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Year Four



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz


    Up early for a productive start.

    Swim 3,600 as - 9 x 400's off 7:10.
    In on 6:27, 6:23, 6:36, 6:27, 6:32, 6:30, 5:59, 6:51, 6:52.

    The 5:59 was me pushing for a fast one.
    Took it easy swim down the last 2 then.

    Still doing these with too much recovery.
    The good news is 1:35 pace is now comfortable, so time to drop the recovery and go off 7 or 6:50 in a few weeks hopefully.

    Stroke - my recent comments about using lats/triceps more when trying to keep forearm vertical/wider are coming true.
    I'm sswimming with less effort as a result and managing to hold this technique throughout the set.

    Up to gym after swim for

    30mins strength as bicep/lat pull down (lats felt sore here so a good sign!), leg press, leg extt, chest press, dumbell raise, abs leg raises.

    Had time for a short run after also on treadmill.

    Run - 15 mins - 3km.

    Decent start to the week.
    Protein porridge just inhaled.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    Tuesday pm

    Turbo - 1hr 20min - Zone 3 Rolling

    15min WU
    3 x Max efforts Rest 2
    5min Standing @ 260w
    Rest 5
    36mins as 4min @ 210w, 2min @ 230w, 2min @ 250w
    10mins CD

    Bike needs a wash.... :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz


    Enjoyed a bit of a sleep in and no training in the morning.

    PM - Double.

    Turbo - 1.5 hours - Zone 2 base work - 140-200watts done as 10 min intervals such as 10 @ 140, 10@ 160, 10@200, 10 @ 175 etc. WU/CD also.

    Run - 70mins off the bike - zone 2 mainly easy in the wind/rain.
    14.7km - 4:47/km pace.

    Ok time for sleep if I'm to get up for early swim!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz


    Up early for threshold/pace swim set,

    Swim - 1hr - 3,500m

    35 x 100 off 1:45 - in on 1:33-1:34 avg.

    Defo using my upper arms and lats more. Seems my new found technique from last week is helping me.

    Strength/Core/Stretching - 40mins

    Did some basic strength - leg press, leg ext, lat pulldown, abs raises, abs leg lifts then a lot of stretching as tight all over.
    Bit of foam rolling on back. Sore.

    Had pencilled a 20min easy run on treadmill or so but canned it in favour of extra stretching.

    Nothing in PM - Out for a Tasty Steak with friends.
    Beeftro in Dundrum. Delicious.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz


    30mins Strength/conditioning

    60mins easy treadmill run - 12km

    40mins swim easy - 400 wu, 8 x 200 drills/feel, 2km.

    An easy day, ahead of hopefully a harder saturday.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    Sat 21st Dec

    Swim - 40 x 50's off :60 - 2k done in 40mins and out.

    Run - Long run of 1hr 55mins hilly up Ticknock - 21.5km

    Sunday - Off (hols are here :D )

    Monday - Swim 55mins - 3k - as 400's then down to 200's.

    Core - 20 mins s & c

    Travel home for Xmas - conscious decision to leave bike at home and spend next few days relaxing, doing a bit of running and generally unwinding/taking things easy.

    Tuesday 24th Dec - 40min easy run around Clonmel - 9km

    Wednesday 25th Dec - 90min hilly run - 16.5km

    Thursday 26th Dec - Clonmel 4 Mile Run Race

    I have done this race the last 2 years so it's a handy tracker for any run progress. Absolutely rubbish time to be doing it full of chocolate and it's December, but for consistency it's there and a fair measure.

    Met up with MossyM and Huff n Puff at the race start and had a catch up. Good to see you guys.

    My last 2 years were 23:50 and 23:10 so I was aiming for mid 22's this time around. The recent Jingle Bells 5k time (17:17) when plugged into McMillan produced a likely similar time all going well so this was the aim.
    I had still done no speed work, but know my run is in good shape for me and it is improving so I thought a mid 22 should be there even allowing for the chocolate binges the previous days.

    Set off behind Shane Scully and his brother Gary, Gary took a bit of a gap earlier and Shane was behind in a nice group of 6 or so.
    I was back further in a similar group and maybe running 20metres behind ish.
    The race always sets off at silly pace and is downhill.
    In previous years I've gone off the garmin and tried to hold or push for pace tracking, but this year I said I'd simply go off feel and run the race and look at times afterwards.

    I couldn't bridge up to Shane's group and had to keep pace in my group and try pick it up for the back half, which I did and pulled away from a couple places.

