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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Monday AM: Swim, very easy. lots of PB work to leave the legs alone. Even with the PB was sluggish, took it nice and easy and just tried to keep the stroke steady throughout. total of 1800m in 38 mins

    MOnday Evening. Hour of core(plans and side planks mainly), stretching and some rolling

    Tuesday. Plan only had an easy bike, but felt like a run. so headed out at luncthime for a very easy 30 mins, stuck to a usual route, ignored the pace and kept an eye on the HR. 6.15km in 32:56, 5:21min/km pace, 147avg hr

    Evening Bike: Easy 45 mins. Nothing more nothing less. 166NP

    Wednesday Morning Swim, TT Time

    If you had asked me in advance i would have said my last test was jsut before xmas, it was Oct. been hectic since with teh new baby, swim did fall away a bit with reduced consistency, but i've been swimming well lately so i'd hopes of being back to where i was in Oct. would have been happy with those times, which were
    mossym wrote: »

    happy out then to touch the wall in 6:30 today. 22 seconds off last weeks time. even better, found out this week that the pool i thought was 17m, was actually 17.5, meaning what i thought was 408m, was actually 420, or i did a length too much. last length was 17.6, so for the 402.5 it comes in at 6:12.

    i had intended getting to the 50m for this but my wife had to go home for the night for a funeral so getting to UL just didn't work. So up early, have to get the one lane that's in the pool, or else find a spot int eh rest of the pool which is free for all. The storms over night were enough to keep people away, so only 3 swimmers in the pool this morning.

    So got my lane, did my warm up. and some builds. Garmin acting up, times are right but the distances are way off. think i figured out that it was coming in range of my phone every time i got to the shallow end and in reconnecting the bluetooth was ignoring the accelerometer signalling a length done.

    Anyway, not to worry, just meant i needed to keep a proper count of the 400m, and not rely on the garmin. Off i went on the 400, out hard and hope to hold it.

    Normally you can break the 400 down into 4 sections over the 4*100's. little different in a 17.5m pool but still usually break it down into 4* 3 laps, each lap being 105M. today was different though, i was counting them off, but it jsut felt like one big effort. there was no picking up pace on the third or trying to hold on for the fourth. i counted the 11th lap, then jsut pushed with everything for the last lap up and down.

    the 12 laps came in on 6:17 for 420m. if i strip out one length to get it down to 402.5 it comes in at about 6:02. given it's a short pool i'll stick with the 6:17 for my 100m time.

    So after a definite drop off in Nov/early December, have gotten it back to where it was and a bit more, 13 second off the time in Oct.

    100m TT done after that came in as 1:27. few easy lengths to cool down, and done. Steam room and shave. happy with that mornings work. ravenous after it though..:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    i'll stick with the 6:17 for my 100m time

    Well done Mossy, that's a good time there! And if your anything like me swimming in a shorter pool my times are a bit slower than a 25m, I turn like a barge. How did you find the pacing? When I'm fit in the water I find sometimes you can get the first 100m for 'free' (seems a lot easier than the pace you are swimming) but push too hard and you pay for it at the end. Any goal times in mind for the race season?

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    joey100 wrote: »
    Well done Mossy, that's a good time there! And if your anything like me swimming in a shorter pool my times are a bit slower than a 25m, I turn like a barge. How did you find the pacing? When I'm fit in the water I find sometimes you can get the first 100m for 'free' (seems a lot easier than the pace you are swimming) but push too hard and you pay for it at the end. Any goal times in mind for the race season?

    the pacing was the bit that got me, as i said usually i can break it down into the 100's, go out a bit hard on the first, (the freebie as you said), then back off a little on the second, start to fight to hold that on the third, and just suffer holding on the fourth. today though, must still have been half asleep, (savage wind down here last night, trees down and everything, not much sleep got), just seem to hit a pace and churn the lengths out.

    the only goal times i have are to knock a few minutes off the 1900m time if i can. that's pretty much in line with the goal to knock a few off the 85km bike, and the 21km run as well...:)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    oh yeah, and i'm with you Joey, turn like a barge. you do get the push off the wall, but i try to make an effort not to push hard so i reckon there is some negation of the benefits of the shorter pool. when i tack on the extra 20m i'm hoping it averages out.

    might give it a shot in the 50m over the next few weeks, even unplanned, just to compare

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Wednesday evening run. i love running in the cold. something enjoyable about being wrapped up, nice and warm but you can still feel the cold. add rain and wind into the mix though and it's a different story. it can get miserable, and that's what last night was .Miserable. howling wind, lashing rain,and brutally cold. horizontal rain, awful headwinds, it had it all. so it wasn't a time to worry about paces, just keep the run nice and easy, an eye on the HR, and enjoy as much as possible. sounds easier than it was, would turn a corner, and HR would go up 10bpm with the wind.

