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A little knowledge is a dangerous thing



  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Saturday Bike
    Got out for a spin on Saturday evening. Plan was 2.30 hours, home in time for the argentina match.

    First 45 mins done as easy, nothing much of note except i almost lost my BTA bottle after a bump, ended up trying to get out of aero and brake after catching it before it fell to the ground, while going downhill

    45 minutes tempo then, pace came up nicely, was feeling strong and moving well, so after a few minutes easy i kicked into 2*15 mins @ threshold -5 with 5 minutes recovery, these felt good, effort was there and the pace reflected that. with whatever hit me for the last couple of weeks it was good to be pushing hard and moving fast again

    finished off with an easy 15 mins home

    83.5km in 2:38, 31.6km/hr average

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Sunday Run
    Family still away, so had a lie, which included me sleeping to 9.30 this morning. Bliss. Anyway, out of bed, was starving, had some breakfast, gave it an hour and headed out. Not enough time, the breakfast was lodged in my gut for the first half of the run. :)

    anyway, pace was good, 4:50/km, when i'm running well my easy pace is so much faster. had forgotten to put on the HR strap so was working off RPE, but was feeling good. Pink Ribbon run was on in killaloe today, hence getting the run in straight after breakfast, and passed lots of houses out decorating in pink. anyway, pace stayed steady all the way to the end.

    15.8km in 1:17, 4:54min/km average, for what strava reported as my best 15km time yet .happy with that

    Home, grabbed the wetsuit, and met a mate at worlds end for an OW swim. Kept this nice and easy, didn't push it, but kept the stroke even and strong. Water was lovely. Guy i was with turned after 400, but i kept going to 700 and turned, getting home with 1.4km on the clock in 26 mins, which included a minute or two of talking at his turn around point. happy with that.

    1.4km in 26 mins,

    So ended what turned out to beabig week. In fact it came in as my biggest week yet.
    4 Swims, 2hr 41 for 6.7km
    3 Bikes, 6hr 29 for 190.7km
    4 Runs, 3hr 30 for 43.3km

    Total of 12hr 40. Almost tempted to go for a 20 mins spin to push it north of 13hrs ;)

    if i throw in the couple of stretch/rolling sessions it gets me there, i'll take that.

    Happy with that week of training

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Monday Evening
    Had to go to nenagh with the family, so put on the running gear and hopped out on the way back around 9km from home. Pace was slower than yesterday, but was a lumpy course and think i was feeling the big week of training, so the easier pace suited just fine.

    9.2km in 47min, 5:09 min/km pace

    Straight in the door, grabbed the swim gear and headed for the pool. 1600m, main portion being some 100's at faster than race pace. arms were a bit tired after the heavier than usual swim week last week but they came round by the end, 100's were off 1:30 which i was happy with, although it was a 17m pool

    1600m in 30m

    one benefit of hitting the pool was i got to soak the legs for a minute in the plunge pool, which is just above freezing. it's like giving them a shot of life. helps every time

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Tuesday evening Intervals
    Race week prep, so the intervals a bit shorter. 45 minutes total, 5 * 3 mins over threshold, 2 mins recovery. Done on the turbo as missus mossym came home from work sick and mini mossym was in bed asleep so wanted to stay in the house. bit of a sweat fest given the heat, but had two full double doors open beside me so not too bad.

    45 mins total.

    Wednesday Morning Swim
    Easy 2000m, warm up, then 400sw, 2*200pb, 4*100. all done steady and easy. was in the local 17m pool, as there was a chance i may have had to go home to collect mini mossym if my wife wasn't going to work. felt good in the water. the 400m sw was done easy, but came in on 7:03. that made me think, so went back and checked, the last 400m tt i did flat out in that pool was 7:13, and this was definitely easily. Although i've given up any hope of being a fast swimmer, i have made steady progress over the past 6 months. Should mean i don't sink in Kilkee at least.

