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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Thursday - Intervals.
    i mentioned 1 on 1 off above. Tonights run was that session 10 minutes WU, 5 minutes build, then 10 1 on/1 off. on being on rather than trying to hit some fixed pace.

    mental note for the future, try and fit this in before eating, not afterwards. HOwever, today that couldn't be done, manic day at work, meetings all around lunchtime, late home, dinner straight away, so gave it 90 minutes and headed out. could have done with longer though.

    WU fine, builds fine.decided to do the intervals on the walking path in the park beside the river. bad choice. it's fine for longer intervals where having to stop and u turn isn't such a big deal, but here it kills the momentum and makes the pace look a lot slower than it was . With dinner bouncing all over the place, and a nice headwind in one direction not the best run, plus it was very wet so after a few minutes the kinvaras were soaked and the whole point in wearing them as a nice light shoe was gone as they felt like lead weights on my feet.

    The pace was generally in the low 3:xx range, most came in at 3:17 to 3:30 range, with a couple of slower where i had both the wind and a u turn. HR got nicely up into the hurt zone, but it's not the best indicator on short intervals like this anyway.

    suffice to say this hurt, very slow (5:3x pace) run back up the hill to home, and legs a bit stiff and sore today. nice confirmation did the work last night

    9.04km in 42 mins, 4:38 average pace, 164 avg HR

    Friday Swim
    Nice long session, 2700m all in, 3*300pb 6*100 sw main. 300's in on 4:55 to 4:59, 100's on 1:35 to 1:40. was dragging by the end of this, suspect this did more for stamina than speed.

    2700m in 56 mins

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Friday Evening Bike
    Sitting there, working away all day, watching the lovely weather outside, and got sick of just looking at it. So as soon as work done, into the cycling gear, road bike out, and out for a spin. plan was for 45 minutes moving, but it was such a nice evening it got stretched a little, did one of the local loops, and apart from exchanging some hand signals with an ar$eho7e driver it was a really nice spin.

    1:15, 36.78, 29.5km/hr avg,

    Saturday Bike
    3 hour bike, with 4 *20 mins at 90 to 95%, so aiming for somewhere around 240W.

    first hour easy, spun easy down the n7 to nenagh. bit windy, but nothing more than expected, although for a change it was blowing from nenagh towards limerick. got through the first hour easy enough. heading back towards limerick i had the wind at my back and was flying for the first 2 20 min intervals, felt good for these, power came in as 241 and 242, avg speed of 36.3km/hr with a max of 50, not bad on the flat

    Turned near limerick and started working my way back out. now i paid for it. wind was against me, and holding the same elvel was harder. third interval came in at 243, but an average speed of 30km/hr, big difference. turned once i finished this one, took a different path home to get the fourth one done which made it partly with the wind, partly without, came in at 239w at avg speed of 32.8, last one down a bit as i came through a village where i had to slow a lot, had pushed hard at the end to get the AP back up and thought i had, pretty sure the garmin was reading 240w when i finished at the end of the interval. ah well

    easy spin home for 15 mins or so then. tough cycle, felt like i had really worked on this one.

    overall, 93.8km, 31.4km/hr av speed, 200w AP, 2:59 moving

    off the bike onto run. 5 steady 10 easy. legs felt awful from the start. came back after a while, first 5 mins @ 4:15 pace. maybe a tad fast, but the avg Hr was actually still in the easy zone. end of that first 5 though i got a really bad stitch, which i normally don't get. slowed, walked a bit, pain went away, started the easy run, got a bit, pain came back, felt awful, woosy. was 11 mins in now, pain was there, so called it.

    realised on the walk home hadn't eaten anything on the bike, could explain things.

    11 mins, 2.3km, 4:46 pace

    Sunday Run
    heading to boston with work on sunday, missing the bank holiday. no swim/bike all week. had to leave at 9.30, so 7a i was out the door for my long run. did this fasted out of necessity. from the start it felt all wrong, had bounced around my long run last week, this week i felt lethargic, slow, no energy, tired after saturday. Little voice was suggesting i was tight for time anyway, jsut do a short run and call it. ignoring that, did my first hour at easy as planned, 5:11 to 5:15 for the 3 20 minute splits, not sure what was going to be there for the 20 steady, took an effort to get the legs moving any faster for this, but managed it, came in at 4:39 pace. very easy/slow back up the hill to home, 5:3x pace. long run done, not one of the better ones, but it's done

    17.25km in 1:29, 5:10 pace

    in boston now, brought cold gear for outside as it's 0 right now, but just realised i forgot my shorts for the gym, tights for outside so everything going to be outside.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    ah..a pretty crap week, worse than i thought it would be.

    do a lot of travel, and never struggle too bad with jet lag. hit me big time this week though. 2 to 3 hours sleep a night. couple this with some really unhealthy dinners for the week, mexican a couple of times. kept the breakfasts nice and healthy, oatmeal and banana, lunches were pre boxed sandwiches/crisps so no choice there. and given the huge group of us that were there, and the "social hours" for the group every evening, there was much more drink than i had planned on.