    6.3km in 34:09, 149 avg hr. 5:23 pace

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Had a similar run yesterday, it was a Fartlek run and i was flying in the first half running a 20min 5k with most being easy, then i turned and met that wall. No hiding from it along the coast either so it was like 2 completely different runs. Pace went out by about 30-40s/km for the same effort

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Thursday - FTP test
    Had been expecting this, and as soon as i saw the swim TT in the plan on wednesday i had a feeling what Thursday would bring even before i looked.

    Spent the day knowing the evening was going to hurt, got home and the wife heading out for a run, so did this when she got back. 10 min WU, builds, then into the 5 minute TT. 5 min power came in at 318. 10 minutes easy, then into the 20 mins. started a little high, had to drop it a little after a few minutes by then did my best to hold it. dropped a little around 3/4 the way through, but pushed it again for the finish.

    20 minute power at 280, giving 95% at 266, up from 245 in oct. given new baby, and the bike taking a bit of a back seat to running for the last couple of months, i'm happy enough with that. going to make the intervals that bit harder for a while again..:)

    5 mins easy to finish. legs are still shaking 2 hours later.

    55 mins, AP 216, NP 245.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    Nicely done Mossy. Yep time to shift that target out a bit. 275??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Thats great progress in a short time mossy, well done. Reading back over your log, it looks like you harder sessions lately have been the run ones- do you reckon the solid running fed into this FTP test?

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Thats great progress in a short time mossy, well done. Reading back over your log, it looks like you harder sessions lately have been the run ones- do you reckon the solid running fed into this FTP test?

    they definitely helped with the ability to suffer that's for sure. ftp tests are a bast^%d, but the last couple of 10k's and the really fast(for me) interval sessions leading up to them have been as tough, in a slightly different way.

    it's a little strange. my overall run volume, especially over december is way up, but the long runs have suffered a bit. lots of shorter easy runs, so you'd be thinking aerobic base work, but then there has been a lot of quite pointed sessions focused on speed, so definitely anaerobic. definitely think the mix helped with the cardiovascular system for this test, but what bike work that did get done was what pushed the watts

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Morning Swim. Due to work/family stuff, i was tight for time on this. Was at the door of the pool when it opened at 6.50, straight into the water intending to get as much done before i had to get out of the water at 7.35.

    WU, some decending 50's, then some 10's alternating fast/easy, with emphasis in the plan on the fasts being fasts. 100 fast on 1:33, 1:31, 1:31, 1:32, 1:30, 1;34, easys on 1:42 to 1:45. 1:28 was the 100 tt on wednesday, so satisfied they meet the fast requirement. by the time i was through the 12*100 time was up, so the fast 50's and the wd were foreseaken.
    2100m in 40 minutes

    evening run
    30 mins easy after work. I live at the top of a hill, so any run from home i run down, do the bones of the session on the flat, then run back up. I always go easy down, HR low, hold the effort on the flat, then have to slow on the way back up. probably the right way.

    tonight though, even though i knew the legs were still feeling the test last night a little, i decided heading out the door to push the downhill. so kicked straight into a nice fast pace,4:20 to 4:30, but with the hill the hr stayed low, under 150, which is nice and easy for me. got off the hill and decided to bleed off the speed as the Hr went up, bus although i slowed a little, the HR didn't shoot up like i expected for the pace. was still holding a nice steady 4:40 pace, the hr creeped up into the 150's but still within my easy zone. kept holding the pace, even in spite of some strong head winds. finally bled off the pace when i headed back up the hill for home. low 5:00 now, and home. happy with that, pave averaged out at 4:50, but was holding much better than that on the flat while well within my easy zone. if only every run was like that

    30:29, 6.31km, 4:50min/km, 155 avg

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Saturday:3 hour ride, hour@ 55 to 70%, then into 3*20@ 85% 10 easy, 30 easy

    Disaster from the start, planned to get up at 6 and have this wrapped by the time family was getting up. Was convinced by SWMBO to leave it till the afternoon when there was a play date planned. No bother, can do that.