    2000m, 40 minutes.

    only other item of note was discovering at the weekend that Kenmare was fresh water, for some reason i always thought it was an inlet to the sea and was salt water. Not that it makes a huge difference to swimming, but for thirst/taste issues it's easier in fresh. For the subjects i was good in school at geography was not one of them. Great sense of direction, i just don't remember maps very well

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    was going to post this in the main kilkee page, but all the pressure is off, not worried about finishing time any longer.

    once your pic is the banner pic at the top of the race facebook page, that's all that matters :)

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Wednesday Evening: Race Prep Brick Session
    35 minutes on the bike, 10 easy to start, then into 5*3 mins > race pace, 1 easy. On a similar prep week for Boru that we used for Joey, and looks like it is working again. Energy levels have been getting better all week, and the efforts here felt strong, pace was good. Even with the easy bits being very easy the fast sections were fast enough to take top spot on a strava segment(didn’t even know it existed until I uploaded the ride) which covered nearly me exact route, so that was a good sign. Also helped to spot the bike wasn;t quite right, so that was remedied when igot home
    35 mins, 17.3km

    Off the bike and straight into a run, 5 mins steady, 5 * (1> race pace, 1 easy), 5 easy

    Again felt strong, except dopey here decided to try and do the 1 fast 1 easy as laps up and down a road, and forgot there was a serious drag on it. That didn’t last long, as the easy wasn’t easy going up it. Anyway, efforts were 3:30 to 3:50 mostly, easy around the 5:00 mark. Probably a bit fast with the efforts, but they were short.

    20 mins, 4.3km, 4:36min/km avg

    Thursday was off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Best of luck this weekend

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Had short sweet sessions of all 3 to get done. I also had a wife heading off on a hen, a daughter to collect from childminder, and my old motor to collect from the garage. i pretty much wrote off after work, the run was to be off the bike, so the only option was to get them all in before work. So at 6am i was wheeling the bike out the door. 20 minutes bike, done as 10 easy , 5 by 1 race pace 1 easy. Probably the road i've cycled most in the last few months, was almost on autopilot until a massive black dog came flying out of a house, teeth bared,and tried to take a chunk out of my leg. some dogs just want to bark at you, this one wanted flesh. Foot down, pulled away. given it was only 20 minutes, i hadn't brought a water bottle to give him a squirt, so now i was faced with the issue i had to go back past him again. Luckily, a tractor was going the opposite way, so i got on it't tail and used it to mask the sound of hte bike. the dog came flying again this time, but only after he had seen me, so i overtook the tractor and left him for dead. home, pulled on the runners, and headed out

    plan was 10 easy, 5 steady, 5*30 over race, 30 easy, then 5 easy. all fine, except another dog incident, again in a place i have never had an issue. was cutting from fast to easy when 3 little dogs came through a gate and came after me. unlike the big dog i knew there was no chance of losing a leg to these ones, but they were just under my feet and following me up the road, while their owner stood in her yard in her dressing gown, hands on hips, annoyed that my running on a public road was upsetting her dogs. Avoiding the temptation to keep running and leave her the job of rounding them up, i stopped till they calmed and let them go back to her.

    5.5 km in 25 mins

    Home, and off to the pool. 1400m, mix of drills and some fast/easy 50's. Stroke felt good, pace was good. Rounded off the 3 sessions feeling good, felt ready to race.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Race Report -Boruman, Killaloe, June !4th

    An afternoon race for a change, and given the wife being away just as well. Triathlons are a work in co-ordination anyway, and this required a huge amount just to get me to the race. Carefully choreographed registration, my brother arriving to mind his godchild for a while until she went off to a neighbours party got me off to the race.

    Something so nice about a race you can cycle to. This one was less than 10 minutes, including traffic lights for me. Did a bike warm up, racked the bike, and headed out on a run warm up. I like racking early, takes away the stress, and gives me a chance to relax, shoot the breeze with people i know. Met a guy from LTC who comes to our winter group sessions, first race back from knee surgery, and was glad to see him excited about racing again. Was looking around, a lot of familiar faces from recent races. Not a lot of big names, but some all the same, Dave Richardson, Huff n Puff, , Rachel Clancy, Darren Dunne. LTC was well represented, given it was pretty local to them

    Then, after a lot of chat on here without ever meeting, even though we work in the same company, i met up with trig1. we shot the breeze for a while, then headed off to the race brief, which was short and sweet.

    The swim was down the canal in Killaloe, which meant a seperate swim start, transition, and run finish. So the whole race walked up through the town to the swim start. Short wait and we were ushered into the water. The canal is pretty narrow, and there were two waves of 100 each. I was in wave 1, which was based on estimated swim times, and the faster people were in 1. Given the narrowness, i thought it would be a fight all the way down, especially around halfway where it narrowed significantly under the bridge. Decided i'd start wide on the left near the front, expecting most to go right as the exit was on that side.

