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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Super run in Raheny. Nice work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    Tuesday 28th

    The body was tired after the weekends exertions so I was thankful of rest day on Monday. Flirted with the idea of swapping 6m Wednesdays rec run withTuesday. If I was on my own I might have. Ended up doing 12 steady miles with FBOT01 taking in a tour of killester, Marino, drumcondra, finglas & glasnevin. Tiring run and pleased when it was over.

    Wednesday 29th

    After an hr in the gym doing to core work and juggling kettle bells ( badly) headed out for a recovery 6m along the seafront with FBOT01. The pace was 9:12 and couldn't have run much faster.

    Thursday 30th

    A couple of good nights sleep had the legs in better form today. With back to back runs coming up at the weekend there was no speed work. Upped the pace a bit to do 10 at 8:00 pace. The city council were out placing several large pumps in place along seafront in preparation for more unpleasant weather due sat / sun. Could be a couple of interesting LSR s. Garmin wouldn't up load for some reason even though I can see run on summary page on watch.

    M core wk,1 hr
    T 12m, 8:34
    W core wk, 1 hr; 6m, 9:12
    T 10m, 8:00

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    I had to hurdle the large sandbags myself last night. Easy at the beginning but much tougher at the end of my session!

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    belcarra wrote: »
    I had to hurdle the large sandbags myself last night. Easy at the beginning but much tougher at the end of my session!

    Only to be done under the cover of darkness in case it all goes pear shaped!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Ferris B wrote: »
    Only to be done under the cover of darkness in case it all goes pear shaped!

    The trick is to ensure you avoid your foot getting caught by the sandbag handles or you will get snagged and then it becomes 'interesting'!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    Saturday 1st Feb
    22m at 8:34 (w/ howth hill x 3)

    After some cold and wet timekeeping at the parkrun it was time for my first lsr of the weekend. I decided hills were required and with only one decent hill on the northside (howth) I reckoned I'd do it 3 times. I took the car as far as sutton and parked by the church. As I was running by the car twice I had the opportunity to top up supplies and also to try out flat coke mid run which is something I haven't done before although I decided to save the coke till the third loop in case it didn't agree with me. While the weather was not good it was really only the first 1/2 mile of each loop that caused any issue as that was most exposed to the winds and sea spray. I took in part of baldoyle as part of the first loop to make up the mileage. The other two loops turned at sutton cross. The two most difficult parts of the run occurred at mile 2 when the body felt very tired (probably just at the thoughts of starting a weekend of long mileage) but also about mile 18 where there was a definite temptation to spend my emergency tenner on a sneaky pint in the summit bar. ...I didn't but someday....;)
    The flat coke, while a welcome change from water didn't give me any noticeable boost. I haven't ruled it out though for conn and may use it as a kind of treat in a late drop bag.

    Sunday 2nd Feb
    17.5m @ 8:26 pace

    I'd originally planned for this for the morning in the P Park but my other life (ie non running) took priority at the last minute and it was postponed till 5pm which actually gave the legs the benefit of another 7 hours of recovery from sat. I kept the route to the flat and ran the coast from clontarf to seapoint (and back) with a little bit of the quays in the middle. The legs held up quite well which I was pleased with. The only issues were negotiating my way around a few wobbly rugby supporters. Thankfully the wind held off and there was only bits of rain. I upped the pace a little over the last few miles partly to see if I could but also cos it was dark and a bit quiet along the quays :eek:and past the Point.

    A good weekends running - 39.5 miles.

    Total for the week - 67.7m

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    A super weekend's work there, Ferris B. That will really stand to you for Conn, nice going.

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    Monday 3rd Feb
    Normal rest day per programme. Did 1hr in gym doing general core work.

    Tuesday 4th Feb
    10m, 8:15 pace
    This was a 10m general aerobic run. Headed inland about lunchtime to avoid the nasty weather which came later. The legs definitely felt very heavy, no doubt a direct result of the b2b long runs at the weekend. It was a tough slog to get this done. I did wonder during the run how long my recovery from the weekend's effort would take. I managed however to keep the pace between 8:10 and 8:30 which I was pleased with.

