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  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    very annoying, stomach issue is back and feeling pretty unwell again. foolishly decided i would try a cycle with 20 mins at race pace in it which turned into a bit of a disappointment, 20 mins race pace yielded 305 watts average and a worse feeling in my stomach and a very disheartened guy

    30 mins very easy in the pool

    Stomach no better, tried the club run and bagged it and went easy. decided to take a few days off. went to doctor who has no clue and gave me a few pills to pop for 2 weeks, if no improvement go for a stomach scope then

    off - not feeling well at all

    10 mins swim in my new wetsuit and 2 laps of the Dun Laoghaire tri bike course preping for Sunday race. felling a bit better. went to kilkenny for mates stag

    dun Laoghaire sprint triathlon. not optimistic and decided before the race that if I felt poorly i would bag it after the cycle.

    swim went crap, no power to move and arm turnover slow, swim slightly long seemed closer to 1000m than 750m and came out in 15 mins and change. not feeling good and behind a few guys that i would typically swim a fair bit better than.

    out onto bike and moved pretty well but the numbers on the PM were not what i would have expected and overall i never got into the place where i am really hurting on the bike. dont know what my split was as i was late pressing go on the watch and my chip time is not online. judging from the guy i went out behind and another guy who i came into t2 behind and he was leaving t1 when i was coming in i suspect i was between 32-33 mins, that would make sense as the winner posted 32 mins and a few seconds and based on his progress over the laps he put about 200m into me on the bike. bagged it then in t2 and will see how i progress over the next few days before deciding on doing athy or not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    40 min swim easy
    12k run easy

    40 mins turbo - 2*5 mins slightly above FTP - 320 watts. HR comes in at 158-160 for these efforts.
    1*2 mins above FTP and 1 min above 400 watts

    Run session - run drills and 10*1 min fast with 2 mins rest

    disaster struck when home, really bad stomach pains again and very poor sleep. arranging to go to see a specialist as the GP is absolutely no use to me or so it seems.

    Swim in Clontarf. easy enough session included a 400m TT which i did in 6 mins 13 secs, working hard but not killing myself as stomach was still feeling off from last night.

    came to the conclusion that it would be stupid to try to do the Athy OD race. I dont think i would get around without a lot of suffering and after last night i dont think its worth it, neither would i do myself any sort of justice in terms of the work and improvement my training yielded up to a few weeks ago. serious disappointment as it was the A race for 2014 for me.

    have signed up for the sprint instead so hopefully i can get around this without too much difficulty but its a poor consolation

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    here's hoping you get the stomach issues resolved. Best of luck with the sprint. Right call too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I don't know what your fastest 400 tt time is, but 6:13 with an unwell tummy and not killing yourself is quite respectable. Hope you get the tummy sorted....and def right call to do the sprint. Have fun with it!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983


    Quick swim, cycle and run ahead of triathy

    Triathy sprint
    race went pretty poorly and didnt feel like i had much energy for it, it like the top end efforts fall 10-15% short of where i would have expected it to be.

    Swim - started well in, in by the rivers edge in wave 7 (green hats). hammered the first 100m and was in the lead, eased up and waited for somebody to come by but they didnt arrive so kept it up to the turnaround bouy. some guy came around me then and i drafted him for a bit but the arm speed started to slow for me and i was getting tired and he got away. due to a mess up with my timing chip due to my late change from OD to sprint i recorded a time of 20 mins (as i think my chip was a wave 5 chip) but it wasnt it was more like 8 mins and change and i was out 2nd from the 30-34 AG wave.

