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Due August 2014



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    llambert wrote: »
    After all my had work getting them heads down its still a section.

    Ah no, how annoying !! I suppose with 2 placentas in there more chance of one of em ending up in the wrong place! Sorry to hear about this complication. How did twins ever get born in the old days before scans etc!?! Sounds like you are in good hands and will be meeting your little ones soon enough, very exciting llambert :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    God llambert I never thought of that! I suppose there is a lot goin on in there!

    That's great they have given you your own room!

    At 34weeks that's not too bad especially that they have given you steroids for their lungs.

    Fingers crossed they get everything under control and they stay put for another while.

    A section isn't the end of the world I know it's not ideal but the main thing is to get babies out safe and mammy healthy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭Cameoette

    Delighted you have your own room llambert! But sorry that you have to stay in. Like you said it's the best place to be but that doesn't make this whole thing any easier to go through I bet. Great weights for 34 weeks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Well I'm allowing myself one day to wallow and that's it. No changing the situation so just may get on!!

    More broken hearted about the dog. He's going to my parents until all this is over. He's a real pet and hates been without us so its breaking my heart that he could be gone a month or more but at the end if the day would be cruel to leave him abandoned at home for that long. Sure he'll be spoilt :-)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    Hope the time goes quickly for you now llambert. Whatever happens now, even if the babies are born sooner rather than later, you're in the right place and they're a good weight. Still you're entitled to feel a bit miserable for a while. Not pleasant being stuck in there.

    I'm really feeling the tiredness creeping back in now. Couldn't have got through yesterday without a nap. My little lady naps for an hour at lunchtime so I have to plan the morning so that we're home for lunch and she sleeps in her cot, and then I have to make the most of that hour and get to bed also.

    Had a good laugh at the previous posts about bedroom activities before babies arrive! My husband wouldn't come near me for the last month of my first pregnancy in case it got the labour started. He swears it'll be the same this time (ie one week left!), neither of us want the baby to arrive early. I'm in no panic!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭ladypip

    Aww LLambert I really feel for you!! at least you have your own room though. Maybe they will let you out for the occasional day for an hour or two?

    Good news for me today baby has flipped into the right position so the consultant is happy to let me go naturally. I have GD so I wont be allowed go too far over my due date but my glucose levels have been so good that I can at least go a couple of days over.

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Ladypip - that's great news that baby has flipped! You must be delighted.

    Llambert - I'm sure your dog will be spoilt rotten by your parents. For some reason our dog is acting very strange towards me barking and growling and jumping at me. She's normally such a dote I dunno what is wrong with her?!

    Emerb- I am at my wits end at this stage with 2 kids to run after and no energy I need this baby out! I've already jumped him twice today. Sure he thinks it's Christmas!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    Kaylami that's hilarious, I'm the complete opposite, want to keep the baby in! Whatever energy I have now I'll have way less after baby is born. Plus my toddler is sleeping 12/13 hrs straight at the moment which is amazing!!! My husband wouldn't know what to think if he got jumped twice in one day!!

    Pets are funny with pregnancy. I have a male cat who is not very clingy or touchy feely. For the first trimester of both my pregnancies he was all over me, very strange.

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭Cameoette

    34 week appointment with the GP today, baby's head is engaged but now there's sugars in the wee! First time sugars have shown up.

    Any of you ladies have had the same thing cropping up at this stage of pregnancy? They are just going to check it again at 36 weeks and advised me to cut back on the fruit :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    Great news the baby is engaged cameolette! Sorry to hear there is sugar in urine but they don't sound worried about it so hopefully it's nothing major....

    How are you coping in hospital llambert?

    Had a lovely surprise baby shower at the weekend:) I was absolutely spoilt, got soo much stuff! 100s of nappies, should do for a couple weeks anyway, here's hoping pampers suits baba!! Everyone is soo generous when it's your first baby

    Have a 3hr ante natal class tomorrow purely on breast feeding at the hospital, really looking forward to it!

