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I have no idea what I'm du-ing



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Thursday 12/12/13


    8k @ 5:40 mins/km

    I have always been guilty of blindly following a plan and religiously hitting all the numbers whether or not it was the right thing to do. This morning my hamstring was still a bit tight so rather than watching my Garmin and making sure I stayed under my prescribed easy pace of 5:20 mins/km, I ignored my Garmin and just ran as easy as my hamstring wanted me to. Now my hamstring feels a lot looser and better than it did this morning. So that's what a recovery run is? Who knew?


    Trainer Road - Carson

    6x Sweet Spot (88-94% FTP) intervals ranging from 5-7 minutes; intentionally brief 2-minute recoveries. Optional hill climbing drills include riding at a typical or goal climbing cadence. Optional muscle control work comes in the form of slow-cadence recommendations and odd intervals include saddle transition drills.


    Further aerobic efficiency via Sweet Spot efforts by improving glycogen storage capacity, fat utilization, and the capacity for more intense workouts later on while increasing power output at moderate intensities; improve muscle control via low-rpm riding in an effort to pinpoint poor pedaling mechanics as well as strengthen slowly-adaptive connective tissues; improve the ability to smoothly transition in & out of the saddle. Climbing cadence should fall in the 70-85rpm range, slow-force cadence shouldn’t drop lower than 60rpm.

    Really enjoyed this and I'm now up to 39 minutes of sweet spot work in an hour compared to 20 minutes in the first week of the base building plan, and it didn't feel any harder than the 20 minutes did. I really starting to think there might be a point to this whole "structured training" thing ;-)

    In other news, I have tentatively entered my first duathlon on the 9th Feb. I just hope the weather plays ball on the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Friday 13/12/13


    Trainer Road - Tioga - total time 1:30

    5x9-minute intervals spent slightly above or slightly below FTP via a combination of 2-minute under-segments (95% FTP) followed by 1-minute over-segments (105% FTP); 6 minute recoveries between intervals. Resist the urge to back off too far during each under-segment immediately following a more stressful over-segment.


    To develop the ability to handle changes in pace during hard, sustained efforts by improving the capacity to tolerate acidic discomfort & process lactate accumulation; gradually improve sustainable power (FTP) by riding slightly above current sustainable power for brief periods. Cadence should be in the 85-110rpm range and can be varied depending on resistance. For example, spend the over-segments spinning quickly at 100rpm and the under-segments grinding at 85rpm or vice versa.

    Yet another Trainer Road session on the turbo and I'm really starting to enjoy these now. I love the fact that there's a different session every time and even the drills like high cadence work and out of the saddle intervals just break the monotony and make them go quicker. This is my third season with a turbo and I can honestly say I have used it more in the past 4 weeks than in the previous 2 seasons. I can really feel myself getting fitter too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Saturday 14/12/13


    18.9k with 2 x 2k at HM Pace

    4.74k @ 7:17 mins/km
    2k @ 4:12 mins/km
    3.77k @ 5:18 mins/km
    2k @ 4:13 mins/km
    6.42k @ 5:16 mins/km

    No rest between intervals, just straight from HM pace to easy pace. With the faster paced sessions (5k - 10k pace) I do a really slow jog between intervals, but with these I'm trying to build endurance rather than speed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Monday 16/12/13


    12.5k with 12 x 75 secs at 5k Pace

    WU 2.56km @ 5:16 mins/km
    12 Intervals @ avg. 3:42 mins/km
    CD 2.57km @ 5:13 mins/km

    Spent all day yesterday Christmas shopping so completely drained, lethargic and just not psyched up for this session. Still, these things have to be done so just got on with it. 5k pace is meant to be 3:50 mins/km so no problems holding better than that for 75 secs. No harm to get the legs turning over a bit quicker, the idea being that the longer speed endurance reps. won't feel as fast. The HM paced intervals are certainly starting to feel a lot more pedestrian (to me anyway).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28



    Trainer Road - Carillon

    2 sets of 2x10min Sweet Spot criss-cross intervals, 1min rest between intervals/5min rest between sets of intervals.

    On another note, I'm really happy with how I feel after yesterday's run session. My body usually dislikes speedwork and the longer 10k sessions like last weeks McMillan build session leave my legs trashed for a long time. Yesterday's session however was just perfect, it got my legs turning over quickly, it got my heart pounding, and yet I feel great today after it. Maybe this McMillan lad knows a thing or two after all!