    Quick t1 and out onto the bike. the hammer went down but it wasnt my day and the power wasnt there but i suspected it would be like that and kept at it anyway. recorded a split of 31 mins and change and 274 watts average which is pretty poor considering i averaged higher wattages over OD last year and improved a good bit over the winter. if you told me in February that this would happen to me i would never have believed you.

    the run just went terribly and there was a fair bit of nausea and i was swallowing stomach contents again a few times but kept at it and arrived in a pretty poor 21 mins and change for an overall time of something like 1 hour 4 mins

    one very disappointed man at the end of it but brightened up when wife told me she came 2nd in the ladies sprint so good for her and with a bit of reflection it was not to bad considering and at least i got around.

    very stiff surprisingly enough as would not have expected that after a sprint. 30 min run to loosen out the legs

    still a bit sore, dont feel like i am getting the benefit from my food as i am hungry a lot despite eating a fair bit. 10k run and 20 min swim both easy

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    You're quite speedy in the swim - well done. Shake off the rest of the race....I'd probably chock it up to your recent tummy issues, but I'd also pause and ensure the fast swim didn't zap too much energy and contribute to your slower than desired bike and run legs. Congrats to the wife, and keep up the good training! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    Dory - 550m of the swim was downstream so that has to be factored in along with the fact that the wave was depleted in terms of competition due to the main race being the OD race earlier in the day, that takes a lot of the shine off the time and position! i was swimming hard but not the kind of hard that i would do when in good condition so i dont think that zapped me rather i think the illness/problem zaps me!

    20 min easy swim and 1 hour easy on the turbo

    PB3 swim session for about 1 hour 20 mins or so, loads of sprints and drafting/hitting/pulling practice

    1 hour easy on my turbo, dont even look at my PM as its depressing me just working away by feel

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    20 min o/w swim in Seapoint more for entertainment than training. am actually swimming ok again but my new s4 orca wetsuit does not appear to hold me up as much as my old Sailfish so i must look into this as i felt slightly faster in the old suit

    run session with club. warm-up and then 6* 200m approx all out sprint. was absolutely bolluxed after this and sat down for a bit! not sure on what we are trying to gain on this set so must enquire as there is some purpose to the madness. some hill repeats and stairs work too

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    1 hour 15 mins on bike doing hill repeats. felt good today and the power was good hitting 500 and 600 watts at times

    went up the steep bits of the hill at a high effort and then easier on the flatter bits. was happy enough and kept the overall effort moderate.

    30 mins o/w swim

    3 hour spin on the bike with wife, Dun Laoghaire - Lamb Doyles - johnny foxes and around by glencree down to powerscourt waterfall and back home

    not feeling well again and just swam for an hour and ran for an hour. am actually swimming well though despite my issues.

    booked in for a stomach scope on 27 June so time will tell what my issue is. frustrating as at times i feel in great condition

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    1 hour turbo at lunch with 2*5 mins above ftp but feeling strong, planned to do 3*5mins but stomach played up

    1 hour easy on bike in evening

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  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    20 min o/w swim - about 1k

    1 hour run easy - about 12k

    40 min o/w swim with T3 tri club and Peter Kern, good session and got some nice drafting practice in with a strong swimmer and with peter at times. nice and calm sea and this is where i swim best, waves do not work for me at all and i would swim a fair bit slower in the chop despite years of practice. swimming quite happily at 1.2X seconds per 100m pace so feeling good, no kick all arms

    AM - Westwood swim session again with peter, most tired i have been for a while as i had a really poor sleep last night. swam at the back of the fast lane. i think the session was something like:

    5*5*100m coming in on 1.2x and heading out on 1.45 with a break after every 500m with 200m easy.

    sat out 1*100m as not feeling great. nodded off on the couch for half an hour when back and feel a bit better now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    I joined Orwell Wheelers cycling club to do some bike racing and part of it was the requirement to race a crit before they let me loose on the road. i know nothing about bike racing so borrowed wifes road bike, put up the saddle to my height and headed out to it. did a few warm up laps of Corkagh park circuit with the brother and lined up for the start.

    two groups started about a minute apart or so, i was in what seemed to me to be the beginners group which was being followed by the non-beginners. started out with about 12 in my group and i completed the first lap towards the back, the pace on the first lap was fast then it died pretty quickly and things got much easier as i got used to the whole drafting and bike handling in corners. still i would lose some time through the corners as the others in the group seemed to have some experience of racing the circuit, it was simple enough to catch up anyways so i was in no trouble.

    went to the front and pulled a few laps to see what that was like and after a while the group of about 12 was down to 6, not sure what happened to the other guys though as i was more focused on getting around without falling off the bike or worse taking some other guy out on my first day with the club...

    this went on for about 30 mins then a guy at the edge shouted two laps and the pace picked up, by now the second group had caught up to us and the pace got a bit livelier but still nothing hectic, finished in about 8 overall i think as i was caught out of position in the final corner and lost a lot of places but still it was an interesting diversion from triathlon.

    next time out i will give it a real dig and see what happens

    garmin file below, only interesting point is that my heart rate was high yet my perceived exertion was actually moderate, maybe a few BPM are down to excitement and the rush of something new!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Sounds like a good event. Where was the crit held - closed roads or a park I assume?