    This time next month I'll be officially overdue or holding a baby;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Hi ladies

    Cameoette - this happened me in my last pregnancy sugars in the urine showed up a few times in the last weeks caused by fructose I was mad on the fruit!

    I have been having contractions every 10-20mins for past 2 days went to my doc today for routine check and had one while she examined me. I was like so that's what that is! Not regular just slightly painful but I'm so sleep deprived I drove the car into 2 curbs - my bad!

    My cousin had a baby 11days ago and went to see him today - was having a lovely cuddle when I soaked through my top & bra so embarrassed. I guess my milk has come in?

    How are all you lovely ladies feeling?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    Kaylami I presume they're braxton hicks if they're going on this long? I didn't get any of that last time. If I do this time I'll be straight into the maternity thinking it's the real thing!! How do you know the difference?

    Ah baby shower sounds lovely. Brilliant to get so many nappies, they're the only real expense for the first while. Seeing as I'm having my second girl I hope I don't get too much pink presents this time (not to sound ungrateful!), I had enough to dress 3 babies last time around!

    I put my little one into crèche this morning with the intention of doing housework, finishing packing etc. I sat on the couch and fell asleep for 2hrs, then surfed the web for an hour. Then it was time to collect her!! Felt like my guilty secret, was great!

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    Kaylami you must be wrecked with the contractions/Braxton hicks! You'll be well preped when labour kicks in though!!

    Certainly sounds like your milk is in! Are ya intending on breast feeding?

    emerb you deserve a day to put your feet up & have a bit of me time, you'll be run off your feet with 2little ones soon enough:)

    Baby shower was great, as the mother in law says I've enough for twins:)

    Had yoga tonight after a 10day break as the instructor was on hols, well I'm gone as inflexible no wonder I'm struggling to put on socks! She had me put my legs up the wall for ages to take down the swelling, worked a treat!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Thanks ladies

    Doc thinks it might be prodromal labour it's like early labour but can last ages

    It's not Braxton hicks because nothing stops them. Although since my previous section I have. irritable uterus?!

    I dunno what it is sure well see won't we!

    Yep I'm planning to breast fed hopefully I have only managed a few weeks with both the girls but I am determined this time to stick at it.

    Unfortunately I have had post natal depression in the past so I'm hoping the extra bonding might prevent it?! Plus its lovely to just hide away and feed the baby without everyone tryin to hold her and feed her. (MIL I'm pointing fingers at you)

    I'd love a baby shower I'm very jealous!

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭Cameoette

    thanks ladies, my fear was being told no more fruit altogether, because that's all I can really eat at the moment! Will have to change my ways though and make the diet a bit more varied.

    shortstuff your baby shower sounds lovely! My friends did the same last weekend. It was so nice and I've a ton of nappies too. I'm quite lucky too in that I'm from a family of nearly all girls and as I'm getting a lot of hand-me-downs in really good condition.

    Kaylami sorry to hear about your PND before. I'm planning to breastfeed too. My sister is breastfeeding her 6 month old and it's been lovely seeing how it's gone for her, especially after a difficult first month or two.

    Emer b that sounds like a day well spent ;) I think I am having some kind of mental block with my hospital bag. All of baby's stuff is packed and ready and I have a couple of fairly dodgy open-front granny nightdresses but that's it really.

    Llambert hope you are doing ok!

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Hey girls!! Sorry went missing there for the few days. Phone was going crazy with people ringing & texting so was starting to hate it :-)

    Kaylami I hope you're not too uncomfortable & you're managing to get some sleep. Its probably put an end to you're activities of trying to get the babies out!!!!

    Baby showers sound lovely. I didn't want one but now wish I was having one.

    I'm doing ok. Babies are happy out moving away and no bleeding since. Everyday is an extra day for them so that's how I'm looking at it. On Monday had visitor for special baby needs but was in no mood for her, just too upset. Have another scan next Monday. If placenta is still previa then plan is to get me to 37 weeks and then deliver via c-section. They actually won't be arriving that much earlier than I already thought cos 37 weeks is Aug bank holiday Sun so it will be the Tuesday or Wednesday of the following week.

