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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    I was wondering where you were as I didn't see you at the finish.

    Sorry to hear about the injury - hopefully it's only a short term tweak and you can be back at it asap.

    Did the right thing pulling up in that situation so hopefully minimised any damage.

    Nice to meet you and speedy recovery.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Cheer Fazz.

    So, leg is healing well. I'm in that dangerous timeframe where the legs feels fine, and you're reaaaallllllllyyyyy tempted to go do something. however, almost did a quick jog to the car today as it was raining and even walking briskly i could feel the leg twinge a little so not quite there yet. Have physio on friday anyway so will let them make a call, but i'm hopefuly another week and i'll be back.

    in the mean time

    Monday morning
    30 Mins core workout, focus on glutes and core, lots of stretching, resistance band work, leg raises. All the stuff i should ave been doing regularly anyway and hadn't been. One of the aims for 2014 is to get at least 3 decent core sessions a week in.

    30 Mins.

    Monday evening
    Back in the pool. They were shut down over xmas and the heater for the pool isn;t working since, meaning it's pretty cold when you get in first, but perfect for workouts. Anyway, drill was

    10*150 (50 Fast, 100 Easy) +20 sec

    Different to any workout i've done recently, this felt more like a head down slog rather than the variety of drills and paces. First few were easy, but it got tough by the end. form was definitely falling away on the last couple. But it was good to get a session like this in. Gave me a good chance to see that my fast is definitely much improved over the last month. Stroke is better. If i can keep up the level of consistency in swimming this year should be a lot better in the water.

    Details are here, but pace and distance are off as my pool is 17m but 910xt only goes down to 20m.

    Tuesday 31st

    1hr Strength Session
    Mixture of Core work, stretching, weights and foam rolling. Not going to get to the pool today so glad i managed to get this in.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    More Swimming. while I'm sure the time in the pool is helping the swim, the lack of bike and run is getting tougher to take. i like swimming, but without the variety the other two sports bring swimming along starts to lose it's appeal. luckily it's not a long term injury(hopefully)and will be back on the bike at least soon. even that would be enough

    Anyway, session was all Pull buoy based, perfect for a non kick workout

    4x100p easy + 15s
    2x200p mod + 20sec
    400p steady + 30sec
    4x100p easy + 15s

    Swim definitely coming along. Ability to hold pace is improving. Really focused on the catch and pull for the last 4*100, reckon there is huge room for improvement there so will focus on it for a while, but overall happy with how swim is coming along.

    1600m, 33mins

    Core Session: 30 Minutes
    still getting lots of good core work in. No weights today, but planks and hip/glutework, working on drills given by the physio. also some leg raises to improve the abs which i feel is a weak area for me. Those and glutes are my big weak areas and the main area of focus for core work for me.

    Good news is leg is holding up fine to the core work. No ill effects whatsoever. I reckon biking may be okay, but will check with physio on Friday morning. Really starting to hope for good news. if not, it'll be at least another week as i'm off to CES in Las Vegas all next week from Sunday on.Even some light spinning would be good

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    oh, and one more update, the "lottery" for Kilkee entered. Now lets see if their claim everyone would get in was accurate

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Thursday Swim Session.
    4th time in the pool in 5 days. My shoulders are starting to ache, both because of that and I've upped the weights work as well (easy to up when it was zero before)

    Second day in a row i've walked in to find an empty lane. Similar session to Sunday, with a few lenghts before and after added. Before because the pool heater is still not fixed and i needed to warm up. after as i wanted a bit more work on the catch, starting to feel better and felt the last set wasn't good for it so wanted to get it right again before leaving.
    75 easy
    10x50 as 15 front scull, 35 easy + 15s
    10x50 as 25fist, 25p +15s
    10x50 as 25 fast, 25 easy + 15s
    125 Easy

    1700m total, 39 min

    Physio tomorrow morning. I've everything crossed here i get a green light to get on bike. i feel i can , but it's only a week since the injury and i won't rush it without someone a lot more knowledgeable than me saying it's okay

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Physio done and dusted, was able to do all the resistance tests, and with no pain in the last few days it's been graded a grade 1 strain and I've got the green light not only for biking but to try a 4k easy run tomorrow and see how it gets on.

