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I have no idea what I'm du-ing



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Saturday 15/3/14

    58k Bike AHR 114

    Volunteered to lead the beginners spin with the tri club. A new member lady member of 50+ put us all to shame while ploughing along at 30+ kmh on her 4.5 tonne hybrid. I eventually persuaded her to take it easy as she was killing some of the other members on their shiny new carbon race bikes.

    9.2k Run @ 5:52 mins/km

    Forgot my HR strap but took it very easy and the first time in a week that my legs feel like they belong to the rest of my body.

    Sunday 16/3/14

    8k Run @ 6:01 mins/km

    Again, no HR but took it really easy.

    Tuesday 18/3/14

    Run - 19.5k with 8 x 1.5k @ HM Pace, 1:30 RBI

    Avg Interval Pace: 4:25 mins/km
    Avg Interval HR: 167 bpm

    First proper session since the race and the wind was howling but it seems to be on the forecast for the whole week so no point putting it off. Torture into the wind so I purposely did those ones at a little slower and did the reps with the wind a little faster so it all averaged out nicely. Pace good and HR within the zone I wanted.

    Wednesday 19/3/14

    56k Bike AHR 129

    Same windy weather but had most of the headwind on the way home which is even more cruel. Never felt good for the whole ride though, just tired and uninterested. I picked a really sh1tty route too which didn't help, and because I had a load of gear in the wash I was wearing a pair of bibs that are just horribly uncomfortable.

    Thursday 20/3/14

    Run 24.5k @ 6:04 mins/km AHR 149

    HR is probably a bit high as there was the usual spike at the beginning. I set out with the intention of doing 5k loops but changed my mind after I got started and made up a route as I went along, unfortunately I seemed to spend all my time either uphill or into a headwind but that which doesn't kill you can only make you stronger, Right?

    Although I would like the HR numbers to be lower, my legs are definitely starting to feel better on these LSR's. I followed the 19:30/0:30 Run/Walk strategy and it just breaks the monotony for me and gives you a mental break every now and again.

    Friday 21/3/14

    36k Bike AHR 146 64,080 km/h

    Obviously Garmin Connect is acting the bollix yet again as I did not cycle 36k in 2 secs as it would have me believe. Strangely the same session is perfect on TP so obviously the issue is with GC and not with my watch.

    Forecast is for heavy rain again this afternoon so hopped on the bike early and out the door for a short one. Windy as hell yet again and legs a bit heavy after yesterday's run but they loosened up after half an hour and I enjoyed the spin overall, I could gladly have gone longer but I forgot my water bottle and I'm thinking of racing tomorrow so I called it a day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Getting really bad at updating this the last few weeks plus travelling without my laptop and hate typing on the tablet so I'm only catching up now I'm home.

    Saturday 22/3/14

    Griffeen Valley Parkrun 20:11 AHR 174

    God damn it anyway! Still didn't get the sub 20 I was hoping for but a small improvement over the last time even if only 5 seconds. I arrived later than planned and didn't get any kind of a proper warm-up, just a short jog but no strides or anything that I would usually do. I started adding 5 x 20 sec strides to all of my sessions the last couple of months and they really make a huge difference. Either way, I felt stiff and tight for the first lap and only started to feel good on the second lap, more excuses I know and entirely my own fault but at least I learnt from it and I know to leave home earlier in future and warm up properly. Sub 20, I'll get ya yet!

    Sunday 23/3/14

    5.6k @ 6:17 mins/km

    Didn't even look at the watch for this, just ran really easy as legs a bit dead from yesterday's 5k race. The important thing is they felt better at the end than they did at the beginning which I suppose is the whole point of a recovery run.

    Monday 24/3/14

    Trainer Road - Achtung Baby - 75 mins TSS 87 IF 0.84

    This was meant to be 90 mins but had to catch a train so cut it a little short, should have started earlier of course, but other jobs to be done around the place before I head off and I don't think 15 minutes is going to make or break me.

