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A little knowledge is a dangerous thing



  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Oryx wrote: »
    Just catching up... YOU are one of the loonies I mentioned on my log. Bleeding to death but still want to run!!
    Neady83 wrote: »
    Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch, fair play Mossy for even considering doing that run with those injuries but you made the right call, nobody would enjoy peeling you off the ground when you ran out of blood up around Dunlicky :)

    it may seem like it was as easy call, and the right one, but the mental games and beating up i gave myself that i should have run surprised even me. Given the lengths the doctors went to to make sure i didn't get an infection (seriously the anitbiotics would make your head swirl) it was the right call. in a small race, i woudln;t have batted an eyelid. but this was kilkee, best race in the country in my eyes, and not finishing is still not sitting well with me.

    anyway, we move on.

    30 minute easy run, still leg testing. again no pain, but the knee definitely not 100% still. the amount of fitness you can lose in a few days is, once again, scary. although it felt okay, HR was much too high fro both the effort and the pace

    6.3km in 30 mins, 4:53 pace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    mossym wrote: »
    .... still. the amount of fitness you can lose in a few days is, once again, scary..

    You don't lose much fitness in a few days. The months of work you have put in are not undone to any significance in just a few days. If so, why would Marathon runners taper? Your body just recovers and bounces back after 24 or less hours depending on how you treat your post session recovery. You lose the sharpness and the body is more concerned about rebuilding itself after your crash so it will feel sluggish. You were race fit only a week ago!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    You don't lose much fitness in a few days. The months of work you have put in are not undone to any significance in just a few days. If so, why would Marathon runners taper? Your body just recovers and bounces back after 24 or less hours depending on how you treat your post session recovery. You just lose the sharpness and the body is more concerned about rebuilding itself after your crash so it can feel sluggish. You were race fit only a week ago!

    don't talk logic when i'm feeling sorry for myself..:)

    you're right of course, but that doesn't help when you;re plodding around..:)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Took the stabilisers off a bit

    turbo, 5*5 mins @ 110% off 2 recovery. intervals at 304, 301, 303, 305, 315.

    felt good. really good. nice to be pushing again. pushed the last one for the last minute to over 400W, hence the higher power.

    happy tonight

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Friday: 40 min run, no garmin, no hr, no pace, but it was easy. figure 8km or so.

    3hr 40 spin, very easy,150W average. 94.3km. knew the pace would be slow so pushed the time/distance out a bit. well well within the comfort zone. lumpy old course with some strong winds.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Saturdays bike had an ulterior motive, make sure the confidence wasn't rocked by the crash. picked a niec lumpy ugl surfaced road, first downhill gunned it. nerves were fine, no holding back. good to see.

    Sunday: Horus easy run. pace was okay, HR was higher than i would have expected for the pace but a bit of consistency back into training now and that'll come back pretty quickly

    12.5km in 1:02, avg hr 157, 4:57 pace. remarkable only for the lack of anything remarkable

    Monday morning.
    Swim. Arm is healed enough, or almost enough anyway, to get back in the water. only been two weeks out, but that was enough to make this mornings session feel like pushing a brick through treacle

    WU, some 50 as fists, then 10*100 alt swim/pb, some fast 50's then cool down.

    100's were 1:37 to 1:39 for the main part. last one slipped a little. felt like a lot more effort than they should have been. that'll come back though

    2000m in 40 mins

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Monday Lunchtime Run
    Easy again, starting to feel a bit better. HR still high for the pace, but it was warm and muggy which accounted for a couple of beats. Happier with this than I was last week though. 9.1km @4:53 pace, 159 avg hr, top end of easy.

    Tuesday Morning Turbo
    Up early and on the turbo before 7, 10 easy, 5 build, then into 5* 4 mins at ftp, 2 easy. Target of 266, intervals were 270 270 274 276. Happy with the HR even for the intervals, felt strong on the bike. 205W avg for the 50 mins Was nice to get this done nice and early

    Evening Spin
    Got an email that afternoon about meeting up with a few others for an easy spin. Looked like a nice evening for a meeting so even though had a session done earlier I thought why not, knew it would be easy enough, and it was. 2 hour spin, 58.2km, avg hr at 131 so kept things nice and light

