give me a good indication of a possible half marathon time in September. Training hasn't been perfect for a good half time but confident I can possibly knock out something decent!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    "whoever is replacing Hooky on Newstalk."

    Simon Delaney. I find his general persona annoying.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,065 ✭✭✭dublin runner

    davedanon wrote: »
    "whoever is replacing Hooky on Newstalk."

    Simon Delaney. I find his general persona annoying.

    That's him alright. Cannot stand him on the radio. Himself and Fergus Finlay pontificating on the issue of school costs took the proverbial biscuit.

    I miss George. I know he is a divisive figure but give me him any day over the overtly professional media schooled presenters clogging up the medium. Bland beyond belief!

    Hope recovery is going well after the half. A very tough day for it......(happy not to have run to be honest!)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    That's him alright. Cannot stand him on the radio. Himself and Fergus Finlay pontificating on the issue of school costs took the proverbial biscuit.

    I miss George. I know he is a divisive figure but give me him any day over the overtly professional media schooled presenters clogging up the medium. Bland beyond belief!

    Hope recovery is going well after the half. A very tough day for it......(happy not to have run to be honest!)

    Delaney's an actor, of sorts. Why he's seemed suitable to present a primetime current affairs radio show is beyond me. And there's a complacent, self-satisfied air about him that repels me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Yeah, not feeling too bad, thanks. Managed a creaky four miles today.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    davedanon wrote: »
    Delaney's an actor, of sorts. Why he's seemed suitable to present a primetime current affairs radio show is beyond me. And there's a complacent, self-satisfied air about him that repels me.

    Chris Donoghue is the replacement for Hook in the long term. I guess Delaney is filling in the summer holidays for a few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,065 ✭✭✭dublin runner

    Then stop calling it The Right Hook! I have stopped listening to the station since they sent the interns in for the summer schedule. Between that and increasingly poor OTB slot (the cock-fighting 20 minute segment was the last LAST straw!), I am out.

    I love people who stick by their opinions and convictions so, while not disliking Chris, I do miss Hook. It seems that the only was the prosper in media is to say or do nothing, not even something semi-controversial (Matt Cooper etc.).

    I think I would last 7 minutes behind the mic before getting booted out!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Then stop calling it The Right Hook! I have stopped listening to the station since they sent the interns in for the summer schedule. Between that and increasingly poor OTB slot (the cock-fighting 20 minute segment was the last LAST straw!), I am out.

    I love people who stick by their opinions and convictions so, while not disliking Chris, I do miss Hook. It seems that the only was the prosper in media is to say or do nothing, not even something semi-controversial (Matt Cooper etc.).

    I think I would last 7 minutes behind the mic before getting booted out!

    OTB will be fine once the footie starts again, dr!

    Hookie may be dogmatic and opinionated, but the opinions he holds mostly annoy me. Sean Moncrieff is the best radio presenter with the best show around, in my opinion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,065 ✭✭✭dublin runner

    Monday 8/8

    AM: 5 Miles Easy @7.19p/m in 36:37
    PM: 6 Miles Easy @7.40p/m (treadmill)

    Hangover city on the AM run. Pretty grim (I blame the last ale). It felt like my brain was rattling around for the first few miles which gave me a much deserved headache!

    Tuesday 9/8


    7+ Miles inc. strides/drills

    Session: 800m @3k, 400m @1mile, 500m @3k, 200m @1mile ~2min rec

    Now that I am very much at the split watching, I was pretty annoyed to see the 800m rep come in at 2.32. I had aimed for 2.29/2.30 so I messed it up. Luckily it gave me the much needed kick to nail the next few reps. The remaining reps were good and I was happy enough to see the splits given the effort expended in the conditions presented on the cinder this morning.

    Maybe aiming for 9.20 3k splits was somewhat aggressive but the session in all was an odd one. It's a short sharp session that kind of jars with me for whatever reason. It just feels like the odd one out on the plan.

    *I misread the plan. I thought the last 200m rep was at 1mile, not 800m effort. It was too fast for true 1 mile effort anyway!