    Monday:easy run around the streets of boston, was looking for a popular run along the shorefront but thought i was going the wrong way and turned, ended up doing up and downs some residential/commercial streets. turns out i had been heading the right way, but no harm. given the weather here it was strange to be back in tights, multiple layers, gloves and hat. sub zero temps all week

    8km in 41 mins

    Tuesday morning:
    Having looked up the map, knew where i had gone wrong and this time found it. nice loppallalong a pier that brought you around a big loop and back to shore. down along a park/beach then. lots of runners everywhere, Boston Marathon on Monday so wondering how many getting their last runs in. decided to do a bit of work this time, this done as 25 mins easy, 15 steady, 10 mod. 25 easy were as 4:53,steady as 4:26, mod as 4:03. overall 13.7km in 1:03, 4:38 pace

    Wednesday Morning

    Similar path but didn't do the loop, all easy except for 5 builds. 11.9km, 57:46, 4:51 pace.

    Thursday i intended doing some intervals, but a heavy session on wednesday night with a good few excellent margeuritas meant i was in no condition thursday to head out. would have been fine if i;d gotten a nights sleep, but 3 hours did nothing to help dispel the alcohol. flew back from boston thursday night,got into dublin at 8am met the ladies in dublin and we went to disney on ice, so nothing done friday either. in bed asleep friday night by 9, and got 13 or 14 hours of unbroken sleep, very much needed.

    Saturday Bike

    although the morning was poor enough, afternoon weather looked okay, but under tight timelines i did this on the turbo. hour easy, then 3*30 mins at 90 to 95%, meaning aiming for 240 to 253w. Figured this would be tough, and i wasn't wrong, but with two days rest it wasn't as bad as it could have been. 3* 20 Mins came in @ 252, 255, and 256. and while they were all an effort, i wasn't in danger of not holding any, in fact was pushing the last one for the last few minutes, trying to keep it around the 270 mark. overall, 214w for 3 hours

    bit of a delay after the bike before i got out on the run, smallest one only came home so hadn't seen her yet so a bit of time reminding her who daddy was and out for the run. 5 steady @ 4:11 pace felt fine, legs were good, HR/breath felt fine. 10 mins easy @ 4:58 felt worse, legs started getting tired. happy enough to get to the end of them. 3.21 in 15 mins

    nice days work to start getting the scales back down to where they were before the weeks excesses.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Sunday Long run

    wife out on saturday night, left me minding the little ones this morning while she slept off the beverages. family mass and lunch then, ended up watching paris roubaix on my phone. told the family before coverage started i meant to throw a few euros on degenkolb, regretted not having done so after!! home then, united city match on the telly. so tempted to push the run till later, but knew the little voice saying don't mind it would just get stronger, so geared up and out i went.

    lovely day, sunny, but cool. headed off on a loop i'd only done once before, and i've since blamed that one for flaring up the injuries i carried into Lost Sheep. Anyway, no such worries today, split into 20 minute sections, 30 second walk at the end of each, the pace for the 5 segments came in as 4:59 (hilly one), 4:50, 4:52, 4:58, and 4:55. got that done and a nice easy slow job back up the hill to home then.

    21.6km in 1:47, 4:56 pace overall. HM in 1:44, 3 mins quicker than my HM PB. really must race one properly soon

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Monday Swim Usually after a week away i feel awful in the water, not so much this time. felt okay, stroke felt good, slow, body was tired after the weekend, but technique was there. Mainly PB work, legs appreciated that. 2300m in 50 minutes or so

    Always read your plan carefully, it can avoid unnecessary pain. plan said 3*15 mins @ 260w, i read it as 266 beforehand. the 6W made a difference. this was tough, legs felt dead, even for the early easy bits. 3 efforts were tough, pushing hard to hold them. but hold them, plus a little bit more, i did. 3 intervals came in as 270w, 269w, 268w AP. 1:10 total @ 230W ap.