    Tuesday 25/3/14

    20k with 2 x 4k and 2 x 2k @ HM Pace, 4,3,2,1 RBI

    I was in Wexford for this so took myself to Johnstown Castle. Surprising how small a place is when you start running, feels a lot bigger when you're strolling and looking at the wildlife, nice change of scenery either way. Undulating route for the intervals and a decent breeze too, I took a slightly different trail for the 1st 2k rep and dropped signal for a while so I was doing harder than HM effort even if the numbers say otherwise, I reverted to the original route for the last rep and the effort felt more in line with what it should,

    4k @ 4:19 mins/km AHR 166
    4k @ 4:21 mins/km AHR 168
    2k @ 4:23 mins/km AHR 167 ***
    2k @ 4:18 mins/km AHR 168

    Pace and HR nicely within the prescribed ranges. I really like these long steady intervals so I'll have to make sure and do some short hard ones at the weekend.

    Wednesday 26/3/14

    Trainer Road - Frewin & Laragh - TSS 80 IF 0.89

    Just got back this afternoon and had to get something done rather than lose a day, really didn't want to but started to enjoy it about halfway through.

    Public transport in this country is just miserable and I think it wears me out more than cycling the 200k might have done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Thursday 27/3/14

    25k Run @ 6:09 mins/km AHR 140

    Incredibly boring but got it done, I much prefer my weekly 20k interval session, which is far tougher physically but seems to just fly by time wise. Still, another long one done and in the bag. HR starting to get where I would like it so these horribly dull slow runs are starting to work.

    Friday 28/3/14

    Trainer Road - Glendine & The Cut - 150 mins - TSS 138 IF 0.74 AHR 132

    Longest I have ever done on the turbo. Wasn't as boring as I though it would be as I set up the bike in front of the TV, no problems apart from a sore arse towards the end. Just forgot about the chamois cream. No problems at all with my legs, I suppose because the LSR's are so bloody slow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Saturday 29/3/14

    Run - 5k @ 6:03 mins/km

    Forgot my HR strap but just kept this at silly slow pace again. Spent all day working on that horrible sand surface and my legs were in a jock after it so decided to just head out the door when I got home for an easy few K's to revive the legs. It worked.

    Sunday 30/3/14

    Run - 12.3k with 7 x 2.5 mins @ 5k Pace, 1.5 min RBI

    When I set up the workout on Garmin Connect I just duplicated an old workout and changed the details. I obviously forgot to press "save" or did something else stupid as the session on the watch was nothing at all like I planned. The planned session was 12 x 1.5 mins @ 5k pace with 2 mins RBI. I didn't realise the session was wrong until the first interval and I couldn't do anything to change and I definitely wasn't going to cancel the session so I just got on with it the best I could. The most annoying part was the watch kept beeping non-stop for every interval telling me I was going too fast as the pace was also wrong on the workout. Either way, 17.5 minutes of some decent speed work done and dusted.

    Monday 31/3/14

    Bike - 50k - AHR 138

    Nothing fancy, just out the door for an easy one. I did put in a few kms of some effort on a decent stretch of road, and attacked a couple of hills, but other than just kept it easy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Tuesday 1/4/14

    Bike - 16k - AHR 87

    Social spin with the GF, nothing of interest from a training POV.

    Thursday 3/4/14

    Bike - 102k - AHR 131

    Cycled out to meet a friend of mine and did a nice rolling route in the north of the county. Everything felt good, legs were fresh, effort was easy so when she went home I went the long way home to bring me over 100k for the first time this year. Really happy with my bike this year although, in fairness, this is the first time I've ever done any bike training over the winter. I usually drag it out of the shed in March and start from there.

    Run - 8k @ 5:34 mins/km - AHR 150

    There was about an hour between the bike and the run so not a brick session, legs were a little tired as to be expected but seemed to just float along at a faster pace than I usually would for an easy run. Every time I tried to slow down it didn't feel right so I just went with the flow and let my legs do their own thing.