    Wednesday 5th Feb
    6m recovery. 9:03 pace
    This actually felt a bit better than the same run the previous week so there was definite signs of recovery from the weekend. The garmin record of the run has disappeared :mad::mad::mad: so I'm using FBOT01 's figures who joined me for most of this run.

    Thursday 6th Feb
    10m (w/5m tempo) , Ave pace 7:21.

    The programme called for 10m with either 20mins of intervals or 30-40 mins of tempo running. I elected to do the tempo and aimed for 5m @ <7min pace as my speedwork of choice. With the weather much improved and only a slight breeze, I headed out the seafront to sutton. 2m warm up ( followed by 5m tempo (splits: 6:57, 6:54, 6:51, 6:50, 6,54) with 3m cool down to finished. I was delighted the there was no sign of the fatigue in my legs that I had on tues. I could have kept up the tempo pace for a couple more and was tempted but told myself to stick to the programme. On reflection I'm glad I did stay with what was prescribed as with Donadea next week I need to be in good shape for what will hopefully be my longest ever training run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    Saturday 8th Feb
    16m, 8:33 pace

    Following a rest day on friday, I headed out early (6:15am) for this weekends LSR. Just the one LSR this weekend and only a 'short' one at that as this is a low mileage week in advance of the 50k run next weekend. I took no food or drink in advance of run but had a Clif Shot blok about mile 3 which had a dose of caffeine so I got breakfast with coffee all in one go.:) I took the now well worn route from the house to howth summit and back which amounts to just over 16. It was a bit breezy but thankfully no rain, just a bit of sea spray along the coastal section. Legs felt ok for the duration of run and it was great to come back to the house with the full day still left.

    I've been experimenting with a few different gels over the past couple of weeks. During this run at howth summit I tasted a Honey Stinger. Not unpleasant but I wouldn't fancy more than 2 in a run so they've been ruled out as contenders for conn.

    Sunday 9th Feb
    8m, 8:51 pace

    Met up with Killerz who ran by the top of my road and picked me up en route. This was a just a nice gentle jog along the coast to finish a step back week. Nice headwind on the return journey but as the pace was easy it didn't really bother us too much. Plenty of discussion of how to attack approach both donadea and conn.

    Total for week: 50m

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    Tuesday 11 th
    10m w/8 x strides, pace 8:15 ish

    The Garmin couldn't pick up a satellite for this one and it was too cold and snowy to hang around the seafront waiting for one to link. I was running with FBOT01 so used his watch for checking pace. At this stage we know most of the mile points on the various routes so checking distance wasn't an issue. Legs felt quite heavy throughout run despite having a relatively low mileage weekend. At mile 7 I headed into st annes park for some strides on the hill and I left FBOT01 to finish his 15.

    I seem to recall in the final week prior to my previous marathons like this week, I never seem to feel great and there's always lots of phantom pains. Up to now though it all has come good on race day. Let's hope that's the same this week (although I'm not 'racing', it will be my longest race to date)

    Wednesday 12th

    8.5m, 8:18pace

    I ran this one from town, taking the long way home via donnybrook, ballsbridge and sandymount before hitting DNS. There was a gale blowing but luckily it was with me hence the slightly increased pace than planned.

    Thursday 13th

    3.8 m on treadmill.

    I only had a short run to do so coincided the run with a trip to the gym. First training run to do on a treadmill. Not sure about the pace or distance it was giving me, as the effort over 35 mins felt much more than the 3.8 miles it showed on the screen. Maybe it was just me.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    Saturday 15th
    Donadea 50k

    In my relatively limited my marathon experience (4 to date) I would tend to be just a bit nervous on race mornings wondering what might unfold. However before this 50k (further than I’d ever run previously), I was actually quite relaxed…so of course then I started worrying about being too relaxed. I guess though, because I was not racing, but rather planning a steady lsr, the pressures were not quite the same. Also training was going well and I was relatively niggle free for once. In fact, really the only thing I was concerned about was what to wear as the weather was so unpredictable. I had brought a mini wardrobe in the back of the car to cater for all seasons.

