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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Another long turbo. Session very similar to last week. Found it tough though, was mainly Z1/Z2 with a little bit of Z3 thrown in but getting the HR up into Z3 was a real effort, felt like i was pushing very hard to do it. Getting to threshold would have been a real struggle. rounded off S2 of Game of thrones as well, will have the 3 seasons rewatched before s4 premiers handily at this stage, a sad inditement of the weather we've had

    55km in 2:30.

    Straight off the Bike on to a run, just a quick one, 10 min steady 10 min easy. Legs a bit rubbery as expected, but came around well, and was pleased that the HR had stayed low from Bike to run. that bloody hill on the way home again though:)

    4km in 20 mins

    Saturday done and dusted. like getting the sessions out of the way by lunchtime. Afternoon bike shopping for the little one's first proper bike for her 4th birthday, and then home to make rice krispy buns with her.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Sunday Long Run
    So last weeks long easy run had been a disaster, a real struggle. Had put this down to bad session management on my part, tough turbo on the Friday night followed by long turbo on Saturday had the legs cooked before i even started. This week was managed much better, so as a result felt much better on the Sunday. Didn't manage to get out the door til late afternoon, and just as well, as i was treated to the nicest weather I've run in this year, blue skies, sunshine, and perfect running temp.

    Both the weather, and my run, were miles different to the week before. Felt really good, worlds apart from last week. Felt strong all the way around, never felt like a really hard effort, and had more in me when done, which has not happened with last few long runs. Did some zigzagging across town , then down to the sports park for a few laps of the 1km running trail, then off to pick up my car which had been parked overnight after the munster match on saturday. one of those runs that just got the enthusiasm up again and reminded how much enjoyment this can be
    16.65km in 1:30

    Weekly totals
    Swim 3.8km in 1:35
    Bike: 108km in 5:41
    Run: 37.93 in 3:14

    A few core/stretch/roll sessions bring this over 12hrs, 12:10 specifically. My first week over 12 hours, so another high. Reckon that's as high as it can go for the time being though, not much more time left to give:)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    nothing much to report, did a 30 min easy run at lunch, 5.5km in 29 mins, and then circuits but at a much more relaxed approach to circuits, traded out some of the joint hitters for core work, with a serious nod to the glutes which need work. good strectch session afterwards, total 1 hour

    Came to the realization that i've now gone 18 days with at least one workout every day, a lot of doubles and even a triple. No doubt that is the best run i've been on. have had recovery days in there, with easy runs and what not.

    Happy with that

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    So this is recovery week, so the workouts are going to be easy, like tonight's, easy hour spinning on the turbo. Started season 3 of Game of Thrones, and span easy at a nice steady resistance, an eye on the HR to make sure it stayed in acceptable range,and span a steady cadence. Hour passed pretty easily, nice steady easy workout, just as the plan called for.

    speed sensor on the bike decided not to work, but know roughly what the last one was so will call it as

    1:00hr, 20km.
    although i'm pretty sure the turbo sessions are reading a little low, the same effort on the road would have been a lot more than 20k, but what harm

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    i don't think this recovery week could have come at a better time, it really worked out for once. developed a humdinger of a head cold mid last week, not enough to stop me training as it wasn't in my chest, but enough it would have affected tough sessions. plus the chaos f the storms that hit our area last week hit training as well. so just as well it was recovery week, no key sessions missed

    plan was for pool and run. Got to the pool before work, some warm-ups then the plan called for some 150/10m drills, worked my way through them. wasn't really pleased or displeased, not 100% happy with the swim, but it is definitely getting better, and faster, so very happy there, finishe dup and into the steam room to try and clear the sinuses.
    2100m in 46 mins

    The run was meant to happen at luncthime. by then the storm had hit big time. No way was it safe to go out. Called the lunchtime run, winds were supposed to die down at 3, so decided i would get it in that evening, or hit the gym and get it done on the threadmill. soon after that decision, our building got evacutated due to structural concerns. took 4 hours to get home because of fallen trees, and seeing how bad conditions were everywhere an outside run was off. found out the gym had no pwoer, so the run was canned.

