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Starting a Film Production company and making a profit.

  • 04-12-2013 11:31pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11

    I know some of you think getting into film making for money is never the right attitude. But there is nothing wrong with getting payed for something you love either, especially if you work your ass off at it. Further more, I see benefits for the process of film making, when making a profit, i.e. bigger budgets for your next projects; general self funding of multiple your own projects; more film projects get made, thus you gain more experience out of it; increase your reputation in order to gain investers interest; invest in better quality equipment. I think some kind of profit is important in order for your company to sustain itself. That's just my opinion!!

    So im just wondering, if you were to start a company, what methods do you go about to gain a profit? I heard from companys based in Cork, they make some profit from making promotional videos and adverts for small buisnesses and events, aswell as making music videos for bands. I know it's important to build a reputation first by making shorts, music videos, etc.

    Any advice from anyone would be great, especially if you have experience with what I am talking about.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3 fletchersound

    Vitor68 wrote: »
    I know some of you think getting into film making for money is never the right attitude. But there is nothing wrong with getting payed for something you love either, especially if you work your ass off at it. Further more, I see benefits for the process of film making, when making a profit, i.e. bigger budgets for your next projects; general self funding of multiple your own projects; more film projects get made, thus you gain more experience out of it; increase your reputation in order to gain investers interest; invest in better quality equipment. I think some kind of profit is important in order for your company to sustain itself. That's just my opinion!!

    So im just wondering, if you were to start a company, what methods do you go about to gain a profit? I heard from companys based in Cork, they make some profit from making promotional videos and adverts for small buisnesses and events, aswell as making music videos for bands. I know it's important to build a reputation first by making shorts, music videos, etc.

    Any advice from anyone would be great, especially if you have experience with what I am talking about.

    Hey I used to do this in another country. Corporate training vids and low-budget tv commercials were where all the money was. You might want to approach corporates with high staff turnover? That's just for the money though right? You got to eat while you make art...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,111 ✭✭✭Technocentral

    Open a coffee shop, zero money in "film'' in this Country.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,559 ✭✭✭✭AnonoBoy

    Open a coffee shop, zero money in "film'' in this Country.

    It is possible to make a living from a mix of film, television and corporates though.