    In advance of the start I met Belcarra who introduced me to a few boardsies and it was great to match the faces to very familiar names…incl Beep Beep & Digger. Also met TFB, whose blog I follow and he had some wise Austrian advice for me re nutrition in ultras..’learn from my mistakes’…I shall bear that in mind.

    My race plan was a progression type run starting with 8:30 ish pace for a few laps, then picking it up to 8:15 ish for the next few and then depending on how things were going, possibly pick it up again up to a max pace of 8 min/mile. This is the sort of pace range I hope to run in Connemara. Belcarra then mentioned he was planning to run 8:15/ 8:20 with a few others incl Marthastew who I’d heard of but never met. Rather than heading off on my own I reckoned I could hitch on to the back of their group to make life easier. Killerz was also there at the start but he was aiming for 3:4X so I wished him well at the start and moved further back in the starting line.

    There were tables laid out at the finish area for the runners to stash various bits and pieces they could grab they went through after each loop. I was amazed as to the quantities of ‘stuff’ people had left , and wondered what was in their bags. Belcarra had a picnic box full of goodies!! I had no plan to leave anything at the tables but feeling a bit left out I put a spare top in a plastic bag just in case I got soaked early on. I wanted to do a kind of dress rehearsal for Connemara so I carried everything thought I’d want for this run: 5 gels and a small bag of saltstick tabs. Another bit of advice from TFB..’don’t over complicate things’. My idea was to take gel every second lap. In case the brain went to mush, I told myself to take on fuel after every even numbered lap..2,4,6,8 with one spare.

    As this was a 10 x 5k loop race my recollections tend to blend together so the following is more of a mish mash of events that happened and possibly not in this order…

    Laps 1,2,3 ; Pace min/mile (8:28, 8:11, 8:09 ; 8:17, 8:19, 8:08; 8:12, 8:03, 8:07)

    The low key start happened pretty soon after we assembled with the Master of Ceremonies, Ultraman, getting us underway. As we went through the finish area for the first time there was loads of cheers from the supporters and everyone was in great spirits. I wondered how many laps that would last for. The course was quite wet and mucky in places afer the recent weather and during the first lap there was a lot of tip toeing around/ jumping over ‘water hazards’ in an effort to keep the socks dry for as long as possible. Others had the same idea so initally there were a few traffic jams at wet/muddy sections as runners queued for the dry racing lines. I soon found Belcarra and tagged on behind him sussing out the conditions on first lap. I felt good. Average pace was slighty faster than planned (8:16 ish) but I wasn’t concerned so long as it didn’t go much faster at this stage. I think there was a group of about 8- 10 over the first 3 laps (incl Belcarra, MS, Mr Stew, Cousin Stew plus others) at this stage. There was a few introductions as people settled into their run. The pace quickened up every third mile to near 8:00 min pace as we hit the downhill sections but this was balanced out on the uphills so the average stayed quite steady. I quickly picked up on the fact that MS knew (or pretended to know!) just about everybody from runners to marshals to spectators so there plenty of shouts of encouragement which made it a very sociable run.

    Laps 4,5; Pace min/mile (8:32, 8:28, 8:10 ; 8:23, 8:27, 8:08)

    I think our group reduced slighty here with some people falling off the pace or deliberately pulling back. I still felt good. Ave pace here was 8:20ish We were lapped for the first of 4 times by Gary O’Hanlon in lap 5. Even though he was leading and flying along he still had time for a hello and quick joke which was great. Still plenty of chat going on. Conversation topics here included….. proving the universe is infinite…I stayed out of that one and went for a quick call of nature in the forest instead. I made the effort slowly to catch up with the same lively bunch over the course of about a ½ mile. My gels were going down well which was good (I’d recently changed to a new brand)

    Laps 6,7,8; Pace min/mile ( 8:14, 8:13, 8:02 ; 8:04, 8:33, 8:09; 8:12, 8:08, 8:01)

    After I crossed the half way point I was on my own for a short while. I think others had stopped for supplies or eased of the pace but I ran through. The group soon reformed but now there was only 4-5 of the original bunch. The pace picked up a bit here, I think led by MS but it suited me perfectly and I did my fare share at the front. Slightly less chat (relative that is to the ‘telephone exchange’ quantities in the first half. Conversation topics had changed by now from theoretical physics to karma and farts!!