    Wednesday Morning Swim
    This felt a lot better than Monday’s, that’s for sure. WU, fast 50’s, 4*200pb steady, fast 50’s, WD. First set of 50’s all on 41 secs. 400’s came in 3:14, 3:12, 3:15, 3:15. Last set of 50’s were on 44, arms were well feeling it at this stage. 2000m in 41:50

    Wednesday evening run
    Knew I wouldn’t get in at lunch, had to be after work, and then that meant it would be after 8.30 getting out. Not a huge fan of late runs. Felt better again, overall 9.5km in 45:51, 4:48 pace, some fast 20 sec intervals in the middle got to 3:30 pace. HR at 157, so still a bit high, but the pace was better.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Thursday: FTP intervals. shorter than tuesdays, 3 mins on 1 off. found this almost harder, 2 mins recovery is more beneficial than a minute shorter at ftp. intervals in @ 276, 276, 275, 277, 275.

    Bit of training to catch up on, then a race report.

    Friday: Swim, which i didn't think i'd get in as had early start to work, then wife had to leave mid afternoon for a funeral in cork. got one window though when my mother called so she minded the two for 40 minutes while i went to the pool

    short and sweet, warm up, some 100's @ race pace some fast 50's and warm down. First 100 was way too fast, 1:29. next couple at 1:31/1:32, then a 1:34 and a 1:35. given recent races it occurred to me afterwards this was still too fast,

    for some reason this has disappeared off my garmin and not on GC or strave, so working on memory. think i clicked discard rather than save

    Once the two were in bed, i started prepping for Lough Derg Sprint on Saturday. Tri bike had just been put back together, but apart from a 3 minute spin just outside the house hadn't been road tested. very unlike me. but needs must.

    biggest concern was the elbow. i wasn't 100% comfortable going aero, pressure on the elbow hurt. So i came up with the idea of double padding the left support, taping a softer pad on top of the 3t one. worked well, was now comfortable. wondered should i do both so they were level, but decided i didn't need to.

    Given that there was
    • new base bar
    • new extensions
    • new brake levers
    • new gear shifters
    • all new cables

    i was a little apprehensive about going straight into a race without a proper test, but my mechanic work is usually okay so figured i'd be okay.

    Race Day - Lough Derg Sprint.

    Up early, breakfast and coffee. Dromineer is only 30 mins from me, so a nice local race again. had signed up for this as a double with the N Tipp pool based sprint which was cancelled . got a few bob back from that then when registering, which was nice.

    This was another of those races where you wonder what will show up. with NS on elsewhere again it seemed it might be light on top talent. however, soon spotted Dave Richardson, , Stephen Teeling Lynch, and a couple of others i knew were usually faster than me. Trig was doing the race as well, and talking to him he mentioned the national duathlon champion was here as well, and a few others. Seemed to be a couple of fast looking foreign lads as well, obviously over on holiday as well. you race what shows up though. all i really wanted was my first incident free race of the season, a nice solid race from start to finish with no accidents or incidents.

    Racked my bike. had thought race start was 10, was 10.30, so loads of time. shot the breeze with a few,got my warm ups in. highlight was seeing a lad racking this

    laugh though you may, he finished 7th overall.

    Race brief was supposed to be 10.10, so started putting on the wetsuit at 10. we then spent 40 minutes watching the organisers chasing drifting swim bouys all over the lake, by the time they caught one it would have been an IM distance swim. They finally got it sorted, we had the brief, and prepared to get into the water. walking over to it, my wife tells me i have a big hole in the back of my wetsuit. super. not so much worried about today but don't want to be getting a new suit now.

    into the water for a warm up, back out and counted in. an age getting everyone sorted, and we were off.

    in deep thought


    From the start i wanted to get this swim right. Was concentrating on the stroke, and keeping the effort right. but still i seemed to be watching people passing. felt like an age out to the first buoy, but i had been warned that was usually the case at dromineer. got around the first buoy, pull to the second was much shorter, then the pull in seemed to take a while again. got out feeling it had been a slow swim, but in the focus on getting the suit off i never checked my watch. just as well. as my wife put it, when she saw how many got out of the water ahead of me she was sure something had happened again .


    time 13:39, 64th overall. one of the slowest of the eventual top 30.

    T1 was okay, the race belt got tangled up and took a few seconds, so was a bit slower than it should have been, but was out in 51 seconds, 46th overall. improving a bit already.