    Klaxon went and off we went. Sticking to the front worked, bit of scrapping at the start but nothing worse than any other race. Got into a good rhythm, felt like i was moving well. As we got under the bridge it narrowed and there was a lot more pushing and shoving, but it opened up again. Soon after the bridge i found myself over on the other side, on the exit side, bit unplanned to be over there that quick but it worked, until that side got very shallow and i started to thump my hands off the bottom. moved out a bit, got down to the end, cleared the water and started the run towards t1.

    Swim time: 12:12, 27th overall.

    T1 wasn't packed as i ran towards it, so felt pretty good. small delay with the wetsuit, but got it off, and headed out the gate. quick look on the way, trig1's bike sitting on the rack. first part of his forecast right(in fairness it was about castleconnell later in the year, but anyway), beat him out of the water.

    T1: 0:52

    The Bike
    Out onto the bike course, got moving well, got the shoes on, and settled in. First km passed my parents house, while at the same time passing 2 or 3 within the first few kms. Know this road better than any other, so knew the return was going to be tougher. Wanted to maintain a nice steady effort, and was glad to be overtaking. Couple took me at this point, but guys that looked really strong on the bike, tried to stick with them but then let them go. In hte back of my head i knew trig1 would becoming strong, but i thought i might get to the turnaround before he caught me. Not a hope, 6km in he came past me like a train. looked down as he passed and i was holding high 3x km/hr, andhe went past me like i was stopped. watched him pull away, dug a bit harder but decided to stick to my plan.

    at this point a thought struck me. I hadn't seen anyone coming back yet, and i was only a couple of km from the turn. next thing i saw the leaders come, think it was Dave R first, but i started counting. passed a 10km sign, and we were still heading out, but not many had passed. another km up the road hit the turnaround, had lost count, but figured 20 or so? This was nosebleed territory for me, never been that far up a race before. gave a little bit more drive to the legs.

    anyway, made the turn, and started to push. i knew the wind wouldn't help on the way back, and the worst uphill drag was heading back. I hadn't passed anyone fora few km, but on the way back i started to pick a few more off, looked to me like some were slowing a bit on the way back in. Stronger second half to the bike than the first, speed was the same but tougher ride back in so was happy with that

    kept picking off a few, took maybe 4/5 on the return leg. Passing the parents house again i started to slip off the shoes. came into the dismount line, off the bike, one of my neighbours roaring encouragement at me, guy from the local tri shop shouting good bike at me. Got the impression my count was pretty right, that i was somewhere around 20th or so.

    trig1's second forecast came right, he chased me down on the bike

    Bike: 39:32, for a 23.x km bike. average speed of 36km/hr. 15th overall for the bike leg.

    Into t2, quick turnover, and out the gate. Run was going to be narrow with lots of tight turns, and narrow patches. Back of my head i wondered how far up the road trig1 was, there were some long straights where i reckoned i'd see him unless he was a long way away. didn't worry too much about though. First thing that struck me was i left my gamin on the bike. okay, running blind. Not a problem, we're going till it hurts too much to go any harder anyway. secondly, i had a few guys up the road in front of me , so lets worry about them first.

    was just out the gate when Dave R came past me, Huffn Puff not too far behind. Roared at Shane to go get him, supporting the Nenagh neighbours. then got on with my own race. First km was making no inroads into any of the guys ahead of me, and i was moving, same point as in Joey Hannon, fast enough i wasn't sure i could hold it. Then, slowly, i started to gain on the first guy, i think he had gone out too hard.

    Then we came to a straight, and up ahead, i saw trig1. immediate reaction was to tear up after him, but i held my pace, watching, and i knew i was gaining, and loads of time to get there. So decided to run my race. picked off a couple more, almost took a second swim of the day taking a corner too wide at the canal, but was still running well. at this point i came up on the boru club member i chased down at Joey Hannon, just as he went past trig1 i went past the two of them. Made sure the pace stayed steady then to make sure neither of them got on my heels, and pushed on. At about the half way point i passed one last guy from LTC, and for the first time had no-one to chase. Open road ahead of me.