    The ladies winner, ClaraLara lapped us around here. She was looking very focused and running very well. I also got lapped by Killerz on mile 19 or 20 (I think) and wished him well. By now we were also doing our fare share of lapping which was encouraging for us. There was no water available as I went through the feed station on lap 8 but luckily I spotted FBOT01 who had come out to lend some support and had a bottle of his own which he gave me which was very well received. I think our group was just three at this stage (MS, Cousin Stew and myself) so that water was gratefully shared amongst the three of us.

    Our group of three had the enormous pleasure of running right behind the mens winner, Gary O’Hanlon as he crossed the finish line for a fantastic sub 3 hr finish time just as we were finishing lap 7. We joked that if there was a finishing photo we’ll claim ‘That’s us in 2nd , 3rd and 4th places!!’. I definitely got some encouragement from the applause the winner got which spurred me on for the next lap.

    Laps 9, 10; Pace min/mile (7:54, 8:07, 8:02; 7:59, 8:23, 7:39)

    The legs were starting to hurt through lap 9 as we approached marathon distance. I made a mental note that the glutes needed strengthening over the next 6 weeks as they were aching a bit. I hit the lap button on the watch at the marathon point (indicated by MS) to record a 3:35 time. Not bad for a training run. Cousin Stew and myself congratulated each other for getting beyond 26.2miles. MS had been there already, a few times I think.

    Chat levels were definitely lower now though. Ave pace was was still good and increasing slightly and again just where I wanted it. As we ran the final lap we said thanks to the various marshals who had had stood out in the cold and hail showers (I think we had 2) and they wished us well. MS knew by now she was in 2nd place so around the 48k mark she slowly picked up the pace and headed off on her own to prepare for her final sprint for a deserved podium place. Myself and Cousin Stew upped it a little but I wasn’t prepared to do any sprinting and we crossed the finish line together in 4:13:38. Time was maybe 2 mins ahead of schedule but I was delighted nonethless.:D:D:D

    Although quite tired at the end I still felt quite strong and could have gone further if absolutely necessary which was an encouraging sign.

    Got a lovely hot chocolate courtesy of FBOT01 at the end which was great because I was getting quite cold. Also finally got to taste some of those cakes you boardsies have been raving about. Nice.

    All in all a thoroughly enjoyable race with great company all the way round. Great organisation by Ultraman and crew. I think I might have to come back for more… (subtle message for my OH who I understand now reads my log).

    A few things learned for Conn Ultra:
    -New gels work…think I’ll use them in Conn.
    -Saltstick tabs worked… may have contributed to lack of cramps I’d previously got in marathons at 19/20m.
    -Wear gloves and don’t throw them away. Weather can change a lot in 4 hrs
    -Stay in a group where possible. Miles fly by.
    And most important…
    - I can survive beyond 26.2m :)

    Sunday 16th

    I've been eating like a horse since the 50k. Woke up starving at 6am so got up for a bowl of porridge.:). No running today, just a walk with the dog for some 'active rest'. Legs felt quite good. Will be interesting though to see how they are during next week.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    a great read. love the detail and the learnings.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    And most important…
    - I can survive beyond 26.2m

    I'd have to say you more than survived..... you were in great shape the entire time and I'm pretty sure Connemara Ultra will go really, really well for you (don't worry I touched wood, crossed fingers etc. when I typed that :-) )
    Great report (I'm tempted to cut and paste it for my log) and a great run, and thanks for the great company

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Nice one C, well executed and should give great confidence for Connemara. What gels did you go for as a matter of interest?