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    Corkagh Park - great little circuit just for bikes!

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    busy day - 30 min run

    busy again - no training done at all! helping father on farm and its the most physical thing i have done all year, upper body in bits, stiff back FFS, am going soft i think!

    Orwell TT - Hammond memorial. supposed to me a 32k TT out near Vartry reservoir. signed on and am in the A4 category as i have never raced before which is fine for me. started off like a train heading up the climb after the reservoir and then across the top of the mountain towards ashford, right turn down a long hill and out onto a main road and i was flying, caught my minute man after 10 mins and was in the zone averaging about 280 watts after 25 mins which i was happy with considering the downhill part and a few sit up and look parts as i dont know the course at all. am not great at descending which is something i must work on

    disaster - no marshall at a turn and i kept going and went way off the course and ended up in ashford. figured i had gone wrong and cycled up the big fcuking hill on the way from Ashford to Varty looking like a twat with disc wheel and aero helmet out for a sunday cycle! was in a bit of a rage but cooled off a bit before i made myself look stupid by giving out, i should have known the course and there was markings but there is markings all over wicklow at this stage!

    home - out for a few bike hill repeats on Killiney hill and then for a swim in seapoint - day done!

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    1 hour run

    10* up and down killiney hill on bike about 2 hours in total between getting there and doing it and getting back

    30 min o/w swim
    30 min easy run

    1 hour 20 mins swim in westwood, main set

    4*(200m pull bouy and paddles, 150m PB&P, 100m, 50m sprint) each followed by 200m easy

    out on bike 130km or so in 4 hours 20 mins or so, a few intervals mixed with some easy riding

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    Run - hill repeat session with club

    got stomach scope done with biopsy in the morning in st vincents private, came back all clear, consultant said that some unlucky people can get food poisoning that lasts weeks/months and that i was in that category but alls good now. was starting to feel better over the last number of days so hopefully he is right and there is nothing to worry about. stayed awake for the scope (there is an option to be put to sleep) and it was pretty unusual but beats going to the dentist any day

    easy cycle 1 hour with wife and then a long drive to Kenmare for mates wedding

    1 hour run

    wedding - black tie on a sunny day, think i lost a few kgs in the photo shoot and i think that is the only training benefit of the day

    day after a wedding and the long drive back to dublin. swam for about 40 mins in seapoint and felt like a new man after it

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Fantastic news about the scope! Fingers crossed clear skies ahead! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    1 hour turbo with some short harder intervals

    30 minute moderate run
    30 minute o/w swim

    Club run interval session. w/up with stretches then 1*3min at high intensity, 8*75 seconds at high intensity of 2 mins, 8*35 seconds high intensity off 1 min

    PB3 swim session in Clontarf. Test session, brought 2 wetsuits, new Orca S4 and Old Sailfish Vibrant. not convinced that the S4 is doing me any favours as it doesnt float my legs as well as the Sailfish used to do and it feels slightly like having the handbrake on.

    first 400m test in S4 in 5 mins 39 seconds. after 150m had caught my 10 seconds man (swimming without wetsuit) so probably not the truest test I could have done. Without getting held up by him I could have been a bit faster but then again i did have the benefit of his draft for the first 150m and he picked it up over the last 250m.

    second 400m test was in the Sailfish and straight away i could feel the legs higher and improved body position but the downside is that it is to big for me now and floods pretty badly on every turn and slows me down some. no draft on this one and in on 5 mins 47 seconds.