    5.25 Miles Easy @7.17p/m in 38:18

    My usual 5 miler AM run in the PM. I have a name for this run. It has to do with some of the local 'characters' that frequent the main street early in the morning. I won't go into that though....:pac:

    Wednesday 10/8


    6 Miles Easy @8.00p/m (treadmill)

    I watched Ireland AM. That nicely sums up this run!


    5 Miles Easy @7.17p/m in 36:31

    Thursday 11/8


    5 Miles Easy @8.00p/m (treadmill)

    Pretty sure it was the same episode of Ireland AM on the treadmill TV this morn........oh, wait! The models were wearing different clothes. Chewing gum for the eyes........


    4.25 Miles Easy @7.13p/m in 30:45

    Friday 12/8


    9.60+ Miles

    Session: 10x1km @10km pace ~2.30min rec


    3.25 (5.30p/m)
    3.25 (5.30p/m)
    3.24 (5.28p/m)
    3.23 (5.27p/m)
    3.24 (5.28p/m)
    3.22 (5.25p/m)
    3.24 (5.28p/m)
    3.21 (5.24p/m)
    3.17 (5.17p/m)
    3.04 (4.56p/m)

    I was back down to Tallaght to meet the marathon man who already had 4 miles in the legs. Luckily I am not marathon training (!) so I did my own little jog to warm-up before the session. I liked the look of this session so I altered the week slightly to accommodate. I felt like I needed some longer reps in the legs to balance out the 5k sessions. The first 8 reps were ticked off in a no-nonsense manner and it all felt quite comfortable. I decided to pick up the pace on the 9th rep and kick after 750m. I was keen to push through the fatigue and teach the legs to counter the tiredness in the legs. I think we both agreed (well, I think anyway!) to up the effort for the last rep. Up the pace is what he did and I was hanging on in (I hate not leading). I pushed hard with 300m to go. I really did not want to but that was the pre-rep plan so I had to choice. The legs responded well and it proved a very positive way to finish off the session. Not quite 'eye balls out' but a very healthy effort for sure. The hamstring and calf muscles felt that one.

    Another plus! I didn't get lost this time out.

    Time to put it all together in Blessington in September me thinks.


    4 Miles Easy @7.47p/m in 31:12

    Saturday 13/8

    Long Easy Run
    -16 Miles @7.14p/m in 1.55:53

    Instantly forgettable!

    Sunday 14/8

    9 Miles Easy @6.56p/m in 1.02:36

    A nice hilly route, incorporating the Climb for Jesus up to Foxrock Church. I have neglected hills recently so I threw some in today despite the hangover.

    WEEK TOTAL: 82.10+ MILES

    So that was my week. I feel very strong but certainly somewhat tired. Next week is a down week before the FD 10 on Saturday, with only one session on Tuesday to break up all the easy running. At this stage I am really looking forward to it (although that feeling will enviably change knowing me!). The opening miles look incredibly fast so if I see a fast start it won't throw me. My PB will hopefully be under severe threat, even if the course is tricker than Trim. The main target is a good start to 10km training in Blessington but the race will provide a good indicator of form.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,065 ✭✭✭dublin runner

    Monday 15/8

    AM: 5.25 Miles Easy @7.15p/m in 38:07
    PM: 5 Miles Easy @7.52p/m (treadmill)

    Tuesday 16/8


    6+ Miles inc. strides/drills

    Session: 800m @5k, 2x400m, 2x200 @5k to 1m pace ~300m jog recovery

    Splits: 2.32, 75, 74, 34, 33

    This session was all about keeping sharp for the race on Saturday. Arriving on the track I was greeted by two fellow runners. One proceeded to throw on a pair of rubber gloves :eek:. What is going on? As I neared I saw it was Emmett from Perfect Pacing. He was doing a LT test on a client. Good to meet him and have a chat. The company threw me a bit and I ended up running everything too fast. Nothing much to worry about as it was a short one.


    5 Miles Easy @8.00p/m (treadmill)

    Wednesday 17/8

    8 Miles Easy @7.47p/m in 1.02:21

    An enjoyable easy one with Peter around the Park.

