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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Saturday: Long Spin
    Christening the little one tomorrow. hectic day in store, wasn't going to get out first thing, and the forecast was for a storm to hit in the afternoon, so i decided on turbo. as it turned out, i started while the weather was okay, making me regret it, but half way through the wind kicked up severely and i knew i made the right call

    First hour as easy went okay. legs were tired after a few big sessions in the last few days. could feel them protest, and knowing there was some work to do after the hour i kept this easy. Then into 3*20mins @270w, 10 easy. first of these was a struggle, making me question could i hold the second two. the little voice in the back of my head was saying can't do this, legs are tired, drop the target a bit. but the other voice kicked in and said suffer through it and see what you can do. so the second and third were a scrap, fighting to hold the level, and for the most part i did. slight drop off, but close enough that i'm happy. three 20 minute intervals came in as 273, 268, 264 AP. After the last one, it was 40 minutes of easy, holding 160w+ to bring it up to the 3 hour mark

    tough session, legs are feeling a few tough sessions in the last few days. long run early am tomorrow morning and i'll feel i've earned a reward at the christening.

    3 Hour total, 195 AP, 216NP, 140bpm avg.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Sunday Morning Long Run
    Christening today, so this had to be done early. got up and it was dry, but while getting dressed the heavens opened. quick look at the rainfall radar showed a band of rain all teh way from tipp back to west clare and down over kerry. no chance of that clearing, so out i went

    it could have been the wettest run i've ever done. there was puddles an inch or two deep in places, i was soaked to the bone within minutes. even my gloves, i could close my fists and wring water from them. it was totally miserable.

    on the run side, i knew the minute i started running that legs were tired. couldn't get them going at all. pretty much just plodded around the whole way, ignored pace ad watched the HR. first hour went past with just the sound of splashing and soggy shoes. piked up the pace bit for the end of the hour. last half an hour was miserable, just trudging through water everywhere. last drag up the hill and home was a soggy wet mess, with tired legs, empty stomach rumbling, cold hands.

    home, and into a very welcome hot shower after 17.1km in 90 minutes, 5:16 pace overall,151 avg hr

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Unexpected day off Monday.

    Tuesday Turbo
    plan for WU, then 3*10 minutes @ FTP with 5 recovery.
    The warm up was just that, the shed was absolutely freezing, i had just about stopped shivering by the end of the 10 minute WU and the 5 mins of builds were very welcome.
    aiming for 266 on the 10 min intervals, came in as 273, 272, 277 AP, 271, 271, 275 NP. Mission accomplished. was well warmed up by the end of these, but a sign of the cold in the shed i was shivering again by the time the warm down was done .

    overall 237NP for 1:05, 145bpm average.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Wednesday morning swim
    WU, some balance drills, then 10*100 best steady effort. not a huge fan of balance drills, but they went okay. Again not feeling the love for the water this morning. The 10*100 never felt consistent. times for the first four came in as 1:36, 1:36, 1:36, 1:37. at this point i decided i should be pushing a bit harder, not happy with those times. so the rest came in as 1:33, 1:32, 1:33, 1:31, 1:33, 1:36. effort obviously dropped for the last one, not happy with that

    2350 in 50 mins

    Lunchtime run
    Easy run, 59 mins, 11.9km, 5:02 pace, 155 avg hr. felt okay all way round, knee a little stiff but no pain after finishing so will keep an eye on that

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Away for the weekend so no long bike planned, so another turbo session with work tonight

    plan for wu, some builds, 10 @ 100% ftp(266W), 5 @110(292W), then 3, 2 and 1 at 120% (318W), with 5, 5, 2, 2, recovery

    Intervals came in as
    10@ 273

    Was feeling good before the last so just pushed hard well over the target for the minute. occured to me as i finished i should have tried to hold over 400 as a target. ah well, next time.

    happy enough with that. overall, 1 hour, 244Np 214 AP, 150avg HR

    looking forward at this stage to bright evenings. I'll still do my intervals on the turbo, but the bike to me is about being outside. looking forward to mid week spins

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭viperlogic

    mossym wrote: »
    Saturday: Long Spin
    3 Hour total, 195 AP, 216NP, 140bpm avg.

    How the heck you do 3 hrs on the turbo, you watch TV or ?