    Shane had finished and gone 21:40 so a great time for this time of the year and he had a race the day before too.

    I've knocked 40 seconds off each of the past years 4miles so will be happy if I can break into the 21's in 12 months time all going well.

    22:28 official time for a 40 sec pb.

    Avg hr around the 170bpm so in line with recent 5k and shows I am now racing at a higher hr range, or just more capable to push more due to better fitness.

    Friday 27th - easy swim - 1,250, technique work

    Sat - 15mins Core/Conditioning

    Now time to get back to some training!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz


    Bike - 1hr 40mins of Z1-2-3. Felt faint near end after pushing a little, poor hydration and nutrition since Saturday the probable cause.

    Core - 15 mins core/conditioning.

    A poor week, sub 10 hours, but it's the hols and christmas and all in good balance.

    Now back in Dublin with the week off to get some consistency going again.

    Currently asking advice to those in the know on overall training approach/plan.

    As I don't want to peak until late August, I'm currently holding off kicking off the real training.
    I've experienced the much backed up cycle of a 20-24 week plan leading into peak performance.

    I am unsure how to approach a planned late season peak and currently debating 1 of 2 options, whilst asking if a third option is also there.

    Options as I see them:

    1 - Kick off training in Jan, but keep it like a long base with easy volume before kicking off intensity when into the 20 week lead in to planned peak.

    - unsure if the volume will still cause too much training stress accumulated and result in a peak around June and harder to return thereafter.

    2 - Kick off training in Jan sticking to similar approach as 2013, but take a week off in July to regenerate and then last build block into planned late Aug peak.

    The above is on my mind due to 2013 experiencing a cycle where peak was reached well in May as planned, but thereafter performance dropped off and could never return to same levels, although run did pick up but primarily bike.

    Looking at training plan done during those periods and analysing for trends that I may alter to try seek a better result in 2014.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Option _2. Full recovery to regenerate. Did this before and made the mistake of underestimating recovery and getting phase 2 training wrong. You will have undoubtedly ramped up both intensity and volume of intensity for the summer A goal. Mistake I made was to maintain that level. Drop volume of intensity back and aim to ramp up in a similar fashion for autumn goal. Particularly if summer goal went well.

    Take the recovery week very seriously. A peak fit body can disguise any underlying minor damage that rest would heal but fired systems would promote.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    Option _2. Full recovery to regenerate. Did this before and made the mistake of underestimating recovery and getting phase 2 training wrong. You will have undoubtedly ramped up both intensity and volume of intensity for the summer A goal. Mistake I made was to maintain that level. Drop volume of intensity back and aim to ramp up in a similar fashion for autumn goal. Particularly if summer goal went well.

    Take the recovery week very seriously. A peak fit body can disguise any underlying minor damage that rest would heal but fired systems would promote.

    Thanks Mike - I'm leaning this way alright.

    There is no summer A goal however, but it's not like I can afford to somewhat reduce progression as I'm still playing catch up so figure the best way will be all about managing the mid season recovery to regenerate then getting back into it for late peak which should be best as will be off the back of hopefully increased performance all round.

    1-2 weeks seems the recommended break, will only know when in it I guess!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    A new week, back in Dublin with all amenities so time to return to the consistency.

    Monday - Run - 55mins Z2 with few Z3 bits thrown in.

    Swim - 50mins Easy technique work - 9 x 200's and 2 x fast 100's at end.

    Strength/Conditioning - 30 mins weights/gym work/abs.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    Tuesday 31st

    Out for long overdue outdoors bike.
    Couldnt find booties nor ski gloves but figured I'd be ok... :rolleyes:

    Started raining 5km in. Wet and cold 10km in.
    Losing feeling in fingers at 15km.
    Turned shortly after for a misery return in misery weather with no feeling in fingers.
    1hr 40, 39km.

    One of those hard to open door, get into shower not sure temp till feeling returns. Lovely.

    Wed 1st - off.

    Thurs 2nd - easy 40min lap run - 10km

    Fri 3rd - 50min swim of 400's to 200's. 2k.

    30min weights/core.

    Sat 4th - 60min run - 12km
    - easy turbo 40min

    Sun - 50min swim pyramid - 3.1km
    60min run - felt like crap, 13.7pm
    2nd turbo z1-2watts - felt good. Helped legs loosen.

    Circa 12 hours, drop week, hols now over.