    The bike. onto the bike, got the shoes on better than i have in any race before, had them on and closed. first person i see up the road, trig. ha. this is going to be fun. started closing the gap on him straight away. we were both passing out people straight away. and no offence to those i passed, but when you saw how slow they were moving it showed exactly how bad my swim had been.

    anyway, we passed a good few, i was right up to draft distance behind trig. at this point, we had a hard left. at the last minute there had been a route change on the bike caused by a fleadh taking place in nenagh, so they had added a 5km loop into the route early so we didn;t have to go into that traffic. the problem was this 5km was on bumpy agricultural road, and my elbow wasn't enjoying it at all. the impact was fine, it was the rubbing caused by the bouncing was killing me. kpet going as hard as i could, but by the time we got back onto the main road trig was gone way up the road.

    this road was much smoother though, and i was feeling way better now, so started pushing really really hard. was taking people at pace ,a feeling i'm really starting to love. before long i looked up at the next target and realised it was trig, had caught him again. head down and push hard. passed him and kept the gas on. at this stage we hit the turn around at the roundabout outside Nenagh. here, i realised for the first time that the confidence had been hit by the crash. would usually have taken the roundabout tight, but i took it wide and slow, and trig flew around the inside of me. damn

    coming up the roundabout i had been counting. STL went past me first, Dave R a bit behing in second. I'd counted about 19 others, so i was somewhere around 20th. gives an idea of how many i/trig/we had passed already.

    anyway, kept behind trig for a while, then decided to go again. pushed past, but we had a couple of tight turns, and once again i wasn;t as brave as i should have been. trig tore past again, and i could hear someone else having closed again. Damn again.

    few minutes later i was passed again. recognised the guy straight away, not that many Cervelo P5's around. IT's a lad i know from Tipp wheelers(the tipp town ones) who has beaten me every time, but i've been closing the gap recently. he went past me, then past trig. feck it i thought, it's a sprint, so pushed again, went past trig, and got caught in no mans land. no real gap to pull into without drafting, stupid of me, hung there for a few seconds, in between wheelers and trig, cursing myself, then deicded to deal with it the most decisive way, past wheelers and pushed.

    back into dromineer now started taking off the shoes, while doing so teh two flew past me again, must practise that more so. they both crossed the dismount line ahead of me, but only just.

    felt like a strong bike. and it was. 251W average for the whole thing, given the rough patch i couldn't push as hard on not bad. av power jsut before dromineer on the way back in was 263. max 20 min AP was 267.


    happy with that. was very happy when i saw the results too. 4th fastest split overall, 3rd in my AG. trig beat me by 3 seconds. STL and the duathlon champ Killian Heery the only other two faster than me. will take that any day. Coach won't be too happy with me saying it but there was probably more there if i was honest.

    time 32:13, 36.8km/hr average.

    had a good t2. got out before wheelers, but trig was gone out 100m ahead of me

    28 second t2, 27th overall.

    As i left t2, i had two thoughts. one, get a gap over trig ASAP, same story as Boru, i knew if he hung in at all his stubbornness would keep him on my heels the whole way around, even if it killed him. The second was that mr Wheelers was usually a faster runner than me, so i promised i was going to stick on his shoulder as long as i could when he went past.

    first goal was trig up the road. the first km of this run is a steep uphill, a tough hill. caught up with trig and passed almost immediately, but going past a couple of marshalls i heard them encouraging mr wheelers by name, right behind me. feck. all the motivation i needed to drive the hill hard. had another target up the road so passed him, got to the top, still hadn't been passed. 500m down the road heard coming footsteps, expected the sight of a wheelers jersey but no, wasn't him. was passed, but by someone i didn't know.

    lot of up and down, but got to the turnaround, and started to look around. expected to see a wheeler jersey right behind me, but nope, first thing i noticed a few hundred metres behind me was a boru jersey, someone from my local club. not been beaten by someone from that club in a long time, so this was a shock. mr wheelers was close, and a bit further back was trig.

    pushed hard for home now. knew there was a few lumps, then 1 big climb before the downhill finish. i fancied this uphill more though, not as steep, and very similar to the climb home i have after every run, so i hit it hard. at this point there was nothing in front i was chasing, but plenty behind. i ran the run of the hunted. up over the hill, hit the downhill. okay, if someone wants this now let them hurt to get it, pushed with everything left. hundred metres from the bottom i couldn't hear footsteps behind. knew i was safe. crossed the line.



    run: 20:13. 13th overall, 9th in the ag.

    i figured i was 14/15th. wife reckoned i was 12th, but she might have missed a few. she didn't. 12th overall, 1:07:25. fair chunk off my PB for a sprint in a nice but tough course.

    delighted with the bike and run. run was only a few seconds behind the run time STL posted in third, and was faster than a fair few of those above me. That was probably my best run off the bike in a tri. Bike, well that was as good as it's been.

