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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Wedneaday Oct 15th - Evening run. usually get my runs in at lunctime, call with a customer though so this got done as soon as i got home. Beautiful evening, dry, starting to cool, felt like a nice autumn evening. very very handy, pace kept very easy, enjoying the run and the evening. dusk started to fall as i headed for home, a really nice enjoyable run.

    47:45, 8.6km, 5:33 pace, 153 avg hr

    Easy hour spinning, done in front of the tv

    Early morning swim.main set of 10x100 alt sw/p on 2 mod
    A good session,made a slight change to pull through resulted in the last of the 100's being several seconds faster than the first,something to work on.

    Lunchtime run
    plan for 15 easy, 15 steady, 5 mod, 10 easy.
    Paces were about right, HR probably a bit high meant i was pushing a bit harder than plan called for on the mod bit, that was closer to hard hr early in the year
    easy @5:19/156. steady @ 4:43/168, mod @4:32/176. good bit off my best earlier in the year. it'll come though

    Easy run, 1:20, while the pace work on friday was a bit off, regular running is paying off, felt good, moving well. recent runs been shorter than this so tired a little at the end but very happy with this, .15km, 5:25pace. 153avg hr

    The well documented Mountain bike excursion with the bunch from here. Not been on my mtb in a long time, first trip to Ballyhoura this year. as usual with mtb, lots of climbing, then short burst of downhill. great fun though. Definitely have lost my feel for descending, was taking things very steady and easily on the downhills, no point pushing it and ending up injured for 3 or 4 months. The banter was mighty, really good fun with a nice bunch. Pushed the hills a bit to get some benefit from it, but never felt like it got over a steady effort. Felt great afterwards, no tiredness or soreness. 1:56 moving, 24.2km, 153 avg HR(moving time only)

    Monday was a day off

    Easy 45 spinning, power between 170 and 200 for the majority.

    Swim - 10*100 as the main set,some 50's as decsending and fast. 2100 all in. still trying to get the finish of the strike right, when i focus on it i lose the rhythm, just needs work. 100's on 2, in on 1:43 to 1:45, 50's in on 49-50. 44 mins, 2100m

    Run - Easy 30 mins at lunch, felt great, loads of energy, pace felt easy, hr still a bit high. not a great nights sleep the night before though may have affected it. 6km, 5:19 pace, 156avg

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Thursday-45 mins work on the turbo, mostly easy.

    2nd year with the coach, so no surprise when after my comments above that the 400m tt wasn't as hard as it should have been, i got a mail to say i was doing it again. This week was recovery week, but friday morning had the repeat session for the 400m tt. Got through the warm up, then the drills, then hit out on the 400. no mistake this time,, went hard, and kept it hard. Last one which i knew had more left was 6:52, 20 seconds faster than last year. happy out then to touch the wall in 6:30 today. 22 seconds off last weeks time. even better, found out this week that the pool i thought was 17m, was actually 17.5, meaning what i thought was 408m, was actually 420, or i did a length too much. last length was 17.6, so for the 402.5 it comes in at 6:12. now admittedly that in a short pool, but still that's a time i'm delighted with . next one in the 50m to see how less turns/push offs affects. bit of work to do before the next one though.

    100 camein pretty bang on with last time, 1:32

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    after the swim yesterday i spent 6 hours cutting concrete, running SWA from the shed into the house to finally get power in the new shed which will be the home for turbo sessions from now on. not an easy job, legs and arms took a beating, so a pretty tired mossym headed out for a run before heading for thomond to watch munster.

    knew i was tired, plus despite my best efforts had swallowed several pounds of concrete dust. pace kept very easy as a result, but hr still crept up a bit. 8.2km, 5:32 pace.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    wow, if legs were tired yesterday they were toast today. good news is i now have power in my shed, so i have a permanent turbo setup, in a cool (temp wise) shed, no more setting it up and taking it down after a session. bad news for a short time at least was that after another day of sds drills and cable running, carrying stuff back and forth, i headed out on my long run and realised my legs were absolutely toast. nothing in them at all. Days work, run yesterday, 4 hours standing at thomond, and on my feet again at 8am this morning and they were telling me it was too much.