    Thursday 18/8

    6 Miles @8.00p/m (treadmill)

    Friday 19/8

    4 Miles Easy @7.28 in 29:55
    -inc. 3x30secs strides @3k effort

    The left hamstring felt very tight this morning. Really hoping it's not an issue come the race. All good otherwise.

    Saturday 20/8


    Frank Duffy 10 Mile

    25th – 57:45

    What a frustrating morning. Sure you know it was day of biblical proportions weather-wise. Sure you know it's a tough hilly course. Plenty of excuses but my word, frustrating.

    By this stage anything that could have been said of the weather conditions has been. I arrived early enough (for me) in the Park and it was good to bump into my ex-clubmate and go for a mile jog. 9.20am and already soaked. I retired back to the car, send out a number of whatsapps/texts and photos of the conditions and got changed into my racing attire. What a moan! :) This one, I thought, is going to be a tough one. Maybe at the point I let my pre-race plans of a fast run disappear. Maybe I resigned myself to a poor run given the horrific weather. Not sure. I jogged and took in a few strides to get to the startline. 9.55am and again soaked!

    The opening miles felt controlled but I was working a bit harder than expected. In all, the first 4 miles were pretty rough and mentally I felt in a bad place. Not great! I knew I had to stick to Mark and Eddie like glue. I lost a fair bit of ground on the descent to the Chapelizod Gate but soon regained it. Yes, I really really cannot run downhill! Up we climbed and soon a good group formed. I knew today wasn't a day for split-watching so I didn't once look at the watch. At the summit of the s-bends the lads again dropped me on the descent. I had to work hard to cling back on. I had one goal and that sole goal was to stick with them until we turn onto Chesterfield Avenue. The other option? Run the North Road solo. That just wasn't an option. I knew the wind would be in our face so I had to hold on. I looked around for Luke passing the Zoo and was disappointed not to see him. Sure, I wanted to beat him (it's a race after all! :D) but I knew it was going to be incredibly hard without a group. I hoped he would reel us back in.

    Mark took most of the wind and I was just about hanging on to the 3 man group. I know them well at this stage so I was very confident I was in the right place in the field. The turn onto the Avenue was incredibly welcome. Good job, Anthony! Time to open up. The smooth descending tarmac felt good underfoot. I opened up the stride but the right hamstring (it was the left yesterday) was not playing ball. Now, I felt a jolt on the second mile but concluded it was me loosing out. The lads put the foot down and dropped me. Everything felt great but I just couldn't let go. They soon opened up a 20m lead. All that hard work for nought! For the first time in the race I really felt good. Stupid hamstring.

    I turned on the Acres and guess what? I was catching them at a rate of knots. Perhaps they overcooked the Avenue, I thought. I can do climbs and wind but not descents. The flat road meant me running well. Ok, catch and push on I told myself. As soon as I made that plan the hamstring tightened once more. Sh1te. I held the gap but just could not push on. So so frustrating. I was on the edge of injuring myself and I knew it. The sharp fall after mile 8 was very unwelcome. A few miles ago I was clinging on to the pace, now I was clinging on to a dodgy hammy.

    The climb up the Glen Road and past mile 9 was very tough. I was now very much pushing my luck and considered jogging it in. I tore my hamstring once before doing something stupid and I was not about to repeat that particular mistake. The annoying this was that I was running and feeling well. Bloody annoying. The lads were in touching distance but it felt I was running on limp mode (to borrow a car metaphor). I felt pretty down at this point and wanted a pint and the warmth of the bar stool! Just then I heard a shout for 'Rory'. Hmmmm.....who is that? He was closing so I upped the pace as much as possible. I again started closing but never challenged. I crossed the line fairly dejected, clutching my battered leg and felling fairly sorry for myself. What just happened?

    I hate getting beaten. Losing is one thing I can handle but the last 10 miles were not. I wanted a low/mid 56 time on that course and to challenge runners around my standard. Fail! I am running and training well and feel as fit as I ever have. I know it will come together. Today was incredibly frustrating but it was what it was.

    It will come together. Today was just not my day.

    *Please excuse the moaning and general self-pity!