    Glad to have that one down, was tougher than it looked. tougher than it was meant to look too. always read your plan

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    missed morning swim to be at a pc for Lost Sheep entries opening at 8am. mission successful. entry secured for the A race.

    Lunchtime run

    8km plod, and a plod it was. heavy footed, low energy, hr high. just one of those days you put the head down and get through it. meant to be easy and easy it was, wasn't in the form for anything else

    8km in 40:10, 5:01 pace.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Thursday Run
    Intervals, 4*1km @< 4min/km pace/2 recovery.

    Beautiful sunny day, was cold on yesterdays run so added a sleeveless base layer which of course meant i was way too hot today, but nice to be running in blue skies and sun again.

    legs still feeling heavy, pretty sure the week away with work last week with next to no sleep had a larger effect than i realised

    WU, some builds, then into the real work. first interval started on a hill, hit it way too fast, trying to make sure wasn't over cause of the hill. was well under, probably too far under. 3:42 for the first km. next two were a little more controlled, second uphill, third more flat, 3:48 and 3:50. last one was a struggle, up a hill half way through was jsut over the 4min/km mark and had to push to get it back down but down it went, scraped in at 3:59 HR up at 191 for this one, so i was pushing.

    thought this would have been a bit more comfortable, but given the last couple of runs i'm happy enough that the targets were met, just not by as much as i would have thought .

    overall, 10.16 in 45:07, 4:26 mins/km, 170 avg hr

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Friday Morning swim
    good set, even when you;ve been working with a coach for a while and know their ways every once in a while a sessions comes up that just looks like all the others but once you get it done you get a nice reminder of the benefits of working with someone else. this was one of those. overall was supposed to be 2600m, but was caught for time this morning so had to drop the broom work to get to the meat, and even then barely go the last of 15*100m done before I had to leave, so no warm down. Still though, for reasons I won’t go into, it was a really well placed set and happy with the results

    Evening Bike
    Cinema night in our house for Rachel and a coupleof her friends, so had to get them settled and watching before I went out. Notable for being the first shorts ride of 2015(not counting the limerick duathlon), it was starting to get dark as I headed out, but still enough light to get the 45 minutes planned in. kept it relatively close to home so I could duck back if caught by darkness, I did get one long slow drag and one quick very steep (this 21% in spots) climb in before heading for home. Overall, 25km in just under an hour.

    Was meant to be a bike, but Rachel had her big ballet show and had to be in town early, so no time to get a bike in, meaning long run and bike got swapped. Progression run, 30 easy, 20 steady, 10 mod, 10 easy. Not feeling great for this one, have let the rolling/stick work slide over ht elast while so may have been a bit tight.
    30 easy @ 5:00 min km/150HR
    20 Steady @ 4:26/166
    10 mod @ 4:23/176

    10 mod looks off, but that’s what it was, mainly because I turned into a pretty strong headwind for those 10 minutes, and they also had a good few tight turns and bends so while I was moving faster the average was there. effort in the right place though.

    Not the best run, did something similar in Boston a couple of weeks ago and it felt better. Nice reminder to get my core work in. home and off to the ballet all day..:)

    Sunday Bike
    New addition the arsenal is an aero helmet, and with Joey Hannon next Sunday I figured I should give the whole race bike setup a test run. Headed out the door with a definite tim I needed to be finished by, but that was enough for the planned bike and run.
    Started well, aero wheels and helmet I was picking up come nice speed. Suddenly realized something didn’t feel right. Noticed my left hand was about 2 inches further forward than my right. Aerobar was coming out. Tried to fix on side of road, but where the screw is you need to take the aerobar clamp off the basebar to tighten, so home I went slowly making sure the bar didn’t come all the way out and lodge in the wheel.

    Home, fixed, and back out. Not enough time now to get the planned recce of Joey hannon course in, and decided to stay close to home in case of further problems, did an out and back on the Clare side of the lake, then did most of the boruman tri course for practice. 2*20mins @ 90% FTP went well, was aiming for > 240 and they came in as 249 and 253, and was holding some nice speed.

    Between the two rides, I hit the target of 2.5 hours with 2*20 mins of work, it was just done as two spins. And with the delay to fix I missed the window to get the run in(sorry coach), but better to get the issue fixed this week than next.

    Overall about 75km in 2.5 hours.