    Kept the pace up, second last km was down a private road the sports park where the last km was a lap before the finish line. was having to push hard here, pain had set in, lungs were screaming at me. but i knew mr LTC, although a bit behind, would be on me quickly if i let it drop.

    Got into the park, started the km loop. lungs screaming at this point. 3/4 of the way around i looked back.knew no-one was going to catch me. looked ahead, guy in front was too far clear, and was bearing down on the finish. So, race was run, but kept the pace steady, lets see what the time is, turned the corner into the finishing straight, 1:13 on the clock, delighted with that, and headed across the line

    Sorry trig1, had to make one of your forecasts wrong, couldn't give you a clean sweep :)

    Run Time: 20:50, 27th overall

    Official Finishing time of 1:13:28. Sprint PB of 3+ minutes, with a longer cycle.

    Felt a little odd to be honest, usually when i come across the line there are tons of finishers milling around, this seemed to be a much smaller number, but i couldn't tell how many.Lots of guys congratulating each other. that must be a good sign.

    Spoke to a few, saw trig1 and the boru member cross the line, headed down to congratulate them . Transition was about 1km down the road, do headed back down with trig1 to pick up the gear, met his family (who are a lovely bunch, you should be dead proud trig, i wouldn't get out training with them at home). Picked up gear, and raced home to collect the little one on her way back from the party, and beginning a pre-promised movie night, Frozen, complete with popcorn and marshmallows.

    Couldn't resist a peak at the phone to see if the results were up, and they were. was looking around the 20th place, no sign of my name, started scanning down, got further down than i could have been, so went back, and absolutely delighted to find my name at 13th overall, 3rd in my AG. Highest result by a mile, first time in the top twenty. so was dead chuffed.

    Now, it wasn't a hugely strong field, NS race on elsewhere, but there was still some strong competitors there, and you can only race what shows up. And a good showing for my hometown race, there was one boru guy home ahead of me but he's from dublin i think, i might have been first local home. won't sweat that though. will take what was a really good day out, and hope for a few more like that:)

    overall a well run race, some good points to the course, some that could be improved. But definitely a race i would do again.

    Fair play to trig1,home in top 20 coming back from injury. well done, kilkee next!!!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Easy 2 hour bike, garmin was dead so stuck the phone in my back pocket to record, but went entirely off feel. Legs were dead this morning, but by the time i got out on the bike they had come around and the spin was nice, helped flush the legs a bit more too.

    57.8km, 1:57, 29.4km/hr average

    Another week down, two weeks to Kilkee.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Well done Mossy, great report and even better result.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    mossym wrote: »
    Race Report -Boruman, Killaloe, June !4th

    An afternoon race for a change, and given the wife being away just as well. Triathlons are a work in co-ordination anyway, and this required a huge amount just to get me to the race. Carefully choreographed registration, my brother arriving to mind his godchild for a while until she went off to a neighbours party got me off to the race.

    Something so nice about a race you can cycle to. This one was less than 10 minutes, including traffic lights for me. Did a bike warm up, racked the bike, and headed out on a run warm up. I like racking early, takes away the stress, and gives me a chance to relax, shoot the breeze with people i know. Met a guy from LTC who comes to our winter group sessions, first race back from knee surgery, and was glad to see him excited about racing again. Was looking around, a lot of familiar faces from recent races. Not a lot of big names, but some all the same, Dave Richardson, Huff n Puff, , Rachel Clancy, Darren Dunne. LTC was well represented, given it was pretty local to them

    Then, after a lot of chat on here without ever meeting, even though we work in the same company, i met up with trig1. we shot the breeze for a while, then headed off to the race brief, which was short and sweet.

    The swim was down the canal in Killaloe, which meant a seperate swim start, transition, and run finish. So the whole race walked up through the town to the swim start. Short wait and we were ushered into the water. The canal is pretty narrow, and there were two waves of 100 each. I was in wave 1, which was based on estimated swim times, and the faster people were in 1. Given the narrowness, i thought it would be a fight all the way down, especially around halfway where it narrowed significantly under the bridge. Decided i'd start wide on the left near the front, expecting most to go right as the exit was on that side.