    -w/u 1.40 miles @7.37p/m


    3 Miles Easy @7.31p/m in 22:36

    No problems. Everything was so tight but no damage done. 5.40pm and yet again, soaked :-)

    Sunday 21/8

    Long Easy Run
    -17 Miles @7.09p/m in 1.55:53

    Tired but strong today. The old legs felt like two planks of wood but all-in-all, fine. I just need to keep up the long run with DCM looming. I probably will need one or two 20+ milers in the bank before the taking on the 3.10 duties.

    WEEK TOTAL: 70.65+ MILES (I may have ran on Wed PM but really cannot remember)

    Now begins 8 weeks of 10km training.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,065 ✭✭✭dublin runner

    Monday 22/8

    AM: 5.25 Miles Easy @7.29p/m in 39:22
    PM: 6 Miles Easy @8.00/m (treadmill)

    (LATER PM: .65 Miles @5.22p/m.......ok, I was on a bike, fueled by beer. Great fun way to get home from the pub!)

    Tuesday 23/8

    AM: 5 Miles Easy @7.17p/m in 38:17
    PM: 5 Miles Easy @8.00/m (treadmill)

    Wednesday 24/8


    9 Miles @6.16p/m in 56:27

    8 Miles Progressive (~Easy to 'slightly faster than MP')

    Mile Splits:
    6.38, 6.29, 6.23, 6.14, 6.06, 5.59, 5.50, 5.36

    I framed this run with a short jog down the Temple Hill to the cycle lane, just before Blackrock. I wanted to give the legs a quick NCT before the off, incorporating a token few drills. Luckily, the legs felt both refreshed and ache-free. Yes! I hadn't down a progression run in yonks so was unsure on how to approach. I thought about it and settled on starting out at 7 minute mile pace and up the pace by 10 seconds a mile. That didn't last long! I also wanted the last mile to come in around 5.40 pace. I checked the watch after a few minutes to see 6.30 pace. Sh1te! There's goes the pre-throw in plan. I quickly mentally adjusted, now aiming for a 5 seconds a mile quicker or thereabouts. I really struggled to keep the pace down but knew the last few miles were going to be tough, especially given the battered state of the legs. I reached Sean Moore Park, retracing my steps and somehow running into a headwind AGAIN! The last uphill mile was hard running but nothing killer. All good.


    5 Miles Easy @8.00p/m (treadmill)

    Thursday 25/8

    10.50 Miles Easy @7.28p/m in 1.18:30

    This one included 10 laps of the local park on grass. Without the musings of Second Captains I would have fallen asleep. Good to get off the road for the majority of the run.

    The next session of the 10km plan (Week 1 of 8) calls for a 25 minute lactate threshold run. I considered a parkrun but cheekily had a peek at the race calendar. One race jumped off the page. I am down working in Kilkenny on Saturday night, so to see a 4-mile race on-route in Carlow at 5.30pm was just too good to turn down. The Tinryland 4 Mile it is! For 12 euro it looks to be a right cracker, with a great reputation and deep field. The plan will be to hold c.5.35p/m pace and not to race it. Thou shalt not race it.......thou shalt not race it. Looking forward to it. I have of course The Lakes 10km next week after all. Eyes on the prize.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,065 ✭✭✭dublin runner

    Friday 26/8

    8 Miles @8.00p/m (treadmill)

    Did I watch Ireland AM or Xposé? Dire selection on the treadmill TV.

    Saturday 27/8


    3 Miles @7.31p/m in 22:39


    7.10 Miles
    -inc. 4 miles @LT (@5.34p/m in 22.19)

    Splits: 5.28, 5.31, 5.44, 3.35

    With a 5.30pm gun-time the Tinryland 4 Mile was almost too perfect. I couldn't turn down the opportunity, especially seen as it was a mere 25 minutes drive to work in Kilkenny that night. The plan called for 25 minutes at LT so I settled on 4miles, aiming for 5.35p/m average. The opening mile was off a cliff so the pace was understandably hot. I got into a decent groove on the second mile and was enjoying my evenings training. Here I began to overtake a number of people and was happy to see 5.31 flash up on the Garmin. The 3rd mile was a right pain, with a strong headwind and a long decent drag to the next left turn. The pace suffered accordingly but as it was a training run I had to maintain the effort and not worry too much about the slow pace. The left turn was welcome enough and the pace soon started to come down again. I caught up with CC (she like a lot of people suffered on the 3rd mile). I wasn't bothered about overtaking her so I cruised home. A very enjoyable race and highly recommended. Hopefully I will be able to hold this pace (+4/5sec a mile) in Charleville next month.