    They are looking after me well but feck the days are long and its so warm. Have to wear the surgery socks all the time so they don't help. Then they take blood 3 times a week and the iv for surgery has to be replaced every 72 hours. Will soon run out of veins. The one in the back of my left hand has burst so that's one less. I look like a junkie with all the needle marks & holes.

    Anyway still on course for August babies so fingers crossed.

    Anyone any nice plans for the weekend?

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    If one more effffffffffing person tells me I'm huge I swear to god ill flatten someone. surely pregnancy is a good enough cover for momentary lapse of reason!!!!!

    now down get me wrong with 4 weeks still to go I probably am huge... but I'm also carrying lower than with my daughter... but people are starting to freak me out!!!

    stupid question time. .. but does it get a point when your body realises that this is a big as the baby can get to get him out without killing you and you go into labour... or were we not made like that?? honestly I lost sleep over it last night! !! had a straight forward labour with daughter vaginal delivery and no stitches... ideal scenario for first baby... I'm terrified now I'm gunna be scarred for life torn to shreds and need a section ðŸ˜

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Ah poor u static people are just thick. Think you always carry bigger on your subsequent pregnancies as your muscles are not a good.
    Don't think it works like that. My sister was carrying fairly big and walked like she had a bowling ball between her legs on her third (only saying this cos she's my sister). She still went 9 days over. Had her biggest baby but no stitches. Everyone different but sure you don't have anything your body can't handle :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 539 ✭✭✭morebabies

    Glad to hear you're hangin in there llambert, feels like we're all sittin in a waiting room at the moment, and a very ucomfortable one at that.

    Staticdoor -your bump I'm sure is nothing in comparison with mine - my "caring" mother in law said she's never seen me this big, and with a very concerned face said that surely the hospital would not let me go much longer, even though she knows my due date isn't til next month. Grrrrrr. Oh she knows just what to say...

    Anyway next appointment is next Thursday 24th when I'll get the date for my section, tho I wish I could go natural - with 3 previous sections tho it's an impossibility.

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    Yeah people are stupid!! People keep asking how long Ive left and when I say oh just 4 weeks give or take now (which I think is super close), they are like OMG not ANOTHER 4 weeks!!

    Breast feeding ante natal class was really good yesterday, practice a couple of different holds for breast feeding. Midwife said to be careful who we listen to on the ward as although they all mean well they dont always no best, if in doubt we are to ask for her and if they wont get her/page her we are to ring reception from our mobiles to bleep her!! She also said they we need to outwardly show 100% commitment to breast feeding otherwise the busy staff mightnt give us the time we need if they think its not something we really want to do, you wouldnt want to be shy;) Kinda worries me as I'd be one to say Im grand and not make a fuss, better start learning fast!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Hi ladies,

    Glad your doing well llambert! Keep those babies in there for as long as you can. Those socks are the work of the devil - I refused point blank to wear them!

    With regards babies size I agree surely there is a stage where there is just no more room?!?! Feels like that.

    37 weeks today officially full term and boy am I feeling it. Thought my waters went yesterday when I stood up but no baby just put all her weight against my bladder. Was worth the embarrassment to watch oh panic! How mean am I?

    People saying stupid things - went up home to visit mil and I was only out of the car and she goes "have you not had that baby yet?" Was thinking about slapping her but instead said yes I had her but she didn't look fully cooked so I swallowed her again.

    I hate people right now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 787 ✭✭✭madeinamerica

    Hi! I'm in the Sept thread but sometimes pop in here to see what is in store for me next month :)

    Kaylami that is hilarious, I wish I could think on the spot like that!

    shortstuff, I'm sure there are lots of signals from your own body to get the baby out but I've also read that some of the signals for labour come from the baby, some things produced by their lungs and something to do with their brain as well when they are developed. So when she/he is fully cooked he can let your body know and help get stuff started.

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Oh girlies I feel your pain what is it with the mil's. I'm already dreading the arrival of mine tomorrow until Monday. I would rather sit here in my sexy socks on my own than have her here looking at me.