    The swim, well lets leave it as work to do there. Pool times are okay, but my race times have all been slower this year. Might be a mental thing, but will have a chat with TMWTP to figure it out.

    Good day out though. and a report i've been waiting all year to write. an incident free race. hopefully the run of bad luck behind me (i'm not counting the hole in the wetsuit :D )

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Well done Mossy, great report, the pics made it even more real :). Delighted you got a pb but most importantly that you got to see the had years work finally pay off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Well done Mossy, great report, felt like I was there the whole way with you ;);) oh yeah I was!! (up until the run anyway :o)

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Trig1 wrote: »
    Well done Mossy, great report, felt like I was there the whole way with you ;);) oh yeah I was!! (up until the run anyway :o)

    told my wife saturday evening i was looking forward to ennis at the weekend just to have a race where we're not duking it out on the bike.

    see you for world's end again though..:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    Great race M, it wont be long before you are pushing for a podium place. out of curiosity, what would your 750m time be in a pool? is it possible the wetsuit is actually slowing you down rather than giving you speed?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Fantastic race!! And super report!!! Very well done! :)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Pmaldini wrote: »
    Great race M, it wont be long before you are pushing for a podium place. out of curiosity, what would your 750m time be in a pool? is it possible the wetsuit is actually slowing you down rather than giving you speed?

    Last 400 tt was just about the 6 mark. so 800 in 12.30, 750 in 12 or so? just an estimate, but probably not far off. so 12 in the pool without wetsuit

    it could be the suit, had no issues with it last year, was always where i thought i would be. lighter this year though by a few kg so maybe it's an issue.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Sunday Bike
    Plan was for 2 hours, so called up a couple of mates and we got one of the regular runs done. All kept reasonably easy, avg HR was only 131, average speed was 28.5, went a bit over the 2 hours, came in as 2:20 for 66.8km. Nice cycle though

    Monday Swim
    WU, then main as 10*100 mod hard. These came in 1:36, 1:35, 1:34, 1:35, 1:35, 1:34, 1:35, 1:37, 1:35, 1:34. Happy with the consistency there. last couple were an effort though. Fats 50's then on 43, 43, 47, 47/ thought the third one was a drop in effort so pushed the last but same outcome, think that was what was in the tank at that point. 2200m in 46 mins overall

    Tuesday Run
    Long run mid week this week. plan for hour easy, 20 steady, 10 easy. Had to do a work call at 5, so did it from home with a plan to head out afterward. had a snack pre the call to keep me going through to dinner which wouldn't be till after 8, wholegrain rice cakes with peanut butter. Felt fine starting the run, but within a KM my stomach was locked solid with cramps and i was almost doubled over.

    Contemplated turning around and heading home, pushing the long run to wednesday, but a sadistic little voice inside my head reminded me of all the race reports for HIM and IM i;ve read where guys talked about intestinal issues and having to work through them, so in a bizarre way i saw this as an opportunity to get used to that. so soldiered on, convinced it would pass soon enough. wasn't to be, got worse and worse the further i went. got the hour done, pace a bit slower than it would have been, HR defintiely higher. wasn't sure i could speed up for the steady portion, but i did, 20 minutes @ 4:27 pace, was sub 4:20 for a good portion of the 20 but drifted away, HR much higher than it should have been but the pace felt right. last 10 minutes was uphill, really struggling with cramps now and very very slow. the run itself wasn;t bad, given i haven't done a long run in a while with races, but i'm struggling to remember the last time i was so relieved to finish a run that wasn't all out efforts.