    Next weeks build session is still scary (1 x 2.4k & 4 x 1.2k @ 10k pace) but I have far more confidence in my ability going into next week than I did going into last week.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Wednesday 18/12/13


    11k @ 5:12 mins/km

    I did this at abour 6:30 this morning and the weather was just lovely when I looked out the door, dry, calm and warm for the time of year. Being such a cynical f*cker, I said "that's too good to be true" and put on my long tights and warm jacket and hat. After about 4k it started to piss down and continued to piss down until I got home. Soaked and cold but the legs felt good and the effort felt relatively easy, I had to force myself to slow down a couple of times, which is always a good sign, rather than having to push the pace.


    Trainer Road - Tallac

    3x15-minute efforts spent in the Sweet Spot (88-94% FTP), a little harder than Tempo work but not as exhausting as Threshold work, to improve aerobic fitness - both power & endurance - in minimal time. Recovery between efforts is brief, just 3 minutes. This pace is well below FTP but still requires a high level of focus to remain on target.


    Further aerobic efficiency via Sweet Spot efforts by improving glycogen storage capacity, fat utilization, and the capacity for more intense workouts later on while increasing power output at moderate intensities. Try to keep your spin above 90rpm.

    While the sweet spot effort in itself wasn't that terribly hard, keeping focused and keeping up the effort was quite tough. Legs were still a little tired from this morning but no aches, pains or injuries. All in all, another good session and only 4 sessions left in the 6 week base building plan from Trainer Road.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Thursday 19/12/13


    8k @ 5:13 mins/km

    Warm and raining yesterday, cold and snowing this morning. Character building they say, "Me arse" I say! Miserable but I zipped up the man suit and just got on with it. Legs were a bit lifeless after a double day yesterday, but no no pains or niggles and not a squeak from my hamstring. I guess this whole "listen to your body" thing along with some good stretching, some strength work and the odd massage seems to be working.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Friday 20/12/13


    Trainer Road - Clark - total time 1:30

    6x8-minute Sweet Spot efforts directly preceded by 12-second, big gear, high-force stomps; 2 minutes of recovery between intervals. After the initial stomps, settle into a pace well below FTP but one that still requires a lot of focus to maintain.


    Further aerobic efficiency via Sweet Spot efforts by improving glycogen storage capacity, fat utilization, and the capacity for more intense workouts later on while increasing power output at moderate intensities; to increase force capability - how hard I can push the pedals - while seated and standing. Cadence during the stomps is extremely low at first and could wind up as high as 80rpm, then shift into a manageable gear and ride at 90+rpm for the remainder of each interval.

    Apologies to all my loyal followers, but it appears that somebody hacked my account a few days ago and inferred that these Trainer Road sessions are starting to feel almost easy. They lied. It wasn't me. I swear.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Sunday 22/12/13


    19.8k with 2 x 2k at HM Pace

    Bitterly cold today and took lots of will power to get out the door for this one. Fine while I was moving faster but horrible for any of the slower running. Forgot my running gloves but found a pair of wool ones belonging to the GF in the car, better than nothing but still not great. Afternoon in front of the fire me thinks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Monday 23/12/13


    Trainer Road - Goddard

    Form Sprints/Spin-Ups: 10x30sec Form Sprints & 2x6min Cadence Spin-Ups; recovery varies.


    Increase SE (Speed Endurance) & pedal economy; improve aerobic fitness via Sweet Spot work

    This looked fairly harmless when I opened it at first but there was a lot of high cadence work and the recovery between them was at a higher % than usual so the legs were getting more and more fatigued by the time the tenth and final form sprint came around. Luckily it seemed to spin any fatigue from yesterday's run right out of them and my legs now feel like brand new. Happy Days.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Tuesday 24/12/13


    Trainer Road - Ebbetts

    4x8-minute Sweet Spot (88-94% FTP) intervals with 5-second Anaerobic Capacity (AC) tags at 150-180% FTP; 4-minute recoveries separate intervals. The tags are short enough to avoid overwhelming the muscles as long as a quick cadence is utilized, so spin quickly through the bursts and then promptly return to your pre-burst cadence. The pace is well below FTP but still requires a high level of focus to remain on target and the bursts require brief but powerful, very rapid increases in cadence.