    Finally picking up bike work now. It's time.
    Adding more intensity in bits also.
    Happy with swim return for circa 4hrs per week so won't be going above this as much better return likely from bike/run.
    Now want to get bike back and above to where it should be whilst maintaining current swim/run work.
    Weights sessions will be first to go in any time sensitive days/weeks if needed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz


    Short am swim - 30mins, 1,500 straight in 25 odd, then few loose hundred looking for the start button on my 910xt. Seems it fell off taking the brunt instead of my wrist hitting the lane ropes!

    Pm - 2.5hr turbo as 25min wu, 90min @ 190w, r6, 5 x 1min vo2/anaerobic efforts r1. (285w, 335w, 355w, 385w, 415w) cool down.

    Poor sleep but dragged myself out of bed.

    Tuesday am

    Swim - 1hr10min - 4km mainly 400's off 7min.

    A good lesson in pacing here not that I needed it. Was on a fish's feet (LC) and she took off so 6:03 start was always gonna cost me!
    Floated around 6:10-6:20 for next few before dropping some more secs. An easy 6:45 before trying to up in on 6:32.
    Good to get a 4k set in at decent clip.

    Up to treadmill for an easy 5k then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    Tuesday pm

    Home, straight into gear and onto Turbo for 1 hour of intervals.

    Just 5 x 5mins efforts at tempo/sub threshold wattage was the aim.


    WU 15min
    5 x 5mins @ 255w R3
    CD 5mins

    A little bit of HR drift as expected.
    Dropped cadence at last rep. Defo feels easier at lower cadences (sub 85rpm).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz


    Am - Easy Run - 1hr 5min - 13.4km, avg 4:54/km

    PM - 1hr 10 Turbo Rolling efforts - wu 15min, 2 x max effort R2, 5min standing @ 255w, R5. 36mins as (4x) 4min @ 205w, 3min @ 240w, 2min @ 255w. CD.

    15min stretching/core/conditioning movements.

    Struggled at start mainly here, whether it's the third turbo in 3 days or just a weak warm up or both.
    Grand once going.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    Work this one out...

    Bed quite early (for me) on Wed night with lights out around 11:30 ish.
    Alarms set for 6, decent swim set planned Thurs am.

    Woke at 8:20, looked at phone on charge but had turned itself off!
    Now most phones I've had the alarm works on or off but not the Samsung it seems... must check settings.

    So a savage sleep in, 8+ hours of sleep and defo felt better today for it. Must have needed it.
    The advantages of being self coached - plan altered and this mornings swim swapped to Fri am, with a recovery swim moved to Sat now also.
    Just means my Fri pm and Sat am is slightly busier but no issue so grand.

    Thurs PM:

    95min Run as 45min L1, 30min L2, 15min L3. 20.2km done avg 4:43/km.

    It was windy, I felt utter rubbish the first 40mins but when picking it up things improved. One of those runs where you feel better the faster you're going.
    L3 got down to around the 4min/km mark and felt grand as was well warmed up at that stage.

    Another possible is I grabbed a slice of bread and dollop of nutella on it before heading out as was hungry. May not have helped my cause as used to running on empty.

    Shut it down as planned on 90mins. eased home.

    A busy Friday and Saturday ahead so early night a must.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz


    Swim - 45mins as 25 x 100's in 1:33-1:38 off 1:45.

    S & c - 20mins

    Bike - 2hr turbo aerobic z1-2-3


    Long run - 2:05 up Ticknock. 23km.

    Core - 20 mins

    Turbo - 45 mins easy spinning recovery

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    Sunday - 15mins Core. Day off.

    Weekly Summary - Swim 2.5hrs, Bike 7.25hrs, Run 5.25hrs, Strength 45mins. Total 15.5hrs.

    A gentle reintroduction and commencement of bike increase work.

    This week see's the long bike prioritised at the weekend so should follow suit with a nice increase overall which is much needed.
    Tri an Mhi has helped put a focus on and stop the faffing about deciding when to get back into proper work. That time is now. My bike has really slipped so no more excuses.

    Monday - 30mins Easy swim, technique work/drills. 1,500m

    - Turbo - Hard - Z1-3-4 work. Anything over 300w hurts like too much. Weak as a kitten but it will come. 1hr 25mins. Good set.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz


    Group swim derived by Kev Keane with a decent crew of 7 of us in the lane.
    Main set of 2k as 300 off 5:20, 2 fast 100's off 2 (x4).