    -w/u 1.10 mile @7.15p/m
    -w/d 2 miles @7.09p/m

    Sunday 28/8

    Long Easy Run
    -18 Miles @7.40p/m 2.18:20

    A very relaxed run with Peter and Luke around the Park. This one needed to be done early as a trip to Croke Park and Sligo was on the days agenda. I really wasn't too concerned about the pace. The long run (past 15/16 miles) really doesn't fit into the plan at the moment but needs must so one more ticked off. My sleep pattern is all over the shop at the moment. Four hours just ain't enough.

    As for Croke Park? Without doubt one of the best sporting occasions I have ever witnessed. Just incredible. Up da Dubs! :D Anyone got tickets for the final?! Charleville Half in the morning and a good kicking to Mayo in the afternoon please. I don't know what it is but I really cannot contemplate losing to them. As I said to my friend before throw-in........'it doesn't matter who wins today. What matters is the winner has to destroy Mayo!' #1951 :)

    WEEK TOTAL: 81.25+ MILES

    Monday 29/8

    8.10 Miles Easy @6.55p/m in 56:08

    Tuesday 30/8


    8.50+ Miles @5.53p/m -inc. drills/strides

    Session: 6x1mile @10km pace ~3-4min recovery

    Splits: 5.33, 5.28, 5.26, 5.27, 5.30, 5.26

    Today was the first of two sessions (plus a race) in this weeks plan. I really think the second session is complete overkill so I will not be doing it, choosing instead to add to next weeks running. As for today? Ah! A complete grind from lap 1 to 24. I found this morning very tough mentally. Unusually for the plan the pace remains constant throughout the session, never once changing. I find these types of sessions tough as it's very repetitive and you really feel mental fatigue enter the proceeding as quickly as lap 3 of the first rep! Of course running around the cinder solo is that bit harder without some company. Anyway, enough moaning. I focused on merely getting through each lap, then each rep and then each recovery. I felt ****e for the first 3 reps, good for the 4th rep (could smell the finish) and again ****e for the 5th rep. The last rep always looks after itself. Each rep came in at 1.02 mile on the watch so pretty much bang on a real mile. I was one sweaty hot mess by the end of the session. Very warm out there this morn. In summary: Legs good, mental attitude questionable! I need a day or two off. One planned for next week.

    The pre-throw in plan was 5.28 pace, so with an average of 5.28 (.3333333333......:rolleyes:) I have to be happy. Happy but tired.


    3 Miles @8.05p/m (treadmill)

    The plan was to tick off 4 easy miles before doing some much neglected core and weights. Nothing to test the body, or so I thought. I hit the first mile feeling great and from there on in I fell apart. I began to sweat like a pig (the poor girl next to me) and the heart rate rocketed. The legs started to go and I had to pull the plug, struggling at 8.34 pace by then. WTF? I was in a right old state after and had to sit down for 20 odd minutes. I was in a heap! Embarrassingly I fell asleep reading an email on the phone in the car after.

    Most definitely a warning sign. I reckon my hemoglobin level is once more at rock bottom. Nothing to worry about though. This evening served as a useful reminder to watch the diet and get some proper sleep.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Nice running today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,065 ✭✭✭dublin runner

    Wednesday 31/8


    6 Miles Easy @8.00p/m (treadmill)

    Back to normality today in the gym after the embarrassing wobble the previous day. Hoping a good course of vitamins and a return to (legal :cool:) supplements helps.


    5 Miles Easy @7.19p/m in 36:40

    A quick jog before dinner in Brasserie 66. My God! The size of the portions. Not good for my waistline!