    Klaxon went and off we went. Sticking to the front worked, bit of scrapping at the start but nothing worse than any other race. Got into a good rhythm, felt like i was moving well. As we got under the bridge it narrowed and there was a lot more pushing and shoving, but it opened up again. Soon after the bridge i found myself over on the other side, on the exit side, bit unplanned to be over there that quick but it worked, until that side got very shallow and i started to thump my hands off the bottom. moved out a bit, got down to the end, cleared the water and started the run towards t1.

    Swim time: 12:12, 27th overall.

    T1 wasn't packed as i ran towards it, so felt pretty good. small delay with the wetsuit, but got it off, and headed out the gate. quick look on the way, trig1's bike sitting on the rack. first part of his forecast right(in fairness it was about castleconnell later in the year, but anyway), beat him out of the water.

    T1: 0:52

    The Bike
    Out onto the bike course, got moving well, got the shoes on, and settled in. First km passed my parents house, while at the same time passing 2 or 3 within the first few kms. Know this road better than any other, so knew the return was going to be tougher. Wanted to maintain a nice steady effort, and was glad to be overtaking. Couple took me at this point, but guys that looked really strong on the bike, tried to stick with them but then let them go. In hte back of my head i knew trig1 would becoming strong, but i thought i might get to the turnaround before he caught me. Not a hope, 6km in he came past me like a train. looked down as he passed and i was holding high 3x km/hr, andhe went past me like i was stopped. watched him pull away, dug a bit harder but decided to stick to my plan.

    at this point a thought struck me. I hadn't seen anyone coming back yet, and i was only a couple of km from the turn. next thing i saw the leaders come, think it was Dave R first, but i started counting. passed a 10km sign, and we were still heading out, but not many had passed. another km up the road hit the turnaround, had lost count, but figured 20 or so? This was nosebleed territory for me, never been that far up a race before. gave a little bit more drive to the legs.

    anyway, made the turn, and started to push. i knew the wind wouldn't help on the way back, and the worst uphill drag was heading back. I hadn't passed anyone fora few km, but on the way back i started to pick a few more off, looked to me like some were slowing a bit on the way back in. Stronger second half to the bike than the first, speed was the same but tougher ride back in so was happy with that

    kept picking off a few, took maybe 4/5 on the return leg. Passing the parents house again i started to slip off the shoes. came into the dismount line, off the bike, one of my neighbours roaring encouragement at me, guy from the local tri shop shouting good bike at me. Got the impression my count was pretty right, that i was somewhere around 20th or so.

    trig1's second forecast came right, he chased me down on the bike

    Bike: 39:32, for a 23.x km bike. average speed of 36km/hr. 15th overall for the bike leg.

    Into t2, quick turnover, and out the gate. Run was going to be narrow with lots of tight turns, and narrow patches. Back of my head i wondered how far up the road trig1 was, there were some long straights where i reckoned i'd see him unless he was a long way away. didn't worry too much about though. First thing that struck me was i left my gamin on the bike. okay, running blind. Not a problem, we're going till it hurts too much to go any harder anyway. secondly, i had a few guys up the road in front of me , so lets worry about them first.

    was just out the gate when Dave R came past me, Huffn Puff not too far behind. Roared at Shane to go get him, supporting the Nenagh neighbours. then got on with my own race. First km was making no inroads into any of the guys ahead of me, and i was moving, same point as in Joey Hannon, fast enough i wasn't sure i could hold it. Then, slowly, i started to gain on the first guy, i think he had gone out too hard.

    Then we came to a straight, and up ahead, i saw trig1. immediate reaction was to tear up after him, but i held my pace, watching, and i knew i was gaining, and loads of time to get there. So decided to run my race. picked off a couple more, almost took a second swim of the day taking a corner too wide at the canal, but was still running well. at this point i came up on the boru club member i chased down at Joey Hannon, just as he went past trig1 i went past the two of them. Made sure the pace stayed steady then to make sure neither of them got on my heels, and pushed on. At about the half way point i passed one last guy from LTC, and for the first time had no-one to chase. Open road ahead of me.

    Kept the pace up, second last km was down a private road the sports park where the last km was a lap before the finish line. was having to push hard here, pain had set in, lungs were screaming at me. but i knew mr LTC, although a bit behind, would be on me quickly if i let it drop.