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    viperlogic wrote: »
    How the heck you do 3 hrs on the turbo, you watch TV or ?

    Movies. TV shows. Music. Tend to stick to stuff I have seen before though so that when I need to focus on an interval I can focus on the work and ignore the movie for a while

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Friday Swim
    have an old issue with my back, gotten it checked out, i tend to move my back as one muscle rather than seperate areas. result is the muscles get tight, and every few months i go through a few weeks where i pull muscles in my back every few days, then i'm fine again for a while. This came on again after the swim on wednesday, usually loosens out over the day so didn't affect the bike much on thursday evening, but friday morning as i hit the pool my back was tight, one muscle at least was tweaked so i was a bit more cautious with this session than i normally would be.

    set was WU, some fast 50's then 5* 300 mod hard. These came in on 5:14,5:15,5:13,5:14,5:17 Probably a little slower than could have been but was watching back. still struggling a bit with the swim, fighing more than cruising

    Total, 2600m in 54 mins

    Due to plans i was out for a run not long after. interval session, planned for 20 mins WU, then 4*$ @3:55pace, 1 recovery. Based on the week before i thought this would be tough but doable. however, as soon as i started i knew that was wrong. Even a very very easy pace had my HR shooting up. a small hill on the lapped route i was doing, barely a 100m long, and not very steep, sent myhr up 15bpm all on it's own. not sure what was going on but hr was very high for no effort.

    so struggled to keep it in the easy zone for the first 20 minutes. 154bpm for nothing, when i would have expected 10bpm lower at least. into the intervals. First @ 3:48, bit fast, but done. minute recovery, then into the second. again held it, but HR shooting way up on this one, 3:55 pace. felt i wasn't going to hold the third off 1 mins recovery, so stretched to 2mins recovery, and did the third, held it again,3:55, but hr went to 191, couple of bpm off max.

    wanted to hit the 4 intervals, so decided to do 4 mins recovery before the last one and try to hit the last interval, rather than go straight into it and get nowhere close. 4mins recovery done and HR had still only dropped back to 170bpm. did the last 4 minute interval, HR again spiking close to max@ 4:05 pace.

    Bit annoyed i didn't hold the intervals, well hit 3 of them, but not the 4th. not going to sweat it too much, the whole run felt off, and as opposed to a couple of sessions post xmas where i missed targets but knew i wasnt even close to getting them, this was just a bad day. confident i can this session on another day.

    overall: 10.45km in 49 mins. 4:45 overall pace. 169 avg hr, which is 6bpm higher than the similar session the week before. max hr of 191 vs 186 as well.

    Took the missus off to a spa hotel for the weekend then, so brought the running gear with me incase i wanted to run, but timing didn't really work out saturday, so apart from about 600 or 700m swim nothing done on saturday. well a really nice 50 min massage, where the issues with my back were perfectly obvious as it was pointed out to me afterwards.

    Home early sunday, for a relaxing weekend i was wrecked, fell asleep on the couch. forced myself off it, threw on the running gear, and went out with a plan to do over an hour, and see how i got on. with nothing done on saturday, even though i felt like i wanted to go to bed to sleep, i was moving well. kept the pace around the 5:00min/km mark, beautiful sunny but cold afternoon and jsut kept going, ended up with 90 minutes. would probably have been my planned long run anyway so happy with that.

    overall 18.06km in 1:30, 5min/km pace, 154 avg hr.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Monday Morning Swim.
    2K as some fist drills, then some PB/sw work. Felt happier after this, was a bit more fluid in the water, starting to feel like i could swim again. Course after a weekend away it may jsut have been increased blubber making me more bouyant

    2000m in 42 mins

    Lunchtime Run
    Easy 45 mins, intended keeping this very very easy, legs weren't tired but could feel the sunday run in them, but seemed to fall into a faster pace than i was planning. 5:02 pace, 151avg hr. legs dragging a bit afterwards but fine after a few hours

    9.02km in 45 mins.

    Tuesday Evening Turbo
    WU, some builds, then 3*10 @ FTP (266 target), 2 recovery, then 4 @110 (292 target)

    This felt good, 10 minutes as 270, 271, 270, with the 4 mins being 303. recoveries were nice and short which made this a bit tougher than it reads.
    1 hour, .229Ap, 249 NP

    Wednesday Morning Swim
    this one stood out in teh plan when i got it at the weekend. main as a bunch of 50's aiming to come in under 39 sec. given my best 50 was a 42 i figured this would be tough.