    Easy hour run. another misrable night, fighint wind and driving rain the whole way round. JB said it on twitter over the weekend, funny how running can be a struggle one day, effortless the next, this was on the struggle side but mainly due to the conditions.
    11.4km in 1:02

    Morning was meant to be a swim. found out at the last minute local pool hadn't opened again after wednesday due to damage sustained. looks like it's closed for a month. Was too late that morning to get to another pool as i had a 9am call at work, so the swim didn't get done

    Easy hour on the turbo, borderline easy/steady. Felt good, could tell the bit more energy in the legs from the reduced week
    1:00, 23.3km

    Rest day. laughed when this showed up in the plan, as it came about 10 minutes after i mentioned not having taken a break a few posts up. was very strange feeling not doing anything, but family definitely appreciated it so a definite plus...:)

    Finally, a long spin outside, rather than 2.5 hours on the turbo. Met up with my usual bunch and we headed off to Toomervara, quick coffee and back via back roads for a bit of shelter from some pretty strong winds(although i reckon they would have been on our backs on the way home. First group spin of the year, so very easy, as th speed shows. Nearly all zone 2 work, so just what was ordered. started of cold but was a lovely spin, and it did wonders for the cabin fever i was beginning to feel on the turbo
    2:50, 68.8km

    Stretching and rolling that night

    Recovery week done. Normal service resumes this week, with one exception, first race of the season on Sunday, Limerick Duathlon. Not sure what to make of it, never done a duathlon before, and paces all over the place after the winters training, so a bit of thought to go into this before Sunday

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    New week. Plan called for 30 mins easy run at lunchtime. Easy run out and back along the usual route, extended a bit over to come in at 41 mins. Felt good. thought i felt a small niggle in the knee, something i had felt as well during a couple of runs in the last couple of weeks but nothing serious so ignored for now. more on that to come
    41 mins, 7.75km

    Evening: Hour session with my cycling crew, supposed to be circuits but I've removed most of the dynamic exercises and replaced with stretches/core work, especially on the glutes/legs. need to keep real focus on those as it's my usual break down point.

    1 hour

    Tuesday; Turbo Interval Session

    Spotted this one on the plan as soon as i got it. Warm up, then 4*8 Mins over threshold/2 easy. Nothing compared to what some on here are doing, but not done a lot of threshold work on the bike lately so knew it would hurt a bit.

    Started well, warmed up, then into the first session. Felt good to be pushing that level again, as i say it had been a while. got as far as third interval, right knee (it's always the right leg with me) starts to hurt, not bad at first but grew through the 4th session to the point i wouldn't have done a 5th if it was on the plan. Shortened warm down and off to do some stretching/rolling. Happy with the session, pool of sweat below me when done, but not happy with another niggle.
    time:1:02, distance 25.5

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Hmmm.....that turbo session looks remarkably like the one I did Tuesday night as well.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Hmmm.....that turbo session looks remarkably like the one I did Tuesday night as well.

    yeah i've been ripping off the best workouts from the logs on here:D

    i'd seen a good bit of similarity in some of the workouts you were doing to my own as well, i suspected for a while we might be getting them from the same place

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Wednesday Morning Swim
    local pool is closed with storm damage, so off to the 50m in UL. Figured the 50m would be good practise. has pluses and minuses. Obviously the longer length cuts the number of turns. But getting pace work done is tough. Been a while since I’d been there but they have a slow and fast lane. Not been there in a while so jumped in the slow lane, immediately caught up behind traffic. Okay, try the fast lane. Seemed to work better, but next thing approach the wall and there are 8 people standing there blocking you from getting to the wall. Limerick Tri club have too many swimmers in the adjacent lanes they have booked. so some of them are using the fast lane, no problem, but they congregate en masse at one end between sets, basically closing off a lane that isn't theirs. First bad experience with that club.