    Time to get moving again:)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Friday Evening Turbo
    Physio today did a session of dry needling. This usually is sore at the time, but doesn't cause me any significant discomfort later. I find it helps a lot though. Never had it in the hamstring before and wow was it different, leg was sore all day afterwards. However, by evening it had eased up enough that i decided to get on the turbo.

    Even though i have it 3 weeks now, this was my first time on the tri bike. Obviously felt very strange, arm position definitely not right but will get that sorted.

    Decided to keep it easy. plan starting was

    15 easy
    10 steady
    10 easy
    10 steady
    15 easy

    Was watching the hamstring like a hawk, first sign of trouble i was stopping. first 15 easy went no problem, bit nervous starting to push a bit harder but it had to be done. The ten minutes flew by, just felt good to be back on the bike. Next 10 easy went well, and back into steady again. About 7 mins in i felt what i thought was a mild twinge, so called the steady straight away, backed it back to easy for a few minutes just to ease it out and finished it up. 45 mins rather than an hour, but was good to just be back doing something.

    Watched the leg afterwards, did some stretching, it's all good so icing it a bit tonight but i reckon it help up fine. Will try an easy 4k run tomorrow as instructed by the physio and see how it gets on, that going okay i can start ramping up the distance again.

    Time: 45 mins, 16.84Km

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    ouch, almost two weeks without an update. and not from being overrun with training hours unfortunately.

    to summise, the weekend after the update above, i was due to fly to vegas on monday for CES, which required going to dublin on Sunday evening.
    Before leaving, i got an easy run and another turbo in, all the time watching the hamstring. it was a bit tight, but nothing too bad. Was glad to get those two sessions in, as i knew CES would be tough. Normally on a business trip, i'm in the hotel looking for something to do, so getting sessions in is not a problem. CES is never like that though. the hotel i usually stay in is on the strip, outdoor runs are hard, and hte gym only opens 6 to 6, and with early starts and late finishes getting there is extremely difficult. anyway, i packed the wourkout gear with the ebst of intentions and headed off

    Being in dublin did give me a chance to meet coach who i started working with a couple of months ago. had only spoken over email so meeting was good. was a short but useful chat and putting a face to the name always helps.

    anyway, vegas turned out exactly how i expected, almost impossible to get a workout in. Sucks. I did manage to get to the gym one morning and put 40 mins in on the treadmill. and that was the full extent of my workouts in Vegas. lack of time, plus the fact you are on your feet for 12 hours a day don't lend itself to it. Was glad when the show was over and got to come home, from a tri point of view at least.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    except that it didn't quite workout as i expected, on the way home i realised i had a flu coming on, just my luck. got home, misrable, on to the couch and the hot whiskeys started as we'd no lempsip in the house. spent Sunday suffering, and woke monday thinking it was almost gone, decided to work from home to avoid infecting the office, and jsut as well, as i was only getting started. wasn't until today i felt right, and that was after being in bed asleep by 8pm last night.

    so after gettig back from the hamstring faster than expected, work and illness conspired to keep me out anyway. only back to training tonight, with an easy 45 mins on the trainer. easy run tomorrow, and something over the weekend, with a return to some realy efforts next week hopefully

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    time to get this updated as training is back on track

    Friday Jan 17: Nice easy run to get back into it. The shortest of my regular loops at work. was good to just be out again, but it did feel tougher than it should have.
    5.5km Distance, 28:26 Moving Time, 5:09/km Average Pace