    so around 2.30 i get on the bike. hardly 20 mins gone, phone rings. My father is a fitter by trade, and had volunteered to make a new bench for me for my new shed. call is to say it's on the trailer and on the way. so i get to 30 minutes, pause the clock, hop off, and spend the next 30 to 40 minutes moving stuff and then lifting in the bench when he arrived. when that was done hopped back on the bike and started up again, but now tight for time.

    did the other 30 minutes, so did my first hour with a 40 minute gap in the middle, but then kicked into the real meat. 3*20 aiming at 226. Didn't think these would be too bad, but they were a hell of a lot tougher than i expected. especially by the time i got to the third. it was an effort to keep going. legs just felt tired.

    numbers came out as

    First hour @ 171NP/169AP, avg hr 122
    20mins @ 225NP/225AP, avg hr143
    10mins @ 144NP/139AP avg HR128
    20mins @ 224NP/224AP, avg hr 147
    10 mins @ 145NP/140AP avg HR 128
    20mins @ 225NP/226AP, avg hr 146
    10 mins @ 148NP/139AP, avg hr 130

    still had 30 minutes left to do, but with a business trip first thing in the morning, and packing and family time required, i just didn't have it. so the session finished 30 minutes early, hate that but has to be done sometimes.

    overall. 2:30, 132avg HR, 184AP/194NP. Legs tired afterwards.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    In the US with work this week. Starting in Colorado till wednesday. So sunday was a wash with travelling, planned on something east when we got to the hotel, but a 4 hour delay in heathrow meant it was bed i headed for.

    Time zones meant i was awake at 3 am Monday morning and on the treadmill before 6. Longmont is at 1600m elevation, and the air is very very dry. it was also in the negative's temp wise outside, which i expected, so treadmill it was. last time i used a treadmill the pace estimator on the garmin worked fine, this time it was way off. i set the treadmill at just over 8min miles(stupid imperial units), aiming for low 5 min km's, and while i know treadmills can be well off i knew from feel it was around the right pace, it was somewhere under 5:30min km's anyway. watch was telling me i was doing 6:30 min/km, which i knew was way off. Anyway, 35 mins at somewhere around 5:20 pace, just over 6km or so, heart rate a little high, high 150's.

    Tueday Morning:
    Better nights sleep, back on the treadmill at 6. another 35 mins session, easy again, watch a bit closer this time but still high, reading 5:34min/km. another 6.5km or so.

    going to be all running till i get home thursday next week. Some nice variations though which i'm looking forward to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Welcome to the states!!!! :)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Welcome to the states!!!! :)

    it's not a very welcoming host at the moment :). snowed in colorado, and heading to boston sunday evening and it looks like the place shutting down with another snow storm hitting. brief interlude of warm weather for a few days in california

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Wednesday: treadmill again. 20 easy, 15 steady, 10 mod, 5 easy. Done early AM, as in 5am or so. felt grand, HR nicely in the right zones, although the garmin was reading too low a pace again

    50 mins, 10km.

    Thursday. Something new for me, been reading Dory's double run day exploits, today i did my first one

    morning run : 30 mins easy, now in California and the weather good enough to run outside. easy at 5:09 pace.

    evening run: 40 mins easy with 5 20 sec efforts. legs felt a bit off at the start, but loosened up as i went along. retraced my path from the morning, but went a bit further. builds done at the halfway point, and back to the hotel with 8km in 40 mins, 4:58 pace

    think i like double run days

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    ^^^^^ :D

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    What a weekend. for all sorts of reasons

    Friday. Wasn't looking forward to this all week. 300 mile drive for a meeting at Midday. 3 hour meeting. Drop work colleague to airport. then drive back 300 miles solo. 8 hours driving. 3 hour meeting. long day. Plus at the airport when we arrived they had no intermediate cars, so we ended up with an economy. 600 miles in something that looked like a suzuki vitara and drove like a go kart. ouch.

    Up at silly o clock then to get a run in, supposed to be 45 mins but pushed for time it was on the treadmill and limited to 30. set the treadmill for 5 min/km, and rattled off 6km. legs were tired after double run Thursday. Felt fine after doing it. but on the drive down my hamstrings/glutes started acting up really bad. tight and very sore, they didn't like 4 hours in an uncomfortable car. by the drive home they were in bits. as was my back. someone replaced my spine with a rod of hot steel. to make things worse, California in a drought, no rain for ages, and on the way back up it finally decided to rain, absolute deluge onto solid concrete roads so the water pooled immediately, and the little sh^theap of a car exhibited it's love for aquaplaning at the slightest invitation.

    by the time i parked up i was in bits. body felt like i had been a testing bed for a steam roller.