    Further aerobic efficiency via Sweet Spot efforts by improving glycogen storage capacity, fat utilization, and the capacity for more intense workouts later on while increasing power output at moderate intensities; increase the ability to generate a lot of power in a very short period of time via improved fiber recruitment attributes: number & type of fibers as wells as the rate of recruitment. Cadence during the majority of the intervals should be above 90rpm while burst-rpm is as fast as you can control, ideally above 110rpm.

    Meant to do another McMillan build session today but chickened out. It's just too f'ing miserable TBH so did an hour on the turbo instead. These anaerobic bursts are something new and really took their toll but got through them and enjoyed it overall. Will do the McMillan session tomorrow instead to give myself an appetite.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Wednesday 25/12/13


    8.1k @ 5:10 mins/km

    I was meant to do my second McMillan build session but bad planning and lack of forethought meant that the paths I used were covered in ice when I went out and there was no way I was chancing hurting myself so I did my easy 8k route instead. If I had thought about it beforehand and planned it better, I could have arranged to take the car and drove to where there is a lovely gravel pathway on the canal which is always safe in this weather, OR maybe I could have done it in the afternoon when the ice may have thawed. However, I couldn't take the car this morning and the chance of me doing anything other than eating and belching this afternoon are very, very slim. Still, 8k is better than nothing, and I have tomorrow all set to go after today's carb loading session ;-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Thursday 26/12/13


    McMillan 10k Build No.2 @ 75% duration

    2.4k @ 10k pace
    5 min rec.
    1.2k @ 10k pace, 4 times, 3 min RBI

    Total 14.3k

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Saturday 27/12/13


    Trainer Road - Beacon - total time 1:30

    6x8-minute Steady State (95-99% FTP) repeats with 4-minute recoveries. Work intervals are spent very close to FTP/FTHR without exceeding it. These intervals will bring you just short of the effort level where your muscles flood forcing you to back off after just a few minutes.


    Increased work capability at a given heart rate. Over time, the ability to work harder without accumulating high levels of blood-lactate will increase and the heart rate at all work levels will decrease due to improved ability to clear acidic accumulation. More work, less burn. Try to keep your cadence at 90rpm or higher.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    nice consistency over xmas there, especially getting the run in on Xmas day

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    mossym wrote: »
    nice consistency over xmas there, especially getting the run in on Xmas day

    No kids in the house so makes it a lot easier.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Saturday 28/12/13


    20.5k with 3 x 2k at HM Pace, 2k Easy between

    Didn't feel great starting off and didn't really want to be here especially since I'd done a really hard session only two days earlier. But around 3k into the warm up something just clicked, my HR settled down, my breathing eased up and everything just started to feel a bit easier. The intervals went off without any incidents (apart from the usual Jack Russell's not on a f'ing lead) and as always with these HM session I go straight to my easy pace of 5:10 - 5:20 between, rather than a slow jog like I would with the 5k / 10k sessions. While I was glad to finish up, I really enjoyed this session and felt super strong and confident throughout. Absolutely freezing out though and took me a solid hour to warm up afterwards.

    Last tough session of the week and looking forward to a recovery week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Sunday 29/12/13


    8.5k @ 5:14 mins/km

    Wet and windy out but surprisingly nice with the right gear. Enjoyed this and felt good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Monday 30/12/13


    Trainer Road - 8 Minute Test

    Well, that was horrible!

    I can honestly put my hand on my heart and say I couldn't have done any better than I did, I quite literally felt like vomiting at the end, but by the time I finished I managed to increase my FTP by 14%. Now, I know that it's not accurate but I do my utmost to keep the resistance the same every time and I do feel a hell of a lot stronger since I started.

    While 14% might seem like an awful lot, my first FTP test was done off zero riding in the preceding few months whereas I have been religiously using my turbo 3 times a week before this one, so I'm happy that while the numbers may not be accurate they are consistent with the effort I'm putting in. The bad news is that all my turbo session are going to be a hell of a lot tougher from tomorrow.

    Two chances of 14% increase in six weeks time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Tuesday 31/12/13


    Trainer Road - High Hopes

    6 x 1 min at 110% FTP, 1 min RBI followed by 6 x 4 min at 95% FTP, 2 min RBI. 4 min intervals alternating between high cadence >95 rpm and low cadence <75 rpm.


    8k @ 5:12 mins/km

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Wednesday 1/1/14


    Trainer Road - Palisade - 90 mins

    5x9-minute intervals spent slightly above or slightly below FTP via a combination of 1-minute under-segments (95% FTP) followed by 2-minute over-segments (105% FTP); 6 minute recoveries between intervals. Resist the urge to back off too far during each under-segment immediately following a more stressful over-segment.