    So jumped backing into the slow lane and tried my best to keep open water in front of me. Set was a mixture of drill work and some pace work, enjoyed the 50m pool, but this set was also the longest I have done in a while, 2800m total versus 2200 previously. Definitely felt the combined effort of the step up to 50m and the longer distance, by the last sets was really starting to struggle but got through them . Lesson learned I think, the local pool works well for the schedule, but at 17m is not ideal, at least one session a week in the 50m from now on.

    2800m in 1:06

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Wednesday Lunchtime Run
    So, little worried about the knee pain from the previous evening, headed out for the interval run in this weeks plan. Warm up, some builds, then 5*(4 mins mod hard /1 min easy). Run felt good, felt strong, got pacing all wrong though as usual and ran the mod hard too fast in places so need to watch that. By interval 4 and 5 the knee pain was back. Not good. Got through them alright but ran the cool down very easy. Some stretching to finish and back to work, knew an evening of stretching and rolling was ahead

    Total, 9km, 43:51

    Evening stretch
    More of a strength/rolling session. Some core work really focused on the legs, and a lot of rolling. Solid hour of good work, best I’ve done in a while. Pretty obvious to me now over the past couple of weeks that this has to become a standard part of my week, I can’t manage the increase in workload (pretty significant from where I was) without looking after this part. Maybe not as long every night but at least some maintenance work to be done every night.

    1 hour

    Result: knee still tender .i know if I run on it today the pain will return. Plan calls for an hour+ of easy turbo tonight, going to give that a go with knee strapped and see how it works. Any pain will stop. Pretty sure a couple of days rest will address it, tomorrow’s plan is just a swim so that will help as well. Hoping this passes quickly. Limerick Duathlon on Sunday

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Just had a quick look at your garmin link there mossy from the Tuesday cycle, the cadence seems to lower as you went on, probably because you were getting tried. What sort of cadence would you usually keep when your on the road?

    I've noticed my cadence is lower on the turbo and have been spending the last 3 weeks trying to match it to the road. It's working well for me. The pain might be that as you tire the cadence lowers and you higher the gear to keep your heart rate up? Might be as simple as trying to higher cadence?

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    thanks Joey. Cadence on the turbo would usually be the same as steady on the road, around the 80-85 mark i do find when i have to do threshold intervals i tend to spin a higher cadence, rather than push a bigger gear at the 85 mark.

    what you see on that graph was some playing around with cadence during the first two intervals. a vo2 max test i did a while ago suggested i hit my best power levels at over 95 cadence, which i was surprised at, so was messing about some with higher cadences versus gearing. the fourth interval was a definite case of tiredness dropping the cadence plus an element of me protecting an increasingly sore knee.

    it's a good point though. looknig at the graph the cadence does go down by a couple of rpm for the last one. definitely something to watch for future threshold sessions

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Good luck in the morn if your racing... I will be the cyclist spectating. Call over if you get a chance

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Not a good end to the week.
    Thursday night the plan was for an easy spin on the bike. Knee was sore on Thursday, enough to make me wonder how it would hold up. when i got home jumped on the bike for a few minutes and knew straight away it wasn't going to work, pain hit immediately. an hour of core work, strengthening and rolling instead .

    Morning Swim
    Back in the UL 50M pool, got on better this time, getting used to the 50m pool now. lots of longer sets, 400's and 200s with a mix of swim and pull bouy work. one of those better sessions where the swimming felt strong.
    2000m in 44 min

    Another hour long session of strengthening and rolling to round off .

    Was mean to have a 30 min cycle with some race pace efforts, followed by a run with similar. Wehave a small hill outside our house. first few pedal strokes up that brought pain immediately. Stayed with it to see if knee loosened out but just kept getting sorer. finished out the 15 mins out but at that stage knew race wasn't going to happen, so i spun easy home and canned the run.
    30 mins, 14.6km
    a very pissed off mossym did another hour of strengthening and core work that night

    looks like the knee issues are the patella tendon, or runners knee. it may be down to a cleat issue on the bike, i had been using the same cleats on the road bike as my tri bike, and the different seat position meant i was putting unnecessary stress on the knee. might be nothing, but adjusting the cleats on my tri shoes which i hadn't been wearing allowed me to spin with a lot less pain. could be nothing to do with the issue but the timing of the issue lines up with me moving to the tri bike so better to rule it out.