    Body still not right when i woke, so left the run session till the afternoon, in fact as late as i could while still having daylight to run outside. plan was for a 10 min WU, then 5 * 1k @ 5km pace, 1km easy. recent fastest 5km was 19:30, so decided to aim for under 3:54 pace . Back was sorer from friday than the legs, for the WU i doubted how well the body would hold up to the intervals. Still, fail trying, not thinking. so kicked off into the intervals. went okay actually, last couple were tough alright, but they came in as 3:50, 3:48, 3:50, 3:52, 3:52. Happy enough with that. easy jog back to the hotel, coming in as 13.4km, 1:03 time, 4:45 pace, 164 avg hr

    Supposed to be flying to Boston. needed to be dropping off the car before 8.30. so alarm at 5.30. down to the treadmill, set it for 5 min km's, checked a few times with teh watch i was holding that pace but the watch was fluctuating slower. Anyway. 70 mins at 5min kms for 14km total. plan had been for at least an hour and up to 90 minutes, so in that window.

    A full weeks running, 70km all in. highest ever run volume. hopefully some nice gains made.

    got to the airport, supposed to be going to Boston. all flgihts to boston cancelled, snow storm. No flights till tuesday, leaving me going to Boston for less than a day, and sitting in the bay area for 2 days for nothing. also, main meeting i was going for was on Monday and would have missed it Quick call to the travel company, and i'm on a flight into Dublin this evening. Home 3 days early. Pity not to make the meeting, but not complaining about getting home either

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Got home monday evening. nothing done

    Lunchtime run, easy 40 minutes. just stretching the legs, 5:28 pace, 145 avg hr. felt good, felt as easy as it was. 6.93km.

    Evening Turbo, 45 mins easy spinning, no HR, no computer, just spinning.

    Morning Swim. 2300m total, main as 14*100 alt fast easy. Always amazed at how quickly you lose the feel for the water. jsust didn't feel smooth in the water. times were okay, fasts were 1:32 to 1:34. few more swims needed to get the feel back

    Evening Run: not going to get my long run in at the weekend, so it was put in the plan for tonight, done after work. Probably because i usually do it the day after my long spin, when legs are tired, but this felt really good. holding < 5:10 pace for the first hour or so, and feeling like it was an easy effort. just short of an hour my headtorch died, had to do the rest in the dark with no light, so got back into the town and tried to stick to badly lit roads, which was something. last 20 mins slipped to 5:16 pace, factoring in the uphill home. happy with this run, best long run in a while

    90 minutes, 17.3km, 5:12min/km, 157 avg hr

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    mossym wrote: »
    Got home monday evening. nothing done

    Lunchtime run, easy 40 minutes. just stretching the legs, 5:28 pace, 145 avg hr. felt good, felt as easy as it was. 6.93km.

    Evening Turbo, 45 mins easy spinning, no HR, no computer, just spinning.

    Morning Swim. 2300m total, main as 14*100 alt fast easy. Always amazed at how quickly you lose the feel for the water. jsust didn't feel smooth in the water. times were okay, fasts were 1:32 to 1:34. few more swims needed to get the feel back

    Evening Run: not going to get my long run in at the weekend, so it was put in the plan for tonight, done after work. Probably because i usually do it the day after my long spin, when legs are tired, but this felt really good. holding < 5:10 pace for the first hour or so, and feeling like it was an easy effort. just short of an hour my headtorch died, had to do the rest in the dark with no light, so got back into the town and tried to stick to badly lit roads, which was something. last 20 mins slipped to 5:16 pace, factoring in the uphill home. happy with this run, best long run in a while

    90 minutes, 17.3km, 5:12min/km, 157 avg hr

    mid week runs are the way I like to do it

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Thursday Evening Turbo
    5* (5 @100%, 2 easy). 55 min total. Easier session on paper than it turned out to be, learnt quite a bit this week on accumulated fatigue. Normally have a swim and short run day before my intervals, this week was my long run, which made the intervals a different proposition entirely, legs feeling it from the off. Target was 266 for the 5 minute ons, came in as 268,267, 267, 269, 271 AP for the 5 mins. Happy enough with that, last 2 felt like a struggle so pushed even harder for those.