    WU, some drills, front scull and fist, some builds, then into the 50s, 3* (3 off 1:15 then 1 off 1:45.). in fairness i gave it a good lash, didn't expect to get 12 under 39 but didn't leave anything behind in trying. by the end i was half lying on the side trying to get my breath back. The 50's came in as 40,40,40, 42,41,41,42,42,,42,,42,,43,43,43 seconds .based off a previous best of 42 i'm happy enough with that, probably averages out as 12 at my pb.

    2k total in 47 mins

    Lunchtime run

    out with my now usual Wednesday running partner. with the conversation wasn't really watching the watch, and did think the pace was probably a little hot for what was meant to be an easy 50 mins. turns out it was, 162 avg HR, 4:56 pace, very windy in spots. 51 mins total, 10.45km.

    a nice run, only disrupted by some lout shouting abuse towards the end. pity to have a nice run ruined by the sort of lad you wouldn't trust with your empty water bottle

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    been a few good days of training.

    Thursday: Easy hour on the turbo, missus heading out for the night so this was done straight after work. instructions were to throw in a few sprints. so every 10 minutes i threw in a sprint for 20 seconds. was going grand, sprints were all out, rest was easy. Towards the end couple of issues with the garmin, dropped connection to the PM and HR strap. Did the engineers trick, on and off again and picked them up again, only to drop them a few minutes later. not a big deal in terms of the session, but was just worried it would happen on a longer spin

    1 hour, avg hr 131, NP 218W

    Friday INterval Run
    Last friday i didn't hit the interval sessions, for reasons i explained on here. I already had this weeks plan, and knew that this weeks session was tougher. told coach i wanted to keep it, that i thought i could hit it, even though i didn't last week, i was pretty sure that was a bad day. this put a bit more pressure on this weeks run, nothing like claiming you can do something to put pressure on you to do it:)

    Last weeks session was 4*4 off 1 recovery, this weeks was 5*4 off 2. the 2 mins recovery would help, but an extra session, and i only made 3 last week and there was 2 mins before the third, so this was tougher.

    soon as i started out though, i felt good, running well on the initial 10mins easy, last week had been awful from the off.

    10 minutes done, into the first, went fine, 3:53 pace, under the target of 3:55. next one was a bit more work, but again under, 3:52. starting to get hard now, next one at 3:49. right, this is where i got to last week. last 2 were very tough. had to dig deep on the last one, push the legs hard but got it done. last 2 were 3:51 and 3:53 pace. HR got up to 189, so just a few beats off max.

    happy with that, especially after claiming i could do it. shudder a bit to see what next weeks is:) Legs were a bit tired after this, the stairs wasn't my best friend, good indication of the effort put in.

    10.5km, 48 mins, 4:35 pace 167bpm average

    Swim in the plan for friday as well i didn't get to, but family are away for the weekend so hoping to get it in tomorrow

    Saturday Bike/Run

    Forecast for a smashing day, so decided to take the tri bike out for this. first outside spin of the year on it, apart from the rain lashed duathlon, which was only 20 mins on the bike anwyay.

    Plan as Hour easy, Hour tempo, 15 mins at FTp, 15 easy. First hour felt great, nice and easy, holding 170 to 180w.
    Second hour got tough, legs were feeling it. pace was good, hr was nice and steady, legs were just a bit stringy. held the 220 target pretty much. Was closer to home than i expected, so added a small extra loop in to fit in the planned session. 15 mins at ftp were a little low as i got slowed going through a village, but only a couple of Watts low. 15 mins easy were a welcome break for the legs, and got home barely over the 2:30 planned.

    overall: 2:30, 30.8km/hr average, 76.94km total.