    Monday morning swim
    Obviously hold my head a bit different with the new helmet, neck a bit stiff this morning. Good swim, 2500m all told, 5*300 alt sw/pb as the main. Good chance to focus on the stroke, and while I’ve made some progress on the swim this year, some old issues still there that I need to focus on more.

    2500m in 45 mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    What's the new helmet Mossy??

    I done the Olympic Joey two years ago. Few things I remember from it, the ramps coming out of UL, seem to kill all your speed and couldn't hit them too hard. The course was fairly sheltered from the wind and had no huge hills. Pretty sure the Olympic bike is around 1/1.5km short too. Sprint course goes out the same way but turns earlier. Do remember that even though there are a few short lumps on the run it is a pretty fast run course.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    joey100 wrote: »
    What's the new helmet Mossy??

    I done the Olympic Joey two years ago. Few things I remember from it, the ramps coming out of UL, seem to kill all your speed and couldn't hit them too hard. The course was fairly sheltered from the wind and had no huge hills. Pretty sure the Olympic bike is around 1/1.5km short too. Sprint course goes out the same way but turns earlier. Do remember that even though there are a few short lumps on the run it is a pretty fast run course.

    i had a feeling when i mentioned aero helmet you'd pop in:) giro selector. took a lot of deciding on that one, coach driven demented with questions, but looks like i got it right, really liking it so far.

    cheers for the advice,did Joey olympic last year as well, and know the course pretty well as it's close to me. it's a rip it up course alright if no wind, so a direct comparison to last year will give a good idea of what the winter has brought

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    joey100 wrote: »
    the ramps coming out of UL, seem to kill all your speed and couldn't hit them too hard.

    You gotta tap into your inner BMXer and bunnyhop them things!! :cool:

    Ask CW, though his memory is fading now with age ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    If it was small little ramp I'd give it a go, ended up on the path at Trilaois at one stage and bunnyhopped off, no one around to see it though which was a Pity cos it was probably the best bit of my bike that day! Remember the ramps in UL being the long type of ones, would probably need a ramp and a bit of a booster on the bike to get over the things!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    Ah they're not too bad, I was thinking of the other black / yellow bolt down yokes, they're horrible to cycle over.

    Nip down the side of them if there's no-one in the way but a bunnyhop will lift you onto the top of it and just ride off ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    AKW wrote: »
    You gotta tap into your inner BMXer and bunnyhop them things!! :cool:

    Ask CW, though his memory is fading now with age ;)

    Oh I wouldn't forget that in hurry - scary stuff with Sean going well in excess of 18kph at the time - very similar to below in technique although Sean wouldn't have bunny hopped a pencil with his hangtime.


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    True enough. I was probably 2 stone heavier back then so I'm blaming that ;)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Monday Lunchtime run
    Out with my running buddy from work, no HR strap as i forgot it, so went by rpe/pace. 9.1km @ 4:51 pace, good conversation all the way around, nice weather, of such are the nicest runs made.

    Tuesday: Turbo
    After getting back from junior athletics with Rachel, jumped on the turbo. WU, then 2*15 mins @ 95%. Adjustment to the turbo work made after discussion with coach, or at least a step in the right direction. Intervals were fine, tough but managable. targeting 260, they came in as 266 and 267. AP for the 55 min session @ 230w.

    Wednesday Swim
    Short swim this morning. 1500m all in Warm up, some drills, then some fast 100's. fasts were a bit slower than i would have hoped, 130 to 1:32.

    Lunchtime run

    Hello my old nemesis. 5* 4 mins off 1 recovery. the most i've struggled in a prescribed sessions before was this one. 2 mins recovery makes this so much easier, and i'd held that last week. but this was 1 min, so no surprise i wasn't looking forward to this one.

    expected pain and it came. it came however in hitting the targets, intervals in on 3:53, 3:49, 3:50, 3:51, 3:59. first and last one done into a strong head wind. last one a bit slower but due to traffic, the pace was there. Happy enough with that, although would be happier if i could do it without my hr going into the 190's which is real hurt zone, and only a couple off my max. ah well, couldn't do it at all before, did it in pain today, some day it'll be cruise speed(I can dream right? )

    overall, 9km in 39:24, 4:22 pace, 172 avg HR

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    savage result congrats sir.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    BennyMul wrote: »
    savage result congrats sir.

    thanks bren. race report will come, few days prior to write up first. day didn't start very well at all but ended a lot better

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Thought I’d get on the road for this, but wasn’t to be. Wife getting a run in, while it’s great she’s out running, it makes it a bit more difficult to fit everything in. anyway, 5*4 over race wattage, nice sweet session, levels all hit, bike feeling good at the moment.
    40 mins, AP234W. intervals all in the 270 range

    Day off, just as well, had to go to Dublin for a funeral so most of the day spent in the car.