    Overall, 55 mins, Ap 213, Np 234, avg HR 152

    Friday morning Swim
    Due to child minder drop offs i have less time some Friday mornings, today was one of them. Plan was for a 10x50p as 25 fist, 25p fast, 4x200 mod hard on 4, 4x50 fast on 60, with a wu/wd. I knew I wouldn’t get the whole lot in, so set off to see what I could do. Got as far as getting the 4*200 done, did a quick 200p wd and finished up, so about 300m short of what was prescribed.

    Felt better than Wednesday, but again felt tired, sleep patterns only getting back to normal after the trip, and the last two days have been solid training days, so body feeling it. 200’s were on 3:20, 3:20, 3:15, 3:22. Last two were a fight in fairness, but happy enough with those times given how it felt.

    Overall 2000m in 40 mins

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    mah, just put a DNS on this weekend.

    Friday evening: run, 10 easy, 10 steady, then 5* (1@4 mile pace/2 easy)

    10 easy @ 4:54 pace, 146 HR, mainly downhill, but this felt ultra easy
    10 steady @ 4:24, 164 hr, again feeling good
    then the intervals, the 1 mins were @ 3:47, 3:51, 3:46, 3:47, 3:41 pace. too short for HR to kick in, although the last one got to 171 the rest were all in the 160 zone, easys done nice and slow, letting the hr get down into the easy zone again

    overall 8.8km in 42:02 for 4:48min/km pace, 157 avg HR. happy with how the pace is going, still work to be done and not where i want/need to be but definite progress

    that was the high point. went out with the missus for wine and some pizza at the local italian wine shop/deli. by midnight she was complaining of not feeling well. oh-oh. little one had been sick on thursday with vomiting bug, had hoped we'd miss it. didn't look like it. Wife up sick all night, but saturday morning dawned and i still felt fine. planned early escape for 3 hours on the bike didn;t happen as i was on child minding duties. she felt better by mid morning, but i'd missed my bike window for the morning, as had some help arriving to deal with some damage resulting from a fire that happened while in the US(Long story, bins up on fire, lots of melted external pipework needed replacing). so queue 4 hours of running pipes and mixing concrete/relaying paths. plan was to get on the bike afterwards

    by 2 hours in though i knew i wasn't escaping the bug. hit big time just as i finished, and i spent the rest of the evening doing intervals between the couch and the toilet. bike scuppered

    Sunday i was supposed to be doing my first race with the local AC that I've just joined, Clare county 4 mile. Sunday morning though knew it wasn't going to happen, better but weak and still not right. real pity as the guys took the silver in the novice category.

    PITA of a weekend, but you have to accept these things with young kids in the house. only thing left to do is hope the 3 month old doesn't get it

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    mossym wrote: »
    mah, just put a DNS on this weekend.

    Friday evening: run, 10 easy, 10 steady, then 5* (1@4 mile pace/2 easy)

    10 easy @ 4:54 pace, 146 HR, mainly downhill, but this felt ultra easy
    10 steady @ 4:24, 164 hr, again feeling good
    then the intervals, the 1 mins were @ 3:47, 3:51, 3:46, 3:47, 3:41 pace. too short for HR to kick in, although the last one got to 171 the rest were all in the 160 zone, easys done nice and slow, letting the hr get down into the easy zone again

    overall 8.8km in 42:02 for 4:48min/km pace, 157 avg HR. happy with how the pace is going, still work to be done and not where i want/need to be but definite progress

    that was the high point. went out with the missus for wine and some pizza at the local italian wine shop/deli. by midnight she was complaining of not feeling well. oh-oh. little one had been sick on thursday with vomiting bug, had hoped we'd miss it. didn't look like it. Wife up sick all night, but saturday morning dawned and i still felt fine. planned early escape for 3 hours on the bike didn;t happen as i was on child minding duties. she felt better by mid morning, but i'd missed my bike window for the morning, as had some help arriving to deal with some damage resulting from a fire that happened while in the US(Long story, bins up on fire, lots of melted external pipework needed replacing). so queue 4 hours of running pipes and mixing concrete/relaying paths. plan was to get on the bike afterwards

    by 2 hours in though i knew i wasn't escaping the bug. hit big time just as i finished, and i spent the rest of the evening doing intervals between the couch and the toilet. bike scuppered

    Sunday i was supposed to be doing my first race with the local AC that I've just joined, Clare county 4 mile. Sunday morning though knew it wasn't going to happen, better but weak and still not right. real pity as the guys took the silver in the novice category.