    result, one of the slowest LR i have done, 5:45 pace, but at one of the lowest avg hr i think i have ever had for a run, 144. a real slog this one, but it got done

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    If you are ever looking for company on a hard cycle mossym you could come along with us at Nenagh tri club. Sat and Sunday at 8am

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Sunday morning: tired legs, hit the turbo for a long spin, didn't feel like getting out in the wind and rain. We have a new shed/garage, proper garage at last, power and everything. it's my new home for the turbo, means the tri bike can stay on the turbo and not have to be put up and down for sessions. it's also very cool temp wise , it is insulated but no heating, perfect for turbos.

    it's also going to give me the chance to work on my restoration project, the high nelly in the back has been in my family since the 1950's and is being stripped down to be rebuilt as close to new as possible

    anyway, sunday morning was 1:45 easy spinning. nothing strenuous. done while watching star trek first contact

    2600m in the pool, main as 4*200 swim easy, 4*200pb mod. swim 200's on 3:39 to 3:51, pb 200's on 3:22 to 3:31

    30 Min run, very easy done as recovery, 5.4km, 5:33 pace. first headtorch run of the winter. enjoyed it.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    If you are ever looking for company on a hard cycle mossym you could come along with us at Nenagh tri club. Sat and Sunday at 8am

    thanks anita, will see how it fits in with the plan, everything is easy for now anyway. do they accept all comers, not a members only ride?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    mossym wrote: »
    thanks anita, will see how it fits in with the plan, everything is easy for now anyway. do they accept all comers, not a members only ride?

    There is no problem with people coming along for a few spins, we have a few guys from other clubs joining us at the moment. Eventually though if you were coming out every week you would be expected to join.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Tuesday. First ever proper FTP test, unsurprisingly as i only have the PM a couple of months. Had the day off, so this was done in the morning.

    reckon it's pretty accurate. made a rookie mistake in not hitting the lap button before each tt, but lucklily GC provides max 5 min and max 20 min power levels. based on that, 95% puts me at 245w.


    number might be a tad low, legs have been dead for the last few days, so might gain a little on that number, but i'm happy it's pretty close to the real number, so a good basis to get some work done.

    Legs were shot once it was done, were still shaking a couple of hours later. By evening though they had recovered enough that i felt like going for a run. Wasn't in the plan, but it was a nice cool evening, was starting to get dark, and i fancied a run. laced up, headed out. very easy 7km, 5:39 pace(affected somewhat by having to walk twice while waiting to cross traffic), but HR nice and low again. last few runs have the HR much lower than normal, although the pace is much slower as well.

    7km, 39:34, 151avg hr

    legs are tired now..:) but felt like a good day's work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Did you purchase that power meter book we touched on a while back?? I just received mine in the mail today....kind of excited to learn about this mystery toy!!

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Did you purchase that power meter book we touched on a while back?? I just received mine in the mail today....kind of excited to learn about this mystery toy!!

    i did indeed, i think i had it when we were discussing it, or was on the kindle to read at least

    found it very useful. lot of stuff i'd read and knew before but it put it in more context. level of detail i won't use now, how to use it to identify and improve weaknesses in your cycling from your 10 sec sprint to your endurance work. luckily in tri we only need to worry about the longer stuff

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Did you purchase that power meter book we touched on a while back?? I just received mine in the mail today....kind of excited to learn about this mystery toy!!

    I told you to get that a year ago when you got your Vectors!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    tunney wrote: »
    I told you to get that a year ago when you got your Vectors!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?

    I know you did!!!! But this is me....and I'm just now getting around to it. This is going to be the winter of the power meter!!!! I might even post in your power meter club thread, unless there's some sort of secret handshake I don't know about.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    pretty much on baby watch now, due date is in the next 10 days so could be big changes in the house and with training.

    one change for the better will be on the baking side. must be a maternal thing, last few weeks my wife has gone mad baking, buns, cookies, banana bread. all well and good trying to eat healthy but it's near impossible with a conveyor belt of fresh baking. have managed to keep the calorie count neutral so the weight hasn't increased, but it'll be a lot easier when the baking stops for a while. although i do find banana bread is great training fuel.....