    Got into the park, started the km loop. lungs screaming at this point. 3/4 of the way around i looked back.knew no-one was going to catch me. looked ahead, guy in front was too far clear, and was bearing down on the finish. So, race was run, but kept the pace steady, lets see what the time is, turned the corner into the finishing straight, 1:13 on the clock, delighted with that, and headed across the line

    Sorry trig1, had to make one of your forecasts wrong, couldn't give you a clean sweep :)

    Run Time: 20:50, 27th overall

    Official Finishing time of 1:13:28. Sprint PB of 3+ minutes, with a longer cycle.

    Felt a little odd to be honest, usually when i come across the line there are tons of finishers milling around, this seemed to be a much smaller number, but i couldn't tell how many.Lots of guys congratulating each other. that must be a good sign.

    Spoke to a few, saw trig1 and the boru member cross the line, headed down to congratulate them . Transition was about 1km down the road, do headed back down with trig1 to pick up the gear, met his family (who are a lovely bunch, you should be dead proud trig, i wouldn't get out training with them at home). Picked up gear, and raced home to collect the little one on her way back from the party, and beginning a pre-promised movie night, Frozen, complete with popcorn and marshmallows.

    Couldn't resist a peak at the phone to see if the results were up, and they were. was looking around the 20th place, no sign of my name, started scanning down, got further down than i could have been, so went back, and absolutely to find my name at 13th overall, 3rd in my AG. Highest result by a mile, first time in the top twenty. so was dead chuffed.

    Now, it wasn't a hugely strong field, NS race on elsewhere, but there was still some strong competitors there, and you can only race what shows up. And a good showing for my hometown race, there was one boru guy home ahead of me but he's from dublin i think, i might have been first local home. won't sweat that though. will take what was a really good day out, and hope for a few more like that:)

    overall a well run race, some good points to the course, some that could be improved. But definitely a race i would do again.

    Fair play to trig1,home in top 20 coming back from injury. well done, kilkee next!!!
    Well done Mossym. You were flying it. No way could I have stayed with you at that run pace. Your training is obviously going well! Congrats again and it was nice to meet you. See you in kilkee!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    looking significantly better than i did leaving t1 at cutra


    heading for the dismount line


    half way through the run, starting to hurt

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Trig1 wrote: »
    Contests again and it was nice to meet you.

    for sure. We'll have to manage the neck and neck 100m sprint to the finish line at some stage :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Well done mossym, fantastic result. Loved the report!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Top class Mossy!!

    Great report too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    mossym wrote: »
    for sure. We'll have to manage the neck and neck 100m sprint to the finish line at some stage :)

    that was meant to be congrats again - auto-correct :D:D

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Trig1 wrote: »
    that was meant to be congrats again - auto-correct :D:D

    ah right. i thought you were planning the payback already....

    which i expect you are anyway..:)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Monday Evening Swim

    one of my favourites. 100 swim, 200pb, 300 sw, 400pb, 400sw, 300pb, 200sw, 100pb. Total 2k. Always like this set, i swim better with a pb so this allows me to try to pull over what works with the pb to the swim portion. Done straight after work, pb work felt good, normal swim a bit rough but a bit tired still today so not overly worried.

    2000m in 38 mins

    two very tight and sore calves today, were fine yesterday but today they are sore. decent bit of stretching and rolling to loosen them out. hopefully okay again after a nights sleep

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Tuesday Night Intervals
    Set up the bike on the turbo outside but with the double doors open so I could watch the brazil mexico match. This could be the perfect turbo setup, outside, but with entertainment, it’s as close as I will get anyway.

    Session was a warm up, then 5*4 over threshold. Intervals were fine, short but tough and sweet. Been having a gearing issue on the slice recently, I get it setup perfectly then a week later it’s off again, something is slipping and I can’t figure out what. Going to get the cables redone and see if that works. Anyway, got through the five intervals, was changing down gears for the easy when the chain kicked off the inside of the cassette, I saw the derailleur kick up, and a crack as it hit the spokes (cheap training wheels luckily).

    Anyway, presumed I had written off either the hanger or the whole derailleur, and maybe a couple of spokes. But turned out there was no real damage, reseated the chain and it was fine again, wheel was fine, derailleur seemed to be working okay. The limit screw had been set right on that for ages now and had never been an issue, so not sure what the hell happened. Anyway, finished up the session, and going to drop the bike to get the cables redone and the gearing reset today. Something I could do myself, but busy at the moment and kilkee is only a week away so want it sorted by the weekend

    45 mins, 20 ish km’s

    Wednesday Morning Swim
    Late to bed last night for various unescapable reasons, so was a little late getting to the pool this morning, not the best timing for a slightly longer swim than normal recently, but just enough time to get it done and get to work on time.