    Hard to conclude on the basis of this limited test but my gut is that the S4 doesnt help me enough and having concurred with Peter he agrees having watched it, so ordered a Orca 3.8 which should float me like i need.

    finished i think with a new 100m PB for me of 1 min 22 seconds with no wetsuit, not quick but still 2 seconds faster than i have done before so all in all i was happy enough

    1 hour easy on Turbo with some short efforts. Orwell Club League 10 mile TT on Thursday night so just getting the legs freshened up a bit

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    Orwell club 10 mile TT 23mins 39 secs, 280 watts, 10th out of 41 starters. happy with speed if not the effort

    1 hour 10 mins easy on bike
    30 min treadmill run with 5*1 min at 19km p/hr, rest easy
    40 mins swim

    4 hrs 30 mins on bike
    30 mins easy run

    2 hour bike
    15 min brick run with 1.5km at full pace

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  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    Swim - 1 hour 20 mins, lot of paddles and pull bouy work and a few sprints
    Run - 1 hour easy

    30 min o/water swim in my new wetsuit. 3.8 orca and it feels the bomb, nice and high in the water, arms move without restriction. never had a high end wetsuit b4 so its a bit of a treat
    1 hour on turbo, 5*2 mins at 330 watts and the rest easy

    meant to go for run but feeling a bit tired so didnt given that i have a race on saturday

    1 hour 20 mins swim. shoot me i was fcuking just awful. was v hungry and ran out of energy after half an hour so it was a long session at the group. lots of pull bouy and paddles intermixed with sprints so tiring enough.

    run at lunch - about an hour, 3k easy, 1.5k at 3.45 - 4min per k pace feeling good, 1.5k easy, 1.5k a little faster than the last fast one and then 1.5k cool down

    30k easy on bike

    bit tired, taking tomorrow off and after a few days of stomach feeling fine it is back at me today which is annoying to say the least

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983


    20 min bike/run/swim in prep for Athlone

    Firstly - thought stomach issues all gone as had 4 good days with no issues at all

    Athlone sprint in preparation for Kilkenny OD race, aim was to keep it at moderate OD effort so that i can train well before kilkenny without fatigue as i need a good prep for that as run speed training and hard bike efforts have been pretty limited since may.

    swim 13 mins and low change. i meant to swim as well as i could but was in the wrong head space and swam like crap, about half way i gave myslef a talking to and sped up some and eventually pulled up onto the main chase pack, on reflection this annoyed me a fair bit

    bike 34 mins and low change, decent new route bar a few kms of absolute crap surface, settled in nicely and power was good to the turnaround spot, looking at my PM and seeing 300-330 watts and feeling good and strong, very surprised, no stomach issues when on TT bars (used to get a kind of a reflux) - this is a first in almost 9 weeks which i have to say i was delighted with, legs felt awesome, tail wind on the way home and i ran out of gears as i was on a borrowed disc wheel and the cassette just was not right for me, spinning out for a fair bit hitting some nice speeds!

    run - take it easy and ran comfortably 20 mins and high change, observed the winners coming back against me - those guys run hard the whole way!

    was irelands happiest triathlete coming home in car as thought i was cured and could get back to normal for the rest of the year!

    wife came second overall - good for her!


    2 hours on bike easy 40 min run easy - stomach not feeling great at all

    again stomach not good - 1 hour on turbo 1 hour run 40 min swim

    1 hour run 40 min turbo. stomach not good but better than monday

    1 hour 20 mins swim, stomach slightly improved from tuesday, this is getting frustrating though and i should go back to the consultant again

    Athy tri club held a sprint race on Wednesday evening and self and wifey went down to it as she is from Athy originally and we are moving down next year. about 60 people showed up from Athy tri club, Trilogy and a few others.

    course was athy sprint course with only a 3.8k run (no out and back on the grass run section)

    swim - not sure on time (times were kept but no sign of them yet) but i swam well and was first out followed by another guy, bit wrecked from the morning swim but was actually motivated to go hard at it

    bike - garmin says 29 mins 30 seconds for 19.6km so about 40km per hr average speed. happy with that speed and time and was about 2 mins quicker than my time from triathy proper and it was actually windy yesterday -- further signs that i am getting better hopefully

    run - legged it out of transition as fresh as a daisy, really surprised by that, never happened before as i usually have heavy legs, no sign of the other guys and was about 600m into the run when a stream of guys came back into town as i was running out. happy days and took it easy for the rest of the run as was getting in dire need of the toilet!

