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The Boggers Log



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon


    Thanks for that input, appreciate it, that's part of the reason I started the log.

    I'd be afraid that I might start to use that as an excuse to wimp out of a session, and I generally try to suck it up.

    I'm a stubborn old boll@&ks (ive probably even got a few years on AMK) but I've another Fartlek session tomorrow so I'll keep your advise in mind.

    Rest day today and got a badly needed rub.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Program called for 15-30 mins warm up with Fartlek 12-15 reps of 60 secs, with 60 secs brisk jog recovery, at slightly quicker than 5k pace, followed by 15-30 mins cool down.

    Was instructed to run this on a rolling course.

    Was apprehensive about this after last weeks Fartlek session but it seemed more comfortable today.

    Did 30 mins slow warm up, followed by 16, 60 second reps;

    Splits pace;

    1. 5.36 (over exuberance!)
    2. 6.12
    3. 6.02
    4. 6.59
    5. 5.51
    6. 6.10
    7. 6.11
    8. 6.21
    9. 7.28
    10. 7.12
    11. 5.19 (never ran at this pace in my life, not even when fleeing from the school bully 35 years ago :) )
    12. 5.30
    13. 6.01
    14. 6.08
    15. 6.08
    16. 6.58

    Happy enough with that effort and jogged a slow 3 miles home.


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    interesting 'structured fartlek' - did you have this programmed into the watch?

    Possibly closer to 16x300?? all the same - its a great workout. (will note this down in my 'tbl' notes and might do similar in a few weeks :))

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Feck Off AMK, do your own work outs, those km splits you did last week are still in my head and I don't want to be anymore demotivated by you blowing my reps out of the water :)

    No didn't have it programmed into the Garmin, (don't know how to do that) yes I would say it was closer to 300mtrs alright, I dont have the watch to hand as I am away with work for the next few days but I think the reps were about 0.18 mile with some below and I think there was a 0.19m, would that make sense?

    Never did a program like this, but so far I'm "enjoying" it.



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Program called for 60-70 mins ER.

    Late night running in London isn't for the faint hearted.

    Trying to dodge swirling litter, dog crap, broken paving and drunken revellers who wanted to embrace or assault you, added a whole new dimension to my normally sedate routine. Feel like I've just done an adventure race :)

    Eventually managed to find my way back to the hotel 79 mins later.

    Garmin only picked up intermittent signal so no idea of pace or total distance but I reckon I managed a challenged 8.5 miles.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Program called for 40-50 mins ER

    Really didn't fancy this at all.

    Flight home delayed and two hours in the car had me thinking of pulling the plug on the session.

    The muscle beside my shin bone is tight so I thought the recovery might do it some good.

    Called it a night after 35 mins and 4 miles.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Program had called for 15-30 min wu followed by Fartlek session of 4-5, 5 min reps with 3 mins recovery, and 15-30 cd.

    Muscle along the right shin was very sore so went for a massage, can't remember the name of the muscle but it's extremely tight and choked and the massage only partly relieved it, so I decided to just take it handy.

    Did 5.7 miles easy, muscle stated to get very tight again so iced it when I got back.

    Depending on how it feels tomorrow I'll either do the Fartlek or take it easy for the weekend and get another massage on Monday.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    An enforced weekend off.

    The tibia along my right shin was too sore to run on, was even uncomfortable to walk on.

    Got an "emergency" massage today. Muscle from half way down from the knee to the ankle was rock solid and felt "gritty".

    Back in for another session tomorrow and hoping to be back on program by Wednesday latest.

    Can't have that AMK getting further away from me :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    be careful on that shin - it sounds something like I had for my DCM training and I let it go too far and missed DCM and had 5 weeks off.

    I thought it was shin splints initially but turned out to be a calf strain along the bone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    be careful on that shin - it sounds something like I had for my DCM training and I let it go too far and missed DCM and had 5 weeks off.

    I thought it was shin splints initially but turned out to be a calf strain along the bone.

    Tnx AMK,

    I'm hoping that it's a re-occurrence of something I got a couple of years ago when I started doing back to back marathons. It took a fair few massage sessions to shift it, but it wasn't overly serious.