    Sat Jan 18th: Weather looked nice for a change, so as well as getting a longer cycle in, i reckoned it was a good chance to finally take the tri bike out for it's maiden spin. My only ever use of tri bars before has been on the trainer. so this was a novel experience. took a while to get use to the bars, the lack of brakes played on my mind a fair bit to start. made the mistake of getting onto the bars straight away while still going downhill through the town, not the right time for it, which dashed the confidence a bit. Made it out to the old main dublin road, with it's nice wide bike lane. got down on the bars and cruised easy up to nenagh. bars took a bit of getting used to. the fit isn't right, i know that, needs more playing with . neck got a bit sore after a while. Still though, that bike just cruises, and being outside, and back on the bike for a proper spin for the first time in ages, made this a really enjoyable ride. nothing hard, jsut a nice easy spin getting use to the bike
    50.5km, 1hr54mins

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Sunday Jan 19th.
    Another Heineken cup rugby match in thomond at 12.45, horrible time for a match as it takes over the whole day. Decided on an early run as a result. got a text froma mate of mine wanting to know i i wanted to go for a run, so invited him along, plan was to go for an hour or slightly more at very easy pace, so the company was welcome. Started off well, nice easy pace. after a few km, my friends hip started giving him real trouble, resulting in a lot of walking interspersed with some running for the remainder. rather than the hour, we ended up doing 8.5km in 59 mins. the running portion was an okay pace, but there was a good few walking stretches in that. still, was supposed to be taking things easy so no sweat.
    8.5km in 59 mins

    Monday 20th
    Graduation day for the MBA i finished last year. managed to get a run in early before heading to UL. nothing too hard, but felt like i wanted to get it done after the interrupted run the day before. felt really good on this, run strength is coming back, well my level of run strength anyway, but that'll do me. still not back to where i was at xmas but know after this run it'll be back soon
    8km in 41:40

    Tuesday 21st
    Turbo session. first real test of the hamstring on the bike, everything on the bike had been easy till now. plan was for
    10 easy
    4x(1 HC, 30sec easy)
    4x(30sec build, 30sec easy)
    10x(1 ON, 1 OFF)
    5 easy

    was good to be back doing something tough. and it got tough towards the end, the last few of the 1 on 1 off and i was watching the clock counting down for them to finish. Still, enjoyed hurting a bit again, and the leg held up just fine, so good result
    time: 45 mins.distance 16.9km

    Wedneday the 22nd
    back to the pool. Had been really happy with swim during new years week, mainly because i got 5 swims in that week. not been in the pool since due to ces and the flu. alarm went off at 6.45 and would normally be in the pool at 7. couldn;t get out of the bed this morning though, and was 7.30 getting there, to discover they had no hot water. pool was very cold, and no hot showers. Still was there at that stage and wasn't going to bail so jumped in and shivered for the first few lengths tilli warmed up. plan was
    300sw, 200p, 100k
    4x100p as 50fist/50sw
    4x(100 fast, 50 easy)
    100p, 100k, 100p, 100sw eas

    lets say i got through it, and thats about it, rhythm of a couple of weeks ago has deserted me, but it will come back. forgot my pull buoy so the pull drills were done in with 3 floats stuck between my legs, which wasn't very comfortable but it got done. hopefully swim on friday brings a bit more rhythm. out of the water toa very cold shower, that didn't help the not fully departed cold.
    1900m in 39 minutes.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    feels good to be back getting regular updates into this and my training plan.

    plan was for run and bike. headed to work with plan of run at lunchtime, bike after work. almost had to bail on the run at lunch, and would have had to make it into a brick session. wasn't down in the plan though, so managed to get out at lunch time.