    decided best to give the knee some time, so a swim looked like the best option. Had one in hte plan from Monday i hadn't gotten to so headed off to the 50m to give it a go. Was a nice easy start to the set, warm up, and then some drill work, but there as a sting in the tail. 3*(4*50, 1-3 off 1:30, 4 off 1:50, all at TT efforts). this was tough, was really pleased to keep the pace consistent on all 12 of them coming in on 50 seconds, but they were a real effort. last set really hurt. an easy 200 of choice was done with the pull buoy. was tired getting out of the pool, but very happy with how the set went .

    2000m in 52min.

    Not sure what this week will bring. Physio again is for sure. I reckon easy running should be okay and will see how that goes. Praying i got lucky and it was the cleat positioning and i can move on, if it is runners knee it could take a while to clear up. lots of quad strengthening in the forecast i'd say.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Trig1 wrote: »
    Good luck in the morn if your racing... I will be the cyclist spectating. Call over if you get a chance

    cheers trig, but didn't make it. was going to head in and watch it but said i would spend time with family, will be enough mornings missed with training racing with any luck

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Been a b&lls of a wek. Pretty much a lot of stretching, strength work and rolling.
    Monday:NOthing only an hour, maybe 80 minutes of strength & roll.

    Tuesday: got a physio appointment. went there at lunchtime. did every movement they ask, deep squats, knee pulled in every direction but off. No issues. Physio said go back training, nothing serious wrong. so decided to try the bike again that night. Up on the tri bike. 10 minutes in, the pain is back. Damn. decide to try the road bike to see if it makes any difference,first few minutes convinced it had, but pain back. not a happy camper, en entire 6km in 20 minutes. spoke to the coach, agreed biking was out the window for a while, but the big question was could i still run

    hour of strength stretch and roll

    Back in the 50m pool at 7am. another 2800m session in store. Mix of drill work and some light speed work. definitely getting used to the 50m pool, didn't think it would make such a difference.Some slowdowns with traffic in the lane again, LTC had the faster lane full again and there was no way i could hold the pace it was moving at, but i'm faster than most in the slow lane. anyway, got through the sesison i just over an hour,feeling better than i had after the same distance the week before

    2800m in 1hr8

    Was meant to try running, but the knee felt a bit tender after tuesday night. I'd hurt it more rushing the run the previous week so decided to leave it. hour of strength stretch and roll.

    Time to test it out. Out for an easy run after work. Promised myself i would stop at first sign of pain. On the way around some very very minor twinges, not enough to really call pain. in fact the only bit of pain i felt was when i stopped, and that was gone in 5 mins. good dose of stretching to finish and some strength/rolling to see out the day. Happy to have gotten this in, all is not lost i don't mind not cycling as much as long as i can do something.

    travelling in asia next week. that'll give the knee a full week to rest from the bike and i'm hoping to be right back on it when i get home

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Friday Morning swim

    Plan said 2800m, or just over an hour. it was mainly some longer sets, 400's, 2*200 pull buoy, 4*100, no pace work in this session

    got through the first few warm up drills easy enough, and kicked into the longer sets. plan called for 3 repeats of the above, which i hadn;t thought through, but suddenly realised i had a lot of swimming done, and a lot left, and something didn't add up. each set was 1200, i had 3 of them, and i had done 800m already of other stuff..hang on that's 4400, which would have been by far the furthest i have swam, ever. I'd have been on for it but there was no way i could have gotten it in this morning and still made work on time, so i killed the last set,which still brought me in on 3200. as i presume the aim was 2800m i call it set done, + a little bit:)

    3200m in 1:15

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    week has been a bit of a mixed bag for training, but knew it would be, as travelling in Asia again. Saturday had early morning flight to heathrow, and then onto Seoul. Got into Seoul early sunday morning local time, without having slept on the plane. Hate that. Off to bed for a few hours and up mid afternoon and hit the gym. Plan had been for a long run but after that journey and no sleep, plug still tackling a knee issue i thought it would be madness, so did an easy 45 mins instead. Felt better than i thought given energy levels.

