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Weapons discussion

  • 24-11-2013 2:55pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 260 ✭✭

    don't see a thread here on this so thought i'd start one

    what you all playing with?

    For the assault class I'm currently using the Ace 23, not as high rate-of-fire as the popular AEK-971 but I find the recoil is much easier to control


    All the other stats seem pretty good in comparison


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,558 ✭✭✭✭dreamers75

    L85A2 Defib and Medic bag

    Mtar21 Rpg tool

    Mtar Ammo C4

    L96 Beacon C4

    My standard loadouts, onyl changes if im going for an assignment but i have them all.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 623 ✭✭✭Shy_Dave!

    To my own disadvantage I tend to stay away from the popular weapons, especially any assault rifles that are considered 'overpowered' or in need of a nerf.
    At the moment I have been staying away from assault altogether and using dmr's (MK) as Engineer, m249 as support and JNG for recon.
    Tend to switch gadgets depending on the map!

    I'm not the greatest at using bolt-action sniper rifles but it is what I probably enjoy killing with most!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    M416 w/reflex, laser sight. Will have stubby grip/muzzle break but it's the class I play the least.
    M320HE underslung.
    First aid packs.
    Defensive field upgrades.

    ACW-R (or MTAR on CQB maps) w/coyote, laser sight, stubby grip and muzzle break.
    SRAW (or RPG on CQB maps).
    M2 SLAMs :)
    Anti-tank field upgrades.

    If I'm going as an air engineer though, it's the stinger and repair tool so I can either fly or fly in the helos and be useful :D

    M249 w/holo (until the coyote unlocks), laser sight, muzzle break and stubby grip.
    XM25 airburst (but I'm trying the MP-APS at the moment)
    Ammo box.
    Indirect Fire field upgrades.

    ACW-R w/coyote, laser sight, suppressor and stubby grip. (Sometimes the AK5C with the same rig-out, sometimes one of the basic sniper rifles for fun).
    Motion sensor (sometimes swapped out for the PLD).
    Spec Ops field upgrades.

    In all cases, pistol is either the MP443 or P226 w/laser sight, ghost ring, muzzle break (depends on which one's closer to an unlock). At least until I unlock the 93R, that thing looks to be nasty so I want to try it :) Grenades are the RGO impact and knife is... well, whatever. They're all the same really, the pointy end goes in the other guy. :pac:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,010 ✭✭✭✭Cuddlesworth

    Shy_Dave! wrote: »
    dmr's (MK) as Engineer,

    I can't really see the point of DMR's(and I have something like 70 kills with the RMB). Their ideal ranges seems to be right between 150-200 meters and outside of that they are useless. They are outclassed by pretty much everything, even at that range a assault or LMG mows you down.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 623 ✭✭✭Shy_Dave!

    I know! That's why I've been using them! I enjoy the challenge and find myself thinking about my positioning and using anticipation more in certain situations.

    Edit* I'm also a sucker for non-dmr single shot guns despite the disadvantage, looking forward to unlocking the m16a4 and m4 :D

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 834 ✭✭✭jeawan

    I have found the U-100MK5 is really effective at range with short burst fire i tend to use that quite allot vs other Support weapons

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,625 ✭✭✭fergus1001

    I use the pkp pecheng for support its an absolute ridler of a gun :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,940 ✭✭✭Tazzimus

    fergus1001 wrote: »
    I use the pkp pecheng for support its an absolute ridler of a gun :)
    I unlocked that the other night and had a go at it on Op.Locker.. Mowed down a squad as they were coming from B, didn't know what hit them :)

    The M240 will be my go to LMG though seeing as there's no M60 :(

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,174 ✭✭✭✭Captain Chaos

    Tazzimus wrote: »
    The M240 will be my go to LMG though seeing as there's no M60 :(

    I read that the M60E4 is in this game. :confused:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,423 ✭✭✭jonski

    It comes in Second Assault .............. I think

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  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators, Help & Feedback Category Moderators Posts: 25,888 CMod ✭✭✭✭Spear

    jonski wrote: »
    It comes in Second Assault .............. I think

    It does, it's already listed on Battlelog.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    fergus1001 wrote: »
    I use the pkp pecheng for support its an absolute ridler of a gun :)

    Oddly, the stats don't agree. It does more ~30% more damage per shot, but the M249 fires ~30% faster, is more accurate, and has twice the amount of ammunition. Unless you're running round a corner and magdumping into someone's face, I think I'll stick with the 249...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,940 ✭✭✭Tazzimus

    Spear wrote: »
    It does, it's already listed on Battlelog.

    That just made me very happy :) Love that gun, hopefully the sound is spot on as well. I've cleared many a room with that in BF3 :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 555 ✭✭✭tim3000

    Currently AEK good rate of fire, does good damage when you run into a guy around a corner. MedKit and those RG0 impact grenades. Really liked the Scar H, great power.