    Off the bike onto a run. last year i got caught up thinking the run had to be done as quckly off the bike as possible, leaving me running up stairs to throw on runners, not bothering to change out of bike shorts for some. bit mroe relaxed about it this year, didn't delay but changed into proper shorts and socks, and set out. first km proved that taking an extra minute or two to change made no difference, legs were rubber. expected that though, think the bike too a bit more than expected. first km was planned as steady, came in as 4:36 pace. second 10 minutes were meant to be a bit faster, legs were feeling a bit better so picked up the pace, next 10 mins came in as 4:19 pace.
    15 mins, 3.45km, 4:25 pace
    tough but good session. run probably a bit harder than it should have been as bike was tougher than expected. legs pretty tired now, but happy it's due to a good days work

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Sunday - Long Run
    One aspect i was happy with yesterday was the absence of any issues staying aero, given i hadn't been outside on the tri bike for that long in a while .not quite so this morning, back and neck quite stiff, but nothing that a few more spins won't sort out.

    Legs were, as expected, pretty tired. wanted to get the long run in early, so after giving breakfast and coffee a chance to settle headed out with a plan to keep it very easy, not sweat the pace. Decided on a pretty hilly route to make things a bit harder given i was taking it easy.

    looked like a beautiful day out, sleeveless base layer, long sleeve top and shorts judged to be enough. after opening the front door i grabbed a hat and gloves, colder than it looked.

    nice and easy to start, 5:04 pace with a lot of downhill. passed the parents place about 4km in, felt warm so stuffed the hat behind their wall, which had been the plan, was going to do the same with the gloves but decided to hang on to them, took them off and stuffed them into the short pockets.

    hit the start of the climbing a couple of km later, and for the next 20 minutes or so was a mix of flat, very little downhill, but some mainly some decent uphill drags. focused on keeping the effort steady, but easy. started getting very cold, could feelthe temp dropping. gloves back on, very very glad i hadn't dropped them.

    by an hour in my legs were complaining a bit, tired now. downhill back into the town, across the bridge, and then the uphill to home. By this stage my hands were freezing, to the point of being painful. in the door and made a coffee just to have something to warm up my hands more than anything.

    Total was 17.35 in 90 minutes, 5:12 pace, 153bpm average, which given the amount of climbing i'm pretty happy with.

    one downside, pain in my left foot for a few of the runs over the last week.usually my right leg that has all the issues. need to keep an eye on it. quite painful now since i finished. couple of days off running anyway so hopefully will help

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Paddy's weekend has usually seen a big step up in mileage for my cycling, marking the move from mainly turbo to mainly outside. Last year, from the 13 to the 17th, i got in 270 of cycling, and with Monday off i told coach the opportunity was there again to get a few longer ones in.

    Saturday, already described, was a 77km effort. Monday morning i was heading out with one of the guys i used cycle with regularily. This guy has been cycling with Nenagh Cycling club all winter on their saturday spins, and is usually a strong cyclist anyway, so figured this would be a good test.

    Given there was just the two of us, we set off on a fairly hilly ride that some of the other lads that are usually with us would have baulked at. for the locals, out of ballina to dolla, turn right, steady climbing, then down into Rear Cross, Newport, O'Briens Bridge and home.

    Easy start, and onto the climb, felt strong, HR staying nice and low, 141 average so happy with that. Reached the top, and from there down into Newport, it was a hard push. average of 38km/hr for the 20km into Newport, holding over 50 for a nice portion of it. Was happy enough to hold my own on this without going into the red, not bad when paired with someone doing nothing but cycling. Quick stop in newport, and home. 4th day of what i would call quality sessions and the legs were feeling it a bit for the last 30 mins or so. But really happy with 2 quality rides in 3 days, with 2 good runs as well

    overall, 88.7km in 3:19, 671m elevation, 26.7km/hr avg, 137 avg HR

    Afternoon swim
    Took the bigger ittle one down to the pool, while the missus walked down and met us there. Gave me a chance to get my swim in. Short one today, 1500m as a mix of swim/pb work. Felt good, rhytm was there, and being short form never suffered for fatigue. happy with the swim. Funny part was cruising past the woman swimming beside me, only funny when i realised she was in one of those expensive swim suits and wasn't even close to a 2min 100m

    Tuesday Bike
    Another long bike, with the same guy again, but this time with the added benefit of it being his birthday spin( named Pat, go figure). had one of the other lads with us, so knew this would be slower, especially on the hills. A nice steady spin on one of our old usual routes. legs were definitely tired heading off , but loosened up well. only sore part at the end was the posterior from 3 longish spins in 4 days, just need to get used to that again.