    Friday 4/4/14

    Run - 13k with 3 x 2k at HM Pace, 2 min RBI

    Pace / AHR
    4:21 / 167
    4:21 / 170
    4:21 / 171

    Legs quite fatigued today and these reps felt harder than usual even though they only totalled 6k (I usually do 10-12k of HM reps). HR a couple of beats higher than usual but I suppose thats only to be expected after yesterday. It's my own stupid fault of course as I know full well that I have to get one of my quality run sessions done by Tuesday as it's screws up the rest of the week otherwise. I didn't do much on Tuesday as the GF wasn't working so I wanted to spend time with her on the rare occasion that we're home together. Wednesday pissed down all day and I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Thursday would have been nuts, 8k easy after a long ride is one thing but an interval session is a whole other ball game. I need to just grow a pair and get on with it regardless of weather, I have no problem racing in the rain and it doesn't bother me if I get caught in the rain but walking out of a warm, dry house into it just kills me.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Sunday 6/4/14

    Run - 10.6k @ 6:08 mins/km - AHR 136

    Finally an easy run that's in the HR zone it should be in. I splashed out on Amazon during the week and bought a couple of bottles of conductive gel and it's seems I finally have reliable HR data, and for the record, I was even wearing the Nike gilet that I've been blaming for the spikes all along. Yippee.

    I considered doing the club duathlon this morning but decided against it for the following reasons:

    1) This is a recovery week and I have been feeling quite fatigued lately.
    2) Tomorrow is the start of two weeks of really solid work before tapering for my target HM at the end of the month.
    3) I had a really hard day of work yesterday on the same ****ty surface that always kills my legs.

    Looking back now I think I made the right decision and I'm actually feeling fresher after this evenings run and ready to get stuck into some real tough stuff from tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Monday 7/4/14

    Bike - 29k - AHR 138

    Brick Run - 5.2k @ 5:48 mins/km - AHR 135

    I had intended to do two easy sessions today, one morning and one evening, but I changed my mind and did them as a brick instead. Two really nice workouts, I rode a nice steady effort on the bike and for the run I ignored my watch and just ran by effort. The effort I was looking for was really easy and that's exactly what I did. I feel as fresh as a daisy afterwards.

    I have no duathlons any time in the near future, I did this for time management more than anything and they really are a great way of logging some miles without killing yourself. Serious HM sessions planned for tomorrow, I can kill myself then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Tuesday 8/4/14

    Run - 20k with 3 x 4k @ HM Pace, 3 min RBI

    WU 2.5k @ 5:49 mins/km AHR 133
    5 x 20 sec strides / 40 sec recovery
    4k @ 4:22 mins/km AHR 164
    4k @ 4:22 mins/km AHR 165
    4k @ 4:26 mins/km AHR 164
    CD 3.2k @ 6:01 mins/km AHR 139

    I'd been looking forward to this as I haven't done any really hard run sessions last week and I've been feeling good the last few days and also sleeping well, which is usually a huge issue for me.

    Whether right or wrong, I deliberately chose a tough loop for this sessions rather than my usual flat canal path and I really felt it in spots. The first two flew by and felt strong and the third one should have been the same only for I switched off a bit and didn't notice my lap pace dropping until 100m to go and by then it was too late. Target pace was 4:25 mins/km and I realise it's only a second but it still annoyed. And the fact that the first two were 3 seconds better than target isn't any comfort. Yes, I'm a numbers freak!

    I also shortened my recovery periods, I usually take 1 min per km for recovery so I shortened it to 3 mins rather than 4. Next week I will do this session again but with 2 mins recovery and that will be my last hard session 10 days before my target HM.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Wednesday 9/4/14

    Bike - 98k AHR 127

    My usual buddy wasn't around for this one so I stuck a post on the club facebook page looking for a partner for the day. Fortunately (or unfortunately) I got a reply and had a cycling buddy for this one.

    Now, I know the best way to get better at cycling is to cycle with someone who's better than you, but the first long spin of the year as well as a very hilly route and a bitch of a headwind on the way home are not a great combination. I just about hung on until the coffee stop at 56k but died a death after that. I told the other guy to head on and do his own thing so I could limp home at my own pace but he didn't want to do that so I also have guilt to add to my bad form after this spin.