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    Marthastew wrote: »
    And most important…
    - I can survive beyond 26.2m

    I'd have to say you more than survived..... you were in great shape the entire time and I'm pretty sure Connemara Ultra will go really, really well for you (don't worry I touched wood, crossed fingers etc. when I typed that :-) )
    Great report (I'm tempted to cut and paste it for my log) and a great run, and thanks for the great company

    Cheers ms. You paced us well.

    I think my report has out-rambled your 'ramblings'. Just make sure you correct all my errors / makeyups before you cut n paste.

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    Killerz wrote: »
    Nice one C, well executed and should give great confidence for Connemara. What gels did you go for as a matter of interest?

    Went with the clif gels. Mix of the razz you gave me and citrus. Think I prefer the razz. The citrus has caffeine which may have promoted my two calls of nature with its possible diuretic effect.

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    Tuesday 18th Feb
    7m, 8:35 pace

    This was a kind of 'lets see how the legs are after Donadea' type run. Didn't push it just took it easy. Turns out the legs felt great which was super news. Ran 6 of the miles with FBOT01 whose legs didn't quite feel as lively as mine and he had 14 ish to do! I could easily have run more than the program fact I allowed myself an extra mile:D

    Wednesday 19th Feb
    9.7 m, 8:46 pace w/ 4 strides

    Woke this morning to slight complaints from the calf muscles. It was too late since donadea for DOMS. At the time of writing this up I am thinking it was probably lack of rehydration ( the correct H20 variety as opposed to the pint and vino which was what actually happened sat eve) after the 50k.

    This was run at proper recovery pace. A lunchtime run again with FBOT01, we headed out the coast towards Sutton. I've had it in mind for a while to check out a running track in kilbarrack that I'd read about on these pages so we diverted inland and found it. Did a couple of laps to get a feel for the place. A bit grotty and run down but not bad all the same. Better than no track I guess. Might head back there post Connemara when I'm move onto Project Berlin. Tagged behind FBOT01 for a few strides towards the end of the run.

    Called into the gym on way home for some stretching and core work. I'd forgotten mid term was on though. Place was packed (it's small) with spotty young fellas doing their best to impress the one poor girl who was there on her own. I got a good laugh watching them in action.:D:D:D

    Thursday 20th Feb
    10m, 7:14 pace (inc 6 tempo, 6:45 ave)

    Wasn't sure how the legs would be for this session. Kept it on the flat along the coast. After a 2m warm up I upped the pace with the intention of keeping it under 7min/m but not over pushing. I had a good tail wind heading towards sutton and found myself by miles 2&3 at ~6:40 pace but still relatively comfortable. With 3 miles with the wind, I was anxious as to what sort of pace the return 3m would give me and decided in advance that 7:10 ish would be acceptable considering the conditions. Not for the first time though, I underestimated my abilities as I ran the return 3 m in 6:48 ave. Happy days. I was delighted with myself. I even allowed myself a wry smile. My HR strap is out of action but curious to know how my ticker is, I took my pulse directly after the tempo miles and got 154. More good news. A 2 mile cool down followed at 8:00ish pace.

    Splits for tempo miles: 6:49, 6:37, 6:41, 6:51, 6:48, 6:46.

    I'm glad now I didn't push it too much in donadea!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Great running C! Almost a pity you are 'wasting' this form on Conn Ultra - A very quick marathon PB awaits you for sure in Berlin if you maintain full health through the summer!

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    belcarra wrote: »
    Great running C! Almost a pity you are 'wasting' this form on Conn Ultra - A very quick marathon PB awaits you for sure in Berlin if you maintain full health through the summer!

    Thanks J. In my mind I'll need every ounce of good form for Conn. Hopefully if I come out alive the other side though, I'll have a bit of endurance from it and can then work on some speed during summer months...hate intervals though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    Saturday 22nd Feb
    18m. Ave 7:56 Pace. (howth x 2)

    Headed out earlyish (6:45am ) for this one in order to get back home to do a few bits before the rugby. I’d arranged to meet FBOT01 mid run ( he was doing 10) and I also wanted to get in a couple of climbs of howth so I took the car to sutton so faciliate this. In my rush to get out the door I forgot to put my contact lenses in so I had my prescription sunglasses on for the drive to the dark!