    70.8km in 2:45, 25.6km/hr, 130bpm average.

    so 3 decent spins over the last few days. After a winter of mainly turbos, even for the long rides, this was good. 235km of cycling, not quite at last years numbers but that was over 4 spins not 3, and there was more work in these. coupled with a good interval session and a decent long run i'm calling that one as a good 5 days of training

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Good work! Particularly on the interval run progression

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Wednesday Morning Swim
    Tired getting up this morning. The tiredness continued in the pool, technique felt good again, but this wouldn;t go down as an energetic swim. Body tired after the last few days. WU, then 50's descending, then fast 25's off 40. had to stretch these to fast 34's off 50 instead, and dropped the number from 8 to 6 to match it up. then into 8*100's pb, these coming in on low 1:3x. finally some fast 50's and a WD.

    While the energy levels were low, these felt good, felt like i was moving well in the water, hasn't felt that way in the past few weeks, so happy to see it coming back.

    2000m in 42 mins.

    Evening Run
    Couldn't get out at luncttime, so this done in the evening. plan for an easy 30 mins. This was very very easy, focused on two things, low hr and keeping the effort very easy, both to give the body a rest and minding the foot. both accomplished, hr of 145, pace was 5:13. no ill effects with the foot, even though i had been feeling it this morning.

    cold was seeping in as i started out, and it was amazing to run and feel the temperature change by several degrees in a couple of steps, anywhere near a house was warmer than open areas. not felt that before. also probably the last headtorch run for the summer, like running in the dark, will miss it.

    6 km in 31 mins.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Thursday was a day off

    Friday morning swim
    had to be home to bring little one to child minder. so up as soon as alarm went off and was in the water before the official opening time of 7, knowing i had to be out by 7.45 at the very latest

    old standard of the pb/sw pyramid, 100, 200, 300, 400 and back down. today though had an extra few 50's as 25 fast/25 slow and a wd to do.
    swim feeling better lately. feeling the water better. session was steady/easy mix. so lots of time to focus on extension and form. kept the session going to try and get it all in before i had to leave and suceeded.

    2400min 45 minutes

    Lunchtime Run. for reasons i won't go into here, and actually nothing to do with me really, this turned into a more significant run than it should have been, but on the run side, it was 45 mins at 4:59 pace, no hr strap but never felt hard, but at the end i had no idea how far or fast i had run. planned run hit, and that's the important bit for now.

    9.2km in 45 mins

    Saturday Spin
    out early for a spin. target of 2.5 hours. ended up being over 3. out with a mate, kept it all very easy. into limerick, out the back roads on the tipp road, out to pallasgreen, back through bennymul/pmaldini country to newport, obriens bridge and home. 129 avg hr, just under 27km/hr avg, so all very easy, but legs still tired by the end of it. beautiful day though, cold first but warmed up and sunny.

    83.82km, 3:08 total time

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Couple of weeks back was chatting with the shopkeep in the western, akw, and we decided we'd give the craughwell 10 mile a lash. Never run a 10 mile before, and had heard good things about the craughwell race. Given it goes past AKW's front door, it made a good opportunity to call up for a chat, and do the race with his gaff as base.

    Got up nice and early, met with a nice cup of coffee and some dancing to the tunes on the tv(won't clarify if it was akw or akw junior :) ). The amphibian west prince and princess were busy making a sign to cheer on their dad at the five mile mark, so all I had to do was get him that far ;).

    Up and numbers collected, start line a bit out of town so perfect for a warm up. Akw greeting all the runners, ever the business man. Line up at the start, a wired sounding gun and off we went.

    Prior to the race, akw and I had discussed a game plan. First few Kim's were tough, so we were going to take them easy, pace at around 4.45/km discussed. Then push on.

    As we headed off though, I knew we were moving well faster than that. At the first km mark, pace of 4:05. Asked akw what happened to 4:45, he thought I said it was 4:45 and thought his watch hadn't locked on. Polar.......

    Next km was a little slower, but not by much. Was happy though, pace felt okay, was running comfortably, hr was only in the steady zone. Feeling good. Doubtful I could have kept it up for 16km though.

    Pace cooled a good bit over the next couple of km. lots started going past us, but akw had suggested they'd come back to us by the end.

    Got to the akw clan between the 4 and 5 mile mark. Akw had told me to push on, but I'd promised to stick with him till then. Nice pickup in pace as we went past them, have to look good:).