    Lunchtime run
    still keeping the runs short, so out on my short loop again. plan is for 30 minutes, and there was a time this run used take longer than that, but not any longer.ignored the watch for the first 20 minutes or so and just focused on keeping it easy. looked at the watch then and saw i'd been doing roughly 5 mins km. happy with that for easy, although thats a bit fast for my easy. i'll take it after the break though:) anyway, got my 5* 30 builds done that were in the plan, was almost back at work, and added a bit extra in to bring it over the 30 minutes. was almost easier when the loop took 30:)
    30:26 mins. 6.15km

    Evening turbo
    not cycled and run in the same day for a while, so an hour easy on the turbo was something different. kept the HR in the 140 to 150 range and just span away. happy to see the legs were still fresh at the end.
    1 hr, 21km

    this is a reintroduction week to get the body moving after the hamstring & 5 day flu. happy to say looks like i'm good to get back to tough weeks, been no ill effects to training this week. good thing, starting to be some events on the radar, limerick duathlon in feb being the first

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Friday got all messed up, got nothing in. Saturday woke with great intentions of getting out on the bike. soon as i opened my eyes though i knew it wasn't going to happen. We're up on a hill, so the wind is exaggerated, but even taking that into account i knew it was not a day for outside. Had to run an errand outside, and passed some very misrable looking cyclists outside so decision made that it was another long turbo. With one thing or another didn;t get on the bike until 1.30 or so. Settled in for the long session, rewatching Game of Thrones in advance of the upcoming new season. 2.5 hours was the plan, the first quarter a set of high speed spinning, with longer harder intervals at the back end. i find the more weeks i have to do the long spins inside without getting out the harder they get mentally. when you're counting down the minutes in a 2.5hour turbo after 30 mins it's going to be tough. Anyway, got through it, but noticed after about an hour that it was quite nice outside now. by the end realised there had been no wind or rain for the whole time i had been on the bike. Bummer, could have been outside
    time:2:30:00. 54.18KM

    Family away at friends. whole house to myself, was still struggling a bit after the flu/las vegas trip so took full advantage and got 11 hours sleep. Well needed. up and out the door to the pool then to make up for the swim i missed on Friday. our local pool has had problems with the water heaters since xmas, they never came back on after the shutdown for the few days. Anyway, the positives are that the cold, and it is cold, is keeping everyone away so no problem getting room, and secondly if you are doing a proper workout you warm up and don;t feel the cold so it works well actually. probably a bit colder than it should be though!!

    Session of
    200sw, 200p, 200k
    10 x 50 fist, with 10s
    10 x 50p on 60 mod/hard
    200k, 200sw

    Felt good, better than the last swim. regularity definitely the name of the game with my swimming. thise damn legs still the problem, i fly(accept an element of relativity here if you don't mind) when using the pull buoy, need to keep working on that kick
    2000m in 43:09

    Sunday evening LSR
    Was meant to be the only workout for the day, but i'd thrown the swim in which had a fair bit of kick work, and i knew the legs were tired. didn't realise how much till i went out on the run. 20mins into a 1:15 run my legs were complaining. feck. time for head down and just get it done. Was late going out, starting to darken so decided to just run around town to stay to footpaths. kept the pace steady, back and forth across the two towns, by 50mins in legs were tired, kept the pace steady though, and just got on with it. still some lingering effects of the injury/cold as it shouldn't have been that tough, but the body came through it fine, although i was tired that night!!
    13.36km in 1:12

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Complicated bike route and downhill all the way!!!!

    Only joking, often forget to switch off the GPS for turbo sessions myself and the data makes me laugh.

    Also, you're HR looks very low at the start and then picks up, I always had the exact opposite problem with Garmin HR straps with a large spike at the beginning and then settling down.

    When you're replacing a long ride with a long turbo do you swap like for like ie 2.5 hrs for 2.5 hrs or do you shorten the turbo session a bit to allow for the extra work?

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    pointer28 wrote: »
    Complicated bike route and downhill all the way!!!!