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Swim - main set as 7*200 alternating Pb/sw. not a great swim, but then swim has been going well lately and they can't all be good. felt a little lethargic in the water, couldn't get the muscles firing. times reflected this, 200p on 3:30, 200sw on 3:45. they're about 10 secs down on where i would have expected. still though, the last couple of weeks I've been focusing on pulling through to the hip something i wasn't doing well at all before. it's paying dividends, but isn't feeling natural yet, so even these less fluid sessions are helping there.

    2500m total in 51 mins.

    Easy hour spinning, legs still a bit tired from the ftp test/run the day before. working my way through the Star Trek movies on netflix for company. bas as some of the Star Wars movies were, they were still a lot better than star trek. last night was generations, picard and kirk in the same movie.

    one thing i noticed, my cadence seems to be slowing significantly. might start going back up when i get back to interval work, but from high 80's low 90's for most races this season the average recently has been more in the 70's last nights, although only an easy spin, was 67.
    1hr, avg HR 123, with a max of 139. (now thats easy for me ;) )

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Run TT. not done one of these before. 5wu, 5 builds, then 30 mins full blast, lapping at 10 minutes and 20.

    hoped to get this done at lunch, had been in work at 8 for a call, but forgot a towel so no shower so decided to do it after work before i went home as it was dark and the streetlights at work would help.
    i've felt slow recently, like i was pushing runs and no way could i hit the paces i got to earlier in the year, fastest being a 42:54 min PB for 10k at joey hannon, but the best being a 43:30 at kilkee given the hill. so roughly 4:20/km best endurance pace. decided to do this blind without looking at the pace, so time and HR was all i looked at.

    WU and builds were fine. started the 10min, felt good, but knew it would get tougher. by half way through the 20 i was hanging in, and fought to keep the pace going till the end.

    10 mins:4:13 pace, 172HR AVG
    20 Mins: 4:18 pace, 180HR avg

    Strava gives the GAP as 4:16(10 mins) and 4:15(20 mins), so taking the hills out of it pace was pretty consistent.

    Happy with that. don't know could i hold it for another 10 minutes to get to 10k zone, but it was a solid reminder that the pace that was there is still there when needed. just need to improve it now..:)

    10.6km, 48:54 total. 4:36min/km overall

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Friday - Early morning swim. main as 50's drill and 100's swim/pb. Felt good, still working on that pull through on the exit. getting better

    2400 total, 51 minutes

    Straigth home, quick breakfast, and off to Ballyhoura with some mates. A very wet 2 hours, it lashed down on us, absolutely soaked. But a good session.
    25km, 2 hr moving

    Saturday: easy 45 mins spinning on the turbo, followed by a stretch/rolling session. Left hamstring very tight and sore, good bit of work on that, but still an issue i need to watch.

    That was the high point of the day, towards the end of the rolling(around 6pm) my stomach started acting up. Went downhill from there, spent most of the night paying homage at the porcelain shrine. feeling slightly better this morning, tea and toast staying down for now. BUt todays long run ain't going to happen.

    Real pity that, was really looking forward to the long run this weekend, but not to be. Hopefully okay to kick off again tomorrow

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Monday Morning.
    Wasn't feeling 100%, but enough to give the pool a chance. Settled into the rhythm fairly well. 4*150p, 4*100 swim as main, with some fasts and WU/WD. by the last third i was tiring quickly, but given i hadn't eaten properly in 2 days that was no surprise. Energy levels very low. Session got done though. 2400m in 44 mins.

    A stop at the new motorway stop on the M7 for a chocolate milk and a banana helped a lot. decent breakfast at work finished the job.

    Planned on heading out at lunch for a run. went to change, and realised i forgot to bring runners with me. left till evening then, which meant didn't go out till 8. knew it looked cold, so first time producing the running tights and gloves(thanks AKW) this year, and boy was i glad of them. 30 easy minutes. 5:28min/km, 5.6km, 150bpm avg.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Tuesday Bike Interval session on the turbo. WU, some builds, then 3* 6 mins at 110 to 120% of FTP, so aiming for >270w
    Stillnot 100% recovered from the illness, even now, so these were a bit harder than might have been. hit pretty much the numbers i was supposed to. pushed the last one a bit harder.

