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I Made A Complaint To The HSE



  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 323 ✭✭hungry hippo 4

    Riamfada wrote: »
    If I was spilling my tea all over everyone in my vacinity, smelling obnoxiously and causing secondary tea induced illness to those around me in a non tea drinking area I would be more than happy to take my tea drinking elsewhere.

    What a ridiculous example. Face it, some people smoke. They smoke in a tiny portion of a massive campus. But because you are so important you want to have that area to yourself too. Probably so you and your friends can stand around criticising people that walk past!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,246 ✭✭✭✭Riamfada

    What a ridiculous example. Face it, some people smoke. They smoke in a tiny portion of a massive campus. But because you are so important you want to have that area to yourself too. Probably so you and your friends can stand around criticising people that walk past!

    I also like wagging my finger

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 323 ✭✭hungry hippo 4

    Riamfada wrote: »
    I also like wagging my finger

    How many accents do you have? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,320 ✭✭✭Chet T16

    What a ridiculous example.

    It isn't! It's perfect. Just because it's somehow become accepted that people set fire to leaves and suck on them while inhaling the smoke doesn't make it any less of a ridiculous activity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 934 ✭✭✭OneOfThem Stumbled

    Riamfada wrote: »
    If I was spilling my tea all over everyone in my vicinity, smelling obnoxiously and causing secondary tea induced illness to those around me in a non tea drinking area I would be more than happy to take my tea drinking elsewhere.


    It is a bit of a silly example tbh. Sure you can just drink your tea in the cafe, and get a table to yourself and you can spill it to your hearts content (more or less). And sure, if people find tea revolting they probably shouldn't be in a cafe in the first place. So the drinking of leaves doesn't really equate to the smoking of them in any way here.

    But if you were talking about drinking an alcoholic beverage, that would work, as the university has banned their consumption outside of licensed venues.

    Unfortunately there is a bit of an impasse here with normal students having the position of saying "I don't want to inhale your smoke" and smokers more or less saying "there are six entrances to the arts block - we use one, get over it".

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  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭Dores


    "there are six entrances to the arts block - we use one, get over it".

    I would love to see at least one entrance that is not used by smokers.

    The problem with smokers is that they really do not realise how disturbing they are for people around them and how stupid and destructing their behaviour is. If they would accept the fact that their close presence makes others almost puke would they still smoke? How would they feel about it? Any logical arguments will not go through their minds because they surrender thinking to justify smoking.

    To give up smoking I had to realise how stupid and disgusting I am first. That was the most difficult part of the process, not the withdrawal symptoms, not changing the entire life style but just looking in the mirror and facing the truth. If people still smoke it means they did not go through that process, so explaining something to them, that they do not want to understand is a waste of time.

    I know that this is an addiction and its rather sad that people give up their freedom to it, but if it is not possible to help them we should at least protect society from their destructive behaviour.

    If UCD would sponsor facilities to support any addiction or health destroying behaviour rather than ban it, I would lose my faith in human intelligence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,246 ✭✭✭✭Riamfada

    Sorry, perhaps I am not making myself very clear. So I will outline in bulletpoints why I think people should not smoke at the wall.
    1. It is a designated non smoking section. It is the one entrance to the arts block (or any building as far as I know) that is designated as a specific non smoking area. Therefore it is forbidden for people to smoke here. As has been pointed out, the UCD Campus is very large so surely there is no shortage of other places to smoke.
    2. Smoking is offensive to a lot of people who do not do it. Therefore standing in a non smoking area which also happens to be beside a cafe and the main walkway into a building while smoking in groups cannot be argued to be anything other than inconsiderate and rude.
    3. Smoking causes cancer and will kill you. It probably dosnt mean much to you now but It will do when your older and you start saying your goodbyes every time you get a prolonged pain in your chest and the doctor dosnt know why. But that is not really applicable to the wall. Just saying.
    4. Cigarette butts thrown on the ground all over the wall area are disgusting.
    5. If you are the smoker with the disgusting cancer habit, normal people should not have to inconvenience themselves in order to accommodate your habit. Your habit should accommodate the normal people.
    6. Again, and I cannot stress this enough, the wall area is a non-smoking area. There is a feckin megaphone for God's sake telling people not to smoke.
    7. I really find it hard to believe that people who are smart enough to get into a third level institution believe that it is their right to smoke here. Can people really be that ignorant?