    My plan today was to run at least the first climb up Howth close to MP ( UMP?). With just a sip of water for breakfast I started out uphill straightaway (graveyard side). Legs took a mile to wake up but I managed an ave 7:49 pace over the 3 miles to the summit and felt ok. Going back down the same way, it was obviously easy to keep the pace. Kept it at a steady 8 min/m back along the coast rd. There was a healthy headwind here. The plan was to meet FBOT01 somewhere along the seafront and then I’d join him and head back for Howth. I was hoping he had started early and would be further into his run so I could turn early and have the wind in my favour but I had to stretch it to near the causeway (mile 10) before he appeared. Because of my lack of contact lenses I actually saw two runners coming towards me (both wearing the same gear!) until he morphed into just himself. Back to Howth at a slightly more leisurely pace. I took on a Clift Shot blok as I passed the car in sutton and we headed back up the hill. I (we?) pushed the pace a bit here to get back to ~8min and was comfortably able to hold it. Unfortunately a recent hamstring niggle that my runner partner had, started to kick in. So , like the good friend that I am, I abandoned him on the hill and I kept the pace till the summit carpark. He had sensibly stopped to rest, so having picked him up on the way back down we took it easy back to the car.

    Other than pulling my friend’s hamstring, (hope that's not a euphenism for something!) it was a good run from my point of view and good to get some hills in race pace under my belt.

    …All good that is until the fcekin’ rugby result. My HR during that match was higher than running howth!

    Sunday 23rd February
    10m, 9:53 pace. (hillier hills)

    Wanting more hills but a change from howth, I headed southside. Following a suggestion from Statss on the Connemarathon forum I parked in Marley Park and headed for Ticknock with the intention of coming back down via Kilmashogue. The pace was to be very gentle and with the hills I encountered it certainly was. I love running unfamiliar routes even if sometimes you haven’t a clue where you are. Anyway after some fairly steep roads (ticknock rd!) I found the forest park entrance and followed the path to the summit of 3 rock. Calfs were complaining but not screaming so all was good. Views of the city were spectacular. Thinking I was heading on a loop around the top I inadvertently ended up going down the other side and I re summited again via a route that included road, path, trail, stream and a section straight through the middle of a forest. I was fortunate the weather was dry as I only had road shoes on. I stopped at one point to confirm directions with a walker. He pointed me in the right direction and also mentioned he was out for a good walk ‘ to rid his mind of the disastrous rugby result’! Up on the summit I was like a kid and had to climb to the top of one of the rock formations for a few photos…’I’m king of the world! etc’. The wind was howling and I was in my shorts to didn’t hang around.

    Took it very easy going down through kilmashogue forest and out by stackstown golf club, taking on board a few jelly babies as a reward. Met a few runners. All said ‘hi’, most of the mountain bikers just glared! After crossing the M50, I cut back into marley park and did a loop back to the car. Picked up a lovely 9” pizza from a stall in the park which was devoured in seconds.

    This was a great location to run and I will definitely be back. Regarding specific training for Conn though, it was possibly a bit steep (uphill and downhill) but most enjoyable nonetheless.

    Total Miles this week: 55m

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  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    Quick update taking advantage of west woods free wifi while the younger daughter is at swimming lessons

    Tuesday 25th
    10m, 8:08 ave

    Med long run along Griffith ave/ Collins ave/ bits of clontarf. Kept the pace steady for the duration. Left hip slightly sore after the mountains at the weekend but nothing too serious. Will keep an eye on it.

    Wednesday 26th
    8m recovery. 8:56 ave

    Recovery run with FBOT01 through dollymount, raheny, clontarf. Legs felt heavy. Was glad of the easy pace. Couple of old niggles creeping back in..left calf. Maybe time for more needling!! Have b2b runs planned for weekend (22/17)so hope the legs feel a bit more sprightly by then.