    18.2km in 1:29:37 (normally i;d go up the road a bit to bring it to 1:30 but not tonight), 4:55 overall pace. 160 avg HR.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Character building run :cool: It's getting the likes of that done and the consistency that is reaping great gains for you this year. Fair play!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    mossym wrote: »
    Contemplated turning around and heading home, pushing the long run to wednesday, but a sadistic little voice inside my head reminded me of all the race reports for HIM and IM i;ve read where guys talked about intestinal issues and having to work through them, so in a bizarre way i saw this as an opportunity to get used to that. so soldiered on,

    Im not sure what reports you are reading, I do not think you ever get used to a dodgy tummy, :D

    nice running mind,

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    BennyMul wrote: »
    Im not sure what reports you are reading, I do not think you ever get used to a dodgy tummy, :D

    nice running mind,

    true. lets say little sadistic voice was suggesting in get used to the pain of running with stomach issues, not the issues themselves

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Whatever hit me Tuesday evening wasn’t fully gone by morning, still felt way off. Morning swim didn’t happen, said I’d leave it to post work and see how I felt. Was feeling far from 100% all morning, but the planned run was only 30 mins, so said I’d give it a go. Far from feeling my best all the way around, took it nice and easy, 6.24km in 30 mins, 4:48 avg pace, Hr 155

    Still wasn’t right that evening, so canned the swim. Was in bed before 9

    Turbo intervals, 5*4 @ftp 2 recovery. felt good, strong on bike, pushed over ftp for intervals, ftp is 266, came in as 272, 289, 286, 294, 294. wasn't at max on those either.

    Morning Swim WU, 5*100’s @ RP, WD. 100’s on 1:33 to 1:35. First one a bit faster at 1:31.felt like iw as moving well.

    Was supposed to be a run, but was off work Thursday/Friday and were out and about with the family Friday morning, wife had to go to funeral Friday evening, tried in vain to get someone to watch the kids for 30 mins while I ran but no-one was answering the phones so no joy

    Saturday – Ennis iTri, National Series Sprint
    Was in for this as another reasonably close race. Given it was NS I was expecting a stronger field than the last few sprints I have done, and I wasn’t wrong. Lots of fast guys there, including our own BTH. Wasn’t too pushed, this one was just for fun, wasn’t local enough for pride to be at stake.

    Registered, got all the gear ready, then span down to transition. Got set up, did a warm up, shot the breeze with BTH and Ceepo (nice to meet you). Then off. Bit of a strange swim course, almost like a letter W. anyway, wanted a good solid swim to judge if last weeks time was an honest reflection of OW swim times right now, and unfortunately it is. didn’t feel like I lost any time anywhere, put in the effort, but a glance at the watch coming out of the water said 14mins. Balls.
    Swim 14:55, 85th overall, 24th in my AG

    Into T1, mad, not thinking straight. Getting the wetsuit off was a mess, usually okay here but was annoyed. Helmet didn’t go on right either. Finally got it on, grabbed the bike, long run around transition, over the mount line, jumped onto the pedals, missed the foot plant and the pedal swung around, had to stop, couldn’t get the pedal right, finally, done, off moving. Probably as bad a T1 as I have done
    T1: 1:48, 89th overall 29th in AG

    Ah the bike. No problems here(as long as I stay on). Had a bunch passed before we made the turn onto the main road after 500m. that trend continued. Was burning anger for fuel, and it’s like NOS in one of those Fast and Furious movies. Took the first roundabout too fast and tight, thought the bike might go, but held it. Kept pushing hard, passing lots. At one stage looked up to see 4 lads in a pack ahead. F&ckers. Next thing motorbike passed me out and the official broke them up pretty quick, fairly sure at least one got a penalty. He stayed outside them for a couple of minutes, during which time I closed the gap, as he pulled off I overtook them all. At about the 8.5km mark I met the leaders coming back, with BTH a few places down. He did well to get by them all and get off the bike first.

    Made the turn around, and repeat. Pushing hard, overtaking loads. By now I was overtaking guys moving well, and on nice bikes, so knew I had moved up the field a fair bit. Knew there was lots more ahead of me though. Came back in towards transition, got out of the shoes too early, misjudged the distance from final turn to dismount line, lost a bit of time there. one lady I had passed from LTC (fairly obvious who) passed me right on the dismount line, only person to go past me all day, proving I need to get my dismounts practiced.

    Messed up my garmin, hit lap twice in T1 so no numbers off the watch on my wrist. The one on the bike though said 270W average for the course, at an average of 39km/hr. I didn’t start that until after I got my shoes on though, so it doesn’t take into account the messing around with the shoes.

    Bike and T2 times were merged, but I had an okay T2.