    To develop the ability to handle changes in pace during hard, sustained efforts by improving my capacity to tolerate & buffer lactate accumulation & to gradually improve my sustainable power (FTP) by riding slightly above my current sustainable power for brief but relatively longer periods.

    Well, that was tough. First week of Intermediate Base II and it's a serious step up from Base I, a lot more in and around FTP instead of Sweet Spot work. Still, what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Thursday 2/1/14


    8k with 3k at 4:10 pace


    Trainer Road - Giraud

    4x3-minute intervals of fast-pedal drills @ 70-80% FTP with 3 minutes of rest between intervals. Keep the pressure on the pedals light and your intensity low to moderate regardless of your cadence.

    Today was meant to be another tough TR session with 4 x 10 minutes at 100% FTP. I decided against doing this for a couple of reasons:

    - It would be my 4th day in a row on the turbo.
    - With the increased FTP I'm starting to feel it a bit.
    - I ran this morning and while not a killer session it wasn't an easy jog either.
    - This is my first week on four turbo session a week rather than 3.

    This left me with a couple of choices:

    - Forget about it altogther
    - Bring the bike and turbo with me for the weekend as I'm going away.
    - Do an easy recovery session instead.

    I opted for the third choice and I'm glad I did. It spun my legs out nicely and left them feeling fresh rather than dead like the last couple of sessions. It's a recovery week so I think recovery should be the top priority rather than increasing fitness, I have the next 3 weeks in a row to worry about that. It also burnt a few calories.

    Again, all my problems come down to starting the week badly and nothing getting at least one hard run session out of the way on Monday or even Tuesday at the latest. If I didn't have to run this morning or even if it was just an easy one I might have chanced the harder turbo.

    Another lesson learned and I'm happy with myself for taking the sensible option, blindly sticking to a plan through sheer stubbornness even though my body is objecting has landed me in bother before.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Saturday 4/1/14


    16k with 2 x 2k at HM Pace

    I was away for the weekend and did this in a local forest park. While a lovely spot and perfect for a long or easy run it really wasn't a great spot for this type of session. The surface was uneven, inconsistent and slippy in spots and while nothing happened it would be an ideal spot to turn an ankle. As well as that, the GPS signal was inconsistent and I think I was going a lot harder than prescribed at times even though the watch said otherwise. Either way, the effort is what counts and no injuries to report so happy overall. I'll definitely be back to this spot, but it'll be for an easy run and I'll be wearing my trail shoes. Plus, there's a coffee van in the car park, score!

    Funny story, I caught up with a girl and when I passed her she screamed and jumped about 4 feet in the air, fairly frightened the sh1t out of me and I nearly fell into the hedge. She was wearing headphones and obviously didn't hear me coming, either that or I look like an axe murderer!

    Sunday 5/1/14


    8k Easy

    Woke up and heard the wind howling and rain pelting off the windows. I knew the forecast was only to get worse for the rest of the day so no choice but to just get out the door and get on with it. While neither the full gales or the torrential showers that were to come later it was wet and very blustery but I actually enjoyed it. I used to be far softer and avoid running in the wet but I'm starting to realise that a) it can rain on race days too and b) if I'm not out running the other guy probably is!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Monday 6/1/14


    Trainer Road - Newcomb

    4 sets of 2x4min Force Intervals bewteen 90-95%FT; 2RBI/2RBS.

    That was different, instructions were to get the cadence as low as possible ie 50/60 rpm while maintaining a smooth power output. It almost felt like it wasn't a proper workout as the sweat wasn't pouring out of me and I wasn't gasping for breath. Only time will tell however, what my legs thought of it. They feel fine now but tomorrow's run intervals might be painful. Although I'm often tempted to skip all these drills on the TR sessions, I am very one-paced cadence wise and I think it can only be beneficial to work on it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Tuesday 7/1/14


    Trainer Road - Comfortably Numb

    5 x 3 mins @ 90% FTP, 5 x 2 mins 100% FTP, 5 x 1 min 110% FTP, 1 min RBI

    This was turning out to be a good session until the doorbell rang halfway through the 2 min intervals. I ignored it first hoping they'd go away, then it rang a second time and I had to answer it as I knew full well that it was the in-laws and as they have a key, they would should let themselves in and catch me pretending not to hear them. While I still did all the work prescribed, the 3/4 min break in the middle meant that all the lactate building up was gone when I got back going so I kind of lost the benefit of working through the lactate accumulation that should have been in my muscles for the final half of the session.