    Bike run/sharpeners. Only 30 minutes on the bike, some race pace efforts, all felt fine, but the big question was on the weather. Very cold weather forecast for Sunday, this was done in shorts but I had a short sleeve base layer and a long sleeve fleece cycling jersey on and was still cold. Didnd;t bode well for emerging from Ul Pool on Sunday morning with the temps forecast to be even lower, gear choice started becoming quite important.
    16.38km in 31 minutes, 31`km/hr, 203W average.

    15 minutes run, 4 easy, then 5*1 on/1off, on being faster than race pace. Couldn’t understand why the second on was such a struggle, was pushing relaly hard and times still slow till I remembered I hadn’t hit the lap button and I was averaging the off as well, apart from that no issues.
    3.52km in 15:44

    Home, and race gear together. 6.15 alarm set.

    Right, that’s up to race day. Next post will cover the actual event

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Okay. Race day. Some of you will already know there was a bit of an incident on the warmup. Not going to go into it here, I’ve no real desire to go over the details again, or either dissect it or turn it into a car vs. driver debate. But on the bike warmup there was a collision with a car, one I'm happy enough was not my fault, and could do nothing about. Right hip and elbow took the worst of it, bike was okay, so after I got up , shook myself down, didn't see any major blood, everything moving without any sharp pain I knew I’d race. Not going to say anything else on it only to say it left me a bit shaken, especially given what happened Fran last week. I got lucky.

    Did a run warm up as well. Some easy, some drills, and some 30’s at race pace. Legs didn’t feel great on the RP efforts. Was hitting them, but not with the energy I’d have hoped/expected given the prep week.

    With that, on with the show.

    took up position 4th in the lane. couple of guys behind me were saying 27 mins, expected to be a little under that, based on recent swim times, 3 ahead were saying 22, 24, and 24, didn't expect to touch that so figured i was in the right place. guns goes and we are off. first length i’m holding the guys feet easily enough, but we hit the wall, turn, and he is gone. just gone, no chance to keep with him. so no draft now, but hold my pace when the guy behind me starts tapping. no bother, stop at the wall, let him past, and tuck in, drafting off him, guy behind me tapping like mad. right on the guys heels though so on sure what he wants me to do. at one of the lengths he says something i can;t catch, so next length i let him past and tuck in again. at this stage the elbow is getting pretty sore, it’s about halfway, and i’m losing the feet. end up losing one more spot, and then pulling the rest around with me till i get the tap on the head, two lengths left, get them done, out of the pool and out the door.

    time 27:01, slower than expected, but almost 3 minutes quicker than last year. 25th overall, 10th in AG

    soon as i got out it was into shade, and it was coooollldddd. but got out into the sun as i ran through transition, and it didn’t feel that cold. had a long sleeve jersey left with the bike due the projected temps, but this felt okay. decided to leave it behind and go with the trisuit.

    no issues getting the aero helmet on, although i still think i might glue on the base to avoid having to worry about it coming off.

    1:38, 26th overall, 13 in AG

    i like training with power. i enjoy racing with it even more. Soon as i got out i had a number to hit, rather than looking at HR which was higher than it should have been after the swim. little bit of trouble with the shoes getting them on, but early in the season so time to practise. once i got them on i started to move. started passing a few, myself and another guy were travelling at a similar speed and got a pretty decent legal pace line going, rachel clancy was ducking in and out of it for a while before i passed her on a hill and opened up a gap. was moving well, holding the AP right around the target zone. moving well that is until i came on a line of 5 tractors, saw a couple ahead scoot past them. as i came up on them a motorcycle official came up, and i was told i couldn't pass them. Strange, as it was a broken white line. not risking a dq i stayed behind them for 30 secs to a minute, till the aforementioned miss clancy came up and sailed past the first couple. screw that, the drivers had pulled right into the left so overtook without crossing the white line. and off i went again. hit the turnaround, passed Rachel again, and this time pulled away for good. my pace line buddy had pulled way ahead, but over the next few km or so i reeled him back in. passed a few more, then three of us were heading back into castletroy. my buddy opened up a gap here. and the other guy fell back. came back into UL thinking i was alone, only for the guy who had fallen back to scoot past me on the dismount line. really need to practise those dismounts.