    PITA of a weekend, but you have to accept these things with young kids in the house. only thing left to do is hope the 3 month old doesn't get it

    Fingers crossed on the littlest one. That is an issue if they get it.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Swim:pretty mixed session, different drills, mix of 50s. felt okay, definitely not back to 100%. 2000m in 44 mins

    Lunchtime run. Debated canning this, but decided to go for it and keep it easy. headed out with a work collegue, both of us saying an easy run would suit. After a couple of kms the pace had dropped under 5.30, which was too slow for me, but he was finding even that tough. so took off on my own, settled into what felt a really nice easy pace, which was somewhere in the 4:5x range. felt good, running strong, did get a bit tired towards the end but the pace stayed steady

    overall, 5:08 pace, 9.22km, 47:19 time, 151 avg hr.

    Tuesday Intervals
    Bike has been a bit light recently with the travel, so had a feeling this would be tough. 5*5@120, based off current FTP had me targeting 319. Minute i started i knew this was a big ask. even the easy warm up was a bit of a push. got to the first interval, and it was all i could do to hold the target. By the time i got to the second i couldn't hold the target, and it dropped off further on each one. five intervals came in as 320, 307, 297, 289, 285. Just didn't have tit in me, the weekend of being ill obviously took more out of me than i thought. thought this session should have been okay

    55 mins, 253NP

    Wednesday Swim:WU, main as 8*(150 steady into 50 fast). tougher than it looked. the 200's came in on the low 3:20's, might even have been one under the 3:20 mark. total swim was 2800m, and by the end i was hanging on.

    2800m in 57 mins

    Lunchtime Run
    headed out with a different work collegue this time, woman who's taking a break from competitive running, a real pointy end runner, 2nd in GLR, BQ class. for now though she just wants to run for fun, so my slow plodding is perfect. even though i was doing some intervals she was happy to tag along. plan was for 20 easy, 10*( 1 above race pace/1 easy), 5 easy, with RP being pace for the Limerick Duathlon on Sunday

    First 20 min Easy was 5:08. kicked into the intervals, aiming for sub 4 on each one. Happy out with how these went, felt like i was hitting the target pace without pushing too hard. got through the first few, was asked how many gone, was it 7, did a quick count and said 6, so 4 more. turns out it was 7, so ended up doing 11. pace for the 11 were 3:53, 3:56, 3:51, 3:43, 4, 4:01, 3:53, 3:54, 3:50, 4:01 and 3:56. 5 mins cool down

    very happy with this run, as well as i've run in a while

    overall, 9.85km in 46:36, 4:44 pace. no hr, forgot the strap. pity, as would have been interesting to see what the 920 made of my vo2 max after this

    Had a couple of days off as the kids are on midterm. took advantage and got out for a long spin Thursday. 3 hours, 87km. first time cycling outside in weeks. first time on road bike in the same timeframe. felt it, different position had the back a little sore/stiff. bit of knee pain after an hour too, something to keep an eye on. f&^king wind was awful, i call this route the 3 counties as it goes through clare into limerick, and home via tipp. a good hour of this, if not more, is pretty much due south, meaning today it was a strong headwind, on what is the lumpiest part of the ride. much tougher cycle than it should have been as a result. still though good to be out. not happy with the knee though. something about the week before the Limerick Duathlon, knee issues this time last year as well. also more evidence not recovered, took a bit more out than i would have expected

    Swim only. main as 10* 50 fist/hard, 4* 200 mod hard. Best swim of the week, tempo was better, felt smoother in the water. 2500m all in. 48 mins.

    Home then to the two little ladies. Wife was off to a wedding, so it was me and the two little ones for the rest of friday/most of saturday. 100% sure by now i wasn't over the illness. either that or i had another one, as i was feeling like total cr%p . no energy, stomach cramps. little appetite. still though, wasn't ill like last weekend, and me and the little two had a blast together

    Wife home early afternoon. Spent the first part of the afternoon putting the bike together for the Limerick duathlon which is on tomorrow. Race wheels back on the tri bike. behind the saddle bottle cage was still on from lost sheep, so stripped it off. got it all ready to go, and got 75% through cleaning the road bike.

    Headed out for a run then before it got dark. Same session as Wednesday with the intervals being a little slower. still felling off, pretty much the same as friday. was obvious in the session as well, much harder than wednesday. paces were typically in the 3:56 to 3:58 range, one misjudged one jsut over the 4:00 mark. got the intervals done and easy home

    10km in 49:26, 4:56 pace, avg hr of 156 which is wrong as the hr was measuring way too high for the first 5 mins. settled after that.