    Only joking, often forget to switch off the GPS for turbo sessions myself and the data makes me laugh.

    yeah most of the time i just don't bother, be more worried i'd forget to turn it back on when i was going out again
    pointer28 wrote: »
    Also, you're HR looks very low at the start and then picks up, I always had the exact opposite problem with Garmin HR straps with a large spike at the beginning and then settling down.

    yeah, that's a recent issue, i think the battery in the HR strap is dying. it's reading very low(actually stops giving a reading on the 910 at the start of activities, then tends to get back to normal, i suspect as it warms up. believe me my heart rate is not usually that low!!
    pointer28 wrote: »
    When you're replacing a long ride with a long turbo do you swap like for like ie 2.5 hrs for 2.5 hrs or do you shorten the turbo session a bit to allow for the extra work?

    like for like at the moment, which means the turbos, as you say, are harder than a 2.5 hours spin outside. Still, maximize the time and all that.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    try and capture this week and get up to date now that training has resumed full time

    Monday 27th,
    flying to helsinki in the afternoon, just enough time for a swim in the morning.
    10x100 alt fist/p + 15s
    200choice easy

    2100m total, 45:34 time .

    in hotel in helsinki, meeting collegues for breakfast at 7.30, so alarm set for 6 (4am irish time) andheaded for gym to beat the rush as know there is only one threadmill. Too late, already someone on it. Sign says 30 minute limit, so i decide to give a go on the rowing machine, partly inspired by him with the shotgun. man it's tough. only did about 10 minutes, but hard, and decided i was better on the bike. Hopped on the bike expecting the guy had to finish soon. spun away fora few, and from here could see that he had been on 40 minutes already, so went over and asked him his plan, pointing out the 30minute limit. think the guy was german ,but his response was that he was doing his lsr so the limit didn;t apply. Huh?. well obviously, he can't get his lsr done in 30 minutes, so it doesn't apply. idiot. anyway. ask how much he has left, he says another 80-90 minutes at least. the ignorance of the guy was too much, he honestly could not see what he was doing wrong. wasn't bothered arguing with him. left the gym, hoping to get back later.

    that afternoon, after customer meetings, now at a different hotel, get to the gym there. again, guy on the treadmill, so span away on the bike for 45 mins intil he was done, then got in for 6km in 32 mins at easy pace

    time 32 mins, 6km total

    Wednesday. back in the hotel in Helsinki, get to the gym after work. no-one there as i walk in, but a guy comes in the door behind me. i hop on the treadmill, and he straight away asks how long i will be. not the sort to take the michael, so i tell him will stick to the 30 . plan called for 20 easy, 10 steady, 5 fast, 5 easy. quick edit to 15 easy, 10 steady and 5 fast. i always find these tough, not a natural neg splitter which probably means these are good workouts for me.
    time 30 mins, 6km total

    Back to ireland, and straight to the pool, was on pickup duty for the little one, so the planned 2100m was curtailed to 1400m, but still good to get something in. 35 mins
    200sw, 200p, 100k
    4x50 as 25 fist, 25sw + 15s
    6x50 on 70 des 1-3, fast 4-6
    1x100sw steady + 15s (was meant to be 7*)

    Thursday evening:
    easy 55m spin on the bike, just a nice steady effort. 55 min, 20.16km

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    7am in the pool for a swim.
    4x50p fist
    4x50p fist
    4x50p fist
    4x50 fast on 80

    Best swim in a while, felt strong, stroke was good. love swims like this, really a mental boost. only downside is the pool heating is fixed, so it's packed in the mornings again. was too good to last.

    2200m, 51:21

    Friday evening turbo
    Group turbo session with the bunch i cycle with . Arrived a few minutes early, i've no problems with longer warm ups. turns out a few were late, so had a REALLY long warm up. anyway, once we finally got going, session was

    6*one foot drills,
    4x(1 HC, 30sec easy)
    4x(30sec build, 30sec easy)
    10x(1 ON, 1 OFF)
    5 easy

    with the ons a real push. this was my first group turbo in a while, think i drove them a bit harder than they have been doing as there was pain written on the faces and there wasn't a lot of chat. legs felt good and tired leaving.