    Warm up, some 50’s descending, then 8*200 at oly pace. Last couple of these were getting tired, was coming in on 3:25 or so, so about right pace wise. Few fast 50’s and a cool down, a run from pool to shower and got to work for 9.

    2600m in 52 mins

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    I had something similar with my gears, turned out the dr hanger was ever so slightly bent after the bike toppled over one day. Had me flummoxed for a while.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    pointer28 wrote: »
    I had something similar with my gears, turned out the dr hanger was ever so slightly bent after the bike toppled over one day. Had me flummoxed for a while.

    it's the constant drift from proper set-up to wrong that has me confused. i redid everything before the race last week, gears were like silk on Friday night, everything aligned perfectly, shifting smooth and sharp. by last night, after doing at most 30km on saturday they were off again. that's not right.

    i would have expected a bent hanger to be a srouce of constant error though, not something that changed over time, especially as fast as i am seeing

    anwyay, thanks for the help, but i'm done messing with it, never had issues setting up gearing on any other bike, but this one has me annoyed, so the shop can deal with it.

    not really what i want a week before Kilkee though

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    today's run at lunch was brought to you by the word hot and the feeling sticky.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Wednesday Run
    45 minute easy, but in high 20's sticky heat in limerick. HR was high for the pace, but given the sweat levelsi'm not surprised. Bit slower than usual, but seemed prudent given the temp

    8.6 in 42:33, 4:57min/km

    Bike Recce HotW course. decided to give the course a blast after work, family decided to go with me and play on the beach while i went out.

    Went out easy, up the hill, and was finding it tough going. Wind is usually with you on the way out, but this wind felt more like a swirling mess. struggled out through doonbeg, still not pushing hard, but HR was a bit up. anyway, after swinging for home found out i hada lovely tail wind the whole way back in. Nothing better than cruising along @ 40km/hr with your hr in low z1.

    that course is tougher than i thought. goal time being reconsidered.

    43.8km in 1:26, 30.6km/hr average

    Need to hope moving over to the tribike and race effort will take a sizeable chunk off that.

    Friday Morning Swim
    main set of 10* 25 fist 25 swim, 15* 100 @ oly pace.

    felt okay.late night last night so was tired. still pace held up for the 100's

    2800m in 1:00

    Friday evening Run
    40 min run, including 5*3@ efforts. warm and sticky again, was tired, so the efforts were a bit harder than i expected. efforts @4:10

    9km in 42:05, 4:40 average

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    oh and bike back from the shop, 105 derailleur replaced with an ultegra. will give it a test tomorrow

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    mate of mine was doing a swim from portumna to killaloe of 38km. wanted to make sure i was there to meet him arrive. Some family business meant that getting in the planned brick was going to be tough. so i swapped the brick with sundays planned run. done in the afternoon, not moving too far from the bridge, 40 easy, 20 steady, 15 mod hard. heat made this tough, steady at 4:40 to 4:45, mod at 4:30 to 4:35

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    So after moving the spin from Saturday, I headed out for it on Sunday. 2.5 hours planned with 3*20minutes race efforts in there

    Everything was going fine, was a beautiful day, sun was shining, got through the first 45 easy minuets with only a few ar$&hole drivers buzzing me way too close to worry about(route I picked took me pack a swimming spot on the lake which is popular both with families, and less desirables). Anyway, got through scariff, and opened up for the first of the 20’s, was holding a nice pace, up though mountshannon and whitegate, and was just finished and into 10 minutes easy when I realized my xlabs BTA, mounted to the tri bars with the xtraps, was shaking like mad. Normally there are 4 straps, one at each corner, well now I was down to three, and the mount was shaking all over the place. Plan had been to turn another 10 minutes up the road, but decided to head back now and find the strap.

    Km back down the road I found it, thought it had just come loose and fallen off, but it had actually torn in two, so no good to me. This meant the other two intervals were done with one finger pulling the mount to keep it steady, which had a knock on effect on my shoulders as my arm was at a weird angle. Did the intervals, but finished the ride 20 minutes early to avoid any further shoulder pain. Good news is was flying for the intervals, held over 40k for a couple of 5km laps, although a little wind assisted.