    45 mins, 8.2km

    45 mins of stretching/rolling to finish

    Monday morning was in the pool at 6. Korea is nice that way, most of the nice hotels have pools. Grand intercon in seoul has a 25m, so got a good session in. No kickboard or pull buoy, so improvised with a couple of floats for a pull buoy. Alternated 200 swim with 200 pull, and between easy and fast.

    1800m, 40 mins or so

    Tuesday Morning
    Repeated the swim set.
    1800m in 40 min or so

    Flew from Seoul to Tokyo. Time for a quick run, so hit the hotel treadmill again. session i like of 15 easy, 10 mod, 5 fast, 5 easy. felt good, thought this one might make the knee act up but no issues, felt strong throughout, so very happy with that.

    35min, 7 km

    usual stretch/roll/squats to finish out.

    Wednesday was a write off, had to fly from tokyo to hiroshima for a customer meeting, and then back that night. no time to get anything done

    Hadn't done a long run in a while, and was a bit scared of it as time on the legs seemed to bring the knee pain on. But, leg was feeling good, and had lots of time in the morning, so decided to give it a go. used run/walk, pace was an easy 5:21/km, and sailed throught it. Not only was there no knee issues, but it never felt hard, and got off feeling really good, like i had a lot left in me. delighted with that. towards the end the treadmill started playing silly beggars, reducing speed for some reason, ,think it was something to do with having gone over the hour mark or something so may have done slightly over the 1:20

    14.5km in 1:20ish

    Delighted with that, knee felt fine. Bike is the big test, that was the main pain bringer recently, so i get home on saturday and hopefully get out for a spin on sunday (although SWMBO already commenting on that plan given i've been away). fingers crossed that's okay

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Friday evening, heading back to the hotel in Tokyo, heading up the escalator to catch the subway, and the train is there and start to run up the stairs, get a shot of pain in the knee. Ball$, thought i was past this. Nothing too bad, but enough to make me realise all wasn't as positive as i thought it was.

    Sunday Afternoon Cycle
    Anyway, got home late Saturday evening. Plan was to try the bike on Sunday, Couple of my usual crew were heading out in the afternoon so was going to tag along and see how i got on. Anyway, Sunday dawned very very wet where i live. hoped it would clear by 2pm, but no hope. the rest bailed due to the weather, but i wanted to get a ride in so the waterproof gear went on and out i went. Decided not to stray too far from home so i wouldn;t have too far to limp home if something came on, but wanted to put a little pressure on the knee to see how it held up. there is a 2km climb from Birdhill to the M7 motorway, nothing very steep but a nice steady climb so decided to do some repeats on that. Got soaked, but the benefit of good gear is you stay warm even when wet. Did 5 repeats up the hill, staying at threshold, or just over on each. Knee felt good, few small twinges but no real pain of any sort. was happy with that

    1hr 18, 32.7km

    Monday Lunchtime Run
    Plan was for 30 minutes easy. Nothing much to report, a very easy run. Few twinges in the knee again, but again no real pain. It's definitely not fully healed so need to stay on top of it.

    29:30, 5.5Km

    Long rolling session on Monday night, with the days travel i hadn't rolled in a while so gave the legs a good working with both the foam roller and the tiger tail stick

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Tuesday Evening Turbo
    Still taking it easy on the bike. wanted to see if Sundays spin had any ill effects. Easy hour with some 30 sec surges. easy portion went, well, easy. for the surges, plan called for the oast one to be in a big gear to put some pressure on the knee, modified it slightly myself to increase the gearing on each one so that they got progressively harder, until the last was in highest resistance on the turbo, and highest gear on the bike. No issues with pain, but still that feeling that something isn't 100% with the knee.