    On paper (or Garmin correct to be more accurate) the session wasn't that bad, the AHR is well within my easy zone but my legs just weren't interested in playing today. I guess yesterday's hard run session left it's mark.

    My philosophy all along has been to do my suffering on the turbo or shorter rides and these longer rides are just about endurance and fat burning. Maybe I'm wrong and need to suffer on some long rides. Either way, as bad as it was, it's still 4 hours of aerobic exercise and if nothing else it burnt some calories.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Thursday 10/4/14

    Run 21.1k @ 6:18 mins/km AHR 145

    I have a confession to make! While I'm a huge fan of trail running and love reading about it, listening to podcasts about it and I own a pair of trail shoes and a camelbak I must admit that I've never actually done any proper trail running (canal paths don't count). Today I decided to change that.

    I don't usually have the car during the week so I generally have no choice only to do my LSR around town or on the canal paths. Today I did have the car so after a bit of googling I picked a route, wiped 6 inches of dust off my camelbak and drove to Clonaslee to try some real trail running.

    I absolutely f'ing loved every minute of it!

    I have always struggled with my LSR's but it's been a mental battle rather than a lack of fitness. I love my long interval sessions but the thoughts of plodding along for 2+ hours fills me with dread. Today was just fantastic, muck, ****e, water, stiles, gravel, rocks, fallen trees, and lots and lots of up and down. Not a steady paced run but it just flew by. Because everything from the ground underfoot to the scenery was constantly changing I never got the chance to get bored and it also exercised muscles that may be underworked always running on the roads.

    There's 54 miles of waymarked trails in the Slieve Blooms and I can see me doing lots of exploring over the summer. Just a pity it's not closer to home.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Friday 11/4/14

    Bike 39k AHR 122

    Horrible cold and windy spin and to make it worse I had no interest whatsoever in being out there today. Tons of work stuff going round in my head so I kept it really easy and hopefully it will help my legs recover from yesterday's run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Sunday 13/4/14

    Run 12.8k with 6k @ M Pace

    3.35k @ 6:06 mins/km AHR 130
    6.00k @ 4:39 mins/km AHR 158
    3.46k @ 5:46 mins/km AHR 140

    Everything felt good except for my stomach. I know I need to leave about 3 hours after food before doing any kind of running but I ignored my own rule tonight and suffered for it. Luckily no embarrassing incidents to report but it just made the workout far more uncomfortable than it needed to be.

    Feeling good about the actual running though, pace felt comfortable, effort felt comfortable and HR where it should be for the effort.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Monday 14/4/14

    Bike 52k

    Really annoyed about this one. I bought a new pair of bib shorts last week and wore them for this mornings spin. All was good for the first hour, a nice, steady effort but it just went downhill from there. The shorts just became really uncomfortable and I spent the next hour constantly shifting in the saddle and not actually getting any work done. So much so that I would call the second hour a waste of time. Looking at the graphs everything just dropped off about from about halfway including speed, cadence and HR. I was very happy with the first hour though. It just shows how important comfort is on the bike.

    That's one more pair for the "hour on the turbo" pile of cycling shorts that I have. I think I may start saving for some Assos!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    wouldn't write them off just yet. i've had rides where shorts or bib tights that have been fine on every other ride suddenly are the most uncomfortable things ever, then they're fine again the next ride. always worth a second shot

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    This was the second chance.

    I rode in them last week and thought that maybe after a few washes or something that they might improve. I'm not sure exactly what's wrong with them, there's loads of padding and it seems very impressive to look at but when I'm riding it feels like the padding is lacking in one particular spot.

    I only bought them on a whim and they were only €45 so it's not the end of the world. It's the wasted session that's annoying me rather than the shorts themselves, I'll always find a job for them.