    My legs should be used to mileage but I think my "speed" sessions (stop laughing!) added into the mix have set it off.

    The missus is getting seriously pissed off with me using her rolling pin, any idea where I'd pick up one of those foam rollers that ye speed merchants are so fond of. :)


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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    Tnx AMK,

    I'm hoping that it's a re-occurrence of something I got a couple of years ago when I started doing back to back marathons. It took a fair few massage sessions to shift it, but it wasn't overly serious.

    My legs should be used to mileage but I think my "speed" sessions (stop laughing!) added into the mix have set it off.

    The missus is getting seriously pissed off with me using her rolling pin, any idea where I'd pick up one of those foam rollers that ye speed merchants are so fond of. :)


    I got one in argos for €20 last week. Matt Roberts is the name on it. Seems decent and does the job for me. Around double the price in Elverys and other sports/running stores.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Program called for 15-25 mins wu & cd, followed by 16x200mtrs with 200mtrs jog recovery.

    After 3 straight days of massage I thought the tibia was starting to loosen up, and the I thought a short run might do it some good.

    It is still uncomfortable to run on and I think I'll cross train for the next two days.

    Did 46 slow mins but to be honest I was fairly down after the session as I felt after today's massage that I'd run a lot more comfortably and was hoping to do the 200's tomorrow but unless there is huge improvement overnight, I'll miss this session too and stick to the cross training.

    Another massage session booked for tomorrow.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Its amazing how a 3.4 mile run @ 9.30 pace can leave one feeling ecstatic, but that how I felt this evening despite being buffeted by gales and lashed by hail

    After nearly two weeks out any pain free run was fantastic.

    I tried to come back too early and the 45 minute run last Tuesday really set me back.

    I've had massage 8 out of the last 10 days and finally it seems to be on the mend.

    Provided it doesn't stiffen up overnight, I'll slowly ease back into it and hopefully I'll be back on program next week.

    Ps. I feckin hate elliptical machines :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    A really nice evening for a run.

    Did nothing yesterday as I wanted to give the leg another days rest.

    Did a nice 5 mile easy run this evening over a few hills.

    Felt good the whole way around but was conscious of the leg, it doesn't "feel" 100% right but I had none of the shooting pain that I was getting last week.

    Finished in 43.24, and even managed a 8.07 last mile! It's amazing how quickly you lose running fitness although I'd like to put it down to the whole plum pudding I consumed today :)

    Happy Christmas


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Did nothing yesterday, had the gear on late in the evening with the gale blowing outside (the misses was furiously looking around for the life insurance policies :)) and was nearly blown down during the short walk to the car so decided that I didn't want to be a human kite and retired back inside to the fire.

    Did 6 miles today @ 7.50 pace.

    Leg feels much better, will try and do 7/8 mile ER tomorrow and another 9/10 ER on Sunday.

    Hopefully will be able to jump back into the program on Monday.

    I'll probably have to scale back my ambition for Seville but I won't do anything in haste.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Did 8 miles today.

    Ran the first 4 with a friend, nice and slow @ 8.50 pace.

    Picked it up a bit for the next 4 and averaged 7.08.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Decided to jump back into the program today.

    Program called for"............. A rest day :)

    Decided to do tomorrow's session and take the rest day later in the week.

    Session was 15-30 min wu with 4 miles at tempo pace and 15-30 cd.

    Did 21 mins warm up followed by 4 miles at average 6.52 pace followed by a very very slow 25 min cool down.

    Conflicting emotions with this run, should probably be doing tempo sessions a fair bit quicker but on the other hand I've done feck all in the last 2.5 weeks.

    Splits were 6.49; 7.04; 6.46; & 6.47.


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Ecoli posted something on my log recently about differing Tempo speeds.

    Marathon Paced runs are at the bottom end of the tempo range - so you'll still get benefit from it.
    Anyway - after the last 2.5 weeks that you've had, its good to be running at any pace I'd say!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Thanks AMK,

    Glad to be back running for sure but I Christmassed well and need to lose a few pounds quick :)

    This morning I was scratching my head a bit, thinking that just over 18 months ago I did a 3.15 marathon and now I can't even run 4 miles at 6.45 pace.