    1:04, 25km

    Wednesday Morning Swim
    plan was for a 3km swim. Local pool still closed so still in the 50m pool in UL. Funnily, even though the longer pool is better for training overall, it's not without it's issues. Limerick tri club basically take over what is supposed to be the free for all fast lane, and put some of their faster swimmers in there, so there is no way i could stick with the pace in there. they also crowd around the shallow end, meaning if they're not swimming you couldn't get to the wall anyway
    however the slow lane has some really really slow swimmers in it, so constantly coming up against slow swimmers to the point you're treading water behind them, or taking longer breaks than the plan states just to allow a gap to develop. How do others deal with this?

    Anyway, got the set done, but not in the way i reckon the plan called for. mod lengths were done too slow, 15 sec breaks became 30, then i pushed easier lengths cause i found myself with room to move. so the distance got done, but not strictly to plan
    1:09, 3000m.

    Wednesday Lunchtime run
    Easy run with 5*30 sec builds
    Usual lunchtime run. probably a bit faster than easy pace but went by feel and felt strong all round. 30 sec builds done around 2/3 of the way through, getting better at keeping them consistent rather than just stepping on the gas and finding myself flat out 5 secs in.
    42:25, 8.7km

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    so i had asked he who sets the plan about doing a big bike set this week as i felt bike was behind the others. some because of injury for the last couple of weeks, some because i was travelling, more because i didn't feel like i had the volume of bike work done i had this time last year. In reality i have, and a lot more, but so much of it has been on the trainer it feels like it's not as much as it has been.

    So Thursday morning, had the day off from work with the full intention of getting out for a long spin. Still watching this knee issue, so long easy spin called for. Set off around 10am, on the road bike as i had some notions the tri bike had caused some of the issues. from where i live cycles are normally decided on either the clare side or the tipp side. this morning it was the clare side. set off towards ogonolloe/scariff. Dressed a bit light for the current temp as expected the sun to come out based on the previous few days. Took a while for the legs to warm up, and i was definitely on the cold side of okay without being uncomfortable. Spun up the hill into ogonolle, onto tuamgraney/bodyke, and kept on until Tulla cross, where i took a left towards sixmilebridge. Stopped in sixmilebridage for a 5 min break, had a powerbar, and spun on to cratloe, taking the old cratloe road almost into limerick but veered out through meelick and home. From meelick on i was tired, energy levels were low and the pace came down a bit, but got home feeling good

    86.8km, 3:11

    lovely spin, great to get it in during the week, and happy enough with how it felt. loads of room for improvement, but not bad for a solo spin

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Fridays plan was a swim and a run. however, my local pool is still closed for repairs, and found out at the last minute UL pool was closed for a water polo comp. both pools down, result was no swim friday

    Run was an hour easy. Too long to get done at lunchtime, so headed out after work. probably a little bit faster than easy, but felt good, even though i was acutely aware of the previous days spin in the legs, they were tired.
    11.5km in 1 hour

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Saturday was down for another bike ride. My usual group were heading to kerry to tackle connor pass and the dingle penninsula. Felt i could have joined them, but as i had some twinges from the knee during the week i decided to skip it and tackle a flatter ride at home. saturday turned out to be a beautiful day, and after spending the morning in town with the family it was almost 2pm heading out the door. i still hadn't taken the deep rims i had gotten with my tri bike out for a spin, and with bone dry roads this looked like a good opp.

    knew i had to be home for 5 for the rugby, so knew somewhere between 2:30 and 3 hours was maxed. headed out towards limerick, and then swung for nenagh to a get a decent run on the N7. Savage tail wind all the way down, some nice prolonged periods of speed with little effort,and this part of the spin flew. those deep rims are superb, get them up to speed and they just keep going. got to nenagh and decided to take the lake road home. soon as i swung the wind hit, that which had been my friend was now a royal pin in the ass. The back road from nenagh to ballina is a hilly poor road surface at the best of times,with this wind it was just brutal. so dug in, kept the revolutions going, and got it home. made it in at 5.05, just missing the start of the match, but well worth it for both an enjoyable and testing spin.
    72,2km 2:37