    8.25k at 5:13 min/km

    Lovely evening for it, a bit breezy in spots but nothing to worry about. Breathing was easy throughout apart from a few uphill spots but settled again quickly once it flattened out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Wednesday 8/1/14


    McMillan 10k Build No.3 at 75% Duration

    WU @ Easy pace, then 2 times (2.4k @ 10k pace with 3 min rec) followed by 2 times (1.2k @ 10k pace with 2 min rec), CD @ Easy pace.

    Basically the same total distance at 10k pace as the preceding build sessions but had to do the 2.4k interval twice and the recovery intervals were also shorter. Tough session as they always are but got it done. Hallelujah, for once I had a lovely dry day with no wind to contend with. Also the first decent session for my new Wave Riders and I have to say I really like them, lovely and cushioned underfoot without feeling unconnected and not too heavy.

    Strength & Conditioning

    5 x 5 reps Romanian Deadlift
    5 x 5 reps Shoulder Press
    5 x 5 reps Glute Bridge
    6 x 4 reps Barbell Lunge (alternating sides)

    I was advised to change from low weight, high reps to a higher weight with less reps and I can feel the difference in my hamstrings which is where I need the most work. I need to make a habit of this as it's no big job to do when I get off the bike or in from a run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Thursday 9/1/14


    Trainer Road - Kaweah - 90 minutes

    5x10-minute intervals in the Threshold power level at 95-99% FTP with 5-minute recoveries between intervals.


    The goal here is quite simply to elevate FTP. By spending time very close to lactate threshold while remaining just below it, riders can improve their sustainable power & muscle endurance by teaching their muscles to process high levels of lactate & acidic buildup without slowing down. Additionally, and equally as important, riders learn to tolerate the mental discomfort inherent in maintaining high levels of Functional Threshold Power. Cadence should fall in the 85-95rpm range but steady stress and target watts are more important than pedal speed so prioritize accordingly and don’t worry if your cadence falls outside of this range from time to time.

    My legs were sore after the weights yesterday so I decided I'd ride my bike outside for the first time in months. Nothing fancy, a nice 60k loop at a leisurely pace. However, I walked to the shop this morning and the roads were icy so that scuppered that idea, back to the shed, trainer wheel back on the bike and turbo it had to be. Maybe if I had time to do it late morning or afternoon the roads would be safer but it wasn't an option. Tough session as always but the legs definitely feel better after it. I did the first three intervals at whatever cadence felt comfortable and for the last two I did them 2 mins comfortable cadence, 1 min faster cadence. That did a great job, really spun out the legs and made the intervals go quicker.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Friday 10/1/14


    8k at 5:15 min/km

    Up early for this, legs a bit sore from yesterday and from the weights on Wednesday but felt better by the time I finished.


    Trainer Road - Cardinal

    3x10-minute intervals in the 95-99% FTP range where riders spend 1-2 minutes at a time standing.


    Time at/near threshold is all about increasing your muscular endurance, i.e. pushing the pedals hard for reasonably long periods of time, and learning to tolerate both the physical and psychological distress that comes with working at this intensity.

    As your body becomes accustomed to processing excess lactate and working through high levels of acidic accumulation, i.e. your aerobic fitness improves, your mind becomes familiar with this inherent discomfort in ways that allow you to work harder for longer, i.e. your pain tolerance increases.

    By working in & out-of-the-saddle, you'll learn to transition more fluidly between positions and with minimal power loss while also refining your form when pedaling while standing.

    Try to keep your cadence above 70rpm when standing and higher than 85rpm when seated.

    Yet more threshold work, but this time also working on standing efforts which feel really awkward and horrible on a turbo. How I would love some of those lovely sweet spot sessions I had in the Base plan. Next week is mostly Vo2 max, the joys!

    Strength & Conditioning

    5 x 5 reps Squats
    5 x 5 reps Bench Press
    5 x 5 reps Bent Over Row
    5 x 5 reps Bicep Curls

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    pointer28 wrote: »
    Friday 10/1/14

    3x10-minute intervals in the 95-99% FTP range where riders spend 1-2 minutes at a time standing.

    3*10 minutes with some break in between i assume? thats a decently hard set

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    MD1983 wrote: »
    3*10 minutes with some break in between i assume? thats a decently hard set

    Sorry, 5 mins rest between, I just copy and paste from the TR website.