  • Registered Users Posts: 934 ✭✭✭OneOfThem Stumbled

    Riamfada wrote: »
    Sorry, perhaps I am not making myself very clear. So I will outline in bulletpoints why I think people should not smoke at the wall.

    [1]It is a designated non smoking section. It is the one entrance to the arts block (or any building as far as I know) that is designated as a specific non smoking area. Therefore it is forbidden for people to smoke here. As has been pointed out, the UCD Campus is very large so surely there is no shortage of other places to smoke.

    While I'd be among the first to say "just because something is a rule, doesn't mean it's right" - but it is a specific rule because so many people have complained about it. The actual legal issue about whether it constitutes an indoor space is somewhat moot.

    It's a large campus - but telling people to stand out in the open/in a field/carpark to smoke is a bit inhospitable. Besides which, some people are opposed to people smoking anywhere on campus.
    Riamfada wrote: »
    [2]Smoking is offensive to a lot of people who do not do it. Therefore standing in a non smoking area which also happens to be beside a cafe and the main walkway into a building while smoking in groups cannot be argued to be anything other than inconsiderate and rude.

    Spot on.
    Riamfada wrote: »
    [4]Cigarette butts thrown on the ground all over the wall area are disgusting.

    No bins as it's a designated non-smoking area?

    Your other points aren't relevant, or are a repetition of valid points.
    Dores wrote: »
    I would love to see at least one entrance that is not used by smokers.

    The Library bridge?

    I jest!
    Dores wrote: »
    The problem with smokers is that they really do not realise how disturbing they are for people around them and how stupid and destructing their behaviour is. If they would accept the fact that their close presence makes others almost puke would they still smoke? How would they feel about it? Any logical arguments will not go through their minds because they surrender thinking to justify smoking.

    While over the top, you have a point.
    Dores wrote: »
    To give up smoking I had to realise how stupid and disgusting I am first. That was the most difficult part of the process, not the withdrawal symptoms, not changing the entire life style but just looking in the mirror and facing the truth.

    Err... each to his/her own I suppose. I personally didn't do my latest assignment until I realised how nauseating my revolting procrastination was.
    Dores wrote: »
    If UCD would sponsor facilities to support any addiction or health destroying behaviour rather than ban it, I would lose my faith in human intelligence.

    Ah, ah, here's the rub. So it isn't about going through smoke at the entrance, at all, then. Rather the entrance issue is a vehicle for you to have a say on how you think others should live their lives. Bravo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,595 ✭✭✭✭AdamD

    Dores wrote: »

    If UCD would sponsor facilities to support any addiction or health destroying behaviour rather than ban it, I would lose my faith in human intelligence.

    This. So so so much this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭Dores

    To get into the Library bridge, first you must pass the smokers from the library entrance ;) tricky , huh?

    It is a matter of choice of the people how they should live their lives outside of the institutions. If they have decided to be in some institution they are entitled to follow its rules. If they do not think that those rules are right they can always try legal ways for changing them.

    It is not telling people how to live (or slow suicide), but an answer for ridiculous arguments that to make smokers stop breaking the rules UCD should sponsor anything for them. First, because a normal reaction for breaking the law is a punishment not a reward. Second, because it is against UCD philosophy to promote antisocial, unhealthy and ignorant behaviour.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 614 ✭✭✭beardedmaster

  • Registered Users Posts: 934 ✭✭✭OneOfThem Stumbled

    Dores wrote: »
    It is a matter of choice of the people how they should live their lives outside of the institutions. If they have decided to be in some institution they are entitled to follow its rules. If they do not think that those rules are right they can always try legal ways for changing them.

    It is not telling people how to live (or slow suicide), but an answer for ridiculous arguments that to make smokers stop breaking the rules UCD should sponsor anything for them. First, because a normal reaction for breaking the law is a punishment not a reward. Second, because it is against UCD philosophy to promote antisocial, unhealthy and ignorant behaviour.

    So you are predicating your argument on the grounds that the smokers in question are breaking a rule of the institution.