    Either way, I'm not going to bin them, I'll keep them for the turbo and shorter rides.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Monday 14/4/14

    Run 5k @ 5:41 mins/km AHR 138

    Dreadfully boring but stuck to the plan, this was just to loosen the legs a bit for tomorrow's hard session. Lovely day out, just a t-shirt, no gilet or hat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Tuesday 15/4/14

    Run 18k with 3 x 4k @ HM Pace, 2 min RBI

    2.3k @ 5:51 mins/km AHR 118
    4.0k @ 4:22 mins/km AHR 171
    4.0k @ 4:24 mins/km AHR 172
    4.0k @ 4:24 mins/km AHR 174
    1.9k @ 6:05 mins/km AHR 153

    This was exactly the same session as last week with the recovery periods shortened to 2 mins from 3 mins last week. I'm not that happy with the numbers for this one as the HR for all the reps is 3/4 beats higher than usual. There are a number of possible explanations for this:

    1) It's the time this year that I've actually had to do some serious work in relatively warm conditions, I was under-hydrated, I had no water with me and I'm now quite literally caked in salt.

    2) Maybe 2 minutes is simply not enough time to recover properly from a 4k interval, I usually take 4 mins recovery, last week I dropped it to 3 mins, maybe 2 mins is just pushing it too far. This wouldn't explain the first rep though.

    3) I'm just not as fit as I thought.

    4) I made a right balls of training for this HM next week. I should found and stuck to a well regarded plan rather than making up my own. Maybe you can go too slow on your easy runs?

    Either way, I think tomorrow I should take a full day off. I should have done so yesterday but the weather was just so beautiful and I had nothing else to do. Today was the last hard session before my target HM on 27th April so taper from here on in. Short M pace Tempo at the weekend and a few short HM intervals early next week but no LSR this week and no long bike either. I will do some easy runs just to keep up the frequency.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Thursday 17/4/14

    Run 12k @ 5:51 mins/km AHR 136

    In Dublin today so made the effort to head to the Phoenix Park for this one. I had no real idea where I was going so I parked in the visitors centre, ran down Chesterfield Avenue towards the City and then followed the boundary until the Furry Glen and followed my nose after that and when I got back to where I started it just happened to hit the 12k mark.

    It really makes a difference to run somewhere new, I get a bit stale of the same old routes all the time.

    Sunday 20/4/14

    Run 8.1k with 4k @ M Pace

    WU 1.88 @ 6:01 mins/km AHR 135
    4.00 @ 4:35 mins/km AHR 158
    CD 2.23 @ 5:56 mins/km AHR 138

    Nice run, M pace felt easy and could I have kept going a lot longer but I'm tapering so I only added the change of pace to stop my legs entering hibernation on me.

    Monday 21/4/14

    Trainer Road - 30 mins

    TSS 32 IF 0.80 AHR 127

    Surprised to find that it's been a month since I've used my turbo and I fecking knew it too. Even though I've done plenty of miles in the past month they've all been easy miles and my legs didn't know what was happening when I tried to add some intensity. Pulled the plug as just couldn't get going and I was gaining nothing. I'll have to research some HR based bike workouts to add to my Garmin for outdoor rides.

    Tuesday 22/4/14

    Run 10k with 4 x 1k @ HM Pace, 2 min RBI

    2.4k @ 6:00 mins/km AHR 133
    5 x 20 sec strides / 40 sec recovery
    1.0k @ 4:21 mins/km AHR 167
    1.0k @ 4:16 mins/km AHR 164
    1.0k @ 4:20 mins/km AHR 163
    1.0k @ 4:20 mins/km AHR 169
    1.4k @ 5:59 mins/km AHR 140

    Another easy session just keeping the legs fresh for the weekend. The HM reps felt really easy, target pace was 4:25 and I was constantly forcing myself to slow down. I did the reps on a lumpy route and the 1st and 4th were uphill, while 2nd and 3rd were downhill. Happy with the HR numbers and recoveries were longer than usual with the taper in mind. Overall, very happy with this session and starting to think my goal time might be achievable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Cards on the table time.

    HM tomorrow, target time sub 1:33

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Thursday 24/4/14

    5k with strides 5:35 mins/km AHR 141

    Friday 25/4/14

    5k Easy 5:53 mins/km AHR 140

    Saturday 26/4/14

    4k Easy 5:59 mins/km AHR 139

    Sunday 27/4/14

    Wexford Half Marathon 1:36:40

    Not happy with this at all, as above chasing sub 1:33 but never happening from the off.