    Pace at this point was 4:24 for the first 6km. Time to move a bit. Picked up the pace, and started to drift ahead of akw. He crept up into the 170 range, starting to feel it now alright, but still comfortable enough. As promised, started to see a lot of people I'd seen before, was passing a lot, they'd slowed and I wasn't so was going past them strongly.

    Turned after the 5.5 mile mark, now had a tailwind. Helped. Bit of climbing on this section, actually there was everywhere, it's a lumpy old course. ,

    Still passing lots, I got from the 6 to 12 mark at 4:16 pace. Was considering holding or pushing, doing the maths I figured sub 70 might be on, so kicked up again for the last 4km. Now I was starting to hurt, hr up to the high 180s, that's going to hurt no matter what. Couple of decent drags on the run in. Allowed me to take a few more on the way home as I held the pace up them.

    Back into town, into the home stretch, guy ahead of me picks up pace to pass someone and I leave him off, too far to catch given he's speeded up. Remember to look at the clock, 69:48 as I head to the line, across in 69:50, lot closer than I thought, thought I would have a little bit more than that. Last 4km were done at 4:11 pace. Luckily I figured chip time would be lower and it was, so happy out with a sub 70.

    Really nice race, weather helped a lot, as did the good company. Great spread afterwards, hung out with clan akw as I devoured a couple of sandwiches and scones, off all cakes/chocolate for lent so couldn't partake in those. Akw across the line in a damn impressive time given his training lately. Fitness base stands for a lot.

    Have to say I really like that course, the lumpy terrain suits me better than a lot, can hold my pace pretty well on it. That's the first time I've gone out chasing something on anything longer than 10km, while I've done half's before, they've been training runs at easy or slightly faster pace. Lost sheep hm was a different story as well. Like that distance, like the course. So a good day out. 91st overall out of 500 runners.

    Cheers akw for the hospitality. Will return the favour shortly.

    Overall, 16.2km, 4:19 pace 174avg hr 69:45 total time

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Quick look at the logs puts that in as my biggest ever training week, both in terms of time and distance. not bad for what was a recovery week and one that had a full day off. in fairness it was all low intensity stuff, the race and the Monday cycle the possible exceptions. happy with that

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    mossym wrote: »
    So a good day out. 91st overall out of 500 runners.

    Overall, 16.2km, 4:19 pace 174avg hr 69:45 total time

    Well done, 91st on your first 10mile and that was a serious bunch of runners that were there on Sunday, hats off :)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Morning Swim
    Body was tired this morning, legs a little tired and stiff after yesterday. Swim was main set of 12*100 alternating pb and sw steady to mod,misread it a little and did the pb as mod and the swim steady. Still though that was within the description so no harm. Paces nothing to write home about, down a little.
    Total 2600m in 54 mins

    Lunchtime Run
    This was one of those runs where anyone looking at you would ask were you able to run at all. Slow, sore and stiff, first few hundred metres were about coaxing the legs into a run, loosened out a bit then so less sore and stiff but just as slow. 5:23 pace, slowest in a while, and an indication of the energy/ability today. Nice day heading out, it got very cold and hailstones towards the end, making it pretty miserable. No HR strap, but this was easy, couldn’t have been anything more :)
    7.47km in 40 minutes

    Tuesday Turbo
    Interesting version of a pyramid I hadn’t seen before, ranging from 120% ftp down to 90%, with varying on off rations of 5 minutes. That done twice. Suspected this may have been set with the understanding legs would be tired. targets of 319w to 345w(hit 347, 354), 292 to 319 (hit 308, 320), 266 (hit 272, 275), 239 (hit 255, 259). 150w to 160w or higher recovery on all. This was perfect given legs were still tired, decent workout without being a killer altogether. 55 mins, 209w average, 138bpm average.