    You'll be hard put to find any written rule of UCD specifying that the front of the Arts block is a non-smoking area (because it doesn't exist in the codified rules). The fact that it is arbitrary is highlighted, not undermined by the megaphone and signs. In terms of law of the land, strictly speaking, it isn't illegal: over 50% of it is not enclosed by wall excluding windows and doors (pretty close though).

    The reason why UCD is trying to remove smoking from that area is because it's unpleasant for people to have to go through smoke. That's entirely reasonable. Moreover, that area in particular tends to trap the smoke. It would be annoying for people who are non-smokers to avoid the main entrance of the building. You seem to want smoking to be banned in front of all the entrances, but we'll ignore that one for now.

    So not only do you believe that this rule should be upheld, but that there should be no means taken to facilitate these smokers. It is demonstrably not an issue of cost - I imagine you would equally baulk at the concept of arts block smokers collectively spending €20 a head towards a shelter (get a hundred people to do it and you've got the price of your shelter covered). It's the entire concept of smokers' lives being made easier - because smoking is IMMORAL!

    I imagine you have written a petition to have the UCD bar dismantled as it also promotes unhealthy behaviour? Don't like the look of much of that Centra muck, that has to go too! Don't even get me started on all the lewd behaviour in the student residences - I tell you, they need stricter policing, they do. Damn, why do these universities have to be so bloody liberal?

    Edit: incidentally, while we are on the subject of antisocial behaviour; many, many students have taken issue with mature students asking questions in lectures. This is particularly true of Arts, even more of social sciences. The majority of students consider it antisocial and... ignorant too, I suppose. Now, I don't have any feeling on the subject, as it hasn't affected me. But I suppose the answer is simple; these students should be banned from speaking within lecture theatres. Any other course of action and I'd have to lose my faith in human intelligence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,231 ✭✭✭Fad

    I was once instructed by a doctor to not give up smoking.

    Banning smoking would have caused me a problem at the time...

    EDIT: I'm not being overly sincere here (just need to clear that up, doctor thing is true though). I understand the whole thing about not enjoying smokers outside the arts block, smokers could well do with being a bit more considerate about where they smoke.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 323 ✭✭hungry hippo 4

    This thread makes me want to start smoking again so I can blow smoke in all your faces, especially the pretentious girls.

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭Dores

    1.ah, here's the rub. So it isn't about going through smoke at the entrance, at all, then. Rather the entrance issue is a vehicle for you to have a say on Mature students and anybody who you think is not "liberal" or "cool" enough to agree with you . Bravo. :D

    2. I made my points already and as I said there is no sense in wasting time on discussion with addicted people about their "right for addiction" as they are not thinking clear, but categorise the world through their addiction.

    3.Thank you for reminding me about procrastination. Any more of my time spend on this discussion on that topic would be exactly this.

    If there will be any more important arguments to justify smoking, just see point 2. as my answer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 934 ✭✭✭OneOfThem Stumbled

    Dores wrote: »

    2. I made my points already and as I said there is no sense in wasting time on discussion with addicted people about their "right for addiction" as they are not thinking clear, but categorise the world through their addiction.

    3.Thank you for reminding me about procrastination. Any more of my time spent on the discussion of that topic would be exactly that.

    If there will be any more important arguments to justify smoking, just see point 2. as my answer.

    Of course people have the right to be addicted, not that the activity of smoking is necessarily that; no more than drinking is alcoholism, or playing poker a gambling addiction, or registering a WOW account internet addiction. But even if the activity itself was to be equated with "addiction", which it's not - but if it were; we have had some notion of the freedom to choose what activities one engages in (at least since the stranglehold of the Church was removed). Surprising amount of hard-right attitudes among certain students, however. Sure you now have the USI President saying that it is "impossible to enjoy a drink responsibly". Ultra-conservative students? The 60s be long dead, yo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭Heikki

    I thought it was worse than ever yesterday. I walked into arts cafe stinking of smoke!

    Wooo third world problems going on there

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭Heikki

    Dores wrote: »
    I would love to see at least one entrance that is not used by smokers.

    The problem with smokers is that they really do not realise how disturbing they are for people around them and how stupid and destructing their behaviour is. If they would accept the fact that their close presence makes others almost puke would they still smoke? How would they feel about it? Any logical arguments will not go through their minds because they surrender thinking to justify smoking.