    Wednesday Morning Swim

    Lot of fist work, then 5*100 best even pace. These were even alright, 5 secs covering the 5, but were a bit slower than could have been.

    2500m total in 52 mins

    Evening Run
    meeting at lunchtime, so this was done in the evening. nice and crisp, cold for the first few minutes, warmed up then.nice run along the river in darkness with the headtorch to light the way. love those runs. HR kept nice and low mostly, really nice run
    8km, 5:14 pace, 150ish bpm

    Meant to be an easy hour spinning. really tough week in work, big presentation today. been working till late at night all week getting material ready. thursday at work i felt awful. almost sick again, and by the time i got home all i wanted to do was sleep. didn't feel right at all, so canned the session and was in bed as soon as the little one went. Good nights sleep helped a lot.

    Early Morning Swim.

    Some fist/kick drills, then some longer swim/pb sets. all easy steady.little caught for time so the 4*50 cool dowm didn't happen. but a decent set.

    2200m in 44mins

    Evening Run
    Again done after work, 15 easy, 15 steady, 10 mod, 5 easy. dark cool evening again, love running in these. 15 easy was fine, 15 steady nice and controlled, 10 mod pushed things. good workout. hit the levels i was meant to pretty much bang on.

    15 easy @ 4:58 Pace, 156HR
    15 steady @ 4:30, 166Hr
    10 Mod @ 4:13, 176 HR
    7:55 easy @ 5:09, 161HR

    47:55 total, 10.1km

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Saturday: Long bike. Wife going in on Monday if doesn't go into labour before that, so this was done on the turbo so i could stay close. 2 hours spinning, little over in total time, bit of an interruption in the middle. did some random periods of higher cadence, but mainly just spun easy, avg hr 122, max 141, ap 154 Np 156.

    Sunday Long Run
    Change in plans meant i ended up heading out for this less than an hour after breakfast, which i wasn't expecting.Felt like i ran with a cannonball in my stomach. also didn't help that i had the concrete boots on running today. just one of those runs which you realise early is going to be a slog and you get on with it

    45 Easy @ 5:28, 156Avg HR
    20 Steady @4:54, 167 Avg HR
    18 Easy @ 5:39, 161 Avg HR

    1:23 total, 15.6km, 5:23 overall.

    The slog of a yang run to friday nights ying .

    not sure what the week going to bring. will fit in what i can. different priorities for a while now though

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Best of luck to your OH. Busy times ahead in your household.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Yes, best of luck. Will be thinking all good thoughts for you and yours.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Monday Morning. Out the door early to get a run in before heading for the hospital. done very easy. 7.7km @5:35 pace. avg hr 148.

    Legs a bit tired after this and the weekend, not the best prep for a day spent standing by a bed, but well worth it in the end, at 6 lbs 2 Hannah arrived into the world at 8.55 on monday night, depsite her big sisters biggest wishes for a brother. (it has since been declared acceptable that it was a girl.

    Tuesday Morning Turbo. managed to get this in before heading for the hospital this morning. warm up, some builds, then 4*5 minutes at ftp +10 to 20. Did this pre food, and nearly all of my turbos are in the evening, so the first one of these was tough to get the legs moving, and i was struggling by the end of it. Next 3 were better as the legs woke up, still tough though.

    50 mins turbo

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    Congrats on the new arrival mossym, hope mom and baby Hannah are doing well, surely the coach will give you a day off to celebrate:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Welcome, Hannah!!!! Congrats, mossym and family!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Congrats on the little girl!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Congrats and best wishes!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Hannah is a fantastic name:)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Thanks all ;)
    Hannah is a fantastic

    Indeed it is. ;) must be something about tri that makes that name appeal to dads (although in fairness my wife picked this one, I picked Rachel for her big sister)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    mossym wrote: »
    Thanks all ;)

    Indeed it is. ;) must be something about tri that makes that name appeal to dads (although in fairness my wife picked this one, I picked Rachel for her big sister)

    And the funny thing is my Rachel has a best friend Hannah :)