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Sunday morning had another cycle, and with no real ill effects from the road bike i decided it was time to give the tri bike a spin. Simple out and back route to nenagh, same conditions as saturday, great tail wind on way out, head wind on way home. stuck the deep rims on the tri bike for the first time.

    not nearly as nice a day as the day before, was colder, and misty, even raining for a while. Still, felt really good on the tri bike, definitely by best run on it. slowly getting used to it. some nice efforts on the way down, and fighting the wind on the way home, but still held some steady efforts. threw in an extra easy hill climb on the way back and got home well pleased with the spin
    54.1km, 1:57


    Suffice to say, after 3 decent spins, in 4 days, which i hadn't done in a while, legs were damn tired by that afternoon. hada lookat the numbers, and that's the most time (12:11), and the biggest distance (267km) i've done to date. no surprise with the tiredness then, the last few nights i've been practically comatose. Sleep well earned.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Only saw the plan for this week late Sunday night. After a block of cycling, expected to see a run in for today, so was a little suprised to see another cycle, but on reflection made sense, use the bank holiday to the fullest. Back on the road bike, 2 hour spin. Hit the clare side again early in the morning, was out the door round 8. Spun easy to mountshannon, stopped to take a pic or two , then straight real hard efforts, just a nice steady spin. Legs still tired so was glad just to go for the ride
    56.1km, 2:09



  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Tuesday Lunchtime Run
    Plan called for easy 45 mins. Headed out at lunchtime with someone from work, lovely windy spring day. As always, wind helped us on the way out, then as soon as we turned for home it did it’s best to stop us. Someday I’ll have a wind help me home. Some day. Anyway, nice easy 45 min run, very handy pace, never felt like an effort at all, was happy with that as knew legs were tired. One of those runs where at the end it feels like you just started and could do what you’vee done again.
    46:46, 8.6km

    Wednesday Morning Swim
    UL Pool open again after their polo competition. Into the pool nice and early, but it was still full. For a second it looked like the faster lane wasn’t being used by LTC, so contemplated jumping in there, then recognised some of the swimmers and realised their sharks were in there as usual. Into the slow lane again. Plan was a mixture of swim/pull buoy in a pyramid, 100sw, 200pull, 300sw and so on. Went well, held up by the usual slow traffic, navigated around as best I could. The stroke actually felt okay, but I had no energy this morning. Just felt dead. Got through the session okay. Met MCOS, looking like he was just back from a holiday or something, he was tailing the sharks, and given how much faster than me he swims I know i couldn’t hold the pace in the fast lane.

    2700m , 1:00

    Wednesday Lunchtime Run
    Easy 30 mins with some builds. If yesterdays run felt great, this was the leveller. Was on my own, so pace was a little higher, but not enough to make it as taxing as it felt. The lack of energy from the pool carried over onto the run. Held the pace okay, builds went fine, but it just felt like such an effort. Same lack of energy as the pool. Had a good night’s sleep so not sure what happened, but anyway, it got done

    6.3km, 30:15

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    mossym wrote: »

    Wish I knew how to embed a photo!

    You were right up by my house Mossym, also the headland with all the trees (Castlelough) is where I got engaged :-)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Solobally8 wrote: »

    Wish I knew how to embed a photo!

    You were right up by my house Mossym, also the headland with all the trees (Castlelough) is where I got engaged :-)

    easy, there is a little icon at the top when you are making a post, yellow box with some mountains in it, click on that, post the link exactly as you have above into the box that pops up and voila.

    we're practically neighbours so, i'm down the last turn on the left just before you leave ballina. probably only a couple of miles between us

    lovely pic, were ye heading out for the night or something?:) we had our wedding pics taken down in garrykennedy....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Small world eh! We had photos taken in Garrykennedy too. Is it boru tri club you train with?

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    Small world eh! We had photos taken in Garrykennedy too. Is it boru tri club you train with?

    not a member of any club, prefer my own schedule.working with a coach, thats new this year but so far it's working really well, seeing good improvements. train to my schedule then. i do have a regular bunch i cycle with though