    22.1km, 1hr10

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Saturday Morning Turbo + Run
    Beginning to believe that coach has a crystal ball when it comes to setting tough sessions for the weather. The midwest got hammered with the storm overnight, making the choice to move the long spin to the turbo easy enough, but the plan called for a run off the bike. As i watched the neighbours wheelie bin flying down the road 3 feet in the air, i raised an eyebrow at the thought of the run, but hopped on the bike

    2.5 hours on the tri bike/turbo. done as
    15easy, 5* (2*cadence>100, 1 easy), 15easy, 10 steady, 5 mod, 10 easy, 5 steady, 3* ( 5 easy/5 steady), 3*(5 easy/5 mod).
    no heart rate as strap not working (think i was rightabout the battery on the way out, must pick up another), but steady and mod were honest effort. legs tried after turbo night before, loosened out as spin went on, but definitely feeling the effort towards end. the fridaynight turbo was taking it's toll. 3 episodes of Game of thrones to keep me company.

    2:30:00, 53.15km total

    straight off the turbo, quick wipe down with towel, threw on shorts, long sleeve top and a rain jacket, and out the door. nearly driven back in by the wind. switched hte garmin to run mode, gritted teeth, and took off. Plan was for 5 mins steady, 10 easy. First brick this year, and felt it. two turbos in the last 2 days had taken their toll. thought legs wouldn't come around, but even though i hit the first km a bit too hard, the legs came back. looked at watch and realised the gps was off, so no timing info, but i reckon now it was about a 4.30min/km. got to the 5 mins, pulled back to easy. at this stage it was lashing rain, the wind was blowing me either into the street or changing and trying to push me into the shannon, and it was one of those how much do i want to do this moments. enough i guess, as i finished out the run, although it was a bit longer than planned, misjudged the turn point, but no harm The hill back up to my house that i have to tackle at the end of every run really took it's toll on some tired legs, so i was happy to get in the door at home

    19:47 time, 4km total

    legs are tired now sitting here writing this up, and only the long run to do tomorrow. nothing to worry about...:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Great stuff, really impressed with everyone braving the elements today! I woke up, heard hailstones bouncing off the window and went back to sleep missing my own window :o Take care on the long run

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    if i ever move house, one of the main criteria will be it's on the flat with at least 2km flat in every direction. our current house is at the top of a hill, nothing huge, but after tough runs it feels like everest. may be a good thing that stands to me, but that doesn't help at the time.

    Sunday morning LSR
    intended on getting up early, but our 3 year old comes over to us at 7.30/8 every morning, hops in between us, and is quite content to lie there watching tv, just playing or playing games on the kindle for ages. very tough to pull yourself away from that time with her. so was after 9 when i finally got up for the weekly long run. since i missed the few weeks, these are the sessions i've found toughest. and after two hard sessions in the last two days, i expected this to be tough

    dressed for warmth, only for the heavens to open just before i left,so a quick change to dressed for semi-warm and wet. out the door, and straight away the legs signalled their disgust at being asked to move again. no problem legs, we'll keep this very easy. bit of zigzagging around the town then made it to the new sports complex they are developing, with it's 1km running trail. think i did about 6 laps, legs complaining all the way. got to about an hour down, and decided to head for home via a boardwalk along the river where the boats tie up, just to checkout the effect of the storms on the shannon. wow it was high, and the water flow very strong, the normal swim races that take place here every year would have record times by a mile if you dropped people in it today.

    funny thing happened then, started feeling stronger, and put in my best couple of km of the day. then i hit that hill, and teh pace disappeared again, but kept the effort up. still pretty slow even for me on a LSR, but it's getting better. pace over short is fine, long pace is not so good

    1:18:57, 14.29km

    Another week down. and happy to report another solid week in terms of training time

    Swim: 5.7km in 2:11
    Bike: 110km in 5:20
    Run: 30.29 in 2:40

    total 10:22,
    counting only bike swim and run that's my highest, the only other week that had higher time had a few core sessions thrown in, and i had none this week, which i have to adress. next week