    tiny race and not competitive field at all but still its nice to be so far ahead and feeling good! wife won womens again by a country mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    T3 run session - hill repeats. main was 4*3mins hard up the hill in Clonskeagh, some shorter faster stuff followed

    1 hour 20 mins easy on bike
    40 mins swim

    2.5 hours on the bike, followed by 10km run with first 3k at 3-40-3.50 per k pace

    2.5 hours on bike

    Beginning of taper ahead of OD in Kilkenny easy hour run covering about 12.5km

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    Turbo - 1 hour

    Swim at lunch 40 mins
    Swim in evening - 1 hour

    1 hour 20 mins swim - arms feel like i had bricks attached, hard session when tired
    1 hour turbo
    5k run


    20 min run, 20 min cycle 20 min swim

    Kilkenny Olympic distance triathlon

    up at 5.40am quick bowl of cornflakes and a cup of tea, into the car for the 45 min drive to Kilkenny with wife and had 2 breakfast bars on the way. Sign on and park up all very efficient. One of the first in transition and got a good spot near to bike out/bike in. I thought this would be important but later it turned out that there was a dead zone from swim exit until 1.5km into the bike. I was aware of the dead zone but thought transitions still counted.

    I was in wave 2 and pretty determined to swim hard from the start and was highly motivated. Horn goes and i am gone, one guy goes off the front and i try to get his draft but he is too fast for me, settle in then in 2nd position and hammer away up to the turnaround point, do a quick flip turn around the bouy to see how many are on my feet and there is a few metres of a gap so i push on swimming hard pretty much the whole way. exit the water in 18 mins 30 secs about a minute quicker than last year.

    Long stony run to T1 and on goes the helmet and away i am into what i thought was the dead zone but in fact this started at swim exit. Cycle out to the bike start and put the hammer down.

    Spotted the winner from last year up ahead (dont know him just recognise the trisuit and knew he was in my wave) so i decided to pace off him for the first 10km and then ride my own race. turns out we are pretty similar on the bike so we were back and forth a few times and before the timed zone ended he went ahead again and we exited pretty much together. Quick look at the Bryton and it said average of 288 watts and moving speed of 40.1km per/hr, clocked 55 mins dead for the timed section and this was the fastest split of the day i think. The bike is ultimately where i made my mistake of the day neglecting to take any gels and just a few swigs of my drink, looking back it was pretty stupid.

    back to transition - bike onto rack, trainers on and i exit with some guy from the 1st wave who latched onto me on the bike and drafted like a fcuker for a while until we met a nice hill. he was running well enough so i thought i would keep him in sight and see how this went. ok for the first 5k and then the wheels came off big time and i was just longing to finish it and almost reduced to a walk with basically no energy, 10km split was 44 mins high which is just really poor and looking at the results at the end i was by far the slowest on the first page. adding to the embarrassment i was coming up to the finish line and had to stop to get sick in front of a big crowd with the announcer making a big deal of it...... WTF??! after this long doing triathlon i have never really nailed the nutrition and even if i do take something it never really agrees with me, could add that i have never really nailed running but i had big improvements the winter gone but have yet to unlock these in a race

    ended up in 9th position, bit frustrating but the day had some positives and i will take it and keep working to improve

    tired out - went out on bike for what was supposed to be an easy cycle but ended up with 3.5 hours and then some labouring on the farm to tire me out completely

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    Monday to Monday
    3* o/w swims and one pool swim
    4* runs
    yesterday was a day off

    biking going well i think, swimming ok and running a bit better, resolved to keep a more accurate log and not leave it a week to update it again!