    Engineer (my class of choice)
    Any PDW UMP or the like cant wait to get my P90 back. I used to love that on BF3 hope they haven't changed it too much. AT mines and RPG. RG0 impact grenades again good for bouncing off walls and. I usually change weapon every 500 kills.

    I dont really use support too much or the sniper class. But c4 is a must for killing tanks. AK-5C is one of the best weapons I have found.

    I use the tanks quite a bit. Autoloader and Active protection work very well with HE shells. These are the only shells which seem to kill helicopters. Also use the 50 cal as my co-axial mg as it damages light vehicles.

    Always have a silencer on

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    tim3000 wrote: »
    cant wait to get my P90 back. I used to love that on BF3 hope they haven't changed it too much
    Afraid it's just meh really. If you spray a lot, the larger magazine helps, but honestly, the MX4 is a better choice and if you unlock the MP7, that's better still. Haven't gotten to the UMP yet though, I run more with carbines than PDWs because there aren't enough maps where you can use a PDW all over.

    BTW, is anyone else just loving the shorty as a sidearm? I mean, the pistols are grand and better if there's any kind of range to the match at all, but on locker with all the short sightlines and insane CQB areas, the shorty as a sidearm is just excellent...

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 14,748 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dcully

    The shorty is my favourite sidearm , great fun when switching from sniper rifle when enemy get too close.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,010 ✭✭✭✭Cuddlesworth

    Dcully wrote: »
    The shorty is my favourite sidearm , great fun when switching from sniper rifle when enemy get too close.

    I've used it for a while and tbh, its pretty crap. Its not 1 hit kill from close, does max of around 70-80 damage. If the other person is pretty decent at aiming and has something like the 92r, they can drop you well before the second shot.

    I'm still not sure about the weapons in this game. Bolt actions obviously take long ranges, 150 meters plus. But its actually not that difficult to take out a sniper with a assault or LMG up to about 250 meters. I'm working on my marksman ribbons right now, having better luck with with the CLR and a 4x scope making surprise headshots than sitting out in the arsehole of nowhere doing nothing.

    The SRR-61 I just unlocked. Its like a lazer, there is no bullet drop at all. Working on getting a medium scope for it and a supressor, to see if its usefull for running and gunning.

    Carbines are god mode up to about 100 meters, any one I've used its not unusual to get 3-4 kills per run and gun.

    DMR's are pointless. I can't see any possible reasons you would pick one if you didn't want to be frustrated.

    I haven't the heart to start on the ACE23. Although everything I've seen implies its like shooting a lazer with its grouping.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 14,748 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dcully

    Its good if you register a hit with sniper then switch to it its an instant kill 99% of the time unlike a pistol.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    I've used it for a while and tbh, its pretty crap. Its not 1 hit kill from close, does max of around 70-80 damage. If the other person is pretty decent at aiming and has something like the 92r, they can drop you well before the second shot.
    Eh, no. I've gotten several OHK's with it. Out to 15m or so, it does 18 damage per pellet, with 8 pellets that's 144 damage and that's not including the 2x headshot multiplier. Aim for the upper chest and most of the time, you drop someone in one shot, defensive field upgrades or no because you're getting headshots with at least some of the pellets (and there's that OHK bug kicking in on your side for once too).
    You do need to be up close for that to work, of course, but it's a shotgun, that's just how the game expects you to use it :D
    its actually not that difficult to take out a sniper with a assault or LMG up to about 250 meters
    Which is kindof realistic. Assault rifles (in the real world) were originally designed for those kind of ranges and modern sniper rifles don't even start a day's work till they get to 300m ranges. Yeah, I know, I say it all the time, it's just a game, but still; it's a fair enough way to design the game (as in, it's logical on at least one level).
    The SRR-61 I just unlocked. Its like a lazer, there is no bullet drop at all. Working on getting a medium scope for it and a supressor, to see if its usefull for running and gunning.
    There's a levelcap/matimio youtube video out there showcasing the SRR in aggressive recon, worth taking a peek at to see what you're getting into...
    Carbines are god mode up to about 100 meters, any one I've used its not unusual to get 3-4 kills per run and gun.
    Yup, and below 50m PDWs are the same story unless you come across someone with a high ROF assault rifle.
    But that's all assuming you see your target before they see you...
    DMR's are pointless. I can't see any possible reasons you would pick one if you didn't want to be frustrated.
    Yup, one of the biggest disappointments in the game for me, this.
    I haven't the heart to start on the ACE23. Although everything I've seen implies its like shooting a lazer with its grouping.
    Meh. Assault class. Just... meh.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,010 ✭✭✭✭Cuddlesworth

    Sparks wrote: »
    Eh, no. I've gotten several OHK's with it. Out to 15m or so, it does 18 damage per pellet, with 8 pellets that's 144 damage and that's not including the 2x headshot multiplier. Aim for the upper chest and most of the time, you drop someone in one shot, defensive field upgrades or no because you're getting headshots with at least some of the pellets (and there's that OHK bug kicking in on your side for once too).
    You do need to be up close for that to work, of course, but it's a shotgun, that's just how the game expects you to use it :D

    Are you sure that you're not just getting the double hit registration bug, it happens on the body too.