    Thursday 27th
    10m, 8:13 ave

    Ran again with FBOT01 from clontarf to sandymount along the coast and back. Spotted a few speedie runners around east link bridge. Wondered were they boardsies. Pace started steady but with yer mans usual heavy accelerator foot we picked it up for the last few.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    Training looks to be going very well for you. Keep it going.
    I'm anticipating a very good result for you in Connemara.
    Was just saying on FBOT's log that the three of us might make a good group for our sub 3 attempt in Berlin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    yaboya1 wrote: »
    Training looks to be going very well for you. Keep it going.
    I'm anticipating a very good result for you in Connemara.
    Was just saying on FBOT's log that the three of us might make a good group for our sub 3 attempt in Berlin.

    We'd need to be kitted out in one of those mad tricolour tees that got you around Seville in a super time.

    Seriously though I need to get through a small matter of 39.3 in the west before I work out what's realistic for me in Berlin. Bit like yourself heading to Seville, on the one hand I don't want to bite off more than I can chew the other hand..wouldn't it be nice. To be reviewed post Connemara....

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    Saturday 1st March
    22.6m, Ave 8:21 pace

    As this was a 20+ run I decided not to forego breakfast so got up at 4.30am for for a feed of porridge before heading back to bed for 1.5 hours. I had some duties at the park run to do at 10 so left the car at St Annes and headed for Phoenix Park via the tow path of the Royal Canal. Lovely quiet run along the canal with a few herons for company. Did a loop of the park before heading back to st annes. Felt quite tired from about 13m and compared this to last week's lsr when I had loads more energy, was running faster and on a hillier profile but with no breakfast. Took a Clif shot blok and a gel on board around mile 16 which helped a bit. Couple of niggles along the way: left hip, left calf but still at niggle level only. Finished the run along the ave in St Annes with some park runners for company. Was introduced by Killerz to this weeks winner, another boardsie, Dr Quirky.

    Sunday 2nd March
    16.7 m, Ave 8.51 pace

    The second part of a back to back weekend. Dialed the pace right back for this and just went out on a relaxed very easy run with Talk Ultra on ipod for company. 7:15 start but no breakfast this time. Co-incidently an item on Talk Ultra warned of the dangers of not eating before long runs. Their point was not to repeat it too often as the body could react badly in a race situation when it suddenly has to deal with breakfast it may not be used to.

    My run took me along the the seafront to my 2nd home for the last few months, the hill of howth. I'm getting to know every crack and crevice of the hill at this stage. Made the summit and returned home, cutting inland at the end of howth rd. While there was no niggle issues today the body did feel very tired for the last few miles. I guess that's understandable after a big mileage weekend. I was quite light headed coming in the door so got some fuel in straight away and felt better quite quickly.

    Was feeling quite pleased with myself until I logged onto boards later in the morning and read about the heart attack that Marthastew's husband Joe suffered during the week. It was quite a shock to me as I ran much of Donadea in his company where he was in super form. I really hope he recovers soon.

    Week Summary
    M: Rest
    T: 10m
    W: 8m
    T: 10m
    F: Rest
    S: 22.6m
    S: 16.7m

    Total for week 67m

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    tuesday 4th march
    10m , 7:58 ave

    Headed out at 6am for this one due to time constraints. Out to Sutton and back. Nice and quiet on way out until morning traffic kicked in on the return. Spent the next 12 hrs driving around the farms of sth leinster in the car and somewhere along the way I pulled something/ trapped a nerve in left glute. (posh for my ass!)Drove home from Rosslare in quite a bit of pain thinking my running was eff'd for a week. Applied the magic Tiger Balm ( cure for all my running ailments, except groin strain!) and went to bed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    Wednesday 6th March
    8m recovery, 8:56 Ave

    My 'pain in the ass' from tuesday had eased a lot which made me think it was possibly more nerve related than muscle strain. It was still there though but I felt ok to run on it so did a 8m recovery run in company of FBOT01. Running wasn't really an issue, I was more bothered by long stints of sitting so a 3 hr kids concert that evening wasn't ideal so I sneaked out early once the youngest had performed.;)

    Thursday 7th March
    10m, 7:56 pace

    Steady run, keeping the pace just under 8 min/mile with FBOT01 along for chat. No major pain issues on the run. There has been a few niggles creeping in lately to calf, knee and hip/glute, all on the left side so I took myself off to the physio to get them checked out before they get worse. Got needles in my ass :eek: and calf for my troubles. Was beginning to feel like a voodoo doll for while but heck if they fix the problem, who cares.