    Stomach still not right now. not sure how this race will go, but we'll give it a shot and see

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    best of luck tomorrow, its a fast course so id expect you to go well if you are feeling well, hope the rain stays away

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    woke this morning to the sound of rain lashing the windows, winds howling. I was in mixed minds about this race anyway, wasn't feeling the love to be honest. That, coupled with still not feeling right made it so tempting to turn over and go back to sleep. BUt Hannah was stirring, needed a bottle, so that got me out of bed and once i was up i felt a bit better about doing it

    That positivity was almost wiped out when i parked at the race in a field of mud. rain pouring down, cold. really miserable conditions. looked like LTC were trying to turn it into a full blown tri with a forced swim. Jumped in the queue to register, fec^ing hell that's a lto of go tri folks. got my number, back to the car to get the bike. was tron between having dry shoes at the end of each leg or speed, decided on speed so clipped the shoes into teh pedals and racked the bike. so much easier to prep for a duathlon than a tri.

    back to teh car, strip down to race gear. 15 mimutes before the brief off for a run. nack for the brief, nothing new. one mention of water out to the middle of the road in places. Super. looking around. strong enough field, couple there i didn't expect.

    Line up at the start, met trig1. shot the breeze. time ticking down. back a bit farther from the front than i would have liked. lots of go tri folk in front of me who look like slow starters, but the gun goes and we're off. looks were right, crowd in front of me are slowing to avoid puddles. a roar at them to run through the fuc*ing things and i force my way through. Nice downhill to start, gets the leg moving. into a steep hill then, but running strong. going to try to stick around the 4min/km mark or just over. up the hill on pace, down the other side to the turnaround. tight enough and things are crowded, slowed a little. headed for home, holding pace, picking off a few at this stage, the guys that went out too strong. back up the hill into transition.

    time 13:26, 4:02 min/km, 41st overall, 11th in AG

    out on the bike. feet got soaked on the run anyway so made the right call to clip in before hand. got feet in nice and quickly. started to push. uphill all the way out, downhill all the way back. strong headwind as well on way out. Nice. still pouring rain. started to pick people off, think one or two went past me but not a lot. happy enough with the steeper bits, the lads that passed me i sailed past up the hill. heading for the turnaround i started to count when the leaders passed, figured 30 or so ahead. coming up to the turnaround the stomach had it's final say for the day, and ensured i made the return trip a little lighter than i made the outbound. no-one behind me though so no-one had to wear it. Turned for home, now downhill, tailwind, so speed went up. pushed now, picked off a few more. one lad went past me, and i decided i'd hold the legal gap back from him all the way in. did it, we past a couple more, then up the hill back into t2.

    25:03, 25th overall, 7th in AG. 262NP (but didn't look at power all the way around, was doing this one by feel today)

    Feet were numb in t2, couldn't get them back into wet cold shoes. finally did. Mr Go tri who cme into t2 a couple ahead of me decided to break the rules and go under the bars rather than around transition, decided there and then i was beating him home at least. legs felt a little rubbery, but that passed within the first few hundred metres. took mr cheat from go tri soon afterwards, happy enough to leave him huffing and puffing. aiming to hold a slightly faster pace than the first leg if possible. hill was a lot harder this time, sucking in air as much as possible but lungs hurting. bit of a gap to a group of about 3 or 4 ahead, wasn't sure i;d catch them. held the pace though, and within a hundred metres either side of the turnaround i passed them all. next guy was a good bit up the road. tried to push a bit harder to reel him in, but never seemed to gain on him. with about a km left i looked back, nothing too close, but kept the pace high, not dropping a spot now. up the hill towards the finish, another look to make sure no-one was going to sprint past me last thing, and across the line.

    13:35, 4:04 min/km, 21st overall, 7th in AG

    no idea where i was really, hoped for somewhere around the top 30. only one person went past me on the last run, the guy i had tailed for the last km of the bike.