    My last HM that I ran hard was in Athlone last September and I was holding myself back all the way to 11k and then allowed myself to kick on a bit. Today that didn't happen. I was working hard the whole way to the 14k marker to hang onto my goal pace and then we hit a headwind and every KM from that point onwards was slower than the one before it.

    It wasn't just the headwind though, the first 14k felt harder than they should have and I would ideally liked to have arrived at that point feeling a lot better than I did and only just starting to get stuck in. I can't really describe what was wrong with me other than just tiredness and lack of energy, I just wanted to lie down and have a sleep. I wasn't even blowing hard at the finish line as my legs just wouldn't go fast enough at that point to make me blow.

    The last couple of weeks haven't been great, lots of work stress, eating badly (+2 kgs in 3 weeks) and other issues. I even said to the GF last night that I didn't feel great for this at all but was secretly hoping it was only taper madness and that it would all be sunshine and rainbows on the morning. It wasn't.

    Anyway, we live and learn and I have to look very closely at what went wrong and how to avoid it in future. My first suspicion is that I made a balls of the taper and that my body started to shut down / enter recovery mode or whatever other technical term you want to put on it. I seriously couldn't stop eating for the past fortnight, I've never been as constantly hungry in my life and that was with a reduced training load. I know the books say keep up the frequency of training and keep some intensity but to reduce the volume but I skipped too many sessions in the last fortnight but as they were all bike sessions I didn't think it would affect my running. I think I was wrong. I always thought that after a good taper you should arrive at the start line full of beans and raring to go. I was full of wind and whimpering.

    The only good point I can take from all of this is that I still ran a PB (even if only 24 seconds) while feeling like crap and I just got on with it and got the job done making the best of a bad day.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    sorry to see that after the work you've put in. the work is done though, can you target another half soon and try again?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    A PB when feeling crap is not to be dismissed lightly. Everyone has off an off day, onwards and upwards :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    mossym wrote: »
    sorry to see that after the work you've put in. the work is done though, can you target another half soon and try again?

    Had planned on doing Enniscorthy in June, it's a course I love but not PB material. Then 2 x HM's in one weekend in July, again not ideal for chasing times. I might look for something flatter in the meantime. I'm thinking about 5/6 weeks from now could be perfect timing, although yesterday was disappointing it was still a serious workout and should give some fitness gains. Easy this week, then 4 weeks of 5k races should put me in good shape for another stab at it.

    TBH I think I have 1:33 in me and the plan all along was for 1:30 in the autumn so hopefully it was just a bad day. Either way what's done is done and I'm not going to waste my time crying over it, I just think that every bad experience is a learning opportunity and I just want to make sure I learn the right lesson.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    griffin100 wrote: »
    A PB when feeling crap is not to be dismissed lightly. Everyone has off an off day, onwards and upwards :)

    Absolutely, it was a solid LT session if nothing else, so not a complete waste of a day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    I have found a long taper doesn't suit me, my best times have been usually dropping the training to very little to nothing with about a week max to 10 days out. Any longer and I tend to start feeling fat and old (which I am)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Right so, I took Monday off because my legs were tender as hell and continued to feel like that on Tuesday too so I also took that off. I've never had DOMS like it before, even standing up was painful.

    So Wednesday I decided I'd do a very easy hour on the turbo and then I might do a very short and easy run in the evening. This never happened, I lasted 8 minutes on the turbo. My usual warm-up routine on the turbo is as follows and has always worked for me. 4 mins @ 40% ftp, then 2 mins @ 50%, 2 mins @ 60% and 2 mins @ 70%. I know from experience what my HR usually is for these and the HR always works well on the turbo without spikes etc to skew the data. By the time I got to the 2 mins @ 70% my HR was at 180 and climbing and I felt exhausted, so I quit the session and decided to look into what might be causing these problems.

    High Blood Pressue = Bad
    Low Blood Pressure = Good

    Simple, right?

    Not quite that simple apparently.