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    Turbo 1 hour - some intervals
    O/w swim 1 hour

    O/w swim - intervals - 1 hour
    run - 40 mins - easy
    bike - hill repeats on Killiney for an hour - power good - on the steeper bits 450 watts felt ok and not working to the limit

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    o/w swim 1 hour
    1 hour on bike - hill repeats

    40 mins easy cycle
    Run - 3km warm up - 9*400m high effort - 2km cool down

    Pool swim - 40 mins
    Cycle 1 hour

    20 min run
    20 min cycle testing bike for race

    Pink n Gold sprint triathlon

    Rain and wind greeted us in Cavan. Firstly the venue is great - a big school about 100m from the lake edge. Plenty of parking and changing/toilet facilities. Arrived early, registered and tried to drive the bike course. No success on the bike course as we got lost and only saw a few bits of it as it was around country roads. Rain, rain and more rain. In hindsight driving the course just put doubts in to my head as all the corners look worse from the car when it is pouring rain.

    Racked bike etc. Organiser came over, somehow he knew my name and wife and said hello. Very nice guy, amazing memory for names as i saw him a number of times talking to other people and seemed to know most racing it.

    Swim course was in a lake, choppy due to the winds that were coming in across the lake. started at the front of the field and swam well enough, triangular course and i think i was 4th or 5th out. lack of pool swimming is beginning to show a bit and not quite as quick as i would like. Damn you westwood gym...... swam i think in 12mins 40 secs or so which includes the run to t1, all in all not shocking but not great either.

    On to the bike, started out well enough and powered past a few racers who i think might have been doing the shorter swim course that started at the same time, not sure really but there were only a few anyway. making nice progress and up ahead was a garda car with flashing lights so i knew i was getting near to the front. was following a guy along and he seemed to know the course as he was hitting all the corners nicely and staying on the bars, decided to follow him along and take his lines as he was going at a good speed and by following him my lack of knowledge of the course would not impact so much. this went on for a bit, passed the lead guy and now was one rider pack from the garda car, new experience and have to say it was cool enough. on a particularly windy spot i lost my nerve and had to get off the tri bars as the 4 spoke front wheel was handling like the pig that it is, lost some time here and lost sight after a while of the leader and this also meant more hesitancy in the corners and descents. out on to main road by the lake from the side roads and hoped to claw back to the lead but the wind was worse here and traffic heavy and it played havok with the bike and my mind. finished up coming 2nd into transition about 30-40 secs down not sure.

    trainers on and out on the 5k run, 2.5k out and back along the main street in virginia. had a big enough lead on the 3rd place guy but i have never run well in my life and it wasnt about to change, got passed by the 3rd place guy at 2k, got to the turnaround and saw i had a lead of maybe 300m on 4th and maybe 400m on 5th. thought to myself that i surely couldnt lose this place, turns out that i could and about 250m from the end the guy who i saw in 5th runs past and then about 100m the guy in 4th comes by... sods law...! my running is improving but painfully slowly, this it the first time that it has actually cost me something in terms of a podium though, pretty gutted but in the end i really enjoyed the day and it is a little gem of a race

    wife won by a country mile again

    2 hours easy on bike
    1 hour run

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    30 mins on turbo
    1 hour o/w swim

    3.5 hours on bike - Athy to Dun Laoghaire via - Dunlavin, Hollywood, Wicklow Gap, Glendalough, Roundwood, Enniskerry, Bray, Killiney Hill and home. some serious enjoyment#
    30 min o/w swim

    club run session with Peter Kern. 3k warm up, stretching etc. then:

    2*1k on grass pitch - 1k times were 3.2X per k
    2*800m a little faster
    2*600m supposed to be a little faster, not sure on what times
    4*400m first 3 about 1min 15 secs and final one 1 min 9secs i think

    cool down

    30 mins cycle

  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    Swim - about 1 hour main set 9*400m

    4 hours 40 mins bike

    Swim - 1 hour multiple 400m repeats with a few fast 50s and 100s

    swimming quite well, new 100m pb at the end of the session too which was a nice surprise considering i have not being doing too much pool swimming lately

    30 minute quick run

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  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    turbo 1 hour - hard interval session

    5*1min at 330 watts followed by 1 min at 280 watts recovery
    3*8mins at +300 watts near end of intervals trying to peak a bit at the end to 400 watts with 4 mins easy in between

    summary is that bike power is down a bit but legs slightly tired so overall ok

    1 hour run - easy

    o/w swim 1 hour with peter kern. bust at work so got nothing else done

    30 mins o/w swim
    40 min run with some tempo sections