    OVerall: 53:29, 26th overall, 6th in AG

    got the breath back. chatted with a few, met trig after he finished, for a guy not running well he put in a hell of a time. Changed, got the bike in the car, went up for a coffee, stuck around for the prize giving, more becuase it started while i was still finishing the coffee/chatting. heard a familiar namre called in the top 3, realised it was our own zico. introduced myself, nice to meet you zico, bit of a chat, and left for home. 2 hours later sitting in Shannon Airport on my way to sweden for work. No rest for the wicked. unfortunately the schedule leaves no training time, so i'm on an enforced break till i get back wednesday.

    for a race i wasn't sure about doing, it served as a nice change from training, a goo chance to stretch the legs with a brick, and a nice guage of where i am. in retrospect should have pushed more on the bike, will use the available tools next time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭viperlogic

    Great report Mossy. It certainly was a horrible day. Running in wet heavy shoes was a killer for me after the cycle leg. Legs were like lead. Also, running through that mud near transition was lethal I found going down the hill. All in all, happy out with 23rd and 3rd in AG for my first proper duathlon.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Monday and tuesday were off. wasn't happy about missing two days, as the last few weeks have been bad for training with work travel. However, the two days were just what was needed. Finally gave me a chance to kill whatever bug I had, and by Wednesday morning I was feeling 100% for the first time in 10 days

    Wednesday Morning Swim
    Easier Session, perfect after spending two hectic days in Europe. Swim/pb Pyramid, 100, 200, 300 400 and back down. While the session was ideal, my form wasn’t, felt like I was fighting the water the whole way through. Never found a proper rhythm the whole way through. Far from what you would call smooth, and the times were abit down as well. Just one of those days. 2000m in 38mins

    Lunchtime Run
    Headed out with someone from work. Couldn’t find my HR strap after the race on Sunday, knew it was at home somewhere but decided to do this off RPE instead. Turned out I probably went a bit too hard on this, by the end the effort was a little above what I’d call easy, breathing a bit harder than normal, but not by a lot and without HR tough to tell. Anyway, it got stretched out a bit from the plan as well, from 45 mins to 58 mins, and came in at 11.9km in 58 mins. 4:55 pace

    HR Strap safely located last night.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Thursday Evening Turbo
    Struggled big time on the bike last week. couldn't hold the watts at all. so was eager to get back into intervals and set the record straight. aim for 5* 5 mins @ 292W with 2 recovery.

    5 came in as 297, 303, 298, 298, 296. Happy to be hitting the targets again.fairly sure i know next weeks session already..:)

    55 mins, 255NP, 145 avg HR

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Friday morning swim
    one of those sessions that looked okay,but turned out to be a real toughie. WU, 4*50 fast, 8*200 off 4, and 4*50 fast to warp up before the wd.

    first 50's were on 43, 45, 44 and 45. then into the 200's. Still not feeling the water at the moment. there was one 200 in the middle where i thought it was coming together but then i lost it again. by the last couple i was fighting to hold it. 200's came in on 3:24, 3:23, 3:27,3:18, 3:22, 3:24, 3:29, 3:28.

    fast 50's then, interested to see how they would compare after the 200's. not a lot left in the tank. 44, 46, 48 and 48, so there was a fall off. not too bad though i guess

    2700m in 56 mins

    Evening Run
    one session stood out in the plan this week, minute i saw it i was eyeing it. 5*3 at sub 4 pace had handed me my ass every time i had done it, couldn't hold the sessions. Early in january i failed miserably at 3:45 pace off 2 mins recovery, and the following week at 3:55 off 2 mins recovery i did a bit better, but still couldn't hit the numbers, last couple were at 4:05 and 4:10

    so when i spotted 5*3 @3:55 i knew this would be a toughie. feel like i am running better at the moment, so was feeling better about it, but it was only as i headed out, i realised the plan said 1 min recovery. not the 2 i had before. just got a bit tougher. anyway, 20 mins WU, then into the intervals. Did these down the local park along the river, had worked well the last few weeks for intervals. realised as i started these though that at 3 mins i was going to have to make several sharp turns, and a u turn at the end as i'd cover the length in less than 3 mins. had a really strong head wind in one direction, was a fight to hold the pace, where as going the other was so much easier. however i managed it i did most of leg 1, 2 and 5 into the wind, only getting the advantage for 3 and 4.

    First one was okay, 3:53min/km. second and third were at 3:55, 3:53. getting tough now. fourth was at 3:53. finally got to the last one, struggling with pace now. was holding the right pace, but seemed to end up having to make every turn possible, and encountered some walkers jsut towards the end which pushed me onto a grass strip for the last 30 seconds, rather than have to stop behind them, which dropped the pace a bit. the last came in at 4min/km, which i'm disappointed with as the numbers don't meet the plan, but on a different stretch of road it would have come in so will take that.

    That's a nice improvement inteh last 6 weeks, not holding the 3's off 2 mins recovery to hitting them off 1. might be something to this training after all:)

    10.02km in 47mins, 163bpm avg hr, 4:46 pace average