    Bike AP was right where it was supposed to be coming back to UL, dropped off a bit as i came into the college and got the shoes off. Happy with that

    1:03:23, 38km/hr, 13th overall, 8th in my ag (beginning to believe mine was the most competitive AG:)

    T2. guy who passed me on the dismount line was racked right beside me. had to wait for him to get his bike racked before i could put mine up, helmet off, shoes straight on, and went out of t2 on his heels

    1:52, 23rd overall, 8th in ag

    soon as i got out onto the road i went passed him, moving way quicker than him. felt good, but the hip was a little sore and was stiffening up as i went on. it was a 2.5km out/2.5km back loop, so 2 laps, and the earlier oly wave was out on the course, meaning it was impossible to tell who you should be chasing or not. just focused on moving as well as i could then. passed pmaldiini on the living bridge(several times, thanks for the repeated encouragement), and a co-worker on the other end who gave loads of encouragement.

    didn't like this run course, fair portion out to the turnaround point was on a poor surface, and had a decent climb up to the turn around point. was still pushing, but was losing pace. hip was getting sore. not enough to really hamper me but enough to put me off a bit. got through the first loop, passed the family on the way out again. loads of roars, the “go daddy” ones always help. starting to hurt now, the pace slowed a little bit more. on the way back in i looked at my overall time for the first time. had a back of the head target of 2:15. with a km to go it looked like i was going to be just under.

    on the way in, guy flew past me, almost sprinting. was still holding low 4:00 min /kms, so he was moving. as he went by it struck me i might be losing a place here, but i could see a little girl waiting on the side of the road 20/30m up ahead waiting to finish with daddy so i let him go. crossed the line with rachel,

    run:41:05, 23rd overall, 13th in AG .

    stopped the watch. 2:14:59 on the watch. figured chip time might be a little bit longer . as it turns out it was.

    Overall, 2:15:01, 13th overall, 9th in my AG (was every fast person in the 30 to 39 AG? :) )

    soon as i stopped, elbow, hip started stiffening up. was a little pissed that the day had gotten off to a bad start and no idea whether that was as good as i could do, or there was maybe more there.

    still though, 13th equals my best ever result, and that was in a much smaller race, this was a much bigger affair with a stronger field. can’t help but be happy with that, with maybe a small asterisk beside it.

    A few takeaways I’ve discussed with Coach, some big, some small, some already with a plan to address.

    That’s Tri season 2015 off with a bang, not the one I was expecting though in a lot of ways. Not sure I want other race days to be as eventful in quite the same way:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Well done Mossy, not the ideal start to any race. Fair play for getting it done, and not just done but a great time as well.

    Without sounding too much like a stalker, I seen your pictures on the TI site, you need a new tri suit. That top is far too big for you, I'd say it was like swimming with tshirt wearing it!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    joey100 wrote: »
    Well done Mossy, not the ideal start to any race. Fair play for getting it done, and not just done but a great time as well.

    Without sounding too much like a stalker, I seen your pictures on the TI site, you need a new tri suit. That top is far too big for you, I'd say it was like swimming with tshirt wearing it!

    agreed on the tri top. it fit last year a lot better :) that will be remedied ASAP..:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Well done Mossy.

    Especially keeping your head after what happened and not letting it ruin your day.

    Impressive times too, 1:03 40k TT and a 41:05 10k would be more than respectable on their own, let alone as part of an Olympic Tri.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    as joey mentioned it


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    Nice shoes! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    Well done Mossy, you looked very comfortable for a guy who hit the ground earlier in the day, super result, it wont be long before you are hitting the dizzy heights of top 10, unfortunately we could do nothing with the run course this year as there was a big tag rugby tournament going on at the pavilion side so we couldn't use the main campus road and had to bring ye down the boreen road. i spent saturday evening spraying and filling in potholes:eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    mossym wrote: »
    crossed the line with rachel,

    That's the proudest little girl I've ever seen :)

    Great result Mossy, well done and nice report too. Sorry you got off to such a rubbish start, fair play for dusting yourself off and putting in such a savage performance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    Great pic of you and Rachel on the limerick tri Facebook page

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Pmaldini wrote: »
    Great pic of you and Rachel on the limerick tri Facebook page

    aye, cheers, bennymul had mentioned me about it as well, was on the TI site as well. perks of working with the TI photographer:)