    I already know she's going to wind me up and he's not much better. Maybe I'll ask to be put in isolation.

    I already have a mother but because she's not close to her daughter believes I should fill the gap. If she didn't come out with half the ****e it wouldn't be as bad.

    I'm starting a campaign to ban them from their pregnant daughter inlaws!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 539 ✭✭✭morebabies

    I don't know why MILs have such a talent at saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, I remember after having my last baby in hospital, I was desperately missing my 2 kids at home and MIL came in to visit me and the baby and the first thing she said in a horribly triumphant and insensitive way was "Your children are calling ME mommy now." Her own family is pretty dysfunctional and it's like she sees my kids as some sort of second chance for her. (Hormones are making me feel like a cross mama lion in case you can't tell. )

    I've since heard that now the Castlebar maternity ward has got very strict and will only let husband and kids in for visiting. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 539 ✭✭✭morebabies

    llambert wrote: »
    Oh girlies I feel your pain what is it with the mil's. I'm already dreading the arrival of mine tomorrow until Monday. I would rather sit here in my sexy socks on my own than have her here looking at me.

    I already know she's going to wind me up and he's not much better. Maybe I'll ask to be put in isolation.

    I already have a mother but because she's not close to her daughter believes I should fill the gap. If she didn't come out with half the ****e it wouldn't be as bad.

    I'm starting a campaign to ban them from their pregnant daughter inlaws!!!!

    I feel your pain. Have we got the same MIL by any chance?

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Ha ha morebabies I definitely got the lion mama coming across.

    I did see that piece on the news about how strict Castlebar is gone. Its hard on you I'm sure but you can see the sense so guess you'll just have to suck it up :-)

    I already got the suggestion on the phone that I must have overdone it and that's why I had the bleed. If she's stupid enough to say it again God love her I'll tear strips off her. Already told hubby that when the midwives doing the heart traces they'll have to go out as I don't want any comments about my stretch marks. I only have a few light ones but wouldn't give her the satisfaction of seeing them!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    There must be a special class they take in tormenting us!

    Now don't get me wrong I like the woman (especially from a great distance) but don't give me parenting advice when your 35 year old son lives at home and you cater to his every whim!

    The worst part is my sils are mini clones.

    My own mother can be worse though.... But at least I can tell her to shut up without starting a family feud.

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    morebabies wrote: »
    I don't know why MILs have such a talent at saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, I remember after having my last baby in hospital, I was desperately missing my 2 kids at home and MIL came in to visit me and the baby and the first thing she said in a horribly triumphant and insensitive way was "Your children are calling ME mommy now." Her own family is pretty dysfunctional and it's like she sees my kids as some sort of second chance for her. (Hormones are making me feel like a cross mama lion in case you can't tell. )

    I've since heard that now the Castlebar maternity ward has got very strict and will only let husband and kids in for visiting. :D

    what an utter b!tch! !!!!!!!!!

    if my mil said that I'd kick her up the hole.

    I wish my own mam was around for all this. that was one of the hardest parts when I had my daughter.

    oh the upside... I had heard it was only husband and NO kids allowed visit in castlebar... was j wrong?? Will my little miss be able come visit???? 😊

  • Registered Users Posts: 539 ✭✭✭morebabies

    what an utter b!tch! !!!!!!!!!

    if my mil said that I'd kick her up the hole.

    I wish my own mam was around for all this. that was one of the hardest parts when I had my daughter.

    oh the upside... I had heard it was only husband and NO kids allowed visit in castlebar... was j wrong?? Will my little miss be able come visit???? 😊

    I didn't hear about the no kids rule, I was hoping my kids could visit. :( If you happen to find out for sure can you let me know pls?

    Also, sorry to hear about your mother, that must be very difficult at times like this.

    PS Just found useful packing checklist, link below, says it's for Castlebar but would surely apply to any hospital. Looking at it I don't ever remember bringing cot sheets in, not sure...?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    I never brought cot sheets with me.

    My hospital says no children but mothers children are permitted for short visits?

    Could it be something similar for castlebar?