    Morning Swim
    Broom work, mix of pb and sw work as main. Felt okay, was moving well without settting the world on fire pace wise. Couple of decent swimmers got into the pool towards the end, always useful to have someone faster around to remind you just how slow you really are.
    2400m in 48 mins

    Lunchtime run
    Out with my usual Wednesday buddy for 45 mins easy. She was nursing an injury, so set off with the intention of it being a bit slower than usual. With all the chatting I didn’t check the pace for a while, when I did got worried HR might be a bit high but no was fine. Legs feeling a lot better than Monday, bit of a spring in them again. Felt fine for the run anyway, few more aches and pains for the afternoon afterwards to serve as a reminder that weren’t 100% recovered yet, but nothing major at all
    9.2km in 45 mins, 4:54 pace, 153 avg HR.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    Oh boy am I chuffed to see Monday's run was about the same pace as my own! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    You might have to wait a few months more for my baking mossy. Heard a rumour the North Tipp Sprint is cancelled. Very very low numbers registered.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    You might have to wait a few months more for my baking mossy. Heard a rumour the North Tipp Sprint is cancelled. Very very low numbers registered.

    Ah no, I love that race.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    You might have to wait a few months more for my baking mossy. Heard a rumour the North Tipp Sprint is cancelled. Very very low numbers registered.

    Whens it meant to be on?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    The 11th April RQ. No official word yet. I was just talking to someone who was at a committee meeting last night and while it is never a race about making money, if it was to go ahead it would make the club a big loss.
    It used to be such a popular race but not having it last year due to pool closure and it not being a national series race have affected it greatly :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 706 ✭✭✭ray o

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    The 11th April RQ. No official word yet. I was just talking to someone who was at a committee meeting last night and while it is never a race about making money, if it was to go ahead it would make the club a big loss.
    It used to be such a popular race but not having it last year due to pool closure and it not being a national series race have affected it greatly :(

    That is a shame. If I was up to anything this year it would have been first on my list. I don't understand the fall off in interest.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    That's a balls. Two days after I sign up for it.

    Looks like I might be doing the local tri club hill climb competiton instead so. Kilnaboy 10 mile on the Sunday as well

    The missed year last year hurt it. So does the number of other tri's in the area. I'd also suspect a change in the profile of racers not working in its favour.

    Real shame though, this one of the races I could have cycled to as the warm up.

    Thanks for the update Anita

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Thursday night. 75 mins easy turbo. Spent the first 10 minutes messing with a computer mount while spinning low watts, so pushed this out to 85 minutes. Low enough cadence, sub 80 which is low for me. 170w AP, although the 10 minutes faffing around at the start probably affects that. 124bpm avg hr

    Working my way through the world at war on dvd at the moment, tonight was the first American episode and the African episode. Incredible series. Not watched in a while, enjoying it

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Friday Morning Swim
    last few swim sessions have been good. made sense an off would one would crop up, and this was it. nothing wrong with it as such, but just fighting the water. just as well it was a pretty varied session, mixed it up well so didn't get a chance to get too annoyed at it. mixed things up a little 3*100 sw done a little easier than they should have been, 3*100p a bit faster. given how i felt in the water didn't make a huge difference. swim 100's on 1:44, pb 100's on 1:38.

    2100m in 45mins

    My eldest turned 5 today. she had a half day from school so we took her out for a lunch at a cafe she likes the desserts at, so that took priority over any run. She had some of the neighbourhood friends over for a movie that night so had to get that set up, once they were down and watching i headed out. nice night, temp was low but not cold, dark but had my trusty head torch, possible for it's last run for a while.

    plan for 20 minutes easy, 10 steady, 10 mod. running well this evening, 20 minutes easy was @ 4:49 pace,but that included stuck waiting to cross the road for a minute or so, have been 4:40 pace up till then. 20 minutes in kicked into the steady, pace up until the HR settled well in the steady zone. the 10 minutes came in at 4:25 pace, but a lot of it was around the 4:10 mark so i think the garmin may have cocked things up there, almost certain it was faster than that.
    10 mod were done at 4:05 pace, started at sub 4 pace but it levelled out a bit, was working by now but stilla bit left, as should have for the zone. bit of uturning and back and forth at the end to finish the mod on the flat, then back to easy, up the hill and home.

    overall, 10.52km, 48 mins, 4:39 overall pace, 161 avg HR

    Saturday TUrbo
    While friday was the actual birthday, saturday was the important party day. i knew it was going to be hectic, and it was a case of getting whatever was going to get done started early and fitting in what i could. So 6.30 i was on the turbo. 3 hours planned, hour easy, then 3*30@85 to 90%wih 10 recovery.

    thought 3 hours might be a bit too much World at War, so threw on a couple of episodes of Friday night lights on Netflix and settled in. First hour easy, 155W. Started the first of the 3 sections of work then. 30 mins felt like a long time on these. First was tough but manageable. second got tough, last one was a real effort mentally and physically. the 30 mins came in as 233w, 232w, 230w (AP), from a target of 226 to 239, so somewhere in the middle of the range. The nice pool of water on the floor afterwards was testament to the effort put in, but also a good sign that while the low single digit temps of my garage have provided enough cooling all winter, now that the temp has gone up i need to get a fan sorted.

    overall, 3 hours, 190w, 142avg HR.