    I've been standing right beside stationary people aimed center mass and got roughly 70-80% damage with the shorty.

    I had also read before that shotguns don't apply a headshot multiplier on hit but you can get a headshot kill bonus with them.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Are you sure that you're not just getting the double hit registration bug, it happens on the body too.
    It's possible, but eleven times in a row (my last run with it on Locker)?
    And the damage stats from symthic say it's completely normal, not just possible (you could miss with a quarter of your pellets and still have enough damage for a OHK)
    I've been standing right beside stationary people aimed center mass and got roughly 70-80% damage with the shorty.
    I'm not aiming at center mass though, I'm aiming half-way between center mass and the head (so a few fingerwidths below where the sternal notch is on humans, if that helps you visualise it).
    I had also read before that shotguns don't apply a headshot multiplier on hit but you can get a headshot kill bonus with them.
    Didn't know that; was assuming the bonus indicated the multiplier had triggered.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,625 ✭✭✭fergus1001

    Sparks wrote: »
    Oddly, the stats don't agree. It does more ~30% more damage per shot, but the M249 fires ~30% faster, is more accurate, and has twice the amount of ammunition. Unless you're running round a corner and magdumping into someone's face, I think I'll stick with the 249...

    I just went through the sp to get that gun [spoilers] Irish you die, you die now! [spoilers]

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    :D Always check the stats first :D
    No point going to the trouble if it won't (a) do the job and (b) do the job when you play the way you play.

    (For example, the compact 45 pistol is slightly better than the 1911 on paper, but with the way I play, I get better results with the 1911; but it's the other way round for other people).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 260 ✭✭Stingerbar

    Anyone know how the kits work? for example assault defensive, how do I know which level I have?
    Increases maxiumum Sprint Speed by 10%

    LEVEL 2: AMMO:
    Increases maximum inventory of Bullets by 50%

    Increases maximum inventory of Hand Grenades by 1

    Increases height you can Fall without Damage

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 623 ✭✭✭Shy_Dave!

    The field upgrades are related to squad work, You should be in a squad.
    As your squad does well in a round your field level goes up (I think the commander can also grant levels).
    You see it as a meter in the bottom left of your HUD, above your squad names.
    You will see icons for the each level of the selected kit e.g Sprint Ammo Grenades Reduced Fall.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    You get level one by default; then as your squad gains points for various things (capturing points, getting promoted by the commander, etc) you move up levels (you'll see a green icon top center of your screen when that happens). If your squad is wiped, you lose them all and go back to level one.

    edit: Ha! that'll teach me to hit submit *before* dealing with the toddler :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,625 ✭✭✭fergus1001

    Give me my m1 garand and a Thompson and ill be happy

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,864 ✭✭✭uberpixie

    fergus1001 wrote: »
    Give me my m1 garand and a Thompson and ill be happy

    Closest thing the garand in the game is the M39-EMR, which as DMRs go is not that terrible. I have managed to get close range kills with it and the default iron sights are actually good :eek:

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators, Help & Feedback Category Moderators Posts: 25,888 CMod ✭✭✭✭Spear

    Anyone else finding the RPK-74M to be a quite capable LMG?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Haven't yet tried anything other than the 249 to be honest - there was a video from Matimio praising the LSAT, but I just grok the 249 and it seems to suit my playing style (ie. lay down ammo packs for the team, get fustrated as they nadespam locker for the millionth time and then in fustration run into C spraying bullets and screaming like a little girl).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,625 ✭✭✭fergus1001

    Sparks wrote: »
    Haven't yet tried anything other than the 249 to be honest - there was a video from Matimio praising the LSAT, but I just grok the 249 and it seems to suit my playing style (ie. lay down ammo packs for the team, get fustrated as they nadespam locker for the millionth time and then in fustration run into C spraying bullets and screaming like a little girl).

    If you have the ucav or what ever the flying thing is its some fun on locker
    outside taking out the snipers they all go cracked in the chat then I just say well then stop camping !

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    The SUAV and UCAV are different yokes (the SUAV is the little plane (Small UAV) you're talking about I think). And yeah, the SUAV is a ton of fun when people camp rooftops in Flood Zone,Zavod, Shanghai, Hainan or any of the other maps where you inevitably get two or ten snipers camping on the roof like that. Haven't used it in locker yet, I just avoid the outside there, but I can see how it'd be useful :D
