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Has anyone failed an Erasmus module in UL?

  • 06-12-2013 9:12pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2

    I'm a UL currently on Erasmus, I failed one of my modules and the resit that was supposed to be yesterday was cancelled and rescheduled for Tuesday which happens to be the day after I go back to Ireland! Does anyone know what happens if you fail an exam and can't sit the resit on Erasmus from UL?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6 pepe02

    I suppose it COULD depend on whether or not your Erasmus is voluntary or not. I think they try not to fail people if they can. I failed two subjects when I was on Erasmus and I passed.I did do very well in the subjects I didn't fail though. I know of a few other people who have failed subjects on Erasmus and still passed. I would say get on to your Erasmus coordinator as soon as possible and let him know your situation anyway.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,476 ✭✭✭highlydebased

    I've heard of the average of all your grades from Erasmus being taken, and if its above a pass then its OK. Or you may have to make up the credit in UL. Best thing to do is email your academic co-ordinator ASAP

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2 KayleighUL

    pepe02 wrote: »
    I suppose it COULD depend on whether or not your Erasmus is voluntary or not. I think they try not to fail people if they can. I failed two subjects when I was on Erasmus and I passed.I did do very well in the subjects I didn't fail though. I know of a few other people who have failed subjects on Erasmus and still passed. I would say get on to your Erasmus coordinator as soon as possible and let him know your situation anyway.
    Erasmus is compulsory in my course! I had no choice but to come! I've also passed the exam by UL standards but not by Dutch! I've done well on everything else but I can't get in touch with my Erasmus coordinator as she's been on leave since before last summer and no one has replaced her, and only one member of the Erasmus office has gotten back to me so far with no definite answers! Hoping they get back to me before my flight on Monday!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6 pepe02

    Id imagine you would be fine. When converting my grades my Erasmus coordinator just pulled up my grades in the ones that I failed but did drag down the ones i did well in just to even it out. As long as you make it look like you gave it a good go and made the most of the experience they wont fail you. I wouldn't be too worried about it but at the same time dont take my words as absolute facts. I'm just speaking from my own experience and from what I have heard from other people.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 455 ✭✭LilRedDorcha

    I couldn't sit my exams on Erasmus since they took place in week 2 of the spring semester in UL. I got on to my module co ordinator and he said we'd figure something out when I got back. You do have to get the 30 credits, or whatever it is you need. To make up for that, it depends on the co ordinator. Some of them say that as long as you keep your notes to show you've gone to classes and have some good results, you're fine. Other people I know just had to write an essay. Keep hounding the Erasmus office about the new co ordinator because it's not your fault if they haven't replaced them since this is now out of your control. Nobody ever really fails Erasmus, they're quite fair in UL.

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