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    ouch ouch ouch. that's all that's to be said. Plan for Monday was an easy 30 mins run, and circuits that evening. felt fine late Sunday evening, but woke up Monday morning to the stiff sore hip issue i thought was behind me. hoped it would loosen out during the day, but nope, by lunchtime was still hobbling around. so the run was scrapped.

    had loosened a bit by evening, so off to circuits i went. after a bit of a warm up it felt fine, so an hours circuits sessions it was, kept the focus on my core. once i got home, it was foam roller time. as i was rolling i found it wasn't really my hip that was sore, it's the glute on my right side. no surprise there, always had weak glutes, and the sessions over the weekend just hammered it. rolling helped a lot

    much better this morning, still a bit stiff. but todays plan is for bike tonight, so that should be okay after a warm up.

    just another reminder to me, as if i haven't had enough to be more proactive about his, that i need to focus on core work as well. think I'm going to have to put dedicated core sessions into my plan, rather than leaving them to chance

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Tuesday evening Turbo -"The how the hell do you get a puncture on a turbo" ride

    Plan for tuesday was just over an hour on the turbo. Intended getting on the bike as soon as i got home, but then remembered it was Tuesday, kiddies night at the pool, so it was moved to late. then i got stuck with a work call at 8pm, so the plan was to be on the bike at 9.

    got the pool full of screaming kids and the work call of screaming adults done. off to get on turbo bit later than planned, got about 10 minutes into the warm up, and suddenly felt the resistance disappear completely. what the hell. get off bike. Flat rear. what the hell. a flat on a turbo. quick pump effort confirmed the tube was toast. so off with the wheel, tube changed, and back on. so nwo i'm starting the set at 9.30. great. i hate finishing late as teh blood is still pumping well after 11 and i can't sleep ah well.

    plan was for some easy, then some builds, then a set of increasing intensity over decreasing intervals. loved this session. the sweat was pouring out of me half way through, even with the window open beside me and a gale for wind cooling me down. legs were screaming after a while as well. one of those sessions where you know you;ve put in the effort but feel good for it. still haven't fixed the hr strap which was a real pity as would liked to have seen the effort level on this

    time 1:06, 25.49km

    went to sleep with the throughts of the 400m tt int he pool first thing in the morning dancing around my head

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Punctures on the turbo happen about twice a year for me. Those turbo tyres a b1tch to get back on. :D

    How'd the TT go?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Maybe I am just lucky or its the Satori Turbo that I use - have never bothered getting a turbo tyre and must have the existing Vittori tyre on it for about 4/5 years now.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Punctures on the turbo happen about twice a year for me. Those turbo tyres a b1tch to get back on. :D

    How'd the TT go?

    will write it up in full later, but was disgusted to finish and see a 7:5x, but i swim in a short pool so managed to lose count and do two extra lengths (mind was focused on just breathing towards the end:) ), so the time was 7:13 or there about. happy enough with that, i shudder to think of what the time was 3 months ago, while at the same time i wish i had the number from then to compare. also, pacing was wrong. reckon i can take a bit off that too, so will be better next time.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    catweazle wrote: »
    Maybe I am just lucky or its the Satori Turbo that I use - have never bothered getting a turbo tyre and must have the existing Vittori tyre on it for about 4/5 years now.

    i thought i'd be the same, don;t use a turbo tyre specifically, just the tires that came on the wheelset with my tri bike, which i'm using as a winter/training wheel

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    mossym wrote: »
    i thought i'd be the same, don;t use a turbo tyre specifically, just the tires that came on the wheelset with my tri bike, which i'm using as a winter/training wheel

    make sure you don't use a repaired tube, as the heat will\can remelt the glue and the patch lifts.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    this was a new tube, only about 260km on it according to strava, but thats a good point