    Thursday 1/9

    6.50 Miles Easy @7.40p/m in 49:53

    Day 1/2 of 'blindly hoping to freshen up before the race on Sunday'. I wore a few extra layers and hat to slow me down. A few laps of the local park helped the legs to tick over and become freshish.

    Friday 2/9

    3.25 Miles @7.44p/m (treadmill)
    -inc. 3x30sec 5k strides

    Day 2/2. All good. An exciting Friday night in before Blessington the next day! And they say running is all glamor and showbiz :rolleyes:........

    Saturday 3/9


    The Lakes 10km

    6th - 34.15 (5.31p/m)

    On the face of it the time shows an improvement of a huge 5 seconds on Clonee during the summer. In reality though it was a much better run on a course I can definitely call 10,000 metres (I still think Clonee was 80-100m short. Not sure in truth). I have to mention the weather first. The FD 10 Miles 2016 has now set the benchmark for truly awful racing conditions and while today was much better, it was still poor enough to be targeting a PB in. The aim this morning was to average 5.28 per mile. I really felt I was in that type of shape. I perhaps let that particular ambition side a bit on my warm-up. The enthusiasm for the race was fairly low and I should have kept up the positivity and trusted the training.

    The opening mile (5.30) was nice and controlled. I had a quick look at the watch halfway through this mile and for whatever reason the next time I looked at the watch was when it beeped indicating the 6th mile. The race settled on the second mile and myself an a Civil Service runner shared the road, with a decent gap to 4th and no one behind in close pursuit. The road conditions were excellent and the headwind moderate. I knew I had to stick with him or my race was over. I was working hard but very much in control. The km markers were now flying by and I focused on reaching the turn just after the halfway mark. The turn signaled the run for home and was it buoyed me somewhat. I was feeling ok and not defeatist like in the recent 10 miler. Myself and my new running friend were sharing places, keeping each other honest and keeping the pace respectful. As we passed the 6th km marker I knew here was when the race really started. I gathered my thoughts (and legs) before attacking the hill. I secretly love his hill. It's a challenge for sure but a section of road that can separate the weak from the strong. I have been here once before and I didn't plan a repeat of that feeling of going backwards. Given that we shared the road for the previous 20-odd minutes I knew he was stronger on the downhills (no surprise there!). I leveled with him on the hill and powered on, knowing he would soon overtake me on the descent. I guess this is where a bit of racing experience comes in. He did indeed pass me on the descent and I clung on in as best I could. The hamstrings were once again extremely tight and cost me a few seconds for sure. The 8th km marker was a long time coming but as soon as I passed it I got another surge on energy and pushed on as much I could. When the 6th mile beeped on the watch I was very content to see 5.23 flash up. Not bad! I again pushed, not having a clue what time I was on for. The clock soon came into range and it read 33.5x. I pushed a bit more knowing a PB was there.

    I was happy to cross the line in 34.15. I know there is loads more there. Now it's just a case of manging myself and learning (and trusting) in my training and bringing it to races. Sounds so easy! I do lack racing confidence but am improving in that respect and very much believe a very good time is in me.

    Nice to be back on the horse after the FD 10 Miler. Next up? Charleville. I am still lacking top end speed but I am confident I can use my strength to nab a good PB.

    The Lakes 10km is one of the best races in the country, no doubt. A must.

    Mile Splits: 5.30, 5.28, 5.41, 5.33, 5.36, 5.23, 5.02 (.22)

    In retrospective: Eh, what happened on the 3rd mile? That's a shocker. A major lack of focus/not checking pace on watch. Very happy with the uphill mile though (Mile 5). Two years ago it came in at 6 minute pace!

    -w/u 1.25 Miles @7.33p/m +drills/strides
    -w/d 2 Miles @7.16p/m


    5 Miles @7.24p/m 37:06

    Sunday 4/9

    Long Easy Run
    -20 Miles @7.11p/m in 2.23:42

    A nice tour of Dublin in splendid weather. Not looking forward to winter one bit (must find my pink gloves as requested ;)).