    Total 2.9km - 1hr

    Core - 20mins core/conditioning

    Pm - progression run - 45mins l1, 30mins l2, 15mins l3.
    Just under 20km in 1hr 30.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz


    A bit harder to get out of bed... been waking at 5:30 this week but too tired to get up and snoozing till I can..

    Anyway, after much alarm snoozing I shuffled out like a zombie and it was 7:30 by the time I made it to the pool.
    Should really have stuck to the swim set on it's own, but I wanted to do a strength/core set as well so I halved the swim.

    Swim - 30mins - Easy 200's with drills, fins, paddles. 1.7km done.

    Strength/core - 25mins - Leg Press, lat pull down, chest press, bicep curl, leg ext, abs raises, ab leg ups, stretch and off to work.

    Lunch: - decided to make up the missed swim at lunch with a quick turn around.
    Can squeeze in 25mins at best and still have time to grab a bit of food.
    Left pool thinking why didn't I do swim in morning and weights at lunch but anyway... it worked so grand. Also felt a bit fresher at lunch in the pool and was pushing a bit better pace.

    Swim - 25mins - Part of a Kev Keane set again - 300 off 5:20, 200 off 3:30, 100 off 1:45, 100 easy. Repeat. Cut it off at 1200m as was out of time.

    PM - home and straight onto turbo - 1hr 10mins.

    Medium set of 20mins warm up, 3 x 10mins @ 255w R5. Cool down.
    Sub FTP level, but still can hold it. Feels like it says - medium effort but still hard breathing towards end. Nicely held watts of 257w, 255w, 256w.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz


    Swim - swam the rest of the set I started a day early on Wed with the group this morning.
    That's my 5th visit to the waters in 4 days, a new record for me (all be it 3 of them relatively short at just 30mins, but seeing how frequency works for me).

    2,500m done in 50mins.

    Core - 15mins core work


    Recovery Run - 1hr - 12.5km

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz


    Swim - 1hr, 3.4k as wu/cd and 26 x 100 off 1:45 - in 1:33-1:37's depending on traffic. Felt alright.
    6th Swim in 5 days. Not huge volume at just over 13k so far but frequency has been interesting. No notable fatigue on today's set but I will say my lats and shoulders are a bit tighter today.

    Run - Easy Lower to easy upper - 76mins - 16.4km, 4:39/km pace avg.
    Mainly time on feet, no efforts to preserve body for weekend of a bit more work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz


    Had long outdoor bike planned but weather was not inviting.

    Changed to indoor turbo see how I go.

    Just over 3.5hrs, AP 181w, Done as easy, then holding 180-195w for 1hr and similar.

    Hopefully outdoors tomorrow!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz


    Long aerobic Bike outdoors - 3hrs 20 odd, only 76km done as easy pace with a friend catching up.

    20 mins core/conditioning then.

    I actually had an extra optional swim and run in for today.
    The day ran away from me, caught up on a bit of sleep and chose to recover for the week ahead instead.
    If there's one thing I've learned, it's that consistency trumps almost everything else.
    I've had a few low weeks recently, so will bank this one with the work done and look to build and be consistent at this level now.
    No point hammering myself for one week to see recovery needed or key sessions compromised next week as a result.

    So happy with a decent week banked - 18.5hrs and back on the bike which was the plan.

    Adding intensity to run now and volume & intensity to bike.
    Swim getting a little of both too!

    Feels like I'm now getting down to the proper work.
    Very much looking forward to the long bikes as was sorely missed.
    Also doing my first 2 x 20mins sweet spot session this week too.
    Will aim for 90% and see how it goes.

    Potential 70km TT at end of the week also weather depending.
    This will not be pretty, I'm way down on power but will be a decent hurt session and help motivation in the blocks ahead.

    Hopefully get bike power back a bit before I look at a duathlon in Mid Feb or so to test the waters.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,119 ✭✭✭El Director

    Fazz wrote: »

    Long aerobic Bike outdoors - 3hrs 20 odd, only 76km done as easy pace with a friend catching up.

    20 mins core/conditioning then.

    I actually had an extra optional swim and run in for today.
    The day ran away from me, caught up on a bit of sleep and chose to recover for the week ahead instead.
    If there's one thing I've learned, it's that consistency trumps almost everything else.
    I've had a few low weeks recently, so will bank this one with the work done and look to build and be consistent at this level now.
    No point hammering myself for one week to see recovery needed or key sessions compromised next week as a result.

    So happy with a decent week banked - 18.5hrs and back on the bike which was the plan.