    It turns out that my blood pressure is naturally low and when you train hard you lower your blood pressure even more. Lowering your BP is a good thing for the majority of people but not so much for me. Mine has been lowered to the point where I have been having constant problems lately with nausea, dizziness, fatigue and blurry vision. This has been going on for months but I never said anything to my girlfriend as she's a worrier even though she's a nurse and could have helped me very easily if I'd "opened my big stupid mouth" (her words).

    So, going forward. Although it's a nuisance, 90% of the time it's very easily managed and is still far less of a big deal than high blood pressure. The most common cause is dehydration, so it means if I train without water it will have a greater effect on me than people with higher BP. The plan for the rest of this week is to rest, elevate my feet and wear compression socks and drink lots of water, no training. If it hasn't improved by next Monday then it's off to the GP.

    Luckily, we own a Sphymomanometer (yes it's a real world and has a savage word score in Scrabble) so I can take my own BP whenever I want and keep an eye on it in future. Hopefully medical intervention won't be necessary and diet and hydration will be enough to keep on top of it.

    Knowledge is power and I'm just happy now that I have some explanation as to why my form was constantly fluctuating between fit and strong one day and flat and lethargic the next.

    Onwards and upwards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Sunday 4/4/14

    Run 8.1k 5:36 mins/km AHR 145

    This was the single most enjoyable run that I've done in months. I've been gradually feeling better the last few days and felt great today so decided I was going for a run when I got home from work this evening.

    No plan, ran as I felt like running and I must say that the 5:30 ish pace comes a lot more naturally to me than the enforced extra slow pace that I've been running the last few months. While the HR was low on those really slow runs, they always felt really awkward and uncomfortable, not to mention embarrassing. I know nothing about form but tonight's pace also felt a lot more natural and floaty than the ultra slow running I've been doing.

    I think it might be a simple case of what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Wednesday 9/5/14

    Trainer Road - Corduroy 60 mins

    Getting stuck back into the trainer work again from now on. Even though I hate the thoughts of it when the weather is nice, I find I do a better session on the turbo than outside. This was a really easy session just getting my legs used to spinning for an hour again, I'll do something a little harder tomorrow and maybe Friday and then ramp it up for the 8 days of California on starting this weekend.

    Run - Belvedere 5k League Race 1 - 21:20

    Did I mention I hate 5k races? I still do, but they are a serious workout and don't take too long to recover from. A really tough course too with some short but steep climbs to really kill your legs. Even though this was my slowest 5k of the year it's also the one I'm happiest with as I gave it absolutely everything and never chickened out or slowed down. I passed a good few guys along the way especially over the last couple of climbs which makes me really happy. Did about another 5k between warm up and cool down so total was about 10k. Not sure about exact distances as lots of tree cover and GPS was very iffy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Thursday 10/5/14

    Trainer Road - High Hopes 60 mins

    6 x 1 min @ 110% ftp, 1 min RBI
    6 x 4 min @ 95% ftp, 2 min RBI

    This was my first decent turbo session in a month albeit one of the easier ones (TSS 71) as I wanted to ease myself back into it. Felt very strange for the first few intervals but once I got going it wasn't too bad. I actually enjoy the TR sessions once I have something to focus on and I'm sorry I fell out of the habit. The biggest problem is that it's such a big job to set it all up, I'm going to try and tidy up the garage and see can I leave the bike on the turbo down there and then I only have to bring down the laptop when I want to do a session. The biggest issue with that may be heat in this weather, at least in the house I can open all the windows and get a breeze blowing though.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Friday 11/5/14

    Run - 20k with 4 x 2k @ M Pace

    M Intervals averaged 4:35 mins/km AHR 169

    While these felt relatively easy and I had to hold back to hit the pace rather than push on, the AHR was quite high and more in line with HM paces. Ideally I would have more than one day after a hard 5k race but I'm working at the weekend and I'm afraid I'll end up missing the session altogether if I postpone it. Gorgeous day for it and I lovely running hard in the sun, the wind not so much but you can't have it all your own way.

    Starting to feel a bit more human now and going to really get stuck back into it next week.