    Was meant to be a 15 min run off the bike, but as soon as i got back into the house i knew that wasn't going to work. cake to be collected, kids to be fed and dressed. run got scuppered, but the bike got done, and that seemed the more important part to me.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Sunday Long Run
    Contemplated leaving this to the afternoon as the forecast was for better weather. However coming up on lunch i decided to jsut go out. Hour easy was fine, kept relatively on the flat. 4:57 pace, 151 avg hr, which given the gale force wind i was happy enough with. the wind was brutal in places, gusts that would almost stop you, thought i'd be going in over the bridge for a swim at one stage. about half way in i'd 3 or 4 km into the wind, but luckily it picked that time to die down. swung then hoping for it to pick up again but no such luck:)

    hour in, and pace picked up for 20 mins steady. at the same time the heavens opened, deluge of cold rain and wind. soaked in seconds. lovely. steady pace was around the 4:20min/km mark, but started to drift out, didn't want that to happen so let the HR drift into the mode zone slightly at times to keep the pace @ 4:21 for the 20 minutes, avg hr 167.

    last 10 as easy, and cold and wet jsut wanted to get home. thought i might be a few seconds short of the 90 minutes, so threw on another small loop of a nearby road, and home.

    total 19km in 1:32, 4:51 pace, avg hr 156.

    longest run of the year so far. at that pace i could have throw on another couple of km's and had a HM PB. shows how serious i've taken the HM's I've run to now. might have to do something about that

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Morning Swim
    funny how at different times different aspects seem strong. couple of months ago thought swim was flying, bike was struggling. now bike going well, but swim doesn't seem as strong. Seem to be struggling to get a nice smooth rhythm going. Main set was 300's alternating Sw and PB. swim steady, pb easy. first 300 was too slow, took it too easy, in on 5:28. picked it up after that and the rest came in between 5:05 to 5:11. That pace says i'm at least holding the pace from my last TT, so not losing anything. it's strange, but all of us know the feeling of fighting the water rather than flowing with it

    2550m in 48 mins .

    Lunchtime run
    three of us headed out, my usual running partner over the last couple of years, and my more recent running partner. older running partner struggling with the pace, so it was a bit slower than usual, until he turned from home early and we picked up the pace for the last 10 mintues or so.

    Overall, 9.19km @ 5:10 pace, 148 avg HR, in 47:33

    Turbo Session. Interesting one. 5 easy, 5 minutes of build, then 10*(1@120% FTP, 1 easy, 1@100%, 1 easy). when i first got one of these 1 on 1 off sessions, it was a run,and i thought it looked easy, only on for a minute, equal recovery? no problem. i learnt quickly. they can be hell if you do them right. with the effort prescribed with the power levels i expected this to be tough.

    it was, but perhaps not as bad as i envisaged. 120 should have been 319, 100 @ 266. all the 120s came in over 330w exceot 1. all the 100's were >272 except one. The last 3 of these were tough, but at no point was i really struggling or in danger of not hitting them.

    overall, 55:02, 148 avg hr, 225w AP

    Wednesday morning swim.
    varied set, swim, pb, kick, band and buoy, some fasts. real focus on stroke and rhythm this morning, seemed to help. felt a little better. 100 pb steady were in on 1:30ish, thats where i'd expect. the 150 band and bouy were a few seconds slower pace than the buoy only, figured there wouldn't be much of a difference as i don't move my legs while using the buoy. bit happier with this one

    2200m in 44 mins

    lunchtime run.
    out with my faster running partner. tend to chat a lot on these, forget the watch and just run. always seem to be roughly where we should though. this one was 4:54 pace, 155 avg hr, and was a tad longer than prescribed, coming in at 10.64 in 52 mins. nice enjoyable run though