    To give up smoking I had to realise how stupid and disgusting I am first. That was the most difficult part of the process, not the withdrawal symptoms, not changing the entire life style but just looking in the mirror and facing the truth. If people still smoke it means they did not go through that process, so explaining something to them, that they do not want to understand is a waste of time.

    I know that this is an addiction and its rather sad that people give up their freedom to it, but if it is not possible to help them we should at least protect society from their destructive behaviour.

    If UCD would sponsor facilities to support any addiction or health destroying behaviour rather than ban it, I would lose my faith in human intelligence.

    You are some piece of work my friend

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 323 ✭✭hungry hippo 4

    Heikki wrote: »
    Wooo third world problems going on there

    Its like the dope beside me last week complaining about her **** iPhone.

    UCD is home to some of the most disgusting people I've ever met!

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭Heikki

    Its like the dope beside me last week complaining about her **** iPhone.

    UCD is home to some of the most disgusting people I've ever met!

    God these Beats don't match my iPhone and Abercrombie trousers.. Have to go and get new ones :confused:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,320 ✭✭✭Chet T16

    Heikki wrote: »
    Wooo third world problems going on there

    I'd be quietly confident that third worlders have other worries

  • Registered Users Posts: 513 ✭✭✭leddpipe

    OP I smoked right in front of the HSE signs today, AND I mocked the automated voice when he made his announcement! God Almighty I felt alive! Much like you do when you whinge and crib, seeking validation and attention from ultimately fruitless endeavors! Oh yess, and I will be back tomorrow


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,320 ✭✭✭Chet T16

    leddpipe wrote: »
    OP I smoked right in front of the HSE signs today, AND I mocked the automated voice when he made his announcement! God Almighty I felt alive! Much like you do when you whinge and crib, seeking validation and attention from ultimately fruitless endeavors! Oh yess, and I will be back tomorrow


    such smoking
    so badass

  • Registered Users Posts: 513 ✭✭✭leddpipe

    Chet T16 wrote: »
    such smoking
    so badass



  • Registered Users Posts: 200 ✭✭kilrush

    apparently the on campus smoking ban is set to come in by this time next year. There will however be set smoking areas around the place but those smoking outside these areas will be fined (by whom i dunno) and these fines will go towards the student welfare fund. Knowing UCD logic the arts café area will be a designated smoking area though :)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 323 ✭✭hungry hippo 4

    kilrush wrote: »
    apparently the on campus smoking ban is set to come in by this time next year. There will however be set smoking areas around the place but those smoking outside these areas will be fined (by whom i dunno) and these fines will go towards the student welfare fund. Knowing UCD logic the arts café area will be a designated smoking area though :)

    librocops brother, smokocop!

    manys a cigarette will be swallowed

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 Same Difference

    In terms of law of the land, strictly speaking, it isn't illegal: over 50% of it is not enclosed by wall excluding windows and doors (pretty close though).

    That's inaccurate. The law that states 50% of the perimeter must not be covered by walls considers windows and doors to be "similar structures" to walls. So I'd say the perimeter is over 50% covered.
    (d) an outdoor part of a place or premises covered by a fixed or movable roof, provided that not more than 50 per cent of the perimeter of that part is surrounded by one or more walls or similar structures (inclusive of windows, doors, gates or other means of access to or egress from that part),

    I'm not against there being a designated covered area for smoking, I just don't feel that people should smoke in an area that has been specifically designated as a non-smoking area.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,193 ✭✭✭[Jackass]

    I absolutely LOVE anti-smoker rants.

    It's the one subject where these people KNOW they have the moral high ground, so do they decide to live and just live, or do they LOVE to abuse their holier than thou position?? :D

    I know for a fact that one tiny part of college where people smoke does not ruin your day or make you miserable, but you stil insist on rubbing in your petty little advantage on the subject!

    Get me some psychology students in here, what does this say about these little people?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,246 ✭✭✭✭Riamfada

    In all fairness most people on this thread are coming across as petty. Anyway Im noticing a lot less smokers by the wall in the past few weeks.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,193 ✭✭✭[Jackass]

    Maybe it's because you're now paying more attention to it and realizing that it's not nearly what you had built up in your head as this cloud of cancer that chases you into the building and engulfs your lungs, it's just a couple of people smoking outdoors, under a sheltered roof?