    Bike+ T2 33:18 11th overall and 7th in AG

    Think my bike was better than my t2 so might have been up a few places, but given the bad start, I’ll take 11th in a NS race all day long, especially given the level of competition that was there


    Got out on the run, had been told it was short and only 4.5km. After about a km we got turned up a hill for a short loop, and it looked like a bit had been added to make it longer. At this point the only person to pass me on the run went past, a well known lady from a local club, but as we came back down the extra bit she passed some of her club mates and I could hear her telling them she had been busted for drafting. I figured she had a penalty to take so, but in the end she’s not on the results so must have been DQ’d. Kept the gap to her fairly constant now. Closed on the lady from LTC who had scooted by me on the dismount line, remembered the advice about catching up slowly then overtaking fast. Picked my moment on a downhill and motored past. Had a 100m lead before I let up a bit, and from there on the gap just got bigger.

    From here on in my race was pretty much done. Lady ahead of me had something kept for the second half and pulled away, I kept the pace even and held it all the way home, thanking all the marshalls on the way in. made the final turn, down the 500m to home and done.

    Run 19:41, 36th overall 19th in AG.

    Overall: 1:09:45, 35th overall, 16th in my AG (31 to 40, whatever happened to 35 to 39??). satisfied I think is how I’d describe it, outside of Kilkee that’s the strongest field I’ve raced this year

    Happy with the bike and run, bike is flying, run is strong. No complaints there

    And at this stage I know for sure the swim is where it is. that’s too many races now around the same time , proves that’s the ow pace. Need more OW practice, the Garmin read 830m when I exited, I know it’s probably out but that’s crazy to be over by that much. Big push to get OW practice in over the next few weeks.


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Plan was for the long bike given the race saturday. Sunday forecast looked awful, TDF last stage was on tv, so i did an afternoon turbo while listening to Carlton and Sean from france for the last time this year. 3 hours, 90 minutes easy aiming for around 170w came in @ 166, 60 minutes @ 220 came in @ 226, and 30 minutes easy again came in @ 171. legs were tired, usually holding 170 on the turbo for 90 minutes would be no problem but was a bit tougher today

    overall 3 hours, 187W AP.

    WU, some drill work, descinding 50's, then into 6 *150 cruise into 50 fast. these came in on 3:24, 3:24, 3:18, 3:21, 3:22, 3:29. hands up on the last one i took the foot off the gas. fast 50's then on 44 to 46.

    total: 2800m in 50 minutes

    Talk about a miserable day. Could have been December. Wet, windy, awful. got caught by the boss so my running partner headed off, so done solo. felt tired, but was moving well. some fast pickups for 20 seconds in the middle felt good too. headwind on the way out, lovely tail wind for the 3rd quarter then a circle around the estate to get the time right.

    Good run. 9.7km in 45 mins, 4:37 pace, 161 avg HR (bit high, in line with the pace though)

    Tuesday Morning
    Family are away at the inlaws all week. house to myself. taking advantage. up early to get the turbo done. legs asleep for the first half. in fact they felt tired the whole session. WU, some builds, then into 2*10 @ FTP. 5 easy. 10 mins came in as 280 and 281, but that felt tough this morning, or at least tougher than it has recently

    50 mins @ 217W AP

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,575 ✭✭✭Ceepo

    Nice to meet you Mossy.

    Not sure what happened with the lady that got the draft penalty as her number is on the penalty board, but the 2 min's does not seem to be added to her overall time. By the way she won the ladies race going by her married name now..
    Think its the same lady we are talking about

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Results have been updated and she's in 3rd now if it's who I think it is.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    that be her alright, first time i've not seen her use her maiden name, hence my confusion. Given she finished ahead of me she definitely had the 2 minute penalty applied as he's behind me on the results now

    and wahoo two spots gained overall after the result rejig, and they've re-introduced the 35 to 39 AG, giving me a 6th in AG overall, 3rd on the bike. didn't make up the one spot to get in the top 10 overall on the bike.

    next time..:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    mossym wrote: »
    that be her alright, first time i've not seen her use her maiden name, hence my confusion. Given she finished ahead of me she definitely had the 2 minute penalty applied as he's behind me on the results now

    and wahoo two spots gained overall after the result rejig, and they've re-introduced the 35 to 39 AG, giving me a 6th in AG overall, 3rd on the bike. didn't make up the one spot to get in the top 10 overall on the bike.

    next time..:)

    Those new age-groups mean I've gone from fifth in my AG to, eh, fifth in my AG. Great...