    WEEK TOTAL: 74.80+ MILES

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,065 ✭✭✭dublin runner

    Monday 5/9

    AM: 5 Miles Easy @7.27p/m in 37:18
    PM: 6 Miles Easy @8.00p/m (treadmill)

    Tuesday 6/9


    8.25+ Miles +drills/strides

    Session: 7min @LT, 2x3min @10km, 2x45sec @5km ~3,3,2,2min rec

    5.31, 5.14, 5.16, 74sec (400m), 75sec (400m)

    What a beautiful morning to be out. This session was penned for last week but I felt that 2 session and a race to be slightly OTT so I postponed this one until today. Maybe it wasn't the best idea as it dawned on me on he the cinder that it really resembled a sharpening session, 3 days out from race day. Anyway, it felt like a good effort on tired enough legs so it suited me. I decided to extend the 45sec reps as I wasn't ar$ed clocking watching for such a short period! 400m reps it was. I overcooked the last two reps but given the generous enough recoveries I wasn't too concerned on that front.

    I worked out the paces (actual distance vs. garmin distance) to be 5.35 (LT), 5.23 (10km), 5.24 (10km) on the 7 and two 3 minute reps. A shade hot but the effort felt on the money.

    PM: 6 Miles @8.00p/m (treadmill)

    Wednesday 7/9

    Medium Long Easy Run (Hilly)
    -15 Miles @7.24p/m in 1.50:55

    The planned this morning changed as soon as I left my drive. The weather was simply too nice to be ticking off many boring laps in the nearby park so I took myself off to Dalkey and Killiney Hill. I really enjoyed the relaxed pace this morning and even if the view was obscured by the fog it nevertheless provided a reward for the climb up.

    Next up? I want to do Howth again so I will make that the long LONG run before DCM.

    Thursday 8/9

    AM: 6.50 Miles @7.34p/m in 49:17
    PM: 6 Miles @8.00p/m (treadmill)

    Friday 9/9


    7.25+ Miles inc. drills/strides

    Session (deep breath :rolleyes:): 1mile @10km, 600m @5km, 1,200m @10km, 600m @3k, 1mile @10km, 400m @3k, 400m @1mile ~3min rec

    1mile @10km: 5.30
    600m @5km: 1.56 (5.11p/m)
    1,200m @10km: 4.03 (5.26p/m)
    600m @3k: 1.53 (5.03pm)
    1mile @10km: 5.28
    400m @3k: 74sec (4.58p/m)
    400m @1mile: 71sec (4.46p/m)

    Well, that was one tasty session! Definitely the most enjoyable session in a number of weeks. The constantly alternating pace and distance made the mornings work fly by. I think I hit the nail on the head with this one and every effort felt correct and natural. The legs felt very heavy last night and I really wasn't too excited by the prospect of running hard on a windy Friday morn. Once I reached the cinder things fell into place and I got into a decent clip straight off the bat. Running is a funny thing. Every 10km rep after the faster 600m reps felt like jogging. Everything is relative I guess! The best thing about these type of sessions is that you have to focus very hard on tapping into the required effort level. It's a real test of your inner metronome as much as it is about moving the legs in a certain direction! Give me today over 20x400m any day of the week.

    3 hours later........a bit of work and food inbetween.......

    PM: 8 Miles Easy @7.24p/m in 59:21

    I needed to front load a good few miles as I am off to Budapest for the weekend. The weather this afternoon was very Ireland like (aka sh!te!). The thought of beers got me through this one! I will take he runners but will take a day off.......:D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Monday 5/9

    AM: 5 Miles Easy @7.27p/m in 37:18
    PM: 6 Miles Easy @8.00p/m (treadmill)

    Tuesday 6/9


    8.25+ Miles +drills/strides

    Session: 7min @LT, 2x3min @10km, 2x45sec @5km ~3,3,2,2min rec

    5.31, 5.14, 5.16, 74sec (400m), 75sec (400m)

    What a beautiful morning to be out. This session was penned for last week but I felt that 2 session and a race to be slightly OTT so I postponed this one until today. Maybe it wasn't the best idea as it dawned on me on he the cinder that it really resembled a sharpening session, 3 days out from race day. Anyway, it felt like a good effort on tired enough legs so it suited me. I decided to extend the 45sec reps as I wasn't ar$ed clocking watching for such a short period! 400m reps it was. I overcooked the last two reps but given the generous enough recoveries I wasn't too concerned on that front.