    Adding intensity to run now and volume & intensity to bike.
    Swim getting a little of both too!

    Feels like I'm now getting down to the proper work.
    Very much looking forward to the long bikes as was sorely missed.
    Also doing my first 2 x 20mins sweet spot session this week too.
    Will aim for 90% and see how it goes.

    Potential 70km TT at end of the week also weather depending.
    This will not be pretty, I'm way down on power but will be a decent hurt session and help motivation in the blocks ahead.

    Hopefully get bike power back a bit before I look at a duathlon in Mid Feb or so to test the waters.

    Fingal first weekend in March perhaps, NC rec. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    Fingal first weekend in March perhaps, NC rec. ;)

    Sounds like a good plan.
    That followed by the Naas one a few weeks later is the provisional calendar.
    Possible sportsman in Feb too as love that course if suits the date.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,119 ✭✭✭El Director

    Fazz wrote: »
    Sounds like a good plan.
    That followed by the Naas one a few weeks later is the provisional calendar.
    Possible sportsman in Feb too as love that course if suits the date.

    Yip, Fingal and Naas in March for me too. Hoping that leaves me in decent race shape come April 5th.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    Yip, Fingal and Naas in March for me too. Hoping that leaves me in decent race shape come April 5th.

    Excellent we can track our progress against each other too so!

    Lot of work to do first!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    Currently a bad week due to a silly tweak.

    Woke up Monday early for swim.
    Left arm felt tight so moved it a bit, sore to raise and act the swim motion.
    Pretty sure I slept on it and either pinched or trapped a nerve.
    Ah well, hopefully it will loosen up.

    Monday am - abandoned swim, core, conditioning, stretching instead.

    Monday pm - Out for a run with 5 x 1km fixed pace just under 4min/km. 55mins, 12.8km.

    Tues am - same thing on waking but a bit better. Stretched in morning only.

    Tues pm - chanced an easy swim. Was ok but not ideal. Abandoned after 1100m.

    Wed - Arm felt a bit better so in for swim.
    Lane was busy which suited me so mainly 300-500's done working on rhythm and timing of stroke. Arm not too bad. 2,850 in just under an hour.

    Turbo - a bit tight for time so altered 2 x 20 to 1 x 30min sweet spot. Usual warm up and cool down but a short and sweet one. 60mins. Sweet spot held at 249w. Felt beneficial.

    Slight concern afterwards as I could feel a numbness down left arm and into baby fingers.
    I was mainly in tt position but suspect combo of swim and bike has tweaked the nerve still.

    Thurs am - woke to feel arm back to square 1.
    Swim abandoned. Core and stretching instead.

    Thurs pm - 65min run, few on/off type intervals. 14 odd km done.

    Booked in for physio massage friday pm so hopefully sorted then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,119 ✭✭✭El Director

    Fazz wrote: »
    Currently a bad week due to a silly tweak.

    Woke up Monday early for swim.
    Left arm felt tight so moved it a bit, sore to raise and act the swim motion.
    Pretty sure I slept on it and either pinched or trapped a nerve.
    Ah well, hopefully it will loosen up.

    Monday am - abandoned swim, core, conditioning, stretching instead.

    Monday pm - Out for a run with 5 x 1km fixed pace just under 4min/km. 55mins, 12.8km.

    Tues am - same thing on waking but a bit better. Stretched in morning only.

    Tues pm - chanced an easy swim. Was ok but not ideal. Abandoned after 1100m.

    Wed - Arm felt a bit better so in for swim.
    Lane was busy which suited me so mainly 300-500's done working on rhythm and timing of stroke. Arm not too bad. 2,850 in just under an hour.

    Turbo - a bit tight for time so altered 2 x 20 to 1 x 30min sweet spot. Usual warm up and cool down but a short and sweet one. 60mins. Sweet spot held at 249w. Felt beneficial.

    Slight concern afterwards as I could feel a numbness down left arm and into baby fingers.
    I was mainly in tt position but suspect combo of swim and bike has tweaked the nerve still.

    Thurs am - woke to feel arm back to square 1.
    Swim abandoned. Core and stretching instead.

    Thurs pm - 65min run, few on/off type intervals. 14 odd km done.

    Booked in for physio massage friday pm so hopefully sorted then.

    Sorry to hear of the trouble, all part of the journey I guess. Glad to hear you are getting it looked at though. Keep us posted dude.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    hope the arm is nothing serious, hope the physio gets it sorted pronto