    And only the second fastest bike+T2 split, the girl who did the whole lot in 47 seconds is ahead of me there. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,575 ✭✭✭Ceepo

    BTH wrote: »
    Those new age-groups mean I've gone from fifth in my AG to, eh, fifth in my AG. Great...

    And only the second fastest bike+T2 split, the girl who did the whole lot in 47 seconds is ahead of me there. :(

    Ha ha to be fair she did have a fairly good rest in t1 lol.

    I say the guy who had a combined time of 44 Min for the bike T2 and the run also had a faster bike split than you.
    Down to 3rd now lol.
    Think I need to make an enquiry into that as it may well see me elevated to 3rd in AG.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Ceepo wrote: »
    Ha ha to be fair she did have a fairly good rest in t1 lol.

    I say the guy who had a combined time of 44 Min for the bike T2 and the run also had a faster bike split than you.
    Down to 3rd now lol.
    Think I need to make an enquiry into that as it may well see me elevated to 3rd in AG.

    please do, might be a small thing, but i wouldn't mind top 10 bike split:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,575 ✭✭✭Ceepo

    mossym wrote: »
    please do, might be a small thing, but i wouldn't mind top 10 bike split:)

    Email sent to timing company.
    Just for your personal gain lol

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Ceepo wrote: »
    Email sent to timing company.
    Just for your personal gain lol


    and if you just "happen" to get an AG podium out of it sure we'll both be happy...:)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Tuesday Evening:
    Took advantage of the family being away to get some OW practice in. 1200m in the lake, using a line of buoys as a track/sighting target. Pier to last buoy to pier was just over 300m, so did 4 laps. Felt good, sighting was fine, pace was consistent, but consistent with Saturdays race as well.
    1200m in 24 minutes.

    Few years back when I started Tri first I did a swim clinic up in Athlone where they used video to analyse your swim and provide direct feedback. The highlights from the last time were really poor body position, total lack of a kick and legs were just dragging through the water, no real catch, pulling across my body and no rotation. I found it invaluable to be able to see my stroke, and for a number of reasons this felt like a good time to get it done again. So contacted the organizer and yesterday 5.30pm saw me in the pool at athlone for what was supposed to be a 60 minute 1:1 clinic.

    Started off by just watching me for a few lengths, then recorded my stroke both from above and below the water. Then we started on immediate feedback. Good news is the body position is now good, the kick is good, no issues with dragging through the water. Catch is good, and pull through is fine.

    The bad, from biggest offender down
    1) Stroke rate: averaged 30 or even 31 strokes for a 25m length. All action, I just swing away at a very high rate. Longer distance this is going to be a killer,
    2) No reach /not enough rotation
    3) Left hand okay, right hand pushes inwards at entry forcing me to go left.
    4) Hand going up during extension

    Got the feedback at pool side, then I put on a headset I could swim with which allowed real time correction in the water. Spent the next 30 minutes correcting things,obviously it will take work to make them feel natural, but the differences were staggering. Swimming my normal style, 1 did a 1:33 100 at an average stroke count of 29/25, and an RPE of 8. Slowing things way down, to the point I felt I wasn’t going half the speed, was a 1:36 100 with 19 strokes /25 and an RPE of 5. It was the huge difference in RPE versus the small drop off in time that amazed me. Felt like I was barely moving, but the times don’t lie

    After that, we did some work with wetsuit on, with a specific focus on sighting and got shown a new method I think will work well for me, but obviously will need to practice.

    The 60 minute session became 90, but an extremely valuable 90 minutes. Lots to work on now. I left with a copy of all the vidoes, and in a few days I’ll get a detailed analysis of the videos with voice over explaining the problems and providing detailed feedback.

    Even watching the videos myself later that night was beneficial. Really happy I did this.

    It did mean I got home late though, and starving, with a 45 minute work still on the plan. Was so tempted to skip it, but pulled on the runners and got it done, was starving though so not as sprightly as I may have been, 9.1km @ 4:59 pace.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,682 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    Was this with Charlie/Dave in Athlone Mossy? Didn't know they were doing 1:1 sessions but agree they are top notch. Went to them in 2013 and joined in with a group from Pulse and got good value from the session, must drop them an email again.