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Wednesday Morning Swim
    First 400m TT. first stake in the ground. knew i had put in a serious effort at circuits monday night, but only realised how much when i swung the body out of bed and a ton of muscles groaned together. well that's not going to help, but time to HTFU

    plan was for some warm up drills first, got through those, deep breath and off i went. despite it rocking around in my head not to go off too fast, i still reckon i did. was in my local pool so only 17m, so it was basically 12 up and downs. reckon i;d have been much better off if it wasa 50m pool, as tracking up to 12 just makes it feel like you have lots left to do. got to about 10, gasping for air at this stage, and really focused on powering it home, to the extent that i suddenly thought was that 10 or 11. decided it was 10, better to do more than not enough. got to 12. stop. push lap on the watch. 7.51. cr%p, thought i would have been better than that. plan went for 100 easy, then 100TT. went through them, 100TT came in as 1:38. finished the set. quick go in the steam room. while in there decided to check the session, turns out i did 13 laps in the 400m, or one too many. taking off the two last leaves me at 7.13, much more respectable. i'll take that. reckon there is more there too

    1700m total,32:07 total

    Lunchtime Run
    supposed to be an easy 45 mins with some builds. felt way tougher than it should have been. legs felt tired and like i had leads strapped to them from the first moment. whole thing felt like an effort that i had to push through. around an hour before i went out(started run at 12pm) i was starving, but never got to eat anything, so this may have been a factor, but doesn't explain it all. if anything felt better at the end of the run than i did for the first 1 to 2km
    8.6Km in 43:39
    After getting home, the beauty of strava came to the fore. This is a regular run of mine, so i set up a private segment on it for myself just for runs. Turns out this was my second fastest run on this segment ever, which would partly explain why it felt hard, but means i totally misjudged the pace.Reckon this was because the legs felt dead, tried to push through it and pushed harder than i thought. anyway. not as bad as expected but the lack of energy a bit of a concern

    Plan for tomorrow has an hour easy on the turbo. think an easy workout like that to let things recover is exactly what is needed

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    So Thursday evening, as said, was meant to be an easy spin. Had spoken to A few on here aboutdoig some mountain biking some night, hada few interested parties, was meant to happen pre xmas and didn't so sent out a few invites and the result was i met shotgummcos at the UL activity centre well after dark on thursday evening. two well lit mountain bikes were engaged and off we went, with MCOS telling tales of how he hadn't been on the bike in 2 years, and had done a long run in the mud just beforei arrived. well you;d never have known it from the way he flew up the hill, all i can say is the three under three has him in good shape. Realised i was pushing a lot harder than an easy hour should have been, tried to keep the HR down but the hill wasn't allowing that. Quick stop at the top to get the HR back down, almost turned back but went on a bit further before heading back down. Really nice spin, lovely night, and good company. Cheers MCOS.
    15km, 1:10, 420m ascended

    Friday: a new one for me, all 3 disciplines in one day and it wasn't a race

    AM: Swim. Some drill work, and then some steady 100's (10 of them). Swim a little off, think still tired after Wednesday as didn't feel smooth in the water, and was fighting it. still session done.
    2200m in 43:44

    Run. Was a little worried about this after the bike thursday night being harder than it should have been. Plan was fora warm up, then 4*1.5km fast/500 easy. thought for a while i wouldn;t get out at lunch to do it, then i got a window, headed out the door looking at the watch and knew getting the 4 in was going to be tough. headed off, warm up done, and started into the intervals. Went well, were proper tough efforts. Held the fasts to 4.20min/km which is fast for me. was pleased with the effort, but as i guessed ran out of time to get the 4th one in. Trotted back to work for meetings pretty happy with how this one went

    8.66km in 40:16

    With the plan items ticked off for the day, decided some easy spinning wouldn't harm the legs, so went off to the group turbo session. Called the session for the group, and just span easy while they sweated and worked. no point killing it with 2 workouts done and a long turbo and run on sat morning.
    13km in 50 mins (said it was easy)

    easy it was, but ti did help the legs. felt good afterwards and the stretching /rolling session afterwards helped as well