    I find Boards great from a motivational perspective but you could also get a bit disheartened when you see the sessions others are completing.

    In the past I just did lots of slow high mileage with no speed work and I hit the 3.15 by default.

    I think this McMillan plan will suit me (provided I can stay injury free) as it has reasonably high mileage.

    Anyway if I hit 3.10 in Seville I'll be happy with that and try and kick on from there.


    Ps you are flying at the moment and are in a great place for a sub 3 in Manchester. I might see you there and pace you for the first 10k :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Program called for 50-60 mins ER today and a 60-70 mins run tomorrow.

    Decided to do the 60-70 mins today.

    Did 69 odd minutes average pace 7.55 and 8.8 miles.

    Switching the sessions around again tomorrow and going to do a speed session. (my favourite I can't wait :) )


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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Program called for 15-30 wu followed by 6-8 1000m with 200m jog recovery followed by 200m x 3 with 200m jog between each rep, followed by 15-30 mins cd.

    Was advised, due to recent inactivity, to only do 6 of the 1k reps.

    Started with 21 mins slow jog warm up, followed by the reps,

    Rep 1: 4.01
    2: 4.00
    3: 3.58
    4: 3.48
    5: 3.48
    6: 3.47

    Followed by the 3 x 200m. Splits 40s; 38s; & 38s. I'd say Usain Bolt is quaking in his Pumas :)

    Followed by 11 min slow jog cool down.

    Happy New Year.


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    nice - out of interest, what pace was prescribed for the 1000m??

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon


    The program called the session a "Cruise Interval" session, and based on a 3.08 marathon the called for pace was 3.43 - 3.53.

    I thought it should be quicker, but that's what it said to do, so I was reasonably happy with today's session.

    Another runner I know, told me today on the cool down jog, that I didn't have the ugliest running style he'd ever seen.....................................but it was certainly in the top 3 :)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    That's a great session - you're well on the comeback trail.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Program called for a 50-60 min ER

    To borrow AMKs phrase I wasn't really feeling the love tonight, legs felt a bit dead, probably after my Olympic 200m Trials yesterday :)

    Did 50 minutes real slow.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Friday: had rejigged my sessions this week so Friday was a rest day.

    Today: decided to do my long run today, the early morning rain gave way to a nice dry and calm afternoon.

    Hadn't done a LR in a couple of weeks so was unsure of what pace to do this at.

    Program called for 22-24 miles but I decided to do 18-19.

    Pace issue was taken out of my hands as once I turned on the Garmin it instantly powered off.

    Running a long run without the Garmin is a peculiar feeling, feels like I'm running in the nip without it :)

    The novelty ran out after a couple of miles and I found myself looking at my watch and mentally thinking, feck it I've only done 10 mins.

    Anyway enough bitching, I did 2.35 and probably over 19 miles.

    Another positive is that there doesn't appear to be any adverse reaction with the tibia.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    I'm older and probably grumpier that even AMK but I gotta get a small rant in.

    With the roads partially flooded and dry surface at a premium there are really some complete dickhead drivers out there, who seem to take some perverse pleasure in driving into the puddles to deliberately soak you as you're manfully trying to dodge the spray. One fecker drove so fast through it that I ended up drinking his wash. And here was I trying to do my LR's with no fluids or gels!



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    With the roads partially flooded and dry surface at a premium there are really some complete dickhead drivers out there, who seem to take some perverse pleasure in driving into the puddles to deliberately soak you as you're manfully trying to dodge the spray.

    Met a few of them pricks recently - must have really sad empty lives if they get pleasure out of soaking people :rolleyes::rolleyes: - notice that they usually drive **** buckets of cars too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I'm older and probably grumpier that even AMK but I gotta get a small rant in.

    With the roads partially flooded and dry surface at a premium there are really some complete dickhead drivers out there, who seem to take some perverse pleasure in driving into the puddles to deliberately soak you as you're manfully trying to dodge the spray. One fecker drove so fast through it that I ended up drinking his wash. And here was I trying to do my LR's with no fluids or gels!



    I'm the ungrumpiestededest person that I know, except that is after long runs, and getting up.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Did 61 mins, recovery run, very slow today.

    Total weekly mileage, a shade over 55