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B


    Rest day from running but drove ~500k around country roads which left me quite tired. Luckily no pain issues while driving so it looks like the physio treatment worked.

    18m lsr, 8:27 ave (howth x2)

    Headed out later in the day (5pm) for this one. Parked at the causeway which would allow me get in two runs up/down howth. Target for today was to work on my downhill running. This was prompted by a chat I had recently with a decent ultra runner (who'll probably be at the sharp end in the conn ultra). He warned me not to forget training for going downnhill as it can play havoc on the quads and we will have to encounter a sizeable downhill around mile 24/25 when the legs won't be at their best. So on both descents of howth I ran quicker than normal (I usually amble down hill on an lsr) trying not to brake or land heavy and just let gravity do it's thing. I'd read that you should keep perpendicular to the hill so I tried this. Think it worked but it's hard to judge by yourself. It felt comfortable though with no jarring of the joints. Whether I can manage that in conn at mile 25 (& 38:eek:) is another thing.

    A tough headwind for the last 3 miles back along the coast really tired me out. Also, not being used to running in the evening I forgot it gets dark:rolleyes: and I was wearing mostly black. Not too sensible. Manage to survive though to get back to the car which by now looked like an abandoned vehicle on the causeway in pitch black.


    14m , 8:37 pace

    This run was quite a struggle and I really had to grind out the miles as I felt dead on my feet. Kept it on the flat and followed the coastline to blackrock and back with a little diversion down the quays. Distracted myself on the return journey with thoughts of what I'd have for lunch. Bacon,egg and sausage sandwich (prompted by the lads on Marathon Talk, I'd listened to on yesterdays run) The distraction worked for at least 2 miles. I was salivating by the time I got in the door. Luckily the ingredients were in the fridge for my dream lunch. I cooked it and devoured it. Gorgeous :D:D:D and didn't feel the slightest bit guilty. :)

    Total weekly mileage: 60

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B


    Could feel a bit of a strain in left hamstring during the day which I put down to dead lift repeats I was doing in gym yesterday. I had added an extra 5kg to the normal, it obviously enough to tip me over the edge. Set out a bit anxiously on a 14 mile run in early eve hoping strain would 'work itself out' but pulled up after 3/4 mile and went home as it wasn't getting any better. Got some physio work in the eve with a bit of dry needling.

    Not a good week for an injury, 4 weeks from goal race. This was due to be a high mileage week with a 25m lsr to do at weekend. Hopefully it will clear up soon but I don't think I'll be running for a few days.:mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Ferris B wrote: »

    Could feel a bit of a strain in left hamstring during the day which I put down to dead lift repeats I was doing in gym yesterday. I had added an extra 5kg to the normal, it obviously enough to tip me over the edge. Set out a bit anxiously on a 14 mile run in early eve hoping strain would 'work itself out' but pulled up after 3/4 mile and went home as it wasn't getting any better. Got some physio work in the eve with a bit of dry needling.

    Not a good week for an injury, 4 weeks from goal race. This was due to be a high mileage week with a 25m lsr to do at weekend. Hopefully it will clear up soon but I don't think I'll be running for a few days.:mad:

    Bummer but with most of the hard work done at this stage a couple of days off won't do you any harm......physically. Although you might need an auld glass of Vino or two over the weekend to console yourself if you don't get your mileage fix. I know your OH will if she has to listen to you;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    FBOT01 wrote: »
    Although you might need an auld bottle of Vino or two over the weekend to console yourself