    67.5 in 2:08, 31.4km average, not bad for 2 hour spin where 1:15 of it was easy

    Off the bike onto 10 steady, 5 easy. Was meant to be the other way around, but after cutting the bike short I flipped it as I was running really well, felt really good. Nice feeling the week before Kilkee.
    3.3km in 15:06, 4:33min/km.

    Finished up at the local pool to meet the family, where I happened to bump into pmaldini, who recognized me from the pics I posted. Nice to meet you mate, trust the family enjoyed the swim

    That’s it, last week before Kilkee done. Nothing left to do now except the few last warm up sessions this week, then give it socks next Saturday. Gulp.

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    mossym wrote: »
    So after moving the spin from Saturday, I headed out for it on Sunday. 2.5 hours planned with 3*20minutes race efforts in there

    Everything was going fine, was a beautiful day, sun was shining, got through the first 45 easy minuets with only a few ar$&hole drivers buzzing me way too close to worry about(route I picked took me pack a swimming spot on the lake which is popular both with families, and less desirables). Anyway, got through scariff, and opened up for the first of the 20’s, was holding a nice pace, up though mountshannon and whitegate, and was just finished and into 10 minutes easy when I realized my xlabs BTA, mounted to the tri bars with the xtraps, was shaking like mad. Normally there are 4 straps, one at each corner, well now I was down to three, and the mount was shaking all over the place. Plan had been to turn another 10 minutes up the road, but decided to head back now and find the strap.

    Km back down the road I found it, thought it had just come loose and fallen off, but it had actually torn in two, so no good to me. This meant the other two intervals were done with one finger pulling the mount to keep it steady, which had a knock on effect on my shoulders as my arm was at a weird angle. Did the intervals, but finished the ride 20 minutes early to avoid any further shoulder pain. Good news is was flying for the intervals, held over 40k for a couple of 5km laps, although a little wind assisted.

    67.5 in 2:08, 31.4km average, not bad for 2 hour spin where 1:15 of it was easy

    Off the bike onto 10 steady, 5 easy. Was meant to be the other way around, but after cutting the bike short I flipped it as I was running really well, felt really good. Nice feeling the week before Kilkee.
    3.3km in 15:06, 4:33min/km.

    Finished up at the local pool to meet the family, where I happened to bump into pmaldini, who recognized me from the pics I posted. Nice to meet you mate, trust the family enjoyed the swim

    That’s it, last week before Kilkee done. Nothing left to do now except the few last warm up sessions this week, then give it socks next Saturday. Gulp.

    Nice to meet you too Mossym, ya the kids enjoyed being able to swim in an open air pool, we must hook up for a pint after HOW, looking at your efforts above you'll probably have 3 drank by the time i'm finished:D

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Start of taper week, easy 20 minutes running, and an easy 2000m swim.

    which is what it was

    except that the 2000m swim had a 400m easy block

    which i swam easy

    and set a 400m pb on.

    Couldn't quite believe it, had to check it again after coming home, but yup. it was the 17m pool admittedly, but 6:52, which included 4or 5 second stop at the end of one length to check the lap count on the garmin. Thatsa good 20 seconds of my fastest time in the 17, which was only a couple of weeks ago. the extra swimming over the past few weeks really seems to be paying off.

    nice boost from the swim, which was welcome, as the run wasn't great, legs felt tired after the weekend, but a good soak in the ice pool hopefully helped. rolling session now tonight

    run, 4.1 in 20:41, thought i dialled the uphill last km back a lot more than that.

    swim, 2000m in 38 mins

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Tuesday Spin
    45 Mins easy. stretched it out a bit to get a loop in, but felt good, holding pace easily with little effort, hopefully that translates into something good on Saturday. met a couple of guys out on a tandem, practising for the paraolympics, was chatting to them for a while.

    only downside was my nearest miss yet on the bike, passat estate cut across a bad bridge with a bend in the middle at full speed, missed me by a few inches. made no effort to avoid me after seeing me, which he could have done. was physically shaking for a while afterwards. on a careful watch-out for the car since.
    29.3 in 57:35
    Wednesday Morning Swim
    1600m with some faster than rp 100's. not quite as well as Monday, but happy enough.

    1600m in 33mins.