    I worked out the paces (actual distance vs. garmin distance) to be 5.35 (LT), 5.23 (10km), 5.24 (10km) on the 7 and two 3 minute reps. A shade hot but the effort felt on the money.

    PM: 6 Miles @8.00p/m (treadmill)

    Wednesday 7/9

    Medium Long Easy Run (Hilly)
    -15 Miles @7.24p/m in 1.50:55

    The planned this morning changed as soon as I left my drive. The weather was simply too nice to be ticking off many boring laps in the nearby park so I took myself off to Dalkey and Killiney Hill. I really enjoyed the relaxed pace this morning and even if the view was obscured by the fog it nevertheless provided a reward for the climb up.

    Next up? I want to do Howth again so I will make that the long LONG run before DCM.

    Thursday 8/9

    AM: 6.50 Miles @7.34p/m in 49:17
    PM: 6 Miles @8.00p/m (treadmill)

    Friday 9/9


    7.25+ Miles inc. drills/strides

    Session (deep breath :rolleyes:): 1mile @10km, 600m @5km, 1,200m @10km, 600m @3k, 1mile @10km, 400m @3k, 400m @1mile ~3min rec

    1mile @10km: 5.30
    600m @5km: 1.56 (5.11p/m)
    1,200m @10km: 4.03 (5.26p/m)
    600m @3k: 1.53 (5.03pm)
    1mile @10km: 5.28
    400m @3k: 74sec (4.58p/m)
    400m @1mile: 71sec (4.46p/m)

    Well, that was one tasty session! Definitely the most enjoyable session in a number of weeks. The constantly alternating pace and distance made the mornings work fly by. I think I hit the nail on the head with this one and every effort felt correct and natural. The legs felt very heavy last night and I really wasn't too excited by the prospect of running hard on a windy Friday morn. Once I reached the cinder things fell into place and I got into a decent clip straight off the bat. Running is a funny thing. Every 10km rep after the faster 600m reps felt like jogging. Everything is relative I guess! The best thing about these type of sessions is that you have to focus very hard on tapping into the required effort level. It's a real test of your inner metronome as much as it is about moving the legs in a certain direction! Give me today over 20x400m any day of the week.

    3 hours later........a bit of work and food inbetween.......

    PM: 8 Miles Easy @7.24p/m in 59:21

    I needed to front load a good few miles as I am off to Budapest for the weekend. The weather this afternoon was very Ireland like (aka sh!te!). The thought of beers got me through this one! I will take he runners but will take a day off.......:D

    Are you currently drinking brandies in the airport lounge?


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,065 ✭✭✭dublin runner

    Are you currently drinking brandies in the airport lounge?

    Lol! I wish I seen you earlier. I was in my own little world of brandy and Jameson. Enjoy the game! Some great kids you have there. Just about made our flight. Too much brandy and not enough prudent planning!

    Give me a shout next time you are in Dublin #someshape

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Lol! I wish I seen you earlier. I was in my own little world of brandy and Jameson. Enjoy the game! Some great kids you have there. Just about made our flight. Too much brandy and not enough prudent planning!

    Give me a shout next time you are in Dublin #someshape

    I just saw your departure time!!!! You obviously take the same approach to getting to race starts as boarding flights :)

    Enjoy the weekend, you're in some nick yourself, I nearly didn't recognise you.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Entry for Seeley Cup 10k is now open.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,065 ✭✭✭dublin runner

    I just saw your departure time!!!! You obviously take the same approach to getting to race starts as boarding flights

    Enjoy the weekend, you're in some nick yourself, I nearly didn't recognise you.


    It was a close call alright! Hope the game went well...... soccer ain't my bag but say it was great weekend.

    The weighing scales called me a 'fat jogger' this morning so I obviously enjoyed myself a tad too much!
